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Translation initiation factor IF1 is a highly conserved element of the prokaryotic translational apparatus. It has been demonstrated earlier that the factor stimulates in vitro the initiation phase of protein synthesis. However, no mutation in its gene, infA, has been identified, and a role for IF1 in translation has not been demonstrated in vivo. To elucidate the function of IF1 and determine if the protein is essential for cell growth, the chromosomal copy of infA was disrupted. Cell viability is maintained only when infA is expressed in trans from a plasmid, thereby demonstrating that IF1 is essential for cell growth in Escherichia coli. Cells depleted of IF1 exhibit few polysomes, suggesting that IF1 functions in the initiation phase of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae comprises about eight polypeptides and plays a central role in the binding of methionyl-tRNAi and mRNA to the 40S ribosomal subunit. The fourth largest subunit, eIF3-p39, was gel purified, and a 12-amino-acid tryptic peptide was sequenced, enabling the cloning of the TIF34 gene. TIF34 encodes a 38,753-Da protein that corresponds to eIF3-p39 in size and antigenicity. Disruption of TIF34 is lethal, and depletion of eIF3-p39 by glucose repression of TIF34 expressed from a GAL promoter results in cessation of cell growth. As eIF3-p39 levels fall, polysomes become smaller, indicating a role for eIF3-p39 in the initiation phase of protein synthesis. Unexpectedly, depletion results in degradation of all of the subunit proteins of eIF3 at a rate much faster than the normal turnover rates of these proteins. eIF3-p39 has 46% sequence identity with the p36 subunit of human eIF3. Both proteins are members of the WD-repeat family of proteins, possessing five to seven repeat elements. Taken together, the results indicate that eIF3-p39 plays an important, although not necessarily direct, role in the initiation phase of protein synthesis and suggest that it may be required for the assembly and maintenance of the eIF3 complex in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Glutaredoxins and thioredoxins are small heat-stable oxidoreductases that have been conserved throughout evolution. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two gene pairs encoding cytoplasmic glutaredoxins (GRX1, GRX2) and thioredoxins (TRX1, TRX2). We report here that the quadruple trx1 trx2 grx1 grx2 mutant is inviable and that either a single glutaredoxin or a single thioredoxin (i.e. grx1 grx2 trx1, grx1 grx2 trx2, grx1 trx1 trx2, grx2 trx1 trx2) is essential for viability. Loss of both thioredoxins has been reported previously to lead to methionine auxotrophy consistent with thioredoxins being the sole reductants for 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulphate reductase (PAPS) in yeast. However, we present evidence for the existence of a novel yeast hydrogen donor for PAPS reductase, as strains lacking both thioredoxins assimilated sulphate under conditions that minimized the generation of reactive oxygen species (low aeration and absence of functional mitochondria). In addition, the assimilation of [35S]-sulphate was approximately 60-fold higher in the trx1 trx2 grx1 and trx1 trx2 grx2 mutants compared with the trx1 trx2 mutant. Furthermore, in contrast to the trx1 trx2 mutant, the trx1 trx2 grx2 mutant grew on minimal agar plates, and the trx1 trx2 grx1 mutant grew on minimal agar plates under anaerobic conditions. We propose a model in which the novel reductase activity normally functions in the repair of oxidant-mediated protein damage but, under conditions that minimize the generation of reactive oxygen species, it can serve as a hydrogen donor for PAPS reductase.  相似文献   

Initiation factor eIF-4D functions late in the initiation pathway, apparently during formation of the first peptide bond. The factor is post-translationally modified at a specific lysine residue by reaction with spermidine and subsequent hydroxylation to form hypusine. A precursor form lacking hypusine is inactive in the assay for methionyl-puromycin synthesis, but activity is restored following in vitro modification to deoxyhypusine, thereby suggesting that the modification is essential for function. Since formylated methionyl-tRNA is less dependent on eIF-4D in the puromycin assay, we postulate that eIF-4D and its hypusine modification may stabilize charged Met-tRNA binding to the peptidyl transferase center of the 60S ribosomal subunit. Analysis of eIF-4D genes in yeast indicate that eIF-4D and its hypusine modification are essential for cell growth.  相似文献   

Deoxyhypusine hydroxylase (DOHH) catalyzes the final step in the post-translational synthesis of an unusual amino acid hypusine (N(€)-(4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl) lysine), which is present on only one cellular protein, eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A). We present here the molecular and structural basis of the function of DOHH from the protozoan parasite, Leishmania donovani, which causes visceral leishmaniasis. The L. donovani DOHH gene is 981 bp and encodes a putative polypeptide of 326 amino acids. DOHH is a HEAT-repeat protein with eight tandem repeats of α-helical pairs. Four conserved histidine-glutamate sequences have been identified that may act as metal coordination sites. A ~42 kDa recombinant protein with a His-tag was obtained by heterologous expression of DOHH in Escherichia coli. Purified recombinant DOHH effectively catalyzed the hydroxylation of the intermediate, eIF5A-deoxyhypusine (eIF5A-Dhp), in vitro. L. donovani DOHH (LdDOHH) showed ~40.6% sequence identity with its human homolog. The alignment of L. donovani DOHH with the human homolog shows that there are two significant insertions in the former, corresponding to the alignment positions 159-162 (four amino acid residues) and 174-183 (ten amino acid residues) which are present in the variable loop connecting the N- and C-terminal halves of the protein, the latter being present near the substrate binding site. Deletion of the ten-amino-acid-long insertion decreased LdDOHH activity to 14% of the wild type recombinant LdDOHH. Metal chelators like ciclopirox olamine (CPX) and mimosine significantly inhibited the growth of L. donovani and DOHH activity in vitro. These inhibitors were more effective against the parasite enzyme than the human enzyme. This report, for the first time, confirms the presence of a complete hypusine pathway in a kinetoplastid unlike eubacteria and archaea. The structural differences between the L. donovani DOHH and the human homolog may be exploited for structure based design of selective inhibitors against the parasite.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4A is an essential protein that, in conjunction with eIF4B, catalyzes the ATP-dependent melting of RNA secondary structure in the 5'-untranslated region of mRNA during translation initiation. In higher eukaryotes, eIF4A is assumed to be recruited to the mRNA through its interaction with eIF4G. However, the failure to detect this interaction in yeast brought into question the generality of this model. The work presented here demonstrates that yeast eIF4G interacts with eIF4A both in vivo and in vitro. The eIF4A-binding site was mapped to amino acids 542-883 of yeast eIF4G1. Expression in yeast cells of the eIF4G1 domain that binds eIF4A results in cell growth inhibition, and addition of this domain to an eIF4A-dependent in vitro system inhibits translation in a dose-dependent manner. Both in vitro translation and cell growth can be specifically restored by increasing the eIF4A concentration. These data demonstrate that yeast eIF4A and eIF4G interact and suggest that this interaction is required for translation and cell growth.  相似文献   

We have used a novel technique to study the synthesis, modification and degradation of proteins during the cell cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Logarithmically growing cells were pulse-labeled twice, with the pulses separated in time by more than one generation. Subsequently, the cells were fractionated as to their position in the cell cycle by centrifugal elutriation, and for different proteins the ratio of radioactive material from the two pulses was then determined. Periodic degradation, synthesis, or modification would produce periodic variations in the ratio of counts. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to examine 110 different proteins at different times of the cell cycle. All but two proteins had a constant ratio of counts through the cell cycle. This indicates that the rate of synthesis of individual proteins increases exponentially during the cell cycle and that periodic degradation or modification of proteins is not a general feature of the cell cycle in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Conserved ribosomal proteins frequently harbor additional segments in eukaryotes not found in bacteria, which could facilitate eukaryotic-specific reactions in the initiation phase of protein synthesis. Here we provide evidence showing that truncation of the N-terminal domain (NTD) of yeast Rps5 (absent in bacterial ortholog S7) impairs translation initiation, cell growth and induction of GCN4 mRNA translation in a manner suggesting incomplete assembly of 48S preinitiation complexes (PICs) at upstream AUG codons in GCN4 mRNA. Rps5 mutations evoke accumulation of factors on native 40S subunits normally released on conversion of 48S PICs to 80S initiation complexes (ICs) and this abnormality and related phenotypes are mitigated by the SUI5 variant of eIF5. Remarkably, similar effects are observed by substitution of Lys45 in the Rps5-NTD, involved in contact with Rps16, and by eliminating the last two residues of the C-terminal tail (CTT) of Rps16, believed to contact initiator tRNA base-paired to AUG in the P site. We propose that Rps5-NTD-Rps16-NTD interaction modulates Rps16-CTT association with Met-tRNAiMet to promote a functional 48S PIC.  相似文献   

T Imai  T Ohno 《Applied microbiology》1995,61(10):3604-3608
The relationship between viability (cell proliferation activity) and intracellular pH in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was investigated by using cells that had been deactivated by low-temperature storage, ethanol treatment, or heat treatment. The intracellular pH was measured with a microscopic image processor or a spectrofluorophotometer. At first, the intracellular pH measurements of individual cells were compared with slide culture results by microscopic image processing. A clear correlation existed between the proliferation activity and intracellular pH. Moreover, by spectrofluorophotometry analysis, it was found that there was a relationship between the viability and intracellular pH of brewing yeast under conditions of low external pH (n = 15, r = 0.960, P = 0.001). This relationship was also observed in baker's yeast (n = 13, r = 0.950, P = 0.001). On the other hand, when the fluorescein staining method was used in these experiments, the relationship between viability and staining percentage was not observed. From these results, intracellular pH was found to be a sensitive factor for estimating yeast physiology. The possible role of cell deterioration is also discussed.  相似文献   

The unusual basic amino acid, hypusine [Nε-(4-amino-2-hydroxybutyl)-lysine], is a modified lysine with the addition of the 4-aminobutyl moiety from the polyamine spermidine. This naturally occurring amino acid is a product of a unique posttranslational modification that occurs in only one cellular protein, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A, eIF-5A). Hypusine is synthesized exclusively in this protein by two sequential enzymatic steps involving deoxyhypusine synthase (DHS) and deoxyhypusine hydroxylase (DOHH). The deoxyhypusine/hypusine synthetic pathway has evolved in archaea and eukaryotes, and eIF5A, DHS and DOHH are highly conserved suggesting a vital cellular function of eIF5A. Gene disruption and mutation studies in yeast and higher eukaryotes have provided valuable information on the essential nature of eIF5A and the deoxyhypusine/hypusine modification in cell growth and in protein synthesis. In view of the extraordinary specificity and functional significance of hypusine-containing eIF5A in mammalian cell proliferation, eIF5A and the hypusine biosynthetic enzymes are novel potential targets for intervention in aberrant cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic initiation factor 2A (eIF2A) has been shown to direct binding of the initiator methionyl-tRNA (Met-tRNA(i)) to 40 S ribosomal subunits in a codon-dependent manner, in contrast to eIF2, which requires GTP but not the AUG codon to bind initiator tRNA to 40 S subunits. We show here that yeast eIF2A genetically interacts with initiation factor eIF4E, suggesting that both proteins function in the same pathway. The double eIF2A/eIF4E-ts mutant strain displays a severe slow growth phenotype, which correlated with the accumulation of 85% of the double mutant cells arrested at the G(2)/M border. These cells also exhibited a disorganized actin cytoskeleton and elevated actin levels, suggesting that eIF2A might be involved in controlling the expression of genes involved in morphogenic processes. Further insights into eIF2A function were gained from the studies of eIF2A distribution in ribosomal fractions obtained from either an eIF5BDelta (fun12Delta) strain or a eIF3b-ts (prt1-1) strain. It was found that the binding of eIF2A to 40 and 80 S ribosomes was not impaired in either strain. We also found that eIF2A functions as a suppressor of Ure2p internal ribosome entry site-mediated translation in yeast cells. The regulation of expression from the URE2 internal ribosome entry site appears to be through the levels of eIF2A protein, which has been found to be inherently unstable with a half-life of approximately 17 min. It was hypothesized that this instability allows for translational control through the level of eIF2A protein in yeast cells.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation state of the alpha subunit of initiation factor 2 (eIF-2 alpha) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been determined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and autoradiography of lysates from cultures grown under a variety of conditions. The alpha subunit was maintained in a phosphorylated state during logarithmic growth on fermentable and nonfermentable carbon sources, during starvation for an essential amino acid, during heat shock, during stationary phase, and during sporulation. Only when cells were starved for a carbon source for 2 h in 1 M sorbitol was eIF-2 alpha isolated in the nonphosphorylated state. This is in contrast with the studies in rabbit reticulocyte lysates, in which arrested protein synthesis was correlated with a relative increase in the extent of phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha.  相似文献   

Two peptide chain initiation factor activities, eIF-2y and Co-eIF-2A20y, were purified from the high speed supernatant fraction of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their properties were studied. 1) In sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, purified eIF-2y showed two major polypeptide bands corresponding to molecular weights of 54,000 and 36,000. The Mr 54,000 band was significantly more intense than the Mr 36,000 band, indicating the possible presence of two polypeptides of equal molecular weight in this band. The molecular weight of eIF-2y, determined using a density gradient centrifugation method, was approximately 140,000. 2) In sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel, purified Co-eIF-2A20y showed a single polypeptide band corresponding to a molecular weight of 20,000. A similar molecular weight for Co-eIF-2A20y was also found using a density gradient centrifugation method. 3) In partial reactions, eIF-2y bound Met-tRNAf in the presence of Mg2+. The reaction required GTP. Co-eIF-2A20y stimulated Met-tRNAf binding to eIF-2y (2-3-fold) and also rendered the complex stable to 3 X 10(-5) M aurintricarboxylic acid. 4) This Co-eIF-2A20y activity was heat-labile and N-ethylmaleimide-insensitive. 5) Antibodies were prepared by injecting rabbits with homogeneous Co-eIF-2A20y. Such anti-Co-eIF-2A20y inhibited (60%) protein synthesis in a yeast cell-free protein synthesizing system and completely blocked Co-eIF-2A20y stimulation of Met-tRNAf. 40 S initiation complex formation. Protein synthesis inhibition by anti-Co-eIF-2A20y was almost completely reversed by preincubation of the antibodies specifically with homogeneous Co-eIF-2A20y.  相似文献   

Autophagocytosis is a starvation-induced process responsible for transport of cytoplasmic proteins to the vacuole. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, autophagy is characterized by the phenotypic appearance of autophagic vesicles inside the vacuole of strains deficient in proteinase yscB. The AUT1 gene, essential for autophagy, was isolated by complementation of the sporulation deficiency of a diploid aut1-1 mutant strain by a yeast genomic library and characterized. AUT1 is located on the right arm of chromosome XIV, 10 kb from the centromere, and encodes a protein of 310 amino acids, with an estimated molecular weight of 36 kDa. Cells carrying a chromosomal deletion of AUT1 are defective in the starvation-induced bulk flow transport of cytoplasmic proteins to the vacuole. aut1 null mutant strains are completely viable but show decreased survival rates during starvation. Homozygous delta aut1 diploid cells fail to sporulate. The selective cytoplasm-to-vacuole transport of aminopeptidase I is blocked in logarithmically growing and in starved delta autl cells. Deletion of the AUT1 gene had no obvious influence on secretion, fluid phase endocytosis, or vacuolar protein sorting. This supports the idea of autophagocytosis as being a novel route transporting proteins from the cytoplasm to the vacuole.  相似文献   

The cell wall of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a tough, rigid structure, which presents a significant barrier to the release of native or recombinant proteins from this biotechnologically important organism. There is hence a need to develop inexpensive and efficient methods of lysing yeast cells in order to release their intracellular contents. To develop such a method, a tightly regulated promoter, pMET3, has been used to control three genes involved in cell wall biogenesis: PDE2, SRB1/PSA1, and PKC1. Two of these regulation cassettes, pMET3-SRB1/PSA1 and pMET3-PKC1, have been integrated at the chromosomal loci of the respective genes in order to overcome problems of plasmid instability. Although repression of PDE2 did not cause cell lysis, cells depleted of Srb1p/Psa1p gradually lost their viability and integrity, releasing about 10% of total protein into the medium. Repression of PKC1 led to extensive cell lysis, accompanied by the release of 45% of cellular protein into the medium. A double mutant, carrying both pMET3-SRB1/PSA1 and pMET3-PKC1 cassettes in place of SRB1/PSA1 and PKC1, was constructed and found to permit the efficient release of both homologous and heterologous proteins. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic Lys-tRNA synthetase (LysRS) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a dimeric enzyme made up of identical subunits of 68 kDa. By limited proteolysis, this enzyme can be converted to a truncated dimer without loss of activity. Whereas the native enzyme strongly interacts with polyanionic carriers, the modified form displays reduced binding properties. KRS1 is the structural gene for yeast cytoplasmic LysRS. It encodes a polypeptide with an amino-terminal extension composed of about 60-70 amino acid residues, compared to its prokaryotic counterpart. This segment, containing 13 lysine residues, is removed upon proteolytic treatment of the native enzyme. The aim of the present study was to probe in vivo the significance of this amino-terminal extension. We have constructed derivatives of the KRS1 gene, encoding enzymes lacking 58 or 69 amino-terminal residues and, by site-directed mutagenesis, we have changed four or eight lysine residues from the amino-terminal segment of LysRS into glutamic acids. Engineered proteins were expressed in vivo after replacement of the wild-type KRS1 allele. The mutant enzymes displayed reduced specific activities (2-100-fold). A series of carboxy-terminal deletions, encompassing 3, 10 or 15 amino acids, were introduced into the LysRS mutants with modified amino-terminal extensions. The removal of three residues led to a 2-7-fold increase in the specific activity of the mutant enzymes. This partial compensatory effect suggests that interactions between the two extreme regions of yeast LysRS are required for a proper conformation of the native enzyme. All KRS1 derivatives were able to sustain growth of yeast cells, although the mutant cell lines displaying a low LysRS activity grew more slowly. The expression, as single-copy genes, of mutant enzymes with a complete deletion of the amino-terminal extension or with four Lys----Glu mutations, that displayed specific activities close to that of the wild-type LysRS, had no discernable effect on cell growth. We conclude that the polycationic extensions of eukaryotic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are dispensable, in vivo, for aminoacylation activities. The results are discussed in relation to the triggering role in in situ compartmentalization of protein synthesis that has been ascribed to the polypeptide-chain extensions that characterize most, if not all, eukaryotic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  相似文献   

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