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In Korea, Quaternary deposits are characterized by marine and fluvial terrace deposits, commonly found in the coastal areas and at the sides of river valleys. The major terraces are classified into 5 different levels, i.e., alluvial plain (3-5 m asl), lower terrace (10-25 m asl), middle terrace (33-50 m asl), high terrace (55-85 m asl), and highest terrace (90-160 m asl). They were formed by the repetition of sedimentation and erosion due to sea level fluctuation and uplifting along the coastal areas during Quaternary period. The formation age of the lower marine terraces at the level of 10-20 m is interpreted to be the last interglacial (75-125 Ka, MIS = 5a-5e). The middle coastal terrace gravels distributed at the level of about 33-45 m above mean sea level and are to be formed before the last interglacial. Above coastal terrace deposits, slope deposits and paleosol layers are overlain and freezing and thawing crackings were developed in them. Major prehistory archaeological sites in the coastal areas are found in the slope deposits formed during last glaciations. The upper parts of the slope deposits are typified by paleosol layers with typical frost cracks (soil wedges) and frangipanes. As geochronological bases for subdividing Paleolithic cultures, two typical paleosol layers are useful because they are mostly found and imprinted with several horizons of frost cracks or soil wedges. The uppermost crack structures were formed under the boreal-periglacial climatic regime during the last glacial period of extremely cold-dry climate in Korea. The upper pedogenetic sediments containing frost cracks or soil wedges were formed between 24 and 17 Ka in many Paleolithic profiles. The lowermost paleosol layer with frost cracks (soil wedge), strongly attacked into hillslope sediments or last interglacial saprolite layers on the weathered basement rocks, were detected at least as old as 59-74,000 Ka. Lastly upper Paleolithic cultural layers were found in the young fluvial deposits, which had been formed since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Some of them were particularly continued as late as the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition Period.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of Chinese Prehistory, the Neolithic period in particular, has continued to grow over the last three decades, especially with the importance of the archeological heritage unearthed in the past ten years. Intensive research carried out on the very varied ways of life that took place during the period from 12,000 BP to 4,000 BP -a period whose limits are constantly being pushed back - can be situated within this problematic. These pluridisciplinary studies have led to a more precise knowledge of the environment of prehistoric man and of his social activities. The ceramic objects found in Neolithic tombs have proved to be of a great diversity. Their typology gives precious information on their daily life and throws light, for us in the modern world on the mentalities prevailing during this period.  相似文献   

Explorations and diggings of the Italian Institute of Human Palaeontology in Latium from 1950 to 2005, have brought out the following composite sequence: (1) for upper-middle Pleistocene of northern Latium: Travertine, gravels Acheulian-Mousterian transition, Riss. Homo (femur), Elephas antiquus, Hippopotamus, Bubalus murrensis, with upper Acheulian artefacts. (2) In middle Latium, middle Pleistocene: Volcanoclastic K-Ar 360 Ky. Below: Lower Acheulian complex and bone artefacts. Homo, Inuus, Elephas antiquus, Ursus deningeri, Dama clactoniana. Volcanic ash with Zelkowa, Buxus: caucasian flora. Hot pyroclastic flow about 15 m (50 feet) thick between 520 and 530 Ky. Limno-tuffite with Taxodiacea flora Lower-middle Pleistocene choppers artefacts below volcanic limit of 700 Ky. Southern Latium, lower Pleistocene: travertine reed Phragmites fragments. Ceprano hominid calvarium 800-900 Ky old. Gravel with chopper artefacts. Red sand with Unio shells. Lower palaeolithic gravelly sand, with very rough choppers artefacts, at Arce, Colle Marino, Colle Pece localities; at Castro dei Volsci chopper, assemblage is more evolved. Unconformity. Yellow sand layer with middle Villafranchian Anancus arvernensis and Mammuthus meridionalis fauna.  相似文献   

It is our intention to analyse the environmental significance of the Palaeolithic artistic representations existing in the inner areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The fauna is used to create chronological and climatical criteria to affirm the condition of the castillan plateau during the last glaciation. In our opinion, it is dangerous to use the isolated animals in order to talk about coldness or heat situation because they reflect the cultural selection of their authors more than the ambiental reality. Neither the animals called thermometer nor the euritherm ones are solely represented in the tempered moments. Moreover, we have almost a no animal representation than artistic during the last finiglacial period in the peninsular interior. It means probably that the artistic representations are mainly cultural signs, which change for cultural reasons and not properly climatic ones within a general reality of glacial environment.  相似文献   

The site of Saint-Prest is located in a karstic depression opened in the upper part of a slope of the Eure Valley. This depression is first filled by periglacial alluvial sands and gravels of the river Eure (very high terrace), then covered by a clayey sand where the interglacial fauna has been found. Above there are two formations: periglacial sands and cailloutis deriving from the plateau-deposits and a sandy loess. This complex older than 800 Kyr, restricted to the depression, is covered by saalian and weichselian loesses. Many papers have been written about the fossiliferous site of Saint-Prest since its discovery one and and half century ago: its age is not far from the upper boundary of the Villafranchian period, and some scholars thought to recognize in it numerous trails of activity from an early man ancestor. A new analysis of the fauna shows that 11 mammalian species are actually present: the Deperet's Mammoth Mammuthus meridionalis depereti COPPENS and BEDEN; the evoluted form of the Etruscan Rhino Dicerorhinus etruscus brachycephalus (SCHROEDER), GUÉRIN; the Stenon's Horse Equus stenonis COCCHI; the Carnute Elk Alces carnutorum (LAUGEL); the Verticornis Deer Praemegaceros verticornis (DAWKINS); a large relative to the Red Deer, Cervus sp. 1 cf. elaphus LINNÉ; a small relative to a specifically undetermined Fallow Deer, Cervidae sp. 2 aff. Dama sp.; the Forest Bison Bison schoetensacki FREUDENBERG; the large European Hippo Hippopotamus major CUVIER; the Boisvillette's giant Beaver Trogontherium cuvieri boisvilletti (LAUGEL); the Short-faced Hyeana Pachycrocuta brevirostris (AYMARD). The mammoth is the most common species (174 remains), followed by the Rhino (21 remains) and the forest Bison, other Mammals being always less than 10 remains each. Saint-Prest is the type-locality for three of these taxa, the mammoth, the Elk and the Giant Beaver. Such a fauna allows us to date the site from the MNQ 20 standardzone, with an absolute age of roughly 1 My. The mammalian community of Saint-Prest clearly indicates an open forest landscape under a temperate wet climate, near a river (Eure).  相似文献   

On a regional scale, Longgupo is found within a karstic landscape of fenglin-ouvala developed in the Triassic limestones of the Yangtze platform. After several seasons, it is now possible to define and propose a scenario for the formation of the site. During one of the intense karstification phases during the Cretaceous or early Tertiary, karstic conduits were created deep in the substratum. In concert with these deep flows and by karstic collapse, a cave was created. With the start of Himalayan uplift during the Oligocene and Miocene, the beginning of fluvial cutting was reflected by the partial erosion of the upper sandstone formations and the creation of the Miaoyu Valley. This action opened the cave, which would later be occupied by the hominid groups that interest us here. Probably at the end of the Tertiary, the cave, open at the bottom of the valley slope and facing upstream, began to be filled with alluvial deposits from the valley. The basal deposits (C III 10 of the current stratigraphic sequence, levels 20-13 of the first sequence) begin with black clays; at the Plio-Pleistocene transition, deposits become clearly alluvial, increasingly marked by reworking of surface and karstic clays and by systematically coarser contributions. During the deposition period of archaeological complexes III/III’ (previously levels 12-6), karstic collapse appears to have still been active. During the Lower Pleistocene sensu lato, the coarse nature of the deposits becomes accentuated. The material of complex II (previously levels 5-2) is a deposit that is clearly heterometric and coarse, composed at the end mainly of gravels, pebbles and more or less rounded blocks in a clayey matrix. At the conclusion of this new stage, the cave was entirely filled and, purely and simply, disappeared from the landscape. As the valley deepened during the Middle and Upper Pleistocene, the Longgupo slope underwent profound changes, the last of the limestone blocks disappeared from the slope limit and the archaeological site was protected by the coarse breccias that carpeted the slope. The main cause for the sedimentation processes at the site of Longgupo is the hydrosystem of the Miaoyu he, although injections of karstic type sensu stricto cannot be excluded. All of the arguments effectively support alluvial deposition: pebbles, an alternation of coarse and clayey beds, systematic and repeated granulometric decrease. But the stratigraphic disposition was disturbed by deformations due to gravity and karstic origins; the alluvial sediments, rendered plastic by the high proportion of clayey beds, were deformed by gravity (deformation of beds, faults, slopes) following the direction of the slope and by karstic collapse along the two limestone walls north and south of the sites (in sub-parallel faults to the south and by circular aspiration to the north). To this is added a calcitic consolidation of the upper levels that made it difficult to excavate complex C II. The stratigraphic disposition of the archaeological levels at Longgupo is now well understood. It has thus been possible to collect samples for absolute dating, to be published soon.  相似文献   

This paper explores the cultural sequence for the period 12,500–9000 BP in the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula. According to the traditional division by Fortea, this period starts with the end of the Upper Magdalenian, followed by two facies: the Microlaminar Epipalaeolithic and the Geometric Epipalaeolithic (Filador type), (related to Sauveterrian facies). The data collected in recent years suggest a change or amendment to this previous proposal, which now would be divided into four phases: Final Upper Magdalenian, Early Epimagdalenian, Recent Epimagdalenian and Microlaminar Sauveterroid. This paper discusses each of these periods examining the evolution of the stone tools and concluding that in the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula the Magdalenian tradition continues with little changes until the advent of the Mesolithic.  相似文献   

Loss of substrate from occasional high flows below reservoirs on the Trinity River prompted government agencies to replace the gravels to protect the anadromous fisheries resource. Several riffles were restored using 2.5 to to cm gravels. Three of these and two natural riffles, with gravels ranging up to 20 cm, were surveyed over a two-year period to determine the effect of this gravel replacement on the macroinvertebrate fauna. Replaced gravels were too small to support the diversity of organisms found on natural riffle gravels. In addition, temperature alteration by the hypolimnial release reservoir prevented colonization by all but a few organisms able to tolerate such conditions in the riffles below the dam. Large but unstable populations of Simulium, Baetis, and the Chironominae developed below the dam, aided by an abundant periphyton and detrital food supply and lack of competition and predation. It is concluded that habitat diversity through the use of a range of gravel sizes up to the size naturally found in productive riffles should be used in riffle restoration projects in order to increase habitat complexity, species diversity, density, and biomass important in maintaining fishery stocks.  相似文献   

The position of lithic industries of Chinese Paleolithic in comparison with those of other regions in the world is always a controversial topic. The typological analysis has made Chinese prehistorians reveal some variability between lithic industries of different regions of China in terms of technical tradition and industrial structure. But this recognition, based upon some morphological characters of stone artifacts, failed to define systematically the modes of production that exist in each site. To answer these problematic some new methods need to be applied. So the lithic materials from 8 Chinese sites dated from 300 ka to 50 ka B.P. were selected and analyzed by means of lithic technological analysis and a new approach for analyzing the structures of cores. This paper presents principally the analytical results of modes of débitage and revealed that the modes of débitage during this period were characterized essentially by system C (“simple débitage”) and E (discoid) and that the concept Levallois was absent during this period in technical systems of lithic production in China. The Chinese lithic industries between 300 ka and 50 ka B.P. saw some homogeneity in the scale of the continent and remarkable difference from those of other regions in the world. So a stable, continuous but independent even isolated evolution in comparison with those of other regions was observed in this period. In addition, despite of apparent homogeneity, some variability exists also between these industries.  相似文献   

The shelters of the Aragon containing paintings are gathered together in two areas: one around the río Martin valley to the north of Teruel and one in the Sierra de Guara at the east of Huesca. In every case they coexist with sites containing Levantine paintings but the proportions between the two types of expression are variable. We suppose that this association or even competition, of these two different iconographies is related to the differences of Neolithic economies establishment in each region. Punctual excavations underside the schematic figures give for them different dating throughout the Neolithic period. It seems probant that shelters with schematic paintings were chosen among a multitude of potential sites following four particular conditions: their dominant position, their southern orientation, the orange colour of the cliff walls and the humidity of the place. Lastly, the detailed study of the ornated sites at the confluence of the Vero and the Choca valley reveals the existence of the groups of richly shelters and, on the over hand, the existence of isolated ones with a most soker decoration. Or, a good knowledge of the field shows that the first ones cannot be accessible if we do not pass by the second ones. Consequently, we propose the existence of a precise approaching paths allowing precise the arrival to the groups of richly decorated sites. The studied area would thus represent a structured sanctuary served by an access way that was marked out deliberately.  相似文献   

In a previous note we presented the expression of the late paleolithic spirituality (Welté and Lambert, 2004). A special analytic grid was used as a possible tool for a demonstration. We separeted rationality from metaphysic; notions which are linked with dialectic relations between necessity (daily constraints), thought, action and evolution in the paleolithic period. Starting from the no direct material activities like burials, funeral materials and art, we purpose now that such notions existed before the upper Paleolithic. We infer that a privilegious set of interactions between the animal and the human appeared early in the thought of the people, before the upper Paleolithic. A metaphysic univers forced itself upon them as an evident “anti-world” which is the symmetric shape of the real and tangible world. In such a context, the social system(s) could not discard these duality.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the results of archaeological research led from 1995 to 1998 in the fauna reserve of Lopé (Gabon). The excavated sites were dated from the Upper Pleistocene to the Post-colonial period. It is the longest and the most complete archaeological sequence presently known in Central Africa. These results show evidence of human presence in the reserve for over 40?000 years and that this greatly contributed to the preservation of the ecotone landscape of Lopé. In addition, these results offer the first systematic analysis of the sites and the ceramic artefacts produced and used in the centre of Gabon during the last three millennia. Supported by chronological, linguistic and palaeoenvironmental data, these results allow us to refine the ceramic typology and to prove the antiquity of husbandry, agricultural practices and iron production in this part of Africa. Finally, they allow us to clarify the various phases of settlement in the reserve and to reveal an important historic phenomena in connection with the expansion of the bantu languages and/or the bantu speaking peoples, who populate a third of the African continent.  相似文献   

Since the middle of 1970s, one rock-shelter, six caves and one open archaeological site have yielded several hominid fossils. Among them, fossils from Yonggok, Mandal, Sangsi and Hungsu cave sites are useful to reconstruct the general shape of the Upper Pleistocene Hominids in Korea. The main study of this paper is to focus on the reconstruction of the general shape of the upper Pleistocene hominids, and to examine the cause of cranial changes from the late upper Paleolithic to Mesolithic period in Korea. Biomechanical principles are also applied to reconstruct the social activity of the upper Paleolithic man in Korea. In addition, it is assumed that main proponent of Paleolithic cultures in Korea might be Homo sapiens rather than any other species. Based on the anatomical characteristics of skull, the axillary border of the scapular and the midshaft of the femur, general appearance of Homo sapiens during the Pleistocene in Korea could be reconstructed.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present the anthracological data of the Parco cave sequence. This cave, excavated since the last 25 years, shows a stratigraphic sequence from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Bronze age. The anthracological data that we are presenting correspond to the sequence corresponding to the Magdalenian and Epipaleolithic layers. The anthracological data show a dominance of Scots pine at the bottom and of junipers at the top of the deposit, suggesting a landscape transformation though time. From these results we discuss aspects related to the vegetal formations during this period. Moreover, this study has the intention of integration the anthracological record with the archaeological data already published concerning subsistence, technology and paleoecology to a better understanding to human behaviour during this period.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of Madonna dell’Arma cave inside part (Liguria, Italy) allowed us to reconstitute, at local scale, the Ligurian coastal vegetation between the end of the last interglacial period and the beginning of the pleniglacial. This transition period shows an important representation of arboreal cover and a persistence of thermophilous elements that allowed us to considerate the western Liguria as a periglacial refuge. During the end of the last interglacial, xerophytic, halophytic herbs and shrubs taken over from a Mediterranean pre-forest unit in the first slopes constituted the coastal zone. The nearness of Argentina torrent and the Armea influenced, in the coast, the existence of marshy zones colonized by hygrophilous trees. In the Ligurian lowlands spread out sclerophyllous and mesophilous forests according to altitude. The beginning of the pleniglacial is indicated in the sequence by increases of Pinus, Cupressaceae and Artemisia in the context of a decline in the thermophilous components. This picture of vegetation has become integrated into the multidisciplinary studies of the site and contributed to the elaboration of palaeoclimatic hypothesis similar as those revealed by the fauna.  相似文献   

Iddir Amara 《L'Anthropologie》2003,107(4):533-557
Figurations in Atlas have been studied numerous times, namely by Flamand and Frobenius between 1891 and 1914, by Vaufrey in 1939 and by Lhote between 1955 and 1970. And finally there were Iliou’s1 and Hachid’s theses in the 1980s and Amara’s thesis in 2001. The study of the Atlas figurations discovered since 1847 brought new data on the engravings from the recent period. The originality of the engravings lies in the appearance of new themes, which had been unknown until yet. The presence of metal weapons figures enriches the records of the Atlas rock Art. The alphabetical signs, another new theme, give an identity to this Art. The work undertaken in this vast region raises the problem of the persistency of the Neolithic culture. All the figurations show some aspects of the evolution, which become permanent, mostly at the end of the recent period.  相似文献   

The Aïn Settara section (Kalaat Senan, Central Tunisia) exposes in very good conditions a continuous marl-limestone alternation, going from the Upper Maastrichtian to the Danian. The Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary is particularly better exposed than it is in the El Kef type section. The studied section reveals, at first, a typical bed-interbed decimetric to metric limestone-marl alternation. Upon this one, at a meter scale, a second mode of alternation is superimposed: between, firstly, sharp and thick bed-interbed bundles, and, secondly, more diffuse and thinner bundles, which are more difficult to split into beds and interbeds. This frame deals with the equinoxial-precession climatic-forcing. The bed-interbed alternation corresponds to the precession of 21.3 ka average period. The clear bundle-diffuse bundle alternation, comes from the amplitude modulation of the precession by the circa 100 ka period of the eccentricity. This succession is used to build a time floating-scale, adjusted on the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary. Fixing this boundary to the value of -65.0 Ma, we obtain a chronometric time-scale, going, for our section, from -65.8 up to -64.4 Ma, that is a total duration of 1.3 m.y. This scale allows to better localize in time the sedimentary and biological phenomenons, which encompass the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary.  相似文献   

Chandran P  Das N 《Biodegradation》2011,22(6):1181-1189
The performance of diesel oil degradation by Candida tropicalis immobilized on various conventional matrices (sodium alginate, carboxyl methyl cellulose, chitosan) and biowaste materials (wheat bran, sawdust, peanut hull powder) was investigated using the method of entrapment and physical adsorption. The yeast species immobilized in wheat bran showed enhanced efficiency in degrading diesel oil (98%) compared to free cells culture (80%) over a period of 7 days. Copious amount of exopolysaccharides were also produced in the presence of diesel oil. The biofilm forming ability of C. tropicalis on PVC strips was evaluated using XTT (2,3-bis[2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide) reduction assay and monitored by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Yeast biofilm formed on gravels showed 97% degradation of diesel oil over a period of 10 days. The potential use of the biofilms for preparing trickling filters (gravel particles), for attenuating hydrocarbons in oily liquid wastes before their disposal in the open environment is suggested and discussed. This is the first successful attempt for ‘artificially’ establishing hydrocarbon degrading yeast biofilm on solid substrates.  相似文献   

In April 2009, a new rock art site was discovered in Libya. Kaf Tahr is situated in Cyrenaica, in the Djebel Akhdar (the “green mountain”). This new site with engravings displays several interests. Firstly, it is only the third rock art site discovered - or at least published - in Cyrenaica. Secondly, this rock shelter is the only one that had shown engravings belonging to at least two different chronological periods, the first one being very probably prehistoric, and the second, post-prehistoric. Finally, the engraving of a man (with a sword and a shield) and the engraving of a horse are the first discovered in the area. These two engravings could have been realized in the protohistoric period. This period is well-known in the Libyan Fezzan (“libyco-berberian period” or “horse period”) but it has never been defined in Cyrenaica. Owing to the lack of research, the long period separating the end of Prehistory from the beginning of the greek colonization is hitherto totally unknown. If these engravings would belong to this period, they would be the first elements attesting of a metal work and a horse domestication in Cyrenaica before the historic period.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of Albian ammonites of the North Pacific Province is described on the basis of several sections located in Northern California. Nine Albian ammonite assemblages are identified, compared to the 4 previously described by Murphy in 1956. Owing to several gaps of observation possibly more assemblages could exist. In the North California Albian history, the first results show a succession of confinement periods - with numerous endemic faunas - followed by periods of open communications with other faunal provinces. As an example, the base of the Middle Albian is marked by exotic ammonites coming from the Tethyan realm (Oxytropidoceras, Lyelliceras) and from the Arctic Province of the Boreal realm (Gastroplites, Pseudopulchellia). These ammonites - except Oxytropidoceras - were not known in that area and are described relatively to their palaeobiogeographical interest. Although rare these migrant faunas give valuable elements to correlate these various provinces. Planktonic foraminifera confirm the existence of open sea communications during the uppermost Albian.With such faunal links, a comparison is proposed between the Albian ammonite zonation of Northern California and the standard and phyletic ones of Europe. This attempt suggests that the major connections between the three faunal provinces are established at second order peak transgressions in the Early and Middle Albian, and during the sea-level high of the Late Albian transgressive period. So, it seems that the vertical distribution of Albian non-endemic ammonites of North California and Europe is largely controlled by global eustatic events. Two palaeobiogeographic maps for Early and Middle Albian and one map for the late Late Albian show the migration outer of these exotic ammonites.  相似文献   

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