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The ambient temperature is a drawback in industrial ethanol production in Jaffna due to heat killing of yeast during fermentation. Thus a search was initiated for thermotolerant organisms suitable for fermentation in hot climates. The screening of the best wild-type organisms was undertaken as the first step. Thermotolerant strains were selected from environments where there are chances of organisms being exposed to high temperature. The samples were enriched and screened for thermotolerant organisms which survived at 45 °C for 15 h. Among the yeast strains selected from different sources, thermotolerant strains with the capacity to withstand 45 °C for 15 h were found in samples collected from the compost heap and distillery environments. Three colonies from the distillery environment were selected for further studies and named p1, p2 and p3. Exponential phase (18 h) cultures of p1, p2 and p3 were subjected to 15 temperature treatment cycles (at 50 °C each for 3 h) and thermally adapted strains pt1, pt2 and pt3 were obtained, showing 100, 30 and 20% viability at 50 °C for 30 min respectively. The initial round of thermal adaptation cycles increased the duration of 100% viability from 20 h (p1) to 68 h (pt1) when incubated at 40 °C. Very little benefit was obtained when pt1 was treated with u.v. and ethyl methanesulphonate. The selected strain was identified and designated as Saccharomyces cerevisiae S1. The ethanol produced from 100 g glucose l–1 by S. cerevisiae S1 was 46 g l–1 (36 h), 38 g l–1 (48 h) and 26 g l–1 (48 h) at 40, 43 and 45 °C respectively in rich nutrient medium.  相似文献   

Aims: To isolate thermotolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae with high‐energy‐pulse‐electron (HEPE) beam, to optimize the mutation strain fermentation conditions for ethanol production and to conduct a preliminary investigation into the thermotolerant mechanisms. Methods and Results: After HEPE beam radiation, the thermotolerant S. cerevisiae strain Y43 was obtained at 45°C. Moreover, the fermentation conditions of mutant Y43 were optimized by L33 orthogonal experiment. The optimal glucose content and initial pH for fermentation were 20% g l?1 and 4·5, respectively; peptone content was the most neglected important factor. Under this condition, ethanol production of Y43 was 83·1 g l?1 after fermentation for 48 h at 43°C, and ethanol yield was 0·42 g g?1, which was about 81·5% of the theoretical yield. The results also showed that the trehalose content and the expression of the genes MSN2, SSA3 and TPS1 in Y43 were higher than those in the original strain (YE0) under the same stress conditions. Conclusions: A genetically stable mutant strain with high ethanol yield under heat stress was obtained using HEPE. This mutant may be a suitable candidate for the industrial‐scale ethanol production. Significance and Impact of the Study: High‐energy‐pulse‐electron radiation is a new efficient technology in breeding micro‐organisms. The mutant obtained in this work has the advantages in industrial ethanol production under thermostress.  相似文献   

A major challenge associated with the fermentation of lignocellulose-derived hydrolysates is improved ethanol production in the presence of fermentation inhibitors, such as acetic and formic acids. Enhancement of transaldolase (TAL) and formate dehydrogenase (FDH) activities through metabolic engineering successfully conferred resistance to weak acids in a recombinant xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Moreover, hybridization of the metabolically engineered yeast strain improved ethanol production from xylose in the presence of both 30 mM acetate and 20 mM formate. Batch fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysate containing a mixture of glucose, fructose and xylose as carbon sources, as well as the fermentation inhibitors, acetate and formate, was performed for five cycles without any loss of fermentation capacity. Long-term stability of ethanol production in the fermentation phase was not only attributed to the coexpression of TAL and FDH genes, but also the hybridization of haploid strains.  相似文献   

酿酒酵母是工业发酵生产乙醇的重要菌种,但是其发酵产物乙醇对酿酒酵母有明显的抑制作用.选育乙醇耐受性酿酒酵母是克服高浓度乙醇的抑制作用,提高乙醇产量的一条重要途径.本文对近年来国内外选育乙醇耐受性酵母的研究作一综述,旨在为乙醇耐受性酵母的选育提供参考.  相似文献   

We have recently reported about a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain that, in addition to the Piromyces XylA xylose isomerase gene, overexpresses the native genes for the conversion of xylulose to glycolytic intermediates. This engineered strain (RWB 217) exhibited unprecedentedly high specific growth rates and ethanol production rates under anaerobic conditions with xylose as the sole carbon source. However, when RWB 217 was grown on glucose-xylose mixtures, a diauxic growth pattern was observed with a relatively slow consumption of xylose in the second growth phase. After prolonged cultivation in an anaerobic, xylose-limited chemostat, a culture with improved xylose uptake kinetics was obtained. This culture also exhibited improved xylose consumption in glucose-xylose mixtures. A further improvement in mixed-sugar utilization was obtained by prolonged anaerobic cultivation in automated sequencing-batch reactors on glucose-xylose mixtures. A final single-strain isolate (RWB 218) rapidly consumed glucose-xylose mixtures anaerobically, in synthetic medium, with a specific rate of xylose consumption exceeding 0.9 gg(-1)h(-1). When the kinetics of zero trans-influx of glucose and xylose of RWB 218 were compared to that of the initial strain, a twofold higher capacity (V(max)) as well as an improved K(m) for xylose was apparent in the selected strain. It is concluded that the kinetics of xylose fermentation are no longer a bottleneck in the industrial production of bioethanol with yeast.  相似文献   

This work presents a multi-route, non-structural kinetic model for interpretation of ethanol fermentation of lactose using a recombinant flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain expressing both the LAC4 (coding for beta-galactosidase) and LAC12 (coding for lactose permease) genes of Kluyveromyces lactis. In this model, the values of different metabolic pathways are calculated applying a modified Monod equation rate in which the growth rate is proportional to the concentration of a key enzyme controlling the single metabolic pathway. In this study, three main metabolic routes for S. cerevisiae are considered: oxidation of lactose, reduction of lactose (producing ethanol), and oxidation of ethanol. The main bioprocess variables determined experimentally were lactose, ethanol, biomass, and dissolved oxygen concentrations. Parameters of the proposed kinetic model were established by fitting the experimental data obtained in a small lab-scale fermentor with the initial lactose concentrations ranging from 5 g/dm3 to 50 g/dm3. A very good agreement between experimental data and simulated profiles of the main variables (lactose, ethanol, biomass, and dissolved oxygen concentrations) was achieved.  相似文献   


The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is now widely used as a model organism in the study of gene structure, function, and regulation in addition to its more traditional use as a workhorse of the brewing and baking industries. In this article the plethora of methods available for manipulating the genome of S. cerevisiae are reviewed. This will include a discussion of methods for manipulating individual genes and whole chromosomes, and will address both classic genetic and recombinant DNA-based methods. Furthermore, a critical evaluation of the various genetic strategies for genetically manipulating this simple eukaryote will be included, highlighting the requirements of both the new and the more traditional biotechnology industries.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for xylose fermentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is considerable interest in recent years in the bioconversion of forestry and agricultural residues into ethanol and value-added chemicals. High ethanol yields from lignocellulosic residues are dependent on efficient use of all the available sugars including glucose and xylose. The well-known fermentative yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the preferred microorganism for ethanol production, but unfortunately, this yeast is unable to ferment xylose. Over the last 15 years, this yeast has been the subject of various research efforts aimed at improving its ability to utilize xylose and ferment it to ethanol. This review examines the research on S. cerevisiae strains that have been genetically modified or adapted to ferment xylose to ethanol. The current state of these efforts and areas where further research is required are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Saccharum spontaneum is a wasteland weed consists of 45.10 ± 0.35% cellulose and 22.75 ± 0.28% of hemicellulose on dry solid (DS) basis. Aqueous ammonia delignified S. spontaneum yielded total reducing sugars, 53.91 ± 0.44 g/L (539.10 ± 0.55 mg/g of substrate) with a hydrolytic efficiency of 77.85 ± 0.45%. The enzymes required for hydrolysis were prepared from culture supernatants of Aspergillus oryzae MTCC 1846. A maximum of 0.85 ± 0.07 IU/mL of filter paperase (FPase), 1.25 ± 0.04 IU/mL of carboxy methyl cellulase (CMCase) and 55.56 ± 0.52 IU/mL of xylanase activity was obtained after 7 days of incubation at 28 ± 0.5 °C using delignified S. spontaneum as carbon source under submerged fermentation conditions. Enzymatic hydrolysate of S. spontaneum was then tested for ethanol production under batch and repeated batch production system using “in-situ” entrapped Saccharomyces cerevisiae VS3 cells in S. spontaneum stalks (1 cm × 1 cm) size. Immobilization was confirmed by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Batch fermentation of VS3 free cells and immobilized cells showed ethanol production, 19.45 ± 0.55 g/L (yield, 0.410 ± 0.010 g/g) and 21.66 ± 0.62 g/L (yield, 0.434 ± 0.021 g/g), respectively. Immobilized VS3 cells showed maximum ethanol production (22.85 ± 0.44 g/L, yield, 0.45 ± 0.04 g/g) up to 8th cycle during repeated batch fermentation followed by a gradual reduction in subsequent cycles of fermentation.  相似文献   

选育高乙醇耐性的酿酒酵母菌株对提高燃料乙醇的发酵效率具有重要意义.锌指蛋白广泛存在于多种生物中,对基因的转录和翻译起重要的调节作用.利用人工设计的锌指蛋白可定向设计锌指序列及其排列顺序,实现对细胞内多个基因的全局调控.由于与环境胁迫反应相关的基因很多,因此可利用人工锌指蛋白技术获得耐受性提高的微生物重组菌.文中将人工锌指文库转入到酿酒酵母模式菌株S288c,选育了具有高乙醇耐受性的重组菌株M01,并分离了与乙醇耐受性提高相关的人工锌指蛋白表达载体pRS316ZFP-M01,转入工业酿酒酵母Sc4126,在含有不同浓度乙醇的平板上,工业酵母Sc4126的重组菌株表现出显著的耐受性提高.在高糖培养基(250 g/L)条件下进行乙醇发酵,发现重组菌的乙醇发酵效率明显快于野生型,发酵时间提前24 h,且发酵终点乙醇浓度提高6.3%.结果表明人工锌指文库能够提高酵母的乙醇耐受性,为构建发酵性能优良的酵母菌种奠定了基础.  相似文献   

A new primer pair (delta12-delta21) for polymerase chain reaction-based yeast typing was designed using the yeast genome sequence. The specificity of this primer pair was checked by the comparison of the electrophoresis pattern with a virtual profile calculated from Blast data. The analysis of 53 commercial and laboratory Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains showed a clear improvement of interdelta analysis using the newly designed primers.  相似文献   

Fuel ethanol fermentation process is a complex environment with an intensive succession of yeast strains. The population stability depends on the use of a well-adapted strain that can fit to a particular industrial plant. This stability helps to keep high level of ethanol yield and it is absolutely required when intending to use recombinant strains. Yeast strains have been previously isolated from different distilleries in Northeast Brazil and clustered in genetic strains by PCR-fingerprinting. In this report we present the isolation and selection of a novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain by its high dominance in the yeast population. The new strain, JP1 strain, presented practically the same fermentative capacity and stress tolerance like the most used commercial strains, with advantages of being highly adapted to different industrial units in Northeast Brazil that used sugar cane juice as substrate. Moreover, it presented higher transformation efficiency that pointed out its potential for genetic manipulations. The importance of this strain selection programme for ethanol production is discussed.  相似文献   

通过优化胞磷胆碱底物浓度的发酵条件,提高酿酒酵母发酵菌浓及胞磷胆碱转化率.分别以胞苷酸、磷酸胆碱、硫酸镁和乙醇等底物和反应关联物质诱导酿酒酵母,采用单因素变量实验优化发酵条件.优化后,酿酒酵母C401菌株摇瓶培养的菌浓为70 g/L,胞磷胆碱转化率为53.3%,比诱导前提高了33.5%.30 L发酵中菌浓可达90.5 g/L,胞磷胆碱转化率为59%.  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic biomass has considerable potential for the production of fuels and chemicals as a promising alternative to conventional fossil fuels. However, the bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass to desired products must be improved to reach economic viability. One of the main technical hurdles is the presence of inhibitors in biomass hydrolysates, which hampers the bioconversion efficiency by biorefinery microbial platforms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae in terms of both production yields and rates. In particular, acetic acid, a major inhibitor derived from lignocellulosic biomass, severely restrains the performance of engineered xylose‐utilizing S. cerevisiae strains, resulting in decreased cell growth, xylose utilization rate, and product yield. In this study, the robustness of XUSE, one of the best xylose‐utilizing strains, was improved for the efficient conversion of lignocellulosic biomass into bioethanol under the inhibitory condition of acetic acid stress. Through adaptive laboratory evolution, we successfully developed the evolved strain XUSAE57, which efficiently converted xylose to ethanol with high yields of 0.43–0.50 g ethanol/g xylose even under 2–5 g/L of acetic stress. XUSAE57 not only achieved twofold higher ethanol yields but also improved the xylose utilization rate by more than twofold compared to those of XUSE in the presence of 4 g/L of acetic acid. During fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysate, XUSAE57 simultaneously converted glucose and xylose with the highest ethanol yield reported to date (0.49 g ethanol/g sugars). This study demonstrates that the bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass by an engineered strain could be significantly improved through adaptive laboratory evolution for acetate tolerance, which could help realize the development of an economically feasible lignocellulosic biorefinery to produce fuels and chemicals.  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering has become a very important approach to strain improvement in parallel with classical strain development. Although Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been domesticated for ethanol and bread production, there are still some fundamental problems associated with its industrial use. The industrially used carbon sources often consist of a sugar mixture, and due to glucose repression these sugars are utilized sequentially, resulting in prolonged production time. In this article we discuss the application of metabolic engineering for construction of glucose-derepressed strains and specify advantages as well as difficulties associated with this approach.  相似文献   

Behaviour of Candida cantarellii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during the fermentation of Syrah grape must using pure, mixed and sequential yeast cultures was studied. Different kinds of inocula have been tested according to the type of culture. Inocula proportions used in mixed C. cantarellii and S. cerevisiae strains reflect the population levels in natural grape microbiota. Biomass evolution of both strains was analysed in relation to different byproduct levels. Saccharomyces cerevisiae overcame C. cantarellii in the different co-culture assays at 48 h of fermentation. The final concentration of ethanol was similar in mixed and both sequential tests and higher (from 7.8 to 10.6%) than in S. cerevisiae pure culture. In mixed and sequential cultures, the glycerol content of the final products was 44.3 to 52.8% higher than the one obtained with pure S. cerevisiae fermentation. Wine analytical profiles of experiments that involved S. cerevisiae and C. cantarellii strains differed from the pure ones mainly in acetoin, propanol and succinic acid contents. From an enological point of view, analysed byproducts are relevant. Considering this, mixed assay and the inoculation of S. cerevisiae after 3 days of pure C. cantarellii fermentation appear to be the more appropriate options to develop the particular characteristics of Syrah wines. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

【目的】木糖发酵是纤维素燃料乙醇生产的一个关键瓶颈,同时木质纤维素水解液中的乙酸严重抑制酿酒酵母的木糖发酵过程,因此通过基因工程手段提高菌株对木糖的利用以及对乙酸的耐受性具有重要意义。本研究以非氧化磷酸戊糖途径(PPP途径)中关键基因转醛醇酶基因(TAL1)为研究对象,探讨了3种不同启动子PTDH3、PAHP1和PUBI4,控制其表达对菌株利用木糖和耐受乙酸的影响。【方法】通过同源重组用3种启动子替换酿酒酵母基因工程菌NAPX37的TAL1基因的启动子PTAL1,再通过孢子分离和单倍体交配构建了纯合子,利用批次发酵比较了在以木糖为唯一碳源和混合糖(葡萄糖和木糖)为碳源条件下,3种启动子控制TAL1基因表达导致的发酵和乙酸耐受能力的差异。【结果】启动子PTDH3、PAHP1和PUBI4在不同程度上提高了TAL1基因的转录水平,提高了菌株对木糖的利用速率及乙酸耐受能力,提高了菌株在60 mmol/L乙酸条件下的葡萄糖利用速率。在以木糖为唯一碳源且无乙酸存在、以及混合糖为碳源的条件下,PAHP1启动子控制TAL1表达菌株的发酵结果优于PTDH3和PUBI4启动子的菌株,PAHP1启动子控制的TAL1基因的转录水平比较合适。在木糖为唯一碳源且乙酸为30 mmol/L时,PUBI4启动子控制TAL1基因表达的菌株发酵结果则优于PAHP1和PTDH3启动子菌株,此时PUBI4启动子控制的TAL1的转录水平比较合适。【结论】启动子PTDH3、PAHP1和PUBI4不同程度地提高TAL1基因的表达,在不同程度上改善了酵母菌株的木糖发酵速率和耐受乙酸性能,改善程度受发酵条件的影响。  相似文献   

酵母被广泛用于分子生物学中基因功能的检测。为扩大酵母株系UCC419在抑制基因活性检测方面的应用,本研究通过向UCC419株系中导入用特殊引物扩增出的包含标记基因TRP1的PCR片段,利用同源重组将UCC419中的筛选标记基因LEU2敲除,并同时插入TRP1,新建立的株系命名为UCC419m(m:modi-fied)。UCC419m为TRP1筛选、leu2突变型菌株,其它基因型均同UCC419。给UCC419m中转入携带LEU2的质粒pDEST32检测是否能恢复其表现型,同时转入不携带LEU2的质粒pDEST22作为阴性对照,将转化子在不含LEU2与URA3的培养基中培养,结果显示,携带LEU2质粒pDEST32的转化子能够在LEU2与URA3缺陷型培养基上正常生长,而不携带LEU2质粒pDEST22的转化子不能生长。本研究结果表明,成功建立了一种适用于基于Invitrogen载体的抑制基因活性检测或从文库中筛选抑制基因的酵母菌株。  相似文献   

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