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The effects of Booroola genotype (F+, ++); the number of ovulations per ewe (one, two or three); and the age of a ewe (2.5 yr vs 3.5 to 6.5 yr) on the percentage of ova fertilized, embryo loss and fetal loss were examined in Booroola x South Australian Merino ewes slaughtered on Days 4, 21 and 90 after insemination. Ewes slaughtered on Day 90 were examined by real-time ultrasound imaging (RUI) on Day 45. Fertilization failure was independent of ewe genotype, ovulation rate and age of ewe, and it was not an important source of wastage (F+, 9.4%; ++, 6.7%). Most embryo loss occurred during the first 21 d (F+, 54.7%; ++, 40.3%). Interpretation of the effects of genotype and ovulation rate on embryo wastage measured on Days 21, 45 and 90 was obscured by significant (P < 0.05) genotype and ovulation rate interactions with the day of slaughter/RUI. The effect of age on embryo loss was not significant (P > 0.05). Reasons for the high rate of wastage observed in this experiment require further study.  相似文献   

A total of 15 blue fox vixens aged 1–6 years were mated, 12 once on the first day of estrus and three a second time 48 hr after the first mating, and were killed 4 hr to 8 days following mating. Ova were collected from the oviducts, evaluated by stereomicroscopy, and studied by transmission (TEM; N = 49, 12 vixens) or scanning (SEM, N = 11, three vixens) electron microscopy. At 0–3 days after ovulation, the ova had not cleaved and were at different stages of meiotic maturation. In about one-half of these ova, representing all stages of meiotic maturation, a decondensing sperm head without nuclear envelope or a small pronucleus with partial nuclear envelope was observed. No clear relationship was found between maternal meiotic stage and the stage of paternal pronucleus formation. Sperm tails were never identified in the ooplasm. Cortical granules were released after sperm penetration at early stages of meiotic maturation. Thus the block against polyspermic penetration was activated during maturation of the oocyte. The first two-cell stage appeared 4 days after ovulation (3 days after mating), the first four-cell stage the following day (day 5), and the first eight-cell stage 6 days after ovulation (5 days after mating). In a single vixen mated late (7 days postovulation) two- to four-cell stages appeared the following day (day 8). This indicates that the time required for the first cleavage division decreases with increasing interval from ovulation to mating. The development of a functional nucleolus with fibrillar centers and fibrillar and granular components at the eight-cell stage indicates activation of embryonic RNA synthesis in fox embryos at the six- to eight-cell stage, suggesting that the embryonic genome is activated at this stage. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The embryos of ewes were killed with colchicine on Day 17 of gestation and the ewes were mated at the subsequent oestrus. Fertility was reduced at this mating, and fewer spermatozoa were found in the uterus and oviducts than in control animals. The total number of spermatozoa in the cervix and their distribution between the lumen and walls of the cervix were not altered, but the linear distribution along the cervical walls was changed. The density of the reamining spermatozoa in the control animals after flushing the cervix showed a progressive decrease from the posterior to the anterior segments. This did not occur in the untreated ewes. It seems likely that impaired sperm transport contributed to the lowered fertility.  相似文献   

The fertility enhancing effects of semen were examined following the intra-uterine insemination of killed spermatozoa plus seminal plasma 17 d prior to insemination with viable spermatozoa. Three experiments were conducted: two on 1.5-yr old and 2.5 to 5.5 yr-old Booroola Merino x South Australian Merino ewes in 1986 and one on 1.5 yr-old ewes in 1987. Differences between treatment and control groups for the percentage of ewes exhibiting estrus by Days 21 and 35 following fertile insemination, the percentage of ewes with viable embryos at Day 35, the number and weight of viable embryos per ewe, the nubmer of caruncular implantation sites and the progesterone level were not statistically significant (P>0.05). There were no statistically significant treatment by experiment interactions for any of the variables examined. Inflammation and edema of the endometrial tissue was not observed following the presensitization treatment.  相似文献   

Fertilization in the clear egg (1 mm in diameter) of the ctenophore Beroe ovata and, in particular, the positioning and movements of pronuclei, and their relationship to the larval oral-aboral axis have been observed. Fertilization can take place anywhere on the egg surface. The sperm pronucleus remains at its entry site and becomes surrounded by a specialized zone (30–50 μm in diameter) beneath the surface referred to as the sperm pronuclear zone or SPZ and devoid of large cortical granules. Polyspermy has been observed to be frequent; each pronucleus is surrounded by its own SPZ. Only the egg pronucleus migrates with a continuous velocity (averaging 18 μm/min) and moves beneath the surface directly toward the immobile sperm pronucleus. In polyspermic eggs, the egg pronucleus can probe several SPZ, each containing a single sperm nucleus, before it finally enters one SPZ and fuses with the chosen sperm pronucleus. These migrations of the egg pronucleus occur over several millimeters and take hours, but the mechanism underlying the motion or how the egg pronucleus decides which SPZ to enter is not yet known. Under our experimental conditions the mitotic apparatus and the first cleavage plane which defines the oral-aboral axis of the larva (see Reverberi (1971). “Experimental Embryology of Marine and Fresh-Water Invertebrates.” North-Holland, Amsterdam. for review) pass through the point of sperm entry. During fertilization and cleavage, movements of a cortical autofluorescent material are clearly seen. This material is segregated into micromeres as cleavage progresses.  相似文献   

Fertilization and early embryonic mitoses of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus were examined by fluorescence staining of whole-mount as well as squash preparations. Egg meiosis occurs near the ventral surface of the egg, while sperm transforms into a sperm pronucleus in the cytoplasmic island on the dorsal side. After meiosis, the egg pronucleus moves across the egg toward the sperm pronucleus in the island, where union of these nuclei occurs. The first cleavage mitosis is gonomeric, as in insects such as Pyrrhocoris, Drosophila, and Bombyx. After the third cleavage the synchrony of nuclear division is lost and the dividing nuclei are distributed all over the egg by 12 h after deposition.  相似文献   

In 1990, two selection lines of Merino sheep were established for low and high behavioural reactivity (calm and nervous temperament) at the University of Western Australia. Breeding records consistently showed that calm ewes weaned 10% to 19% more lambs than the nervous ewes. We hypothesise that calm ewes could have a higher ovulation rate than nervous ewes and/or calm ewes could have a lower rate of embryo mortality than nervous ewes. We tested these hypotheses by comparing the ovulation rate and the rate of embryo mortality between the calm and nervous lines before and after synchronisation and artificial insemination. Merino ewes from the temperament selection lines (calm, n=100; nervous, n=100) were synchronised (early breeding season) for artificial insemination (day 0) (intravaginal sponges containing fluogestone acetate and eCG immediately after sponge withdrawal). On day-17 and 11 ovarian cyclicity and corpora lutea, and on days 30 and 74 pregnancies and embryos/foetuses were determined by ultrasound. Progesterone, insulin and leptin concentrations were determined in blood plasma samples from days 5, 12 and 17. Ovarian cyclicity before and after oestrus synchronisation did not differ between the lines, but ovulation rate did (day-17: calm 1.63; nervous 1.26; P<0.01; day 11: calm 1.83; nervous 1.57; P<0.05). Ovulation rate on day 11 in nervous ewes was higher than on day-17. Loss of embryos by day 30 was high (calm: 71/150; nervous: 68/130); but nervous ewes had a lower proportion (15/47) of multiple pregnancies compared with calm ewes (30/46; P<0.01). Reproductive loss between days 30 and 74 represented 7.3% of the overall loss. Temperament did not affect concentrations of progesterone, but nervous ewes had higher insulin (32.0 pmol/l±1.17 SEM; P=0.013) and lower leptin (1.18 μg/l±0.04 SEM; P=0.002) concentrations than calm ewes (insulin: 27.8 pmol/l±1.17 SEM; leptin: 1.35 μg/l±0.04 SEM). The differences in reproductive outcomes between the calm and nervous ewes were mainly due to a higher ovulation rate in calm ewes. We suggest that reproduction in nervous ewes is compromised by factors leading up to ovulation and conception, or the uterine environment during early pregnancy, that reflect differences in energy utilisation.  相似文献   

Windsor DP 《Theriogenology》1995,43(6):1009-1018
The experiments described examined the effects of a number of factors on the level of uterine insemination achieved in Merino ewes by a transcervical insemination technique (Guelph system for transcervical artificial insemination; GST-AI). Cervical penetration rate is an important limitation to the use of such methods in Merinos. Simulated insemination was performed to estimate the proportion of ewes in which a pipette could be passed through the cervix to the uterus. In Experiment 1, cervical penetration rate (n = 14 to 30) was unaffected by an increase in postpartum interval at AI from 12 to 26 wk. The results of cervical penetration for individual ewes were found to be repeatable (P < 0.05). Experiment 2 (197 ewes) revealed a clear effect of ewe parity on penetration rates in hormonally synchronized ewes during the nonbreeding season (P < 0.05). In Experiment 3, estrus synchronization using progestagen (n = 51) or prostaglandin (n = 50) did not affect penetration rate. The penetration rate was slightly higher in the naturally cycling ewes, but the difference was not significant. Comparison of ewes from Experiments 2 and 3 suggests the possibility of a major effect of stage of the breeding season on the penetration rate (P < 0.05). It is concluded that ewe selection and management techniques may be used to increase the proportion of transcervical insemination attempts resulting in uterine insemination. However, fertility testing will be required to determine whether such improvements translate into correspondingly increased pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

The paper presents an example of a new type of a structured model containing time delays in parallel branches. This model was selected as optimal to describe mathematically the lymphocyte migration between the venous blood and prescapular lymph in Merino ewes under physiological conditions. The model allowed to identify and quantify several lymphocyte fractions exhibiting different migration dynamics.  相似文献   

Ewes that had been separated from their lambs for several hours were each presented with a choice between three anaesthetized lambs, one of which was the ewe's own. Each lamb was in a separate cage adjacent to a passage-way in which the ewe was free to move. The ability of the ewe to select her own lamb was equally good whether the head or the tail region of the lamb was placed against the corridor for examination at close-quarters, but when the lamb was 0.25 m from the corridor, very few ewes appeared able to find their own lambs. Although the ewes displayed less interest in the lamb's head than in the tail region, the head, as well as the tail, appears to provide the ewe with close-quarter clues, presumably olfactory, to the identity of the lamb.  相似文献   

To investigate the factors contributing to the different ovulation rates observed in two strains of sheep (Booroola 5.2, Merino 1.2), in-vivo monitoring of follicular kinetics followed by histological examination of both ovaries was performed during the late luteal and follicular phases. Ewes of both strains were either ovariectomized at Day 13, or had the 3 largest follicles of each ovary ink-labelled at Day 13 and were ovariectomized at Day 15, or had the 3 largest follicles of each ovary ink-labelled at Days 13 and 15 and were ovariectomized 16 h after the beginning of oestrus (N = 6 per time per strain). In another experiment, the age effects on the follicular populations of these two strains were also studied. There were 2-4 times more primordial follicles and 1.5-2 times more preantral follicles in the ovaries of Booroola than in control Merino ewes, although the number of antral follicles was the same. The percentage of normal follicles in this population was higher in Merino than Booroola ovaries. In Booroola ewes, there was no correlation between the number of antral follicles per ovary and the ovulation rate at the previous cycle (r = 0.22). This suggests that follicle numbers do not play a key role in the high ovulation rate of the Booroola strain. The number of follicles initiating growth from the primordial pool, the number of growing follicles disappearing at the preantral stage, the pattern of antrum development, granulosa cell multiplication and appearance of atresia differed between strains. The reasons for the high ovulation rate of the Booroola strain became clear when preovulatory enlargement was followed by ink labelling. An extended period of time during which recruitment of ovulatory follicles takes place, together with a low incidence of selection and the ability of the follicles to wait for ovulation are the features involved in this high ovulation rate.  相似文献   

An option to increase the productivity of saline land is to graze sheep on salt-tolerant plants, which, during the summer/autumn period, can contain 20% to 25% of their dry matter as salt. This study assessed the impact of coping with high dietary salt loads on the reproductive performance of grazing ewes. From the time of artificial insemination until parturition, 2-year-old maiden Merino ewes were fed either a high-salt diet (NaCl 13% of dry matter) or control diet (NaCl 0.5% of dry matter). Pregnancy rates, lamb birth weights, milk composition and the plasma concentrations of hormones related to salt and water balance, and energy metabolism were measured. Leptin and insulin concentrations were lower (1.4 ± 0.09 v. 1.5 ± 0.12 ng/ml; (P < 0.05) and 7.2 ± 0.55 v. 8.2 ± 0.83 ng/ml; P < 0.02) in response to high-salt ingestion as was aldosterone concentration (27 ± 2.7 v. 49 ± 5.4 pg/ml; P < 0.05), presumably to achieve salt and water homeostasis. Arginine vasopressin concentration was not significantly affected by the diets, but plasma concentration of T3 differed during gestation (P < 0.02), resulting in lower concentrations in the high-salt group in the first third of gestation (1.2 ± 0.18 v. 1.3 ± 0.14 pmol/ml) and higher concentrations in the final third of gestation (0.8 ± 0.16 v. 0.6 ± 0.06 pmol/ml). T4 concentration was lower in ewes ingesting high salt for the first two-thirds of pregnancy (162 ± 8.6 v. 212 ± 13 ng/ml; P < 0.001). No substantial effects of high salt ingestion on pregnancy rates, lamb birth weights or milk composition were detected.  相似文献   

This is an update of a previous review (Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2:969-974) in which we discussed recent work attempting to understand the sequence of inductive interactions responsible for establishing the body plan of the early embryo. As before, we concentrate on inductive interactions in amphibian embryos, where significant progress has been made in the past two years. In this update, however, we also consider recent embryological data obtained with amniote embryos such as the chick, together with complementary data provided by genetic analyses of mouse and Drosophila development.  相似文献   

Abi Salloum B  Claus R 《Theriogenology》2005,63(8):2181-2193
A study with 93 German Merino ewes was performed from January until the end of March to clarify the relative importance of lactation, photoperiodism and ram effect on cyclic activity and lambing data. Ovarian activity was registered by progesterone concentrations in blood plasma three times weekly. Half of the ewes were kept under supplemental light (20 h/day) for the last 6 weeks of lactation and additionally 3 weeks post-weaning, the other half were kept under natural photoperiod but were weaned simultaneously. Thereafter, light was reduced to natural photoperiod and rams were introduced to half of the ewes, of both light reduced and photoperiod group. Ewes entered cyclicity during lactation gradually, but at weaning 56% of photoperiod ewes and 53% of supplemental light ewes were still acyclic. After weaning, resumption of cyclic activity before ram introduction was more pronounced (P<0.05) in the photoperiod group (75% cyclic) than in the supplemental light group (51% cyclic). Ram introduction led to cyclicity in all ewes. Light reduction without ram slightly increased cyclicity but 57% were still acyclic. In the photoperiod group without ram no ewe entered cyclicity and two ewes even ceased cycling again. Data show that German Merinos still have a remarkable lactational anoestrus but are extremely sensitive to ram. Light reduction has no direct effect on cyclicity but is likely to contribute to the elevated ovulation rate so that a combination with the ram effect led to a higher lambing rate (1.94) compared to photoperiod and ram (1.55).  相似文献   

Ewes are commonly superovulated with a single dose of eCG or multiple doses of pFSH. It would be convenient and less expensive to use a single dose of FSH, but results of various trials have been controversial. We wished to investigate ovarian dynamics using ultrasonography after superovulation with a single dose of pFSH and hMG as compared with a single dose of eCG. Estrus was synchronized during the breeding season with fluorogestone acetate-containing intravaginal sponges in adult German Merino ewes (n = 38). They were superovulated with single doses of pFSH (17 mg; n = 10), hMG (600 IU FSH and 600 IU LH; n = 9) or eCG (1250 IU; n = 10) given at the time of sponge removal, or pFSH (17 mg; n = 9) given 36h before sponge removal. Follicular and luteal development were observed by ultrasonic scanning every 8 h from the gonadotrophin injection until the end of estrus, and then once daily until Day 6 after estrus. Jugular venous blood was collected starting immediately before and 1 h after superovulation treatment, then twice daily until the end of estrus and once daily for the following 7 days. Concentrations of estradiol-17beta (E2) and progesterone (P4) were measured in plasma. Differences in the follicular dynamics of the 4 superovulation groups were obvious. The functional duration of the pFSH action was estimated to last approximately 48 h, whereas eCG and hMG were active for up to 72 h. The diameter of the ovulatory follicles proved to be smaller than it was described for unstimulated ewes. Single applications of pFSH or hMG can induce a superovulatory response, although the post-estrus progesterone profile revealed a high premature luteal regression rate in the different superovulation groups. Premature corpus luteum regression could not be seen by ultrasonography at this early stage of the luteal phase, indicating that the technique may fail to detect these corpora lutea in an embryo transfer program. However, ultrasonography represents a suitable method to observe follicular dynamics following different superovulation regimens in sheep.  相似文献   

A nutritional strategy for increasing lamb survival in Merino ewes mated in late spring/early summer was evaluated in a commercial flock over two consecutive years (Year 1, n=680; Year 2, n=325). The strategy combined the `ram effect' to synchronise oestrus and hence parturition, plus supplementary feeding of lupin grain for 14 days in the expected early post-parturient period. Supplementary lupin feeding commenced 12 days after the expected start of lambing. Lambing was highly synchronised over a 14-day period commencing 17–19 days after the expected start of lambing, in both years. Supplementary feeding did not affect lamb birthweight in either year but subsequent increases in weight were observed at weaning in Year 1 (1.4 kg; P=0.06) and tail docking in Year 2 (1.3 kg; P<0.05). Lamb survival was increased by 7 lambs per 100 ewes exposed to rams in both years. (Year 1 at weaning, NS; Year 2 at tail docking, P<0.001). It was concluded that the strategy improved both lamb survival and lamb performance possibly due to an effect of lupin supplementation on colostrum and subsequent milk production.  相似文献   

The presence of a fecundity gene (F) in Booroola Merino ewes increases the ovulation rate. To test how F gene expression affects the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) concentration in hypothalamic or extrahypothalamic regions of the brain, GnRH was measured by radioimmunoassay in acetic acid extracts of various brain tissues from Booroola ewes which were homozygous (FF), heterozygous (F+) or non-carriers (++) of the F gene. The GnRH concentration in brain tissues from FF, F+ and ++ animals which had been ovariectomized 5 months previously was also evaluated. No significant F gene-specific differences were noted in any of the brain areas tested, in intact or ovariectomized animals. However, in ovariectomized ewes, the concentrations of GnRH increased about 2-fold in the median eminence of the hypothalamus, remained unchanged in the medial basal hypothalamus and dropped to less than 10% of the values in intact ++ animals in the preoptic area. These studies suggest that the changed pituitary sensitivity and increased gonadotrophin release in Booroolas carrying the F gene(s) is not attributable to increased hypothalamic GnRH concentrations in these animals.  相似文献   

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