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Radiobiological and pharmacokinetic assays were performed to determine the potential of 2-nitrobenzimidazole (NBI) as a hypoxic cell radiosensitizing agent. As judged by comparing survival curve slopes of Serratia marcescens irradiated under aerated and hypoxic conditions, the NBI enhancement ratio (ER) at 2 mM concentration was 2.4 +/- 0.2, compared with an oxygen enhancement ratio of 3.3 +/- 0.3. 2,5-Dinitrobenzimidazole (DNBI) was investigated in vitro; its ER was 3.0 +/- 0.3 at 4 mM concentration. Very poor tissue penetration of DNBI precluded further testing in vivo. Acute toxic signs appeared in C3H/HeJ mice following ip injection of NBI at 100 mg/kg. These would be partly attributable to the stress caused by the high pH of the injection vehicle. The LD50 was estimated to be 125-150 mg/kg. Mammary adenocarcinoma tumors grown in the flanks of these mice exhibited maximum NBI levels at 5 min postinjection (ip). Peak tumor radiosensitization occurred in the interval between 5 and 10 min postinjection. The ER for tumor regrowth delay was 2.1 +/- 0.3 following 50 mg/kg injected into mice 5 min before irradiation. Functional evaluation up to 40 days after treatment revealed no evidence of neurological deficit.  相似文献   

The radiosensitizing effect of five glyoxal derivatives on the survival of TC-SV40 cells has been measured, under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. A toxicity study was previously performed in order to use nontoxic concentrations. The OER for the TC-SV40 cells was 2.74. None of the glyoxylic compounds showed radiosensitizing activity under aerobic conditions while in hypoxia their radiosensitizing factors decreased in the order phenylglyoxylic acid (1.68 at 8 x 10(-3) mole dm-3) greater than phenylglyoxal (1.55 at 5 x 10(-6) mole dm-3) greater than 2-2' furil (1.48 at 5 x 10(-5) mole dm-3) greater than glyoxylic acid (1.39 at 1 x 10(-3) mole dm-3) greater than glyoxal (1.30 at 5 x 10(-5) mole dm-3). The dose-modifying factors were also determined at two equimolar concentrations 5 x 10(-5) and 5 x 10(-6) mole dm-3. A concentration effect was noticed for all the compounds although their relative radiosensitizing activity kept, independently of the concentration, the same order noted above. Glyoxals with aromatic or heterocyclic rings exert a greater radiosensitization than the others. The acidic compounds have less radiosensitizing activity than their aldehydic counterparts. Interaction of these glyoxals with NPSH cellular groups was tested and the low degree of inhibition shows that this mechanism would contribute very little, if any, to the radiosensitization effect.  相似文献   

Astronauts participating in extended lunar missions or the projected mission to Mars would likely be exposed to significant doses of high-linear energy transfer (LET) heavy energetic charged (HZE) particles. Exposure to even relatively low doses of such space radiation may result in a reduced latent period for and an increased incidence of lens opacification. However, the determinants of cataractogenesis induced by densely ionizing radiation have not been clearly elucidated. In the current study, we show that age at the time of exposure is a key determinant of cataractogenesis in rats whose eyes have been exposed to 2 Gy of (56)Fe ions. The rate of progression of cataractogenesis was significantly greater in the irradiated eyes of 1-year-old rats compared to young (56-day-old) rats. Furthermore, older ovariectomized rats that received exogenous estrogen treatment (17-β-estradiol) commencing 1 week prior to irradiation and continuing throughout the period of observation of up to approximately 600 days after irradiation showed an increased incidence of cataracts and faster progression of opacification compared to intact rats with endogenous estrogen or ovariectomized rats. The same potentiating effect (higher incidence, reduced latent period) was observed for irradiated eyes of young rats. Modulation of estrogen status in the 1-year-old animals (e.g., removal of estrogen by ovariectomy or continuous exposure to estrogen) did not increase the latent period or reduce the incidence to that of intact 56-day-old rats. Since the rapid onset and progression of cataracts in 1-year-old compared to 56-day-old rats was independent of estrogen status, we conclude that estrogen cannot account for the age-dependent differences in cataractogenesis induced by high-LET radiation.  相似文献   

Oxidation and reduction of cis- and trans-dichlorodiammine platinum II (cis- and trans-PDD), cis-dichlorobis(1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole-N3)-p latinum II (cis-Flap), and cis-dichlorobis(isopropylamine)-trans-dihydroxyplatinum IV (Chip) have been studied using pulse radiolysis. Spectra corresponding to platinum in various oxidation states have been observed and several rate constants have been obtained. Reduction of all the compounds, except cis-Flap, produces species of a lower oxidation state of platinum which subsequently have both chloride ligands replaced. Ultimately, these products disproportionate. In the case of cis-Flap, reduction occurred on the nitroimidazole ligand. This was verified by the absence of platinum metal after disproportionation. Oxidation of all four compounds consists of production of a higher oxidation state of platinum followed by replacement of chloride ligands and finally disproportionation of the products. Only cis-Flap and Chip could be reduced by oxidized DNA bases. The one-electron reduction potential of cis-Flap was found to be -370 +/- 10 mV. trans-Flap had almost the same value. It was not possible to measure the potentials of the other compounds since their ligands were replaced rapidly but it is estimated that the one-electron reduction potentials decrease in the order cis- or trans-Flap greater than Chip greater than cis-PDD greater than trans-PDD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to prepare for an easy and reliable biodosimeter protocol for radiation accidents involving high-linear energy transfer (LET) exposure. Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were irradiated using carbon ions (LET: 34.6 keV μm−1), and the chromosome aberrations induced were analyzed using both a conventional colcemid block method and a calyculin A induced premature chromosome condensation (PCC) method. At a lower dose range (0–4 Gy), the measured dicentric (dics) and centric ring chromosomes (cRings) provided reasonable dose information. At higher doses (8 Gy), however, the frequency of dics and cRings was not suitable for dose estimation. Instead, we found that the number of Giemsa-stained drug-induced G2 prematurely condensed chromosomes (G2-PCC) can be used for dose estimation, since the total chromosome number (including fragments) was linearly correlated with radiation dose (r = 0.99). The ratio of the longest and the shortest chromosome length of the drug-induced G2-PCCs increased with radiation dose in a linear-quadratic manner (r = 0.96), which indicates that this ratio can also be used to estimate radiation doses. Obviously, it is easier to establish the dose response curve using the PCC technique than using the conventional metaphase chromosome method. It is assumed that combining the ratio of the longest and the shortest chromosome length with analysis of the total chromosome number might be a valuable tool for rapid and precise dose estimation for victims of radiation accidents.  相似文献   

Summary Comparative effects of decay of DNA-bound125I, of-radiation and of tritiated water on survival of the proliferative ability of cultured cells were examined. The results confirm a previous report that cells frozen to -196° C in the presence of 2M glycerol have lost a considerable proportion of their intracellular water. The data also suggest that the fraction of the lethal damage caused by deposition of radiation energy in intracellular water close to the DNA is greater for-radiation than for the decay of DNA-bound125I.Inherited differences in the sensitivity of untransformed fibroblasts from individual humans to ionizing radiations and other DNA-damaging agents are being explored. The ratios of the sensitivities of various cell lines to particular agents can vary several-fold. Thus the RBE of various radiations is affected not only by the irradiation conditions and the water content of the cells but also by inherited abnormalities in the DNA repair systems in human cells.Dedicated to Prof. L.E. Feinendegen on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Results are reported of a clinical trial on the effect of metronidazole as an adjuvant radiosensitizer in the radiation treatment of cervix carcinomas in advanced stages. Analysis of the results was made with regard to the local clearance of the tumour and with haemoglobin level as a stratifying factor (less than 120 g/l or greater than/equal to 120 g/l at presentation). With no metronidazole treatment, the results in anaemic patients were inferior in comparison to patients with normal haemoglobin level. Metronidazole significantly improved the results in the anaemic cases, but had no effect on the non-anaemic patients. Without stratification with respect to anaemia, no significant difference between the metronidazole-treated and untreated control group was noted. It is concluded that anaemia has a prognostic value, and anaemic patients may represent a particular group for which hypoxic cell sensitizers can be expected to improve the effect of radiotherapy.  相似文献   

The ability of cells to adapt low-dose or low-dose rate radiation is well known. High-LET radiation has unique characteristics, and the data concerning low doses effects and high-LET radiation remain fragmented. In this study, we assessed in vitro the ability of low doses of X-rays to induce an adaptive response (AR) to a subsequent challenging dose of heavy-ion radiation. Lymphoblastoid cells (TK6, AHH-1, NH32) were exposed to priming 0.02-0.1Gy X-rays, followed 6h later by challenging 1Gy heavy-ion radiation (carbon-ion: 20 and 40keV/μm, neon-ion: 150keV/μm). Pre-exposure of p53-competent cells resulted in decreased mutation frequencies at hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase locus and different H2AX phosphorylation kinetics, as compared to cells exposed to challenging radiation alone. This phenomenon did not seem to be linked with cell cycle effects or radiation-induced apoptosis. Taken together, our results suggested the existence of an AR to mutagenic effects of heavy-ion radiation in lymphoblastoid cells and the involvement of double-strand break repair mechanisms.  相似文献   

Adaptive response (AR) and bystander effect are two important phenomena involved in biological responses to low doses of ionizing radiation (IR). Furthermore, there is a strong interest in better understanding the biological effects of high-LET radiation. We previously demonstrated the ability of low doses of X-rays to induce an AR to challenging heavy-ion radiation [8]. In this study, we assessed in vitro the ability of priming low doses (0.01Gy) of heavy-ion radiation to induce a similar AR to a subsequent challenging dose (1-4Gy) of high-LET IR (carbon-ion: 20 and 40keV/μm, neon-ion: 150keV/μm) in TK6, AHH-1 and NH32 cells. Our results showed that low doses of high-LET radiation can induce an AR characterized by lower mutation frequencies at hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase locus and faster DNA repair kinetics, in cells expressing p53.  相似文献   

The influence of higher-order chromatin structure on the non-random distribution of DNA double-strand breaks induced by high-LET radiation was investigated. Five different chromatin structures (intact cells, condensed and decondensed chromatin, nucleoids and naked genomic DNA) from GM5758 cells or K562 cells were irradiated with (137)Cs gamma-ray photons and 125 keV/microm nitrogen ions (16-25 MeV/nucleon). DNA was purified with a modified lysis procedure to avoid release of heat-labile sites, and fragment size distributions and double-strand break yields were analyzed by different pulsed-field gel electrophoresis protocols. Whereas double-strand breaks in photon-irradiated cells were randomly distributed, irradiation of intact K562 cells with high-LET nitrogen ions produced an excess of non-randomly distributed DNA fragments 10 kb-1 Mbp in size. Complete removal of proteins eliminated this non-random component. There was a gradual increase in the yield of double-strand breaks for each chromatin decondensation step, and compared to intact cells, the yields for naked DNA (in buffer without scavengers) increased 83 and 25 times after photon and nitrogen-ion irradiation, respectively. The corresponding relative biological effectiveness decreased from 1.6-1.8 for intact cells to 0.49 for the naked DNA. We conclude that the organization of DNA into chromatin fiber and higher-order structures is responsible for the majority of non-randomly distributed double-strand breaks induced by high-LET radiation. However, our data suggest a complex interaction between track structure and chromatin organization over several levels.  相似文献   

We have developed a family of 4-benzimidazolyl-N-piperazinethyl-pyrimidin-2-amines that are subnanomolar inhibitors of Lck. A subset of these Lck inhibitors, with heterocyclic substituents at the benzimidazole C5, are also low-nanomolar inhibitors of cellular IL2 release.  相似文献   

Substrates containing electron-withdrawing groups were reacted with protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase and oxygen. Haloprotocatechuates (5-fluoro-, 5-chloro-, 5-bromo-, 2-chloro-, and 6-chloroprotocatechuates) are oxygenated by the enzyme at rates 28- to 3000-fold lower than that with the native substrate. These lower rates are due to both deactivation of substrate to O2 attack, and to the formation of abortive enzyme-substrate (ES) complexes. Such ES complexes with haloprotocatechuates are spectrally distinct from the normal ES complex. 6-Chloroprotocatechuate produces changes more like those due to protocatechuate. The abortive ES complexes, when rapidly mixed with oxygen, decay to free enzyme and product monophasically, and the dependence of the rates on O2 concentration shows that a rate-limiting step precedes reaction with O2. Thus these complexes are rather unreactive toward O2, and the rate-limiting step in oxygenation is their conversion to active complexes. In contrast, the reaction of O2 with the enzyme and 6-chloroprotocatechuate is biphasic, the first phase being dependent on O2 concentration (2 X 10(4) M-1 S-1) and the second not (7 S-1). The intermediate formed after the first phase strongly resembles the second intermediate seen in the reaction of enzyme with protocatechuate and O2 (Bull, C., Ballou, D. P., and Otsuka, S., (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 12681-12686), implying that the electron-withdrawing effect of the chlorine slows the O2 addition step considerably while the conversion to the second intermediate is hardly affected. When the enzyme cycles through several turnovers with 6-chloroprotocatechuate, an enzyme species is formed that resembles the unreactive ES complexes seen with the other haloprotocatechuates, indicating that a small amount of the unreactive complex is in equilibrium with the reactive complex and that during successive turnovers the enzyme is slowly converted into the unreactive form. The formation of this form correlates with the observation that in assays the rate of product formation gradually decreases with time.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the combined actions of food supplements and lowdose-rate high-LET radiation on radiosensitivity, induction of the adaptive response, and tumor growth in SHK mice in vivo. The animals were irradiated with 0.11 Gy (0.005 Gy/day) of low-dose-rate high-LET radiation behind the concrete shield of a 70 GeV proton accelerator (Protvino, Moscow oblast). Four groups of the mice were fed with selected products (soy meat, buckwheat, lettuce leaves, and a drug based on cod-liver oil) during the entire irradiation period (22 days). The results of the study indicate that the mice with diets containing soy meat, buckwheat, and lettuce leaves in contrast to those fed with a diet containing cod-liver oil had reduced sensitivity to X-radiation at a dose rate of 1.5 Gy and a significant slowdown in the growth of the Ehrlich carcinoma. The combined effect of high-LET radiation and the food supplements mentioned above (except for the cod-liver oil) reduced the sensitivity of the mice to the irradiation at a dose rate of 1.5 Gy, induced the adaptive response, and caused a decrease in the growth rate of the Ehrlich carcinoma in contrast to the mice that were only irradiated with high-LET radiation.  相似文献   

Energetic heavy ions pose a potential health risk to astronauts who have participated in extended space missions. High-LET radiation is much more effective than low-LET radiation in the induction of biological effects, including cell inactivation, genetic mutations, cataracts and cancer. Most of these biological end points are closely correlated with chromosomal damage, which can be used as a biomarker for radiation damage. Multicolor banding in situ hybridization (mBAND) has proven to be highly useful for the study of intrachromosomal aberrations, which have been suggested as a biomarker of exposure to high-LET radiation. To investigate biological signatures of radiation quality and the complexity of intrachromosomal aberrations, we exposed human epithelial cells in vitro to (137)Cs gamma rays or iron ions (600 MeV/nucleon) and collected chromosomes using a premature chromosome condensation technique. Aberrations in chromosome 3 were analyzed using mBAND probes. The results of our study confirmed the observation of a higher incidence of inversions for high-LET radiation. However, detailed analysis of the inversion type revealed that both iron ions and gamma rays induced a low incidence of simple inversions. Half of the inversions observed in the low-LET-irradiated samples were accompanied by other types of intrachromosome aberrations, but few inversions were accompanied by interchromosome aberrations. In contrast, iron ions induced a significant fraction of inversions that involved complex rearrangements of both inter- and intrachromosome exchanges.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been applied to investigate the secondary structure of proteins and polypeptides in halogenated alcohols. Each alcohol studied was able, as a pure liquid, to induce conversion of the beta-sheet protein concanavalin A into a predominantly alpha-helical configuration. In 2H2O/alcohol mixtures, helicogenisis was also apparent, decreasing in the order dichloroethanol greater than bromoethanol greater than trifluoroethanol greater than chloroethanol greater than fluoroethanol. At concentrations below those found to be helicogenic, disruption of the protein secondary structure by the alcohols resulted in pronounced aggregation. At concentrations insufficient to cause noticeable disruptions of the secondary structure at room temperature, the thermal stability of the protein was greatly reduced. We suggest the helicogenic effect exhibited by halogenated alcohols to be related to a combination of a relatively low dielectric constant and a high dipole moment, the latter causing disruption of the internal hydrogen bond networks and the former causing refolding to a helical configuration. The results presented here highlight the risk of using halogenated alcohols, both as solvents for proteins and as a test of the intrinsic capacity of proteins and peptides to adopt helical secondary structures.  相似文献   

A series of (S)-2-(2-(diethylamino)-5-(N-alkyl-N-sulfonamido)pyrimidin-4-ylamino)-3-(4-(carbamoyloxy)phenyl)propanoic acid is discovered as orally available VLA-4 antagonists. Representative compounds 11b and 11p showed efficacy in multiple in vivo animal models. The in vitro selectivity of 11p is also described.  相似文献   

We are carrying out studies aimed at reducing the mutagenic effects of high-LET 56Fe ions and 12C ions (56Fe ions, 143 keV/microm; 12C ions, 100 keV/microm) with certain drugs, including RibCys [2-(R,S)-D-ribo-(1',2',3',4'-tetrahydroxybutyl)-thiazolidine-4(R)-carboxylic acid]. RibCys, formed by condensation of L-cysteine with D-ribose, is designed so that the sulfhydryl amino acid L-cysteine is released intracellularly through nonenzymatic ring opening and hydrolysis leading to increased levels of glutathione (GSH). RibCys (4 or 10 mM), which was present during irradiation and for a few hours after, significantly decreased the yield of CD59- mutants induced by radiation in AL human-hamster hybrid cells. RibCys did not affect the clonogenic survival of irradiated cells, nor was it mutagenic itself. These results, together with the minimal side effects reported in mice and pigs, indicate that RibCys may be useful, perhaps even when used prophylactically, in reducing the mutation load created by high-LET radiation in astronauts or other exposed individuals.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of clonogenic cell survival in rat rhabdomyosarcoma tumors as a function of time following in situ irradiation with single or fractionated doses of 225-kVp X rays or with 557-MeV/u neon ions in the distal position of a 4-cm extended-peak ionization region. Single doses of 20 Gy of X rays or 7 Gy of peak neon ions reduced the initial surviving fraction to approximately 0.025 for each modality. Daily fractionated doses (four fractions in 3 days) of either peak neon ions (1.75 Gy per fraction) or X rays (6 Gy per fraction) achieved a cell survival of approximately 0.02-0.03 after the fourth dose of radiation. In the single-dose experiments, significant 5- and 10-fold decreases in the fraction of clonogenic cells were observed between the third and fourth days after irradiation with peak neon ions and X rays, respectively. After the sixth day postirradiation, the residual clonogenic cells exhibited a rapid burst of proliferation leading to doubling times for the surviving cell fractions of approximately 1.5 days. Radiation-induced growth delay was consistent with the cellular repopulation dynamics. In the fractionated-dose experiments with both radiation modalities, a large delayed decrease in cell survival was observed at 1-3 days after completion of the fractionated-dose schedule. Cellular repopulation was consistent with postirradiation tumor volume regression and regrowth for both radiation modalities. The extent of decrease in survival following the four-fraction radiation schedule was approximately two times greater in X-irradiated than in neon-ion-irradiated tumors that produced the same survival level immediately after the fourth dose. Mechanisms underlying the marked reduction in cell survival 3-4 days postirradiation are discussed, including the possible role of a toxic host cell response against the irradiated tumor cells.  相似文献   

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