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Buran-Kaya III site, in Crimea, provides an exceptional stratigraphic sequence, extending from Middle Paleolithic to Neolithic. Among the archaeological layers allocated to the Gravettian (sensu lato), more than 170 anthropological remains have been discovered in the layer 6-1. They represent the oldest Upper Paleolithic modern humans from Eastern Europe in a well-documented archaeological context. The aim of this article, based on dental remains and enamel dental hypoplasias in particular, is to evaluate the health of the modern humans, which lived more than 32,000 years BP ago in Crimea. This study puts into the light the low frequency of hypoplasias (occurring in the two youngest individuals). This article complete the rare studies concerning the presence of this physiological stress during the Early Upper Paleolithic and confirm the scarcity of enamel dental hypoplasias and dental pathologies, such as caries, at this period.  相似文献   

The origin of the Upper Palaeolithic around the Mediterranean was the result of the local evolution, particularly in the Near East and in the Lower Nile basin, and of the migration from this zone to South-Eastern and Central Europe. The Initial Upper Palaeolithic in the Near East belt was the effect of local evolution from the industries based on Levallois concept to the industries which developed leptolithic blade technologies. This evolution is well registered in multi-layer sites in the Syro-Palestinian belt (Emirian/Ahmarian), which was the starting point of the diffusion of these “transitional” industries in South-Eastern and Central Europe. This diffusion could be identified with the migration of first anatomically Modern Humans. The Early Upper Palaeolithic in Europe — dated to the second half of the Interpleniglacial — was, at least partially, based on these “transitional” industries and manifested by the appearance of the Aurignacian, contrasted with local cultures such as the Uluzzian in Mediterranean Europe. During whole the Interpleniglacial Europe was separated from Northern Africa dominated by local evolution of Middle Palaeolithic (Middle Stone Age) cultures (mostly expressed by the Aterian), and by specific “transitional” industries on the southern Mediterranean coast (Early Dabbian) and in the Lower Nile basin. The Last Glacial Maximum and the corresponding sea level recession opened new possibilities of contacts between the Maghreb and the Iberian Peninsula in both directions (Aterian-Solutrean and Gravettian-Early Iberomaurusian), which are still difficult to be proved before new chronostratigraphic correlations are made. At the same time we register links between south-eastern Europe and western Anatolia; the real border between Near Eastern and European Mediterranean cultural zones was marked, in the Late Glacial, by the Taurus chain. During the Late Glacial the cultural separation between Europe and Africa was particularly marked. Only in the Aegean basin the first sea navigation facilitated contacts which become widespread as late as in the Early Holocene with neolithization trough maritime contacts.  相似文献   

This work is mainly an answer to the work of Bert, Delanoy and Canut, on the genus Imerites Rouchadzé, and we add also some points to the knowledge of this genus. An answer is given for the implication of one of the authors (J.V.) of this present work, about the origin of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé, and some significant bibliographic references, not named in the 2009 work, are specified and placed in their context. The characteristics of the ornamental stage “Pseudoshasticrioceras” mainly defined by an oval and compressed section of the whorls and by regular ventrolateral clavi, well marked, which frame the venter in a typical way (Bert et al., p. 181), don’t allow to affirm the presence of this stage during the ontogeny of all species of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé, contrary to what Bert, Delanoy and Canut (p. 30, 31) wrote. The type-species of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé is made clear by the application of the rules of the I.C.Z.N. code. The article 23, with the paragraph 23.1 of the I.C.Z.N. code, imply the senior synonymy of Imerites cristatus (Orbigny) on Imerites giraudi (Kilian), even if the Kilian's species is still the type species of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé. The taxinomical validity of the species Imerites cristatus (Orbigny) is confirmed. Its morphological variability is clarified by the distinction of four referential morphotypes, Cristatus, Giraudi, Favrei and Raricostatum. Consequently, the assumption of a shape-dimensional dimorphism into the populations of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé is rejected, awaiting irrefutable proof. A new species, Imerites stephaniae sp. nov., is described. It was collected in the Gerhardtia sartousiana Zone, in the uppermost part of the Gerhardtia provincialis Subzone, and it is a probable ancestor of the cogeneric species of the Imerites giraudi Zone.  相似文献   

Three excavation campaigns at the Tuscan open air site of Pontecosi, near Lucca (Tuscany, Italy) have yielded a rich artefact series signing the presence of Aurignacian populations in this part of peninsular Italy. Abruptly backed points associated with typical carinated or “à museau” end scrapers most probably indicate the recent character of this Tuscan Aurignacian.  相似文献   

In 2001 and 2003, several occipital fragments of a single mature skull were unearthed on the site of les Pradelles (Marillac-le-Franc, Charente). The archaeological context of the deposit allowed us to provisionally assign the remains to the Neandertal taxon. A morphometric study of this piece was conducted in order to confirm its placement in this lineage. Some features observed on this specimen and commonly described among Neandertals (e.g. the presence of a suprainiac fossa) as well as dimensional data locate the les Pradelles occipital within the morphological variability of Neandertals.  相似文献   

In Tunisia, in the platform domain, the Aptian-Albian transition is associated with a major stratigraphic gap not precisely dated, which is related to the subaerial exposure of the Aptian Orbata platform. Locally, in central Tunisia (Jebel Kebar), this gap is substituted by the sedimentary records of the Kebar Formation. This formation provided a rich association of fossil charophytes, formed by Atopochara trivolvis trivolvis, Clavator harrisii zavialensis and Sphaerochara verticillata which allows attributing it to the late Aptian–early Albian interval (most probably early Albian). In addition, a new variety, Sphaerochara verticillata var. kebariensis, is described. The charophyte assemblage shows significant biogeographic affinities with a coeval flora found in the Iberian Peninsula. The Kebar Formation was previously regarded as exclusively nonmarine, but the presence of the assemblage of charophytes and associated ostracods described rather indicates a fluctuation between margino-littoral (lagoonal) and continental environments.  相似文献   

The author illustrates, in a very synthetical way, Aurignacian and early Gravettian lithic industry from Paglicci Cave (Mount Gargano, South Italy), found during excavations carried out by University of Siena in the Eighties-Nineties. Layer 24 contains Aurignacian industries and is constituted by a fine silty-sandy sediment. The faunal remains from layer 24, dominated by Equus asinus, indicate a dry-temperate phase which on the basis of 14C dates, would be identified with the Arcy. Lithic industry contains numerous marginally backed bladelets and microbladelets Dufour like that, in the higher level evolve into a special type (denominated “PA 24 A1”). The early Gravettian occupies the overlying layers 23 and 22 that are rich in rough stones and blocks and contain more or less cold faunal remains (at first dominated by Capra ibex, subsequently Bos primigenius becomes abundant): the 14C dating insert them in a phase between Arcy and Tursac. Lithic industry includes a great number of La Gravette backed points and especially microgravette backed points. Some probable fléchettes are also present but unfortunately they are fragmented.  相似文献   

This summary on The Lloseta shows us a much richer reality that it had been presented through the precedent publications. To begin it is presented as an shelter environment decorated in all their extension whose decoration and parallel they find real sense if we put them in connection with the neigh boring Tito Bustillo. It possesses a prevalence of signs and old representations, a bad general conservation and an own and original internal organization. None of the caves of Ardines, including their main protagonist, she makes isolated significant sense, but rather they are and were supplemented in the past, for activities, occupation and use. We try to know the meaning of all and each one of the caves in connection with the other ones, because we think that their function should be collective and complementary.  相似文献   

We analyse the functional processing chain of large mammals acquired at the mousterian and magdalenian levels of the Tournal cave (Bize, Aude). Palethnologic results are analysed through a method from experimental psychology of goal oriented activities. The elements are the objects used by prehistoric man and their properties. Objects and properties are linked by binary relationships. These relationships are processed by software, SIMBOL, developed at the IPH, based on an algorithm initially published by the Laboratoire de psychologie expérimentale of Paris-8. SIMBOL returns the cognitive graph of the task representation for the mousterian and the magdalenian layer, allowing a rigorous comparison of the cognitive activities on both periods. The main result is that the logical structure is preserved when passing from one level to the other. This could be interpreted as a due to the noticeable cognitive similarity of the men from the different periods, along with the fact that cognitive complexity seems to be the same on both graphs. Cognitive fluidity improves from mousterian to magdalenian suggesting that cognitive mechanisms such as sense sliding and analogies could be easier at the magdalenian level. Could we interpret this result as a due to a greater creativity at the magdalenian level than at the mousterian one? Further investigations are needed to state this, as well as enhanced data volume, potentially allowed by this entirely new method.  相似文献   

Recent definition of the Cantabrian Lower Azilian has turned the Late Upper Magdalenian/Azilian transition into one of the most interesting archaeological ages in the area. This period is considered representing the earliest Azilian groups in Asturias. Critic review of Cueva Oscura de Ania record, in the center of Asturias, has allowed us to give full details of the Lower Azilian archaeological characteristics. Cueva Oscura de Ania archaeological collection shows archaic traits, close to those from Cueva de Los Azules and Cueva de La Riera, two eastern asturian sites. These likenesses suggest a high stylistic and technical uniformity in distant areas during a critical period, when Palaeolithic groups changed their subsistence strategies. Cueva Oscura de Ania archaeological and polinic records suggest that this deposit was built at the beginning of the paleoclimatic phase known as Alleröd/Cantabrian VIII (12 000-10?800 BP), when numerous cantabrian sites suffered high erosion processes. All these circumstances convert Cueva Oscura de Ania in a fundamental site to get a best knowledge of the origin and development of the Cantabrian Azilian. The study of its bone collection allows us outline new hypothesis about this archaeological period.  相似文献   

This paper presents the cultural and archaeological context of the human fossil bones from Muierii Cave, dated by us to the age of 30 150 ± 800 14C years BP (Before Present) or 34 810 ± 927 cal years BP (calibrated years Before Present), and from Cioclovina Cave, dated to the age of 29 000 ± 700 14C years BP or 33 540 ± 832 cal years BP, in the Southern Carpathians. These are among the most ancient dated human fossil remains from Central and South-Eastern Europe and are described in conjunction with other sites with Mousterian assemblages of the recent Neanderthal population, and sites with Aurignacian assemblage of early modern humans, from Romanian region, for the interval of time 34,000-26,000, the transitional period from the Middle Paleolithic to the Upper Paleolithic.  相似文献   

The amber of Le Mas d’Azil (Ariège, France), fashioned by the Magdalenian people of Le Mas d’Azil cave, was collected in clay levels rich in Cupressinoxylon Göppert, of the Campanian Labarre Sandstone Formation, which is a large deltaic set, infilling the sub-Pyreneean trough. The amber pieces are small and resemble modern resin exudates on coniferous trunks. We describe following micro-inclusions. Actinomycetes: Cardonia stellata, nov. gen., nov. sp., located close to the surface of amber pieces, is abundant and displays chains of conidia and isolated aleuriospore. Nocardiopsis ? sp. D is rare. Actinomycete “de type Salignac” is abundant. Its filaments often display a tendril shape, which seems to prelude to a mycelium fragmentation. Other bacteria: Leptotrichites resinatus Schmidt ( Schmidt and Schäfer, 2005), poorly represented, is more variable than the already known material; cf. Sphaerotilus sp., very abundant, also displays differences with the Cenomanian “Sphaerotilus sp.”. Eukaryotes: one fungal filament, and a group of spores, pollens or cysts. Inorganic inclusions: gas bubbles, pseudo-protists of B and C? types, and tiny, transparent, cubic crystals. It seems that most of the quoted prokaryotes were resinicolous organisms, able to settle on the surface of the exudate, and grow in the resin, after inoculation either by a contact with the substrate, or by an anemophilic dispersion of spores. This “taphonomic way” seems here to be more general than trapping.  相似文献   

Luc Moreau 《L'Anthropologie》2003,107(5):603-614
Considering that body ornaments are, through the choice of the elements, good cultural markers, along with the transitional geographical position of Belgium in the Palaeolithic, an up-to-date study of the body ornaments has been undertaken to catch the diffusion and contact phenomenon next to the influences in the lithic industries between regions. Despite the fact that the observations made take cultural value once they are considered in a broader frame than the actual political boarders of the country, cultural and chronological tendencies in terms of “fashions” within the Belgian material have nevertheless confirmed their informational potential.  相似文献   

The site of Pirro Nord (also known as Cava Pirro or Cava Dell’Erba) is known in literature since the 1970's of the last century as a palaeontological site, of which the mammalian fossil association constitutes a reference (local) fauna for the European latest Villafranchian. This fossil association is also known for the occurrence of some African elements. During the 2005, a lithic industry has been found in three karst fissures, together with the typical elements of the Pirro Nord vertebrate assemblage. The biochronological assessment based on the vertebrate assemblage attributes it to a time interval bracketed between 1.3 Ma and 1.7 Ma. Thus the site of Pirro Nord represents the oldest human occupation of Europe so far known. The lithic assemblage, attributable to the Mode 1, is constituted by three cores and seven flakes, and is made only on flint. Lithic artefacts have been found in stratigraphic context during the preliminary surveys of the three fissures, that they will be the object of systematic excavations in the years to come.  相似文献   

A Belouze  C Atallah 《Geobios》2003,36(3):241-273
New specimens from Cenomanian outcrops of Lebanon permit redescribtion of the first eel-like fossil fishes. Anguillavus bathshebaeHay, 1903 becomes synonymous with the type species A. quadripinnisHay, 1903. A new fossil eel with pelvic fins, Anguillavus mazeni nov. sp., is furthermore proposed. In the same way, the revision of Luenchelys minimus nov. gen., nov. sp., reveals some morphological variations at the specific level and a widespread biogeographical repartition which potentially can be important. This whole anatomical revision is a necessary basis for integrating these fossils into the Anguilliformes (Teleostei, Elopomorpha) and gives an idea of the plesiomorphic structural pattern of the order, in which the modern forms are particularly specialised.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of Madonna dell’Arma cave inside part (Liguria, Italy) allowed us to reconstitute, at local scale, the Ligurian coastal vegetation between the end of the last interglacial period and the beginning of the pleniglacial. This transition period shows an important representation of arboreal cover and a persistence of thermophilous elements that allowed us to considerate the western Liguria as a periglacial refuge. During the end of the last interglacial, xerophytic, halophytic herbs and shrubs taken over from a Mediterranean pre-forest unit in the first slopes constituted the coastal zone. The nearness of Argentina torrent and the Armea influenced, in the coast, the existence of marshy zones colonized by hygrophilous trees. In the Ligurian lowlands spread out sclerophyllous and mesophilous forests according to altitude. The beginning of the pleniglacial is indicated in the sequence by increases of Pinus, Cupressaceae and Artemisia in the context of a decline in the thermophilous components. This picture of vegetation has become integrated into the multidisciplinary studies of the site and contributed to the elaboration of palaeoclimatic hypothesis similar as those revealed by the fauna.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of Santa Lucia superiore cave (Italy) reports at local scale the lowland Ligurian vegetation during the Lower Pleniglacial (75 to 57 Kyr BP). The pollen profile shows two AP extensions during a steppe-landscape episode in Liguria. The dry and cold phases caused the establishment of a steppe-landscape (NAP 92%) with Artemisia, Ephedra, Poaceae and Chenopodiaceae, similar to those mentioned in the Latium during the Pleniglacial. The increase of moisture generated a first arboreal extension (Pinus, Betula, Corylus, Ulmus), which engendered the formation of an open-forest landscape (AP 43%). The second arboreal extension (AP 55%) was due to an increase of moisture and higher temperatures, which allowed the development of Mediterranean trees and shrubs (Quercus ilex, Olea, Phillyrea). This warming up occurred probably simultaneously with a secondary transgression during the glacial sea-level change. The upper part of the profile shows an open vegetation, which indicates the return of a steppe-landscape. Pollen data, replaced in the multidisciplinary studies of the site, are well correlated with the fauna and sediment data.  相似文献   

The carbonate sediments of the Agadir Basin (Morocco) deposited during the Upper Bathonian-Lower Kimmeridgian p.p. interval are rich in agglutinated complex benthic foraminifera. The detailed inventory of several field-sections allows to identify and to describe these benthonic foraminifera, some of them being recorded for the first time in Morocco. They belong to the main genera Archaeosepta, Andersenolina, Praekurnubia, Pseudocyclammina, Everticyclammina, Alveosepta, Kurnubia, Parurgonina, Neokilianina, Labyrinthina and Rectocyclammina. The stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic distribution of these foraminifera seem to be related to the geodynamic events occurring on the Moroccan Atlantic margin during this time-interval. The stratigraphic distribution of the principal species is generally controlled by the occurrence of ammonites, brachiopods and of some foraminifera which are considered as good stratigraphic markers.  相似文献   

Ostracode assemblages, collected in the continental “Red Beds” of the Central High Atlas, Morocco, consist of 35 species, belonging to 17 genera, four of which are new and described herein. They allow to assign the lower member of the Iouaridène formation to the Upper Jurassic (?)-Upper Hauterivian and the Jbel Sidal formation to the Upper Hauterivian-Lower Aptian. Ostracode assemblages characterize lacustrine (freshwater) and lagoonal (oligo to mesohaline) environments. On the basis of limnic and lagoonal species, faunal connections are proposed for the Barremian-Aptian between Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

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