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The Dna J homologue, auxilin, acts as a co-chaperone for Hsc70 in the uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles during endocytosis. Biochemical studies have aided understanding of the uncoating mechanism but until now there was no structural information on how auxilin interacts with the clathrin cage. Here we have determined the three-dimensional structure of a complex of auxilin with clathrin cages by cryo-electron microscopy and single particle analysis. We show that auxilin forms a discrete shell of density on the inside of the clathrin cage. Peptide competition assays confirm that a candidate clathrin box motif in auxilin, LLGLE, can bind to a clathrin construct containing the beta-propeller domain and also displace the well-characterised LLNLD clathrin box motif derived from the beta-adaptin hinge region. The means by which auxilin could both aid clathrin coat assembly and displace clathrin from AP2 during uncoating is discussed.  相似文献   

Clathrin‐coated pits are formed by the recognition of membrane and cargo by the AP2 complex and the subsequent recruitment of clathrin triskelia. A role for AP2 in coated‐pit assembly beyond initial clathrin recruitment has not been explored. Clathrin binds the β2 subunit of AP2, and several binding sites have been identified, but our structural knowledge of these interactions is incomplete and their functional importance during endocytosis is unclear. Here, we analysed the cryo‐EM structure of clathrin cages assembled in the presence of β2 hinge‐appendage (β2HA). We find that the β2‐appendage binds in at least two positions in the cage, demonstrating that multi‐modal binding is a fundamental property of clathrin‐AP2 interactions. In one position, β2‐appendage cross‐links two adjacent terminal domains from different triskelia. Functional analysis of β2HA‐clathrin interactions reveals that endocytosis requires two clathrin interaction sites: a clathrin‐box motif on the hinge and the “sandwich site” on the appendage. We propose that β2‐appendage binding to more than one triskelion is a key feature of the system and likely explains why assembly is driven by AP2.  相似文献   

New faces of the familiar clathrin lattice   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The clathrin triskelion self-assembles into a lattice that coats transport vesicles participating in several key membrane traffic pathways. A new model of a clathrin lattice at approximately 8 angstrom resolution, generated by Fotin et al. (Nature 2004;432:573) confirmed the basic structural features of clathrin that were defined over many years of biochemical and structural analysis. In addition, new structural features of the clathrin trimerization domain were modelled for the first time, and the predictions correlated well with previous biochemical studies. A second model, placing auxilin within the lattice suggested a possible lattice contact targeted during lattice disassembly (Fotin et al. Nature 2004;432:649). This contact predicts interactions of the newly modelled trimerization domain with a newly defined extension of the clathrin triskelion, the ankle domain. These aspects of the new models were emphasized in the published reports describing them and in recent commentary (Brodsky, Nature 2004;432:568). Also emerging from the new models is a better picture of how the clathrin structure is distributed throughout the lattice, allowing the first predictions of interacting molecular interfaces contributing to contacts in the assembled lattice. The focus of this interchange is to emphasize these additional features revealed by the recently published models from Fotin and colleagues.  相似文献   

Flat clathrin lattices or 'plaques' are commonly believed to be the precursors to clathrin-coated buds and vesicles. The sequence of steps carrying the flat hexagonal lattice into a highly curved polyhedral cage with exactly 12 pentagons remains elusive, however, and the large numbers of disrupted interclathrin connections in previously proposed conversion pathways make these scenarios rather unlikely. The recent notion that clathrin can make controlled small conformational transitions opens new avenues. Simulations with a self-assembling clathrin model suggest that localized conformational changes in a plaque can create sufficiently strong stresses for a dome-like fragment to break apart. The released fragment, which is strongly curved but still hexagonal, may subsequently grow into a cage by recruiting free triskelia from the cytoplasm, thus building all 12 pentagonal faces without recourse to complex topological changes. The critical assembly concentration in a slightly acidic in vitro solution is used to estimate the binding energy of a cage at 25-40 k(B) T/clathrin.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 Nef protein perturbs the trafficking of membrane proteins such as CD4 by interacting with clathrin-adaptor complexes. We previously reported that Nef alters early/recycling endosomes, but its role at the plasma membrane is poorly documented. Here, we used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, which restricts the analysis to a approximately 100 nm region of the adherent surface of the cells, to focus on the dynamic of Nef at the plasma membrane relative to that of clathrin. Nef colocalized both with clathrin spots (CS) that remained static at the cell surface, corresponding to clathrin-coated pits (CCPs), and with approximately 50% of CS that disappeared from the cell surface, corresponding to forming clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs). The colocalization of Nef with clathrin required the di-leucine motif essential for Nef binding to AP complexes and was independent of CD4 expression. Furthermore, analysis of Nef mutants showed that the capacity of Nef to induce internalization and downregulation of CD4 in T lymphocytes correlated with its localization into CCPs. In conclusion, this analysis shows that Nef is recruited into CCPs and into forming CCVs at the plasma membrane, in agreement with a model in which Nef uses the clathrin-mediated endocytic pathway to induce internalization of some membrane proteins from the surface of HIV-1-infected T cells.  相似文献   

The dynamics of clathrin-mediated endocytosis can be assayed using fluorescently tagged proteins and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. Many of these proteins, including clathrin and dynamin, are soluble and changes in fluorescence intensity can be attributed either to membrane/vesicle movement or to changes in the numbers of individual molecules. It is important for assays to discriminate between physical membrane events and the dynamics of molecules. Two physical events in endocytosis were investigated: vesicle scission from the plasma membrane and vesicle internalization. Single vesicle analysis allowed the characterization of dynamin and clathrin dynamics relative to scission and internalization. We show that vesicles remain proximal to the plasma membrane for variable amounts of time following scission, and that uncoating of clathrin can occur before or after vesicle internalization. The dynamics of dynamin also vary with respect to scission. Results from assays based on physical events suggest that disappearance of fluorescence from the evanescent field should be re-evaluated as an assay for endocytosis. These results illustrate the heterogeneity of behaviors of endocytic vesicles and the importance of establishing suitable evaluation criteria for biophysical processes.  相似文献   

The endocytic accessory clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia protein (CALM) is the ubiquitously expressed homolog of the neuron-specific protein AP180 that has been implicated in the retrieval of synaptic vesicle. Here, we show that CALM associates with the alpha-appendage domain of the AP2 adaptor via the three peptide motifs 420DPF, 375DIF and 489FESVF and to a lesser extent with the amino-terminal domain of the clathrin heavy chain. Reducing clathrin levels by RNA interference did not significantly affect CALM localization, but depletion of AP2 weakens its association with the plasma membrane. In cells, where CALM levels were reduced by RNA interference, AP2 and clathrin remained organized in somewhat enlarged bright fluorescent puncta. Electron microscopy showed that the depletion of CALM drastically affected the clathrin lattice structure. Round-coated buds, which are the predominant features in control cells, were replaced by irregularly shaped buds and long clathrin-coated tubules. Moreover, we noted an increase in the number of very small cages that formed on flat lattices. Furthermore, we noticed a redistribution of endosomal markers and AP1 in cells that were CALM depleted. Taken together, our findings indicate a critical role for CALM in the regulation and orderly progression of coated bud formation at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Clathrin‐mediated endocytosis is a fundamental transport pathway that depends on numerous protein‐protein interactions. Testing the importance of the adaptor protein‐clathrin interaction for coat formation and progression of endocytosis in vivo has been difficult due to experimental constrains. Here, we addressed this question using the yeast clathrin adaptor Sla1, which is unique in showing a cargo endocytosis defect upon substitution of 3 amino acids in its clathrin‐binding motif (sla1AAA) that disrupt clathrin binding. Live‐cell imaging showed an impaired Sla1‐clathrin interaction causes reduced clathrin levels but increased Sla1 levels at endocytic sites. Moreover, the rate of Sla1 recruitment was reduced indicating proper dynamics of both clathrin and Sla1 depend on their interaction. sla1AAA cells showed a delay in progression through the various stages of endocytosis. The Arp2/3‐dependent actin polymerization machinery was present for significantly longer time before actin polymerization ensued, revealing a link between coat formation and activation of actin polymerization. Ultimately, in sla1AAA cells a larger than normal actin network was formed, dramatically higher levels of various machinery proteins other than clathrin were recruited, and the membrane profile of endocytic invaginations was longer. Thus, the Sla1‐clathrin interaction is important for coat formation, regulation of endocytic progression and membrane bending.   相似文献   

While clathrin heavy chains from different species are highly conserved in amino acid sequence, clathrin light chains are much more divergent. Thus clathrin light chain may have different functions in different organisms. To investigate clathrin light chain function, we cloned the clathrin light chain, clcA, from Dictyostelium and examined clathrin function in clcA– mutants. Phenotypic deficiencies in development, cytokinesis, and osmoregulation showed that light chain was critical for clathrin function in Dictyostelium . In contrast with budding yeast, we found the light chain did not influence steady-state levels of clathrin, triskelion formation, or contribute to clathrin over-assembly on intracellular membranes. Imaging GFP-CHC in clcA– mutants showed that the heavy chain formed dynamic punctate structures that were remarkably similar to those found in wild-type cells. However, clathrin light chain knockouts showed a decreased association of clathrin with intracellular membranes. Unlike wild-type cells, half of the clathrin in clcA– mutants was cytosolic, suggesting that the absence of light chain compromised the assembly of triskelions onto intracellular membranes. Taken together, these results suggest a role for the Dictyostelium clathrin light chain in regulating the self-assembly of triskelions onto intracellular membranes, and demonstrate a crucial contribution of the light chain to clathrin function in vivo .  相似文献   

Amphiphysin is a protein enriched at mammalian synapses thought to function as a clathrin accessory factor in synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Here we examine the involvement of amphiphysin in synaptic vesicle recycling at the giant synapse in the lamprey. We show that amphiphysin resides in the synaptic vesicle cluster at rest and relocates to sites of endocytosis during synaptic activity. It accumulates at coated pits where its SH3 domain, but not its central clathrin/AP-2-binding (CLAP) region, is accessible for antibody binding. Microinjection of antibodies specifically directed against the CLAP region inhibited recycling of synaptic vesicles and caused accumulation of clathrin-coated intermediates with distorted morphology, including flat patches of coated presynaptic membrane. Our data provide evidence for an activity-dependent redistribution of amphiphysin in intact nerve terminals and show that amphiphysin is a component of presynaptic clathrin-coated intermediates formed during synaptic vesicle recycling.  相似文献   

Insulin receptor mutation studies that the receptor tyrosine kinase activity is necessary for receptor endocytosis, and several insulin receptor-containing tissues have a plasma membrane-associated protein (Mr 180,000, p180) whose tyrosine phosphorylation is receptor catalysed. Since clathrin heavy chain (Mr 180,000 in dodecyl sulphate gel electrophoresis) is a major component of coated vesicles, the latter functioning in receptor endocytosis, we investigated whether insulin receptors can catalyse clathrin phosphorylation and whether p180 is clathrin. Bovine brain triskelion or coated vesicles and 32P-ATP were added to prephosphorylated insulin receptor preparations (wheat ferm agglutinin-purified human placenta membrane proteins). Antiphosphotyrosine immunoprecipitated a phosphorylated 180,000 molecular weight protein. Insulin (10−7M) increased the rate of phosphorylation. Monoclonal anti-clathrin antibody immunoprecipitated the phosphorylated 180,000 molecular weight protein, whereas monoclonal anti-insulin receptor antibodies (-IR1, MA10) immunoprecipitated both insulin receptors and the phosphorylated 180,000 molecular weight protein. In the absence of added clathrin, anticlathrin immunoprecipitated no proteins, and -IR1 imunoprecipitated only the insulin receptor. Density gradient (glycerol 7.5–30%, w/v) centrifugation separated human placenta microsomal membrane proteins into endosomal, plasma membrane, cytoplasmic and coated vesicle fractions. Antiphosphotyrosine immunoprecipitated phosphorylated-microsomal proteins that centrifugated into endosomal and plasma membrane fractions. Addition of glycerol gradient fractions to a prephosphorylated insulin receptor preparation, however, gave a tyrosine-phosphorylated 180,000 molecular weight protein when cytoplasmic and coated vesicle fractions were added. Taken together these results suggest: (1) that, in vitro, human placenta insulin receptors can phosphorylate bovine brain and human placenta clathrin heavy chain; (2) that both assembled and unassembled clathrin can be phosphorylated; and (3) that p180, the plasma membrane-associated insulin receptor substrate, is not clathrin heavy chain.  相似文献   

During clathrin‐mediated endocytosis, adaptor proteins play central roles in coordinating the assembly of clathrin coats and cargo selection. Here we characterize the binding of the yeast endocytic adaptor Sla1p to clathrin through a variant clathrin‐binding motif that is negatively regulated by the Sla1p SHD2 domain. The crystal structure of SHD2 identifies the domain as a sterile α‐motif (SAM) domain and shows a propensity to oligomerize. By co‐immunoprecipitation, Sla1p binds to clathrin and self‐associates in vivo. Mutations in the clathrin‐binding motif that abolish clathrin binding and structure‐based mutations in SHD2 that impede self‐association result in endocytosis defects and altered dynamics of Sla1p assembly at the sites of endocytosis. These results define a novel mechanism for negative regulation of clathrin binding by an adaptor and suggest a role for SAM domains in clathrin‐mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated vesicles mediate vesicular traffic in cells. Three-dimensional image reconstructions of homogenous populations of in vitro assembled clathrin coats have yielded a molecular model for clathrin and its interactions with some of its partners. The intrinsic averaging required for those calculations has precluded detailed analysis of heterogeneous populations of clathrin-coated vesicles isolated from cells. We have therefore used cryo-electron tomography to study the lattice organization of individual clathrin-coated vesicles and the disposition of the captured vesicle with respect to the surrounding coat. We find a wide range of designs for the clathrin lattice, with different patterns of pentagonal, hexagonal, and occasionally heptagonal facets. Many coats, even smaller ones, enclose membrane vesicles, which are generally offset from the center of the clathrin shell. The electron density distribution between the coat and the underlying vesicle is not uniform, and the number of apparent contacts that anchor the clathrin lattice to the vesicle membrane is significantly less than the number of clathrin heavy chains in the assembly. We suggest that the eccentric position of the vesicle reflects the polarity of assembly, from initiation of coat formation to membrane pinching.  相似文献   

In clathrin-mediated membrane traffic, clathrin does not bind directly to cargo and instead binds to adaptors that mediate this function. For endocytosis, the main adaptor is the adaptor protein (AP)-2 complex, but it is uncertain how clathrin contacts AP-2. Here we tested in human cells the importance of the three binding sites that have been identified so far on the N-terminal domain (NTD) of clathrin. We find that mutation of each of the three sites on the NTD, alone or in combination, does not block clathrin/AP-2-mediated endocytosis in the same way as deletion of the NTD. We report here the fourth and final site on the NTD that is required for clathrin/AP-2-mediated endocytic function. Each of the four interaction sites can operate alone to mediate endocytosis. The observed functional redundancy between interaction sites on the NTD explains how productivity of clathrin-coated vesicle formation is ensured.  相似文献   

Li Z  Trimble MJ  Brun YV  Jensen GJ 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(22):4694-4708
In prokaryotes, FtsZ (the filamentous temperature sensitive protein Z) is a nearly ubiquitous GTPase that localizes in a ring at the leading edge of constricting plasma membranes during cell division. Here we report electron cryotomographic reconstructions of dividing Caulobacter crescentus cells wherein individual arc-like filaments were resolved just underneath the inner membrane at constriction sites. The filaments' position, orientation, time of appearance, and resistance to A22 all suggested that they were FtsZ. Predictable changes in the number, length, and distribution of filaments in cells where the expression levels and stability of FtsZ were altered supported that conclusion. In contrast to the thick, closed-ring-like structure suggested by fluorescence light microscopy, throughout the constriction process the Z-ring was seen here to consist of just a few short (approximately 100 nm) filaments spaced erratically near the division site. Additional densities connecting filaments to the cell wall, occasional straight segments, and abrupt kinks were also seen. An 'iterative pinching' model is proposed wherein FtsZ itself generates the force that constricts the membrane in a GTP-hydrolysis-driven cycle of polymerization, membrane attachment, conformational change, depolymerization, and nucleotide exchange.  相似文献   

A mechanism for regulating the strength of synaptic inhibition is enabled by altering the number of GABA(A) receptors available at the cell surface. Clathrin and adaptor protein 2 (AP2) complex-mediated endocytosis is known to play a fundamental role in regulating cell surface GABA(A) receptor numbers. Very recently, we have elucidated that phospholipase C-related catalytically inactive protein (PRIP) molecules are involved in the phosphorylation-dependent regulation of the internalization of GABA(A) receptors through association with receptor beta subunits and protein phosphatases. In this study, we examined the implications of PRIP molecules in clathrin-mediated constitutive GABA(A) receptor endocytosis, independent of phospho-regulation. We performed a constitutive receptor internalization assay using human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells transiently expressed with GABA(A) receptor alpha/beta/gamma subunits and PRIP. PRIP was internalized together with GABA(A) receptors, and the process was inhibited by PRIP-binding peptide which blocks PRIP binding to beta subunits. The clathrin heavy chain, mu2 and beta2 subunits of AP2 and PRIP-1, were complexed with GABA(A) receptor in brain extract as analyzed by co-immunoprecipitation assay using anti-PRIP-1 and anti-beta2/3 GABA(A) receptor antibody or by pull-down assay using beta subunits of GABA(A) receptor. These results indicate that PRIP is primarily implicated in the constitutive internalization of GABA(A) receptor that requires clathrin and AP2 protein complex.  相似文献   

Overexpression of phosphatidylinositol phosphate 5-kinase (PIP5KI) isoforms alpha, beta, or gamma in CV-1 cells increased phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) levels by 35, 180, and 0%, respectively. Endocytosis of transferrin receptors, association of AP-2 proteins with membranes, and the number of clathrin-coated pits at the plasma membrane increased when PIP2 increased. When expression of PIP5KIbeta was inhibited with small interference RNA in HeLa cells, expression of PIP5KIalpha was also reduced slightly, but PIP5KIgamma expression was increased. PIP2 levels and internalization of transferrin receptors dropped 50% in these cells; thus, PIP5KIgamma could not compensate for loss of PIP5KIbeta. When expression of PIP5KIalpha was reduced, expression of both PIP5KIbeta and PIP5KIgamma increased and PIP2 levels did not change. A similar increase of PIP5KIalpha and PIP5KIbeta occurred when PIP5KIgamma was inhibited. These results indicate that constitutive endocytosis in CV-1 and HeLa cells requires (and may be regulated by) PIP2 produced primarily by PIP5KIbeta.  相似文献   

Short peptide motifs in unstructured regions of clathrin‐adaptor proteins recruit clathrin to membranes to facilitate post‐Golgi membrane transport. Three consensus clathrin‐binding peptide sequences have been identified and structural studies show that each binds distinct sites on the clathrin heavy chain N‐terminal domain (NTD). A fourth binding site for adaptors on NTD has been functionally identified but not structurally characterised. We have solved high resolution structures of NTD bound to peptide motifs from the cellular clathrin adaptors β2 adaptin and amphiphysin plus a putative viral clathrin adaptor, hepatitis D virus large antigen (HDAg‐L). Surprisingly, with each peptide we observe simultaneous peptide binding at multiple sites on NTD and viral peptides binding to the same sites as cellular peptides. Peptides containing clathrin‐box motifs (CBMs) with the consensus sequence LΦxΦ[DE] bind at the ‘arrestin box’ on NTD, between β‐propeller blades 4 and 5, which had previously been thought to bind a distinct consensus sequence. Further, we structurally define the fourth peptide binding site on NTD, which we term the Royle box. In vitro binding assays show that clathrin is more readily captured by cellular CBMs than by HDAg‐L, and site‐directed mutagenesis confirms that multiple binding sites on NTD contribute to efficient capture by CBM peptides.   相似文献   

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