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The antimalarial drugs, quinacrine, quinine and mefloquine, as well as the structurally-similar compound, W-7, inhibit calcium-dependent backward swimming and calcium currents in Paramecium calkinsi. These drugs are also toxic to paramecia at high concentrations. Therefore, one site of toxic action of the drugs may be the calcium channel. To test this hypothesis, the toxicity of the antimalarials and W-7 was compared in paramecia with and without calcium channels. Since calcium channels are located on the cilia, calcium channels were removed from the paramecia by deciliating the cells. Deciliated cells were found to be less susceptible to the lethal effects of the antimalarials and W-7 than their ciliated counterparts. Moreover, Pawns, mutants of P. tetraurelia that possess cilia but lack functional calcium channels, were also less susceptible to the antimalarials than wild-type cells. Thus, calcium channels may be one site of toxic action of the antimalarial drugs in paramecia and perhaps in other protists. Accepted: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

The genus Holospora (Rickettsiales) includes highly infectious nuclear symbionts of the ciliate Paramecium with unique morphology and life cycle. To date, nine species have been described, but a molecular characterization is lacking for most of them. In this study, we have characterized a novel Holospora-like bacterium (HLB) living in the macronuclei of a Paramecium jenningsi population. This bacterium was morphologically and ultrastructurally investigated in detail, and its life cycle and infection capabilities were described. We also obtained its 16S rRNA gene sequence and developed a specific probe for fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments. A new taxon, “Candidatus Gortzia infectiva”, was established for this HLB according to its unique characteristics and the relatively low DNA sequence similarities shared with other bacteria. The phylogeny of the order Rickettsiales based on 16S rRNA gene sequences has been inferred, adding to the available data the sequence of the novel bacterium and those of two Holospora species (Holospora obtusa and Holospora undulata) characterized for the purpose. Our phylogenetic analysis provided molecular support for the monophyly of HLBs and showed a possible pattern of evolution for some of their features. We suggested to classify inside the family Holosporaceae only HLBs, excluding other more distantly related and phenotypically different Paramecium endosymbionts.  相似文献   

Homopolar doublets with twofold rotational symmetry were generated in Paramecium tetraurelia and in P. undecaurelia by electrofusion or by arrested conjugation. These doublets underwent a complex cortical reorganization over time, which led to their reversion to singlets. This reorganization involved a reduction in number of ciliary rows, a progressive inactivation and loss of one oral meridian, and a reduction and eventual disappearance of one cortical surface (semicell) situated between the two oral meridians. The intermediate steps of this reorganization included some processes that resemble those previously described in regulating doublets of other ciliates, and others that are peculiar to members of the "P. aurelia" species-group and some of its close relatives. The former included a disappearance of one cortical landmark (a contractile vacuole meridian) and transient appearance of another (a third cytoproct) within the narrower semicell. The latter included a reorganization of the paratene zone and the associated invariant (non-duplicating) region to occupy the entire narrower semicell and a redistribution of zones of most active basal-body proliferation within the opposite, wider semicell. The final steps of reorganization involved anterior displacement, invagination, and resorption of one of the two oral apparatuses and eventual disappearance of the associated oral meridian. An oral meridian deprived of its oral apparatus, either by spontaneous resorption or microsurgical removal, could persist for some time in "incomplete doublets" before regulating to the singlet condition. The phylogenetically widespread events encountered in the regulation of doublets to singlets suggest that Paramecium shares some of the global regulatory properties that are likely to be ancestral in ciliates. The more specific events are probably associated with the complex cytoskeletal architecture of this organism and with the frequent occurrence of autogamy that was described in the preceding study (Prajer et al. 1999).  相似文献   

In order to get an insight into the cellular mechanisms for the integration of the effects of gravity, we investigated the gravitactic behaviour in Paramecium. There are two main categories for the model of the mechanism of gravitaxis; one is derived on the basis of the mechanistic properties of the cell (physical model) and the other of the physiological properties including cellular gravireception (physiological model). In this review article, we criticized the physical models and introduced a new physiological model. Physical models postulated so far can be divided into two; one explaining the negative gravitactic orientation of the cell in terms of the static torque generated by the structural properties of the cell (gravity-buoyancy model by Verworn, 1889 and drag-gravity model by Roberts, 1970), and the other explaining it in terms of the dynamic torque generated by the helical swimming of the cell (propulsion-gravity model by Winet and Jahn, 1974 and lifting-force model by Nowakowska and Grebecki, 1977). Among those we excluded the possibility of dynamic-torque models because of their incorrect theoretical assumptions. According to the passive orientation of Ni(2+)-immobilized cells, the physical effect of the static torque should be inevitable for the gravitactic orientation. Downward orientation of the immobilized cells in the course of floating up in the hyper-density medium demonstrated the gravitactic orientation is not resulted by the nonuniform distribution of cellular mass (gravity-buoyancy model) but by the fore-aft asymmetry of the cell (drag-gravity model). A new model explaining the gravitactic behaviour is derived on the basis of the cellular gravity sensation through mechanoreceptor channels of the cell membrane. Paramecium is known to have depolarizing receptor channels in the anterior and hyperpolarizing receptors in the posterior of the cell. The uneven distribution of the receptor may lead to the bidirectional changes of the membrane potential by the selective deformation of the anterior and posterior cell membrane responding to the orientation of the cell in the gravity field; i.e. negative- and positive-going shift of the potential due to the upward and downward orientation, respectively. The orientation dependent changes in membrane potential with respect to gravity, in combination with the close coupling of the membrane potential and the ciliary locomotor activity, may allow the changes in swimming direction along with those in the helical nature of the swimming path; upward shift of axis of helix by decreasing the pitch angle due to hyperpolarization in the upward-orienting cell, and also the upward shift by increasing the pitch angle due to depolarization in the downward-orienting cell. Computer simulation of the model demonstrated that the cell can swim upward along the "super-helical" trajectory consisting of a small helix winding helically an axis parallel to the gravity vector, after which the model was named as "Super-helix model". Three-dimensional recording of the trajectories of the swimming cells demonstrated that about a quarter of the cell population drew super-helical trajectory under the unbounded, thermal convection-free conditions. In addition, quantitative analysis of the orientation rate of the swimming cell indicated that gravity-dependent orientation of the swimming trajectory could not be explained solely by the physical static torque but complementarily by the physiological mechanism as proposed in the super-helix model.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Bacterial endosymbionts of protozoa were often described as new species by protozoologists mainly on the basis of few morphological characters and partly by host specificity. Many of these species have never been validated by prokaryotic microbiologists whose taxonomic rules are quite different from those of protozoologists, who use the Zoological Code of Nomenclature. “Caedibacter macronucleorum” Fokin and Görtz 1993 , an endosymbiont of Paramecium duboscqui, belongs to this category. Here we provide the molecular characterization of this organism and of its host P. duboscqui strain Ku4‐8. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis proved that “C. macronucleorum” belongs to the Alphaproteobacteria. It is closely related to Caedibacter caryophilus but not to Caedibacter taeniospiralis, which belongs to the Gammaproteobacteria. “Caedibacter macronucleorum” and C. caryophilus 16S rRNA genes show a similarity value of 99%. This high 16S rRNA sequence similarity and the lack of a specific oligonucleotide probe for distinguishing the two endosymbionts do not allow validating “C. macronucleorum” as a provisional taxon (Candidatus). Nevertheless, “C. macronucleorum” and C. caryophilus can be easily discriminated on the basis of a highly variable stretch of nucleotides that interrupts the 16S rRNA genes of both organisms.  相似文献   

First discovered in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans[1], γ-tubulin is a ubiquitous component of microtubule organizing centres [2]. In centrosomes, γ-tubulin has been immunolocalized at the pericentriolar material, suggesting a role in cytoplasmic microtubule nucleation [3], as well as within the centriole core itself [4]. Although its function in the nucleation of the mitotic spindle and of cytoplasmic interphasic microtubules has been demonstrated in vitro[5], [6] and in vivo[7], [8], [9], the hypothesis that γ-tubulin could intervene in centriole assembly has never been experimentally addressed because the mitotic arrest caused by the inactivation of γ-tubulin in vivo precludes any further phenotypic analysis of putative centriole defects. The issue can be addressed in the ciliate Paramecium, which is characterized by numerous basal bodies that are similar to centrioles but the biogenesis of which is not tightly coupled to the nuclear division cycle. We demonstrate that the inactivation of the Paramecium γ-tubulin genes leads to inhibition of basal body duplication.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Cytopharynx von Paramecium aurelia wurde elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Aus Befunden und den aus zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen erhobenen lichtmikroskopischen Beobachtungen ließen sich Rückschlüsse auf den Vorgang des Einstrudeins der Nahrungspartikel und die Funktion der Schlundfasern bei der Bildung und Abschnürung der Empfangsvakuole ziehen. Beim Einstrudeln der Nahrungspartikel aus einem durch die Mundfeldbewimperung hervorgerufenen Zirkulationsstrom gelangen die peripher erfaßten Partikel durch die Mundöffnung, die durch Falten der Vestibulum- und Pharynxpellikula gebildet wird, in den Pharynx. Durch die Mundverengung wird sowohl ein Abfiltrieren zu großer Partikel als auch eine Reusenwirkung der in den Pharynx gelangten Nahrungspartikel bewirkt. Die in den Pharynx aufgenommenen Partikel werden von dem Peniculus und der Vierermembran zum Ösophagus befördert, wobei der Peniculus als hauptsächlichstes Schluckorganell angesehen werden muß. Zahlreiche Mikrovilli an den Cilien verhindern ein Zurückströmen der Partikel. Am Endabschnitt des Pharynx inserieren in Rippen die Schiundfasern, die röhrenförmige und in flachen Bändern angeordnete Fibrillen darstellen, denen Kontraktilität zugeschrieben wird. Sie führen am Ösophagus entlang caudalwärts und enden anscheinend blind im Cytoplasma. Im erschlafften Zustand ermöglichen sie eine Dehnung des Ösophagus, an dessen Endabschnitt die Empfangsvakuole gebildet wird. Nach maximaler Anschwellung der Empfangsvakuole erfolgt eine Kontraktion der Schlundfasern, die als Kontraktionswelle von der Ansatzstelle der Fibrillen aus caudalwärts fortschreitet, dabei den Ösophagus verengt, die Empfangsvakuole abschnürt und nach hinten wegbewegt. Am Pharynx gelegene hochgradige Fibrillenkomplexe werden als das von Gelei (1934) beschriebene Neuromotorium gedeutet. Lichtmikroskopische Befunde verschiedener Autoren über eine unterschiedliche Beschaffenheit der Wände (Membranen) in den einzelnen Cytopharynxabschnitten konnten elektronenmikroskopisch nicht bestätigt werden. Eine Klärung der funktionellen Bedeutung von schlauchförmigen Strukturen, die im Endabschnitt des Pharynx an den Rippen in den Pharynx einmünden, steht noch aus.  相似文献   

The macronuclear genes coding for rRNA (ribosomal DNA [rDNA]) of Paramecium tetraurelia, stock 51, are arranged in polymers consisting of units made up of a transcribed coding region and a nontranscribed spacer region. The whole macronuclear polymer ends with a portion of the spacer on either end followed by a telomere. Six kinds of macronuclear units, or genes, were mapped. Spacers were different, and transcribed regions were the same. These genes are found in markedly different numbers in the macronucleus. The most common gene shows two regions in the spacer where a sequence is followed by a direct repeat. The next most common gene is similar but shows a deletion plus a number of base pair substitutions. Although most cosmid clones contain only a single kind of gene, many contain more than one. These are thought to be produced by somatic crossing over. The four micronuclear genes that have been isolated consist of a single central transcribed region and portions of the spacer on either end. Sequencing indicates that the two ends of the molecule are partially redundant. While the spacer region at the right end of the macronuclear polymer is derived from the micronuclear spacer on the right, the spacer at the left end of the macronuclear polymer is derived from regions of the micronuclear spacer on both the right and the left. To account for this situation, a rolling-circle model for generation of the macronuclear rDNA from the micronuclear DNA is proposed.  相似文献   

The lipophilic fluorescent dye, FM1-43, as now frequently used to stain cell membranes and to monitor exo-endocytosis and membrane recycling, induces a cortical [Ca2+] i transient and exocytosis of dense core vesicles (``trichocysts') in Paramecium cells, when applied at usual concentrations (≤10 μm) in presence of extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+] o = 50 μm). When [Ca2+] o is kept at 30 nm (<[Ca2+]rest i ), in about one third of the population of extrudable trichocysts docked at the cell membrane, FM1-43 induces membrane fusion, visible by FM1-43 fluorescence of the vesicle membrane. However, in this system extrusion of secretory contents cannot occur in absence of any sufficient Ca2+ o . Upon readdition of Ca2+ o or some other appropriate Me2+ o at 90 μm, secretory contents can be released (complete exocytosis). Resulting ghosts formed in presence of Ca2+, Sr2+ or Mn2+ are vesicular, but when formed in presence of Mg2+, for reasons to be elucidated, they are tubular, though both types are endocytosed and lose their FM1-43 stain. In contrast, in presence of [Mg2+] o = 3 mm (which inhibits contents release), the exocytotic openings reseal and intact trichocysts with labeled membranes and with still condensed contents are detached from the cell surface (``frustrated exocytosis') within ∼15 min. They undergo cytoplasmic streaming and saltatory redocking, with a half-time of ∼35 min. During this time, the population of redocked trichocysts amenable to exocytosis upon a second stimulus increases with a half-time of ∼35 min. Therefore, acquirement of competence for exocytotic membrane fusion may occur with only a small delay after docking, and this maturation process may last only a short time. A similar number of trichocysts can be detached by merely increasing [Mg2+] o to 3 mm, or by application of the anti-calmodulin drug, R21547 (calmidazolium). Essentially we show (i) requirement of calmodulin and appropriate [Me2+] to maintain docking sites in a functional state, (ii) requirement of Ca2+ o or of some other Me2+ o to drive membrane resealing during exo-endocytosis, (iii) requirement of an ``empty' signal to go to the regular endocytotic pathway (with fading fluorescence), and (iv) occurrence of a ``filled' signal for trichocysts to undergo detachment and redocking (with fluorescence) after ``frustrated exocytosis'. Received: 20 January 2000/Revised: 5 May 2000  相似文献   

Each symbiotic Chlorella of the ciliate Paramecium bursaria is enclosed in a perialgal vacuole membrane derived from the host digestive vacuole membrane. Alga-free paramecia and symbiotic algae can grow independently. Mixing them experimentally can cause reinfection. Earlier, we reported that the symbiotic algae appear to push the host trichocysts aside to become fixed beneath the host cell cortex during the algal reinfection process. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with a monoclonal antibody against the trichocysts demonstrates that the trichocysts change their locality to form algal attachment sites and decrease their density beneath the host cell cortex through algal reinfection. Transmission electron microscopy to detect acid phosphatase activity showed that some trichocysts near the host cell cortex are digested by the host lysosomal fusion during algal reinfection. Removal of algae from the host cell using cycloheximide recovers the trichocyst's arrangement and number near the host cell cortex. These results indicate that symbiotic algae compete for their attachment sites with preexisting trichocysts and that the algae have the ability to ensure algal attachment sites beneath the host cell cortex.  相似文献   

Przyboś E  Komala Z 《Folia biologica》2000,48(3-4):149-150
In a natural but newly reconstructed pond the presence of P. biaurelia was revealed. The previous studies conducted in 1992 did not reveal the occurrence of any species of the Paramecium aurelia complex here.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - A five-stage synthesis of azepanobetulin from betulin with a total yield of 47% has been carried out. The acylation of azepanobetulin with anhydrides or...  相似文献   

Chlorella virus DNA ligase (ChVLig) is a minimal (298-amino acid) pluripotent ATP-dependent ligase composed of three structural modules—a nucleotidyltransferase domain, an OB domain, and a β-hairpin latch—that forms a circumferential clamp around nicked DNA. ChVLig provides an instructive model to understand the chemical and conformational steps of nick repair. Here we report the assignment of backbone 13C, 15N, 1HN resonances of this 34.2 kDa protein, the first for a DNA ligase in full-length form.  相似文献   

An inulinase-producing Microbulbifer sp. strain, JAM-3301, was isolated from a deep-sea sediment. An inulin operon that contained three open reading frames was cloned and sequenced. Two of the three genes were expressed. One product was an endo-inulinase, and the other was a β-fructofuranosidase. Both enzymes worked together to effectively degrade inulin.  相似文献   

Despite the central importance of the TCA cycle in plant metabolism not all of the genes encoding its constituent enzymes have been functionally identified. In yeast, the heterodimeric protein succinyl CoA ligase is encoded for by two single-copy genes. Here we report the isolation of two tomato cDNAs coding for α- and one coding for the β-subunit of succinyl CoA ligase. These three cDNAs were used to complement the respective Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants deficient in the α- and β-subunit, demonstrating that they encode functionally active polypeptides. The genes encoding for the subunits were expressed in all tissues, but most strongly in floral and leaf tissues, with equivalent expression of the two α-subunit genes being expressed to equivalent levels in all tissues. In all instances GFP fusion expression studies confirmed an expected mitochondrial location of the proteins encoded. Following the development of a novel assay to measure succinyl CoA ligase activity, in the direction of succinate formation, the evaluation of the maximal catalytic activities of the enzyme in a range of tissues revealed that these paralleled those of mRNA levels. We also utilized this assay to perform a preliminary characterisation of the regulatory properties of the enzyme suggesting allosteric control of this enzyme which may regulate flux through the TCA cycle in a manner consistent with its position therein.  相似文献   

1. The rate of incorporation of 14C into pyruvate, α-oxoglutarate, lactate and glucose of rat tissues was measured after the subcutaneous injection of uniformly labelled glucose. 2. In rat brain the specific radioactivities of lactate and glucose were similar to that of alanine. In liver the specific radioactivity of glucose was considerably higher than that of lactate or alanine. 3. The specific radioactivities of α-oxo acids of rat brain were lower than those of corresponding amino acids, alanine and glutamate. These findings have been explained in relation to metabolic compartments in vivo. 4. The approximate estimated rate of glucose utilization in rat brain in vivo is 0·96μmole/g. of brain/min.  相似文献   


The synthesis of oligonucleotides of 2'deoxyuridine containing both the natural D-2'deoxyribose and the unnatural L-2'deoxyribose is described. Units up to the 18-mer have been made via a modified triester procedure and characterized by HPLC.  相似文献   

In summer-autumn of 2003–2004, the ichthyoplankton of the Sea of Okhotsk comprised 35 species. In this period the most widely distributed and numerous were larvae of the lord Hemilepidotus gilberti, the Pacific stout sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus, and the Sakhalin dab Limanda sakhalinensis. The maximum catches of fish larvae were attributed to coastal waters off eastern Sakhalin and to the shelf of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. In November of 2003, the ichthyoplankton of the Sea of Japan was represented by fish larvae belonging mainly to the boreal ichthyocomplex. The catches consisted predominantly of larvae of the arabesque greenling Pleurogrammus azonus, the ronquil Bathymaster derjugini, and the rockfish Sebastes owstoni. Fish larvae and fry in the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan were caught principally within 43°–45° N and 137°–139° E above the depth 1500–2000 m. The food spectrum of fish larvae in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan comprised over 20 plankters of various size belonging to seven taxa. Irrespective of fish species, the food items common of all fish were copepods Pseudocalanus minutus and Oithona similis. The daily rations were calculated for mass species (Hemilepidotus gilberti, Ammodytes hexapterus, Hexagrammos stelleri, Pleurogrammus azonus, Bathymaster derjugini, and Sebastes owstoni). The larvae of all considered species in the Sea of Japan and in the Sea of Okhotsk fed predominantly in the light period of the day.  相似文献   

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