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Embryogenesis is a long-standing field of interest for plant scientist as recorded in the 'notes' of the French Science Academy. This either with fundamental or applied points of view. Since the beginning of the century techniques and questions have co-evolved, from microscope and fate map to laser ablation and cell-cell signalling. So far in plant embryogenesis, a limited use has been made of the whole range of approaches generally available to study development. This is due to technical limitations when working with plant embryos. Novel mutant screens and techniques are now at hand and are expected to unravel further the nature of cell interactions underlying embryo development. This in turn will modify the focus of our questioning.  相似文献   



Ageing is associated with dysfunction in the humoral response leading to decreased protection against infectious diseases. Defects in T cell function due to age have been well characterized but it is unclear if dysfunctions in antibody responses are due to deficiencies in a helper environment or intrinsic B cell defects. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that aged B lymphocytes are able to differentiate into high affinity antibody-secreting cells at a frequency similar to their young counterparts. However, expansion of B cells in vivo was reduced in aged animals when compared to young.  相似文献   

In sea urchin, unfertilized eggs have a very high level of dCMP-aminohydrolase (dCMPase) activity, which decreases gradually and at the pluteus stage it is only about a quarter of that found in the unfertilized egg. But in abnormal embryos and in disaggregated cells from embryos, no decrease in the dCMPase activity takes place. To understand the control mechanism involved in this enzyme activity during development, we have analyzed the effect of various drugs which interfere with information transfer, such as actinomycin C, puromycin, 5-azacytidine, 2-thio-uracil and p-fluoro-DL-phenylalanine on dCMPase activity in embryos of Paracentrotus lividus and Sphaerechinus granularis. Among these drugs only actinomycin induces a remarkable increase of the dCMPase activity in embryos with respect to unfertilized eggs. Puromycin has a differential and dose-dependent effect. Other drugs, although they affect normal development and macromolecular synthesis, do not significantly alter the dCMPase activity. On the basis of these results we suggest the presence of a repressor mechanism in the control of dCMP-aminohydrolase level during early embryogenesis of sea urchin.  相似文献   

Germins and germin-like proteins (GLPs) are members of a superfamily of proteins widely distributed in plants. Their localization within the extracellular matrix and in some cases their hydrogen peroxide-producing activity suggests that these proteins are involved in cell wall metabolism during stress responses and developmental processes. Several very highly conserved conifer GLPs have been identified in somatic embryo tissues. In order to gain more knowledge on their potential involvement in the development of this particular tissue, we have characterized a new GLP gene, LmGER1 in hybrid larch. Anti-GLP immunserum and in-gel activity analyses suggested the presence of superoxide dismutase activity in apoplastic proteins from larch somatic embryos. These results could indicate a possible role for LmGER1 in this physiological process. The expression of LmGER1 has been followed during the maturation of somatic embryos and in different organs of young plantlets by homologous transformation with a promoter-gus construct. This promoter was activated in the root cap of young embryos and, later on, in the cotyledons and in the vascular procambium and xylem. Furthermore, the importance of this gene in embryo development was evaluated by transforming embryonal masses with a gene construct encoding a hairpin RNA leading to gene silencing. The potential role of LmGER1 in cross-linking of cell wall components is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure and metabolism of membrane glycoprotein carbohydrate units were studied in three clonal strains of contact-deficient mouse L cells as compared with several contact-competent rodent fibroblasts. The L cells appeared deficient in the formation of stable adhesive and communicating contacts. Formation of these contacts could not be induced by artificial adhesion induced by Sendai virus. The absence of functional contacts in L cells was associated with synthesis of incomplete, dialysable fucosyl glycopeptides exposed at the cell surface. Somatic cell hybrids between communication incompetent L cells and mouse leukemia cells synthesized membrane carbohydrates of near-normal size distribution, but these cells remained deficient in functional contacts. However, in hybrids of L cells and normal human fibroblasts or lymphocytes, glycoprotein synthesis and formation of functional contacts were concomitantly restored.  相似文献   

The Fab-7 boundary is required to ensure that the iab-6 and iab-7 cis-regulatory domains in the Drosophila Bithorax complex can function autonomously. Though Fab-7 functions as a boundary from early embryogenesis through to the adult stage, this constitutive boundary activity depends on subelements whose activity is developmentally restricted. In the studies reported here, we have identified a factor, called early boundary activity (Elba), that confers Fab-7 boundary activity during early embryogenesis. The Elba factor binds to a recognition sequence within a Fab-7 subelement that has enhancer-blocking activity during early embryogenesis, but not during mid-embryogenesis or in the adult. We found that the Elba factor is present in early embryos but largely disappears during mid-embryogenesis. We show that mutations in the Elba recognition sequence that eliminate Elba binding in nuclear extracts disrupt the early boundary activity of the Fab-7 subelement. Conversely, we find that early boundary activity can be reconstituted by multimerizing the Elba recognition site.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana primordia timing (pt) mutant was transformed with an AtSERK1::GUS construct. Liquid cultures of this line were used to study the relationship between somatic embryogenesis and the expression of SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (AtSERK1) as a marker for cells competent to form embryos. In order to search for the expression of AtSERK1::GUS during early stages of somatic embryogenesis, histochemical as well as immunochemical approaches were used for the detection of beta-glucuronidase (GUS). Four sites of AtSERK1 expression were found in the embryogenic cultures: in embryogenic callus, where primary somatic embryos developed; in the basal parts of primary somatic embryos; in the outer layers of cotyledons of primary somatic embryos where secondary embryos were formed; and in provascular and vascular strands of developing somatic embryos. The in vitro expression of AtSERK1::GUS coincides with embryogenic development up to the heart-shaped stage. Prior to the expression in embryos, AtSERK1 was expressed in single cells and small cell clusters, indicating that AtSERK1 indeed marks embryogenic competence. Its expression in (pro)vascular strands, suggests that embryogenic cells in tissue culture retain at least in part their original identity.  相似文献   

Summary The cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (35S-CaMV) promoter, which is generally used as a constitutive promoter in plants, is known to be silent during microspore and pollen development. Here we analyzed whether the 35S-CaMV promoter fused to thegus (-glucuronidase) gene can be used as a marker for early sporophytic development in embryogenic microspore cultures of tobacco andBrassica napus. In microspore culture ofB. napus, the 35S-CaMV promoter remained off from the start of embryogenic culture up to the mid-cotyledonary embryo stage. 35S-CaMV promoter activity was only present in those microspores that initiated sporophytic development, but failed to enter embryogenic development. Similar results were also obtained with shed-microspore cultures of tobacco, in which rapid, direct embryogenesis takes place. In isolated-microspore cultures, in which embryogenesis is delayed, an intermitting period of sporophytic development was observed, characterized by extensive 35S-CaMV promoter activity. Therefore, the 35S-CaMV promoter discriminates between two classes of sporophytic development: it is activated in microspores which change fate from gametophytic into (temporarily) nonembryogenic sporophytic development, whereas the promoter is silent in sporophytic microspores that enter embryogenic development directly. This mirrors our observation that the 35S-CaMV promoter is also silent in young zygotic embryos.  相似文献   

At the eight-cell stage of mouse development, the organization of blastomeres changes from radially symmetrical to polarized. This acquisition of cell polarity, followed by asymmetric divisions, leads to the formation of two phenotypically different cell types, which give rise to the first two cell lineages of the mouse blastocyst embryo, trophectoderm and the inner cell mass. Cell fate, controlled by positional information, is not irreversibly fixed during differentiation, providing the embryo with considerable developmental flexibility.  相似文献   

Plant mitochondrial genomes undergo frequent homologous recombination (HR). Ectopic HR activity is inhibited by the HR surveillance pathway, but the underlying regulatory mechanism is unclear. Here, we show that the mitochondrial RNase H1 AtRNH1B impairs the formation of RNA:DNA hybrids (R-loops) and participates in the HR surveillance pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. AtRNH1B suppresses ectopic HR at intermediate-sized repeats (IRs) and thus maintains mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication. The RNase H1 AtRNH1C is restricted to the chloroplast; however, when cells lack AtRNH1B, transport of chloroplast AtRNH1C into the mitochondria secures HR surveillance, thus ensuring the integrity of the mitochondrial genome and allowing embryogenesis to proceed. HR surveillance is further regulated by the single-stranded DNA-binding protein ORGANELLAR SINGLE-STRANDED DNA BINDING PROTEIN1 (OSB1), which decreases the formation of R-loops. This study uncovers a facultative dual targeting mechanism between organelles and sheds light on the roles of RNase H1 in organellar genome maintenance and embryogenesis.

This study clarifies the function of mitochondrial RNase H1 in genome stability and early embryogenesis in plants, and shows that mitochondrial R-loops are involved in homologous recombination surveillance of mtDNA. Facultative re-targeting of the chloroplast RNase H1 protein to mitochondria, in response to cellular conditions, can help guarantee mitochondrial RNase H1 activity.  相似文献   

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