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The objective of this study was to demonstrate the occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi on Ixodes ricinus ticks in relation to the tick stage, engorgement and season. Ticks were collected from the vegetation, from small rodents and from deer. All entomopathogenic fungi found belonged to the Hyphomycetes. Paecilomyces farinosus and Verticillium lecanii were the predominant species. Other species, found only on engorged females were: Beauveria bassiana, B. brongniartii, P. fumosoroseus and V. aranearum. Eight out of 1833 ticks collected from the vegetation and three out of 269 engorged nymphs were infected with fungi. Thirty-three out of 149 engorged females were infected, whereas males and engorged larvae were not infected. Throughout the season, a significantly higher proportion of ticks collected in autumn were infected. Entomopathogenic fungi may have a significant impact on the size of the I. ricinus population, since females were the most frequently infected stage.  相似文献   

In tick salivary glands, several genes are induced during the feeding process, leading to the expression of new proteins. These proteins are typically secreted in tick saliva and are potentially involved in the modulation of the host immune and hemostatic responses. In a previous study, the construction and the analysis of a subtractive library led to the identification of Ixodes ricinus immunosuppressor (Iris), a novel protein, differentially expressed in I. ricinus salivary glands during the blood meal. In the present study, the data strongly suggest that this protein is secreted by tick salivary glands into the saliva. In addition, Iris is also found to modulate T lymphocyte and macrophage responsiveness by inducing a Th2 type response and by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In conclusion, these results suggest that Iris is an immunosuppressor, which might play an important role in the modulation of host immune response.  相似文献   

Ticks from mainland Australia (Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland) and Tasmania, identified morphologically as either Ixodes holocyclus or Ixodes cornuatus, were compared genetically using 24 enzyme loci. The results showed that ticks from three localities in Victoria were genetically similar to I. cornuatus in Tasmania, but both groups had fixed genetic differences at >45% of loci compared with other ticks on the mainland. In addition, there were fixed genetic differences at 0-60% of loci among I. holocyclus from different localities on the mainland. Ixodes holocyclus samples could be divided into four distinct clusters (with fixed genetic differences >15%), three of which were represented by one or two specimens. Nonetheless, these electrophoretic data suggest that I. holocyclus represents a species complex. The results also showed that the morphological criteria used to identify specimens were not always accurate because several specimens had been mis-identified morphologically. Despite limitations with the morphological identification, this study has demonstrated that I. cornuatus can be distinguished from the I. holocyclus species complex using six enzyme loci, providing the foundation for a re-examination of morphological characteristics. The present study has shown that I. cornuatus and the I. holocyclus complexes have a greater distribution than previously reported, with both occurring in sympatry at Cape Patterson, on the southern coastline of Victoria.  相似文献   

A total of 298 Ixodes ricinus (L.) ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) feeding on humans in the Czech Republic were tested for borreliae (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato) by darkfield microscopy between 1997 and 2003. A majority (68%) of the supplied I. ricinus ticks were nymphs, 25% were females and 7% were larvae. Overall, 20% of 74 examined females and 9% of 203 examined nymphs (but none of 21 examined larvae) were infected with borreliae. The proportion of ticks with a high infection load (>100 spirochetes) was 4% in females and 2% in nymphal I. ricinus. During the year, the highest numbers and proportions of infected nymphal and female ticks were taken from humans in June. Detection of borreliae in the ticks feeding on humans might be helpful in the prophylaxis of Lyme borreliosis.  相似文献   

Ixodes ticks: serum species sensitivity of anticomplement activity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ixodid ticks feed for extended periods of up to 2 weeks or more. To complete engorgement, they must overcome their host's innate immune mechanisms of which the complement system is a major component. Using in vitro assays, salivary gland extracts of the ixodid ticks, Ixodes ricinus, I. hexagonus, and I. uriae, were shown to inhibit activity of the alternative pathway of complement. The ability of the different Ixodes species to inhibit complement activity varied with the animal species used as a complement serum source. Serum species sensitivity correlates to the reported host range of the tick species tested.  相似文献   

The coevolutionary history of Ixodes spp. ticks, the obligately tick-transmitted bacterial pathogen Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and its various rodent reservoir hosts world-wide is not known. According to coevolution theory, the most recently evolved of tick-bacterial complexes could have difficulty maintaining A. phagocytophilum in nature, because transmissibility has not been efficiently maximized. This study was intended to examine the phylogeographic history of I. ricinus-subgroup ticks and A. phagocytophilum, provide an estimate for the date of the divergence of A. marginale and A. phagocytophilum, and evaluate whether there is correspondence between tick and Anaplasma spp. trees. Analysis of Ixodes spp. ticks showed a New World clade consisting of I. scapularis and I. pacificus, European I. ricinus as a sister group to this clade, and Asian I. persulcatus as basal. Of the three A. phagocytophilum genes evaluated, the most resolution was provided by the ankA gene. ankA sequences formed an Old World clade with eastern North America strains as a sister clade. California strains were highly diverse and did not form a clade. Base substitution rates were very comparable along both A. marginale and A. phagocytophilum lineages. Based on 16S rDNA analysis, maximum and minimum divergence times of A. phagocytophilum and A. marginale were calculated to be 78,296,703 and 43,415,708 years, respectively. If A. phagocytophilum did closely coevolve with specific I. ricinus-subgroup tick species, then A. phagocytophilum strains could have specialized on local tick species and optimized local infectivity in the Old World and eastern US. However, lack of absolute resolution of tick trees and conflicting prevalence data (with low prevalence in Asia and western North America) preclude us from inferring a tight coevolutionary relationship of tick species from this phylogeographic analysis.  相似文献   

The results of titration of adult virus infected ticks of Ixodes persulcatus are given. The ticks were collected in various natural nidi of tick-borne encephalitis and individually fed on laboratory animals. The results of titration of ticks of the same species primarily infected on laboratory animals during virusemia are given as well. Changes of the virus titer in engorged ticks were observed till the egg production. A role of the presence of virus in engorged ticks for the process of the agent circulation in natural nidi is discussed.  相似文献   

Diseases transmitted by ticks are causing increasing concern in Europe and all around the world. Repellents are an effective measure for reducing the risk of tick bite; products based on natural compounds represent an interesting alternative to common synthetic repellents. In this study the repellency of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) was tested against the tick Ixodes ricinus L., by using a laboratory bioassay. A bioassay-assisted fractionation allowed the identification of a compound involved in the biological activity. Eugenol appeared to be as repellent as DEET at two tested doses. Linalool, which was identified in the active fraction too, failed to give any response. Repellency of eugenol was proved also in the presence of human skin odour using a convenient and practical bioassay.  相似文献   

In order to get a better understanding of the importance of vertical forest structure as a component of Ixodes ricinus tick habitat, an experiment was set up in a coniferous forest on sandy soils in northern Belgium. Ticks were sampled in six control and six treatment plots on various sampling occasions in 2008–2010. In the course of the study period, a moderate thinning was carried out in all plots and shrub clearing was performed in the treatment plots. Thinning had no effect on tick abundance, while shrub clearing had an adverse affect on the abundance of all three life stages (larva, nymph, adult) up to 2 years post-clearing. Our findings are especially relevant in the light of the ongoing efforts to improve vertical forest structure in Belgium and many other parts of Europe, which might create suitable habitats for ticks and change the epidemiology of tick-borne diseases. Also, our results indicate that shrub clearing could be applied as a tick control measure in recreational areas where there is a high degree of human-tick contact.  相似文献   

To determine whether blackbirds (Turdus merula), the most abundant and most abundantly tick-infested ecotonal bird of Central Europe, may contribute to the transmission of the Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi), we compared the infectivity to ticks of naturally as well as experimentally infected blackbirds and rodents. European blackbirds experience intense exposure to Ixodes ricinus ticks and to the pathogens that they transmit. In nature, subadult I. ricinus ticks found feeding on these birds generally contain no spirochetes, although infection is universal in those found on black-striped mice (Apodemus agrarius). Those found on yellow-necked mice (A. flavicollis) are less frequently infected. Ticks lose infection in the course of feeding on blackbirds and fail to infect them. Subadult I. ricinus ticks readily feed on blackbirds, black-striped mice, and jirds (Meriones unguiculatus), but engorge less fully on the bird than on the rodents. Although birds may burden human health by establishing new infestations of I. ricinus ticks, our observations indicate that particular birds may benefit health by locally diminishing transmission of the Lyme disease spirochete.  相似文献   

Between 1988 and 1993, a total of 7173 I. ricinus ticks, predominantly nymphs, were collected from the vegetation on the Dutch North Sea Island of Ameland. A proportion of the ticks (n=547) was screened for the presence of Borrelia by immunofluorescence. Infection rates of Borrelia varied, in nymphs (n=347) from 13% to 46% and in adults, (n=122) from 20% to 43%. The infection rate in larvae (n=84) collected in 1993 was 21%, showing that transovarial transmission of B. burgdorferi occurs in the I. ricinus population on Ameland. Two tick-naive sheep seroconverted for B. burgdorferi after field-collected adult or nymphal I. ricinus were allowed to feed on them. Larval progeny (n=168) of 15 female adult ticks fed on one of these sheep were free from B. burgdorferi. B. burgdorferi was isolated in culture from field-collected adult ticks. Serotyping using monoclonal antibodies against outer surface proteins A and C indicated that both isolates belonged to genospecies B. garinii, and this was confirmed by DraI restriction analysis of the variable DNA sequence between the 5S and 23S rRNA genes.  相似文献   

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