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The tRNA mediated, posttranslational, N-terminal arginylation of proteins occurs in all eukaryotic cells. In nervous tissue, these reactions can be inhibited by endogenous molecules with a molecular weight of between one thousand and five thousand. In the present experiments, exogenous serine protease inhibitors (10–5M or less) but not other types of protease inhibitors, were found to be able to block the arginylation of protein in extracts of rat brain homogenates. Inhibition was not by the usual mode of action of protease inhibitors, but by interfering (non-competitively) with the charging of tRNA. Since arginylated proteins are rapidly ubiquitinated and degraded by cytosolic proteases, serine protease inhibitors may act to stabilize proteins by a dual mechanism of inhibiting arginylation as well as inhibiting serine proteases.  相似文献   

A recombinant baculovirus was constructed by the homologous recombination between wild-type AcMNPV DNA and a baculovirus transfer vector containing a gene coding for the 30K protein originating from silkworm hemolymph. The 30K protein was successfully expressed in Sf9 cells infected with the recombinant baculovirus (AcMNPV/30K). To investigate the effect produced by the expression of the 30K protein, host cell viability after infection was compared with that of Sf9 cells infected with AcMNPV/β-gal. The viability of the cells infected with AcMNPV/β-gal began to decrease exponentially 3 days after infection, whereas that of the cells infected with AcMNPV/30K remained at a high level until 5 days after infection. This indicates that the 30K protein increases cell longevity after viral infection. This increased cell longevity is considered to be due to the inhibition of host cell apoptosis induced by a baculovirus, and the extent of apoptosis was measured by the flow cytometric method. The percentage of the sub-G1 fraction, which represents the extent of apoptosis, was decreased by the expression of the 30K protein. This indicates that the expression of the 30K protein in insect cells increases host cell longevity by inhibiting apoptosis.  相似文献   

Using specific immunostaining of Western blots, the in vivo expression of several putative virulence factors of Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida was demonstrated in infected muscle tissue of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout. Three virulent isolates of A. salmonicida were used. One isolate was chosen because in vitro it was apparently a non-producer of the 70-kDa serine protease. Infected furuncle tissue was centrifuged and samples of the pellet and supernatant probed for evidence that the components of interest were bacterial cell-associated or secreted. The A-protein was detected in pelleted furuncle material but not in the supernatant. Lipopolysaccharide, both high and low molecular mass, was present in the pellet but only high molecular mass lipopolysaccharide was detected in the furuncle supernatant. Iron-regulated outer membrane proteins were detected in the furuncle pellet. The 70-kDa serine protease was detected in the furuncle supernatant of both protease-producing strains. However, whilst the protease-deficient isolate was demonstrated to produce low levels of the 70-kDa protease when grown in vitro under iron restricted conditions, none could be detected in vivo.  相似文献   

A series of substrate analogue inhibitors of the serine protease HAT, containing a 4-amidinobenzylamide moiety as the P1 residue, was prepared. The most potent compounds possess a basic amino acid in the d-configuration as P3 residue. Whereas inhibitor 4 (Ki 13 nM) containing proline as the P2 residue completely lacks selectivity, incorporation of norvaline leads to a potent inhibitor (15, Ki 15 nM) with improved selectivity for HAT in comparison to the coagulation proteases thrombin and factor Xa or the fibrinolytic plasmin. Selected inhibitors were able to suppress influenza virus replication in a HAT-expressing MDCK cell model.  相似文献   

p62/Sequestosome-1 (p62/SQSTM1, hereafter referred to as p62) is a major adaptor that allows ubiquitinated proteins to be degraded by autophagy, and Atg8 homologs are required for p62-mediated autophagic degradation, but their relationship is still not understood in Lepidopteran insects. Here it is clearly demonstrated that the silkworm homolog of mammalian p62, Bombyx mori p62 (Bmp62), forms p62 bodies depending on its Phox and Bem1p (PB1) and ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains. These two domains are associated with Bmp62 binding to ubiquitinated proteins to form the p62 bodies, and the UBA domain is essential for the binding, but Bmp62 still self-associates without the PB1 or UBA domain. The p62 bodies in Bombyx cells are enclosed by BmAtg9-containing membranes and degraded via autophagy. It is revealed that the interaction between the Bmp62 AIM motif and BmAtg8 is critical for the autophagic degradation of the p62 bodies. Intriguingly, we further demonstrate that lipidation of BmAtg8 is required for the Bmp62-mediated complete degradation of p62 bodies by autophagy. Our results should be useful in future studies of the autophagic mechanism in Lepidopteran insects.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid strategy for molecular cloning using a gel-free and antibiotic selection method is described which allows for the complete elimination of DNA extraction by gel electrophoresis, and thus has several advantages over gel-based cloning methods, including: (i) a cloning efficiency that is approximately 10-times higher due to the prevention of ethidium bromide ultraviolet-induced DNA damage and contamination with ligase inhibitors; (ii) the amount of plasmid DNA required is approximately five times less; and (iii) the cloning time is several hours less. Once the target gene, such as mouse HtrA2 serine protease, was cloned into the pEGFP-N3 plasmid, the integrity of the kanamycin-resistant molecular clone encoding the GFP fusion protein was verified by immunoblot and immunofluorescence assays. In addition, the integrity of the ampicillin-resistant molecular clone was directly evaluated by analyzing the expression and affinity purification of the GST fusion protein and by measuring its enzymatic activity. Therefore, this method is suitable for the routine construction of a plasmid expressing the gene of interest, and the usefulness of this strategy can be demonstrated by monitoring the expression of the target gene in E. coli and mammalian cells. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. G-Y Kim, M-K Nam, and S-S Kim contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Developing seeds accumulate late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, a family of intrinsically disordered and hydrophilic proteins that confer cellular protection upon stress. Many different LEA proteins exist in seeds, but their relative contribution to seed desiccation tolerance or longevity (duration of survival) is not yet investigated. To address this, a reference map of LEA proteins was established by proteomics on a hydrophilic protein fraction from mature Medicago truncatula seeds and identified 35 polypeptides encoded by 16 LEA genes. Spatial and temporal expression profiles of the LEA polypeptides were obtained during the long maturation phase during which desiccation tolerance and longevity are sequentially acquired until pod abscission and final maturation drying occurs. Five LEA polypeptides, representing 6% of the total LEA intensity, accumulated upon acquisition of desiccation tolerance. The gradual 30-fold increase in longevity correlated with the accumulation of four LEA polypeptides, representing 35% of LEA in mature seeds, and with two chaperone-related polypeptides. The majority of LEA polypeptides increased around pod abscission during final maturation drying. The differential accumulation profiles of the LEA polypeptides suggest different roles in seed physiology, with a small subset of LEA and other proteins with chaperone-like functions correlating with desiccation tolerance and longevity.  相似文献   

AtFtsH4 is one of four inner membrane-bound mitochondrial ATP-dependent metalloproteases in Arabidopsis thaliana , called AAA proteases, whose catalytic site is exposed to the intermembrane space. In the present study, we used a reverse-genetic approach to investigate the physiological role of the AtFtsH4 protease. We found that loss of AtFtsH4 did not significantly affect Arabidopsis growth under optimal conditions (long days); however, severe morphological and developmental abnormalities in late rosette development occurred under short-day conditions. The asymmetric shape and irregular serration of expanding leaf blades were the most striking features of the ftsh4 mutant phenotype. The severe abnormal morphology of the leaf blades was accompanied by ultrastructural changes in mitochondria and chloroplasts. These abnormalities correlated with elevated levels of reactive oxygen species and carbonylated mitochondrial proteins. We found that two classes of molecular chaperones, Hsp70 and prohibitins, were over-expressed in ftsh4 mutants during late vegetative growth under both short- and long-day conditions. Taken together, our data indicate that lack of AtFtsH4 results in impairment of organelle development and Arabidopsis leaf morphology under short-day conditions.  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins face major constraints along the plant cell secretory pathway, including proteolytic processing compromising their structural integrity. Here, we demonstrate the potential of protease inhibitors as in situ stabilizing agents for recombinant proteins migrating towards the leaf apoplast. Genomic data for Arabidopsis, rice and Nicotiana spp. were assessed to determine the relative incidence of protease families in the cell secretory pathway. Transient expression assays with the model platform Nicotiana benthamiana were then performed to test the efficiency of protease inhibitors in stabilizing proteins targeted to the apoplast. Current genomic data suggest the occurrence of proteases from several families along the secretory pathway, including A1 and A22 Asp proteases; C1A and C13 Cys proteases; and S1, S8 and S10 Ser proteases. In vitro protease assays confirmed the presence of various proteases in N. benthamiana leaves, notably pointing to the deposition of A1‐ and S1‐type activities preferentially in the apoplast. Accordingly, transient expression and secretion of the A1/S1 protease inhibitor, tomato cathepsin D inhibitor (SlCDI), negatively altered A1 and S1 protease activities in this cell compartment, while increasing the leaf apoplast protein content by ~45% and improving the accumulation of a murine diagnostic antibody, C5‐1, co‐secreted in the apoplast. SlCYS9, an inhibitor of C1A and C13 Cys proteases, had no impact on the apoplast proteases and protein content, but stabilized C5‐1 in planta, presumably upstream in the secretory pathway. These data confirm, overall, the potential of protease inhibitors for the in situ protection of recombinant proteins along the plant cell secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Significant amount of blood waste is generated by the livestock industry. However, the poor utilizability of blood cells limited the application of blood. In our experiment, to degrade blood cells effectively, a recombinant Pichia pastoris strain with the Aspergillus oryzae neutral protease gene was generated using genetic engineering methods. The recombinant strains were screened for high protease activity on agar plates and blood cells fermentation medium using blood cells as the nitrogen source. Single-factor experiments and response surface methodology (RSM) were applied to predicted the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of blood cells and the predicted maximal DH appeared at the region where the pH, time, and temperature were 8.1, 116.6 h, and 33.9 °C, respectively. Under the proposed optimized conditions, the experimental DH value for recombinant pGAPZαA-NpI-GS115 was 49.05%. Therefore, the efficient degradation of blood cells by this recombinant stain may offer an environmental-friendly solution for the degradation of blood waste and other organic matter of similar molecular composition and more meaningfully may supply a high-quality and low-cost protein source for feed industry.  相似文献   

The function of protease during male meiosis has not been well studied. We previously cloned and characterized four testis-specific serine proteases in the mouse testis. One of the proteases, Prss41/Tessp-1, was expressed in the germ and Sertoli cell. This time, to examine the involvement of Prss41/Tessp-1 in spermatogenesis, we conducted the organ culture of testis fragments in the presence of the anti-Prss41/Tessp-1 antibody. Because in the Sertoli cell, the Prss41/Tessp-1 protein was mostly associated with the membrane of intracellular organelles by glycosylphosphatidylinositol, the antibody was expected to affect Prss41/Tessp-1 at the plasma membrane of spermatogonia. By adding the antibody, the number of germ cells was decreased in some seminiferous tubules. The marker genes expression strongly suggested that meiosis was arrested at spermatogonia, and the number of apoptotic germ cells increased by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling assay. These data indicated that Prss41/Tessp-1 was necessary for the progression of meiosis at the stage of spermatogonia during in vitro spermatogenesis. Together with our previous study, the current results suggest that the Prss/Tessp proteases are important for the progression of meiosis at each stage.  相似文献   

We intend to solve whether or not Phl p 1 can be regarded as a protease. A group reported that Phl p 1 has papain-like properties and later on, that this allergen resembles cathepsin B, while another one demonstrated that Phl p 1 lacks proteinase activity and suggested that the measured activity may rise either from a recombinant Phl p 1 contaminant or as a result of an incompletely purified natural allergen. A third group reported Phl p 1 to act by a non-proteolytic activity mechanism. We report the purification of the natural Phl p 1 by means of hydrophobic interaction, gel filtration and STI-Sepharose affinity chromatographies. The Phl p 1 purity was assessed by silver-stained SDS-PAGE and by ‘in-gel’ and ‘gel-free’ approaches associated to mass spectrometry analyses. The proteolytic activity was measured using Boc–Gln–Ala–Arg–AMC and Z-Phe–Arg–AMC as substrates. While amidolytic activity could be measured with Phl p 1 after rechromatography on gel filtration, it however completely disappeared after chromatography on STI-Sepharose. The contaminant activity co-eluting with Phl p 1 was not affected by cysteine proteases inhibitors and other thiol-blocking agents, by metalloproteases inhibitors and by aspartic proteases inhibitors. However, it was completely inhibited by low molecular weight and proteinaceous serine proteases inhibitors. TLCK, but not TPCK, inhibited the contaminant activity, showing a trypsin-like behavior. The pH and temperature optimum were 8.0 and 37 °C, respectively. These data indicated that Phl p 1 is not a protease. The contaminant trypsin-like activity should be considered when Phl p 1 allergenicity is emphasized.  相似文献   

The presence of Aspergillus species is an indicator of storage conditions, which also suggests the possibility of several biochemical changes in grains. A comparative change in total soluble proteins and protease activity was determined in commercial peanut seeds collected from Georgia State. Protein contents of healthy peanuts, naturally contaminated peanuts and then artificially inoculated peanut seeds with A. flavus were estimated by Bradford method, and protease activity was also determined by using the Protease Detection Kits. Protein contents and the protease activity of the peanuts varied from sample to sample. The soluble protein content of seeds was significantly higher in healthy peanuts than in artificially inoculated or naturally infected peanuts with A. flavus. Protease activity was found to be higher in artificially inoculated seeds than in either naturally infected or healthy peanuts. Level of soluble proteins in buffer extracts of contaminated seeds decreased with incubation time, and protease activity increased with incubation time. These changes may be attributed to host response due to infection, contribution by A. flavus or due to biochemical alterations that occur naturally during the transition from endosperm to seedling during incubation period.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding elastase was isolated from Steinernema carpocapsae by suppression subtractive hybridization and rapid amplification of 5′ cDNA ends. The predicted protein contained a 19-aa signal peptide, a 44-aa N-terminal propeptide, and a 264-aa mature protein with a predicted molecular mass of 28,949 Da and a theoretical pI of 8.88. BLAST analysis showed 27-35% amino acid sequence identity to serine proteases from insects, mammals, fish and other organisms. The Sc-ela gene contains three exons and two introns with at least two copies in the S. carpocapsae genome. Expression analysis indicated that the Sc-ela gene was upregulated during the initial parasitic stage. Sequence comparison and evolutionary marker analysis revealed that Sc-ELA was a member of the elastase serine protease family with potential degradative, developmental and fibrinolytic activities. Homology modeling showed that Sc-ELA adopts a two β-barrel fold typical of trypsin-like serine proteases, and phylogenetic analysis indicates that Sc-ELA branched off early during elastase evolution.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the cDNA encoding the major component (43-kDa peptide) of 30kP protease A which selectively hydrolyzes 30-kDa yolk proteins of the silkworm, Bombix mori. The deduced amino acid sequence consisted of 318 amino acids and shared sequences conserved in many serine proteases. Northern blot analysis using the cDNA as probe revealed that 43-kDa peptide mRNA began to rise at the last phase of embryogenesis and reached a maximum level at larval hatching. This level was maintained with some fluctuations throughout post-embryonic development. The concentration of 43-kDa peptide increased greatly toward larval hatching coinciding with the changing pattern of mRNA. When larvae were fed, the peptide concentration abruptly decreased and remained near zero throughout post-embryonic development. The decrease in peptide concentration did not occur, however, when the hatched larvae were starved. Thus, the nutritional shift from endogenous yolk to exogenous food plays a key role in 30kP protease A elimination from neonate larvae.  相似文献   

Spider dragline silk is a unique fibrous protein with combination of tensile strength and elasticity, but the isolation of large amount of silk from spiders is not feasible. In this paper, we used a newly established Bac-to-Bac/BmNPV Baculovirus expression system to express the recombinant spider (Nephila clavata) dragline silk protein (MaSp1) fused EGFP in BmN cells and larvae of silkworm. A 70 kDa fusion protein was visualized after rBacmid/BmNPV/drag infection by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting analysis. Fusion protein expressed in the BmN cells probably occupied five percent of the cell total protein; In a silkworm larva, approximately 6 mg fusion proteins were expressed. Solubility analysis of the expressed spider dragline silk protein indicated that 60% fusion protein is insoluble. EGFP fluorescence showed that fusion protein is tend to form aggregate by self assemblage. The results indicated the solubility is the primary limit for spider dragline proteins yield. It also suggested that directly produce fibrous spider silk in the secreting-silk organs of the transgenic silkworm larvae might be a better method.  相似文献   

When bound to ADP, ATP-dependent protease FtsH subunits adopt either an “open” or “closed” conformation. In the open state, the protease catalytic site is located in a narrow space covered by a lid-like helix. This space disappears in the closed form because the lid helix bends at Gly448. Here, we replaced Gly448 with various residues that stabilize helices. Most mutants retained low ATPase activity and bound to the substrate protein, but lost protease activity. However, a mutant proline substitution lost both activities. Our study shows that the conformational transition of the lid helix is essential for the function of FtsH.

Structured summary of protein interactions

FtsH and FtsHbind by molecular sieving (View Interaction)  相似文献   

Summary A suppressor mutation of a temperature-sensitive mutant of ribosomal protein L24 (rplX19) was mapped close to the lon gene by genetic analysis and was shown to affect protease LA. The degradation and the synthesis rates of individual ribosomal proteins were determined. Proteins L24, L14, L15 and L27 were found to be degraded faster in the original rplX19 mutant than in the rplX19 mutant containing the suppressor mutation. Other ribosomal proteins were either weakly or not at all degraded in both mutants. Temperature-sensitive growth was also suppressed by the overproduction of mutant protein L24 from a plasmid. Our results suggest that (1) either free ribosomal proteins or proteins bound to abortive assembly precursors are highly susceptible to the lon gene product and (2) the mutationally altered protein L24 can still function at the nonpermissive growth temperature of the mutant, if it is present in sufficient amounts.  相似文献   

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