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We have identified two mRNA species transcribed from the adenovirus 2 genome section (HindIII-G fragment) believed to harbor genes for initiation and maintenance of cell transformation. The HindIII-G fragment occupies the left 7.5% of the genome and is transcribed from left to right [poly(U:G) r strand]. Poly(A)-terminated labeled mRNA was isolated from polyribosomes of adenovirus 2 early infected KB cells and from the transformed cell line 8617, hybridization purified using the HindIII-G fragment, and electrophoresed on formamide-polyacrylamide gels. Viral mRNA's of 24S (1.2 X 10(6) daltons) and 14S (4.5 X 10(5) daltons) were isolated from early infected cells and of 22S (1.0 X 10(6) daltons) and 14S from 8617 cells. Hybridization competition indicated that HindIII-G-specific mRNA was present in the polysomes at one-sixth the concentration late after infection as compared with early, indicating that the proteins coded by the transforming segment may be synthesized at reduced amounts during late stages. Only 1/10 the amount of RNA labeled late annealed to the G fragment as compared with that labeled early (per weight of RNA). Thus, synthesis of transforming gene mRNA is probably "turned off" late after infection. Both 24S (22S) and 14S mRNA's from infected and 8617 cells were complementary to the Hpa I-E fragment (left 4.1% of genome). The Hpa I-E fragment is too small to encode 24S and 14S species, which implies that the 5'-terminal regions of both species are coded by the same DNA sequences.  相似文献   

The great majority of viral mRNAs in mouse C127 cells transformed by bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV) have a common 3' end at the early polyadenylation site which is 23 nucleotides (nt) downstream of a canonical poly(A) consensus signal. Twenty percent of BPV mRNA from productively infected cells bypasses the early polyadenylation site and uses the late polyadenylation site approximately 3,000 nt downstream. To inactivate the BPV early polyadenylation site, the early poly(A) consensus signal was mutated from AAUAAA to UGUAAA. Surprisingly, this mutation did not result in significant read-through expression of downstream RNA. Rather, RNA mapping and cDNA cloning experiments demonstrate that virtually all of the mutant RNA is cleaved and polyadenylated at heterogeneous sites approximately 100 nt upstream of the wild-type early polyadenylation site. In addition, cells transformed by wild-type BPV harbor a small population of mRNAs with 3' ends located in this upstream region. These experiments demonstrate that inactivation of the major poly(A) signal induces preferential use of otherwise very minor upstream poly(A) sites. Mutational analysis suggests that polyadenylation at the minor sites is controlled, at least in part, by UAUAUA, an unusual variant of the poly(A) consensus signal approximately 25 nt upstream of the minor polyadenylation sites. These experiments indicate that inactivation of the major early polyadenylation signal is not sufficient to induce expression of the BPV late genes in transformed mouse cells.  相似文献   

The major product of in vitro translation of early RNA prepared from H5ts125-infected cells and selected by hybridization to adenoviral DNA fragments spanning the region from 14.7 to 31.5 map units had been shown to be identical to the 87-kilodalton terminal protein precursor. A 72- to 75-kilodalton polypeptide whose rRNA can be selected by DNA from this same region and made in the presence of anisomycin was indistinguishable from the 72-kilodalton single-stranded DNA-binding protein encoded by the region from 60.1 to 66.6 map units. The accumulation of cytoplasmic RNA sequences complementary to these l-strand genes under various conditions of infection and in certain lines of transformed cells has been investigated by solution hybridization of cytoplasmic RNA to the separated strands of restriction endonuclease fragments of adenoviral DNA. During the early phase, RNA sequences complementary to the region from 11.6 to 36.7 map units were present at a concentration of 10 to 60 copies per cell, regardless of the nature of the block used to inhibit viral DNA synthesis. By 24 h after infection in the absence of any such block, sequences complementary to the regions from 11.6 to 18.2 map units (IVa2) and from 18.6 to 36.7 map units (E2B) accumulated to concentrations of 4,800 and 280 copies per cell, respectively. The ratio of cytoplasmic E2A RNA sequences to E2B RNA sequences remained close to 10:1 throughout the time period investigated. Of the transformed cell lines which retained E2B DNA sequences that were examined, only the T2C4 line expressed these sequences in cytoplasmic RNA. The implications of these observations for regulation of expression of the adenoviral early l-strand genes are discussed.  相似文献   

Adsorbed but not penetrated virus can be removed from the CMV-infected cell membrane by digestion with cystine-activated papain. Membrane antigens appear on 80-90% of the infected cells 14-20 hr after infection as a result of de novo protein synthesis. Antigen synthesis can be blocked with inhibitors of protein synthesis, but not with DNA inhibitors. In the early stage of infection, pooled human convalescent serum reacted well with the membrane antigen, whereas pooled antiserum of rabbits immunized with CMV virion suspension gave a positive reaction with a small proportion of the cells. After the 48th hr, both the human and the rabbit serum pool reacted with the membrane of the infected cells. Absorption with cell cultured for 24 hr after CMV infection reduced the neutralization titres of the antisera only slightly but the titre reduction was considerable when absorption was performed with cells cultured for more than 48 hr after infection. It is concluded that on the membrane of cells productively infected by CMV at least two membrane antigens are present, one coded for by the DNA of the parent virus and another which is the product of the DNA of the virus progeny. The two antigens can be differentiated serologically.  相似文献   

The bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) genome replicates as a plasmid within the nuclei of BPV-1-transformed murine C127 cells at a constant multiple copy number, and spontaneous amplification of the viral DNA is rarely observed. We report here that a mutant BPV-1 plasmid within a contact-inhibited C127 cell line replicated as a stable multicopy plasmid in exponentially growing cells but amplified to a high level in confluent cell culture. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that most of the mutant viral DNA amplification occurred in a minor subpopulation of cells within the culture. These consisted of giant nondividing cells with greatly enlarged nuclei, a cell form which was specifically induced in stationary-phase cultures. These observations indicated that expression of a viral DNA replication factor was cell growth stage specific. Consistent with this hypothesis, considerable amplification of wild-type BPV-1 DNA associated with characteristic giant cell formation was observed in typical wild-type virus-transformed C127 cultures following a period of growth arrest achieved by serum deprivation. Further observations indicated that induction of the giant-cell phenotype was dependent on BPV-1 gene expression and implicated a viral E1 replication factor in this process. Moreover, heterogeneity in virus genome copy numbers within the giant-cell population suggested a complex regulation of induction of DNA synthesis in these cells. It appears that this process represents a mechanism employed by the virus to ensure maximal viral DNA synthesis within a growth-arrested cell. Fundamental questions concerning the integration of the virus-cell control circuitry in proliferating and resting cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The adenovirus type 12-specific mRNA and the stable nuclear RNA from productively infected KB cells, early postinfection, from abortively infected BHK-21 cells, and from the adenovirus type 12-transformed hamster lines T637 and HA12/7 have been mapped on the genome of adenovirus type 12. The intact separated heavy (H) and light (L) strands of adenovirus type 12 DNA have been used to determine the extent of complementarity of the mRNA or nuclear RNA from different cell lines to each of the strands. More precise map positions have been obtained by the use of the H and L complements of the fragments of adenovirus type 12 DNA which were produced with the EcoRI and BamHI restriction endonucleases. The results of the mapping experiments demonstrate that the mRNA's isolated early from productively and abortively infected and from two lines of transformed cells are derived from the same or similar regions of the adenovirus type 12 genome. The map positions on the adenovirus type 12 genome for the mRNA from the cell lines as indicated correspond to regions located approximately between 0 and 0.1 and 0.74 and 0.88 fractional length units on the L strand and to regions between 0.63 and 0.74 and 0.89 and 1.0 fractional length units on the H strand. The HA12/7 line lacks mRNA complementary to the region between 0.74 and 0.88 fractional length units on the L strand. Similar data are found for the nuclear RNA, except that the regions transcribed are more extensive than those observed in mRNA. The polarity of the H strand has its 3'-end on the right terminus in the EcoRI A fragment, and the L strand has its 3'-end on the left terminus in the EcoRI C fragment. Thus, the H strand is transcribed from right to left (1 = leftward strand); and the L strand is transcribed from left to right (r = rightward strand). The designations H and L refer to the relative heavy and light densities of the two strands in polyuridylic-polyguanylic acid-CsCl density gradients. The EcoRI C-H and D-H complements have been shown to be part of the intact L strand; thus, there is a "reversal in heaviness" on the left terminus of the viral DNA.  相似文献   

Expression of the poliovirus receptor (PVR) on cells is a major host determinant of infection by poliovirus. Previously, the only immune cell type known to express PVR was the blood-derived monocyte, which is susceptible to infection at very low frequency. We demonstrate that professional antigen-presenting cells-macrophages and dendritic cells, generated upon differentiation of monocytes-retain expression of PVR and are highly susceptible to infection by type 1 Mahoney strain of poliovirus. Maximal cell-associated titers of virus are obtained within 6 to 8 h postinfection, and cell death and lysis occurs within 24 h postinfection. Similar kinetics are observed in cells infected with the Sabin 1 vaccine strain. Although protein synthesis and receptor-mediated endocytosis are inhibited upon poliovirus infection of these critical antigen-presenting cells, we demonstrate for the first time that functional presentation of antigen occurs in these infected cells via the HLA class II pathway.  相似文献   

Polypeptides synthesized in cell cultures infected with high multiplicities of herpesvirus sylvilagus were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of [35S]methionine-labeled cell extracts. Initiation of polypeptide synthesis was detected by 6 h after infection. The maximum intensity of many [35S]methionine-labeled viral bands was observed at 45 h after infection. Production of detectable infectious virus began between 18 and 24 h and reached a plateau at 48 h after infection. Immunoprecipitation of cell extracts identified a minimum of 45 virus-induced polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from 230,000 to 27,000. The major polypeptide appeared to have a molecular weight of 150,000. The pattern of these extracts suggested that the synthesis of host polypeptides is stimulated during the first 12 h and thereafter reduced, but not completely inhibited, during the remaining course of infection.  相似文献   

Cell lines competent to infection by DNA from cultures chronically infected by type C viruses of the simian sarcoma virus and baboon endogenous virus groups were identified. Significant differences were observed in the relative susceptibility of some cell lines to infection by a given proviral DNA. Practical applications of transfection techniques for the separation of viruses from dually infected cultures and to free virus stocks from mycoplasmal contamination are described.  相似文献   

Mortal human fibroblasts can be partially transformed by the bovine papillomavirus E5 oncoprotein through activation of the platelet-derived growth factor beta receptor. Here, we report that these cells undergo massive apoptosis 2 weeks after confluence. Although activation of caspase 3 was observed in the apoptotic cells, it was not required for apoptosis. The appearance of the mitochondrial proteins cytochrome c and apoptosis-inducing factor in cytosolic and nuclear compartments, respectively, provided a basis for mitochondrial dysfunction and a caspase-independent mechanism of apoptosis in these cells. Although an activating conformational change in Bax also was evident in the apoptotic cells, enforced overexpression of Bcl-2 was insufficient to prevent apoptosis. Finally, a small peptide present in the conditioned medium from dying transformed cells appeared responsible for inducing apoptosis through affecting a conformational change in Bax and eventual relocalization of apoptosis-inducing factor to the nucleus. Thus, an atypical apoptotic pathway is activated in mortal human fibroblasts in response to transformation induced by sustained receptor tyrosine kinase activation.  相似文献   

We mapped polyoma virus-specific mRNAs isolated from productively infected mouse 3T6 cells on the viral genome by analyzing nuclease S1-resistant RNA-DNA hybrids. The polyoma early mRNAs, which code for the three T antigens, have several 5' ends near 73 map units (m.u.). During the late phase of infection an additional 5' end is found near 71 m.u. All of the major early mRNAs have common 3' ends at 26.01 m.u. There is a minor species of early mRNA with a 3' end at 99.05 m.u. There are two proximal and two distal splice junctions in the early region which are used to generate three different spliced early mRNAs. There are three late mRNAs encoding the three virion proteins, VP1, VP2, and VP3. The late mRNAs have common 3' ends at 25.34 m.u. The late mRNAs have heterogeneous 5' leader sequences derived from the region between 65.53 and 68.42 m.u. The leader sequences are joined to the bodies of the messages coding for VP2, VP3, and VP1 at 66.59, 59.62, and 48.57 m.u., respectively. These results confirm and extend previous analyses of the fine structure of polyoma mRNAs.  相似文献   

J R Cutt  T Shenk    P Hearing 《Journal of virology》1987,61(2):543-552
Peptide-specific antisera were developed to analyze the products encoded by adenovirus type 5 early region 4 (E4) open reading frames 6 and 7. Reading frame 6 previously was shown to encode a 34-kilodalton polypeptide (34K polypeptide) that forms a complex with the early region 1B (E1B)-55K antigen and is required for efficient viral growth in lytic infection. Antisera that were generated recognized the E4-34K protein as well as a family of related polypeptides generated by the fusion of open reading frames 6 and 7. These polypeptides shared amino-terminal sequences with the 34K protein. Short-pulse analysis suggested that the heterogeneity observed with the 6/7 fusion products resulted from differential splicing patterns of related E4 mRNAs. An antiserum directed against the amino terminus of reading frame 6 recognized only the free form of the 34K antigen that was not associated with the E1B-55K protein. This observation allowed the determination of the stability of the free and complexed form of this polypeptide. Pulse-chase analyses demonstrated that both forms of the 34K protein had half-lives greater than 24 h, suggesting that complex formation did not result in stabilization of this gene product. The half-lives of the 6/7 fusion products were approximately 4 h. The 34K protein also was shown to have a nuclear localization within infected cells. Finally, analysis of a mutant carrying deletions in both the E4-34K and E1B-55K polypeptides indicated that the complex formed between these two proteins was a functional unit in lytic infection.  相似文献   

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