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Using high-performance thin-layer chromatography with in situ quantitation to measure dansylated polyamines in the range of 1–20 pmol, we found that dansylated polyamines apparently react with the silica gel of the plates. The fluorescence of the dansyl polyamines diminished with increase in the time interval between application of a sample to the plate and start of the chromatographic separation. Conversely, the fluorescence at the site of application increased with the length of the time interval, indicating the formation of polar reaction products. If this reaction is not accounted for, considerable errors in quantitation of dansyl polyamines may occur.  相似文献   

A reversed-phase ion-pair high-performance liquid chromatography method for the determination of acyclovir and its metabolite 9-carboxymethoxymethylguanine is described. The samples are purified by reversed-phase solid-phase extraction. The components are separated on a C18 column with a mobile phase containing 18% acetonitrile, 5 mM dodecyl sulphate and 30 mM phosphate buffer, pH 2.1, and measured by fluorescence detection using an excitation wavelength of 285 nm and an emission wavelenght of 380 nm. Detection limits are 0.12 μM (plasma)) and 0.60 μM (urine) for acyclovir, and 0.26 μM (plasma) and 1.3 μM (urine) for metabolite. Correlation coefficients that were better than 0.998 were obtained normally. This analytical method, which enables simultaneous measurement of parent compound and metabolite, has been used in kinetics studies and for therapeutic drug monitoring in different patient groups with variable degrees of renal dysfunction.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate isomers and hyaluronate, digested with chondroitinase AC II and separated as unsaturated disaccharides by thin-layer chromatography on cellulose, were quantitated with scanning spectrophotometry using reflectance measurement at 232 nm. The sensitivity of the assay was increased by one order of magnitude as compared to previous modifications of the disaccharide analysis on cellulose. The method allowed quantitation of 0.2–20 μg of glycosaminoglycan uronic acid. Since the elution of the disaccharides from the plate could be omitted, the speed and reproducibility of the assay was enhanced.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatographic methods were developed for the determination of azosemide and its metabolite, M1, in human plasma and urine and rabbit blood and tissue homogenates. The methods involved deproteinization of the biological samples: 2.5 volumes of acetonitrile were used for the determination of azosemide and 1 volume of saturated Ba(OH)2 and ZnSO4 for that of M1. A 50-μl aliquot of the supernatant was injected onto a C18 reversed-phase column in each instance. The mobile phases employed were 0.03 M phosphoric acid—acetonitrile (50:40, v/v) for azosemide and 0.03 M phosphoric acid/0.2 M acetic acid—acetonitrile (83:17, v/v) for M1. The flow-rate was 1.5 ml/min in both instances. The column effluent was monitored by ultraviolet detection at 240 and 236 nm for azosemide and M1, respectively. The retention times for azosemide and M1 were 6.0 and 8.3 min, respectively. The detection limits for both azosemide and M1 in both human plasma and urine were 50 ng/ml. The coefficients of variation of the assay were generally low (below 11.0%) for plasma, urine, blood and tissue homogenates. No interferences from endogenous substances or other diuretics tested were observed.  相似文献   

A novel solid-phase extraction (SPE) method and HPLC method were developed for the determination of methadone and its metabolite from spiked human urine. For sample cleanup, a spiked urine sample was pretreated with phosphoric acid followed by a well-thought-out SPE method using a 10-mg Oasis HLB 96-well extraction plate. In this SPE method, the concentration of methanol as well as the pH are optimized to preferentially isolate the analytes of interest from the sample matrix. Low elution volumes (200 μl) are achieved; this eliminates evaporation and reconstitution of the sample solution. Recoveries from human urine matrix were greater than 91% with RSD values less than 4.5%. For the HPLC analysis, the separation was obtained using a SymmetryShield RP18 column with a mobile phase of 0.1% TFA–methanol (60:40, v/v). Good peak shapes were obtained without the need of addition of any competing reagent to the mobile phase. Additionally, significant signal-to-noise enrichment was achieved by diluting the final SPE eluates four-fold with water.  相似文献   

Sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods have been developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of the antitumor drug topotecan and its metabolite N-desmethyltopotecan in human plasma, urine and faeces. Both compounds are reversibly hydrolysed to their hydroxycarboxylate forms at physiologic pH. Separate HPLC systems have been developed for the determination of lactone and total (lactone plus hydroxycarboxylate forms) concentrations in plasma. The instability of the analytes in plasma requires immediate protein precipitation with ice-cold methanol. The lactone forms of the analytes were stable in the methanol extracts for at least 15 months when stored at −70°C. For the determination of the total levels, the plasma extracts were acidified with 25 mM phosphoric acid to convert the compounds into their lactone forms quantitatively. The sample pretreatment procedure for urine included dilution in methanol while the faecal samples were homogenized in distilled water and then extracted twice with an acetonitrile–ammonium acetate mixture. Separation was achieved on reversed-phase columns (Zorbax SB-C18) and detection was performed fluorimetrically at 380/527 nm. Within-run and between-run precisions were less than 10% and average accuracies were between 90 and 110%. The methods were used in a mass balance study in patients with malignant solid tumors to determine the disposition and routes of elimination of topotecan and N-desmethyltopotecan.  相似文献   

A new method is described using solid-phase extraction (SPE) for preconcentration of articaine and the metabolite articainic acid and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for the determination of both compounds in human serum. Articaine and articainic acid were extracted in one step with SDB-RPS disk cartridges after precipitation of the serum proteins by perchloric acid. The HPLC separation was then performed on a reversed-phase C8 column using phosphate buffer–acetonitrile (88:12, v/v). UV absorption at 274 nm was used for measuring the analytes with a low limit of quantitation of about 10 ng/ml, which is appropriate for pharmacokinetic studies of low dose submucosal injections of the local anaesthetic agent articaine hydrochloride in dentistry.  相似文献   

The consumption of N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDE, 1), an analogue of ecstasy, can be detected by direct in situ HPTLC-FTIR measurement of the main metabolite N-ethyl-4-hydroxy-3-methoxyamphetamine (HME, 2). HME (2) can, like the other important metabolite 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA, 3) and unchanged MDE (1), be determined quantitatively in urine by HPTLC-UV after two-step automatic development. The results have been compared with those obtained using an HPLC method. The differences were not generally significant. Small deviations were attributable to the different sample preparation methods necessary. The working range for the HPTLC method was between 0.1 and 8.2 μg/ml and for the HPLC method between 0.2 and 60.0 μg/ml. The method standard deviations were 2.66–4.91% (HPTLC) and 0.48–3.67% (HPLC).  相似文献   

A rapid and selective HPLC method has been developed for the separation and quantitation of metronidazole and its hydroxylated metabolite in human plasma, saliva and gastric juice. The assay requires a simple protein precipitation step prior to analysis and is selective, sensitive and reproducible. The limits of quantitation (0/5-ml sample) were at least 0.25 μg/ml for metronidazole and 0.20 μg/ml for its hydroxy metabolite. A Hypersil ODS 5 μm (150×4.6 mm I.D.) column was used with a mobile phase of acetonitrile-aqueous 0.05 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7) containing 0.1% triethylamine (10:90) delivered at a flow-rate of 1.0 ml/min.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure has been developed for the determination of ketamine and dehydronorketamine in equine serum. Sample preparation consisted of mixing equal volumes of serum and acetonitrile—phosphoric acid (85%)—water (20:2:78, v/v/v), followed by ultrafiltration through a 10 000 molecular mass cut-off filter. Separation of these two analytes in the ultrafiltrate was accomplished on a reversed-phase phenyl column eluted with methanol—acetonitrile—phosphate buffer solution. Ketamine and dehydronorketamine were detected by a variable photometric UV-Vis detector set at 215 nm, and confirmed by a photodiode array detector operated in the 200–320 nm range. The limit of detection for ketamine was 5–15 ng/ml in equine serum. Additionally, the dehydronorketamine peak identity was tentatively confirmed by thermospray liquid chromatography—mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

An enantioselective HPLC method for the simultaneous determination of the concentration of the enantiomers of the oxcarbazepine metabolites 10-hydroxycarbazepine (MHD) and carbamazepine-10,11-trans-dihydrodiol (DHD) in human urine is described. The method is based on extraction with tert.-butylmethyl ether–dichloromethane (2:1, v/v) under alkaline conditions, separation and evaporation of the organic phase and dissolution of the residue in the mobile phase. Enantiomers are resolved on a Diacel Chiralcel OD column (250 mm×4.6 mm I.D.) under isocratic conditions using as mobile phase n-hexane–ethanol–2-propanol (18:2:1, v/v/v) with addition of glacial acetic acid (0.1%). The enantiomers are detected by UV at 215 nm. The method allows reliable determination of the MHD and DHD enantiomers in human urine with limits of quantification of 0.2 mg/l and 0.4 mg/l, respectively.  相似文献   

A new HPLC assay method was developed for the simultaneous assay for centpropazine (antidepressant) and its hydroxylated metabolite (II) to assess their pharmacokinetics and metabolism characteristics. Rat serum samples were extracted with ether, backwashed with n-hexane and injected onto the HPLC system, which used a C18 column, gradient elution and fluorescence detection at 250 Ex/350 nm Em. Variations in intra- and inter-batch accuracy and precision were within acceptable limits of <±20% at low and <±15% at higher concentrations. Samples were stable in autosampler prior to injection and after multiple freeze–thaw cycles. Linearity was observed between 0.625 and 20 ng/ml for both I and II in serum. Overall the method developed was highly sensitive and could be employed for a wide range of studies.  相似文献   

Simultaneous determination of mycophenolic acid (MPA) and mycophenolate phenol glucuronide (MPAG) in plasma and urine was accomplished by isocratic HPLC with UV detection. Plasma was simply deproteinated with acetonitrile and concentrated, whereas urine was diluted prior to analysis. Linearity was observed from 0.2 to 50 μg/ml for both MPA and MPAG in plasma and from 1 to 50 μg/ml of MPA and 5 to 2000 μg/ml MPAG in urine with extraction recovery from plasma greater than 70%. Detection limits using 0.25 ml plasma were 0.080 and 0.20 μg/ml for MPA and MPAG, respectively. The method is more rapid and simple than previous assays for MPA and MPAG in biological fluids from patients.  相似文献   

A single solvent extraction step high-performance liquid chromatographic method is described for quantitating clozapine and its metabolite, N-desmethylclozapine, in rat serum microsamples (50 μl). The separation used a 2.1-mm I.D. reversed-phase Symmetry C18 column with an isocratic mobile phase consisting of methanol–acetonitrile–28.6 mM sodium acetate buffer, pH 2.6 (10:20:70, v/v/v). The detection limit was 2.5 ng/ml for all the compounds using an ultraviolet detector operated at 230 nm. The method was used to study the pharmacokinetics of clozapine after an intravenous bolus dose (2.5 mg/kg).  相似文献   

A stereoselective high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of the enantiomers of ketamine and its active metabolite, norketamine, in human plasma is described. The compounds were extracted from plasma by liquid–liquid extraction three times in a combination of cyclohexane with 2.5 M NaOH, 1 mM HCl and 1 M carbonate buffer. Stereoselective separation was achieved on a Chiralcel OD column with a mobile phase of n-hexane–2-propanol (98:2, v/v). The detection wavelength was 215 nm. The lower limits of the determination of the method were 5 ng/ml for ketamine and 10 ng/ml for norketamine. The intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation ranged from 2.9 to 9.8% and from 3.4 to 10.7% for all compounds, respectively. The method was sensitive and sufficiently reproducible for stereoselective monitoring of ketamine and norketamine in human plasma during pharmacokinetic studies after the administration of ketamine for analgesia.  相似文献   

A sensitive and accurate spectrodensitometric method was developed for the determination of procainamide and its major metabolite, N-acetylprocainamide, in plasma. The method involves extraction into organic solvent at alkaline pH, separation by thin-layer chromatography and direct measurement of the adsorbance of the compounds on the plate at 275 nm. Quantities as low as 10 ng could be measured and a linear relationship was obtained between peak areas and amounts of the compounds in the spots from 10 to 200 ng. The recovery of both drugs from plasma was from 95.4 to 104.8%. The method is sensitive and specific, and procainamide was well separated from N-acetylprocainamide at all investigated concentrations. The method is recommended for clinical assays and pharmacokinetics studies.  相似文献   

A specific and sensitive analytical method for the determination of sparfloxacin in serum and urine is described. Serum proteins are removed by precipitation with acetonitrile after the addition of ofloxacin as an internal standard. The supernatant solvent is evaporated in a vacuum concentrator and the dry residue is redissolved in the mobile phase. Separation is performed on a cation-exchange column (Nucleosil 100 5SA, 125 × 4.0 mm I.D., 5 μm particle size) protected by a guard column (Perisorb RP-18, 30 × 4.0 mm I.D., 30–40 μm particle diameter). The mobile phase consisted of 750 ml of acetonitrile and 250 ml of 100 mmol/l phosphoric acid (v/v) to which sodium hydroxide had been added. The final concentration of sodium was 23 mmol/l and the pH was 3.82. Sparfloxacin and ofloxacin were determined by spectrofluorimetry (excitation wavelength 295 nm; emission wavelength 525 nm). The flow-rate was 1.5 ml/min and the retention times were 4.7 (sparfloxacin) and 8.0 (ofloxacin) min. Validation of the method yielded the following results for serum: detection limit 0.05 mg/l; precision between series 10.4-3.6%; recovery 99.5–100.0%; comparison with a microbiological assay c(bioassay) = 1.035c(HPLC) − 0.06. The test organism was Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. For urine the results were: detection limit 0.5 mg/l; precision between series 7.8-5.0%; recovery 97.0–97.8%; method comparison c(bioassay) = 1.092c(HPLC) − 1.09. No interferences were observed in human volunteers. The method can also be applied to stool samples.  相似文献   

A simple high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed for the determination of losartan and its E-3174 metabolite in human plasma, urine and dialysate. For plasma, a gradient mobile phase consisting of 25 mM potassium phosphate and acetonitrile pH 2.2 was used with a phenyl analytical column and fluorescence detection. For urine and dialysate, an isocratic mobile phase consisting of 25 mM potassium phosphate and acetonitrile (60:40, v/v) pH 2.2 was used. The method demonstrated linearity from 10 to 1000 ng/ml with a detection limit of 1 ng/ml for losartan and E-3174 using 10 μl of prepared plasma, urine or dialysate. The method was utilized in a study evaluating the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of losartan in patients with kidney failure undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).  相似文献   

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