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By means of glutaraldehyde fixation, human erythrocytes are "frozen" while suspended in turbulent shear flow. As the shearing is increased in steps from 100 to 2,500 dyn/cm2, the deformed cells evolve gradually toward a smooth ellipsoidal shape. At stresses above 2,500 dyn/cm2, approximately, fragmentation of the cells occurs with a concomitant increase in free hemoglobin content of the suspending medium. The photographic evidence suggests that the cells rupture in tension in the bulk flow.  相似文献   

Nucleus-anchoring cytoskeleton in chicken red blood cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cytoskeleton of chicken erythrocytes was studies studied after extraction of the cells with Triton X-100. In phase contrast microscopy the extracted cells were seen as ghost-like structures with preserved morphology, distinct nucleus and surrounding plasma membrane remnant. In electron microscopy, dense matrix-like nucleus, fibrillar plasma membrane residue and filaments, ca. 10 nm in diameter, traversing the cytoplasmic domain, were seen. Distinct bands of molecular weight 68000, 53000, 32000 and bands of both higher and lower molecular weight were obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the extracted cells. These results indicate that intermediate filaments, forming the nucleus-anchoring cytoskeleton, are present in nucleated chicken erythrocytes as part of cellular cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Deformation of human red cells in tube flow   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
H L Goldsmith 《Biorheology》1971,7(4):235-242



Desferrioxamine (DFO) is an important iron chelating agent. It has also been thought of as an agent with anti-oxidant potential as it chelates ferric iron in various parts of the body. However, there is evidence suggesting that it may paradoxically affect red blood cells (RBC) by inducing intracellular oxidant stress. To further understand the mechanism of DFO's interaction with RBC, we conducted a study to determine the effect of DFO upon RBC's redox status.  相似文献   

We investigate the mechanical strength of adhesion and the dynamics of detachment of the membrane from the cytoskeleton of red blood cells (RBCs). Using hydrodynamical flows, we extract membrane tethers from RBCs locally attached to the tip of a microneedle. We monitor their extrusion and retraction dynamics versus flow velocity (i.e., extrusion force) over successive extrusion-retraction cycles. Membrane tether extrusion is carried out on healthy RBCs and ATP-depleted or -inhibited RBCs. For healthy RBCs, extrusion is slow, constant in velocity, and reproducible through several extrusion-retraction cycles. For ATP-depleted or -inhibited cells, extrusion dynamics exhibit an aging phenomenon through extrusion-retraction cycles: because the extruded membrane is not able to retract properly onto the cell body, each subsequent extrusion exhibits a loss of resistance to tether growth over the tether length extruded at the previous cycle. In contrast, the additionally extruded tether length follows healthy dynamics. The extrusion velocity L depends on the extrusion force f according to a nonlinear fashion. We interpret this result with a model that includes the dynamical feature of membrane-cytoskeleton association. Tether extrusion leads to a radial membrane flow from the cell body toward the tether. In a distal permeation regime, the flow passes through the integral proteins bound to the cytoskeleton without affecting their binding dynamics. In a proximal sliding regime, where membrane radial velocity is higher, integral proteins can be torn out, leading to the sliding of the membrane over the cytoskeleton. Extrusion dynamics are governed by the more dissipative permeation regime: this leads to an increase of the membrane tension and a narrowing of the tether, which explains the power law behavior of L(f). Our main result is that ATP is necessary for the extruded membrane to retract onto the cell body. Under ATP depletion or inhibition conditions, the aging of the RBC after extrusion is interpreted as a perturbation of membrane-cytoskeleton linkage dynamics.  相似文献   

We have investigated the electrostatic interaction of glutaraldehyde-fixed human red cells with a polarizable electrode carrying a defined surface charge density which can be varied continuously through a wide range. Cells in a dilute salt solution are unable to adhere to the electrode at high negative charge, but at lower negative charge densities they are reversibly adherent and can be forced off by increasing the negative polarization. Near zero electrode charge they become irreversibly stuck to the electrode and cannot be evicted even at maximum electrode polarization. Calculation of the electrostatic repulsive force using measured charge densities indicates the existence of an attractive force which may be acting over several hundred angstroms.  相似文献   

The flux rates through the metabolic pathways affecting the maintenance of GuRN pool in intact human RBC were studied. Normal RBC, incubated in KRBB, exhibited a markedly higher accumulation in nucleotides of Gu than of Hx. Addition of 8-AGuo, a potent inhibitor of PNP, resulted in a marked increase in the accumulation of label in the nucleosides, in Ino following incubation with Hx, and in Guo following incubation with Gu, indicating a very high rate of IMP and GMP degradation to bases through their respective nucleosides. Most of the degradation of GMP is by dephosphorylation to Guo, rather than through reductive deamination to IMP. The ultimate fate of IMP in RBC is its degradation to Ino and consequently to Hx. The contribution of AdRN or of IMP to the GuRN pool is negligible. The results indicate that concerning IMP and GMP, human RBC contain very active futile cycles, nucleotide----nucleoside----base----nucleotide, catalyzed by 5'-nucleotidase, PNP, and HGPRT. The operation of the complete cycles is essential for the maintenance of GuRN and the IMP pool size. These results may explain the finding of reduced GTP content in RBC from patients with an inborn deficiency of PNP or of HGPRT.  相似文献   

Using 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS) and tributyltin the sodium transport pathway activated by shrinkage in dog red blood cells is shown to behave as expected for an electroneutral Na+/H+ exchanger. When the driving forces for sodium and protons are equal, flow through the pathway stops. Amiloride inhibits the shrinkage-induced Na+/H+ exchange.  相似文献   

To determine Na+/H+ exchange in lamprey erythrocyte membranes, the cells were acidified to pH(i) 6.0 using the K+/H+ ionophore nigericin. Incubation of acidified erythrocytes in a NaCl medium at pH 8.0 caused a considerable rise in 22Na+ influx and H+ efflux during the first 1 min of exposure. In addition, exposure of acidified red cells to NaCl medium was associated with rapid elevation of intracellular Na+ content. The acid-induced changes in Na+ influx and H+ efflux were almost completely inhibited by amiloride and dimethylamiloride. In native lamprey erythrocytes, amiloride-sensitive Na+ influx progressively increased as the osmolality of incubation medium was increased by addition of 100, 200, or 300 mmol/l sucrose. Unexpectedly, the hypertonic stress induced a small, yet statistically significant decrease in intracellular Na+ content in these cells. The reduction in the cellular Na+ content increased with hypertonicity of the medium. The acid- and shrinkage-induced Na+ influxes were inhibited by both amiloride and 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)-amiloride (EIPA) in a dose-dependent manner. For both blockers, the half-maximal inhibitory values (IC50) were much greater for the shrinkage-induced (44 and 15 micromol/l for amiloride and EIPA, respectively) than for the acid-induced Na+ influx (5.1 and 3.3 micromol/l, respectively). The data obtained are the first demonstration of the presence of a Na+/H+ exchanger with high activity in acidified (pH(i) 6.0) lamprey red blood cells (on average, 512 +/- 56 mmol/l cells/h, n = 13). The amiloride-sensitive Na+ influxes produced by hypertonic cell shrinkage and acid load are likely to be mediated by distinct ion transporters in these cells.  相似文献   

The dynamics of shear disaggregation of red blood cells in a flow channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S Chien  S S Feng  M Vayo  L A Sung  S Usami  R Skalak 《Biorheology》1990,27(2):135-147
Red blood cell (RBC) rouleaux were formed in a flow channel in the presence of 2 g/dl dextran (molecular weight 76,000). The partial separation of RBC rouleau doublets adhering to the floor of the flow channel in response to small oscillatory shear stresses was observed experimentally. Theoretical analyses on displacement and drag force were performed to determine whether the motion of the cell involves membrane rotation (i.e., rolling) or sliding. From the experimental data and the results of theoretical analyses, it is concluded that, under the conditions of the experiments, the RBCs in a doublet separate from each other by rolling, rather than sliding of the sheared cell.  相似文献   

Assay of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) and/or HbF containing red blood cells (F+ cells) is essential for monitoring sickle cell and thalassemic patients, especially during treatment with HbF stimulators. Some previous flow cytometric methods contain several washing steps. This simplified method contains no washing step and takes less than an hour to perform. The %F+ cells in five mixtures of fetal red blood cells with adult red blood cells were nonsignificantly different in the original and simplified procedure. The %F+ cells of 12 patients compared in these two procedures were also not significantly different. The intra- and interassay %CVs do not exceed 3% and 7% respectively. EDTA, citrate, or heparin is suitable as anticoagulant and the samples can be stored at 4 degrees C for up to 2 weeks. The %F+ cells and %HbF [by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)] of 83 samples were highly significantly correlated regardless of diagnosis. In conclusion, this new simplified flow cytometric method for F+ cells is simple, convenient, rapid, reproducible, and could be applied for monitoring sickle cell and thalassemic patients as an alternative to HPLC, where this is unavailable. It can also be applied as a fetal cell assay in fetomaternal hemorrhage.  相似文献   

The characteristics of cytoskeleton fractions prepared from rat red cell ghosts with four non-ionic detergents were studied. One percent (w/v) solutions of Triton X-100, Emulgen 911, MEGA-9 (nonanoyl-N-methylglucamide), and octylglucoside solubilized 78, 68, 80, and 92% of the ghost phospholipid, while they solubilized 82, 78, 72, and 62% of the ghost band 3, a transmembrane protein, respectively. There was no correlation between the solubilization percentages of phospholipid and band 3. Phospholipids retained in cytoskeleton fractions were shown to exist as blebs on the surface by electron microscopic observation. The cytoskeleton fraction prepared with octylglucoside retained about two-fold more band 3 than that with Triton X-100 (Triton shells). However, cytoskeleton fractions prepared from p-chloromercuribenzoate-treated ghosts with the two detergents retained almost equal amounts of band 3, less than 5% of that in the ghosts. Under this condition, most of band 2.1, a protein linking band 3 to the spectrin-actin network, was released from the cytoskeleton fractions. The band 3 solubilized with octylglucoside sedimented faster in a linear sucrose gradient and had a larger Stokes' radius than that with Triton X-100, which is known to exist as dimer. These results strongly suggest that octylglucoside does not disturb the association of tetrameric band 3 with the spectrin-actin network, while Triton X-100 dissociates tetrameric band 3 to the dimer, resulting in the difference in the amount of band 3 retained in cytoskeleton fractions. In conclusion, octylglucoside can produce a more native cytoskeleton fraction of red cell membranes than Triton shells.  相似文献   

Tank-treading (TT) motion is established in optically trapped, live red blood cells (RBCs) held in shear flow and is systematically investigated under varying shear rates, temperature (affecting membrane viscosity), osmolarity (resulting in changes in RBC shape and cytoplasmic viscosity), and viscosity of the suspending medium. TT frequency is measured as a function of membrane and cytoplasmic viscosity, the former being four times more effective in altering TT frequency. TT frequency increases as membrane viscosity decreases, by as much as 10% over temperature changes of only 4°C at a shear rate of ∼43 s−1. A threshold shear rate (1.5 ± 0.3 s−1) is observed below which the TT frequency drops to zero. TT motion is also observed in shape-engineered (spherical) RBCs and those with cholesterol-depleted membranes. The TT threshold is less evident in both cases but the TT frequency increases in the latter cells. Our findings indicate that TT motion is pervasive even in folded and deformed erythrocytes, conditions that occur when such erythrocytes flow through narrow capillaries.  相似文献   

The bulk rheology of close-packed red blood cells in shear flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T W Secomb  S Chien  K M Jan  R Skalak 《Biorheology》1983,20(3):295-309
A theoretical analysis is made of the dynamical behavior and bulk rheology of close-packed red blood cell suspensions subjected to simple shear flow. The model for the polyhedral cell shapes and tank-treading membrane motion developed in the companion paper (1) is used. The flow in the thin lubricating plasma layers between cells is analyzed taking into account the mechanical properties of the membrane at the corner regions of sharp membrane curvature. This leads to predictions for the apparent viscosity as a function of hematocrit and shear rate. Good agreement with experimental results is obtained at moderate and high shear rates (above 20 s-1). At lower shear rates, a rapid rise in apparent viscosity has been found experimentally, and the mechanisms leading to this behavior are examined.  相似文献   

Previous use of hemolysis time measurement to determine permeability coefficients for the red blood cell membrane rested on the assumption that cells swelling in a hypotonic medium hemolyzed immediately on reaching critical volume. By preswelling red cells to various volumes prior to immersion in hemolytic solutions we extrapolate to the hemolysis time of red cells immersed at critical volume and thereby find a significant period of time during which the cells apparently remain in a spherical form prior to release of hemoglobin. Revised estimates of permeability coefficients follow from including this spherical (nonswelling) phase. In addition, the appreciation of a characteristic time period during which the membrane is under tension provides new opportunity to study physical and chemical properties of the membrane.  相似文献   

The Microscopic Photometric Monolayer Technique provides a tool to measure red blood cell (RBC) stiffness (resistance to elongation) and relaxation time. It combines many of the advantages of flow channel studies of point-attached RBCs with the simplicity, sensitivity and accuracy of photometric light transmission measurement This technique allows the study of the effects of physicochemical factors on the elongation and relaxation time of the same cells within an average of four to five thousand cells adhered as a monolayer to glass. Further, the time course of physicochemical effects on cell membrane and wash-in/wash-out kinetics of interactions can be followed. An automated version of this technique was developed. A dense monolayer of point-attached RBCs was prepared at the bottom of a flow-chamber. A steady-state flow, with stepwise increases of flow rate, induced the RBC elongation. The light transmission perpendicular through the monolayer plane was measured photometrically. Photomicrographs compared with photometric results showed that the flow-induced bending and curvature change of RBC membrane was associated with the increase of light transmission. There was a linear correlation between the photometric index of elongation and the elongation taken from photomicrographs for shear stresses up to 0.75 Pa. A stiffness parameter, S (in Pa), was defined as the ratio of shear stress and elongation at a shear stress of 0.25 Pa. Following a sudden flow stoppage, the RBCs returned to their resting shape and the RBC relaxation time was measured. The stiffness-relaxation time product, V (in mPas), was calculated to provide an estimate of viscosity. Diamide treatment, known to stiffen RBCs, did result in dose-dependent decreases of elongation and relaxation time. With increasing temperature, the relaxation time decreased at a rate of −2.96 ms/K; the stiffness increased significantly at a rate of 0.0038 Pa/K, and the stiffness-relaxation time product decreased with −2.95 mPas/K, reflecting an inverse relationship between RBC viscosity and temperature. Using the automated version of this technique (Elias-c-) to test RBCs of 36 healthy subjects, we found the inter-individual coefficients of variation to be 8.6% for stiffness, 7.9% for relaxation time and 12.4% for stiffness-relaxation time product.  相似文献   

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