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Murine antibody 1D4 selectively catalyzes a highly disfavored beta-elimination reaction. Crystal structures of unliganded 1D4 and 1D4 in complex with a transition-state analog (TSA) have elucidated a possible general base mode of catalysis. The structures of the unliganded and liganded Fabs were determined to 1.80 and 1.85 A resolution, respectively. The structure of the complex reveals a binding pocket with high shape complementarity to the TSA, which is recruited to coerce the substrate into the sterically demanding, eclipsed conformation that is required for catalysis. A histidine residue and two water molecules are likely involved in the catalysis. The structure supports either a concerted E2 or stepwise E1cB-like mechanism for elimination. Finally, the liganded 1D4 structure shows minor conformational rearrangements in CDR H2, indicative of induced-fit binding of the hapten. 1D4 has pushed the boundaries of antibody-mediated catalysis into the realm of disfavored reactions and, hence, represents an important milestone in the development of this technology.  相似文献   

Antibody 4C6 efficiently catalyzes a cationic cyclization reaction. Crystal structures of the antibody 4C6 Fab in complex with benzoic acid and in complex with its eliciting hapten were determined to 1.30A and 2.45A resolution, respectively. These crystal structures, together with computational analysis, have elucidated a possible mechanism for the monocyclization reaction. The hapten complex revealed a combining site pocket with high shape complementarity to the hapten. This active site cleft is dominated by aromatic residues that shield the highly reactive carbocation intermediates from solvent and stabilize the carbocation intermediates through cation-pi interactions. Modeling of an acyclic olefinic sulfonate ester substrate and the transition state (TS) structures shows that the chair-like transition state is favored, and trapping by water directly produces trans-2-(dimethylphenylsilyl)-cyclohexanol, whereas the less favored boat-like transition state leads to cyclohexene. The only significant change observed upon hapten binding is a side-chain rotation of Trp(L89), which reorients to form the base of the combining site. Intriguingly, a benzoic acid molecule was sequestered in the combining site of the unliganded antibody. The 4C6 active site was compared to that observed in a previously reported tandem cyclization antibody 19A4 hapten complex. These cationic cyclization antibodies exhibit convergent structural features with terpenoid cyclases that appear to be important for catalysis.  相似文献   

Mevalonate diphosphate decarboxylase (MDD) catalyzes the final step of the mevalonate pathway, the Mg(2+)-ATP dependent decarboxylation of mevalonate 5-diphosphate (MVAPP), producing isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP). Synthesis of IPP, an isoprenoid precursor molecule that is a critical intermediate in peptidoglycan and polyisoprenoid biosynthesis, is essential in Gram-positive bacteria (e.g., Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Enterococcus spp.), and thus the enzymes of the mevalonate pathway are ideal antimicrobial targets. MDD belongs to the GHMP superfamily of metabolite kinases that have been extensively studied for the past 50 years, yet the crystallization of GHMP kinase ternary complexes has proven to be difficult. To further our understanding of the catalytic mechanism of GHMP kinases with the purpose of developing broad spectrum antimicrobial agents that target the substrate and nucleotide binding sites, we report the crystal structures of wild-type and mutant (S192A and D283A) ternary complexes of Staphylococcus epidermidis MDD. Comparison of apo, MVAPP-bound, and ternary complex wild-type MDD provides structural information about the mode of substrate binding and the catalytic mechanism. Structural characterization of ternary complexes of catalytically deficient MDD S192A and D283A (k(cat) decreased 10(3)- and 10(5)-fold, respectively) provides insight into MDD function. The carboxylate side chain of invariant Asp(283) functions as a catalytic base and is essential for the proper orientation of the MVAPP C3-hydroxyl group within the active site funnel. Several MDD amino acids within the conserved phosphate binding loop ("P-loop") provide key interactions, stabilizing the nucleotide triphosphoryl moiety. The crystal structures presented here provide a useful foundation for structure-based drug design.  相似文献   

Onconase® (ONC) is a homolog of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) from the frog Rana pipiens. ONC displays antitumoral activity and is in advanced clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. Here, we report the first atomic structures of ONC-nucleic acid complexes: a T89N/E91A ONC-5′-AMP complex at 1.65 Å resolution and a wild-type ONC-d(AUGA) complex at 1.90 Å resolution. The latter structure and site-directed mutagenesis were used to reveal the atomic basis for substrate recognition and turnover by ONC. The residues in ONC that are proximal to the scissile phosphodiester bond (His10, Lys31, and His97) and uracil nucleobase (Thr35, Asp67, and Phe98) are conserved from RNase A and serve to generate a similar bell-shaped pH versus kcat/KM profile for RNA cleavage. Glu91 of ONC forms two hydrogen bonds with the guanine nucleobase in d(AUGA), and Thr89 is in close proximity to that nucleobase. Installing a neutral or cationic residue at position 91 or an asparagine residue at position 89 virtually eliminated the 102-fold guanine:adenine preference of ONC. A variant that combined such substitutions, T89N/E91A ONC, actually preferred adenine over guanine. In contrast, installing an arginine residue at position 91 increased the guanine preference and afforded an ONC variant with the highest known kcat/KM value. These data indicate that ONC discriminates between guanine and adenine by using Coulombic interactions and a network of hydrogen bonds. The structure of the ONC-d(AUGA) complex was also used to probe other aspects of catalysis. For example, the T5R substitution, designed to create a favorable Coulombic interaction between ONC and a phosphoryl group in RNA, increased ribonucleolytic activity by twofold. No variant, however, was more toxic to human cancer cells than wild-type ONC. Together, these findings provide a cynosure for understanding catalysis of RNA cleavage in a system of high medicinal relevance.  相似文献   

The membrane-water interface forms a uniquely heterogeneous and geometrically constrained environment for enzymatic catalysis. Integral membrane enzymes sample three environments – the uniformly hydrophobic interior of the membrane, the aqueous extramembrane region, and the fuzzy, amphipathic interfacial region formed by the tightly packed headgroups of the components of the lipid bilayer. Depending on the nature of the substrates and the location of the site of chemical modification, catalysis may occur in each of these environments. The availability of structural information for alpha-helical enzyme families from each of these classes, as well as several beta-barrel enzymes from the bacterial outer membrane, has allowed us to review here the different ways in which each enzyme fold has adapted to the nature of the substrates, products, and the unique environment of the membrane. Our focus here is on enzymes that process lipidic substrates. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Bacterial Lipids edited by Russell E. Bishop.  相似文献   

In the postantibiotic era, available treatment options for severe bacterial infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus have become limited. Therefore, new and innovative approaches are needed to combat such life-threatening infections. Virulence factor expression in S. aureus is regulated in a cell density-dependent manner using “quorum sensing,” which involves generation and secretion of autoinducing peptides (AIPs) into the surrounding environment to activate a bacterial sensor kinase at a particular threshold concentration. Mouse monoclonal antibody AP4-24H11 was shown previously to blunt quorum sensing-mediated changes in gene expression in vitro and protect mice from a lethal dose of S. aureus by sequestering the AIP signal. We have elucidated the crystal structure of the AP4-24H11 Fab in complex with AIP-4 at 2.5 Å resolution to determine its mechanism of ligand recognition. A key GluH95 provides much of the binding specificity through formation of hydrogen bonds with each of the four amide nitrogens in the AIP-4 macrocyclic ring. Importantly, these structural data give clues as to the interactions between the cognate staphylococcal AIP receptors AgrC and the AIPs, as AP4-24H11·AIP-4 binding recapitulates features that have been proposed for AgrC-AIP recognition. Additionally, these structural insights may enable the engineering of AIP cross-reactive antibodies or quorum quenching vaccines for use in active or passive immunotherapy for prevention or treatment of S. aureus infections.  相似文献   

The structural determinant underlying the species specificity of a monoclonal anti-fibrin antibody (59D8) is the leucyl residue at position 5 in beta-chains of human fibrin. Anti-fibrin antibody 59D8 which had been elicited by immunization with human beta(1-7) peptide, Gly-His-Arg-Pro-Leu-Asp-Lys, binds to human and canine fibrins but not to bovine, ovine, or porcine fibrins. A comparison of the available amino acid sequence data suggested that the ability of anti-fibrin antibody 59D8 to discriminate among various fibrin beta-chains might be due to the amino acid at position 5. This was confirmed by competitive inhibition studies using synthetic fibrin-like peptides and determination of the amino acid sequences of the N-termini of ovine and porcine fibrin beta-chains. Edman degradation employing o-phthalaldehyde blocking permitted use of fibrin monomer rather than its separated constituent polypeptide chains. The same sequencing strategy was used to obtain partial sequence data for the alpha-chains of bovine, ovine, and porcine fibrin.  相似文献   

Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy is caused by small alanine expansions in polyadenylate binding protein nuclear 1 (PABPN1) protein resulting in its intranuclear accumulation in skeletal muscle. 3F5 llama antibody specifically interferes with the PABPN1 aggregation process in vitro and in vivo. To understand the structural basis for its epitope recognition we mapped the binding interface of 3F5 with PABPN1 and provide a structural model of the 3F5-PABPN1 complex. We show that 3F5 complementarity determining regions create a cavity in which PABPN1 α-helix domain resides by involving critical residues previously implicated in the aggregation process. These results may increase our understanding of the PABPN1 aggregation mechanism and the therapeutic potential of 3F5.  相似文献   

Peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase (Pth) cleaves the ester bond between the peptide and the tRNA of peptidyl-tRNA molecules, which are produced by aborted translation, to recycle tRNA for further rounds of protein synthesis. Pth is ubiquitous in nature, and its enzymatic activity is essential for bacterial viability. We have determined the crystal structure of Escherichia coli Pth in complex with the tRNA CCA-acceptor-TΨC domain, the enzyme-binding region of the tRNA moiety of the substrate, at 2.4 Å resolution. In combination with site-directed mutagenesis studies, the structure identified the amino acid residues involved in tRNA recognition. The structure also revealed that Pth interacts with the tRNA moiety through the backbone phosphates and riboses, and no base-specific interactions were observed, except for the interaction with the highly conserved base G53. This feature enables Pth to accept the diverse sequences of the elongator-tRNAs as substrate components. Furthermore, we propose an authentic Pth:peptidyl-tRNA complex model and a detailed mechanism for the hydrolysis reaction, based on the present crystal structure and the previous studies’ results.  相似文献   

Krishna SS  Zhou T  Daugherty M  Osterman A  Zhang H 《Biochemistry》2001,40(36):10810-10818
Homoserine kinase (HSK), the fourth enzyme in the aspartate pathway of amino acid biosynthesis, catalyzes the phosphorylation of L-homoserine (Hse) to L-homoserine phosphate, an intermediate in the production of L-threonine, L-isoleucine, and in higher plants, L-methionine. The high-resolution structures of Methanococcus jannaschii HSK ternary complexes with its amino acid substrate and ATP analogues have been determined by X-ray crystallography. These structures reveal the structural determinants of the tight and highly specific binding of Hse, which is coupled with local conformational changes that enforce the sequestration of the substrate. The delta-hydroxyl group of bound Hse is only 3.4 A away from the gamma-phosphate of the bound nucleotide, poised for the in-line attack at the gamma-phosphorus. The bound nucleotides are flexible at the triphosphate tail. Nevertheless, a Mg(2+) was located in one of the complexes that binds between the beta- and gamma-phosphates of the nucleotide with good ligand geometry and is coordinated by the side chain of Glu130. No strong nucleophile (base) can be located near the phosphoryl acceptor hydroxyl group. Therefore, we propose that the catalytic mechanism of HSK does not involve a catalytic base for activating the phosphoryl acceptor hydroxyl but instead is mediated via a transition state stabilization mechanism.  相似文献   

Highlights? 1.1/1.37 Å polysaccharide monooxygenases structures have active-site dioxygen species ? The structures reveal a large variance in substrate binding surfaces ? Proposed electron transport pathways in polysaccharide monooxygenases are conserved ? Polysaccharide monooxygenases and CBM33 enzymes likely bind substrates differently  相似文献   

The thermodynamic quantities of the anti-dinitrophenyl antibody-hapten interaction are reported for rabbit, goat, and guinea pig antibodies. Rabbit and goat antibodies had similar exothermic enthalpy changes for their reaction with 2,4-dinitrophenyl-L-lysine (-13.9 and -14.8 kcal/mol, respectively). The enthalpy change with guinea pig antibody was much less exothermic (-8.7 kcal/mol), and this value was the same for two guinea pig antibody preparations that differed in affinity by almost two orders of magnitude. A heterogeneous goat anti-dinitrophenyl antibody preparation was fractionated on a molecular sieve column in the presence of a bivalent ligand, a procedure that has been reported to separate antibodies according to differences in the depth of interaction with the ligand. The relationship of these differences in apparent site depth to changes in interactions with the hapten tail was examined by comparing the affinities of various fractions for two haptens. The results show that the presumed deeper sites have stronger interactions with the hapten tail. These studies suggest that the heterogeneity of anti-dinitrophenyl antibodies with respect to affinity results from differences in entropy driven lysyl side-chain interactions which arise from a heterogeneity in antigen binding site depth.  相似文献   

Levan is β-2,6-linked polymeric fructose and serves as reserve carbohydrate in some plants and microorganisms. Mobilization of fructose is usually mediated by enzymes such as glycoside hydrolase (GH), typically releasing a monosaccharide as a product. The enzyme levan fructotransferase (LFTase) of the GH32 family catalyzes an intramolecular fructosyl transfer reaction and results in production of cyclic difructose dianhydride, thus exhibiting a novel substrate specificity. The mechanism by which LFTase carries out these functions via the structural fold conserved in the GH32 family is unknown. Here, we report the crystal structure of LFTase from Arthrobacter ureafaciens in apo form, as well as in complexes with sucrose and levanbiose, a difructosacchride with a β-2,6-glycosidic linkage. Despite the similarity of its two-domain structure to members of the GH32 family, LFTase contains an active site that accommodates a difructosaccharide using the -1 and -2 subsites. This feature is unique among GH32 proteins and is facilitated by small side chain residues in the loop region of a catalytic β-propeller N-domain, which is conserved in the LFTase family. An additional oligosaccharide-binding site was also characterized in the β-sandwich C-domain, supporting its role in carbohydrate recognition. Together with functional analysis, our data provide a molecular basis for the catalytic mechanism of LFTase and suggest functional variations from other GH32 family proteins, notwithstanding the conserved structural elements.  相似文献   

UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylases (UGPase; EC catalyze the conversion of UTP and glucose-1-phosphate to UDP-glucose and pyrophosphate and vice versa. Prokaryotic UGPases are distinct from their eukaryotic counterparts and are considered appropriate targets for the development of novel antibacterial agents since their product, UDP-glucose, is indispensable for the biosynthesis of virulence factors such as lipopolysaccharides and capsular polysaccharides. In this study, the crystal structures of UGPase from Helicobacter pylori (HpUGPase) were determined in apo- and UDP-glucose/Mg2+-bound forms at 2.9 Å and 2.3 Å resolutions, respectively. HpUGPase is a homotetramer and its active site is located in a deep pocket of each subunit. Magnesium ion is coordinated by Asp130, two oxygen atoms of phosphoryl groups, and three water molecules with octahedral geometry. Isothermal titration calorimetry analyses demonstrated that Mg2+ ion plays a key role in the enzymatic activity of UGPase by enhancing the binding of UGPase to UTP or UDP-glucose, suggesting that this reaction is catalyzed by an ordered sequential Bi Bi mechanism. Furthermore, the crystal structure explains the specificity for uracil bases. The current structural study combined with functional analyses provides essential information for understanding the reaction mechanism of bacterial UGPases, as well as a platform for the development of novel antibacterial agents.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E virus (HEV), a non-enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus, is a major cause of enteric hepatitis. Classified into the family Hepeviridae, HEV comprises four genotypes (genotypes 1-4), which belong to a single serotype. We describe a monoclonal antibody (mAb), 8G12, which equally recognizes all four genotypes of HEV, with ∼2.53–3.45 nM binding affinity. The mAb 8G12 has a protective, neutralizing capacity, which can significantly block virus infection in host cells. Animal studies with genotypes 1, 3 and 4 confirmed the cross-genotype neutralizing capacity of 8G12 and its effective prevention of hepatitis E disease. The complex crystal structures of 8G12 with the HEV E2s domain (the most protruded region of the virus capsid) of the abundant genotypes 1 and 4 were determined at 4.0 and 2.3 Å resolution, respectively. These structures revealed that 8G12 recognizes both genotypes through the epitopes in the E2s dimerization region. Structure-based mutagenesis and cell-model assays with virus-like particles identified several conserved residues (Glu549, Lys554 and Gly591) that are essential for 8G12 neutralization. Moreover, the epitope of 8G12 is identified as a key epitope involved in virus-host interactions. These findings will help develop a common strategy for the prevention of the most abundant form of HEV infection.  相似文献   

Four isozymes of pyruvate kinase are differentially expressed in human tissue. Human pyruvate kinase isozyme M2 (hPKM2) is expressed in early fetal tissues and is progressively replaced by the other three isozymes, M1, R, and L, immediately after birth. In most cancer cells, hPKM2 is once again expressed to promote tumor cell proliferation. Because of its almost ubiquitous presence in cancer cells, hPKM2 has been designated as tumor specific PK-M2, and its presence in human plasma is currently being used as a molecular marker for the diagnosis of various cancers. The X-ray structure of human hPKM2 complexed with Mg(2+), K(+), the inhibitor oxalate, and the allosteric activator fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) has been determined to a resolution of 2.82 A. The active site of hPKM2 is in a partially closed conformation most likely resulting from a ligand-induced domain closure promoted by the binding of FBP. In all four subunits of the enzyme tetramer, a conserved water molecule is observed on the 2-si face of the prospective enolate and supports the hypothesis that a proton-relay system is acting as the proton donor of the reaction (1). Significant structural differences among the human M2, rabbit muscle M1, and the human R isozymes are observed, especially in the orientation of the FBP-activating loop, which is in a closed conformation when FBP is bound. The structural differences observed between the PK isozymes could potentially be exploited as unique structural templates for the design of allosteric drugs against the disease states associated with the various PK isozymes, especially cancer and nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia.  相似文献   

Among catalytic antibodies, the well-characterized antibody 43C9 is unique in its ability to catalyze the difficult, but desirable, reaction of selective amide hydrolysis. The crystallographic structures that we present here for the single-chain variable fragment of the 43C9 antibody, both with and without the bound product p -nitrophenol, strongly support and extend the structural and mechanistic information previously provided by a three-dimensional computational model, together with extensive biochemical, kinetics, and mutagenesis results. The structures reveal an unexpected extended beta-sheet conformation of the third complementarity determining region of the heavy chain, which may be coupled to the novel indole ring orientation of the adjacent Trp H103. This unusual conformation creates an antigen-binding site that is significantly deeper than predicted in the computational model, with a hydrophobic pocket that encloses the p -nitrophenol product. Despite these differences, the previously proposed roles for Arg L96 in transition-state stabilization and for His L91 as the nucleophile that forms a covalent acyl-antibody intermediate are fully supported by the crystallographic structures. His L91 is now centered at the bottom of the antigen-binding site with the imidazole ring poised for nucleophilic attack. His L91, Arg L96, and the bound p -nitrophenol are linked into a hydrogen-bonding network by two well-ordered water molecules. These water molecules may mimic the positions of the phosphonamidate oxygen atoms of the antigen, which in turn mimic the transition state of the reaction. This network also contains His H35, suggesting that this residue may also stabilize the transition-states. A possible proton-transfer pathway from His L91 through two tyrosine residues may assist nucleophilic attack. Although transition-state stabilization is commonly observed in esterolytic antibodies, nucleophilic attack appears to be unique to 43C9 and accounts for the unusually high catalytic activity of this antibody.  相似文献   

A series of human autoantibodies against thyroglobulin (Tg) which exhibit different specificities for iodothyronines were studied. The ability of a thyroxine (T4)-containing peptide (T4P) isolated from human thyroglobulin (Tg) to displace [125I]T3 from human T3-specific autoantisera was 11-50 times greater than that of T4 alone. These antisera therefore strongly recognize amino acids adjacent to T4 in the Tg structure. This was confirmed when a Tg preparation (Tg[0.05]) containing an average of only 0.05 of a T4 residue/molecule and much less T3 had good cross-reactivities with these antisera. Cross-reactivities of other Tg preparations with different T4 contents increased only slowly with increase of T4 content up to a mean of 6.6 residues/molecule and were not proportional to T3 content. In contrast, cross-reactivities with a human T4-specific autoantiserum were strongly dependent on T4 content. Tg[0.05] was 500 times less reactive than T4P and 615 times less than T4. Cross-reactivities rose rapidly as the T4 content of Tg preparations increased from a mean of 0.05 to approx. 1-2 residues/molecule. Thyroxine is therefore a dominant feature of the antigenic site for this antiserum. There was little further increase in cross-reactivities for those Tg preparations containing up to an average of 6.6 residues T4 per molecule, confirming previous conclusions that all T4-containing sites are not immunologically identical and that autoantibodies exhibit a preference for particular sites on Tg. Similar conclusions were reached for a non-specific iodothyronine-binding antiserum. These results indicate that iodothyronine specificity in human autoantisera is not necessarily determined by the iodothyronine present in the immunogenic area, but by the precise site selected by the immune response. T4- or non-specific antibodies have thyroxine as a dominant feature of the antigenic site. T3- specific antibodies have the thyroxine residue as a peripheral feature of the binding site, and it is not necessary to postulate that T3 was part of the immunogen or is required in the epitope. These antisera may have value in mapping the hormonogenic regions in Tg from human and other species.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic reaction center (RC) is the first membrane protein whose three-dimensional structure was revealed at the atomic level by X-ray crystallograph more than fifteen years ago. Structural information about RC made a great contribution to the understanding of the reaction mechanism of the complicated membrane protein complex. High-resolution structures of RCs from three photosynthetic bacteria are now available, namely, those from two mesophilic purple non-sulfur bacteria, Blastochloris viridis and Rhodobacter sphaeroides, and that from a thermophilic purple sulfur bacterium, Thermochromatium tepidum. In addition, a variety of structural studies, mainly by X-ray crystallography, are still being performed to give more detailed insight into the reaction mechanism of this membrane protein. This review deals with structural studies of bacterial RC complexes, and a discussion about the electron transfer reaction between RCs and electron donors is the main focus out of several topics addressed by these structural studies. The structural data from three RCs and their electron donors provided reliable models for molecular recognition in the primary step of bacterial photosynthesis.  相似文献   

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