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A local pancreatic renin-angiotensin system: endocrine and exocrine roles   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is classically characterized as a circulating hormonal system primarily through the production of the physiologically active product angiotensin II (Ang II) that plays a crucial role in the regulation of blood pressure, fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. In addition to this circulating RAS, numerous tissues and organs have been recently demonstrated to exhibit their own RAS products and activities. Such an intrinsic RAS can modulate the specific local functions of their respective tissues and organs, frequently in a paracrine and autocrine manner. Recent findings from our laboratories and others have made a significant contribution on the expression, localization, regulation, and potential role of a local RAS in the pancreas. Although, it is quite intriguing that components of the local pancreatic RAS are responsive to various physiological and pathophysiological conditions, the crucial role of this system in regulating the exocrine and endocrine functions and ultimately the clinical relevance to pancreatic disease is still largely equivocal. Of particular interest in this context are the actions of pancreatic RAS on the growth, anti-proliferation and free radical generation in the pancreas. The aims of the current article focus on the emerging data on the local pancreatic RAS; its involvement in exocrine acinar and endocrine islet aspects, and the clinical significance in the pancreas are particularly addressed. The target for the local pancreatic RAS may provide a new insight into future management of various clinical conditions including islet transplants, diabetes mellitus, pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis and cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine (melatonin) is an endogenous indoleamine produced by all vertebrate organisms. Its production in the pineal gland has been extensively investigated but other organs also synthesize this important amine. Melatonin's functions in organisms are diverse. The actions considered in the current review relate to its ability to function in the reduction of oxidative stress, i.e., molecular damage produced by reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species. Numerous publications have now shown that not only is melatonin itself an efficient scavenger of free radicals and related reactants, but so are its by-products cyclic 3-hydroxymelatonin, N1-acetyl-N2-formyl-5-methoxykynuramine, and others. These derivatives are produced sequentially when each functions in the capacity of a free radical scavenger. These successive reactions are referred to as the antioxidant cascade of melatonin. That melatonin has this function within cells has been observed in studies employing time lapse conventional, confocal and multiphoton fluorescent microscopy coupled with the use of appropriate mitochondrial-targeted fluorescent probes. The benefits of melatonin and its metabolites have been described in the brain where they are found to be protective in models of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and spinal cord injury. The reader is reminded, however, that data not covered in this review has documented beneficial actions of these amines in every organ where they have been tested. The outlook for the use of melatonin in clinical trials looks encouraging given its low toxicity and high efficacy.  相似文献   

This brief resume enumerates the multiple actions of melatonin as an antioxidant. This indoleamine is produced in the vertebrate pineal gland, the retina and possibly some other organs. Additionally, however, it is found in invertebrates, bacteria, unicellular organisms as well as in plants, all of which do not have a pineal gland. Melatonin's functions as an antioxidant include: a), direct free radical scavenging, b), stimulation of antioxidative enzymes, c), increasing the efficiency of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and reducing electron leakage (thereby lowering free radical generation), and 3), augmenting the efficiency of other antioxidants. There may be other functions of melatonin, yet undiscovered, which enhance its ability to protect against molecular damage by oxygen and nitrogen-based toxic reactants. Numerous in vitro and in vivo studies have documented the ability of both physiological and pharmacological concentrations to melatonin to protect against free radical destruction. Furthermore, clinical tests utilizing melatonin have proven highly successful; because of the positive outcomes of these studies, melatonin's use in disease states and processes where free radical damage is involved should be increased.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Melatonin has many actions in vertebrates, with someconsidered hormonal. But are some melatonin actions more ancientthan others? A survey of the tissues which synthesizemelatonindemonstrates that some are more recent vertebrate characterscompared to others, indicating that melatonin action in thesetissues also is more recent. The lateral eyes and pineal organsappear to be very ancient sources of melatonin and any actionthis molecule has within these tissues should be consideredprimordial. We hypothesize that melatonin's first actions (functions)were paracrine, that is, operating within these photoreceptivestructures to facilitate the process of photoreception. Suchactions have been documented. It is hypothesized that melatoninsynthesis occurred at nightwithin the pineal organs and retinasof ancient vertebrates, as is the case among extant vertebrates.Accompanying the nightly synthesis of melatonin for paracrinefunction, secretion of melatonin either incidental or for detoxificationby the liver occurred, providing a faithful template of theonset and/or duration of the scotophase. This nightly pulseof melatonin could provide important timing information to distanttissues capable of receiving the signal. The number of physiologicalsystems within vertebrates "using" thenightly circulating melatoninpulse, and the apparent increased importance of circulatingmelatonin in timing physiological events in mammals, like reproduction,is the result of recent cooptation.  相似文献   

The pineal hormone melatonin is a potentregulator of seasonal and circadian rhythms invertebrates, among them fish. Melatoninsynthesis shows a diurnal rhythm with higherlevels at night. In recent years, the pinealgland and its major product gained a number ofattributes suggesting their role in integrationof various neural and endocrine functions. Besides the well-established physiologicaleffects mediated via high-affinity cellmembrane receptors belonging to the superfamilyof G-protein – coupled receptors, melatoninreveals direct intracellular actions.This paper attempts to synthesise thephysiological roles of this multifacetedhormone in fish. The use of higher vertebratesparadigms (considering every limit ininterpretation) was essential due to lack ofsatisfactory data on fish. The actions ofmelatonin in major organs responsible forosmoregulation in fish are discussed. Theinfluence of melatonin on water/ion excretionby affecting the circulatory blood hemodynamicand by interrelations with other hormonessystems engaged in water/ion homeostasis areconsidered. New data providing the firstevidence for the presence of melatonin bindingsites in fish gills and kidneys are presented. The paper suggests a new approach that may leadto an improved understanding of osmoregulationprocesses.  相似文献   

The role of the pineal as an oncostatic gland has been studied in animal models of tumorigenesis, especially on those concerning the mammary gland. The general conclusion is that experimental manipulations activating pineal gland, or the administration of melatonin, reduce the incidence and growth rate of chemically-induced murine mammary tumors, while pinealectomy or situations which implicate a reduction of melatonin production usually stimulate mammary carcinogenesis. The direct actions of melatonin on mammary tumors have been suggested because of its ability to inhibit, at physiological doses (1nM), the in vitro proliferation of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. In this article we review the outstanding findings related to melatonin actions on mammary which, taken together, support a possible usefulness of this indoleamine in the prevention and treatment of mammary gland malignancy.  相似文献   

The gut hormone cholecystokinin exerts various actions on the gastrointestinal tract, including the regulation of growth. The hormone has been reported to induce hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the pancreas and to enhance chemically-induced pancreatic carcinogenesis in animals. Stimulation of endogenous cholecystokinin secretion through the induction of deficiency of intraintestinal proteases and bile salts by trypsin-inhibiting nutrients, bile salt-binding drugs or surgical intervention is also capable of stimulating growth and tumour development in the rat. In man, factors suggested to increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, such as a high-fat and high-protein diet or gastrectomy, are known to stimulate plasma cholecystokinin secretion. Receptors for cholecystokinin have been demonstrated on human pancreatic adenocarcinomas, and cholecystokinin has been demonstrated to enhance the growth of xenografted pancreatic cancer and to inhibit growth of gastric and bile duct cancer. The recently developed cholecystokinin-receptor antagonists inhibit not only pancreatic growth but also pancreatic carcinogenesis in animals. These new drugs may be valuable new tools for inhibiting pancreatic cancer growth in humans.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer has a high mortality rate due to the absence of early symptoms and subsequent late diagnosis; additionally, pancreatic cancer has a high resistance to radio- and chemotherapy. Multiple inflammatory pathways are involved in the pathophysiology of pancreatic cancer. Melatonin an indoleamine produced in the pineal gland mediated and receptor-independent action is the pancreas and other where has both receptors. Melatonin is a potent antioxidant and tissue protector against inflammation and oxidative stress. In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that melatonin supplementation is an appropriate therapeutic approach for pancreatic cancer. Melatonin may be an effective apoptosis inducer in cancer cells through regulation of a large number of molecular pathways including oxidative stress, heat shock proteins, and vascular endothelial growth factor. Limited clinical studies, however, have evaluated the role of melatonin in pancreatic cancer. This review summarizes what is known regarding the effects of melatonin on pancreatic cancer and the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Melatonin is an endogenous indolamine, classically known as a light/dark regulator. Besides classical functions, melatonin has also showed to have a wide range of antitumoral effects in numerous cancer experimental models. However, no definite mechanism has been described to explain the whole range of antineoplasic effects. Here we describe a dual effect of melatonin on intracellular redox state in relation to its antiproliferative vs cytotoxic actions in cancer cells. Thus, inhibition of proliferation correlates with a decrease on intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increase of antioxidant defences (antioxidant enzymes and intracellular gluthation,GSH levels), while induction of cell death correlates with an increase on intracellular ROS and decrease of antioxidant defences. Moreover, cell death can be prevented by other well-known antioxidants or can be increased by hydrogen peroxide. Thus, tumour cell fate will depend on the ability of melatonin to induce either an antioxidant environment--related to the antiproliferative effect or a prooxidant environment related to the cytotoxic effect.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers among the elderly, which is also seen in the forms of hereditary syndromes occurring in younger individuals. Numerous studies have been conducted to understand the molecular and cellular pathobiology underlying colorectal cancer. These studies have found that cellular signaling pathways are at the core of colorectal cancer pathology. Because of this, new agents have been proposed as possible candidates to accompany routine therapy regimens. One of these agents is melatonin, a neuro-hormone known best for its essential role in upholding the circadian rhythm and orchestrating the many physiologic changes it accompanies. Melatonin is shown to be able to modulate many signaling pathways involved in many essential cell functions, which if deregulated cause an accelerated pace towards cancer. More so, melatonin is involved in the regulation of immune function, tumor microenvironment, and acts as an antioxidant agent. Many studies have focused on the beneficial effects of melatonin in colorectal cancers, such as induction of apoptosis, increased sensitivity to chemotherapy agents and radiotherapy, limiting cellular proliferation, migration, and invasion. The present review aims to illustrate the known significance of melatonin in colorectal cancer and to address possible clinical use.  相似文献   

Melatonin is a multifunctional hormone that has long been known for its antitumoral effects. An advantage of the application of melatonin in cancer therapy is its ability to differentially influence tumors from normal cells. In this review, the roles of melatonin adjuvant therapy in human cancer are discussed. Combination of melatonin with chemotherapy could provide synergistic antitumoral outcomes and resolve drug resistance in affected patients. This combination reduces the dosage for chemotherapeutic agents with the subsequent attenuation of side effects related to these drugs on normal cells around tumor and on healthy organs. The combination therapy increases the rate of survival and improves the quality of life in affected patients. Cancer cell viability is reduced after application of the combinational melatonin therapy. Melatonin does all these functions by adjusting the signals involved in cancer progression, re-establishing the dark/light circadian rhythm, and disrupting the redox system for cancer cells. To achieve effective therapeutic outcomes, melatonin concentration along with the time of incubation for this indoleamine needs to be adjusted. Importantly, a special focus is required to be made on choosing an appropriate chemotherapy agent for using in combination with melatonin. Because of different sensitivities of cancer cells for melatonin combination therapy, cancer-specific targeted therapy is also needed to be considered. For this review, the PubMed database was searched for relevant articles based on the quality of journals, the novelty of articles published by the journals, and the number of citations per year focusing only on human cancers.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer and one of the most important causes of death in women throughout the world. Breast cancer risk factors include smoking, alcohol consumption, personal and family history, hypertension, and hormone therapy, long-term use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and tobacco usage. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and neoadjuvant therapy are the current means for breast cancer treatment. Despite hormonal agents and chemotherapy, which have beneficial effects on lowering breast cancer death rate, the reaction of different people to these treatments is still a challenging point. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxy tryptamine) is a methoxy indole compound that is mainly secreted by the pineal gland at night; it is as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and oncostatic agent. On the basis of recent studies, melatonin has antitumor properties on different cancer types and it may suppress cancer development in vitro and as well as in animal models. It is suggested that melatonin inhibits the development of breast cancer by various mechanisms. This paper summarizes the roles of melatonin in breast cancer treatment from the aspect of its molecular actions.  相似文献   

Melatonin has been reported to be involved in the feedback between neuroendocrine and immune functions and to exert oncostatic actions. Likewise, this hormone seems to lengthen life span in healthy animals. As of present, most studies have analysed the therapeutic effect of melatonin on cancer growth, but few have tested the preventive effect of melatonin in reducing the risk of cancer. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the preventive-therapeutic effects of melatonin on rats with DMBA-induced mammary tumours, and to examine the effect of melatonin on the first line of cell defence against cancer (macrophages and NK cells) and on some of the neuroendocrine factors that are involved in the development of tumours (prolactin and catecholamines). Melatonin treatment (5 mg/day/animal) began one month prior to DMBA (9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene) administration to females Sprague Dawley rats. It was found that the treatment led to an increase in survival and in latency time in the tumour-bearing rats. Although the melatonin treatment did not influence either the phagocytic capacity of macrophages or the number of peripheral blood NK cells, it did stabilise the levels of prolactin by returning the concentrations of this hormone to those of the healthy animals. We conclude that melatonin can exert an oncostatic action, lengthening the survival time of mammary tumour-bearing animals, and suggest that this effect is due, at least in part, to regulating the neuroendocrine parameters of tumour-bearing animals, bringing them closer to their optimal physiological status. (Mol Cell Biochem 268: 25–31, 2005)  相似文献   

Melatonin receptors: current status, facts, and hypotheses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B Stankov  R J Reiter 《Life sciences》1990,46(14):971-982
Great progress has been made in the identification of melatonin binding sites, commonly identified as melatonin receptors by many authors, in recent years. The bulk of these studies have investigated the sites using either autoradiographic and biochemical techniques with the majority of the experiments being done on the rat, Djungarian and Syrian hamster, and sheep, although human tissue has also been employed. Many of the studies have identified melatonin binding in the central nervous system with either tritium- or iodine-labelled ligands. The latter ligand seems to provide the most reproducible and consistent data. Of the central neural tissues examined, the suprachiasmatic nuclei are most frequently mentioned as a location for melatonin binding sites although binding seems to be widespread in the brain. The other tissue that has been prominently mentioned as a site for melatonin binding is the pars tuberalis of the anterior pituitary gland. There may be time-dependent variations in melatonin binding densities in both neural and pituitary gland tissue. Very few attempts have been made to identify melatonin binding outside of the central nervous system despite the widespread actions of melatonin. Preliminary experiments have been carried out on the intracellular second messengers which mediate the actions of melatonin.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(11-12):1333-1341

Melatonin is an endogenous indolamine, classically known as a light/dark regulator. Besides classical functions, melatonin has also showed to have a wide range of antitumoral effects in numerous cancer experimental models. However, no definite mechanism has been described to explain the whole range of antineoplasic effects. Here we describe a dual effect of melatonin on intracellular redox state in relation to its antiproliferative vs cytotoxic actions in cancer cells. Thus, inhibition of proliferation correlates with a decrease on intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increase of antioxidant defences (antioxidant enzymes and intracellular gluthation,GSH levels), while induction of cell death correlates with an increase on intracellular ROS and decrease of antioxidant defences. Moreover, cell death can be prevented by other well-known antioxidants or can be increased by hydrogen peroxide. Thus, tumour cell fate will depend on the ability of melatonin to induce either an antioxidant environment—related to the antiproliferative effect or a prooxidant environment related to the cytotoxic effect.  相似文献   

Melatonin seems to be an almost ubiquitous substance, which has been detected not only in metazoans, but also in all major non-metazoan taxa investigated, including bacteria, dinoflagellates, euglenoids, trypanosomids, fungi, rhodophyceans, pheophyceans, chlorophyceans and angiosperms. Despite its vast abundance, little is known to date about its functions. Its presence is not necessarily associated with circadian rhythmicity, which is evident in yeast. Circadian rhythms of melatonin have been reported in non-metazoans only for several unicellular organisms and in one angiosperm. In dinoflagellates, which have been studied in the most detail, the effects on enzyme activities and on phase shifting are known, but the most spectacular actions concerning the stimulation of bioluminescence, changes in cytoplasmic pH and induction of resting stages, can be related to a metabolite of melatonin, the 5-methoxytryptamine; therefore, melatonin should also be considered as a source of other agonists.  相似文献   

Plant melatonin appears to be a multiregulatory molecule with multiple functions similar to those observed in animals. It induces growth in stems and stimulates root generation. It is also able to delay senescence by protecting photosynthetic systems and related processes. One of the most studied actions of melatonin is its effect on biotic and abiotic stresses in the plant, such as that produced by drought, extreme temperatures, chemical pollution, UV radiation, etc. Recent data have demonstrated its role as a modulator of gene expression in plants. In this review, we compare studies which show that melatonin behaves in a similar way to auxin, and present data that relate the physiological responses produced by melatonin with the action of auxin, such as promoting/inhibiting growth activity and rooting capacity. In addition, for the first time, the data presented demonstrate the possible involvement of melatonin in the tropic response of roots. The possible role of melatonin as a plant regulator and its relationship with auxin action and the signaling molecule nitric oxide is presented and discussed in a hypothetical model.  相似文献   

The pineal gland and opioid peptides play roles in the neuroendocrine control of immunity. Both neuroendocrine and immune dysfunctions have been observed in cancer but the importance of the altered secretion of neurohormones in the immunoincompetence of cancer patients has never been investigated. This study concomitantly evaluated neuroendocrine and immune functions in 40 patients with early or advanced neoplastic disease. In each patient, melatonin and beta-endorphin blood levels and lymphocyte subtypes were determined on venous blood samples collected during the morning. Metastatic patients had lower melatonin levels and a lower T4/T8 ratio than patients without metastases but no significant correlation was found between melatonin and the T4/T8 ratio. beta-endorphin levels appeared to be normal in all patients. These results suggest that melatonin and beta-endorphin secretion have no role in determining immune dysfunctions in cancer.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the evidence that endogenously produced and exogenously administered melatonin reduces the degree of tissue damage and limits the biobehavioral deficits associated with experimental models of ischemia/reperfusion injury in the brain (i.e., stroke). Melatonin's efficacy in curtailing neural damage under conditions of transitory interruption of the blood supply to the brain has been documented in models of both focal and global ischemia. In these studies many indices have been shown to be improved as a consequence of melatonin treatment. For example, when given at the time of ischemia or reperfusion onset, melatonin reduces neurophysiological deficits, infarct volume, the degree of neural edema, lipid peroxidation, protein carbonyls, DNA damage, neuron and glial loss, and death of the animals. Melatonin's protective actions against these adverse changes are believed to stem from its direct free radical scavenging and indirect antioxidant activities, possibly from its ability to limit free radical generation at the mitochondrial level and because of yet-undefined functions. Considering its high efficacy in overcoming much of the damage associated with ischemia/reperfusion injury, not only in the brain but in other organs as well, its use in clinical trials for the purpose of improving stroke outcome should be seriously considered.  相似文献   

Melatonin is a molecule present in a multitude of taxa and may be ubiquitous in organisms. It has been found in bacteria, unicellular eukaryotes, macroalgae, fungi, plants and animals. A primary biological function of melatonin in primitive unicellular organisms is in antioxidant defence to protect against toxic free radical damage. During evolution, melatonin has been adopted by multicellular organisms to perform many other biological functions. These functions likely include the chemical expression of darkness in vertebrates, environmental tolerance in fungi and plants, sexual signaling in birds and fish, seasonal reproductive regulation in photoperiodic mammals, and immunomodulation and anti‐inflammatory activity in all vertebrates tested. Moreover, its waning production during aging may indicate senescence in terms of a bio‐clock in many organisms. Conversely, high melatonin levels can serve as a signal of vitality and health. The multiple biological functions of melatonin can partially be attributed to its unconventional metabolism which is comprised of multi‐enzymatic, pseudo‐enzymatic and non‐enzymatic pathways. As a result, several bioactive metabolites of melatonin are formed during its metabolism and some of the presumed biological functions of melatonin reported to date may, in fact, be mediated by these metabolites. The changing biological roles of melatonin seem to have evolved from its primary function as an antioxidant.  相似文献   

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