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This article presents the results of technological analyses of the laminar products from three bone dwelling structures from the Mezhyrich site (dated to Upper Palaeolithic; 15,000–14,500 years BP). More than 2500 blades and bladelets were studied from technological point of view. We find close similarity between the three dwellings, which reflects similar ways of preparation of core fracture zone (overhang reduction, butt abrading, and flaking surface isolation), as well as in the organization of the negative of the dorsal surfaces of the blades. The comparison with materials from the Kostenki 1 layer 1 site (upper layer, 22,000–24,000 years BP) shows some differences with the artefacts from Mezhyrich site, despite same technological methods. This could be explained by differences in cultural tradition and large time gap between these two sites. The complexes from Mezhyrich to follow the Kostenki 1/1 tradition but with their own particularities.  相似文献   

The lithic industry discovered at the Dmanissi site, in Georgia is dated to between 1.81 and 1.7 Myrs and is in association with a rich faunal assemblage composed of large Quaternary vertebrates, as well as several hominid fossils attributed to Homo georgicus, and attests to the human presence on the border of Europe at the beginning of the Lower Pleistocene. The material taken into account in this study was excavated from 1991 to 1999 and comprises 4446 lithic pieces coming from Beds I through VI of the site. The assemblage is very homogenous from the base to the top of the deposits and shows no significative evolutionary tendencies. The lithic material includes a high proportion of whole pebbles (33.8% of the assemblage) coming from two nearby rivers, the Mashavera and the Pinezaouri. They are essentially of fine and coarse grained volcanic tuff, basalt, but also of rhyolite, granite, quartz, as well as other volcanic and metamorphic rocks. Pebbles used for percussion, shaping or debitage were chosen according to their petrographic nature, their morphology and their size. Whole pebbles with percussion marks situated on their extremities or with isolated removals showing convexe edges, are abundant (1.3% of the assemblage). Other pebbles showing percussion marks on a flat face, were used as anvils. Broken pebbles and pebble fragments are very numerous (30.4% of the assemblage). These often show percussion marks on their cortical surfaces. Fractures are generally related to violent percussion as the pebbles were used for striking instruments, or as they were intentionally broken. Some fractures may have been caused accidentally during flaking. Pebble tools represent 4.8% of the lithic assemblage and 10% of the industry, excluding whole and fractured pebbles. These include essentially the primary choppers (pebbles with isolated concave removal negatives) (6% of the industry and 60.1% of the pebble tools), choppers showing continuous cutting edges without a point (2.1% of the industry and 21.2% of the pebble tools). Chopping-tools are very rare (0.8% of the industry and 8.7% of the pebble tools). Although choppers without pointed cutting edges were made using very few removals (3.3 on average), they usually present a regular cutting edge and seem relatively standardised. Cores are well represented (5% of the industry, excluding whole and broken pebbles). They are characterized by a low degree of exploitation and by a frequence of cortical striking platforms. Cored knapped on a single face are most frequent, representing nearly half of the pieces (42.3%), while bifacial cores are present in smaller proportions (34.2%) and multifacial cores are rare (6.3%). Non-modified flakes are very numerous and usually of small size and intentional retouch is absent. On the other hand, the cuttingedges of many the pieces; broken pebbles, pebble tools, cores and flakes, show irregular micro-retouch and irregular retouch such as isolated notches or with continuous or overlapping configuration, sometimes associated with localised crush marks which appear to have been caused by intensive use and heavy working of the pieces. A total of 31.3% of the non-modified flakes show irregular retouch on their cutting edges. One of the main characteristics of the Dmanissi industry appears therefore to be the obtaining of flakes, most often of small size, to be used without modification. The technological and typological characteristics of the lithic industry from Dmanissi allow to attribute the assemblage to a "Pre-Oldowayen" cultural horizon (Lumley de et al., 2004), characterized by the absence of small retouched tools, which appears in East Africa from 2.55 Myrs ago. This cultural horizon is present at the border of Europe, at Dmanissi, around 1.81 Myrs ago and in Western Europe, on the shores of the Mediterranean, at Barranco León about 1.3 Myrs ago and at Fuente Nueva 3 about 1.2 Myrs ago. The lithic industry from the Dmanissi site seems anterior to the Oldowan cultural horizon, characterized by the presence of standardized small retouched tools, which appears in East Africa around 1.8 Myrs ago and emerges in Mediterranean Europe around 800?000 years ago.  相似文献   

In this paper, we try to document butchery practices from the past. We attempt to characterize through experimental data the marks produced when dismembering using overextension of the elbow of Sheep and several bird species. For birds, the experimentation was realized with uncooked carcasses. In many cases, overextension produced break down of the olecranon fossa of the humerus, with medial wrench of the distal part. Moreover, the proximal joints of the radius and ulna are broken. Bony and uncooked forelimb Sheep bones have been dismembered by overextension. Observations were noticed only on the radio-ulnar. The ulnas had a negative wear scar up to the anconeus process. Sometimes, these marks are associated with lateral crushing of the bone. In the second part of the article, we compare our experimental data with archaeological material. Although we found many cases of dismembering by overextension on bird bones, no data were found on small ungulates material.  相似文献   

Assemblages with blades are rare in the south of Europe and most of them are dated from the isotopic stages 4 and 3. The blades are, otherwise, often produced on Levallois cores with unipolar and bipolar methods. According to the sites, the blades are more or less retouched as different kinds of tools. However, there are no specific links between this blank and the tools, and never between the artefacts and the fauna remains (activities). The hypothesis of traditions or needs among time and space are asked without answer, while the blades are present in the north of Europe and the Near East in far older periods. Several sites can be considered to describe the variability of the technical behaviour and the archaeological context of the blades in south-east France, extending to north Italy. The two sites, Abri du Maras and Baume Flandin, located in the middle Rhône valley, yield evidence of a laminar debitage linked to a Levallois method and a “direct” method. The technical choices used in the two sites are accorded to the specificity of the laminar assemblages in the southern Europe.  相似文献   

In the present study, we analyze the results of thyroid hormones and thyroglobulinemia of 162 patients with goiter living in the departments of Collines and Donga, known to be areas of iodine deficiency in Benin. These results are compared with those of 85 healthy subjects living in the same departments. This study is a cross-sectional analytical study carried out from 1st July 2009 to 30th June 2010. The population of patients consisted of seven males and 155 females. The average age was of 45.7 years. Most of the patients were suffering of simple goiter. Only six of them had thyroid nodules. The diagnosis of biological hyperthyroidism was positive for 20 patients; 16 of them had subclinical hypothyroidism and four clinical hyperthyroidism. One case of clinical hypothyroidism was found. All other 141 patients were biologically normal (euthyroidism). Seventeen of the patients (including six patients presenting a thyroid nodule) had a normal thyroglobulin rate. Hyperthyroglobulinemia was observed in all other 145 patients. These results suggest that patients with goiter in zone of iodine deficiency are biologically euthyroid with hyper-thyroglobulinemia. Thyroglobulin dosage is then recommended, especially when nodules are perceptible.  相似文献   

Changes in Fruiting Rhythm of Coprinus congregatus by Addition of Exogenous Mature Sporophores on the Surface of Cultures. Researches were performed over the regulating effect of mature sporophores on the fruiting rhythm of Coprinus congregatus Bull. ex Fr. Placing exogenous mature fruit-bodies on the vegetative mycelium before the accomplishment of the first flush gives an abundant and perfectly synchronized fructification for this flush. But the fruiting rhythm is then disturbed: compared to control cultures, less sporophores are produced in the following flushes, and, in most cases, the cultures are finally characterized by fewer flushes than the controls. The nature of the substance(s) hypothetically produced by mature sporophores, which may regulate the production of other fruit-bodies, and, correlatively, the fruiting rhythm, is as yet unknown.  相似文献   

Recent work in the high desert west of the historic site of Abydos has revealed a number of technologies that date from the Middle Paleolithic through later periods. The earliest of these include both Nubian and classical Levallois technologies, which are abundant and demonstrate virtually all stages of production. Presumed later technologies include both large blade production technologies as well as more expedient reduction methods. Although results are still preliminary, the lack of significant taphonomic disturbance, the abundance of refits (including many discrete flintknapping episodes), and the high visibility of the archaeological remains make this an ideal area to reconstruct the techniques of lithic reduction in use.  相似文献   

Residual radioactivity within decay tanks in an in-hospital clinical nuclear medicine unit reflects the specific typology of the concerned unit. To learn how to improve management of emptying the tanks, measures of residual radioactivity over the year 2009 have been compared to prevailing legal norms in Luxembourg. Legal norms have in no case been outpassed. A minimal residual radioactivity, below legal thresholds, has been often found (84%). It concerned 131I, 99mTc and 111In. This is why management of radioactive decay tanks may be continued unchanged.  相似文献   

The site of Tata, located in Hungary, has yielded two famous “artistic objects” dated from the isotopic stage 5. However, this site is also famous for its lithic assemblage, most of which is smaller than 30 mm. Other sites in Central Europe have yielded microlithic assemblages, which are not always related to specific raw material conditions. Few human remains provide evidence that Neanderthals were the authors of these assemblages. The settlements are often linked to water springs and the fauna assemblages are composed of one or two great herbivores (deer, horses, rhinoceros and elephants). The analysis of fauna remains suggests that some of these animals could be hunted. The low frequency of rhinoceros and elephants and the partial skeletons do not allow us to know whether these animals have been hunted or scavenged in most cases. But some sites have yielded a higher frequency of these herbivores, which are often young specimens. Are we dealing with programmed specialised settlements in favourable areas for animals, either dead or alive? The herbivore bones are associated with very small flakes, showing the diversity of the human technical behaviours adapted to all kinds of subsistence patterns. The technological analysis of the assemblages, in particular of the cores, provides new patterns about the technological choice for flaking, which seems to belong to a specific tradition. This hypothesis is indirectly confirmed by comparative studies of several microlithic industries from the OIS 11 to 4-3, such as Vèrtesszölös in Hungary, Külna and Predmosti II in the Czeck Republic or the Pontinian complex in Italy. The microlithic assemblages are associated with various environments and could be one of the human responses to organise the stone tool production. It could also be evidence of another technological conception of the tools. The small artefacts could be used alone or hafted separately or grouped, and perhaps even to prepare wooden tools. The discoveries of both bone and wooden tools in some sites prove that the Neanderthal industrial world could be complex and diversified.  相似文献   

Recent years have brought many results of radiocarbon dating the earliest periods of the Upper Palaeolithic that can bring light on the origins of figurative art by Sapiens or Neanderthals. These dates are often close to the limit of the field of radiocarbon dating; because they require measurements of the lowest amounts of radiocarbon, controls are particularly essential. Here we examine the case of the dating of charcoal, whose identification after decontamination is difficult. We suggest a method that does not require additional manipulation to determine whether carbon comes exclusively from charcoal: using the proportion of stable carbon isotopes 13C/12C which is often regarded as a signature (δ13C).  相似文献   

Numerous fragments of spatangoid echinoids have been discovered in the Pliocene deposits of Challans, in Vendée (western France). In spite of the fragmentary data of the samples, a reconstitution of a complete test could be realized using the different fragments and their symetrization. The general shape of the test, and its architectural and ornemental characters allow establishing the presence of the genus Spatangus in western France during the end of Neogene. It allows to precise the biogeography of the genus Spatangus and of the morphological group S. (S.) purpureus on the Atlantic coast after the Messinian crisis. The Pliocene species is compared to the Miocene Spatangus (Phymapatagus) brittanus, abundant in Anjou, Brittany and Touraine. This older species was refered to the subgenus Phymapatagus according to the presumed lack of primary tubercles on its posterior interambulacrum. The discovery of well-preserved specimens, with primary tubercles on every parts of the test, in the Middle Miocene of Brittany allows to refute this subgeneric distinction and to refer the species brittanus to the subgenus Spatangus (Spatangus). The presence of this subgenus in western France is finally confirmed from Middle Miocene to Pliocene.  相似文献   

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