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Objective:This paper presents the analyses of the fatigue effect on the cross-talk in mechanomyography (MMG) signals of extensor and flexor forearm muscles during pre- and post-fatigue maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC).Methods:Twenty male participants performed repetitive submaximal (60% MVIC) grip muscle contractions to induce muscle fatigue and the results were analyzed during the pre- and post-fatigue MVIC. MMG signals were recorded on the extensor digitorum (ED), extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and flexor carpi radialis (FCR) muscles. The cross-correlation coefficient was used to quantify the cross-talk values in forearm muscle pairs (MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MP5 and MP6). In addition, the MMG RMS and MMG MPF were calculated to determine force production and muscle fatigue level, respectively.Results:The fatigue effect significantly increased the cross-talk values in forearm muscle pairs except for MP2 and MP6. While the MMG RMS and MMG MPF significantly decreased (p<0.05) based on the examination of the mean differences from pre- and post-fatigue MVIC.Conclusion:The presented results can be used as a reference for further investigation of cross-talk on the fatigue assessment of extensor and flexor muscles’ mechanic.  相似文献   

Many algorithms have been described in the literature for estimating amplitude, frequency variables and conduction velocity of the surface EMG signal detected during voluntary contractions. They have been used in different application areas for the non invasive assessment of muscle functions. Although many studies have focused on the comparison of different methods for information extraction from surface EMG signals, they have been carried out under different conditions and a complete comparison is not available. It is the purpose of this paper to briefly review the most frequently used algorithms for EMG variable estimation, compare them using computer generated as well as real signals and outline the advantages and drawbacks of each. In particular the paper focuses on the issue of EMG amplitude estimation with and without pre-whitening of the signal, mean and median frequency estimation with periodogram and autoregressive based algorithms both in stationary and non-stationary conditions, delay estimation for the calculation of muscle fiber conduction velocity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the phenomenon of bilateral deficit in muscular force production observed in healthy subjects and mildly impaired stroke patients also exists in patients with more chronic and greater levels of stroke impairment. Ten patients with chronic hemiparesis resulting from stroke performed unilateral and bilateral maximal voluntary isometric contractions of the elbow flexors. When the total force produced by both arms was compared, 12% less force was produced in the bilateral compared with unilateral condition (p=0.01). However, studying the effect of task conditions on each arm separately revealed a significant decline in nonparetic (p=0.01) but not paretic elbow flexor force in the bilateral compared with unilateral condition. Results suggest that a significant bilateral force deficit exists in the nonparetic but not the paretic arm in individuals with chronic stroke. Bilateral task conditions do not seem to benefit or impair paretic arm maximal isometric force production in individuals with moderate-severity chronic stroke.  相似文献   

Objectives: Muscle stiffness increases during muscle contraction. The purpose of this study was to determine the strength of the correlation between myotonometric measurements of muscle stiffness and surface electromyography (sEMG) measurements during various levels of voluntary isometric contractions of the biceps brachii muscle. Subjects: Eight subjects (four female; four male), with mean age of 30.6±8.23 years, volunteered to participate in this study. Methods: Myotonometer and sEMG measurements were taken simultaneously from the right biceps brachii muscle. Data were obtained: (1) at rest, (2) while the subject held a 15 lb (6.8 kg) weight isometrically and, (3) during a maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Myotonometer force–displacement curves (amount of tissue displacement to a given unit of force applied perpendicular to the muscle) were compared with sEMG measurements using Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficients. Results: Myotonometer and sEMG measurement correlations ranged from −0.70 to −0.90. The strongest correlations to sEMG were from Myotonometer force measurements between 1.00 and 2.00 kg. Conclusions: Myotonometer and sEMG measurements were highly correlated. Tissue stiffness, as measured by the Myotonometer, appears capable of assessing changes in muscle activation levels.  相似文献   

The conduction velocity (CV) of a muscle fiber is affected by the fiber's discharge history going back ~1 s. We investigated this dependence by measuring CV fluctuations during voluntary isometric contractions of the human brachioradialis muscle. We recorded electromyogram (EMG) signals simultaneously from multiple intramuscular electrodes, identified potentials belonging to the same motor unit using EMG decomposition, and estimated the CV of each discharge from the interpotential interval. In 12 of 14 subjects, CV increased by ~10% during the first second after recruitment and then fluctuated by about ±2% in a way that mirrored the fluctuations in the instantaneous firing rate. The CV profile could be precisely described in terms of the discharge history by a simple mathematical model. In the other two subjects, and one subject retested after cooling the arm, the CV fluctuations were inversely correlated with instantaneous firing rate. In all subjects, CV was additionally affected by very short interdischarge intervals (<25 ms): it was increased in doublets at recruitment, but decreased in doublets during continuous firing and after short interdischarge intervals in doubly innervated fibers. CV also exhibited a slow trend of about -0.05%/s that did not depend on the immediate discharge history. We suggest that measurements of CV fluctuations during voluntary contractions, or during stimulation protocols that involve longer and more complex stimulation patterns than are currently being used, may provide a sensitive approach for estimating the dynamic characteristics of ion channels in the human muscle-fiber membrane.  相似文献   

Vøllestad, N. K., I. Sejersted, and E. Saugen. Mechanical behavior of skeletal muscle duringintermittent voluntary isometric contractions in humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(5):1557-1565, 1997.Changes in contractile speed and force-fusionproperties were examined during repetitive isometric contractions withthe knee extensors at three different target force levels. Sevenhealthy subjects were studied at target force levels of 30, 45, and60% of their maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force. Repeated 6-s contractions followed by 4-s rest were continued until exhaustion. Contractile speed was determined for contractions elicited by electrical stimulation at 1-50 Hz given during exercise and a subsequent 27-min recovery period. Contraction time remained unchanged during exercise and recovery, except for an initial rapid shift in thetwitch properties. Half relaxation time(RT1/2) decreased gradually by 20-40% during exercise at 30 and 45% of MVC. In the recovery period, RT1/2 values werenot fully restored to preexercise levels. During exercise at 60% MVC,the RT1/2 decreased for twitches and increased for the 50-Hz stimulation. In the recovery period after60% MVC, RT1/2 values declinedtoward those seen after the 30 and 45% MVC exercise. The forceoscillation amplitude in unfused tetani relative to the mean forceincreased during exercise at 30 and 45% MVC but remained unalteredduring the 60% MVC exercise. This altered force-fusion was closelyassociated with the changes inRT1/2. The faster relaxation mayat least partly explain the increased energy cost of contractionreported previously for the same type of exercise.


The repeatability of initial value and rate of change of mean spectral frequency (MNF), average rectified values (ARV) and muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) was investigated in the dominant biceps brachii of ten normal subjects during sustained isometric voluntary contractions. Four levels of contraction were studied: 10%, 30%, 50% and 70% of the maximal voluntary contraction level (MVC). Each contraction was repeated three times in each of three different days for a total of nine contractions/level/subject and 90 contractions per level across the ten subjects. Repeatability was investigated using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and the standard error of the mean (SEM) of the estimates for each subject. Contrary to observations in other muscles, CV estimates appeared to be very repeatable both within and between subjects. CV showed a small but significant increase when contraction force increased from 10% to 50% MVC but no change for further increase of force. As force increased, MNF showed a slight decrease possibly related to a wider spreading of the CV values. The rate of time decrement of MNF and CV increased with the level of contraction. The normalized decrement (% of initial value per second) was in general higher for MNF than for CV and was more repeatable between subjects at 10% MVC than at 70% MVC. A final observation is that a resting time of 5 minutes may not be sufficient after a contraction at 50% or 70% MVC.  相似文献   

Firing rates of motor units and surface EMG were measured from the triceps brachii muscles of able-bodied subjects during brief submaximal and maximal isometric voluntary contractions made at 5 elbow joint angles that covered the entire physiological range of muscle lengths. Muscle activation at the longest, midlength, and shortest muscle lengths, measured by twitch occlusion, averaged 98%, 97%, and 93% respectively, with each subject able to achieve complete activation during some contractions. As expected, the strongest contractions were recorded at 90 degrees of elbow flexion. Mean motor unit firing rates and surface EMG increased with contraction intensity at each muscle length. For any given absolute contraction intensity, motor unit firing rates varied when muscle length was changed. However, mean motor unit firing rates were independent of muscle length when contractions were compared with the intensity of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) achieved at each joint angle.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to determine if vibration during fatiguing resistance exercise would alter associated patterns of muscle activity. A cross-over design was employed with 8 subjects completing a resistance exercise bout once with a vibrating dumbbell (V) (44 Hz, 3 mm displacement) and once without vibration (NV). For both exercise bouts, 10 sets were performed with a load that induced concentric muscle failure during the 10th repetition. The appropriate load for each set was determined during a pretest. Each testing session was separated by 1 week. Electromyography (EMG) was obtained from the biceps brachii muscle at 12 different time points during a maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) at a 170 degrees elbow angle after each set of the dumbbell exercise. The time points were as follows: pre (5 minutes before the resistance exercise bout), T1-T10 (immediately following each set of resistance exercise), and post (15 minutes after the resistance exercise bout). EMG was analyzed for median power frequency (MPF) and maximum (mEMG). NV resulted in a significant decrease in MPF at T1-T4 (p < or 0.05) and a significant increase in mEMG at T2 during the MVC. V had an overall trend of lower mEMG in comparison to NV. The mEMG and MPF values associated with NV were similar to previously reported investigations. The lower mEMG values and the higher MPF of V in comparison to NV are undocumented. The EMG patterns observed with vibration may indicate a more efficient and effective recruitment of high threshold motor units during fatiguing contractions. This may indicate the usage of vibration with resistance exercise as an effective tool for strength training athletes.  相似文献   

Blood pressure and heart rate changes during sustained isometric exercise were studied in 11 healthy male volunteers. The responses were measured during voluntary and involuntary contractions of the biceps brachii at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and the triceps surae at 30% and 50% MVC. Involuntary contractions were evoked by percutaneous electrical stimulation of the muscle. Measurements of the time to peak tension of maximal twitch showed the biceps brachii (67.0 +/- 7.9 ms) muscle to be rapidly contracting, and the triceps surae (118.0 +/- 10.5 ms) to be slow contracting. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased linearly throughout the contractions, and systolic blood pressure increased more rapidly than diastolic. There was no significant difference in response to stimulated or voluntary contractions, nor was there any significant difference between the responses to contractions of the calf or arm muscles at the same relative tension. In contrast the heart rate rose to a higher level (P less than 0.01) in the biceps brachii than the triceps surae at given % MVC, and during voluntary compared with the electrically evoked contractions in the two muscle groups. It was concluded that the arterial blood pressure response to isometric contractions, unlike heart rate, is primarily due to a reflex arising within the active muscles (cf. Hultman and Sj?holm 1982) which is associated with relative tension but independent of contraction time and muscle mass.  相似文献   

Increasingly complex models of the neck neuromusculature need detailed muscle and kinematic data for proper validation. The goal of this study was to measure the electromyographic activity of superficial and deep neck muscles during tasks involving isometric, voluntary, and reflexively evoked contractions of the neck muscles. Three male subjects (28-41 years) had electromyographic (EMG) fine wires inserted into the left sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, trapezius, splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis, semispinalis cervicis, and multifidus muscles. Surface electrodes were placed over the left sternohyoid muscle. Subjects then performed: (i) maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) in the eight directions (45 deg intervals) from the neutral posture; (ii) 50 N isometric contractions with a slow sweep of the force direction through 720 deg; (iii) voluntary oscillatory head movements in flexion and extension; and (iv) initially relaxed reflex muscle activations to a forward acceleration while seated on a sled. Isometric contractions were performed against an overhead load cell and movement dynamics were measured using six-axis accelerometry on the head and torso. In all three subjects, the two anterior neck muscles had similar preferred activation directions and acted synergistically in both dynamic tasks. With the exception of splenius capitis, the posterior and posterolateral neck muscles also showed consistent activation directions and acted synergistically during the voluntary motions, but not during the sled perturbations. These findings suggest that the common numerical-modeling assumption that all anterior muscles act synergistically as flexors is reasonable, but that the related assumption that all posterior muscles act synergistically as extensors is not. Despite the small number of subjects, the data presented here can be used to inform and validate a neck model at three levels of increasing neuromuscular-kinematic complexity: muscles generating forces with no movement, muscles generating forces and causing movement, and muscles generating forces in response to induced movement. These increasingly complex data sets will allow researchers to incrementally tune their neck models' muscle geometry, physiology, and feedforward/feedback neuromechanics.  相似文献   

Surface electromyography during sustained isometric contractions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

This study examines the age-related deficit in force of the ankle dorsiflexors during isometric (Iso), concentric (Con), and eccentric (Ecc) contractions. More specifically, the contribution of neural and muscular mechanisms to the loss of voluntary force was investigated in men and women. The torque produced by the dorsiflexors and the surface electromyogram (EMG) from the tibialis anterior and the soleus were recorded during maximal Iso contractions and during Con and Ecc contractions performed at constant angular velocities (5-100 degrees/s). Central activation was tested by the superimposed electrical stimulation method during maximal voluntary contraction and by computing the ratio between voluntary average EMG and compound muscle action potential (M wave) induced by electrical stimulation (average EMG/M wave). Contractile properties of the dorsiflexor muscles were investigated by recording the mechanical responses to single and paired maximal stimuli. The results showed that the age-related deficit in force (collapsed across genders and velocities) was greater for Iso (20.5%; P < 0.05) and Con (38.6%; P < 0.001) contractions compared with Ecc contractions (6.5%; P > 0.05). When the torque produced during Con and Ecc contractions was expressed relative to the maximal Iso torque, it was significantly reduced in Con contractions and increased in Ecc contractions with aging, with the latter effect being more pronounced for women. In both genders, voluntary activation was not significantly impaired in elderly adults and did not differ from young subjects. Similarly, coactivation was not changed with aging. In contrast, the mechanical responses to single and paired stimuli showed a general slowing of the muscle contractile kinetics with a slightly greater effect in women. It is concluded that the force deficit during Con and Iso contractions of the ankle dorsiflexors in advanced age cannot be explained by impaired voluntary activation or changes in coactivation. Instead, this age-related adaptation and the mechanisms that preserve force in Ecc contractions appeared to be located at the muscular level.  相似文献   

The serratus anterior and trapezius muscles are considered to be the only upward rotators of the scapula and are very important for normal shoulder function. A variety of methods have been used to produce a maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of these muscles for normalization of EMG data. The purpose of this study was to quantify the surface EMG activity of the serratus anterior muscle and the upper, middle, and lower parts of the trapezius during 9 manual muscle tests performed with maximum effort in 30 subjects. It was found that no one muscle test produced a MVIC for all individuals. Therefore, to perform normalization within each subject, it is suggested that the 2 or 3 tests identified in this study that produce high levels of EMG activity for each muscle be performed. The scapular protraction muscle test that is often used to normalize data for the serratus anterior muscle produced relatively low levels of EMG activity and was not found to be an optimal test. Muscle tests in which an attempt was made to de-rotate the scapula from an upwardly rotated position produced much higher levels of EMG activity in the serratus anterior muscle.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of techniques suitable for the estimation, interpretation and understanding of time variations that affect the surface electromyographic (EMG) signal during sustained voluntary or electrically elicited contractions. These variations concern amplitude variables, spectral variables and muscle fiber conduction velocity, are interdependent and are referred to as the ‘fatigue plot'. The fatigue plot provides information suitable for the classification of muscle behavior. In addition, the information obtainable by means of linear electrode arrays is discussed, and applications of mathematical models for the interpretation of array signals are presented. The model approach provides additional ways for the classification of muscle behavior.  相似文献   

We tested the hypotheses that lengthening contractions, isometric contractions, and passive stretches increase muscle inflammatory cells (neutrophils and macrophages) and that prior conditioning with lengthening contractions, isometric contractions, or passive stretches reduces neutrophils and macrophages after subsequent lengthening contractions. Extensor digitorum longus muscles in anesthetized mice were subjected in situ to lengthening contractions, isometric contractions, or passive stretches. Six hours or 3 days after a protocol of contractions or passive stretches, neutrophils and macrophages were quantified in muscle cross sections. Three days after isometric contractions or passive stretches, neutrophils were elevated (P < 0.05) 3.7- and 5.5-fold, respectively, relative to controls. Both macrophages and neutrophils were increased 51.2- and 7.9-fold, respectively, after lengthening contractions. Prior lengthening contractions, isometric contractions, or passive stretches reduced inflammatory cells after lengthening contractions performed 2 wk later. The major finding of this study was that passive stretches and isometric contractions elevated neutrophils without causing overt signs of injury. Because both passive stretches and isometric contractions elevated neutrophils and afforded some protection from contraction-induced muscle injury, neutrophils and/or the related inflammatory events may contribute to the induction of a protective mechanism.  相似文献   

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