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Resistant and susceptible cultivars of tomato, lima beans, cotton, and alfalfa were tested with 10 populations of Meloidogyne incognita from different California locations. Nine of the populations differed in aggressiveness on the nine cultivars tested. Two populations were especially aggressive toward resistant tomato cultivars.  相似文献   

The effects of soil temperature and initial inoculum density (Pi) of Meloidogyne incognito and M. javanica on growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Anza) and nematode reproduction were studied in controlled temperature baths in the glasshouse. Nematode reproduction was directly proportional to temperature between 14 and 30 C for M. incognita and between 18 and 26 C for M. javanica. Reproduction rates (Pf/Pi, where Pf = final number of eggs) for Pi''s of 3,000, 9,000, and 30,000 eggs/plant were greatest at each temperature when Pi = 3,000. Maximum M. incognita reproduction rate (Pf/Pi = 51.12) was at 30 C. At 26 C, M. javanica reproduction (Pf/Pi = 14.82, 9.02, and 4.23 for Pi = 3,000, 9,000, and 30,000, respectively) was about half that of M. incognita when Pi = 3,000 or 9,000 but similar when Pi = 30,000. Reproduction of both species was depressed between 14 and 18 C. Shoot and root growth and head numbers were inversely related to soil temperature between 14 and 30 C but were not affected by the Pi of M. incognita when 7 d old seedlings were inoculated. When newly germinated seedlings were inoculated with M. incognita or M. javanica, the Pi did not affect shoot and root fresh weights, shoot/root ratio, and tillering, but it did reduce root dry weight (M. javanica at 26 C) and increase shoot dry weight (M. incognita at 18-22 C). The optimum temperature range is lower for wheat growth than for nematode reproduction. Wheat cv. Anza is a good host for M. incognita and M. javanica, but it is tolerant to both species.  相似文献   

Temperature was an important factor in growth, development and reproduction of Meloidogyne hapla in lettuce. Growth, as measured by increase in diameter of females, was not appreciably different at the intermediate (21.1 C night and 26.7 C day) and high (26.7 C night and 32.2 C day) temperature regimes, but was considerably less at the low temperature regime (15.5 C night and 21.1 C day) than at the two higher temperature regimes. Second-stage female larvae developed into adults 14 days after inoculation at the high, 18 days at the intermediate and 34 days at the low temperature regime. Eggs were observed 20 days after inoculation at the high, 26 days at the intermediate and 54 days at the low temperature regime. Number of eggs and larvae after 6 weeks was greater at the high than at the intermediate temperature regime and no eggs or larvae occurred at the low temperature regime during the observed 6 weeks.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine under differing temperatures (12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 C) the penetration anti development of Meloidogyne hapla in resistant lines ''298'' and ''Nev. Syn XX'', and susceptible ''Lahontan'' and ''Ranger'' hardy-type alfalfas. The results indicated that resistance to M. hapla was similar to that previously described for M. incognita in nonhardy alfalfa. Although initial penetration in resistant seedlings was similar to that of susceptible seedlings, nematode larvae failed to establish and develop in root tissues and nematode numbers subsequently declined. In susceptible seedlings, nematode development proceeded rapidly, and egg production began after 5 weeks. Temperature had little influence on the nematode development except to slow the response at the lower temperatures. Other studies were conducted to verify a previously reported immune (no penetration) reaction to M. hapla by the ''Vernal'' selection ''M-4''. When compared to the resistant (penetration without nematode development) Vernal selection ''M-9'' under differing temperatures (20, 24, 28, and 32 C), each selection was equally penetrated by M. hapla but at a lower level than in susceptible Ranger cuttings. Generally, no root galling was observed in either M-4 or M-9; however, very slight galling was found 35 days after inoculation on about 50% of these cuttings when grown at 32 C.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of Ocimum sanctum and O. basilicum leaves contained compounds that killed Meloidogyne incognita larvae in 160 min. Thin layer and gas-liquid chromatography, and infrared spectrophotometry indicated that the essential oils eugenol and linalool were the active nematicidal compounds.  相似文献   

Greenhouse and growth chamber studies were established to determine if there are pathological and physiological differences among Meloidogyne hapla populations from California (CA), Nevada (NV), Utah (UT), and Wyoming (WY) on alfalfa cultivars classified as resistant or susceptible to root-knot nematodes. In the greenhouse, plant survival was not consistent with resistance classifications. While all highly resistant Nevada Synthetic germplasm (Nev Syn XX) plants survived inoculation with all nematode populations, two cultivars classified as moderately resistant (''Chief'' and ''Kingstar'') survived (P ≤ 0.05) inoculation with M. hapla populations better than did ''Lobo'' cultivar, which is classified as resistant. Plant growth of Nev Syn XX was suppressed by only the CA population, whereas growth of the other alfalfa cultivars classified as M. hapla resistant or moderately resistant was suppressed by all nematode populations. Excluding Nev Syn XX, all alfalfa cultivars were severely galled and susceptible to all nematode populations. Except for Nev Syn XX, reproduction did not differ among the nematode populations on alfalfa cultivars. Nev Syn XX was not as favorable a host to CA as were the other cultivars; but, it was a good host (reproductive factor [Rf] = 37). Temperature affected plant resistance; the UT and WY populations were more pathogenic at 15-25 C, and CA was more pathogenic at 30 C. Nev Syn XX was susceptible to all nematode populations, except for CA, at only 30 C, and all other alfalfa cultivars were susceptible to all nematode populations at all temperatures.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of two populations of the northern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla Chitwood, population 1 (P1) from alfalfa and population 2 (P2) from sainfoin, was studied on both alfalfa and sainfoin for 25 weeks. Alfalfa and sainfoin plants inoculated with P2 had significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher mortality than plants inoculated with P1. Plant stands over all weeks for the uninoculated control, P1, and P2 were 90.5, 78.5, and 64.0% for alfalfa and 84.5, 51.0, and 41.0% for sainfoin, respectively. The increased virulence of P2 was again shown when means of plant species were combined (inoculation × week of count interaction). Plants inoculated with P2 had significantly higher mortality than either those inoculated with P1 or the uninoculated control beginning at week 7 and continuing through week 25. Plant stands over species at 25 weeks for the uninoculated control, P1, and P2 were 82.5, 29.0, and 18.0%, respectively. Sainfoin was significantly more susceptible to either population than alfalfa (plant species × week of count interaction). Separation between species first occurred after week 7 and continued until week 25. Percentages of plants remaining for alfalfa and sainfoin were 61.5 and 25.0 after 25 weeks. Significantly higher reproduction occurred in the alfalfa plants remaining after 25 weeks in P2 than in P1. Mean number of eggs per root system were 60,371 for P1 and 104,438 for P2, a difference of 42%. The results of this study indicate a need for breeders to adequately sample nematode populations present in the intended area of cultivar use and to design screening procedures to account for population pathogenicity variability.  相似文献   

Stands of several cultivars and experimental lines of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) were severely reduced (92% average loss) in a field naturally infested with Meloidogyne hapla. Stands of two alfalfa cultivars included in the test were unaffected. In studies conducted in the greenhouse with plants inoculated at the time of seeding, average mortality was 55% for sainfoin entries and 7% for Ladak alfalfa. Little mortality occurred when plants were inoculated after establishment. Three months after inoculation, all sainfoin entries were heavily galled (range of 3.3-3.7 on a scale of 1-4) while roots of Ladak were only slightly galled (rating of 1.6). Intermating of plants selected in the field plots for resistance to M. hapla showed a slight increase in resistance. Of the 147 plant introduction lines tested in the greenhouse, none were resistant to M. hapla.  相似文献   

Influence of Meloidogyne hapla on estahlishnrent and maturity of Heterodera schachtii in sugarbeet was studied. Results indicated that when the majority of M. hapla were in second, third, or fourth larval stages within plants prior to H. schachtii inoculation, growth and development of the latter was retarded. However, when M. hapla reached the young female stage prior to inoculation of H. schachtii, establishment and development of the latter was greatly enhanced. As M. hapla reached maturity before and after egg production prior to H. schachtii inoculation, establishment and growth of the latter was progressively decreased. In each instance, M. hapla developed independently and matured at the same rate as in plants inoculated with only M. hapla. Usually ratios of total soluble carbohydrates to reducing carbohydrates were lower, but not significantly different, in plants receiving both nematodes as compared to other treatments.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne hapla reproduced and suppressed growth (P < 0.05) of susceptible Lahontan and Moapa alfalfa at 15, 20, and 25 C. At 30 C, resistant Nevada Syn XX lost resistance to M. hapla. M. hapla invaded and reproduced on Rhizobium meliloti nodules of Lahontan and Moapa, inducing giant cell formation and structural disorder of vascular bundles of nodules without disrupting bacteroids. At 15, 20, and 25 C a M. chitwoodi population from Utah reproduced on Lahontan, Moapa, and Nevada Syn XX alfalfa, suppressing growth (P < 0.05). Final densities of the Utah M. chitwoodi population were greater (P < 0.05) than those of Idaho and Washington State populations on Lahontan at 15 and 25 C and on Nevada Syn XX at 15 C, but were less consistent and smaller (P < 0.05) than those of M. hapla on Lahontan and Moapa at 20 and 25 C. Inconsistent reproduction of the Utah M. chitwoodi population on alfalfa suggests the possible existence of nematode strains revealed by variability in alfalfa resistance. No reproduction or inconsistent final nematode population densities with no damage were observed on Lahontan, Moapa, and Nevada Syn XX plants grown in soil infested with Idaho and Washington State M. chitwoodi populations.  相似文献   

Oxamyl was coated on carrot (Daucus carota L. cv. Spartan Fancy-80) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Glamour) seeds with a polymer sticker for the control of Meloidogyne hapla. The sticker diluted in water 1:1 delayed carrot seedling emergence. Oxamyl at 40 mg/ml in a 1:5 dilution of sticker lowered the rate of carrot seedling emergence until day 13 and plant growth until day 28. Oxamyl at 20 or 40 mg/ml in a 1:5 dilution of sticker on carrot seeds planted in M. hapla-infested muck soil resulted in fewer galled tap roots and fewer galls per root system 4 weeks after planting. Tap root lengths were greater than those of the control. Tomato seedling emergence was delayed and top and root weights were reduced, relative to the control, at 25 days by the sticker diluted 1:1 to 1:3. Oxamyl at 20 or 40 mg/ml in a 1:5 diluted sticker delayed tomato seedling emergence. Top weights of tomato seedlings from seeds coated with 20 mg/ml of oxamyl in a 1:5 diluted sticker planted in a silt loam were greater than control top weights at 4 and 6 weeks. Root weights were greater than those of the control only at 4 weeks. There were fewer galls per gram of root on seedlings from oxamyl-coated seeds and fewer juveniles per pot of soil, relative to the controls, only at 4 weeks.  相似文献   

Migratory ability of second-stage juveniles (J2) of two Meloidogyne chitwoodi races and a M. hapla population were compared in soil-filled columns at 12, 18, and 24 C. J2 of all populations migrated farthest at 18 C and least at 12 C. Nematode survival was significantly reduced (P = 0.05) at 24 C.M. chitwoodi J2 migrated further and in greater numbers than M. hapla J2 at all temperatures. A comparison with and without a host plant demonstrated no preferential migration toward the plant. Water percolation through the migration columns stimulated upward migration.  相似文献   

The development and life stages of Meloidogyne cruciani on tomato was studied at 28 C. Roots of 2-wk-old ''Rutgers'' tomato seedlings were exposed to inoculum for 24 h, rinsed, and the seedlings repotted. No major changes in juvenile development were observed prior to 8 days after inoculation. At 11 days the second-stage juvenile had enlarged considerably. The genital primordium had not yet asumed the V-shape characteristic of developing females, but the presence of rectal glands identified the juveniles as females. At this time (11 days), two additional, previously undescribed esophageal lobes were first observed; they were adjacent to the dorsal and subventral glands. After molting from second to third stage, the stylet cone, shaft, and the lumen of the stylet knobs are shed and remain attached to the second-stage cuticle. The excretory duct of the third-stage juveniles was directed anteriorly from the excretory pore of the second-stage cuticle and appear attached to the body wall of the third-stage juveniles opposite the procorpus. At 19 days after inoculation, the last molt took place. The adult female possessed a new stylet, a large five-gland esophagus, a prominent excretory system ending in a unicellular gland and a fully developed reproductive system.  相似文献   

Variability in the reproduction of the four races ofMeloidogyne incognita on the soybean cuhivars Pickett 71 and Centennial was studied in growth chamber experiments. Analysis of variance in the number of eggs produced by the races 6 weeks after the plants had been inoculated with 5,000 eggs of each race revealed that the nematode race by soybean cultivar interaction was highly significant (P = 0.001). Races 1, 3, and 4 produced from about 5,000 to 15,000 eggs per root system on Pickett 71 and only from about 300 to 600 eggs per root system on Centennial. In contrast, race 2 produced about 8,000 eggs per root system on Centennial and about 1,200 eggs per root system on Pickett 71. In a second experiment, in which the plants were inoculated with 2,000 second-stage juveniles, race 1 and race 2 produced about 13,000 and 3,000 eggs per root system, respectively, on Pickett 71 and about 600 and 10,000 eggs per root system, respectively, on Centennial. The results suggest that M. incognita resistance in soybean is race-specific.  相似文献   

External morphology of second-stage juveniles of six populations of Meloidogyne hapla, hclonging to two cytological races (A and B), and one population each of M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica was compared by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Race A of M. hapla included three facultatively parthenogenetic populations with haploid chromosome numbers of 15. 16, and 17; race B consisted of three mitotically parthenogenetic populations with somalic chromosome numhers of 45, 45, and 48. The mitotically parthenogenetic populations of M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica had 54, 41-43, and 44 chromosomes, respectively. Observations were made on head structures, lateral field, excretory pore, anal opening, and tail. Head morphology, including shape and proportion of labial disc and lips, expression of labial and cephalic sensilla, and markings on head region, was distinctly different for each species. M. hapla populations of race A were distinct from each other but showed much intrapopulatiou variation in head morphology. Populations of race B were different from those of race A and were very stable and quite similar in head morphology. Considerable inter- and intrapopulatiou variation made the structure of the lateral field, excretory pore, anal opening, and tail of little value in distinguishing species or populations. The results are discussed in relation to earlier SEM observations on the genus Helerodera.  相似文献   

Most of the 15 carrot cultivars tested were moderate to good hosts to Meloidogyne chitwoodi race 1, whereas all except Orlando Gold were nonhosts or poor hosts for M. chitwoodi race 2. All carrot cultivars were good hosts for M. hapla. The plant weights of the carrot cultivars Red Cored Chantenay and Orlando Gold infected with either race of M. chitwoodi were significantly less than uninoculated checks in pots. Under field microplot conditions, however, detrimental effects on quality were rarely observed. M. hapla was pathogenic to both cultivars in the greenhouse and the field. The tolerance level of Orlando Gold to M. hapla was lower than Red Cored Chantenay.  相似文献   

The effects of Meloidogyne incognita or M. javanica at five initial inoculum levels of 20, 100, 200, 1,000, and 2,000 eggs and infective juveniles per seedling on ''Floradade,'' ''Nemarex,'' ''Patriot,'' and ''PI 129149-2(sib)-5'' tomatoes maintained at 25 or 32.5 C were studied. The number of egg masses on roots of the susceptible cultivar Floradade was similar for both species of root-knot nematodes at either 2.5 or 32.5 C soil temperatures. At 25 C, very low numbers of egg masses were produced by both species of root-knot nematodes on Nematex, Patriot, and Lycopersicon peruvianum PI 129149-2(sib)-5. At 32.5 C, the best inoculum level for assessing resistance in these tomato genotypes was 200 eggs and infective juveniles per seedling. With 28 days of incubation, this temperature and inoculum level produced quantitative differences in resistance for both species of Meloidogyne.  相似文献   

At 20 C the duration of the embryogenic development of Meloiclogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla was about 20 days. At 10 C the embryogenic development was 82-84 days for M. chitwoodi and 95-97 days for M. hapla. The effect of distilled water and root leachates of potato cv. Russet Burbank, tomato cv. Columbian, and wheat cv. Hyslop on the hatching of eggs of the two root-knot nematode species was investigated at 4, 7, 10, 15, 20, and 25 C (± 1 C). Cumulative egg taatch was no greater in root leachates titan in distilled water, but temperature did significantly affect egg hatch (P = 0.05). Less than 1% of the eggs of both nematode species hatched at 4 C. The percent cumulative hatch at 10 C was significantly less (P = 0.05) than at higher temperatures for both nematodes and significantly more (P = 0.05) M. chitwoodi eggs hatched than did M. hapla eggs. At 15 G the percent cumulative hatch of both species was significantly lower (P = 0.05) than that at 20 and 25 C. The percent cumulative egg hatch of two species did not differ at 25 C, but was higher (P = 0.05) at 25 C than at 20 C. At 7 C the emergence of M. chitwoodi juveniles was about seven times (P = 0.01) greater than that of M. hapla in distilled water.  相似文献   

Greenhouse and growth room experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of host plant in relation to different nematode inoculum levels, and temperature fluctuations on the development of Pasteuria penetrans. Host plant affected the development of P. penetrans indirectly through its effect on nematode development. Endospores collected from Meloidogyne javanica females reared on different hosts did not show any differences in subsequent attachment and infectivity. The numbers of endospores produced per infected female were reduced with increasing numbers of females parasitizing okra and tomato roots. Fluctuating temperatures retarded the development of P. penetrans. The life cycle of the parasite was completed faster at approximately constant temperatures close to 30 °C than when the temperature fluctuated away from 30 °C. The temperature of irrigation water did not affect the duration of life cycle of P. penetrans.  相似文献   

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