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Annexin IV (placental anticoagulant protein II) is a member of the annexin or lipocortin family of calcium-dependent phospholipid-binding proteins. A cDNA for human annexin IV was isolated from a placental library that is 675 bases longer in the 3' untranslated region than previously reported, indicating the existence of alternative mRNA processing for this gene. Genomic Southern blotting with a cDNA probe indicated a gene size of 18-56 kb. Primers developed for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) allowed amplification of a 1.6-kb portion of the ANX4 gene. DNA sequence analysis showed that this PCR product contained a single intron with exon-intron boundaries in exactly the same position as in the mouse annexin I and annexin II genes. PCR analysis of a somatic cell hybrid panel mapped the ANX4 gene to chromosome 2, and in situ hybridization with a cDNA probe showed a unique locus for ANX4 at 2p13. This study provides further evidence that genes for the annexins are dispersed throughout the genome but are similar in size and exon-intron organization.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the class IV adenylyl cyclase (AC) from Yersinia pestis (Yp) is reported at 1.9 A resolution. The class IV AC fold is distinct from the previously described folds for class II and class III ACs. The dimeric AC-IV folds into an antiparallel eight-stranded barrel whose connectivity has been seen in only three previous structures: yeast RNA triphosphatase and two proteins of unknown function from Pyrococcus furiosus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Eight highly conserved ionic residues E10, E12, K14, R63, K76, K111, D126, and E136 lie in the barrel core and form the likely binding sites for substrate and divalent cations. A phosphate ion is observed bound to R63, K76, K111, and R113 near the center of the conserved cluster. Unlike the AC-II and AC-III active sites that utilize two-Asp motifs for cation binding, the AC-IV active site is relatively enriched in glutamate and features an ExE motif as its most conserved element. Homologs of Y. pestis AC-IV, including human thiamine triphosphatase, span the three kingdoms of life and delineate an ancient family of phosphonucleotide processing enzymes.  相似文献   

The annexins are a family of highly homologous Ca(2+) and phospholipid binding proteins. The expressive amounts of several annexins have been shown to alter in certain pathological states such as brain ischemia and Alzheimer's disease. It has been demonstrated that ethanol induces cytotoxicity, which results in brain damage. In this study, we examined the relationship between ethanol-induced cytotoxicity and the intrinsic amount of annexins using cell lines (rat glioma C6 cells and human adenocarcinoma A549 cells). A decrease in the mitochondrial enzyme (dehydrogenase) activity, which is widely used to measure cytotoxicity, was observed with a high concentration of ethanol (200 mM or more) after a 24-h exposure in both C6 and A549 cells. Western blot analysis revealed that the amount of annexin IV was augmented in both cells by ethanol, whereas levels of annexins I and V were unchanged. The amount of annexin IV was augmented with increasing concentration of ethanol. The overexpression of annexin IV in C6 cells by transfection with annexin IV-DNA enhanced ethanol-induced cell lesion and was accompanied by NFkappaB activation. Thus, it might be indicated that the amount of annexin IV is selectively augmented and this augmentation facilitates the development of cell lesion by ethanol.  相似文献   

Types of cell death include apoptosis, necrosis, and autophagic cell death. The latter can be defined as death of cells containing autophagosomes, autophagic bodies, and/or vacuoles. Are autophagy and vacuolization causes, consequences, or side effects in cell death with autophagy? Would control of autophagy suffice to control this type of cell death? We disrupted the atg1 autophagy gene in Dictyostelium discoideum, a genetically tractable model for developmental autophagic vacuolar cell death. The procedure that induced autophagy, vacuolization, and death in wild-type cells led in atg1 mutant cells to impaired autophagy and to no vacuolization, demonstrating that atg1 is required for vacuolization. Unexpectedly, however, cell death still took place, with a non-vacuolar and centrally condensed morphology. Thus, a cell death mechanism that does not require vacuolization can operate in this cell death model showing conspicuous vacuolization. The revelation of non-vacuolar cell death in this protist by autophagy gene disruption is reminiscent of caspase inhibition revealing necrotic cell death in animal cells. Thus, hidden alternative cell death pathways may be found across kingdoms and for diverse types of cell death.  相似文献   

By cloning the cDNA coding for the membrane associated actin-binding protein p24, we identified a repetitive sequence motif consisting of the amino acids Gly, Tyr, Pro, Gln which is characteristic for a gene family in Dictyostelium discoideum. Using a cDNA probe corresponding to this motif, we isolated cDNA clones coding for a protein of the annexin family. On the basis of a long NH2-terminal sequence encompassing the Gly/Tyr/Pro/Gln motifs, the Dictyostelium annexin was identified as a homolog of vertebrate annexin VII (synexin). The mRNA coding for the Dictyostelium annexin VII has a size of 1.6 kilobases and is present during all developmental stages. Annexin VII is coded for by a single gene in Dictyostelium. A mutant deficient in annexin VII was isolated using a vector which carried the amino-terminal third of the Dictyostelium annexin VII cDNA followed by a viral epitope specific for a monoclonal antibody and a stop codon. Using this approach, homologous recombination in the annexin VII gene led to an expression of the viral epitope under the control of the endogenous annexin VII promoter. Lack of annexin VII is not a lethal event for D. discoideum, and the cells are able to undergo development on agar plates.  相似文献   

It remains controversial whether the abnormal epigenetic modifications accumulated in the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can ultimately affect iPSC pluripotency. To probe this question, iPSC lines with the same genetic background and proviral integration sites were established, and the pluripotency state of each iPSC line was characterized using tetraploid (4N) complementation assay. Subsequently, gene expression and global epigenetic modifications of “4N-ON” and the corresponding “4N-OFF” iPSC lines were compared through deep sequencing analyses of mRNA expression, small RNA profile, histone modifications (H3K27me3, H3K4me3, and H3K4me2), and DNA methylation. We found that methylation of an imprinted gene, Zrsr1, was consistently disrupted in the iPSC lines with reduced pluripotency. Furthermore, the disrupted methylation could not be rescued by improving culture conditions or subcloning of iPSCs. Moreover, the relationship between hypomethylation of Zrsr1 and pluripotency state of iPSCs was further validated in independent iPSC lines derived from other reprogramming systems.  相似文献   

Annexins (or lipocortins) are a family of at least 10 structurally related calcium- and phospholipid-binding proteins. Each protein consists of a conserved core domain having four (or eight) repeats of a segment approximately 70 amino acids in length and a nonconserved, usually short, amino-terminal domain. To date, amino acid sequences for eight distinct mammalian annexins have been predicted from cDNAs. This report describes an additional member of this family, bovine annexin XI, identified by cDNA cloning and sequence analysis. The 503-amino acid deduced protein consists of a core domain of four annexin repeats and a long amino-terminal domain rich in glycine, proline, and tyrosine. This novel annexin gene is expressed in a wide variety of tissues and isolated cells in culture.  相似文献   

Caspases play a key role during apoptotic execution. In an attempt to elucidate the specific role of caspase-7 we generated a chicken DT40 cell line in which both alleles of the gene were disrupted. Viability assays showed that caspase-7-/- clones are more resistant to the common apoptosis-inducing drugs etoposide and staurosporine. Caspase-7-/- cells show a delay in phosphatidylserine externalization and DNA fragmentation as well as cleavage of the caspase substrates poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 and lamins B1 and B2. Caspase affinity labeling and activity assays indicated that deficient cells exhibit a delay in caspase activation compared with wild type DT40 cells, providing an explanation for the differences in apoptotic execution between caspase-7 null and wild type DT40 cells. These results strongly suggest that caspase-7 is involved earlier than other effector caspases in the apoptotic execution process in DT40 B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The roles of the four domains of annexin IV in binding to phospholipids and glycolipids were assessed by analyzing the binding of a group of mutant annexins IV in which one or more of the four domains was inactivated by replacing a critical amino residue(s) (Asp or Glu) with the neutral residue Ala. The data reveal that individual annexin domains may have characteristic affinities for different lipids. In particular, inactivation of the fourth domain inhibits the binding to phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) but not to phosphatidylglycerol (PG), suggesting that this domain specifically can accommodate the larger head groups of PS and PI whereas the other three domains may form more restricted binding pockets. In order to block binding to PG, domain 1, or both domains 2 and 3 must be inactivated in addition to domain 4, suggesting that all four domains may be able to accommodate the headgroup of PG to some extent. Binding to acidic glycolipids (sulfatides) was also sensitive to inactivation of domain 4. However, in the case of sulfatides the nature of the binding reaction is fundamentally different compared with the binding to phospholipids since the interaction with sulfatides was highly sensitive to an increase in ionic strength. The binding to sulfatides may depend therefore on charge-charge interactions whereas the binding to phospholipid may involve a more specific interaction between the lipid headgroup and the protein surface, and/or interaction of the protein with the hydrophobic portion of a lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The polysaccharidic capsule is the main virulence factor of Cryptococcus neoformans. It primarily comprised of two polysaccharides: glucuronoxylomannan (GXM, 88% of the capsule mass) and galactoxylomannan (GalXM, 7% of the capsule mass). We constructed a large collection of mutant strains in which genes potentially involved in capsule biosynthesis were deleted. We used a new post-genomic approach to study the virulence of the strains. Primers specific for unique tags associated with the disruption cassette were used in a real-time PCR virulence assay to measure the fungal burden of each strain in different organs of mice in multi-infection experiments. With this very sensitive assay, we identified a putative UDP-glucose epimerase (Uge1p) and a putative UDP-galactose transporter (Ugt1p) essential for C. neoformans virulence. The uge1Delta and ugt1Delta strains are temperature sensitive and do not produce GalXM but synthesize a larger capsule. These mutant strains (GalXM negative, GXM positive) are not able to colonize the brain even at the first day of infection whereas GXM-negative strains (GalXM positive) can still colonize the brain, although less efficiently than the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

The fraction of proteins capable of binding to photoreceptor membranes in a Ca2+-dependent manner was isolated from bovine rod outer segments. One of these proteins with apparent molecular mass of 32 kD (p32) was purified to homogeneity and identified as annexin IV (endonexin) by MALDI-TOF mass-spectrometry. In immunoblot, annexin IV purified from bovine rod outer segments cross-reacted with antibodies against annexin IV from bovine liver. This is the first detection of annexin IV in vertebrate retina.  相似文献   

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