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Hydropathy plot methods form a cornerstone of membrane protein research, especially in the early stages of biochemical and structural characterization. Membrane Protein Explorer (MPEx), described in this article, is a refined and versatile hydropathy‐plot software tool for analyzing membrane protein sequences. MPEx is highly interactive and facilitates the characterization and identification of favorable protein transmembrane regions using experiment‐based physical and biological hydrophobicity scales. Besides allowing the consequences of sequence mutations to be examined, it provides tools for aiding the design of membrane‐active peptides. MPEx is freely available as a Java Web Start application from our web site at http://blanco.biomol.uci.edu/mpex .  相似文献   

We have developed an empirical residue-based potential (E(z) potential) for protein insertion in lipid membranes. Propensities for occurrence as a function of depth in the bilayer were calculated for the individual amino acid types from their distribution in known structures of helical membrane proteins. The propensities were then fit to continuous curves and converted to a potential using a reverse-Boltzman relationship. The E(z) potential demonstrated a good correlation with experimental data such as amino acid transfer free energy scales (water to membrane center and water to interface), and it incorporates transmembrane helices of varying composition in the membrane with trends similar to those obtained with translocon-mediated insertion experiments. The potential has a variety of applications in the analysis of natural membrane proteins as well as in the design of new ones. It can help in calculating the propensity of single helices to insert in the bilayer and estimate their tilt angle with respect to the bilayer normal. It can be utilized to discriminate amphiphilic helices that assume a parallel orientation at the membrane interface, such as those of membrane-active peptides. In membrane protein design applications, the potential allows an environment-dependent selection of amino acid identities.  相似文献   

We report a comprehensive analysis of the numbers, lengths and amino acid compositions of transmembrane helices in 235 high-resolution structures of integral membrane proteins. The properties of 1551 transmembrane helices in the structures were compared with those obtained by analysis of the same amino acid sequences using topology prediction tools. Explanations for the 81 (5.2%) missing or additional transmembrane helices in the prediction results were identified. Main reasons for missing transmembrane helices were mis-identification of N-terminal signal peptides, breaks in α-helix conformation or charged residues in the middle of transmembrane helices and transmembrane helices with unusual amino acid composition. The main reason for additional transmembrane helices was mis-identification of amphipathic helices, extramembrane helices or hairpin re-entrant loops. Transmembrane helix length had an overall median of 24 residues and an average of 24.9 ± 7.0 residues and the most common length was 23 residues. The overall content of residues in transmembrane helices as a percentage of the full proteins had a median of 56.8% and an average of 55.7 ± 16.0%. Amino acid composition was analysed for the full proteins, transmembrane helices and extramembrane regions. Individual proteins or types of proteins with transmembrane helices containing extremes in contents of individual amino acids or combinations of amino acids with similar physicochemical properties were identified and linked to structure and/or function. In addition to overall median and average values, all results were analysed for proteins originating from different types of organism (prokaryotic, eukaryotic, viral) and for subgroups of receptors, channels, transporters and others.  相似文献   

In recent years, studies of the interactions of designed hydrophobic and amphipathic polypeptides with biological membranes have progressed considerably. In-plane and transmembrane helical domains have been engineered as well as sequences that exhibit dynamic distributions of different topologies. These sequences not only help our understanding of the thermodynamic interaction contributions that determine peptide orientation, but also exhibit interesting biological functions as autonomous units. In addition, helices are considered to be folding intermediates of multi-spanning membrane proteins. The specificity and thermodynamic stability of transmembrane helix-helix interactions or the assembly of beta sheets at the membrane surface have, therefore, become a focus of ongoing research.  相似文献   

We have performed a comparative analysis of amino acid distributions in predicted integral membrane proteins from a total of 107 genomes. A procedure for identification of membrane spanning helices was optimized on a homology-reduced data set of 170 multi-spanning membrane proteins with experimentally determined topologies. The optimized method was then used for extraction of highly reliable partial topologies from all predicted membrane proteins in each genome, and the average biases in amino acid distributions between loops on opposite sides of the membrane were calculated. The results strongly support the notion that a biased distribution of Lys and Arg residues between cytoplasmic and extra-cytoplasmic segments (the positive-inside rule) is present in most if not all organisms.  相似文献   

Park Y  Helms V 《Proteins》2006,64(4):895-905
The transmembrane (TM) domains of most membrane proteins consist of helix bundles. The seemingly simple task of TM helix bundle assembly has turned out to be extremely difficult. This is true even for simple TM helix bundle proteins, i.e., those that have the simple form of compact TM helix bundles. Herein, we present a computational method that is capable of generating native-like structural models for simple TM helix bundle proteins having modest numbers of TM helices based on sequence conservation patterns. Thus, the only requirement for our method is the presence of more than 30 homologous sequences for an accurate extraction of sequence conservation patterns. The prediction method first computes a number of representative well-packed conformations for each pair of contacting TM helices, and then a library of tertiary folds is generated by overlaying overlapping TM helices of the representative conformations. This library is scored using sequence conservation patterns, and a subsequent clustering analysis yields five final models. Assuming that neighboring TM helices in the sequence contact each other (but not that TM helices A and G contact each other), the method produced structural models of Calpha atom root-mean-square deviation (CA RMSD) of 3-5 A from corresponding crystal structures for bacteriorhodopsin, halorhodopsin, sensory rhodopsin II, and rhodopsin. In blind predictions, this type of contact knowledge is not available. Mimicking this, predictions were made for the rotor of the V-type Na(+)-adenosine triphosphatase without such knowledge. The CA RMSD between the best model and its crystal structure is only 3.4 A, and its contact accuracy reaches 55%. Furthermore, the model correctly identifies the binding pocket for sodium ion. These results demonstrate that the method can be readily applied to ab initio structure prediction of simple TM helix bundle proteins having modest numbers of TM helices.  相似文献   

Hydrophobicity analyses applied to databases of soluble and transmembrane (TM) proteins of known structure were used to resolve total genomic hydrophobicity profiles into (helical) TM sequences and mainly "subhydrophobic" soluble components. This information was used to define a refined "hydrophobicity"-type TM sequence prediction scale that should approach the theoretical limit of accuracy. The refinement procedure involved adjusting scale values to eliminate differences between the average amino acid composition of populations TM and soluble sequences of equal hydrophobicity, a required property of a scale having maximum accuracy. Application of this procedure to different hydrophobicity scales caused them to collapse to essentially a single TM tendency scale. As expected, when different scales were compared, the TM tendency scale was the most accurate at predicting TM sequences. It was especially highly correlated (r = 0.95) to the biological hydrophobicity scale, derived experimentally from the percent TM conformation formed by artificial sequences passing though the translocon. It was also found that resolution of total genomic sequence data into TM and soluble components could be used to define the percent probability that a sequence with a specific hydrophobicity value forms a TM segment. Application of the TM tendency scale to whole genomic data revealed an overlap of TM and soluble sequences in the "semihydrophobic" range. This raises the possibility that a significant number of proteins have sequences that can switch between TM and non-TM states. Such proteins may exist in moonlighting forms having properties very different from those of the predominant conformation.  相似文献   

The interpretation of the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of proteins to date requires additional secondary structural information of the proteins to be analyzed, such as X-ray or NMR data. Therefore, these methods are inappropriate for a CD database whose secondary structures are unknown, as in the case of the membrane proteins. The convex constraint analysis algorithm (Perczel, A., Hollósi, M., Tusnády, G., & Fasman, G. D., 1991, Protein Eng. 4, 669-679), on the other hand, operates only on a collection of spectral data to extract the common spectral components with their spectral weights. The linear combinations of these derived "pure" CD curves can reconstruct the original data set with great accuracy. For a membrane protein data set, the five-component spectra so obtained from the deconvolution consisted of two different types of alpha helices (the alpha helix in the soluble domain and the alpha T helix, for the transmembrane alpha helix), a beta-pleated sheet, a class C-like spectrum related to beta turns, and a spectrum correlated with the unordered conformation. The deconvoluted CD spectrum for the alpha T helix was characterized by a positive red-shifted band in the range 195-200 nm (+95,000 deg cm2 dmol-1), with the intensity of the negative band at 208 nm being slightly less negative than that of the 222-nm band (-50,000 and -60,000 deg cm2 dmol-1, respectively) in comparison with the regular alpha helix, with a positive band at 190 nm and two negative bands at 208 and 222 nm with magnitudes of +70,000, -30,000, and -30,000 deg cm2 dmol-1, respectively.  相似文献   

The agent responsible for the recent severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak is a previously unidentified coronavirus. While there is a wealth of epidemiological studies, little if any molecular characterization of SARS coronavirus (SCoV) proteins has been carried out. Here we describe the molecular characterization of SCoV E protein, a critical component of the virus responsible for virion envelope morphogenesis. We conclusively show that SCoV E protein contains an unusually short, palindromic transmembrane helical hairpin around a previously unidentified pseudo-center of symmetry, a structural feature which seems to be unique to SCoV. The hairpin deforms lipid bilayers by way of increasing their curvature, providing for the first time a molecular explanation of E protein's pivotal role in viral budding. The molecular understanding of this critical component of SCoV may represent the beginning of a concerted effort aimed at inhibiting its function, and consequently, viral infectivity.  相似文献   

Park Y  Helms V 《Biopolymers》2006,83(4):389-399
Given the difficulty in determining high-resolution structures of helical membrane proteins, sequence-based prediction methods can be useful in elucidating diverse physiological processes mediated by this important class of proteins. Predicting the angular orientations of transmembrane (TM) helices about the helix axes, based on the helix parameters from electron microscopy data, is a classical problem in this regard. This problem has triggered the development of a number of different empirical scales. Recently, sequence conservation patterns were also made use of for improved predictions. Empirical scales and sequence conservation patterns (collectively termed as "prediction scales") have also found frequent applications in other research areas of membrane proteins: for example, in structure modeling and in prediction of buried TM helices. This trend is expected to grow in the near future unless there are revolutionary developments in the experimental characterization of membrane proteins. Thus, it is timely and imperative to carry out a comprehensive benchmark test over the prediction scales proposed so far to determine their pros and cons. In the current analysis, we use exposure patterns of TM helices as a golden standard, because if one develops a prediction scale that correlates perfectly with exposure patterns of TM helices, it will enable one to predict buried residues (or buried faces) of TM helices with an accuracy of 100%. Our analysis reveals several important points. (1) It demonstrates that sequence conservation patterns are much more strongly correlated with exposure patterns of TM helices than empirical scales. (2) Scales that were specifically parameterized using structure data (structure-based scales) display stronger correlation than hydrophobicity-based scales, as expected. (3) A nonnegligible difference is observed among the structure-based scales in their correlational property, suggesting that not every learning algorithm is equally effective. (4) A straightforward framework of optimally combining sequence conservation patterns and empirical scales is proposed, which reveals that improvements gained from combining the two sources of information are not dramatic in almost all cases. In turn, this calls for the development of fundamentally different scales that capture the essentials of membrane protein folding for substantial improvements.  相似文献   

Low-resolution experiments suggest that most membrane helices span over 17-25 residues and that most loops between two helices are longer than 15 residues. Both constraints have been used explicitly in the development of prediction methods. Here, we compared the largest possible sequence-unique data sets from high- and low-resolution experiments. For the high-resolution data, we found that only half of the helices fall into the expected length interval and that half of the loops were shorter than 10 residues. We compared the accuracy of detecting short loops and long helices for 28 advanced and simple prediction methods: All methods predicted short loops less accurately than longer ones. In particular, loops shorter than 7 residues appeared to be very difficult to detect by current methods. Similarly, all methods tended to be more accurate for longer than for shorter helices. However, helices with more than 32 residues were predicted less accurately than all other helices. Our findings may suggest particular strategies for improving predictions of membrane helices.  相似文献   

The ability of hydrophilic residues to shift the transverse position of transmembrane (TM) helices within bilayers was studied in model membrane vesicles. Transverse shifts were detected by fluorescence measurements of the membrane depth of a Trp residue at the center of a hydrophobic sequence. They were also estimated from the effective length of the TM-spanning sequence, derived from the stability of the TM configuration under conditions of negative hydrophobic mismatch. Hydrophilic residues (at the fifth position in a 21-residue hydrophobic sequence composed of alternating Leu and Ala residues and flanked on both ends by two Lys) induced transverse shifts that moved the hydrophilic residue closer to the membrane surface. At pH 7, the dependence of the extent of shift upon the identity of the hydrophilic residue increased in the order: L < GYT < RH < S < P < K < EQ < N < D. By varying pH, shifts with ionizable residues fully charged or uncharged were measured, and the extent of shift increased in the order: L < GYHoT < EoR < S < P < K+< QDoH+ < NE < D. The dependence of transverse shifts upon hydrophilic residue identity was consistent with the hypothesis that shift magnitude is largely controlled by the combination of side chain hydrophilicity, ionization state, and ability to position polar groups near the bilayer surface (snorkeling). Additional experiments showed that shift was also modulated by the position of the hydrophilic residue in the sequence and the hydrophobicity of the sequence moved out of the bilayer core upon shifting. Combined, these studies show that the insertion boundaries of TM helices are very sensitive to sequence, and can be altered even by weakly hydrophilic residues. Thus, many TM helices may have the capacity to exist in more than one transverse position. Knowledge of the magnitudes of transverse shifts induced by different hydrophilic residues should be useful for design of mutagenesis studies measuring the effect of transverse TM helix position upon function.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the membrane-associated regions in the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump of erythrocytes has been performed by hydrophobic photolabeling. Purified Ca2+ pump was labeled with 3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl)-diazirine ([125I]TID), a generic photoactivatable hydrophobic probe. These results were compared with the enzyme labeled with a strictly membrane-bound probe, [3H]bis-phosphatidylethanolamine (trifluoromethyl) phenyldiazirine. A significant light-dependent labeling of an M(r) 135,000-140,000 peptide, corresponding to the full Ca2+ pump, was observed with both probes. After proteolysis of the pump labeled with each probe and isolation of fragments by SDS-PAGE, a common pattern of labeled peptides was observed. Similarly, labeling of the Ca2+ pump with [125I]TID, either in isolated red blood cell membranes or after the enzyme was purified, yields a similar pattern of labeled peptides. Taken together, these results validate the use of either probe to study the lipid interface of the membrane-embedded region of this protein, and sustain the notion that the conformation of the pump is maintained throughout the procedures of solubilization, affinity purification, and reconstitution into proteoliposomes. In this work, we put special emphasis on a detailed analysis of the N-terminal domain of the Ca2+ pump. A labeled peptide of M(r) 40,000 belonging to this region was purified and further digested with V8 protease. The specific incorporation of [125I]TID to proteolytic fragments pertaining to the amino-terminal region indicates the existence of two transmembrane stretches in this domain. A theoretical analysis based on the amino acid sequence 1-322 predicts two segments with high probability of membrane insertion, in agreement with the experimental data. Each segment shows a periodicity pattern of hydrophobicity and variability compatible with alpha-helical structure. These results strongly suggest the existence of a transmembrane helical hairpin motif near the N-terminus of the Ca2+ pump.  相似文献   

Cells have developed an incredible machinery to facilitate the insertion of membrane proteins into the membrane. While we have a fairly good understanding of the mechanism and determinants of membrane integration, more data is needed to understand the insertion of membrane proteins with more complex insertion and folding pathways. This review will focus on marginally hydrophobic transmembrane helices and their influence on membrane protein folding. These weakly hydrophobic transmembrane segments are by themselves not recognized by the translocon and therefore rely on local sequence context for membrane integration. How can such segments reside within the membrane? We will discuss this in the light of features found in the protein itself as well as the environment it resides in. Several characteristics in proteins have been described to influence the insertion of marginally hydrophobic helices. Additionally, the influence of biological membranes is significant. To begin with, the actual cost for having polar groups within the membrane may not be as high as expected; the presence of proteins in the membrane as well as characteristics of some amino acids may enable a transmembrane helix to harbor a charged residue. The lipid environment has also been shown to directly influence the topology as well as membrane boundaries of transmembrane helices—implying a dynamic relationship between membrane proteins and their environment.  相似文献   

Schaadt NS  Helms V 《Biopolymers》2012,97(7):558-567
Membrane transporters catalyze the transport of small solute molecules across biological barriers such as lipid bilayer membranes. As the experimental annotation of which proteins transport which substrates is incomplete it is highly desirable to develop computational methods that can assist in the classification and substrate annotation of putative membrane transport proteins. Here, we determined the similarity of membrane transporter sequences annotated in the Transport Classification Database (Saier et al., Nucleic Acids Res 2006, 34, D181-D186) and Arabidopsis thaliana membrane transporters annotated in the database Aramemnon (Schwacke et al., Plant Physiol 2003, 131, 16-26). The similarity measure was based on the amino acid composition either considering the full sequences or separately in the transmembrane (TM) and external parts of the sequences. We considered four different substrate sets and three different subfamilies and tried to classify the given proteins into these classes. Family or substrate prediction based on the simple amino acid frequency had an average accuracy of 76%. The differentiation between TM and non-TM regions led to an improved accuracy of 80% on average.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins carry out various biological functions while lacking ordered secondary and/or tertiary structure. In order to find general intrinsic properties of amino acid residues that are responsible for the absence of ordered structure in intrinsically disordered proteins we surveyed 517 amino acid scales. Each of these scales was taken as an independent attribute for the subsequent analysis. For a given attribute value X, which is averaged over a consecutive string of amino acids, and for a given data set having both ordered and disordered segments, the conditional probabilities P(s(o) | x) and P(s(d) | x) for order and disorder, respectively, can be determined for all possible values of X. Plots of the conditional probabilities P(s(o) | x) and P(s(o) | x) versus X give a pair of curves. The area between these two curves divided by the total area of the graph gives the area ratio value (ARV), which is proportional to the degree of separation of the two probability curves and, therefore, provides a measure of the given attribute's power to discriminate between order and disorder. As ARV falls between zero and one, larger ARV corresponds to the better discrimination between order and disorder. Starting from the scale with the highest ARV, we applied a simulated annealing procedure to search for alternative scale values and have managed to increase the ARV by more than 10%. The ranking of the amino acids in this new TOP-IDP scale is as follows (from order promoting to disorder promoting): W, F, Y, I, M, L, V, N, C, T, A, G, R, D, H, Q, K, S, E, P. A web-based server has been created to apply the TOP-IDP scale to predict intrinsically disordered proteins (http://www.disprot.org/dev/disindex.php).  相似文献   

A new computer-aided molecular modeling approach based on the concept of three-dimensional (3D) molecular hydrophobicity potential has been developed to calculate the spatial organization of intramembrane domains in proteins. The method has been tested by calculating the arrangement of membrane-spanning segments in the photoreaction center ofRhodopseudomonas viridis and comparing the results obtained with those derived from the X-ray data. We have applied this computational procedure to the analysis of interhelical packing in membrane moiety of Na+, K+-ATPase. The work consists of three parts. In Part I, 3D distributions of electrostatic and molecular hydrophobicity potentials on the surfaces of transmembrane helical peptides were computed and visualized. The hydrophobic and electrostatic properties of helices are discussed from the point of view of their possible arrangement within the protein molecule. Interlocation of helical segments connected with short extramembrane loops found by means of optimization of their hydrophobic/hydrophilic contacts is considered in Part II. The most probable 3D model of packing of helical peptides in the membrane domain of Na+, K+-ATPase is discussed in the final part of the work.  相似文献   

Application of SVM to predict membrane protein types   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
As a continuous effort to develop automated methods for predicting membrane protein types that was initiated by Chou and Elrod (PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 1999, 34, 137-153), the support vector machine (SVM) is introduced. Results obtained through re-substitution, jackknife, and independent data set tests, respectively, have indicated that the SVM approach is quite a promising one, suggesting that the covariant discriminant algorithm (Chou and Elrod, Protein Eng. 12 (1999) 107) and SVM, if effectively complemented with each other, will become a powerful tool for predicting membrane protein types and the other protein attributes as well.  相似文献   

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