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Second-stage larvae of Rhizonema sequoiae Cid del Prado Vera et al. developed into adult females in 6 months or adult males in 3 - 4 months on roots of Sequoia sempervirens maintained in a growth chamber at 16 C with a 12-hour light period. Under these conditions the second-stage larvae increased in diameter, the central cells of the genital primordium increased in size, and their nuclei enlarged. Mesenchymal cells accumulated in the esophageal and tail regions. Second-stage larvae become third-stage males or females 2 months after inoculation of redwood roots. Their sex could be distinguished by the ratio of length to width of the genital primordium, 3.4 for males and 1.6 for females. The stylet in both sexes became slender, the median bulb became robust and almost spherical, and rings of punctation on the cuticle were evident. Fourth-stage females developed in 3 months from the time of inoculation, and fourth-stage males in slightly less time. At this stage the females were more swollen than the males, the rectum was conspicuous, their reproductive system was in the process of elongation, and the annulation of the cuticle was more evident. The ratio of males to females was 2.3. Mature females were completely inside the roots and did not form cysts. The cuticle was entirely annulated, and the first eggs were detected inside the female 4 months after inoculation and started the production of abundant gelatin-like material. The new generation of second-stage larvae hatched inside the female 2 months after she matured, completing the life cycle in 8 months. The redwood nematode also completed its life cycle in 8 months under greenhouse conditions, but the ratio of males to females increased to 7.4. The entire nematode population died out at 25 C after 6 months. In a Marin County, California, forest, where this nematode occurs naturally, the temperature averaged only 9 C over the November to June period of this study, and the redwood nematode reached the fourth stage with a male-to-female ratio of 1.8.  相似文献   

Tylenchocriconema alleni n.g.n.sp, is described from soil about roots of a bromeliad from Guatemala City, Guatemala. It has characteristics of both the Tylenchoidea and Criconematoidea. Tylenchocriconematidae, n. fam., and Tylenchocriconematoidea, n. superfam., are proposed to express the relationship of this species to other taxa. Tylenchulidae and Paratylenchidae are considered closely related, and Tylenchulidoidea, n. rank, is proposed to indicate their relationship.  相似文献   

Second-stage larvae of Rehizonma sequoiae Cid del Prado Vera et al. tunnel through the cortex of the redwood Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl. root to the vascular tissue where each developing female induces a single ovoid or occasionally spherical giant cell with a single ovoid to spherical nucleus containing one to four enlarged nucleoli. Nematode tunnels are filled with a gel material and often contain second-stage larvae and males. There is tissue necrosis around females, and cortical tissue is destroyed after infection by many second-stage larvae. R. sequoiae females developed to maturity on S. sempervirens, Acer macrophyllum Pursh, AInus rhombifolia Nutt., Libocedrus decurrens Torr, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, and Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) Decne. In the Marin County, California, forest mature females were also found naturally infecting Lithocarpus densiflorus (Hook &Arn.) Rehd., Umbellularia californica (Hook &Arn.) Nutt., and Arbutus menziesii Pursh.  相似文献   

Chromonema heliothidis n. gen., n. sp. is described as an entomophilic nematode of Heliothis zea and other lepidopterous larvae; the diagnosis of the family Steinernermatidae is emended. In most morphological and host-parasite features, this nematode is similar to neoaplectanid nematodes; however, males are different in having a peloderan bursa and straight to slightly curved spicules. Although the infective-stage juveniles only give rise to hermaphrodites, the nematode is heterogonic, with both males and females being produced in the second generation. Parasitized hosts are brick-red in color and luminescent in the dark because of the association of a chromogenic, bioluminescent bacterium with the nematode. The nematode is capable of parasitizing a wide range of insects with lepidopterous larvae being most susceptible.  相似文献   

Gastromermis kolleonis n. sp. (Nematoda: Mermithidae) is described from the Arroyo Saldan River in Córdoba, Argentina. This species parasitizes midges of the genus Chironomus (Chironomidae: Diptera). It is distinguished from other members of the genus by the presence of six longitudinal chords, vulval flaps, degree of ventral displacement of the mouth, and size and shape of the spicule and amphids.  相似文献   

The nematode Drilomermis leioderma n. gen., n. sp. (Merrnithidae) is described from larvae of Cybister fimbriolatus (Say) (Dytiscidae: Coleoptera) in Louisiana. Diagnostic characters of the genus Drilomermis are: medium-sized nematodes with the cuticle appearing smooth (lacking cross fibers) under the light microscope, six cephalic papillae, without mouth papillae, six hypodermal cords at midbody, 2 extremely long spicules (longer than 10 times body width at anus) which are separate and parallel (not twisted), an S-shaped vagina, medium-sized amphids located near head papillae, and postparasitic juvenile with a tail appendage. D. leioderma possesses a ventrally displaced mouth, very long vagina, and male genital papillae arranged in 3 double rows in the vicinity of the cloacal opening. Even when containing multiple parasites, about 40% of the hosts sulwived emergence of the memithids and lived several more days. In nature, some of these hosts may be able to continue their development, which is unusual since most mermithid-parasitized hosts die soon after the nematode emerges.  相似文献   

Dolichodorus aestuarius n. sp. from an estuarine habitat near Cedar Key, Florida is described. This nematode has a stylet range of 62-76 μm in females and 60-72 μm in males. The stylet is shorter than those of all described species except D. brevistilus. The probable host plant is Juncus roemerianus.  相似文献   

A new species of Trichodoridae, Trichodorus elefjohnsoni, is described from undisturbed regions of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, United States. It resembles T. orientalis De Waele &Hashim, 1984, T. persicus De Waele &Sturhan, 1987, and T. taylori De Waele, Mancini, Roca, '' Lamberti, 1982 in arrangement of ventromedian cervical papillae and posterior preanal supplements, but differs by combinations of the following characteristics: body length 516-731 μm; spicule length 33-50 μm, spicules densely striated, constricted medially; vaginal sclerotizations ovate; one pair of lateral body pores near vulva.  相似文献   

Antarctylus humus n. gen., n. sp. from peat soil in the subantarctic is proposed. It can be distinguished from the most closely related genus Helicotylenchus by the arrangement of the esophageal glands, the broadly rounded lip region, and the tapering pointed tail in the female.  相似文献   

Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nemata) was extracted from sediment collected off the coast of Brazil at a depth of approximately 1,000 m. Although the food of this new nematode is unknown, the reduction of the stoma and esophagus and presence of a trophosome indicate that it is parasitic in its juvenile stages. Thalassomermis megaraphis n. gen., n. sp. is assigned to Mermithidae because of its similarity to that family in the appearance of the cephalic sensory receptors, the long and tubular vagina, and copulatory muscles of the male extending posteriorly throughout most of the length of the tail. Thalassomermis megamphis n. gen., n. sp. differs from all other members of Mermithidae by the large, lenticular, intracuticular amphidial fovea with coiled, emergent terminal filaments as well as the small amphidial aperture situated over the center of the fovea.  相似文献   

Although crown wetting events can increase plant water status, leaf wetting is thought to negatively affect plant carbon balance by depressing photosynthesis and growth. We investigated the influence of crown fog interception on the water and carbon relations of juvenile and mature Sequoia sempervirens trees. Field observations of mature trees indicated that fog interception increased leaf water potential above that of leaves sheltered from fog. Furthermore, observed increases in leaf water potential exceeded the maximum water potential predicted if soil water was the only available water source. Because field observations were limited to two mature trees, we conducted a greenhouse experiment to investigate how fog interception influences plant water status and photosynthesis. Pre-dawn and midday branchlet water potential, leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured on S. sempervirens saplings exposed to increasing soil water deficit, with and without overnight canopy fog interception. Sapling fog interception increased leaf water potential and photosynthesis above the control and soil water deficit treatments despite similar dark-acclimated leaf chlorophyll fluorescence. The field observations and greenhouse experiment show that fog interception represents an overlooked flux into the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum that temporarily, but significantly, decouples leaf-level water and carbon relations from soil water availability.  相似文献   

A new, monotypic genus and species in the subfamily Mesorhabditinae is described and illustrated. The primary character which separates the species and genus from all others in the Rhabditidae is a lip region with six set-off and well-separated liplets of two alternating shapes. Other diagnostic characters are transverse and fine longitudinal body striations, cuticular micropores, a prismatic prostom, well-developed esophageal collar, and three denticles on each metarhabdion. Males have a peloderan, open bursa bearing two pre- and seven post-anal bursal papillae, fused spicules over 50 μm long, and paired diverticulate cement glands associated with the vas deferens.  相似文献   

Two new species of nematodes from southern Chile are described and illustrated. Pratylenchus australis n. sp. is distinguished by its heavy cephalic sclerotization, smooth tail terminus, lack of spermatheca, and absence of males. Eutylenchus fueguensis n. sp. differs from other Eutylenchus spp. by the long female stylet (31 [28-32] μm), strongly sclerotized excretory duct opening posterior to nerve ring, and broadly rounded caudal alae of males.  相似文献   

The esophageal glands in the genus Pratylenchus occur in a large, single ventral lobe except for four populations in which a few specimens had the glands located dorsally. Apratylenchoides belli n. gen. n. sp. in the subfamily Radopholinae is proposed for a species having two esophageal glands in a large dorsal lobe and one gland in a smaller, shorter ventral lobe.  相似文献   

A nematode isolated from the termite Reticulitermes flavipes (Koller) was identified and described as a new genus and species, Neosteinernema longicurvicauda. Primary distinguishing characters, by contrast to members of the genus Steinernema, were females having prominent phasmids, a curved tail longer than the body width at the anus, a spiral shape in juvenile-bearing females, and juveniles becoming infective-stage juveniles before emerging from the female; males having prominent phasmids, a digitate tail tip, a characteristic shape of the spicules (foot-shaped with a hump on the dorsal side), and 13-14 pairs of genital papillae, with eight pairs preanal; and infective juveniles having prominent phasmids and a filiform curved tail as long as the esophagus. Adult nematodes are found outside the termite cadaver. Diagnosis of the family Steinernematidae was emended to accommodate the new species.  相似文献   

Discocriconemella inaratus n. sp. from Iowa prairies is characterized by a single offset disk-shaped head annule which is often discontinuous, a sigmoid vagina, a stylet length of 51-61 μm, and 77-100 smooth body annules. Criconemoides inusitatus n. sp. from Iowa woodlands is characterized by two offset head annules, a "closed" vulva, a straight vagina, no overlapping anterior vulva lip, a stylet length of 42-50 μm, and 71-86 smooth body annules.  相似文献   

Pratylenchoides hispaniensis n. sp. is described and illustrated from a bisexual population found in a natural habitat at Santa Elena, Jaen, central Spain. Its main distinctive characters are very long esophageal gland lobe (81-117 μm; N'' = 51-71) overlapping the intestine 3 to 5 times the body width; lateral field with six incisures; stylet knobs sloping posteriorly; labial disc encircled by the irregular sectors of the first annule; tail cylindrical, extremity annulated, and frequently with a slight dorsal indentation of the hyaline portion at the end of the lateral field. Pratylcnchoides hispaniensis n. sp. appears closely related to P. megalobatus and P. nevadensis. It differs from the former primarily by its longer body length (761-998 vs. 430-621 μm), longer stylet length (20.5-24.4 vs. 18-21 μm), six incisures in the lateral field vs. four for P. megalobatus, and posteriorly sloping stylet knobs vs. rounded or anteriorly flattened knobs in P. megalobatus. It differs from P. nevadensis mainly by the shape of the stylet knobs (sloping in P. hispaniensis vs. rounded in P. nevadensis), length of esophageal lobe (81-117 vs. 34-82 μm), and position of esophageal gland nuclei (all posterior to esophago-intestinal junction in P. hispaniensis vs. at least one nucleus anterior to junction in P. nevadensis).  相似文献   

Paktylenchus tuberosus gen.n., sp.n. is described and illustrated from soil around Solanum tuberosum from Kaghan Valley, Pakistan. Paktylenchus gen.n, can be distinguished from the most closely related genus, Agelenchus Andrassy, 1954, by the distinct longitudinal striae, three incisures in the lateral field, and absence of males. Paktylenchus tuberosus shows affinities to Coslenchus Siddiqi, 1978 but differs in having an oblique vagina-to-body axis and a prominent sunken vulva with vulval flaps. Four genera of the subfamily Tylenchinae are also discussed herein.  相似文献   

Sauertylenchus labiodiscus n. gem, n. sp. is described and illustrated from soil around Rhagodia sp. in Australia. It can be distinguished from the most closely related genus Tylenchorhynchus Cobb, 1913 by the distinctly set-off, rounded, lip region with a conspicuous labial disc, and long thin stylet. The face view and spicules of Sauertylenchus labiodiscus are illustrated with scanning electron micrographs. The subfamilies Tylenchorhynchinae and Merlininae ale discussed.  相似文献   

Hexamermis cathetospiculae n. sp. (Mermithidae: Nematoda), a parasite of the rice stemborer, Tryporyza incertulas (Wlk.), is described. This mermithid was observed to control the stemborer in Malaysia. It is distinguished from other members of the genus by the shape of the vagina, the nearly straight spicules, and the form of the amphids.  相似文献   

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