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Mitochondrial DNA control region sequences and seven microsatellites were used to estimate the genetic structuring, evolutionary history and historic migration patterns of the kob antelope (Kobus kob). Ten populations were analysed, representing the three recognized K. kob subspecies: K. k. kob in west Africa, K. k. thomasi in Uganda and K. k. leucotis in Sudan and Ethiopia. Despite being classified as K. k. thomasi and being phenotypically identical to the kob in Queen Elizabeth National Park (NP), the Murchison Falls population in Uganda showed high genetic similarity with the phenotypically distinct K. k. leucotis populations in Sudan and Ethiopia. This was regardless of marker type. Pairwise comparisons and genetic distances between populations grouped Murchison with K. k. leucotis, as did the Bayesian analysis, which failed to find any genetic structuring within the group. We propose that the divergent phenotype and life-history adaptations of K. k. leucotis reflect the isolation of kob populations in refugia in west and east Africa during the Pleistocene. Subsequent dispersal has led to secondary contact and hybridization in northern Uganda between lineages, which was supported by high levels of genetic diversity in Murchison. The reduced variability observed in Queen Elizabeth NP reflects a small founder population from west Africa and in part the decimation of Uganda's wildlife during the country's political turmoil in the 1970s. Due to similarities in phenotype and ecology, and the joint evolutionary history of their mtDNA sequences, the taxonomic status of K. k. kob and K. k. thomasi as separate subspecies is called into question.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal habitat use of kob antelopes (Kobus kob kob) have been investigated in the Comoé National Park (Ivory Coast, West Africa) by use of radio telemetry. A total of 23 kob were equipped with radio collars and radio tracked for up to 15 months. Home ranges of males were smaller and those of females larger than expected from theoretical models. Adult males used smaller areas than adult females and did not show seasonal home range shifts. Daily distances travelled did not differ between sexes. Kob walked less during the night than by day and covered shorter distances in the wet season. Whereas an increase in home range overlap between females resulted in higher rates of association among individuals, association of adults of mixed sexes was not correlated with the degree of home range overlap. Territorial behaviour of males and predator avoidance by females are suggested to explain the sex‐specific differences in home range size of adults and the deviation from the predicted sizes. Predator avoidance is presumed as the main reason for the reduced walking distances at night as well as in the wet season. Reproductive behaviour and feeding ecology are assumed to determine the degree of association of conspecifics.  相似文献   

The kob (Kobus kob kob) population studied in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast, suffered unsustainable losses to poaching before and during the investigation. This in turn did not only lead to low densities but also changed the population composition, resulting in a strong female bias in all age classes except juveniles. The relative rarity of adult males probably had negative effects on the population recruitment. Although mating occurred throughout the year and birth intervals were short, at least in some females, annual birth‐rate was low compared to earlier studies in the same area. Effective conservation measures are urgently needed to ensure the future existence of the studied population.  相似文献   

Uganda kob prefer high-visibility leks and territories   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In lekking species, where males provide estrous females withlittle more than sperm, it has been widely supposed that theonly possible benefits to females of mate choice are genetic.We studied female choice of leks and territories in a reduncineantelope, the Uganda kob (Kobus kob thomasi), and found thatfemales consistently preferred high-visibility mating sites.Leks were elevated and had shorter grass and fewer thicketsthan the surrounding areas. Changes in the number of male andfemale kob on 10 leks were correlated with changes in surroundinggrass height, and both females and males preferred leks withexperimentally reduced grass height over neighboring controls.Within a lek, territory popularity was the primary determinantof male daily mating success, and females preferred territoriesrelatively far from thickets, but removal of thickets did notaffect female territory preferences. Because lion hunting successon kob increases with grass height and thicket density, femalesmay benefit directly from these preferences by reducing therisk of predation.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus), common (Kobus ellipsiprymnus ellipsiprymnus) and defassa (Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa), are recognized based on differences in rump pattern, coat colour and geographical distribution. These forms are parapatrically distributed with an area of range overlap in East Africa, where phenotypically intermediate populations occur. Variation in 478 bp of the mitochondrial DNA control region and 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to describe the genetic structure and phylogeographical pattern of the species, and to assess if the intermediate populations are the results of hybridization. In total, 186 individuals from 11 localities were analysed. A high degree of genetic differentiation was found between subspecies, although this was most evident from the microsatellite data. Hybridization was suggested in the phenotypically and geographically intermediate Nairobi NP population in Kenya. A neighbour-joining (NJ) tree based on microsatellite population genetic distances grouped Nairobi between the common and defassa populations, and a Bayesian analysis clearly showed introgression. Individuals sampled in Samburu NP, Kenya, had a common waterbuck phenotype, but introgression was suggested by both markers. Although a high degree of maternal defassa input was indicated from the sequence data, the Samburu population grouped with the common waterbuck in the microsatellite population genetic distance tree, with high support. Analyses of linkage disequilibrium and maximum-likelihood estimates of genetic drift suggested that admixture between subspecies is a recent event. The fact that introgression is limited between subspecies could be caused by chromosomal differences, hindering gene flow between common and defassa waterbuck.  相似文献   

Assessing the population status of wildlife is useful for enhancing biodiversity management strategies in protected areas. This study was carried out within the framework of the Faro National Park (FNP) management plan. The objective was to provide baseline data on the status and population dynamics of the Buffon's kob (Kobus kob kob). The surveys were conducted in the month of June at the beginning of the rainy season. Data were collected along 145 line transects of 2.5 km apart and analysed using Distance 7.2 and Quantum GIS 3.4 software. The Buffon's kob population was estimated to comprise around 4,094 ± 1,303 individuals, with an overall density of 1.24 individuals/km2. When compared to results from a study conducted in the year 2000, the concentration of Buffon's kob was higher in the northern part of the national park as opposed to the southern part, as was previously recorded. The population trend shows an extensive decline of approximately 80% compared to records of the year 2000. There was also a weak negative correlation between Buffon's kob density and human activities in the FNP.  相似文献   

Possible functions of territorial behavior were evaluated on the basis of observations of agonistic and reproductive activities of Uganda kob at a “territorial ground” (TG) in southwestern Uganda. We have found that male residents of a TG tend to occupy exclusive areas, and that agonistic interactions are concentrated along the boundaries separating adjacent occupied areas. Thus, we conclude that male kob do engage in the active defense of spatially exclusive territories at a TG.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogenetic relationships among the three presently recognized subspecies of the tadpole shrimp, Triops cancriformis , using mitochondrial 16S and 12S rDNA sequences. Our results indicate that the taxon is divided into two distinct lineages. One lineage is formed of T. c. cancriformis populations and samples from northern Spain that had been classified as T. c. simplex in the most recent literature. The second lineage comprises all populations of T. c. mauritanicus and northern African populations of T. c. simplex . These two main lineages separated 2.3 to 8.9 million years ago, based on the range of inferred molecular clocks recognized for crustacean mtDNA sequence divergence. Percentages of divergence are in the range reported for recognized species in other notostracan lineages and we therefore propose to recognize them as two species, Triops cancriformis and Triops mauritanicus . The latter would comprise two subspecies in northern Africa, one consisting of the Moroccan populations of the former T. c. mauritanicus , the other comprising the African populations of the former T. c. simplex . It also includes three as-yet unnamed lineages. A comparison of morphological characters with the molecular data revealed that the former T. c. simplex cannot be reliably separated from T. c. cancriformis , using morphological characters that have hitherto been used to distinguish among subspecies of T. cancriformis . Our investigation is the first to demonstrate the presence of T. c. cancriformis in Africa (Tunisia). The genetic haplotypes of these populations are identical with haplotypes also occurring in Central and Western Europe, as well as in Sicily. Therefore, we hypothesize that the African populations of T. c. cancriformis represent a result of repeated long-distance dispersal across the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

G- and C-banded karyotypes of four species of the genus Kobus were compared using the standard karyotype of Bos taurus. Chromosomal complements were 2n = 50-54 in K. ellipsiprymnus, 2n = 50 in K. kob, 2n = 48 in K. leche, and 2n = 52 in K. megaceros. The number of autosomal arms in all karyotypes was 58. Fifteen autosomal pairs were conserved among these four species, including the 1;19 and 2;25 centric fusions, and autosomal differences involved eight centric fusion rearrangements. Five centric fusions were each unique to a particular taxon: 3;10 (K. leche), 3;11 and 6;29 (K. kob), and 5;17 and 7;11 (K. ellipsiprymnus). The 4;7 fusion occurred in K. leche and K. megaceros, whereas the 5;13 fusion occurred in K. kob and K. leche; the 6;18 fusion was found in three species but was absent in K. kob. Differences between the X chromosomes of the four Kobus species were attributed to heterochromatic additions or deletions, and Y-chromosome differences may have been the result of pericentric inversion. G-banded karyotypes of putative K. l. leche and K. l. kafuensis appeared identical, as did C-banded karyotypes of the two subspecies. Karyotypes of K. e. ellipsiprymnus and K. e. defassa differed as a result of the 6;18 centric fusion, which was polymorphic in K. e. defassa, and the 7;11 centric fusion, which was polymorphic in K. e. ellipsiprymnus but absent in K. e. defassa. Several centric fusions were related by monobrachial chain-IV complexes; however, records of hybridization indicate that reproductive isolation between at least certain species of Kobus is incomplete. Karyotypic differences between K. ellipsiprymnus (including K. e. ellipsiprymnus and K. e. defassa), K. kob, K. leche, and K. megaceros support the validity of these taxa, as well as the need to manage them as separate populations.  相似文献   

Using a combination of mitochondrial and z‐linked sequences, microsatellite data, and spatio‐geographic modeling, we examined historical and contemporary factors influencing the population genetic structure of the purple finch (Haemorhous purpureus). Mitochondrial DNA data show the presence of two distinct groups corresponding to the two subspecies, H. p. purpureus and H. p. californicus. The two subspecies likely survived in separate refugia during the last glacial maximum, one on the Pacific Coast and one east of the Rocky Mountains, and now remain distinct lineages with little evidence of gene flow between them. Southwestern British Columbia is a notable exception, as subspecies mixing between central British Columbia and Vancouver Island populations suggests a possible contact zone in this region. Z‐linked data support two mitochondrial groups; however, Coastal Oregon and central British Columbia sites show evidence of mixing. Contemporary population structure based on microsatellite data identified at least six genetic clusters: three H. p. purpureus clusters, two H. p. californicus clusters, and one mixed cluster, which likely resulted from high site fidelity and isolation by distance, combined with sexual selection on morphological characters reinforcing subspecies differences.  相似文献   

In a circumpolar wader, the dunlin ( Calidris alpina ), there are 11 named subspecies, but only five mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages have been found. In the present study, we investigated the genetic structure of dunlins in western Palearctic (from East Greenland to Taimyr peninsula) using DNA microsatellites and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers that may detect more recent differentiation than mtDNA. In this region, we consider four described subspecies; alpina , schinzii , arctica and centralis , together comprising two mtDNA lineages. We analyse seven polymorphic microsatellite loci and 91 AFLP markers in 287 and 152 unrelated individuals, respectively, originating from 17 populations. Neither microsatellites nor AFLPs reveal distinct groups that correspond to currently recognized subspecies. There is a clear pattern of isolation by distance in microsatellites. Our results do not contradict the former mtDNA results that there are two phylogenetic lineages (approximately corresponding to schinzii and centralis ) that have met and formed a cline ( alpina ). We find no difference between schinzii and arctica (East Greenland). We conclude that, given the lack of distinct groups and the gradual changes in microsatellite allele frequencies, these markers provide little genetic support for the dunlin subspecies taxonomy in the western Palearctic.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 713–726.  相似文献   

Comparison of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region sequences of 155 dunlins from 15 breeding populations confirmed the existence of five major phylogeographic groups in the circumpolar breeding range of this migratory shorebird species. Time estimates of the origin of groups, based on sequence divergences and a molecular clock for birds, suggest a scenario of repeated fragmentation of populations in isolated tundra refugia during the late Pleistocene. The distribution of about three-quarters of all detected molecular variance between phylogeographic groups attests to the strongly subdivided genetic population structure in dunlins that is being maintained by natal philopatry. Each mtDNA phylogeographic group can be related to a morphometrically defined subspecies, but several other recognized subspecies are not supported by monophyletic mtDNA lineages within their purported ranges. More detailed analysis of several European populations reveals low amounts of gene flow and the partitioning of a substantial fraction of molecular variance between them. This ongoing evolution of population-genetic structuring within the European phylogeographic group most likely started with the last retreat of the ice sheets some 10,000 years ago. Dunlins thus provide one of the clearest examples of the linkage between historical and contemporary components of mtDNA phylogeographic structuring in birds.  相似文献   

S Tan  D Zou  L Tang  G Wang  Q Peng  B Zeng  C Zhang  F Zou 《Genetica》2012,140(4-6):159-167
Blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur), a Central Asian ungulate with restricted geographic distribution, exhibits unclear variation in morphology and phylogeographic structure. The composition of species and subspecies in the genus Pseudois is controversial, particularly with respect to the taxonomic designation of geographically restricted populations. Here, 26 specimens including 5 dwarf blue sheep (Pseudois schaeferi), which were collected from a broad geographic region in China, were analyzed for 2 mitochondrial DNA fragments (cytochrome b and control region sequences). In a pattern consistent with geographically defined subspecies, we found three deeply divergent mitochondrial lineages restricted to different geographic regions. The currently designated two subspecies of blue sheep, Pseudois nayaur nayaur and Pseudois nayaur szechuanensis, were recognized in the phylogenetic trees. In addition, the Helan Mountain population showed distinct genetic characteristics from other geographic populations, and thus should be classified as a new subspecies. In contrast, dwarf blue sheep clustered closely with some blue sheep from Sichuan Province in the phylogenetic trees. Therefore, dwarf blue sheep appear to be a subset of Pseudois nayaur szechuanensis. After considering both population genetic information and molecular clock analysis, we obtained some relevant molecular phylogeographic information concerning the historical biogeography of blue sheep. These results also indicate that western Sichuan was a potential refugium for blue sheep during the Quaternary period.  相似文献   

The cloud forests of Mesoamerica are highly endangered habitats and the existence of narrowly distributed cryptic endemics will increase the number of taxa at potential risk of extinction. Here, we investigate genetic divergence between populations of the azure‐crowned hummingbird (Amazilia cyanocephala), a species complex of endemic hummingbirds to the montane forests of Mesoamerica, by analysing DNA sequences of four mitochondrial markers, morphological data and ecological niche modelling. Our results revealed the presence of two mtDNA lineages corresponding to subspecies A. c. cyanocephala distributed from Tamaulipas to Chiapas in Mexico and Amazilia c. guatemalensis distributed from southern Chiapas to Guatemala. The lineage split can be explained as a consequence of relative isolation of the populations in the different mountain ranges separated by the Motagua‐Polochic‐Jocotán fault system and corresponds to differences in morphology and to the lack of overlap in environmental space between subspecies. The divergence time estimates do not support the proposed model of a highly constrained temporal window at the end of the Pliocene as divergence at this barrier between cyanocephala and guatemalensis and splits of other bird taxa occurred during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship between Buthus occitanus populations across the Strait of Gibraltar was investigated using nuclear 18S/ITS-1 DNA sequences and mitochondrial 16S and COI DNA sequences. All analyses showed that the European samples are highly separated from North African samples, and also suggest the existence of three main groups within this species complex, i.e., an European, an Atlas (=Moroccan samples) and a Tell-Atlas group (=Tunisian samples). The European clade was subdivided into three distinct subclades. The application of a previous calibration of the molecular clock of another buthid species suggested that most of the detected mitochondrial DNA lineages including the European lineages are about three times older than the re-opening of the Gibraltar Strait, and consequently, that other and older vicariant events are responsible for the observed phylogeographic structure of this species complex. Concerning the Moroccan samples, a discordance between nuclear and mitochondrial gene markers was observed. The 18S/ITS-1 gene tree could not resolve the phylogenetic relationships among the Moroccan B. occitanus subspecies and the closely related species B. atlantis, whereas mitochondrial genes suggested the co-existence of several old phylogenetic lineages in Morocco. We hypothesized that this difference may be explained by male-biased gene flow and gene conversion at the tandemly repeated 18S/ITS-1 gene regions.  相似文献   

Most phylogeographic studies have used maximum likelihood or maximum parsimony to infer phylogeny and bootstrap analysis to evaluate support for trees. Recently, Bayesian methods using Marlov chain Monte Carlo to search tree space and simultaneously estimate tree support have become popular due to its fast search speed and ability to create a posterior distribution of parameters of interest. Here, I present a study that utilizes Bayesian methods to infer phylogenetic relationships of the cornsnake (Elaphe guttata) complex using cytochrome b sequences. Examination of the posterior probability distributions confirms the existence of three geographic lineages. Additionally, there is no support for the monophyly of the subspecies of E. guttata. Results suggest the three geographic lineages partially conform to the ranges of previously defined subspecies, although Shimodaira-Hasegawa tests suggest that subspecies-constrained trees produce significantly poorer likelihood estimates than the most likely trees reflecting the evolution of three geographic assemblages. Based on molecular support, these three geographic assemblages are recognized as species using evolutionary species criteria: E. guttata, Elaphe slowinskii, and Elaphe emoryi [phylogeographic, maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, bootstrap, Bayesian, Markov chain Monte Carlo, cornsnake, Cytochrome b, geographic lineages, E. guttta, E. slowinskii, and E. emoryi].  相似文献   

We analysed the mitochondrial control region sequences of 150 Ryukyu robins (Erithacus komadori) from five migratory and three sedentary populations. E. komadori is endemic to the subtropical Asian islands, is well differentiated among populations in morphology and migratory behaviour within its narrow habitat range, and is ideal for examining the effects of altered migratory habits on population differentiation. Maximum-likelihood analysis among the haplotypes resulted in the generation of a single tree in which two phylogenetic clades corresponding to the two subspecies were evident. Within the northern lineage, three distinctive subgroups of populations (one migratory and two sedentary groups) were observed by population genetic analysis. The migration-related wing morphology and molecular data were then compared among groups. The wing shape of the northern lineage was significantly more pointed than that of the southern sedentary lineage, and they were exclusively discriminated from each other. The difference was not so apparent between the sedentary and migratory groups within the northern lineage, suggesting that the present northern subspecies is primarily a migratory lineage. The different migratory behaviours of the robin played an apparent role in maintaining the genetic structure at two different levels--one between the southern and northern lineages and the other between the sedentary and migratory groups within the northern lineage. While gene flow had long been maintained among the islands occupied by migratory individuals, migrants have been unable to contribute to the gene pool of the sedentary populations despite passing through the breeding range of such populations twice each year.  相似文献   

Subspecies have been considered artificial subdivisions of species, pattern classes, or incipient species. However, with more data and modern phylogenetic techniques, some subspecies may be found to represent true species. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the polytypic snake, Elaphe obsoleta, yields well-supported clades that do not conform to any of the currently accepted subspecies. Complete nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome b gene and the mitochondrial control region produced robust maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood trees that do not differ statistically. Both trees were significantly shorter than a most parsimonious tree in which each subspecies was constrained to be monophyletic. Thus, the subspecies of E. obsoleta do not represent distinct genetic lineages. Instead, the evidence points to three well-supported mitochondrial DNA clades confined to particular geographic areas in the eastern United States. This research underscores the potential problems of recognizing subspecies based on one or a few characters.  相似文献   

Aim  The freshwater flatworm Crenobia alpina lives almost exclusively in headwaters of mountainous areas and is supposed to be a glacial relict. We examined genetic diversity within and between populations of C. alpina in order to determine the taxonomic status of purported subspecies and to understand large-scale biogeographical patterns of glacial relicts.
Location  Central Europe.
Methods  We analysed mitochondrial DNA sequences and polymorphic allozyme loci of C. alpina populations across its range in central Europe. Sequences were compared using parsimony, minimum evolution and maximum likelihood. Allozymes were analysed using traditional as well as Bayesian estimates of F statistics.
Results  We found considerable divergence between haplotypes. For each of the two lineages occurring throughout central Europe, allozymes showed considerable differentiation between populations and a strong isolation by distance effect. Hence populations are effectively isolated even across rather small spatial scales.
Main conclusions  There is strong evidence that C. alpina is a complex of distinct lineages or cryptic species that date back to the late Miocene. The separation of lineages may be associated with the formation of deep valleys at the end of the Messinian Crisis.  相似文献   

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