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The effect of NaCl and the pathways of the oxidation of reduced inorganic sulfur compounds were studied using resting cells and cell-free extracts of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans strain SH. This isolate specifically requires NaCl for growth. The oxidation of sulfur and sulfite by resting cells was strongly inhibited by 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide. Carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl-hydrazone and monensin were also relatively strong inhibitors. Thiosulfate-oxidizing activity was not inhibited by these uncouplers. Valinomycin did not inhibit the oxidation of sulfur compounds. NaCl stimulated the sulfur- and sulfite-oxidizing activities in resting cells but not in cell-free extracts. The tetrathionate-oxidizing activity in resting cells was slightly stimulated by NaCl, whereas it did not influence the thiosulfate-oxidizing activity. Sulfide oxidation was biphasic, suggesting the formation of intermediate sulfur. The initial phase of sulfide oxidation was not affected by NaCl, whereas the subsequent oxidation of sulfur in the second phase was Na+-dependent. A model is proposed for the role of NaCl in the metabolism of reduced sulfur compounds in A. thiooxidans strain SH.  相似文献   

A marine Pseudomonas sp. S9 produced and released an extracellular polysaccharide during complete energy and nutrient starvation in static conditions. The presence of the polysaccharide on the cell surface, demonstrable by immune transmission electron microscopy, correlated with changes in the degree of adhesion to hydrophobic surfaces. Polysaccharide coated cells showed a lower degree of adhesion than did cells devoid of the polymer. After 10 h of starvation, no ruthenium red stained antibody stabilized polysaccharides could be observed on the cell surface. The polysaccharide was not produced during growth since lysates of mid-log phase cells did not precipitate the antiserum. The relative proportions of sugars in the polysaccharide were 28% glucose, 35% N-acetylglucosamine and 37% N-acetylgalactosamine. The released polysaccharide did not significantly alter the physical parameters of surface tension and viscosity of the starvation regime. Cells starved in agitated conditions did not produce any extracellular polysaccharides and exhibited a different adhesion pattern to hydrophobic surfaces.Non-standard abbreviations FSS Four salt solution - GLC gas liquid chromatography - MS Mass spectrometry - NSS nine salt solution  相似文献   

Vegetable oils promoted mycelial growth ofVolvariella volvacea. Ethyl esters of major components of saponified fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acid) from vegetable oils were stimulatory. The stimulatory effect of these fatty acids varied with concentration and degree of unsaturation; relatively high concentrations being inhibitory. Mycelial growth appears to be promoted by low concentrations of fatty acids. Supplementation of growth medium with sunflower oil altered membrane permeability and this resulted in an increased uptake of glucose. The total mycelial lipids accounted for only 30% of consumed lipids, the remainder being metabolized. The failure of the fungus to adjust the degree of unsaturation in membrane lipids when it was transferred to 0°C may partially explain its susceptibility to chilling injury.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of a range of biological polymers and synthetic surfactants on the adhesion of a marine Pseudomonas sp. strain NCMB2021 to hydrophilic glass and hydrophobic polystyrene has been investigated. Brij 56 (polyethylene oxide (10) cetyl ether) was the only compound that had a significant effect, almost totally inhibiting the adhesion of Pseudomonas sp. NCMB2021 to hydrophobic polystyrene, but having little or no effect on hydrophilic glass. The surfactant was demonstrated to be effective both when present in the bacterial suspension at low concentrations (approx. 5 ppm), and when pre-adsorbed onto the substratum. Brij 56 was shown to prevent the adhesion of a range of marine and fresh-water bacteria to polystyrene.
It is proposed that on a hydrophobic substratum Brij 56 is adsorbed via its hydrophobe in such a way that the polyethylene glycol chains are pointing outwards into the aqueous phase giving a surface with a high density of uncharged, highly hydrated hydrophilic chains, forming a steric barrier which inhibits the adhesion of bacteria.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated, spectroscopically, the effect of electrolytes on the partitioning of hematoporphyrin IX (HP) and hypericin (Hy) into non-charged lipid vesicles. Our aim was to assess the salting-out effect of electrolytes on membrane-partitioning. We titrated aqueous solutions of HP and Hy with lecithin liposomes, at different concentrations of several monovalent and divalent electrolytes in the suspension. The partitioning constant of HP to lecithin liposomes increased from 3.3 (mL/mg) in water containing only 5mM buffer to 8.7 (mL/mg) at 0.36M KCl. KF had a similar effect. NaCl caused a 3-fold increase in the partitioning of Hy to liposomes. MgSO(4) and MgCl(2) also increased the partitioning of HP, by a factor of more than 4 and this occurred already at 0.03M concentration. We analyze the comparative effects of the electrolytes in relation to the Hofmeister series. The salting-out effect could be utilized to enhance the uptake of HP and Hy, and possibly other photosensitizers as well, by artificial and natural membranes.  相似文献   

Aims:  To assess the ability of Listeria monocytogenes to form biofilm on different food-contact surfaces with regard to different temperatures, cellular hydrophobicity and motility.
Methods and Results:  Forty-four L. monocytogenes strains from food and food environment were tested for biofilm formation by crystal violet staining. Biofilm levels were significantly higher on glass at 4, 12 and 22°C, as compared with polystyrene and stainless steel. At 37°C, L. monocytogenes produced biofilm at significantly higher levels on glass and stainless steel, as compared with polystyrene. Hydrophobicity was significantly ( P  < 0·05) higher at 37°C than at 4, 12 and 22°C. Thirty (68·2%) of 44 strains tested showed swimming at 22°C and 4 (9·1%) of those were also motile at 12°C. No correlation was observed between swimming and biofilm production.
Conclusions:  L. monocytogenes can adhere to and form biofilms on food-processing surfaces. Biofilm formation is significantly influenced by temperature, probably modifying cell surface hydrophobicity.
Significance and Impacts of the Study:  Biofilm formation creates major problems in the food industry because it may represent an important source of food contamination. Our results are therefore important in finding ways to prevent contamination because they contribute to a better understanding on how L. monocytogenes can establish biofilms in food industry and therefore survive in the processing environment.  相似文献   

Summary A statistical analysis of data on oxygen uptake by submerged roots of mature tomato plants, from a nutrient solution containing sufficient oxygen, has demonstrated that variations in oxygen uptake are positively related to variations in solar radiaton, particularly at radiation levels below 2.0 MegaJoules.h−1.m−2. Above this level, however, anegative relationship is indicated, suggesting that intense solar radiation reduces the ability of plant roots to obtain sufficient oxygen for optimum growth processes. It also appears that there is atime lag of about one to two hours between the effects of solar radiation on oxygen uptake. Greenhouse air temperature is positively correlated with radiation, with little or no time lag, and variations in greenhouse air temperature effect variations in solution temperature with a time lag of 2 to 3 hours. Greenhouse air temperature affects respiration in the submerged roots indirectly, with a 1 to 2 hour lag, by effecting the nutrient solution temperature, and possibly by affecting the growth processes in thesubaerial roots, which in turn may result, in some way, in increased oxygen uptake by the submerged roots, partly bypassing the restraining effects of lagging nutrient solution temperature. Variations in nutrient solution temperature do not appear to be causally related in effecting variations in oxygen uptake in a major way, probably because a considerable time lag of around 3 hours seems to exist between variations in radiation and solution temperature, in this experiment. As such, radiation and greenhouse air temperature appear to be rather important and dominant variables, effecting changes in oxygen uptake. In addition, the results suggest thatdaytime, variable heating of the nutrient solution, in step with the variations of solar radiation, as well as shading of the tomato crop under conditions of intense solar radiation would likely be beneficial for plant growth and crop production.  相似文献   

In four half-sib pairings, herring mothers affected the standard length, dry weight, and RNA and DNA content of their progeny, while fathers affected larval RNA and DNA content. The amounts of RNA and DNA in offspring from one male were also influenced by temperature in that the highest RNA contents were found at the lowest temperature and highest DNA contents at the highest temperature. The results indicate that both environmental and genetic factors influence nucleic acid contents of young herring larvae, and this may limit the suitability of RNA : DNA ratio as a condition measure of newly hatched herring larvae.  相似文献   

Summary Marine mussels can accumulate amino acids from seawater into the epithelial cells of the gill against chemical gradients in excess of 5×106 to 1. Uptake of both alanine and taurine into gill tissue isolated fromMytilus californianus was found to be dependent upon Na+ in the external solution. Uptake of these amino acids was described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and a reduction in external [Na+] (from 425 to 213mm) increased the apparent Michaelis constants (alanine, from 8 to 17 m; taurine, from 4 to 39 m) without a significant influence on theJ max's of these processes. Fivemm harmaline, an inhibitor of Na-cotransport processes in many systems, reduced both alanine and taurine uptake by more than 95%; this inhibition appeared to be competitive in nature, with an apparentK i of 43 m for the interaction with alanine uptake. Increasing the external [Na+] from 0 to 510mm produced a sigmoid activation of alanine and taurine uptake withK Na's of approximately 325mm. The apparent Hill coefficients for this activation were 7.3 and 7.4 for alanine and taurine, respectively. These data are consistent with uptake mechanisms which require comparatively high concentrations of Na+ to activate transport, and which couple several Na+ ions to the transport of each amino acid. These characteristics, in conjunction with the previously demonstrated low passive permeability of the apical membrane to amino acids, result in systems capable of i) accumulating amino acids from seawater to help meet the nutritional needs of this animal, and ii) maintaining the high intracellular amino-acid concentrations associated with volume regulation in the gill.  相似文献   

北半球高纬度地区气候变化对植被的影响途径和机制   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28  
齐晔 《生态学报》1999,19(4):474-478
根据标准化植被指数(NDVI)探讨了植被功能的地带特征及其与温度梯度的关系。结果表明在北半球高纬度地区NDVI的年最大值以及该值出现的时间与温度之间存在密切的相在,但共定量关系因纬度而异,在较高纬度地带,两个参数对温度的反应更为敏感,由于这种温度作用的不均衡,气温的增加将可能导致较高纬度地带的植被在物候和生产力上更加接近较低纬度带上的植被,其结果是使大气CO2季节振幅增大,同时季节谷值出现的时间提  相似文献   

The effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) colonisation on phosphorus (P) uptake and growth of clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in response to soil compaction were studied in three pot experiments. P uptake and growth of the plants decreased as the bulk density of the soil increased from 1.0 to 1.6 Mg m-3. The strongest effects of soil compaction on P uptake and plant growth were observed at the highest P application (60 mg kg-1 soil). The main observation of this study was that at low P application (15 mg kg-1 soil), P uptake and shoot dry weight of the plants colonised by Glomus intraradices were greater than those of non-mycorrhizal plants at similar levels of compaction of the soil. However, the mycorrhizal growth response decreased proportionately as soil compaction was increased. Decreased total P uptake and shoot dry weight of mycorrhizal clover in compacted soil were attributed to the reduction in the root length. Soil compaction had no significant effect on the percentage of root length colonised. However, total root length colonised was lower (6.6 m pot-1) in highly compacted soil than in slightly compacted soil (27.8 m pot-1). The oxygen content of the soil atmosphere measured shortly before the plants were harvested varied from 0.18 m3m-3 in slightly compacted soil (1.0 Mg m-3) to 0.10 m3m-3 in highly compacted soil (1.6 Mg m-3).  相似文献   

The green-tide macroalga, Ulva prolifera, was tested in the laboratory to determine its nutrient uptake and photosynthesis under different conditions. In the nutrient concentration experiments U. prolifera showed a saturated uptake for nitrate but an escalating uptake in the tested range for phosphorus. Both N/P and NO3 ?/NH4 + ratios influenced nutrient uptake significantly (p?<?0.05) while the PSII quantum yield [Y(II)] (p?>?0.05) remained unaffected. The maximum N uptake rate (33.9?±?0.8 μmol g?1 DW h?1) and P uptake rate (11.1?±?4.7) was detected at N/P ratios of 7.5 and 2.2, respectively. U. prolifera preferred NH4 +-N to NO3 ?-N when the NO3 ?-N/NH4 +-N ratio was less than 2.2 (p?<?0.05). But between ratios of 2.2 and 12.9, the uptake of NO3 ?-N surpassed that of NH4 +-N. In the temperature experiments, the highest N uptake rate and [Y(II)] were observed at 20 °C, while the lowest rates were detected at 5 °C. P uptake rates were correlated with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

The experiments described were designed to investigate the way in which high temperatures (30°C and above) affected the survival and infectivity of spores of Glomus intraradices formulated as the commercial inoculum NutriLinkTM. Infection of mung bean (Vigna radiata) occurred most rapidly at 30°C compared with either 22° or 38°C, although the final percentage of the root length infected (6 weeks) was similar at all three temperatures. Early rapid infection led to greater plant growth of this species at 30°. In cashew (Anacardium occidentale) no infection occurred at 38°C and this was associated with low plant growth, compared with the other temperatures at which infection reached 40–60% after 4 months. In both species differences in root temperature were associated with marked differences in the morphology and growth of the root systems, with poor root growth at 38°C. Spores of G. intraradices retained infectivity with respect to mung bean for up to 6 weeks in moist fallow soil, although maximum infectivity was observed in soil without a fallow period. The effects of temperature on germination of spores buried in filter paper sandwiches in soil were consistent with the data for infection and growth. Germination was most rapid and reached the highest percentage at 3 weeks at 30°C. Lowest germination was attained at 38°C. We conclude that G. intraradices can retain its infectivity in moist soil at high temperatures, but that the extent to which the plants become infected and hence their response, depends not only on this but also on host factors such as root growth.  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures of Agave amaniensiswere able to grow in media containing 10 – 240 M copper ions, and could remove more than 67% copper ions from the media. The cells accumulated up to 106 mg g–1 copper ions in the biomass. Copper ions at 240 M caused a decrease in growth index and packed cell volume of the cultures of 61.5 and 53.3%, respectively. The presence of copper ions caused the cell walls to thicken and to be more wrinkled. Certain amino acids were released in high concentration into the media. The hecogenin content in the biomass increased up to 157.9% at 20 M copper ions.  相似文献   

Copepods normally swim by rhythmically beating the cephalic limbs, so records of antennal movements represent their activity. The limb beat rate of Temora longicornis Müller was determined in relation to several factors. There was an inverse relationship between swimming rate and body size, and activity increased with environmental temperature up to 20–25°C. Copepods readily acclimated, as those kept at 15°C were less active than those kept at 5°C. The summer population was also less active in the low temperature range, but swimming reached a higher rate at higher temperatures than were tolerated by the winter population. No difference in rate of limb beat was found between similar sized males and females over a wide range of temperatures.  相似文献   

The induced strain HG1 exposed to 10.0 T high magnetic field for 30 min and the original strain G1 (Bacillus sp.) isolated from soil were used to degrade acid red 1. The degradation process of the azo dye by these microbes was approximated by a reversed S-like curve. A kinetics equation whose parameters reflected the degradation process, was then established. The comparison and analysis of the kinetics parameters showed that the high magnetic field enhanced the biodegradation ability of the exposed strain—increasing the value of A (degradation constant) and Vmax (maximum reaction rate) to 1.7 and 1.5 times, respectively, and at the same time, reducing the value of tc (time when the maximum reaction rate was reached) to 0.8 times. Additionally, the UV/vis spectra also showed that the degradation ability of Bacillus sp. was improved and the metabolic pathway of the bacteria might be changed after being exposed to the high magnetic field.  相似文献   

Preirradiation of mouse recipients with a dose of 1-2 Gy 24 and 48 h before lethal irradiation (8 Gy) made CFUs content of femur increase upon transplantation of bone marrow from exposed and intact donors. The same was with the long-term bone marrow culture: preirradiation of a stromal sublayer increased the number of CFUs in the transplanted bone marrow preirradiated with 6 Gy radiation. Retransplantation of bone marrow to irradiated donors after 5 day cultivation, a sublayer being activated, increased the number of CFUs in the femur in comparison with donors which were injected with the bone marrow from the culture without activation of the sublayer by low-level radiation.  相似文献   

陈玲玲  林振山  梁仁君 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4506-4515
似Allee效应对物种续存是潜在的扰动因素,稀有物种更易受其影响,可能增加生存于破碎化栖息地中的珍稀物种的死亡风险;但似Allee效应对多物种集合种群续存的影响及其在珍稀物种保护中的应用未能引起足够重视。将似Allee效应引入集合种群动力模式,建立了生境丧失下具有似Allee效应的n-珍稀物种的集合种群模式,并以江苏盐城滩涂湿地中的29种珍稀物种为研究实例。研究结果表明:(1)似Allee效应导致n-物种集合种群多度作长期变周期振荡,原本竞争共存物种可能无法继续共存,甚至灭绝。(2)似Allee效应增强对次强种及劣势种的生存极为不利,导致次强物种由强至弱灭绝,劣势物种由弱至强依次灭绝。(3)盐城天然湿地丧失29%后,11种劣势物种的集合种群由弱到强将最终依次灭绝,灭绝迟豫时间为304~890a,这些物种即Hanski所指的"活死者"。(4)适度增加栖息地面积是保护珍稀物种多样性的有效方法之一,在盐城现存3200km2的天然湿地基础上适度增加1801~2064km2左右栖息地面积,可以有效保护29种濒危物种的多样性,同时应注意结合针对具体物种的保护措施来提高濒危物种多度。研究结果对物种多样性保护及自然保护区建设具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

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