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Agrobacterium tumefaciens stimulated and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici inhibited development and reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita when applied to the opposite split root of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Tropic, plants. The lowest rate of nematode reproduction occurred after 2,000 juveniles were applied and the fungus was present in the opposite split root. The effects of all three pathogens alone on the growth of roots and shoots of tomato plants were evident, but M. incognita had a greater effect alone than did either of the other pathogens. The length of split roots was reduced by the infection of M. incognita and A. tumefaciens or F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. The number of galls induced by nematodes on roots was higher where the bacterium was applied and lower where the fungus was applied to the opposite split root.  相似文献   

Interaction of Meloidogyne javanica and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri was studied on Fusarium wilt-susceptible (JG 62 and K 850) and resistant (JG 74 and Avrodhi) chickpea cultivars. In greenhouse experiments, inoculation of M. javanica juveniles prior to F. oxysporum f. sp. ciceri caused greater wilt incidence in susceptible cultivars and induced vascular discoloration in roots of resistant cultivars. Nematode reproduction was greatest (P = 0.05) at 25 °C. Number of galls and percentage of root area galled increased when the temperature was increased from 15 °C to 25 °C. Wilt incidence was greater at 20 °C than at 25 °C. Chlorosis of leaves and vascular discoloration of plants did not occur at 15 °C. The nematode enhanced the wilt incidence in wilt-susceptible cultivars only at 25 °C. Interaction between the two pathogens on shoot and root weights was significant only at 20 °C, and F. o. ciceri suppressed the nematode density at this temperature. Wilt incidence was greater in clayey (48% clay) than in loamy sand (85% sand) soils. The nematode caused greater plant damage on loamy sand than on clayey soil. Fusarium wilt resistance in Avrodhi and JG 74 was stable in the presence of M. javanica across temperatures and soil types.  相似文献   

''Bonny Best'' tomato plants were grown at 16, 21, or 24 C for 28 d in soil infested with either of two isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 1 and Meloidogyne incognita. Significant levels of fusarium wilt occurred at all temperatures including 16 C, which has not been reported previously. One Fusarium isolate resulted in the highest levels of disease incidence at 21 and 24 C in the presence of root-knot nematodes, and at 24 C when the nematodes were not present. At 16 C there was no significant difference in the number of plants infected by the second Fusarium isolate alone or in combination with root knot nematodes, although the presence of nematodes resulted in a significant increase in the percentage of disease occurrence and vessel infection at 21 C.  相似文献   

The total numbers of nuclei in giant cells induced by Meloidogyne incognita in pea, lettuce, tomato, and broad bean were determined. Mature giant cells from pea had the most nuclei per giant cell with a mean of 59 ± 23, lettuce had the fewest with 26 ± 16, and tomato and broad bean were intermediate. The rate of increase in numbers of nuclei for all plant species was greatest during the first 7 days after inoculation. No mitotic activity was observed in giant cells associated with adult nematodes. Number of nuclei per giant cell doubled each day during the period of greatest mitotic activity, but number of total chromosomes per giant cell increased 20-fold per day at the same time. The hypothesis is presented that factor(s) responsible for the polyploid, mulfinucleate condition characteristic of giant cells may be different from factor(s) responsible for aneuploid numbers of chromosome per nucleus or for nuclear aberrations such as the presence of linked nuclei.  相似文献   

Four bean genotypes (IPA-1, A-107, A-211, and Calima), representing all possible combinations of resistance and susceptibility to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli (Fop) and Meloidogyne incognita, were each inoculated with three population densities of these pathogens. Calima and A-107 were resistant to Fop; A-107 and A-211 were resistant to M. incognita; and IPA-1 was susceptible to both pathogens. In Fop-susceptible lines (IPA-1 and A-211), the presence of M. incognita contributed to an earlier onset and increased severity of Fusarium wilt symptoms and plant stunting. However, the Fop-resistant Calima developed symptoms of Fusarium wilt only in the presence of M. incognita. Genotype A-107 (resistant to both M. incognita and Fop) exhibited Fusarium wilt symptoms and a moderately susceptible reaction to Fop only after the breakdown of its M. incognita resistance by elevated incubation temperatures (27 C). Root galling and reproduction of M. incognita was generally increased as inoculum density of M. incognita was increased on the M. incognita susceptible cultivars. However, these factors were decreased as the inoculum density of Fop was increased. It was concluded that severe infections of bean roots by M. incognita increase the severity of Fusarium wilt on Fop-susceptible genotypes and may modify the resistant reaction to Fop.  相似文献   

The early events of Meloidogyne incognita behavior and associated host responses following root penetration were studied in resistant (cv. Moapa 69) and susceptible (cv. Lahontan) alfalfa. Ten-day-old seedlings of alfalfa cultivars were inoculated with second-stage juveniles (J2) and harvested 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours and 7, 14, and 21 days later. Both cultivars supported similar root penetration and initial J2 migration. By 72 hours after inoculation the majority of J2 were amassed inside the vascular cylinder in roots of susceptible Lahontan, while J2 had not entered the vascular cylinder of resistant Moapa 69 and remained clumped at the root apex. Nematode development progressed normally in Lahontan, but J2 were not observed in Moapa 69 after day 7. The greatest differences between RNA translation products isolated from inoculated and uninoculated roots of Lahanton occurred 72 hours after inoculation. Only minor differences in gene expression were observed between inoculated and uninoculated Moapa 69 roots at 72 hours. Comparison of translation products from inoculated versus mechanically wounded Lahontan roots revealed products that were specific to or enhanced in nematode-infected plants. Moapa 69 appears to possess a type of resistance to M. incognita that does not depend on a conventional hypersensitive response.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine under differing temperatures (12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 C) the penetration anti development of Meloidogyne hapla in resistant lines ''298'' and ''Nev. Syn XX'', and susceptible ''Lahontan'' and ''Ranger'' hardy-type alfalfas. The results indicated that resistance to M. hapla was similar to that previously described for M. incognita in nonhardy alfalfa. Although initial penetration in resistant seedlings was similar to that of susceptible seedlings, nematode larvae failed to establish and develop in root tissues and nematode numbers subsequently declined. In susceptible seedlings, nematode development proceeded rapidly, and egg production began after 5 weeks. Temperature had little influence on the nematode development except to slow the response at the lower temperatures. Other studies were conducted to verify a previously reported immune (no penetration) reaction to M. hapla by the ''Vernal'' selection ''M-4''. When compared to the resistant (penetration without nematode development) Vernal selection ''M-9'' under differing temperatures (20, 24, 28, and 32 C), each selection was equally penetrated by M. hapla but at a lower level than in susceptible Ranger cuttings. Generally, no root galling was observed in either M-4 or M-9; however, very slight galling was found 35 days after inoculation on about 50% of these cuttings when grown at 32 C.  相似文献   

To determine the energy cost of a population of Meloidogyne incognita on the roots of alyceclover, nematode biomass was estimated and equations in the literature were used to calculate energy budgets. Amounts of energy consumed, respired, or used in production of nematode biomass were calculated. Results suggested that severe infestations of root-knot nematodes can remove significant quantities of energy from their hosts. Over a 36-day period, a population of 2.6 females of M. incognita per root system removed less than 0.4 calories of energy from a resistant alyceclover plant but over 11 calories were removed by 28 females from a susceptible alyceclover. The calculations indicate that on the resistant alyceclover line, 53% of the energy assimilated by the root-knot population was allocated to respiration, with only 47% allocated to production, whereas on the susceptible line, 65% of the assimilated energy was allocated to production. Such energy demands by the parasite could result in significant reductions in yield quantity and quality at a field production level.  相似文献   

Isoperoxidases were detected in resistant Rossol and susceptible Roma VF tomato roots uninfected and infected by Meloidogyne incognita. Syringaldazine, guaiacol, p-phenylenediamine-pyrocatechol (PPD-PC), and indoleacetic acid (IAA) were used as substrates, and the corresponding peroxidative activities were detected either in cytoplasmic or in cell wall fractions, except for IAA oxidase, which was measured in soluble and microsomal fractions. Isoperoxidase activities and cellular locations were induced differently in resistant and susceptible cultivars by nematodes. Nematode infestation markedly enhanced syringaldazine oxidase activity in cell walls of the resistant cultivar. This isoperoxidase is involved in the last step of lignin deposition in plants. Conversely, the susceptible cultivar reacted to M. incognita infection with an increase in cytoplasmic PPD-PC oxidase activity, which presumedly is involved in ethylene production; no changes in cell wall isoperoxidases were observed. IAA oxidase was inhibited in susceptible plants after nematode inoculation, whereas in resistant plants this activity increased in the soluble fraction and decreased in the microsomal fraction.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith and four rhizobacteria (RB; 58/1 and D/2: Pseudomonas fluorescens biovar II; 17: P. putida; 21: Enterobacter cloacae), which are the important members of the rhizosphere microflora and biological control agents against plant diseases, were examined in the pathosystem of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici [(Sacc) Syd. et Hans] (FOL) and tomato with respect to morphological parameters (fresh and dry root weight) and phosphorous (P) concentration in the roots. Treatments with single and dual inoculation with G. intraradices and RB strains reduced disease severity by 8.6–58.6%. Individual bacteria inoculations were more effective than both the single AMF and dual (G. intraradices + RB) inoculations. In addition, the RB and G. intraradices enhanced dry root weight effectively. Significant increases in root weights were recorded particularly in the triple inoculations compared with single or dual inoculations. Compared with the non‐treated controls all biological control agents increased P‐content of treated roots of plants. Colonization with RB increased especially in triple (FOL + G. intraradices + RB) inoculations whereas colonization of G. intraradices was significantly decreased in treatment of FOL + G. intraradices compared with triple inoculations. The results suggest that suitable combinations of these biocontrol agents may ameliorate plant growth and health.  相似文献   

A group of differential tomato lines was used to identify the races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in Zhejiang, China. Marmande verte carries no resistant genes and Marporum carries gene I-1. Both lines Motelle and Mogeor have Gene I-1 and I-2. Tomato seedlings of eighteen days after sowing were inoculated with an isolate of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, No. 98-2 and kept in a growth chamber. The seedlings were evaluated at fourteen days after inoculation. Results showed that Marmande verte and Marporum were severely infected by the pathogen and established as susceptible. Motelle and Mogeor were not infected and established as resistant. These results indicated that the isolate No. 98-2 represented the race 2 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and gene I-2 is necessary for obtaining resistance to this pathogen in the Zhejiang region.  相似文献   

Abstract An exopolygalacturonase produced by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis lycopersici , a fungus that produces root rot, was purified by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. It had a M r 68 K, a pH optimum of 5.6 and an optimum temperature of 60°C. This polygalacturonase was inhibited by calcium ions and had a K m of 0.64 mM using sodium polypectate as substrate. The exo mode of action of this enzyme was revealed by thin-layer chromatography of hydrolysed substrate.  相似文献   

Ditylenchus dipsaci and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis synergistically affected the mortality and plant growth of Ranger alfalfa, a cultivar susceptible to stem nematode and Fusarium wilt. The nematode-fungus relationship had an additive effect on mortality and plant growth of Lahontan (nematode resistant and Fusarium wilt susceptible) and of Moapa 69 (nematode susceptible and Fusarium wilt resistant). Mortality rates were 13, 16, 46, and 49% for Ranger; 4, 18, 26, and 28% for Lahontan; and 19, 10, 32, and 30% for Moapa 69 inoculated with D. dipsaci, F. oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis, and simultaneously and sequentially with D. dipsaci and F. oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis, respectively. Shoot weights as a percentage of uninoculated controls for the same treatments were 52, 84, 26, and 28%, for Ranger; 74, 86, 64, and 64% for Lahontan; and 50, 95, 44, and 39% for Moapa 69. Plant growth suppression was related to vascular bundle infection and discoloration of alfalfa root tissue. Disease severity and plant growth of alfalfa did not differ with simultaneous or sequential inoculations of the two pathogens. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis affected alfalfa growth but not nematode reproduction.  相似文献   

Under two monoxenic culture techniques of growing plants (filter paper and silica sand cultures), sugar in root exudate from Meloidogyne incognita-infected tomato increased 133 to 836% over controls. In contrast, amino acids were moderately reduced 52 to 56%. Chromatographic analysis showed that galled root exudate contained three sugars, twelve amino acids, and three organic acids, whereas healthy root exudate contained four sugars, fifteen amino acids, and four organic acids. Polysaccharide was responsible for the large increase of sugars in galled root exudates. The concn and the absolute amount of total sugars in the infected plant xylem sap were greater than in healthy plant xylem sap up to 6 wk after inoculation, whereas amino acids were moderately lower than in controls throughout the test period. Chromatographic analysis showed that xylem sap from both healthy and infected plants at 4 wk after inoculation contained four sugars and five organic acids. We identified 18 and 17 amino acids in the healthy and infected plant xylem sap, respectively. The concn of sugar increased as the nematode inoculum increased at 2, 4 and 6 wk after inoculation. The amino acids in all samples from the infected plant moderately decreased with an increase of nematode inoculum. We suggest that changes in total sugars and amino acids, of infected plant xylem sap and root exudate are a probable mechanism by which tomato plants are predisposed to Fusarium wilt.  相似文献   

The role of Pasteuria penetrans in suppressing numbers of root-knot nematodes was investigated in a 7-year monocuhure of tobacco in a field naturally infested with a mixed population of Meloidogyne incognita race 1 and M. javanica. The suppressiveness of the soil was tested using four treatments: autoclaving (AC), microwaving (MW), air drying (DR), and untreated. The treated soil bioassays consisted of tobacco cv. Northrup King 326 (resistant to M. incognita but susceptible to M. javanica) and cv. Coker 371 Gold (susceptible to M. incognita and M. javanica) in pots inoculated with 0 or 2,000 second-stage juveniles of M. incognita race 1. Endospores of P. penetrans were killed by AC but were only slightly affected by MW, whereas most fungal propagules were destroyed or inhibited in both treatments. Root galls, egg masses, and numbers of eggs were fewer on Coker 371 Gold in MW, DR, and untreated soil than in AC-treated soil. There were fewer egg masses than root galls on both tobacco cultivars in MW, DR, and untreated soil than in the AC treatment. Because both Meloidogyne spp. were suppressed in MW soil (with few fungi present) as well as in DR and untreated soil, the reduction in root galling, as well as numbers of egg masses and eggs appeared to have resulted from infection of both nematode species by P. penetrans.  相似文献   

Effects of several population densities ofMeloidogyne incognita on the sweet potato cultivars Centennial (susceptible) and Jasper (moderately resistant) were studied. Field plots were infested with initial levels (Pi) of 0, 10, 100, 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 eggs and juveniles/500 cm³ soil in 1980 and 0, 100, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 in 1981. M. incognita population development trends were similar on both cultivars; however, at high Pi, more eggs and juveniles were recovered from Centennial than from Jasper. The highest Pi did not result in the highest mid-season (Pm) counts. Pi was negatively correlated with the number of marketable roots and root weight but positively correlated with total cracked roots, percentage of cracked roots, and cracking severity. Jasper tolerated higher Pi with greater yields and better root quality than Centennial. Cracking of fleshy roots occurred with both cultivars at low Pi.  相似文献   

Most of the 15 carrot cultivars tested were moderate to good hosts to Meloidogyne chitwoodi race 1, whereas all except Orlando Gold were nonhosts or poor hosts for M. chitwoodi race 2. All carrot cultivars were good hosts for M. hapla. The plant weights of the carrot cultivars Red Cored Chantenay and Orlando Gold infected with either race of M. chitwoodi were significantly less than uninoculated checks in pots. Under field microplot conditions, however, detrimental effects on quality were rarely observed. M. hapla was pathogenic to both cultivars in the greenhouse and the field. The tolerance level of Orlando Gold to M. hapla was lower than Red Cored Chantenay.  相似文献   

In autoclaved greenhouse soil without Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum, Meloidogyne incognita did not cause leaf or vascular discoloration of 59-day-old cotton plants. Plants had root galls with as few as 50 Meloidogyne larvae per plant. Root galling was directly proportional to the initial nematode population level. Fusarium wilt symptoms occurred without nematodes with 77,000 fungus propagules or more per gram of soil. As few as 50 Meloidogyne larvae accompanying 650 fungus propagules caused Fusarium wilt. With few exceptions, leaf symptoms appeared sooner as numbers of either or both organisms increased. In soils infested with both organisms, the extent of fungal invasion and colonization was well correlated with the extent of nematode galling and other indications of the Fusarium wilt syndrome.  相似文献   

Growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv. Vernal) seedlings was compared after inoculation with combinations of either Pratylenchus penetrans and Fusarium soloni or P. penetrans and F. oxysporum f. sp. medicaginis. A synergistic disease interaction occurred in alfalfa when F. oxysporum and P. penetrans were added simultaneously to the soil. Alfalfa growth was suppressed at all inoculum levels of P. penetrans and F. oxysporum, but not with F. solani. Seedlings inoculated with the nematode alone gave lower yields than when inoculated with either Fusarium species alone. Fusarium oxysporum, but not F. solani, was pathogenic to alfalfa under similar experimental conditions. Fusarium oxysporum did not alter the populations of P. penetrans in alfalfa roots, whereas the presence of F. solani was associated with a diminished number of P. penetrans in the roots.  相似文献   

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