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In this paper, we describe domain-general auditory processes that we believe are prerequisite to the linguistic analysis of speech. We discuss biological evidence for these processes and how they might relate to processes that are specific to human speech and language. We begin with a brief review of (i) the anatomy of the auditory system and (ii) the essential properties of speech sounds. Section 4 describes the general auditory mechanisms that we believe are applied to all communication sounds, and how functional neuroimaging is being used to map the brain networks associated with domain-general auditory processing. Section 5 discusses recent neuroimaging studies that explore where such general processes give way to those that are specific to human speech and language.  相似文献   

Peripheral inflammation or nerve damage result in changes in nervous system function, and may be a source of chronic pain. A number of animal studies have indicated that central neural plasticity, including sensitization of neurons within the spinal cord and brain, is part of the response to nervous system insult, and can result in the appearance of altered sensation, including pain. It cannot be assumed, however, that data obtained from animal models unambiguously reflects CNS changes that occur in humans. Currently, the only noninvasive approach to determining objective changes in neural processing and responsiveness within the CNS in humans is the use of functional imaging techniques. It is now possible to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure CNS activation in the trigeminal ganglion, spinal trigeminal nucleus, the thalamus, and the somatosensory cortex in healthy volunteers, in a surrogate model of hyperalgesia, and in patients with trigeminal pain. By offering a window into the temporal and functional changes that occur in the damaged nervous system in humans, fMRI can provide both insight into the mechanisms of normal and pathological pain and, potentially, an objective method for measuring altered sensation. These advances are likely to contribute greatly to the diagnosis and treatment of clinical pain conditions affecting the trigeminal system (e.g., neuropathic pain, migraine).  相似文献   

The author discusses a group of 21 children (15 boys and % girls aged between 4 and 16 years) with diagnosed syndrome of the functional megacolon. Possible causes of the chronic constipation which could lead to the functional megacolon have been analysed. The treatment--preceded by the detailed analysis of anamnesis and laboratory tests (rectoscopy and contrast medium enema)--included: enemas washing out the colon, emollient and laxative agents, fiber-rich diet, and instructions on the proper defecation. Excellent therapeutical results seem to result from the detailed explanation of causes of the functional megacolon. It has enabled to avoid surgical treatment which should be carried out in these cases in which long-term conservative treatment failed.  相似文献   

Liu C  Tang H  Luo YJ  Mai X 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e19373
Numerical information can be conveyed by either symbolic or nonsymbolic representation. Some symbolic numerals can also be identified as nonsymbolic quantities defined by the number of lines (e.g., I, II, III in Roman and -, =, ≡ in Japanese Kanji and Chinese). Here we report that such multi-representation of magnitude can facilitate the processing of these numerals under certain circumstances. In a magnitude comparison task judging 1 to 9 (except 5) Chinese and Arabic numerals presented at the foveal (at the center) or parafoveal (3° left or right of the center) location, multi-representational small-value Chinese numerals showed a processing advantage over single-representational Arabic numerals and large-value Chinese numerals only in the parafoveal condition, demonstrated by lower error rates and faster reaction times. Further event-related potential (ERP) analysis showed that such a processing advantage was not reflected by traditional ERP components identified in previous studies of number processing, such as N1 or P2p. Instead, the difference was found much later in a N400 component between 300-550 msec over parietal regions, suggesting that those behavioral differences may not be due to early processing of visual identification, but later processing of subitizing or accessing mental number line when lacking attentional resources. These results suggest that there could be three stages of number processing represented separately by the N1, P2p and N400 ERP components. In addition, numerical information can be represented simultaneously by both symbolic and nonsymbolic systems, which will facilitate number processing in certain situations.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that prenatal testosterone affects the 2D:4D finger ratio in humans, and it has been speculated that prenatal testosterone also affects gender identity differentiation. If both things are true, then one would expect to find an association between the 2D:4D ratio and gender identity. We measured 2D:4D in two samples of patients with gender identity disorder (GID). In Study 1, we compared the 2D:4D ratios of 96 adult male and 51 female patients with GID to that of 90 heterosexual male and 112 heterosexual female controls. In Study 2, we compared the 2D:4D ratios of 67 boys and 34 girls with GID to that of 74 control boys and 72 control girls. In the sample of adults with GID, we classified their sexual orientation as either homosexual or non-homosexual (in relation to their birth sex) to examine whether or not there were any within-group differences as a function of sexual orientation. In the sample of adult men with GID (both homosexual and non-homosexual) and children with GID, we found no evidence of an altered 2D:4D ratio relative to same-sex controls. However, women with GID had a significantly more masculinized ratio compared to the control women. This last finding was consistent with the prediction that a variance in prenatal hormone exposure contributes to a departure from a sex-typical gender identity in women.  相似文献   

Uncovering the relationships between animal behavior and cellular activity in the brain has been one of the key aims of neuroscience research for decades, and still remains so. Electrophysiological approaches have enabled sparse sampling from electrically excitable cells in freely moving animals that has led to the identification of important phenomena such as place, grid and head-direction cells. Optical imaging in combination with newly developed labeling approaches now allows minimally invasive and comprehensive sampling from dense networks of electrically and chemically excitable cells such as neurons and glia during self-determined behavior. To achieve this two main imaging avenues have been followed: Optical recordings in head-restrained, mobile animals and miniature microscope-bearing freely moving animals. Here we review progress made toward functional cellular imaging in freely moving rodents, focusing on developments over the past few years. We discuss related challenges and biological applications.  相似文献   

We present a technique for the investigation of mucociliary phenomena on trachea explants under conditions resembling those in the respiratory tract. Using an enhanced reflection contrast, we detect simultaneously the wave-like modulation of the mucus surface by the underlying ciliary activity and the transport of particles embedded in the mucus layer. Digital recordings taken at a speed of 500 frames per second are analyzed by a set of refined data processing algorithms. The simultaneously extracted data include not only ciliary beat frequency and its surface distribution, but also space-time structure of the mucociliary wave field, wave velocity and mucus transport velocity. Furthermore, we propose the analysis of the space and time evolution of the phase of the mucociliary oscillations to be the most direct way to visualize the coordination of the cilia. In particular, this analysis indicates that the synchronization is restricted to patches with varying directions of wave propagation, but the transport direction is strongly correlated with the mean direction of waves. The capabilities of the technique and of the data-processing algorithms are documented by characteristic data obtained from mammalian and avine tracheae.  相似文献   

This review describes functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the intravital noninvasive dynamic study of the active zones of cerebral structures at the time of their activity, fMR is based on the difference in magnetic properties of oxyhemoglobin--the oxygen carrier, and deoxyhemoglobin--a product produced in the areas of oxygen consumption, the brain parenchyma. This ratio is reflected as the physical phenomenon BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependent) that is a marker of neuronal activity. fMRI has good spatial resolution and the possibility of multiple repetitions of the research. This allows the 3D reconstruction of the sequence of formation and intracerebral "geometry" (stereometry) of newly formed neural ensembles (NE) and/or realization of potentially pre-existing NE. fMRI is an optimal tool for neuronal activity mapping, or more accurate, for functional state of the NE in the reconstruction of neural networks; it should be regarded as the technology for studying the brain of humans and animals, both in terms of natural life activity, and in pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Soy and their isoflavones (IFLs) are believed to protect against breast cancer, particularly when exposure occurs during childhood. Little is known about the bioavailability of IFLs in children and how this is affected by oral antibiotics (OABX). We measured IFLs by LC/MS and found that the urinary IFL excretion rate (UIER) reflects circulating IFLs accurately when area-under-curve (AUC) and identical time intervals are used (r = 0.93; p < 0.001). UIER in children and adults was determined when healthy and when on OABX by collecting urine in pairs of baseline and overnight specimen before and after consuming soy nuts, respectively. Compared to when healthy, children on OABX showed significantly decreased UIER but adults on OABX showed increased UIER (p < 0.05). All 37 healthy children showed significantly higher UIERs compared to all 34 healthy adults. UIER is an adequate surrogate for determining IFL bioavailability and for measuring soy or IFL exposure in epidemiologic and other studies.  相似文献   



Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a rare disease, characterized by excessive intra-alveolar accumulation of surfactant lipids and proteins. Therapeutic whole lung lavages are currently the principle therapeutic option in adults. Not much is known on the kinetics of the wash out process, especially in children.


In 4 pediatric and 6 adult PAP patients 45 therapeutic half lung lavages were investigated retrospectively. Total protein, protein concentration and, in one child with a surfactant protein C mutation, aberrant pro-SP-C protein, were determined during wash out.


The removal of protein from the lungs followed an exponential decline and averaged for adult patients 2 – 20 g and <0.5 to 6 g for pediatric patients. The average protein concentration of consecutive portions was the same in all patient groups, however was elevated in pediatric patients when expressed per body weight. The amount of an aberrant pro-SP-C protein, which was present in one patient with a SP-C mutation, constantly decreased with ongoing lavage. Measuring the optical density of the lavage fluid obtained allowed to monitor the wash out process during the lavages at the bedside and to determine the termination of the lavage procedure at normal protein concentration.


Following therapeutic half lung lavages by biochemical variables may help to estimate the degree of alveolar filling with proteinaceous material and to improve the efficiency of the wash out, especially in children.  相似文献   

The presence of microdomains or rafts within cell membranes is a topic of intense study and debate. The role of these structures in cell physiology, however, is also not yet fully understood with many outstanding problems. This problem is partly based on the small size of raft structures that presents significant problems to their in vivo study, i.e., within live cell membranes. But the structure and dynamics as well as the factors that control the assembly and disassembly of rafts are also of major interest. In this review we outline some of the problems that the study of rafts in cell membranes present as well as describing some views of what are considered the generalised functions of membrane rafts. We point to the possibility that there may be several different ‘types’ of membrane raft in cell membranes and consider the factors that affect raft assembly and disassembly, particularly, as some researchers suggest that the lifetimes of rafts in cell membranes may be sub-second. We attempt to review some of the methods that offer the ability to interrogate rafts directly as well as describing factors that appear to affect their functionality. The former include both near-field and far-field optical approaches as well as scanning probe techniques. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques are outlined. Finally, we describe our own views of raft functionality and properties, particularly, concerning the membrane dipole potential, and describe briefly some of the imaging strategies we have developed for their study.  相似文献   

Etiological structure of pneumonias in children and adults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bacteriological study of sputa, nasopharyngeal smears and bronchial washings taken from pneumonia patients has shown that the leading etiological agent was Streptococcus pneumoniae isolated in the diagnostic titre (10(7) bacteria per ml) in 78.1% of the cases. Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, enterobacteria and yeast-like fungi have been found to play an insignificant role in the etiology of acute pneumonia (2.5 +/- +/- 0.9%). The results of the serological diagnosis by means of the complement fixation test have revealed that, alongside S. pneumoniae, the following infective agents are of etiological importance in cases of acute pneumonia: respiratory viruses (more than 50%), Mycoplasma pneumonia (10%), Chlamydia psittaci (6.4%) and Legionella pneumophila (3.8%). The study has first revealed that, under the conditions of Alma-Ata, serotypes 19, 23, 8 and 4 prevail among circulating pneumococci. This study has also shown that the use of M. pneumoniae antibody erythrocyte diagnosticum enhances the detection rate of mycoplasma infections in pneumonia patients.  相似文献   

Functional connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and the temporal and temporo-parieto-occipital cortices in the process of preparing for the recognition of fragmented images were analyzed in adults (n = 26) and seven- to eight-year-old children (n = 20).The evaluations of the imaginary part of the complex-valued coherency for the EEG alpha-rhythm (Jα) were used as an index for the strength of cortico-cortical interactions. The Jα value was analyzed in the following three experimental conditions corresponding to different stages of readiness for visual recognition: (1) nonspecific attention holding in the period preceding a warning stimulus (S1); (2) focused attention in the interval preceding a not-yet-recognized target stimulus (S2) and (3) pretuning preceding a recognized stimulus (S3). Adult subjects tended towards a growing level of functional connectivity in α-rhythm in progressing from attention holding to focused attention preceding the emergence of a target stimulus, but children, on the contrary, demonstrated a decreasing trend. Comparing the Jα values in the subgroups of adults and children who showed the highest recognition scores in the solution of cognitive tasks helped reveal age-specific patterns in the rearrangements of cortico-cortical functional connectivity in α-rhythm in the left and right hemispheres at different stages of readiness for recognizing incomplete images. In adults, the maximal Jα values were found in the left hemisphere in the interval preceding the recognition of a target image. At this stage of pretuning, the Jα values at the leads in the left hemisphere in adults significantly exceeded those in children. The Jα values for the right hemisphere in adults were maximal during focused prestimulus attention when the image was not yet recognized and these values were significantly higher than in children under the same experimental conditions. Children showed maximal Jα values in both hemispheres during nonspecific attention. The specifics of functional connectivity observed between the prefrontal, temporal and temporo-parieto-occipital cortices in seven- to eight-year-old children during functional pretuning to the recognition of fragmented images are considered to reflect the relative immaturity of neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the voluntary attention and working memory in children of this age group.  相似文献   

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