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Intersite relationships among nematode communities of 18 Indiana mixed hardwood stands of varying composition, soils, physiography and past management practices were determined by community ordination techniques. All sites were sampled in April, July and October of 1968 and 1969, and ordinations were based on the number of individuals of each nematode species at each site at each sampling period. The resulting groupings correlated well with groupings based on forest types and successional stages of the tree communities at the sites, and also with groupings based on well-defined soil types. Results were similar to those obtained previously with a resemblance equation which used qualitative data only; but the present study provided more information on species associations and relationships and ecological distance between sites.  相似文献   

Granular and liquid commercial humates, with micronutrients, and a microbial fermentation product were compared in several combinations with nematicides for their effects on cotton lint yield and root-knot nematode suppression. Fumigant nematicides effectively reduced cotton root galling caused by root-knot nematodes, and cotton lint yields increased. Organophosphates and carbamates were not effective. Occasionally, cotton lint yields were increased or maintained with combination treatments o f humates, micronutrients, and a microbial fermentation product, but galling o f cotton roots by root-knot nematodes was usually not reduced by these treatments.  相似文献   

Spicules of 9 Meloidogyne, 2 Heterodera, 3 Globodera, and 12 other plant-parasitic, insect-parasitic, and free-living nematodes were excised and examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Gubernacula of some of the species were also excised, and their structure was determined. The two spicules of all species examined were symmetrically identical in morphology. The spicule typically consisted of three parts: head, shaft, and blade with dorsal and ventral vela. The spicular nerve entered through the cytoplasmic core opening on the lateral outer surface of the spicule head and generally communicated with the exterior through one or two pores at the spicule tip. Spicules of Xiphinema sp. and Aporcelaimellus sp. were not composed of three typical parts, were less sclerotized, and lacked a cytoplasmic core opening and distal pores. Spicules of Aphelenchoides spp. had heads expanded into apex and rostrum and had very arcuate blades with thick dorsal and ventral edges (limbs). Gubernaculum shapes were stable within a species, but differed among species examined. The accessory structures of Hoplolaimus galeatus consisted of a tongue-shaped gubernaculum with two titillae at its distal end and a plate-like capitulum terminating distally in two flat, wing-like structures. A comparison of spicules of several species of Meloidogyne by SEM and light microscopy revealed no striking morphological differences.  相似文献   

The optimum temperatures for population development were determined for six species of bacterial-feeding nematodes from among eight temperatures, ranging from 5 to 40 C. Four of the species are cohabiting species. The range of temperatures over which population development occurs (temperature niche breadth) is different for the cohabiting species. This difference may be a means of reducing competition between species, thus increasing temperatures over which habitats can be exploited.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of certain species of lepidopterous pupae occurring in different ecological situations to the entomogenous nematode, Neoaplectana carpocapsae, was tested. Soil- or litter-pupating lepidopterous insects were not highly susceptible to N. carpocapsae. The most susceptible insect pupating in the soil was Spodoptera exigua with 63% pupal mortality, while Harrisinia brillians, which pupates in litter, had 55% mortality. Other soil- and litter-pupating insects had mortalities of less than 25%. Some insect species that pupate above ground were highly susceptible (> 84% mortality) to N. carpocapsae infection.  相似文献   

The development and use of pest damage functions involves measurement and experimental errors associated with cultural, environmental, and distributional factors. Damage predictions are more valuable if considered with associated probability. Collapsing population densities into a geometric series of population classes allows a pseudo-replication removal of experimental and sampling error in damage function development. Recognition of the nature of sampling error for aggregated populations allows assessment of probability associated with the population estimate. The product of the probabilities incorporated in the damage function and in the population estimate provides a basis for risk analysis of the yield loss prediction and the ensuing management decision.  相似文献   

The infectivity and development of four populations of Meloidogyne hapla were compared, at three temperatures, on tomato and two varieties of cucumber. A population from Canada produced few root-galls on cucumber and, except at 24 C, no larvae developed into adult females and produced egg masses. In contrast, a population with 45 chromosomes from America produced many galls on cucumber and small proportions of larvae became females and produced egg masses at 20 and 24 C. At 18 C this population produced no egg masses on cucumber, but a population from Britain and one from America with 17 chromosomes produced more egg masses at this temperature than at 20 or 24 C. Dissection of the galls showed that on cucumber many larvae died or their growth and development was slowed.  相似文献   

Resistant and susceptible cultivars of tomato, lima beans, cotton, and alfalfa were tested with 10 populations of Meloidogyne incognita from different California locations. Nine of the populations differed in aggressiveness on the nine cultivars tested. Two populations were especially aggressive toward resistant tomato cultivars.  相似文献   

The effects of organophosphates (mevinphos, phenamiphos, trichlorfon), carbamates (carbofuran, methomyl, oxamyl), a formamidine (chlordimeform), a synthetic pyrethroid (fenvalerate), a chlorinated hydrocarbon (methoxychlor). and an insect growth regulator (diflubenzuron) on in vitro development and reproduction of Neoaplectana carflocapsae were tested by incorporating each chemical into a nematode rearing medium. Organophosphates and carbamates adversely affected development and reproduction at concentrations ≥ 0.1 mg/ml. Phenamiphos was the most toxic, with no nematode reproduction at 0.01 mg/ml. Inoculated infective juveniles developed to adults with some of the organophosphates and carbamates, but limited or no reproduction occurred. Chlordimeform inhibited development at 1.0 mg/ml, while diflubenzuron, fenvalerate, and methoxychlor did not significantly (P > 0.05) reduced reproduction at 1.0 mg/ml. The organophosphate and carbamate nematicides in use for control of plant-parasitic nematodes may be toxic to N. carpocapsae in the soil.  相似文献   

Twelve soil drenches over a period of 30 days with DBCP concentrations of 40 μg/ml did not completely prevent infection of tomato plants by root-knot nematode juveniles. Repeated DBCP drenches of 40 μg/ml halted gall development during the drenches, but 10 days after drenching was discontinued galls were apparent. DBCP drenches at 200 μg/ml prevented tomato root development, and 40 μg/ml slowed it. Ten μg/ml increased the height of root-knot-infected plants, but not their top weights. Treated plants were lanky. Protective drenches of 2.5 to 40 μg/ml of DBCP decreased nematode populations and increased fruitfulness. DBCP as a therapeutant reduced the incidence of galling on new roots and halted increases in gall size on previously infected roots but did not improve fruitfulness or plant size significantly.  相似文献   

Nematode communities of 18 Indiana mixed hardwood stands were comprised of an average of 23% tylenchid species, 31% dorylaimid species, and 46% species of six other orders. Based on total numbers of individuals present the stands averaged 42% tylenchids, 20% dorylaimids, and 38% individuals of other orders. Ordination of the sites using data only for tylenchid species gave an even distribution of sites, indicating little effect of site disturbances on tylenchid populations. By contrast an ordination using data for dorylaimid species showed a high degree ofd issimilarity between reference sites indicating that disturbances at some sites had drastically affected the dorylaimid fauna. An ordination utilizing biomass of all species present was very similar to the ordination based on data for dorylaimid species only.  相似文献   

Nematodes found in Ips paraconfusus from ponderosa pine in California were an undescribed species of Parasitaphelenchus, Contortylenchus elongatus, C. reversus, and C. brevicomi. C. elongatus, the most commonly found contortylenchid, was present in 98.2% of the contortylenchid-parasitized beetles. Only one nematode parasite of the gut, a Parasitorhabditis sp., was isolated. Although significant differences in parasitism were observed, they were by collection sites, rather than by elevation or bole sources (slash or standing). Significant changes in parasitism between fall and spring collections were observed but not at every site. Nematode parasitism in the F₁ generation of I. paraconfusus by Parasitaphelenchus, Contortylenchus, or Parasitorhabditis increased or decreased from the parent generation depending upon the experiment.Nematode parasites from I. pini included an undescribed Parasitaphelenchus sp., two undescribed Contortylenchus spp., C. reversus and Parasitylenchus (= Neoparasitylenchus) ovarius from the hemocel, and Parasitorhabditis ipini from the gut. Parasitaphelenchus sp. was found in 99% and 45.3% of the beetles from Idaho and California, respectively. Of the 1,000 I. pini from Idaho and California, 157 were parasitized by the contortylenchid species or P. ovarius.  相似文献   

Nematode parasites and associates of four bark beetle species in British Columbia were surveyed. Bursaphelenchus varicauda n.sp., Ektaphelenchus macrostylus, Panagrolaimus dentatus, and Cryptaphelenchus latus were found associated with Dendroctonus pseudotsugae. Parasitorhabditis obtusa was found in the gut and Contortylenchus reversus in the hemocoel of both D. pseudotsugae and D. rufipennis. The latter also had hemocoel infections of Sphaerulariopsis dendroetoni, which were not found concomitant with C. reversus infections. Contortylenchus brevicomi occurred in the hemocoel of D. brevicomis. The first report of a tylenchid larva parasitizing Trypodendron lineatum in North America is presented. Bursaphelenchus varicauda n.sp. was obtained from the gallery frass of D. pseudotsugae. It resembles B. corneolus and B. bestiolus but differs from the former species in female tail shape, the position of the excretory pore, spicule shape, and position of the male caudal papillae, and from the latter species in spicule shape and in the length of the esophagus and postuterine sac.  相似文献   

The survival of desiccation by J4 Orrina phyllobia was examined at controlled relative humidities. When nematodes were transferred from water to air at 10% relative humidity (rh), 80% died within 30 minutes. When nematodes were transferred from water to air with rh at 70% or greater for ca. 15 minutes prior to being transferred to 10% rh, more than 90% of them survived desiccation. This phenomenon is referred to as preconditioning and occurred at much faster rates (2-30 minutes) than has been observed for other nematode species (24 hours). Differences in preconditioning rates may be due to technique-dependent variations in boundary layer resistance around nematodes during desiccation.  相似文献   

For control of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, and the pathogenic wilt fungus, Fusarium oxysporum, on cotton, soil fumigants were applied in the field at conventional and higher rates. Conventional rates suppressed Fusarium wilt but higher rates gave quicker early growth, better stands, less stand loss over the season, a lower percentage of plants infected with wilt, fewer plants with vascular discoloration, and fewer nematodes. The best treatment about doubled the yields of untreated controls in one experiment and quadrupled them in another.  相似文献   

Thirty-five populations of Heterodera glycines and populations of 15 other Heterodera, Globodera, and Punctodera species were studied morphometrically and some were compared serologically. There was a wide range of each measurement within each nematode population. Except for one soybean cyst nematode population from Indiana, which was a tetraploid and considerably larger than the others, morphometric measurements overlapped. In a discriminant function comparison most of the populations were closely grouped but at least three were rather distinctly separated. Morphometrically H. fici, H. cruciferae, H. schachtii, and H. trifolii were closely associated with H. glycines. Serology indicated a close relationship between H. glycines, H. lespedezae, H. trifolii, H. schachtii, and the Heterodera sp. from Rumex, while H. betulae appeared to be more distantly related.  相似文献   

Three new species of orchid bees are described and figured from the Amazon and Atlantic forests of Brazil. Euglossa clausi sp. n., Euglossa moratoi sp. n., and Euglossa pepei sp. n. are distinguished from their close congeners Euglossa crassipunctata Moure, Euglossa parvula Dressler, and Euglossa sapphirina Moure, previously placed in the subgenus Euglossa (Glossurella) Dressler, 1982, a demonstrably paraphyletic assemblage requiring serious reconsideration. Their affinities with related species are discussed and pertinent characters are figured.  相似文献   

The commonly used nematode extraction methods were compared using three soil types and four nematode species. The comparison was repeated in three trials by the same operator to estimate operator reproducibility. Extraction efficiency was dependent upon method, soil type, and nematode species, and reproducibility was not particularly satisfactory for routine analyses. Extraction by any method tested was less than 50% efficient. Quantitative nematode extraction methodology needs serious attention.  相似文献   

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