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The C-terminal region of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) consists of a right-turn, elongated, four-helix bundle termed the focal adhesion targeting (FAT) domain. The structure of this domain is maintained by hydrophobic interactions, and this domain is also the proposed binding site for the focal adhesion protein paxillin. Paxillin contains five well-conserved LD motifs, which have been implicated in the binding of many focal adhesion proteins. In this study we determined that LD4 binds specifically to only a single site between the H2 and H3 helices of the FAT domain and that the C-terminal end of LD4 is oriented toward the H2-H3 loop. Comparisons of chemical-shift perturbations in NMR spectra of the FAT domain in complex with the binding region of paxillin and the FAT domain bound to both the LD2 and LD4 motifs allowed us to construct a model of FAK-paxillin binding and suggest a possible mechanism of focal adhesion disassembly.  相似文献   

Ziheng Xu 《Autophagy》2016,12(10):1685-1686
In eukaryotic cells, cell migration is a dynamic and complex process that involves finely tuned orchestration of a multitude of proteins including, for example, those involved in focal adhesions (FAs). Cell migration plays an indispensable role in particular stages of development and its proper regulation is crucial in various biological processes, from wound healing to the immune response. FAs are transmembrane protein complexes that traverse cytoskeletal infrastructures all the way to the extracellular matrix, producing traction at the leading edge of the cell, thus allowing for motility. The assembly of FAs has been extensively studied, whereas disassembly remains poorly understood. Here, we highlight 2 recent studies (see the corresponding puncta in the previous and current issues of the journal) that demonstrate a requirement for macroautophagy/autophagy in FA disassembly. These studies also provide a deeper understanding of how autophagy can contribute to cell migration among multiple cell types.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion and migration are complex processes that require integrin activation, the formation and dissolution of focal adhesion (FAs), and linkage of actin cytoskeleton to the FAs. The IPP (ILK, PINCH, Parvin) complex regulates FA formation via binding of the adaptor protein ILK to β1 integrin, PINCH and parvin. The signaling protein Rsu1 is linked to the complex via binding PINCH1. The role of Rsu1 and PINCH1 in adhesion and migration was examined in non-transformed mammary epithelial cells. Confocal microscopy revealed that the depletion of either Rsu1 or PINCH1 by siRNA in MCF10A cells decreased the number of focal adhesions and altered the distribution and localization of β1 integrin, vinculin, talin and paxillin without affecting the levels of FA protein expression. This correlated with reduced adhesion, failure to spread or migrate in response to EGF and a loss of actin stress fibers and caveolae. In addition, constitutive phosphorylation of actin regulatory proteins occurred in the absence of PINCH1. The depletion of Rsu1 caused significant reduction in PINCH1 implying that Rsu1 may function by regulating levels of PINCH1. However, while both Rsu1- or PINCH1-depleted cells retained the ability to activate adhesion signaling in response to EGF stimulation, only Rsu1 was required for EGF-induced p38 Map Kinase phosphorylation and ATF2 activation, suggesting an Rsu1 function independent from the IPP complex. Reconstitution of Rsu1-depleted cells with an Rsu1 mutant that does not bind to PINCH1 failed to restore FAs or migration but did promote spreading and constitutive p38 activation. These data show that Rsu1-PINCH1 association with ILK and the IPP complex is required for regulation of adhesion and migration but that Rsu1 has a critical role in linking integrin-induced adhesion to activation of p38 Map kinase signaling and cell spreading. Moreover, it suggests that Rsu1 may regulate p38 signaling from the IPP complex affecting other functions including survival.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion and cell separation in plants   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Adhesion between plant cells is a fundamental feature of plant growth and development, and an essential part of the strategy by which growing plants achieve mechanical strength. Turgor pressure provides non‐woody plant tissues with mechanical rigidity and the driving force for growth, but at the same time it generates large forces tending to separate cells. These are resisted by reinforcing zones located precisely at the points of maximum stress. In dicots the reinforcing zones are occupied by networks of specific pectic polymers. The mechanisms by which these networks cohere vary and are not fully understood. In the Poaceae their place is taken by phenolic cross‐linking of arabinoxylans. Whatever the reinforcing polymers, a targeting mechanism is necessary to ensure that they become immobilized at the appropriate location, and there are secretory mutants that appear to have defects in this mechanism and hence are defective in cell adhesion. At the outer surface of most plant parts, the tendency of cells to cohere is blocked, apparently by the cuticle. Mutants with lesions in the biosynthesis of cuticular lipids show aberrant surface adhesion and other developmental abnormalities. When plant cells separate, the polymer networks that join them are locally dismantled with surgical precision. This occurs during the development of intercellular spaces; during the abscission of leaves and floral organs; during the release of seeds and pollen; during differentiation of root cap cells; and during fruit ripening. Each of these cell separation processes has its own distinctive features. Cell separation can also be induced during cooking or processing of fruit and vegetables, and the degree to which it occurs is a significant quality characteristic in potatoes, pulses, tomatoes, apples and other fruit. Control over these technological characteristics will be facilitated by understanding the role of cell adhesion and separation in the life of plants.  相似文献   

The adhesion force and specificity in the first experimental evidence for cell-cell recognition in the animal kingdom were assigned to marine sponge cell surface proteoglycans. However, the question whether the specificity resided in a protein or carbohydrate moiety could not yet be resolved. Here, the strength and species specificity of cell-cell recognition could be assigned to a direct carbohydrate-carbohydrate interaction. Atomic force microscopy measurements revealed equally strong adhesion forces between glycan molecules (190-310 piconewtons) as between proteins in antibody-antigen interactions (244 piconewtons). Quantitative measurements of adhesion forces between glycans from identical species versus glycans from different species confirmed the species specificity of the interaction. Glycan-coated beads aggregated according to their species of origin, i.e., the same way as live sponge cells did. Live cells also demonstrated species selective binding to glycans coated on surfaces. These findings confirm for the first time the existence of relatively strong and species-specific recognition between surface glycans, a process that may have significant implications in cellular recognition.  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells have been adapted to grow in serum-free media and in suspension culture to facilitate manufacturing needs. Some CHO cell lines, however, tend to form cell aggregates while being cultured in suspension. This can result in reduced viability and capacity for single cell cloning (SCC) via limiting dilution, and process steps to mitigate cell aggregate formation, for example, addition of anti-cell-aggregation agents. In this study, we have identified endothelial intercellular cell adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) as a key protein promoting cell aggregate formation in a production competent CHO cell line, which is prone to cell aggregate formation. Knocking out (KO) the ICAM-1 gene significantly decreased cell aggregate formation in the culture media without anti-cell-aggregation reagent. This trait can simplify the process of transfection, selection, automated clone isolation, and so on. Evaluation in standard cell line development of ICAM-1 KO and wild-type CHO hosts did not reveal any noticeable impacts on titer or product quality. Furthermore, analysis of a derived nonaggregating cell line showed significant reductions in expression of cell adhesion proteins. Overall, our data suggest that deletion of ICAM-1 and perhaps other cell adhesion proteins can reduce cell aggregate formation and improve clonality assurance during SCC.  相似文献   

Wnt5a is a representative ligand that activates the Wnt/β‐catenin‐independent pathway, resulting in the regulation of cell adhesion, migration, and polarity, but its molecular mechanism is poorly understood. This report shows that Dishevelled (Dvl) binds to adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene product, and this binding is enhanced by Wnt5a. Dvl was involved in the stabilization of the plus end dynamics of microtubules as well as APC. Frizzled2 (Fz2) was present with Wnt5a at the leading edge of migrating cells and formed a complex with APC through Dvl. Fz2 also interacted with integrins at the leading edge, and Dvl and APC associated with and activated focal adhesion kinase and paxillin. The binding of APC to Dvl enhanced the localization of paxillin to the leading edge and was involved in Wnt5a‐dependent focal adhesion turnover. Furthermore, this new Wnt5a signalling pathway was important for the epithelial morphogenesis in the three‐dimensional culture. These results suggest that the functional and physical interaction of Dvl and APC is involved in Wnt5a/Fz2‐dependent focal adhesion dynamics during cell migration and epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) plays an important role in extracellular matrix-induced cell migration and the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). We showed here that transfection of the MT1-MMP gene into HeLa cells promoted fibronectin-induced cell migration, which was accompanied by fibronectin degradation and reduction of stable focal adhesions, which function as anchors for actin-stress fibers. MT1-MMP expression attenuated integrin clustering that was induced by adhesion of cells to fibronectin. The attenuation of integrin clustering was abrogated by MT1-MMP inhibition with a synthetic MMP inhibitor, BB94. When cultured on fibronectin, HT1080 cells, which endogenously express MT1-MMP, showed so-called motile morphology with well-organized focal adhesion formation, well-oriented actin-stress fiber formation, and the lysis of fibronectin through trails of cell migration. Inhibition of endogenous MT1-MMP by BB94 treatment or expression of the MT1-MMP carboxyl-terminal domain, which negatively regulates MT1-MMP activity, resulted in the suppression of fibronectin lysis and cell migration. BB94 treatment promoted stable focal adhesion formation concomitant with enhanced phosphorylation of tyrosine 397 of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and reduced ERK activation. These results suggest that lysis of the extracellular matrix by MT1-MMP promotes focal adhesion turnover and subsequent ERK activation, which in turn stimulates cell migration.  相似文献   

Large-scale proteomic and functional analysis of isolated pseudopodia revealed the Lim, actin, and SH3 domain protein (Lasp-1) as a novel protein necessary for cell migration, but not adhesion to, the extracellular matrix (ECM). Lasp-1 is a ubiquitously expressed actin-binding protein with a unique domain configuration containing SH3 and LIM domains, and is overexpressed in 8-12% of human breast cancers. We find that stimulation of nonmotile and quiescent cells with growth factors or ECM proteins facilitates Lasp-1 relocalization from the cell periphery to the leading edge of the pseudopodium, where it associates with nascent focal complexes and areas of actin polymerization. Interestingly, although Lasp-1 dynamics in migratory cells occur independently of c-Abl kinase activity and tyrosine phosphorylation, c-Abl activation by apoptotic agents specifically promotes phosphorylation of Lasp-1 at tyrosine 171, which is associated with the loss of Lasp-1 localization to focal adhesions and induction of cell death. Thus, Lasp-1 is a dynamic focal adhesion protein necessary for cell migration and survival in response to growth factors and ECM proteins.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the binding of soluble TSP1 (and ox-LDL) to CD36-transfected cells and the mechanisms by which immobilized TSP1 mediated attachment and haptotaxis (cell migration towards a substratum-bound ligand) of these transfected cells. CD36 cDNA transfection of NIH 3T3 cells clearly induced a dramatic increase in binding of both soluble [125I]-TSP1 and [125I]-ox-LDL to the surface of CD36-transfected cells, indicating that there was a gain of function with CD36 transfection in NIH 3T3 cells. Despite this gain of function, mock- and CD36-transfected NIH 3T3 cells attached and migrated to a similar extent on immobilized TSP1. An anti-TSP1 oligoclonal antibody inhibited CD36-transfected cell attachment to TSP1 while function blocking anti-CD36 antibodies, alone or in combination with heparin, did not. A series of fusion proteins encompassing cell-recognition domains of TSP1 was then used to delineate mechanisms by which NIH 3T3 cells adhere to TSP1. Although CD36 binds soluble TSP1 through a CSVTCG sequence located within type 1 repeats,18,19 CD36-transfected NIH 3T3 cells did not attach to immobilized type 1 repeats while they did adhere to the N-terminal, type 3 repeats (in an RGD-dependent manner) and the C-terminal domain of TSP1. Conversely, Bowes melanoma cells attached to type 1 repeats and the N- and C-terminal domains of TSP1. However, CD36 cDNA transfection of Bowes cells did not increase cell attachment to type 1 repeats compared to that observed with mock-transfected Bowes cells. Moreover, a function blocking anti-CSVTCG peptide antibody did not inhibit the attachment of mock- and CD36-transfected Bowes cells to type 1 repeats. It is suggested that CD36/TSP1 interaction does not occur upon cell–matrix adhesion and haptotaxis because TSP1 undergoes conformational changes that do not allow the exposure of the CD36 binding site. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the phenomenon that animal cells adhering to a culture substrate are temporarily immobilized by light irradiation, we established a technique to manipulate the cells adhering to a culture substrate under microscopic observation. Using this technique, we demonstrated a separation of cells adhering to a culture substrate and fabrication of an elaborately patterned co-culture system.  相似文献   

Integrins are cell-substrate adhesion molecules that provide the essential link between the actin cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix during cell migration. We have analyzed alphaVbeta3-integrin dynamics in migrating cells using a green fluorescent protein-tagged beta3-integrin chain. At the cell front, adhesion sites containing alphaVbeta3-integrin remain stationary, whereas at the rear of the cell they slide inward. The integrin fluorescence intensity within these different focal adhesions, and hence the relative integrin density, is directly related to their mobility. Integrin density is as much as threefold higher in sliding compared with stationary focal adhesions. High intracellular tension under the control of RhoA induced the formation of high-density contacts. Low-density adhesion sites were induced by Rac1 and low intracellular tension. Photobleaching experiments demonstrated a slow turnover of beta3-integrins in low-density contacts, which may account for their stationary nature. In contrast, the fast beta3-integrin turnover observed in high-density contacts suggests that their apparent sliding may be caused by a polarized renewal of focal contacts. Therefore, differential acto-myosin-dependent integrin turnover and focal adhesion densities may explain the mechanical and behavioral differences between cell adhesion sites formed at the front, and those that move in the retracting rear of migrating cells.  相似文献   

Reassessing the role of phosphocaveolin-1 in cell adhesion and migration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although phosphorylation on tyrosine 14 was identified early in the discovery of caveolin-1, the functional significance of this modification still remains elusive. Recent evidence points to a role of caveolin-1 tyrosine 14 phosphorylation in cell adhesion and migration. These results are based on a variety of tools, including a widely used mouse monoclonal anti-phosphocaveolin-1 antibody, which labels, in cultured cells, a protein localized at or near focal adhesions. We here report results from three independent laboratories, showing that this antibody recognizes phosphocaveolin-1 amongst other proteins in immunoblot analyses and that the signal obtained with this antibody in immunostaining experiments is in part due to labeling of paxillin. Published data need to be interpreted keeping in mind that images of phosphocaveolin-1 cellular localization obtained using this antibody are not valid. We re-evaluate the current knowledge about the role of caveolin-1 in cell adhesion and migration in view of this new information.  相似文献   



Methyl gallate (MG) possesses a wide range of biological properties that include anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial activities. However, its anti-tumor activity has not been extensively examined in cancer cells. Thus, we examined the effect of MG in both glutamate-induced rat C6 and human U373 glioma cell proliferation and migration.


MG was isolated from the stem bark of Acer barbinerve. Cell viability and migration were analyzed by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and scratch wound-healing assay, respectively. Focal adhesion formation was detected with immunofluorescence.


Treatment of C6 and U373 glioma cells with MG significantly reduced cell viability, migration, and Akt phosphorylation level. Glutamate stimulation markedly increased the level of ERK1/2 phosphorylation. However, cells treated with MG displayed decreased ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Inhibition of ERK1/2 by MG or MEK1/2 inhibitor significantly inhibited paxillin phosphorylation at Ser83 and focal adhesion turn-over produced inefficient glioma cell migration. In addition, activation of Akt and ERK1/2 upon glutamate stimulation was independently regulated by Ca2 + and protein kinase C activity, respectively, via the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methy-4-isoxazolepropionate acid glutamate receptor and metabotropic glutamate receptor.

General significance

Our results clearly indicate that MG has a strong anti-tumor effect through the down-regulation of the Akt and ERK1/2 signaling pathways. Thus, methyl gallate is a potent anti-tumor and novel therapeutic agent for glioma.  相似文献   

In this article, we show that, in transfected COS-1 cells, protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP)-PEST translocates to the membrane periphery following stimulation by the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin. When plated on fibronectin, PTP-PEST (-/-) fibroblasts display a strong defect in motility. 3 h after plating on fibronectin, the number and size of vinculin containing focal adhesions were greatly increased in the homozygous PTP-PEST mutant cells as compared with heterozygous cells. This phenomenon appears to be due in part to a constitutive increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of p130(CAS), a known PTP-PEST substrate, paxillin, which associates with PTP-PEST in vitro, and focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Another effect of this constitutive hyperphosphorylation, consistent with the focal adhesion regulation defect, is that (-/-) cells spread faster than the control cell line when plated on fibronectin. In the PTP-PEST (-/-) cells, an increase in affinity for the SH2 domains of Src and Crk towards p130(CAS) was also observed. In (-/-) cells, we found a significant increase in the level of tyrosine phosphorylation of PSTPIP, a cleavage furrow-associated protein that interacts physically with all PEST family members. An effect of PSTPIP hyperphosphorylation appears to be that some cells remain attached at the site of the cleavage furrow for an extended period of time. In conclusion, our data suggest PTP-PEST plays a dual role in cell cytoskeleton organization, by promoting the turnover of focal adhesions required for cell migration, and by directly or indirectly regulating the proline, serine, threonine phosphatase interacting protein (PSTPIP) tyrosine phosphorylation level which may be involved in regulating cleavage furrow formation or disassembly during normal cell division.  相似文献   

We examined the role of regulatory myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation of myosin II in cell migration of fibroblasts. Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) inhibition blocked MLC phosphorylation at the cell periphery, but not in the center. MLCK-inhibited cells did not assemble zyxin-containing adhesions at the periphery, but maintained focal adhesions in the center. They generated membrane protrusions all around the cell, turned more frequently, and migrated less effectively. In contrast, Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) inhibition blocked MLC phosphorylation in the center, but not at the periphery. ROCK-inhibited cells assembled zyxin-containing adhesions at the periphery, but not focal adhesions in the center. They moved faster and more straight. On the other hand, inhibition of myosin phosphatase increased MLC phosphorylation and blocked peripheral membrane ruffling, as well as turnover of focal adhesions and cell migration. Our results suggest that myosin II activated by MLCK at the cell periphery controls membrane ruffling, and that the spatial regulation of MLC phosphorylation plays critical roles in controlling cell migration of fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The TEM8 gene is selectively expressed in tumor versus normal blood vessels, though its function in endothelial cell biology is not known. Towards the goal of clarifying this function, we tested whether TEM8 overexpression, or blocking TEM8's function with a dominant negative protein, would modulate endothelial cell activities. We found that TEM8-expressing endothelial cells migrated at a rate 3-fold greater than control cells in a monolayer denudation assay. Also, the addition of recombinant TEM8 extracellular domain (TEM8-ED) specifically inhibited both chemokinetic and chemotactic migration on collagen in the denudation and Boyden chamber assays, respectively. The TEM8-ED binds preferentially to collagen, and TEM8 expression enhanced endothelial adhesion to collagen 3-fold; the latter response was antagonized by the TEM8-ED. Consistent with the TEM8-ED acting as a dominant negative inhibitor of endogenously expressed protein were data showing that the TEM8-ED had no effect on the activation of beta1 integrin. TEM8 protein is present in human umbilical vein in situ and is expressed in low passage HUVEC in vitro. TEM8 protein expression in HUVEC was increased 5-fold by the initiation of tube formation, correlating expression of TEM8 with the angiogenic response. Taken together, these results indicate that TEM8 plays a positive role in endothelial cell activities related to angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The basement membrane protein laminin-5 promotes cell adhesion and migration. The carboxyl-terminal G3 domain in the alpha3 chain is essential for the unique activity of laminin-5. To investigate the function of the G3 domain, we prepared various recombinant laminin-5 forms with a partially deleted or mutated G3 domain. The deletion of the carboxyl-terminal 28 amino acids (region III) markedly decreased the cell adhesion activity with a slight loss of the cell motility activity toward BRL and EJ-1 cells. This change was attributed to the loss of Lys-Arg-Asp sequence. Further deletion of 83 amino acids (region II) led to almost complete loss of the cell motility activity. All charged amino acid residues tested in this region were not responsible for the activity loss. These results suggest that the G3 domain contains two distinct regions that differently regulate cell adhesion and migration. Analysis of laminin-5 receptors showed that integrins alpha3beta1, alpha6beta1, and alpha6beta4 had different but synergistic effects on cell adhesion and migration on laminin-5. However, the structural change of the G3 domain appeared not to change integrin specificity. The present study demonstrates that the G3 domain in laminin-5 plays a central role to produce different biological effects on cells.  相似文献   

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