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Some effects of perinatal hypoxia on pulmonary circulation are permanent. Since pulmonary vascular sensitivity to hypoxia in adults differs between sexes, we hypothesized that gender-based variability also exists in the long-term effects of perinatal hypoxia. Rats spent 1 wk before and 1 wk after birth in hypoxia (12% O2) and then lived in normoxia. When adult, females, but not males, with the perinatal experience of hypoxia had right ventricle hypertrophy. To assess the role of sex hormones, some rats were gonadectomized in ether anesthesia as newborns. Compared with intact, perinatally normoxic controls, muscularization of peripheral pulmonary vessels in adulthood was augmented in perinatally hypoxic, neonatally gonadectomized males (by 85%) and much more so in females (by 533%). Pulmonary artery pressure was elevated in perinatally hypoxic, neonatally gonadectomized females (24.4 +/- 1.7 mmHg) but not males (17.2 +/- 0.6 mmHg). Gonadectomy in adulthood had no effect. We conclude that female pulmonary circulation is more sensitive to late effects of perinatal hypoxia, and these effects are blunted by the presence of ovaries during maturation.  相似文献   

Prolonged infusions of 17beta-estradiol reduce fetal pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), but the effects of endogenous estrogens in the fetal pulmonary circulation are unknown. To test the hypothesis that endogenous estrogen promotes pulmonary vasodilation at birth, we studied the hemodynamic effects of prolonged estrogen-receptor blockade during late gestation and at birth in fetal lambs. We treated chronically prepared fetal lambs with ICI-182,780 (ICI, a specific estrogen-receptor blocker, n = 5) or 1% DMSO (CTRL, n = 5) for 7 days and then measured pulmonary hemodynamic responses to ventilation with low- and high-fraction inspired oxygen (FI(O(2))). Treatment with ICI did not change basal fetal PVR or arterial blood gas tensions. However, treatment with ICI abolished the vasodilator response to ventilation with low FI(O(2)) [change in PVR -30 +/- 6% (CTRL) vs. +10 +/- 13%, (ICI), P < 0.05] without reducing the vasodilator response to ventilation with high FI(O(2)) [change in PVR, -73 +/- 3% (CTRL) vs. -77 +/- 4%, (ICI); P = not significant]. ICI treatment reduced prostacyclin synthase (PGIS) expression by 33% (P < 0.05) without altering expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase or cyclooxygenase-1 and -2. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry revealed that PGIS is predominantly expressed in the airway epithelium of late gestation fetal lambs. We conclude that prolonged estrogen-receptor blockade inhibits the pulmonary vasodilator response at birth and that this effect may be mediated by downregulation of PGIS. We speculate that estrogen exposure during late gestation prepares the pulmonary circulation for postnatal adaptation.  相似文献   

Pneumonectomy approximately halves the available pulmonary vascular bed. It is unknown whether the remaining lung has sufficient vascular reserve to cope with increased blood flow under stressful conditions without demonstrating abnormal pulmonary hemodynamics. To investigate this question, unanesthetized ewes with vascular catheters had hemodynamics assessed before and after a left pneumonectomy. Subsequently, on different days, the sheep were exercised on a treadmill under normoxic and hypobaric hypoxic (430 mmHg) (1 mmHg = 133.3 Pa) conditions. Pneumonectomy itself increased mean pulmonary arterial pressure by 4 mmHg. During normoxic or hypoxic exercise, the pneumonectomized sheep demonstrated a pulmonary hemodynamic response similar to normal sheep with two lungs. The pressure-flow relation for the right lung suggested the vascular reserve of the lung was not exceeded during exercise in the pneumonectomized sheep. Eighteen to 70 days after pneumonectomy there was no evidence of right ventricular hypertrophy, but there were small increases in the number of muscularized vessels less than 50 microns diameter and in the amount of muscle in normally muscularized pulmonary arteries. This study demonstrates that pneumonectomy slightly increases mean pulmonary arterial pressure. However, there is sufficient vascular reserve in the remaining lung to permit a normal hemodynamic response to exercise-induced increased blood flow even under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that disrupted alveolarization and lung vascular growth caused by brief perinatal hypoxia would predispose infant rats to higher risk for developing pulmonary hypertension when reexposed to hypoxia. Pregnant rats were exposed to 11% inspired oxygen fraction (barometric pressure, 410 mmHg; inspired oxygen pressure, 76 mmHg) for 3 days before birth and were maintained in hypoxia for 3 days after birth. Control rats were born and raised in room air. At 2 wk of age, rats from both groups were exposed to hypoxia for 1 wk or kept in room air. We found that brief perinatal hypoxia resulted in a greater increase in right ventricular systolic pressure and higher ratio of right ventricle to left ventricle plus septum weights after reexposure to hypoxia after 2 wk of age. Moreover, perinatal hypoxic rats had decreased radial alveolar counts and reduced pulmonary artery density. We conclude that brief perinatal hypoxia increases the severity of pulmonary hypertension when rats are reexposed to hypoxia. We speculate that disrupted alveolarization and lung vascular growth following brief perinatal hypoxia may increase the risk for severe pulmonary hypertension with exposure to adverse stimuli later in life.  相似文献   

Within the last 30 years, researchers have explored what role hypoxia might play in causing permeability changes in the pulmonary microvasculature. Since the data accumulated thus far are unclear, the effects of hypoxia on microvascular transport in the isolated, Ringer's perfused adult rabbit lung was observed and the following parameters were measured or computed for both oxygenated and hypoxic perfusates: pulmonary arterial (ra) and pulmonary venous (rv) resistances, pulmonary capillary filtration coefficients (Kf), and pulmonary capillary endothelial reflection coefficients () for NaCl and inulin. Separate reservoir bottles were used to create the desired oxygenated (aeration of solution with 95% O2-5% CO2) gas mixture or hypoxic (aeration of solution with 95% N2-5% CO2) gas mixture. A higher, but not significant, resistance value was found during the oxygenated state. A significant increase in the pulmonary capillary filtration coefficient during hypoxia (10.72 × 10–4±0.446 × 10–4 cm3/s cm H2O for the hypoxic perfusate and 8.80 × 10–4±0.384 × 10–4 cm3/s cm H2O for the oxygenated perfusate) was found and a significant difference between oxygenated and hypoxic pulmonary capillary reflection coefficients for inulin was computed (oxygenated solution revealed a finding of 0.120±0.003 and the hypoxic solution revealed 0.105±0.002). These findings imply a change in the microvascular permeability during hypoxia. According to the pore theory, a change in pore number, pore size, or both could have occurred. However, from the reflection coefficient data, a change in pore radius seems most likely.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Gene delivery to the pulmonary circulation has been studied in adult animals, but has not been extensively investigated in neonates. METHODS: We tested the ability of recombinant, replication-defective adenovirus to transduce the pulmonary circulation when delivered by percutaneous ventricular puncture. Five-day-old rat pups were injected with 10(7) to 10(10) particles (approximately 10(5) to 10(8) pfu) in 30 micro l total volume. RESULTS: Using RT-PCR, we detected transgene expression in both lung and liver at all dosages. However, whereas only 1/6 pups injected with 10(7) particles had detectable expression, 8/9 pups in the two highest dose groups had detectable expression. In the highest dose group expression was approximately 5-fold greater in lung than liver, though in the lower dose groups no difference between lung and liver was found. Expression decreased by only 25% from day 4 through the last time point at day 28 in lung, whereas liver expression was undetectable in 7 of 9 samples on day 28. Histopathological examination demonstrated expression both within the media of large arteries and in small, peripheral arteries and capillaries, with a concentration of expression in the most distal areas of both the lungs and liver. No evidence of inflammation was seen. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the neonatal pulmonary circulation can be effectively transduced using systemic adenoviral vector injection, has more sustained expression than liver, and may be a target for therapeutic gene delivery.  相似文献   

Isolated adult rat heart cells were used to study the effects of oxygen deprivation followed by reoxygenation upon myocardial metabolism. Calcium-tolerant nonbeating myocytes were incubated for 5, 30, or 60 min under 100% oxygen or 100% nitrogen and then rinsed with oxygenated buffer. Substrate oxidation was studied by incubating the cells with 14C-labeled glucose, pyruvate, or octanoate and determining the rates of 14CO2 production from the individual substrates. After 5 min of hypoxia, metabolism of glucose, as assessed by glucose oxidation and lactate production, was significantly depressed. Pyruvate and octanoate oxidation were unaltered. Oxygen consumption was also unchanged by short-term hypoxia and reoxygenation. With reoxygenation after 30 min of oxygen deprivation, more exaggerated changes in glucose metabolism were noted as well as a depression in pyruvate oxidation and unaltered octanoate oxidation. Oxidation of octanoate was slightly depressed after 60 min of hypoxia. Cell viability assessed after reoxygenation was not significantly altered until 60 min of oxygen deprivation. The results indicate that cytosolic changes occur after short periods of hypoxia followed by reoxygenation, whereas mitochondrial function is more resistant to damage inflicted by hypoxia and reoxygenation.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption (VO2) and shivering movements were recorded in adult, conscious cats in a thermoneutral (24-27 degrees C) and in a cold (3-8 degrees C) environment during normoxia, hypoxia, or hyperoxia for 55 min. In the cold environment, VO2 correlated with shivering index (SI) under conditions of normoxia or ambient hypoxia (FIO2 = 0.12). During normoxia, VO2 was 63% higher in the cold than the thermoneutral environment. Ambient hypoxia acutely reduced VO2 in cold and thermoneutral environments, the decrement being greater for the former than the latter. Similarly, the variation in VO2 for unit change in SI was greater in hypoxia than normoxic conditions, suggesting that hypoxia influenced nonshivering as well as shivering components of cold-induced VO2. Hypoxia induced by CO (FICO = 0.002) also reduced VO2 and SI, a result that is consistent with previous results indicating that carotid body chemoreceptors do not mediate the suppression of shivering by ambient hypoxia. Hyperoxia increased VO2 and SI in the cold, and the effects of both hypoxia and hyperoxia in the cold were antagonized by increasing FICO2 to 0.03. The results demonstrate that hypoxia suppresses VO2 in the cold by reducing the intensity of shivering and, probably, by an action on metabolic rate that is unrelated to cold-induced calorigenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen (N2) or carbon monoxide (CO) hypoxia on coronary flow were assessed in the isolated nonworking rat heart perfused via the aorta with oxygenated (95% O2-5% CO2) Kreb's Henseleit solution. After 30 min, the hearts were challenged with solutions containing either CO (10% CO-85% O2-5% CO2) or N2 (10% N2-85% O2-5% CO2) for 2 min (Challenge I). After recovery in oxygenated solution, the hearts were challenged with the alternate test solution (Challenge II). There were no significant differences in heart rate or pulse pressure between the hearts challenged with CO or N2. Coronary flow was significantly higher in the hearts challenged with CO regardless of the challenge sequence. Coronary flows (ml X min-1 X g dry wt) in the CO- and N2-treated hearts, respectively, were 61.5 +/- 4.5 and 52.9 +/- 2.3 after Challenge I, and 64.3 +/- 2.6 and 56.4 +/- 3.0 after Challenge II. Because PO2 and oxygen content were the same in both test solutions, the results suggest that CO has a direct effect on coronary artery vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Qu WX  Zhao Y  Li Y  He P  Feng XW 《中国应用生理学杂志》2011,27(3):262-4, 332
目的:探讨睡眠中间歇低氧对大鼠肠肌放电的影响.方法:大鼠分别给予吸入空气,持续低氧和间歇低氧气体,在1 d,3d,7 d,28 d后测定大鼠膈肌放电的情况及采动脉血行血气分析,分析大鼠膈肌放电在不同时期有何不同及其与酸碱平衡之间的关系.结果:与对照组比较,大鼠膈肌放电面积及膈肌放电频率振幅仅在间歇低氧28 d组无统计学...  相似文献   

Loss of PKC-epsilon limits the magnitude of acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) in the mouse. Therefore, we hypothesized that loss of PKC-epsilon would decrease the contractile and/or structural response of the murine pulmonary circulation to chronic hypoxia (Hx). However, the pattern of lung vascular responses to chronic Hx may or may not be predicted by the acute HPV response. Adult PKC-epsilon wild-type (PKC-epsilon(+/+)), heterozygous null, and homozygous null (PKC-epsilon(-/-)) mice were exposed to normoxia or Hx for 5 wk. PKC-epsilon(-/-) mice actually had a greater increase in right ventricular (RV) systolic pressure, RV mass, and hematocrit in response to chronic Hx than PKC-epsilon(+/+) mice. In contrast to the augmented PA pressure and RV hypertrophy, pulmonary vascular remodeling was increased less than expected (i.e., equal to PKC-epsilon(+/+) mice) in both the proximal and distal PKC-epsilon(-/-) pulmonary vasculature. The contribution of increased vascular tone to this pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) was assessed by measuring the acute vasodilator response to nitric oxide (NO). Acute inhalation of NO reversed the increased PA pressure in hypoxic PKC-epsilon(-/-) mice, implying that the exaggerated PHTN may be due to a relative deficiency in nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Despite the higher PA pressure, chronic Hx stimulated less of an increase in lung endothelial (e) and inducible (i) NOS expression in PKC-epsilon(-/-) than PKC-epsilon(+/+) mice. In contrast, expression of nNOS in PKC-epsilon(+/+) mice decreased in response to chronic Hx, while lung levels in PKC-epsilon(-/-) mice remained unchanged. In summary, loss of PKC-epsilon results in increased vascular tone, but not pulmonary vascular remodeling in response to chronic Hx. Blunting of Hx-induced eNOS and iNOS expression may contribute to the increased vascular tone. PKC-epsilon appears to be an important signaling intermediate in the hypoxic regulation of each NOS isoform.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to check whether hypoxia of corneal tissue increases the collagenolytic activity due to release of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Rats were exposed to hypoxia 10% O(2) for 4, 14, and 21 days. The radical tissue injury was measured by the level of nitrotyrosine and changes in the lipoperoxide-related fluorophores. Collagen protein composition was analyzed by slab gel electrophoresis. The activity of gelatinolytic enzymes was studied using the zymography. The vascularization of the corneas was measured. We found no differences in the corneal tissue in the gel electrophoretic profile of collagenous proteins and gelatinolytic activity between normoxic and hypoxic rats. We did not find any sign of radical tissue injury. There were no changes in the vascularization of corneas after exposition to hypoxia. The environmental 10% hypoxia does not induce radical tissue injury and an increase of collagenolytic activity in the rat cornea.  相似文献   

Chen WJ  King KA  Lee RE  Sedtal CS  Smith AM 《Life sciences》2006,79(23):2221-2227
Smoking during pregnancy poses a potential risk to unborn children. The present study examined the long-term effects of early nicotine exposure on the number of pyramidal and granule cells in the hippocampus, and Purkinje cells in the cerebellar vermis. The loss of neurons is the most severe form of brain injury with significant functional implications. In this study, rats were exposed to nicotine during either the prenatal (PRE) period or both the prenatal and early postnatal (PERI) period. It was hypothesized that nicotine treatment would result in long-term decreases in neuronal numbers, and that PERI treatment would be more detrimental to these cell populations than the PRE treatment. The results showed that neither PRE nor PERI nicotine exposure reduces the numbers of pyramidal, granule or Purkinje cells. Neither the regions where these cells reside, nor the cell densities were affected by nicotine. Although no significant cell loss was observed, the current nicotine exposure regimens may lead to alterations in cellular functions or cytoarchitectures. The present results in conjunction with previous reports showing significant cell loss from nicotine exposure during the brain growth spurt suggest that "patch-like" nicotine exposure during prenatal period may alter the sensitivity or the responsiveness of the developing brain to the injurious effects of nicotine during the most vulnerable stage of brain development - the brain growth spurt. Furthermore, the current stereology cell counting results are not in agreement with some reports in the literature, and this discrepancy may simply be a function of different cell counting techniques used.  相似文献   

Postnatal exposure of male rats to microwaves modulated the evolution of the thyrotropin level. Indeed, this treatment increased plasma TSH without affecting significantly plasma thyroxine. Moreover, the histological study of the thyroid demonstrated a high activity of this gland in irradiated animals. The modification observed in the thyrotropin level was correlated to an increase in hypothalamic noradrenaline described previously in rats submitted to the same irradiation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), found widely in wildlife and humans, is environmentally and metabolically stable. Environmental PFOS may be from its use as a surfactant, hydrolysis of perfluorooctanesulfonyl fluoride, and degradation of N-alkyl-perfluorooctanesulfonamide compounds formerly used in numerous applications. Prenatal exposure to PFOS in rodents causes neonatal mortality; treatment on gestation days (GD) 19-20 is sufficient to induce neonatal death in rats. Affected pups are born alive but present with labored breathing. Their lungs are pale and often do not expand fully on perfusion. METHODS: Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats received 0, 25, or 50 mg/kg/day PFOS/K+ orally on GD 19-20. Lungs from GD 21 fetuses and neonates were prepared for histology and morphometry. Rescue experiments included co-administration of dexamethasone or retinyl palmitate with PFOS. Pulmonary surfactant was investigated with mass spectrometry in GD 21 amniotic fluid and neonatal lungs. Microarray analysis was carried out on PND 0 lungs. RESULTS: Histologically, alveolar walls were thicker in lungs of PFOS-exposed newborns compared to controls. The ratio of solid tissue:small airway was increased, suggesting immaturity. Rescue studies were ineffective. Phospholipid concentrations and molecular speciation were unaffected by PFOS. No changes in markers of alveolar differentiation were detected by microarray analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Morphometric changes in lungs of PFOS exposed neonates were suggestive of immaturity, but the failure of rescue agents and normal pulmonary surfactant profile indicate that the labored respiration and mortality observed in PFOS-treated neonates was not due to lung immaturity.  相似文献   

During the fetal period, blood is oxygenated through the placenta, and most of the cardiac output bypasses the lung through the ductus arteriosus. At birth, pulmonary vascular resistance falls with the initiation of ventilation. Coincidentally, the ductus arteriosus constricts. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) appears to play an important role during that transition period and postnatally. ET-1 can dramatically increase resistance in the placental microcirculation and may be involved in blood flow redistribution with hypoxia. At birth, the increase in oxygen tension is important in triggering ductus vasoconstriction. It is proposed that oxygen triggers closure of the ductus arteriosus by activating a specific, cytochrome P450-linked reaction, which in turn stimulates the synthesis of ET-1. On the neonatal heart, ET-1 has a positive chronotropic but negative inotropic effect. In the newborn piglet and the fetal lamb, both term and preterm, ET-1 causes a potent, long-lasting pulmonary vasoconstriction. Furthermore, a transient dilator response has been identified, and it is ascribed to nitric oxide formation. ET receptors are abundant in the piglet pulmonary vasculature. They are predominantly of the ETA constrictor subtype, though ETB2 constrictor receptors may also be present in certain species. The dilator response is linked to the ETB1 receptor, and the number of ETB1 receptors is reduced in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension. ET-1 appears to be a causative agent in the pathogenesis of hypoxia- and hyperoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension as demonstrated by reversal of hemodynamic and morphological changes with treatment with an ETA receptor antagonist. Findings are amenable to practical applications in the management of infants with pulmonary hypertension or requiring persistent patency of the ductus arteriosus.  相似文献   

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