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The influence of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices (Gi) and superphosphate (P) on penetration, development, and reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita (Mi) was studied on the Mi-susceptible cotton cultivar Stoneville 213 in an environmental chamber at 28 C. Plants were inoculated with Mi eggs at planting or after 28 days and destructively sampled 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after nematode inoculation. Mi penetration after 7 days was similar in all treatments at either inoculation interval. At 28 days, however, nematode numbers were least in mycorrhizal root systems and greatest in root systems grown with supplemental P. The rate of development of second-stage juveniles to ovipositing females was unaffected by Gi or P when Mi was added at planting, but was delayed in mycorrhizal root systems when Mi was added 28 days after planting. Nematode reproduction was lower in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal root systems at both Mi inoculation intervals. Nematode reproduction was stimulated by P when Mi was added at planting, but was similar to reproduction in the low P nonmycorrhizal treatment when Mi was added 28 days after planting. Eggs per female were increased by P fertility when Mi was added at planting.  相似文献   

The numbers of Meloidogyne incognita larvae which migrated from cotton roots declined over a 16-day period, but the difference in numbers migrating from resistant and susceptible cultivars was not significant. Larvae penetrated susceptible roots, matured, and reproduced within 14 days following inoculation, whereas nematode development in the resistant roots was greatly retarded. Three types of histological responses were observed in infected, resistant roots, and these correlated with the degree of nematode development. Some galls were examined which contained only fragments of nematodes; others contained no detectable traces of developing larvae. Formation of druses in galls, but not in healthy tissue, was noted in both cultivars 20 days after inoculation. Massive invasion of roots resulted in deep longitudinal fissures of root cortex.  相似文献   

Growth and yield of cotton were best with combinations of fumigants and organophosphate and carbamate nematicides. Organophosphates or carbamates used alone did not give season-long control of root-knot nematodes. Long-term control was poor because the temporary sublethal effects of these materials diminished soon enough lhat the nematodes could reproduce. The nematodes survived the treatments and a year of nonhost culture, and damaged a susceptible host crop 2 years after treatment. No such damage occurred in plots treated with fumigant, fumigant plus organophosphate, or fumigant plus carbamate. Treatment of seed and treatment of cotton, either in furrow at planting or sidedressing at midseason, with organophosphate and carbamate nematicides resulted in little or no yield increase, because nematode control was only minimal and temporary; or in a yield decrease, because the toxicity of the materials was manifested when nematode populations were low.  相似文献   

Cotton plants resistant to Meloidogyne incognita had roots characterized by fewer and smaller galls, and females that produced fewer egg masses containing fewer eggs than did susceptible plants. Many galls on resistant roots contained no nematodes at the time of examination. Penetration of the resistant cultivar was equal to that of the susceptible cultivar and independent of the number of nematodes in the inoculum. Fewer nematodes penetrated resistant or susceptible plants with eight leaves than those with fewer leaves. Reciprocal grafts of resistant and susceptible plants failed to confer resistance or susceptibility to the rootstock.  相似文献   

A series of controlled-environment experiments were conducted to elucidate the effects of Meloidogyne incognita on host physiology and plant-water relations of two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) cultivars that differed in their susceptibility to nematode infection. Inoculation of M. incognita-resistant cultivar Auburn 634 did not affect growth, stomatal resistance, or components of plant-water potential relative to uninoculated controls. However, nematode infection of the susceptible cultivar Stoneville 506 greatly suppressed water flow through intact roots. This inhibition exceeded 28% on a root-length basis and was similar to that observed as a consequence of severe water stress in a high evaporative demand environment. Nematodes did not affect the components of leaf water potential, stomatal resistance, transpiration, or leaf temperature. However, these factors were affected by the interaction of M. incognita and water stress. Our results indicate that M. incognita infection may alter host-plant water balance and may be a significant factor in early-season stress on cotton seedlings.  相似文献   

From the fall of 1968 through the summer of 1973, a Georgia cotton field with a lengthy history of the Cotton Stunt Disease Complex was sampled for the presence of plant parasitic nematodes. Although Meloidogyne incognita was recovered on all sampling dates, concomitant populations of Hoplolaimus columbus were not recovered until the spring of 1970. During the succeeding four growing seasons, the population density and horizontal distribution of H. columbus increased, and H. columbus replaced M. incognita as the predominant phytopathogenie species. A second Georgia cotton field containing concomitant populations of H. columbus and M. incognita was observed from the fall of 1971 through the summer of 1973. In this case the horizontal distribution of both species remained relatively constant and the population density of H. columbus increased steadily. In both locations, the presence of either H. columbus or M. incognita significantly inhibited the presence of the concomitant species. In general, however, the initial spring or final fall population densities of H. columbus or M. incognita had no significant influence on the population density of the concomitant species, The data are also discussed in relation to the biological significance of H. columbus in the southeastern coastal plain.  相似文献   

Soreshin of cotton was more severe from combined infections of Rhizoctonia solani and Meloidogyne incognita than from either organism alone, when both critical soil temperature and inoculum concentrations were present. Optimum soil temperatures for disease development from combined infections were 18 and 21 C. Either 2,500 or 5,000 M. incognita larvae per plant, combined with R. solani, increased seedling disease severity over that caused by R. solani alone. When 100 or 500 larvae per plant were added with R. solani, disease severity did not change. Disease severity increased with the highest level of R. solani inoculum either alone or combined with M. incognita.  相似文献   

Terminated small grain cover crops are valuable in light textured soils to reduce wind and rain erosion and for protection of young cotton seedlings. A three-year study was conducted to determine the impact of terminated small grain winter cover crops, which are hosts for Meloidogyne incognita, on cotton yield, root galling and nematode midseason population density. The small plot test consisted of the cover treatment as the main plots (winter fallow, oats, rye and wheat) and rate of aldicarb applied in-furrow at-plant (0, 0.59 and 0.84 kg a.i./ha) as subplots in a split-plot design with eight replications, arranged in a randomized complete block design. Roots of 10 cotton plants per plot were examined at approximately 35 days after planting. Root galling was affected by aldicarb rate (9.1, 3.8 and 3.4 galls/root system for 0, 0.59 and 0.84 kg aldicarb/ha), but not by cover crop. Soil samples were collected in mid-July and assayed for nematodes. The winter fallow plots had a lower density of M. incognita second-stage juveniles (J2) (transformed to Log10 (J2 + 1)/500 cm3 soil) than any of the cover crops (0.88, 1.58, 1.67 and 1.75 Log10(J2 + 1)/500 cm3 soil for winter fallow, oats, rye and wheat, respectively). There were also fewer M. incognita eggs at midseason in the winter fallow (3,512, 7,953, 8,262 and 11,392 eggs/500 cm3 soil for winter fallow, oats, rye and wheat, respectively). Yield (kg lint per ha) was increased by application of aldicarb (1,544, 1,710 and 1,697 for 0, 0.59 and 0.84 kg aldicarb/ha), but not by any cover crop treatments. These results were consistent over three years. The soil temperature at 15 cm depth, from when soils reached 18°C to termination of the grass cover crop, averaged 9,588, 7,274 and 1,639 centigrade hours (with a minimum threshold of 10°C), in 2005, 2006 and 2007, respectively. Under these conditions, potential reproduction of M. incognita on the cover crop did not result in a yield penalty.  相似文献   

The influence of soil temperature and moisture on Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood was examined in relation to hatching and survival of second-stage juveniles (J2). Nematodes were cultured on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala SJ2) under field conditions to provide populations similar to those found in the field in late autumn. Egg masses were placed in a temperature range (9-12 C and 21 C), and hatch was measured over a period equivalent to 20 degree days > 10 C (DD10). Hatch occurred below the reported 18 C activity threshold, was restricted below 12 C, and was inhibited below 10 C. Soil moisture influence on hatch was measured by placing egg masses in Hesperia sandy loam and subjecting them to suction pressures ranging from -1.1 bars to -4 .5 bars. Suction potentials of less than -2 bars reduced hatch and less than -3 bars inhibited hatch. J2 were placed in sandy loam soil with soil moisture near field capacity, and their motility was measured over a period of 500 DD10. In the absence of a host, more than 90% of J2 became nonmotile over this period.  相似文献   

The effects of chicken litter on Meloidogyne incognita in cotton, Gossypium hirsutum cv. DPL50 were determined in field microplots. Litters (manure and pine-shaving bedding) from a research facility and a commercial broiler house were used. Treatments consisted of 0.25%, 0.5%, and 1% litter by dry weight of soil for each kind of litter. Three control treatments consisted of soil not amended with litter, with and without nematodes, and one treatment to which mineral fertilizer was added at a nitrogen rate equivalent to that of the 0.5% litter rate, with nematodes. Microplots were inoculated at planting with 900 eggs/100 cm³ soil in 1993 and 1,000 eggs/100 cm³ soil in 1994. At 92 and 184 days after planting, nematode population densities decreased linearly with increasing rates of litter. Nematode numbers at midseason were larger in plots treated with mineral fertilizer than in plots treated with a rate of litter equivalent to the 0.5% rate. Fungal and bacterial population densities fluctuated throughout the growing season. Bacterial numbers had a positive linear relationship, with increasing rates of litter only in October 1993; however, significant positive relationships were observed throughout the 1994 growing season. In 1994, nematode population density at 92 days after planting decreased linearly with increasing bacterial numbers 30 days after planting. No other significant relationships between nematode densities and microbial densities were observed. Fungi and bacteria isolated from the litter and litter-amended soil were identified. Fungal genera isolated included Acremonium, Aspergillus, Eurotium, Paecilomyces, Petriella, and Scopulariopsis, whereas bacteria genera included Arthrobacter, Bacillus, and Pseudomonus.  相似文献   

Soils containing 60, 75, and 90% coarse particles (sand plus coarse silt) were prepared by dilution of a field soil with 246μm (60-mesh) silica sand. As the coarse-particle content of the soils increased, the synergistic interaction between Meloidogyne incognita and Rhizoctonia solani on cotton seedlings increased. Increasing the coarse-particle content of the soil also increased damage from the nematode alone and slightly increased soreshin damage from R. solani alone.  相似文献   

Root gall induction and egg production by the four recognized host races and two cytological races of Meloidogyne incognita were compared on cotton Gossypium hirsutum cvs. Deltapine 16 (root-knot susceptible) and Auburn 634 (highly resistant). The 12 nematode populations included in the study were from various parts of the world. No population increases occurred on the highly resistant cultivar. After 45 days, populations of host races 1 and 2 induced slight root galling on both cuhivars with only limited reproduction. Host race 4 populations induced moderate root galling with higher reproduction on Deltapine 16 than that of race 1 or race 2 populations. Host race 3 populations induced severe root galling with population density increases of 7-30-fold. In a complementary study, 24 cotton cultivars or breeding lines were compared for suitability as hosts for a typical population of M. incognita race 3. The poorest hosts, ''Aubnru 623,'' ''Auburn 634,'' and ''McNair 220,'' yielded fewer eggs after 45 days than were added initially. The best hosts - ''M-8.'' ''DES 24-8,'' ''McNair 235,'' and ''Coker 20l'' - yielded > 5 times as many eggs as were added initially.  相似文献   

Damage functions and reproductive curves were determined for Hoplolaimus columbus on cotton cv. Deltapine 90 and soybean cv. Gordon over 2 years in field plots in Georgia. Maximum potential yield suppressions of 18% on cotton and 48% on soybean were predicted with respect to increasing Pi. Similar functions indicated yield suppressions of 38% on cotton and 30% on soybean with respect to increasing midseason nematode densities (Pm). Maximum Pf predicted by reproductive curves were 123 and 474/100 cm³ soil on cotton and soybean, respectively. Thresholds at which 10% yield suppression would occur were lower on soybean (Pi of 4) than on cotton (Pi of 70/100 cm³ soil). The economic threshold for a control measure costing $72/ha was a Pi of 60/100 cm³ soil on cotton, assuming a price for cotton lint of $1.44/kg ($0.60/lb), whereas a similar treatment would not be economically feasible on soybean at any Pi with an assumed price of $0.04/kg ($5.50/bu) soybean seed. Damage functions and reproductive curves as determined in this study offer potentially useful tools for analyzing cropping systems and providing decision tools for nematode management.  相似文献   

The southern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, is the most damaging pathogen of cotton in the United States, and both resistance and tolerance to M. incognita could be valuable management approaches. Our objectives were to evaluate advanced cotton breeding lines for resistance and tolerance to M. incognita and to determine if a relationship between resistance and tolerance exists. Reproduction of M. incognita was evaluated on 17 breeding lines, a susceptible control (Delta and Pine Land DP5415), and a resistant control (M-120) in two greenhouse trials with six replications in a randomized complete block design. Two-week-old seedlings were inoculated with 8,000 M. incognita eggs and assessed for egg production 8 weeks later. Reproduction on the resistant control was only 10% of that on the susceptible control. Eight breeding lines supported 45% to 57% less (P <= 0.05) nematode reproduction than the susceptible control, and none of them were as resistant as M-120. Yield was determined in 2001 and 2002 in fumigated (1,3-dichloropropene at 56 liters/ha) and nonfumigated plots in a strip-plot design with three replications in a field naturally infested with M. incognita. Yield suppression caused by nematode infection differed among genotypes (P ≤ 0.05 for genotype × fumigation interaction). Six genotypes in 2001 and nine in 2002 were tolerant to M. incognita based on no difference in yield between the fumigated and nonfumigated plots (P ≥ 0.10). However, only three genotypes had no significant yield suppression in both years, of which two also were resistant to M. incognita. Regression analysis indicated that yield suppression decreased linearly as nematode resistance increased.  相似文献   

Field experiments in 1992 and 1994 were conducted to determine the effect of Rotylenchulus reniformis, reniform nematode, on lint yield and fiber quality of 10 experimental breeding lines of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in untreated plots or plots fumigated with 1,3-dichloropropene. Controls were La. RN 1032, a germplasm line possessing some resistance to R. reniformis, and Stoneville 453, a cultivar that is susceptible to reniform nematode. Several breeding lines produced greater lint yields than Stoneville 453 or La. RN 1032 in both fumigated and untreated plots. Average lint yield suppression due to R. reniformis for six of the 10 breeding lines was less than half of the 52% yield reduction sustained by Stoneville 453. In growth chamber experiments, R. reniformis multiplication factors for La. RN 1032 and breeding lines N222-1-91, N320-2-91, and N419-1-91 were significantly lower than on Deltapine 16 and Stoneville 453 at 6 weeks after inoculation. R. reniformis populations increased by more than 50-fold on all entries within 10 weeks. In growth chambers, the breeding lines N220-1-92, N222-1-91, and N320-2-91 were resistant to Meloidoglyne incognita race 3; multiplication factors were ≤1.0 at both 6 weeks and 10 weeks after inoculation compared with 25.8 and 26.5 for Deltapine 16 at 6 and 10 weeks after inoculation, respectively, and 9.1 and 2.6 for Stoneville 453. Thus, the results indicate that significant advances have been made in developing improved cotton germplasm lines with the potential to produce higher yields in soils infested with R. reniformis or M. incogaita. In addition to good yield potential, germplasm lines N222-1-91 and N320-2-91 appear to possess low levels of resistance to R. reniformis and a high level of resistance to M. incognita. This germplasm combines high yield potential with significant levels of resistance to both R. reniformis and M. incognita.  相似文献   

The level of resistance to root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, in NemX, a new cultivar of the Acala-type upland cotton, was evaluated in relation to four resistant breeding lines (N6072, N8577, N901, and N903) and four susceptible cultivars (Maxxa, SJ2, Royale, and Prema). In growth pouch tests, an average of only 4 nematode egg masses was produced on roots of NemX or the resistant lines, compared to a significantly higher average of 21 on the susceptible cultivars. In pot tests, the nematode reproduction factor (RF = Pf/Pi) in NemX and the resistant lines averaged 0.7, compared to a significantly higher average of 10 on the susceptible cultivars. Root galling in NemX or other resistant cotton averaged 15%, compared to 74% on the susceptible cultivars, in either pot or field tests. In plots with low levels of nematode infestation (Pi ≤ 150 second-stage juveniles [J2]/500 g soil), lint yield of NemX averaged 1,370 kg/ha and was less than the yield of susceptible Maxxa (1,450 k g /h a ). However, in plots with medium or high levels of nematode infestation (Pi = 151-300 or >300 J2/500 g soil, respectively), yields of NemX decreased only slightly and averaged 1,300 or 1,050 kg/ha, respectively, whereas yields of Maxxa were severely reduced to 590 or 503 kg/ha, respectively. Fusarium wih symptoms were observed on both NemX and Maxxa, and percent occurrence increased with increasing preplant nematode density. In plots with the highest nematode densities, 22% of NemX and 65% of Maxxa plants were wilted. NemX was highly effective against five M. incognita isolates and moderately effective against a sixth isolate that had been exposed to resistant cotton over several seasons. These results showed that NemX is as resistant to M. incognita as the four breeding lines, and much more resistant than the tested susceptible cultivars of cotton.  相似文献   

Variability in the reproduction of the four races ofMeloidogyne incognita on the soybean cuhivars Pickett 71 and Centennial was studied in growth chamber experiments. Analysis of variance in the number of eggs produced by the races 6 weeks after the plants had been inoculated with 5,000 eggs of each race revealed that the nematode race by soybean cultivar interaction was highly significant (P = 0.001). Races 1, 3, and 4 produced from about 5,000 to 15,000 eggs per root system on Pickett 71 and only from about 300 to 600 eggs per root system on Centennial. In contrast, race 2 produced about 8,000 eggs per root system on Centennial and about 1,200 eggs per root system on Pickett 71. In a second experiment, in which the plants were inoculated with 2,000 second-stage juveniles, race 1 and race 2 produced about 13,000 and 3,000 eggs per root system, respectively, on Pickett 71 and about 600 and 10,000 eggs per root system, respectively, on Centennial. The results suggest that M. incognita resistance in soybean is race-specific.  相似文献   

The interspecific interactions of Meloidogyne javanica with races 1, 2, 3, and 4 of M. incognita on tomato were determined. Impacts of the interactions on fecundity and morphometrics of females were also examined. Mutually inhibitory interactions occurred between M. javanica and the races of M. incognita, but the negative interactions did not reflect in plant growth. Numbers of root galls, egg masses, mature females, total population, fecundity, and reproduction factor declined in concomitant treatments, but the morphometrics of the females remained unaltered. In general, mutual suppressive effects in all parameters were smaller for M. javanica than M. incognita, but some variations occurred among the races of M. incognita. Race 2 appeared to be more competitive than other races. The interaction between the species was not intense; therefore, the species coexist in mixed populations in agricultural fields.  相似文献   

The effects of Meloidogyne incognita on the growth and water relations of cotton were evaluated in a 2-year field study. Microplots containing methyl bromide-fumigated fine sandy loam soil were infested with the nematode and planted to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Treatments included addition of nematodes alone, addition of nematodes plus the insecticide-nematicide aldicarb (1.7 kg/ha), and an untreated control. Meloidogyne incognita population densities reached high levels in both treatments where nematodes were included. Root galling, plant height at harvest, and seed cotton yield were decreased by nematode infection. In older plants (89 days after planting [DAP]), leaf transpiration rates and stomatal conductance were reduced, and leaf temperature was increased by nematode infection. Nematode infection did not affect (P = 0.05) leaf water potential in either young or older plants but lowered the osmotic potential. The maximum rate and cumulative amount of water flowing through intact plants during a 24-hour period were lower, on both a whole-plant and per-unit-leaf-area basis, in infected plants than in control plants. Application of aldicarb moderated some of the nematode effects but did not eliminate them.  相似文献   

The efficacy of abamectin as a seed treatment for control of Meloidogyne incognita on cotton was evaluated in greenhouse, microplot, and field trials in 2002 and 2003. Treatments ranging from 0 to 100 g abamectin/100 kg seed were evaluated. In greenhouse tests 35 d after planting (DAP), plants from seed treated with abamectin were taller than plants from nontreated seed, and root galling severity and nematode reproduction were lower where treated seed were used. The number of second stage juveniles that had entered the roots of plants from seed treated with 100 g abamectin/kg seed was lower during the first 14 DAP than with nontreated seed. In microplots tests, seed treatment with abamectin and soil application of aldicarb at 840 g/kg of soil reduced the number of juveniles penetrating seedling roots during the first 14 DAP compared to the nontreated seedlings. In field plots, population densities of M. incognita were lower 14 DAP in plots that received seed treated with abamectin at 100 g/kg seed than where aldicarb (5.6 kg/ha) was applied at planting. Population densities were comparable for all treatments, including the nontreated controls, at both 21 DAP and harvest. Root galling severity did not differ among treatments at harvest.  相似文献   

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