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The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana displays a broad insect host range and serves as a model for examining host-pathogen interactions. Rapid construction and screening of random-insertion mutants of B. bassiana provides a powerful tool to dissect the molecular mechanisms of fungal virulence. LiAc/DMSO treated B. bassiana blastospores were found to be highly competent to transformation using linear DNA and a polyethylene glycol-based method. Selection on cellophane-layered Czapek-Dox agar at a lowered pH (from 7.5 to 6.3) greatly decreased background growth of non-transformed cells and improved screening of transformants. Optimization of the protocol using integration of the bar phosphinothricin resistance gene resulted in high transformation rates (200-250 transformants/μg DNA/108 cells). A collection of ∼4000 insertion mutants was examined via high-throughput screens for hydrocarbon utilization. One mutant was isolated that grew poorly on both n-hexadecane and tributyrin. The random insertion site was mapped to a gene that displayed homology to vitamin H (biotin)/tartrate transporters. Insect bioassays using Galleria mellonella as the target host revealed decreased virulence in the mutant. This system provides a simple and rapid method for the generation and screening of insertion mutants and should expand our ability to genetically analyze the B. bassiana lifestyle.  相似文献   

A 28S rDNA intron was used as a molecular marker to distinguish between two single spore strains of Beauveria bassiana, Bb123 and Bb151. When co-formulated and assayed against larvae of Galleria mellonella these strains exhibited no synergistic increase in virulence, rather Bb123 usually dominated. This study shows that the success of any strain to infect Galleria is dependent on the dose and method of inoculation (injection versus immersion). The result of co-formulated strains grown on solid culture also showed that usually one strain dominated, i.e., strain displacement could happen both in vivo and in vitro. The speed by which one strain was displaced following successive sub-culturing on PDA partly depended on the ratio of Bb151 and Bb123. The co-formulated inoculum could widen the window over which parent strains would be active on different water activity media. Co-infection did result in heterokaryosis within the Galleria host. Molecular studies also showed that the heterokaryon was not stable and could revert back to the parent strain.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compare the DNA repair capabilities of the entomopathogenic fungus (EPF) bassiana to the EPF Beauveria brongniartii, Beauveria nivea, Metarhizium anisopliae, Paecilomyces farinosus, Verticillium lecanii, and the fungi Aspergillus niger and Neurospora crassa. METHODS AND RESULTS: Germination of B. bassiana conidiospores following ultraviolet (UV) irradiation was used to show that nucleotide excision repair and photoreactivation decrease the post-UV germination delay. These two modes of repair were characterized and compared between the aforementioned EPF, A. niger and N. crassa using a physiological assay where per cent survival post-UV irradiation was scored as colony forming units. CONCLUSIONS: The results showed B. bassiana and M. anisopliae are the most UV-tolerant EPF. The DNA repair capabilities indicated that EPF do not have all DNA repair options available to fungi, such as A. niger and N. crassa. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A key factor detrimental to the survival of EPF in agro-ecosystems is UV light from solar radiation. The EPF literature pertaining to UV irradiation is varied with respect to methodology, UV source, and dose, which prevented comparisons. Here we have characterized the fungi by a standard method and established the repair capabilities of EPF under optimal conditions.  相似文献   

To conduct laboratory experiments aimed at quantifying secondary acquisition of fungal conidia by western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), an efficient assay technique using Beauveria bassiana as the model fungus was developed. Various application protocols were tested and it was determined that the percent mortality did not vary among protocols. Peak mortality of second-instar nymphs, under constant exposure to conidia, occurred 5 days post-inoculation. Second-instar thrips that were exposed to conidia within 24 h of the molt to second instar were more susceptible to Beauveria bassiana than thrips exposed after times greater than 24 h post-molt. Conidia efficacy, which was monitored at 24 h intervals, did not differ significantly within 72 h. A test of the final bioassay system was conducted in a series of assays aimed at determining the LD50 of B. bassiana technical powder against second-instar western flower thrips. It was determined that B. bassiana (strain GHA) is highly effective at very low doses (LD50 of 33-66 conidia/insect).  相似文献   

Growth and development of B. bassiana was followed in four liquid media: peptone, peptone-glucose, glucose and glucose-peptone-yeast extract. Six developmental stages were defined: (I) the unswollen conidium, (II) the swollen conidium, (III) emergence of the germ tube, (IV) elongation of the germ tube and formation of the first septum, (V) polar and bipolar elongation (growth) of the resulting mycelium and initiation of a blastospore and, (VI) seccession of that blastospore. Conidia of B. bassiana produced germ tubes in all liquid media. Blastospores were produced in all liquid media except glucose. In peptone-glucose, the yield of blastospores was four-fold higher than in glucose-peptone-yeast extract. However, biomass production was highest in peptone-glucose-yeast extract.  相似文献   

Adult female western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) were exposed 12-24h to bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and impatiens (Impatiens wallerana) leaf disks treated with Beauveria bassiana conidia and then transferred to clean bean or impatiens at various times post-treatment. Significantly greater levels of fungal infection were observed when thrips were treated on bean versus impatiens, but exposure to impatiens following treatment had no effect on fungal infection (percent mortality). This result, combined with observations of no inhibition of germination of conidia exposed to intact or macerated impatiens foliage, indicated that the negative effect of the impatiens host plant was not due to plant chemical compounds (antibiosis). Further observations revealed that insects acquired (picked-up) 75% more conidia from treated bean disks than from treated impatiens disks. This difference in dose acquisition was determined to account for the observed difference in percent mortality (15%) following treatment on the two host plants. Median lethal doses (LD(50)) of B. bassiana were not significantly different on the two host plants, but median lethal concentrations were nearly 7-fold greater on impatiens. This difference was explained by disproportionate rates of conidial acquisition at measured rates of conidial deposition (an inverse relationship was observed between application rate expressed as conidia/mm(2) and the number of conidia acquired). The mechanism underlying the differential rates of conidial acquisition from bean versus impatiens was not determined.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted to determine the infection sites of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana after ingestion by the larvae of Aedes aegypti. The timing of the host death in relation to larval molting, the principle sites of fungal infection and development in host tissues were studied. Fungal conidiospores (CS) and blastospores (BS) were used separately for treatment of mosquito larvae. Although in most instances CS germinated and developed within the host, in others there was a premature abortion of the fungal development cycle. On the other hand, BS ingested by the larvae showed differences in the fungal development stages in the larval tissues. While the two primary infection sites were the head and the anal region, the most preferred site for fungal development was the larval gut. No more than two cycles of fungal development can occur in the host. Although both CS and BS are effective as larvicides, BS is far more pathogenic.
Résumé Une série d'expériences a été menée afin de déterminer les emplacements d'infection du fongus entomopathogénique Beauveria bassiana (souche GK 2016) lequel avait été ingesté des larves d'Aedes aegypti. On a étudié le moment de la mort des hôtes en relation des mues des larves, les emplacements principaux où se conduit l'infection fongale et le développement du fongus dans des tissus divers d'hôte. On a utilisé les conidiospores (CS) et les blastospores (BS) séparément pour traitement des larves des moustiques. Bien que dans la plupart des cas CS ait germiné et se soit développé chez l'hôte, en d'autres cas, CS a germiné mais n'avait pas produit du BS évidemment grâce à l'avortement prématuré du cycle de développement des fongus chez l'hôte. Le BS qui avait été ingesté dans les larves présentait des stages différents de développement du fongus dans les tissus des larves. Quoique les deux emplacements placements principaux étaient la tête et la région anale, l'emplacement préféré pour le développement du fongus était l'intestin des larves. Nous montrons qu'il n'y a plus de deux cycles de développement du fongus chez l'hôte. Bien que CS et BS soient efficaces comme larvicides, BS est de loin plus pathogène.

This paper presents results on isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana for Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) control. Of the 30 isolates tested, four (CG 71, CG 152, UNIOESTE 4, and UNIOESTE 40) resulted in mortality rates >or= 40% within 10 days. These mortality rates could be considered high because of the resistance of these species to B. bassiana. Tests were conducted using these isolates to estimate LC(50), mortality rate over time, vegetative growth, and conidial production on artificial medium and on insects. Isolates CG 71, CG 152, and UNIOESTE 4 showed the best performance and great potential to be used in an integrated management program in poultry farms to control A. diaperinus. Also, the molecular profiles of 12 isolates were analyzed using the RAPD technique. The high-virulence isolates presented a more homogeneous RAPD pattern than the others. Genetic sequencing of the ITS region was performed for one of the virulent isolates (UNIOESTE 4) and compared with sequences deposited at the NCBI database, confirming its taxonomical position as belonging to B. bassiana Clade A.  相似文献   

The sporulation of 22 total isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana was quantified on cadavers of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus. Conidial production increased significantly over 11 days post-death. Effects of isolates of M. anisopliae and B. bassiana on in vivo sporulation were significant. Although the overall effects of fungal species on in vivo sporulation were not significant, the interactions between fungal species and certain times post-death were significant, indicating different sporulation patterns between the two fungal species. B. bassiana isolates could be categorized into a group with high total sporulation (day 11) and low quick sporulation (on days 2 and 3), while M. anisopliae isolates fell into another group with high quick sporulation and low total sporulation. This could give M. anisopliae an advantage over B. bassiana in termite microbial control due to termite defensive social behaviors. Conidial production was significantly higher in vitro than in vivo. In vitro and in vivo sporulation differed by as much as 89x and 232x among the selected isolates of B. bassiana and M. anisopliae, respectively. Correlation between in vivo and in vitro conidial production was positive and significant. This may allow preliminary in vitro screening of a large number of isolates for high in vivo sporulation.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana, an entomogenous fungus used for the biological control of pest insects, comprises a globally‐distributed species complex of regionally endemic lineages. In order to study the population genetics of B. bassiana, detail species boundaries, conduct ecological studies of natural populations and track fates of experimentally‐released strains, sensitive genetic markers are required. We describe the isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite loci that amplify successfully from strains representative of the phylogenetic diversity in the B. bassiana complex.  相似文献   

Selected morphological and physiological characteristics of four Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin isolates and one Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin isolate, which are highly pathogenic to Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) (Hemiptera: Miridae), were determined. There were significant differences in conidial size, viability, spore production, speed of germination, relative hyphal growth, and temperature sensitivity. Spore viability after incubation for 24h at 20 degrees C ranged from 91.4 to 98.6% for the five isolates tested. Spore production on quarter-strength Sabouraud dextrose agar plus 0.25% (w/v) yeast extract after 10 days incubation at 20 degrees C ranged from 1.6x10(6) to 15.5x10(6)conidia/cm(2). One B. bassiana isolate (ARSEF 1394) produced significantly more conidia than the others. Spore germination was temperature-dependant for both B. bassiana and M. anisopliae. The time required for 50% germination (TG(50)) ranged from 25.0 to 30.9, 14.0 to 16.6, and 14.8 to 18.0h at 15, 22, and 28 degrees C, respectively. Only the M. anisopliae isolate (ARSEF 3540) had significant spore germination at 35 degrees C with a TG(50) of 11.8h. A destructive sampling method was used to measure the relative hyphal growth rate among isolates. Exposure to high temperature (40-50 degrees C) for 10min had a negative effect on conidial viability. The importance of these characteristics in selecting fungal isolates for management of L. lineolaris is discussed.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision is a highly conserved DNA repair pathway for correcting DNA lesions that cause distortion of the double helical structure. The protein heterodimer XPC-Rad23 is involved in recognition of and binding to such lesions. We have isolated full-length cDNAs encoding two different members of the maize Rad23 family. The deduced amino acid sequences of both maize orthologues show a high degree of homology to plant and animal Rad23 proteins. The cDNA encoding maize Rad23A was cloned as an in-frame C-terminal fusion of glutathione S-transferase. This chimera was expressed in Escherichia coli as a soluble protein and purified to homogeneity using glutathione-agarose followed by MonoQ column chromatography. Purified recombinant maize Rad23 protein was used to generate polyclonal antibodies that cross-react with a approximately 48-kDa protein in extracts from plant as well as mammalian cells. The purified recombinant protein and antibodies would be useful reagents to study the biochemistry of nucleotide excision repair in plants.  相似文献   

The position of nucleosomes on DNA participates in gene regulation and DNA replication. Nucleosomes can be repressors by limiting access of factors to regulatory sequences, or activators by facilitating binding of factors to exposed DNA sequences on the surface of the core histones. The formation of UV induced DNA lesions, like cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), is modulated by DNA bending around the core histones. Since CPDs are removed by nucleotide excision repair (NER) and photolyase repair, it is of paramount importance to understand how DNA damage and repair are tempered by the position of nucleosomes. In vitro, nucleosomes inhibit NER and photolyase repair. In vivo, nucleosomes slow down NER and considerably obstruct photoreactivation of CPDs. However, over-expression of photolyase allows repair of nucleosomal DNA in a second time scale. It is proposed that the intrinsic abilities of nucleosomes to move and transiently unwrap could facilitate damage recognition and repair in nucleosomal DNA.  相似文献   

There have been no previous surveys documenting genetic diversity in Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin in Hawaii. We used PCR primers and DNA sequencing to genetically characterize 14 isolates of B. bassiana collected from insects in east Hawaii island (the largest Hawaiian island, known as the ‘Big Island’) and compared these with the ‘GHA’ strain found in the commercial product BotaniGard®. Twelve of the 14 Hawaiian isolates were unique and the GHA strain was not among those isolated from the wild. Our data provides evidence that genetic diversity of B. bassiana in Hawaii is high over small spatial scales.  相似文献   

In non-irrigated agricultural fields in tropical zones, high temperature and water stress prevail during the main cropping season. Natural epizootics of Beauveria bassiana on lepidopteran pests occur during winter. Application of B. bassiana during hot months when pest populations are at their climax may prove an effective management strategy. Therefore, 29 isolates of B. bassiana were tested for their ability to germinate and grow in temperature and water availability conditions prevailing during the pest season in these fields. The effect of temperature cycles with 8 h duration of high temperature fluctuating with 16 h duration of lower temperature (similar to field conditions); low water availability; and a combination of these two stress conditions was studied. Germination and growth assays were done at fluctuating temperature cycles of 32, 35, 38, and 42+/-1 degrees C (8 h)/25+/-1 degrees C (16 h) and in media with water stress created by 10, 20, 30, and 40% polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000). Assays set at a continuous temperature of 25+/-1 degrees C with no PEG in the medium served as controls. Stress was assessed as percentage germination or as growth relative to control. Isolates showing 90% growth relative to the control at temperature cycles including high temperatures of 35 and 38+/-1 degrees C were identified. One isolate (ARSEF 2860) had a thermal threshold above 43 degrees C. At 25 degrees C, all but one isolate of B. bassiana showed >90% growth relative to the control in 10% PEG (-0.45 MPa). Some isolates were found with >90% growth relative to control in medium having 30% PEG with water availability (1.33 MPa), nearly equivalent to that in soils which induce permanent wilting point of plants. When isolates that showed >90% growth relative to the control at both stress conditions, were stressed simultaneously, a decrease in growth was observed. Growth was reduced by approximately 20% at 35+/-1 degrees C (8 h)/25+/-1 degrees C (16 h) and 10% PEG and was affected to a greater degree in combinations of harsher stress conditions. The isolate ARSEF 2860 with a thermal threshold of >43 degrees C showed approximately 80% relative growth at a combined stress of 38+/-1 degrees C (8 h)/25+/-1 degrees C (16 h) and 10% PEG. These findings will aid the selection of isolates for use in field trials in hot or dry agricultural climates.  相似文献   

Second and third instar Chilo partellus larvae were infected with Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae (both at 1x10(8)conidia/ml) and daily consumption of maize leaves was measured. Infection by the fungi was associated with reduced mean daily food consumption. Reduction in food consumption became evident 3-4 days after treatment with the fungi for second instar larvae and 4-5 days for third instar larvae. Four conidial concentrations, 1x10(5), 1x10(6), 1x10(7), and 1x10(8)conidia/ml, were tested against second instar larvae. Food consumption dropped by 70-85% when the second instar larvae were treated with the fungi at 1x10(8)conidia/ml. Reduction in food consumption by C. partellus larvae infected with B. bassiana and M. anisopliae may offset the slow speed of kill of the fungi. The effect of artificial versus natural diets on mortality and mycoses of second instar larvae treated with the fungi at 1x10(8)conidia/ml was determined. Larvae provided with artificial diet suffered little mortality and mycoses than larvae provided with maize leaves. The LT(50) was longer for larvae provided with artificial diet.  相似文献   

Forty-eight isolates of indigenous strains of Beauveria bassiana from various insect hosts collected from Central India were characterised by employing protease zymography and RAPD analysis. Results of protease zymographic profiles were reproducible and significant enough to contribute to the biochemical diversity of this species. RAPD analysis revealed the presence of high level of genetic diversity and indicated that 0-66% significant differences has evolved between these isolates. The sets of amplified bands showing identical pattern to others were grouped at 100% similarity level. A wide range in the value (0.25-1.00) of Jaccard similarity coefficient was observed among all the isolates. The grouping of the indigenous strains, obtained from numerical analysis of these data, appears to be related to the host specificity in B. bassiana. Clear groups were seen for strains isolated from Lepidopteran and Coleopteran insect hosts.  相似文献   

Luz C  Fargues J 《Mycopathologia》1999,146(1):33-41
Mycopathologia - The impact of relative humidity (RH) on the infective potential of the isolate Bb INRA 297 of Beauveriabassiana (Bals.) Vuillemin (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) against first in...  相似文献   

The potential of a strain of Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota: Clavicipitaceae) obtained from a naturally infected Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) pupa as a biological control agent against this weevil was evaluated both in the laboratory and in semi-field assays. Laboratory results indicate that this strain of B. bassiana can infect eggs, larvae and adults of R. ferrugineus (LC50 from 6.3 × 107 to 3.0 × 109 conidia per ml). However, mortality was not the only indicator of treatment efficacy because adults of either sex inoculated with the fungus efficiently transmitted the disease to untreated adults of the opposite sex, with male-to-female and female-to-male rates of transmission of 55% and 60%, respectively. In addition, treatment with B. bassiana significantly reduced fecundity (up to 62.6%) and egg hatching (32.8%) in pairing combinations with fungus-challenged males, females or both sexes. Likewise, 30-35% increase in larval mortality was observed in larvae obtained from eggs from fungus-challenged females or from untreated females coupled with inoculated males, resulting in an overall 78% progeny reduction. Semi-field preventive assays on potted 5-year old Phoenix canariensis palms, with efficacies up to 85.7%, confirmed the potential of this strain as a biological control agent against R. ferrugineus.  相似文献   

Beauveria bassiana has been investigated for use in the biological control of several insects in agricultural practice. To understand the molecular basis of virulence and host specificity and to improve the entomopathogenicity of B. bassiana, we have developed a simple, highly efficient and reliable Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method for B. bassiana using a phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (bar) gene as a selectable marker. Most transformants contained single copies of T-DNA and the T-DNA inserts were stably inherited after five generations. With this highly efficient transformation method for B. bassiana, we also obtained two putative T-DNA-tagged mutants that may have altered growth habits or virulence. Thus, the described protocol could provide a useful tool to manipulate the genetic make-up and to tag genes that may be important for virulence or growth and development of B. bassiana.  相似文献   

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