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光能利用率(Light use efficiency: LUE)指植物截获的光能转化为化学能的效率,表示为生产力和吸收光能之比。基于LUE概念的模型对模拟预测全球变化下碳循环、植被生产力及其潜力具有重要意义。全球变化和人类活动影响给植被生产力和碳循环的评估带来了巨大挑战。系统梳理了LUE模型的不确定性并分析其原因,以期提高生产力模拟预测的准确度。分析发现LUE模型准确度仅为62%-70%且模型间差异较大(32%),误差随着植被类型、时间尺度和空间区域的不同存在显著差别。目前计算LUE的误差是模型不确定性的关键,原因主要在于LUE与影响因素尤其是水分的关系并不清楚。一方面不能准确区分水分胁迫指标对LUE的影响机制,另一方面无法准确模拟水分等影响因素与LUE关系的时空演变特征。未来该领域研究的重要方向是发展集成样地和区域尺度的叶绿素荧光、光化学指数等研究方法,厘定LUE与影响因素特别是的水分关系,并分析其时空演变特征。 相似文献
氮肥运筹对小麦产量、氮素利用效率和光能利用率的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
连续2年在西南冬麦区的重庆、仁寿、广汉、西昌4个地点,开展3种施氮水平(每公顷纯氮0、120、180 kg,简写为N0、N120、N180)和3种氮肥分配模式(NA:底肥100%;NB:底肥70%+苗肥30%;NC:底肥60%+拔节肥40%)的田间试验,监测小麦花后冠层叶片SPAD值、群体光合速率(CAP)、光能利用等生理参数和籽粒产量,计算氮素利用效率、光能利用率等.结果表明: 随施氮水平增加,小麦上三叶SPAD值、CAP、光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率和产量均呈增加趋势,而氮肥农学利用效率、生产效率、吸收效率和利用效率呈降低趋势.氮肥后移的增效作用因施氮水平而异,SPAD于N180增效明显,而CAP于N120增效明显,不同氮肥管理模式的光能利用率因地点而异.氮肥后移能明显提高小麦氮肥农学效率、生产效率、吸收效率和氮素表观回收率,但氮肥利用效率则略有减少.氮肥后移效果NC总体优于NB处理.不同地点比较,广汉的SPAD值、CAP、PAR截获率、氮肥利用参数较高,其产量也相应最高;西昌的产量、SPAD值及氮素利用效率较高,但其光能利用率和CAP较低;重庆和仁寿的SPAD值、光能利用率及氮素利用效率均较低,其产量也最低.小麦生物产量与各地点的籽粒产量、CAP、SPAD值和PAR累积截获量均呈显著或极显著的正相关关系.表明不同生态区域增施氮肥都能促进小麦增产,氮肥后移可进一步优化产量结构、改善氮肥和光能利用效率,但存在年份和地点差异,各地需要制定有针对性的氮肥管理模式. 相似文献
本文研究了粤北石灰岩地区以任豆(Zenia insignis)为主的自然林(萌生34年)的生产能力,并与任豆人工林(6年生)作对照。结果表明,在1992年7月调查时,自然林和人工林的现存生物量分别是125.38和10.34t·hm-2;平均增长量为3.69和1.72t·hm-2·a-1;木材蓄积量为86.35和9.93m3·hm-2;其乔木层总生产力为84284和21510kJ·m-2·a-1;对光合有效辐射能的利用效率为5.43%和1.39%。反映了任豆自然林现存生物量和生产力比鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林(同龄萌生林,在1991年11月调查)现存生物量196t·hm-2低,而比热带和亚热带半干早区森林植物量分别107和98.7t·hm-2高。任豆人工林因盖度和叶面积指数比自然林低,故总生产力和光能利用率也比较低,说明任豆人工林尚有较高的生产潜力。 相似文献
水稻冠层光截获、光能利用与产量的关系 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
以两优培九和武香粳14号水稻品种为材料,在不同栽插密度和施氮水平下进行2年田间试验,研究水稻冠层光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率、光能利用率与水稻产量的关系.结果表明:分蘖期至成熟期,各处理水稻冠层平均PAR反射率为3.45%,其中,分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层反射PAR占冠层总PAR损失的10.90%,显著小于抽穗期至成熟期的22.06%.分蘖期至成熟期的冠层PAR转化率随栽插密度的增加而减少,随施氮量的增加而增大;分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层PAR转化率高于抽穗期至成熟期.在分蘖期至成熟期,冠层PAR利用率随栽插密度和施氮量的增加而增大,各处理中两优培九的平均PAR利用率(1.83 g· MJ-1)显著高于武香粳14(1.42 g·MJ-1);武香粳14因生育期较长,分蘖期至成熟期的入射PAR及中、高栽插密度处理的PAR截获量均高于两优培九.水稻不同生长阶段冠层PAR截获率和利用率与产量呈显著正相关,PAR转化率与产量也呈正相关,但相关性不显著.因此,在保持较高PAR截获率的基础上提高冠层PAR转化率,进而提高冠层PAR利用率,有利于水稻高产. 相似文献
水稻冠层光截获、光能利用与产量的关系 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
以两优培九和武香粳14号水稻品种为材料,在不同栽插密度和施氮水平下进行2年田间试验,研究水稻冠层光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率、光能利用率与水稻产量的关系.结果表明: 分蘖期至成熟期,各处理水稻冠层平均PAR反射率为3.45%,其中,分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层反射PAR占冠层总PAR损失的10.90%,显著小于抽穗期至成熟期的22.06%.分蘖期至成熟期的冠层PAR转化率随栽插密度的增加而减少,随施氮量的增加而增大;分蘖期至抽穗期的冠层PAR转化率高于抽穗期至成熟期.在分蘖期至成熟期,冠层PAR利用率随栽插密度和施氮量的增加而增大,各处理中两优培九的平均PAR利用率(1.83 g·MJ-1)显著高于武香粳14(1.42 g·MJ-1);武香粳14因生育期较长,分蘖期至成熟期的入射PAR及中、高栽插密度处理的PAR截获量均高于两优培九.水稻不同生长阶段冠层PAR截获率和利用率与产量呈显著正相关,PAR转化率与产量也呈正相关,但相关性不显著.因此,在保持较高PAR截获率的基础上提高冠层PAR转化率,进而提高冠层PAR利用率,有利于水稻高产. 相似文献
以‘泰农18’小麦为材料,于2012—2013年进行大田试验,设置当地农民习惯栽培模式(FP)、超高产栽培模式(SH)和高产高效栽培模式(HH)3个处理,研究了不同栽培模式对小麦光能截获量、光能利用效率、干物质积累量、收获指数、籽粒产量和肥料偏生产力的影响.结果表明: SH模式小麦全生育期的光能截获量、光能利用效率、干物质积累量和籽粒产量显著高于FP模式.相对于FP模式,虽然HH模式的小麦全生育期光能截获量较低,但其光能利用效率、干物质积累量及收获指数均显著提高,从而使其籽粒产量显著提高.相对于SH模式,虽然HH模式的籽粒产量在高、低肥力水平下分别降低3.8%和2.8%,而氮、磷、钾肥的偏生产力在两肥力水平下分别提高26.4%、68.5%、92.6%.在本试验条件下,综合考虑籽粒产量和养分利用效率,以“降肥、增密、延播”为技术特点的高产高效栽培模式为推荐的优化栽培模式. 相似文献
光能利用率(LUE)是陆地生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)估算的一个重要参数。LUE的准确估算对于在区域甚至全球尺度上使用LUE模型估算GPP是非常重要的。一个基于通量塔的观测视场与通量观测足迹在时空上相匹配的自动多角度遥感平台为LUE在站点尺度上的准确估算提供了一个好方法。该文基于通量塔涡度相关(EC)和自动多角度高光谱连续观测获取的连续30 min的数据, 在站点空间尺度和0.5 h与日时间尺度上, 探讨了城市绿地生态系统秋季光化学反射植被指数(PRI)与LUE之间的关系。研究发现, 反映植被叶面积和色素变化的植被绿度指数在秋季呈现逐渐下降的趋势, 表征了植被冠层的状态与结构变化, 叶片从绿色逐渐变黄凋落, 植被冠层叶片的叶绿素逐渐减少, 裸露的枝干增多; 用空气温度和代表物候过程的绝对绿度指数(2G_RB)做线性回归分析, 得到回归系数(R2)为0.60 (p < 0.001)。说明在城市绿地生态系统中, 空气温度是决定植被物候过程的主要驱动因素, 随着植被物候变化, 叶片的凋落导致的裸露土壤的增多以及随时间变化的色素含量和其比例的变化将影响PRI和LUE的关系; 采用植被生长模型(logistic曲线), 拟合时间与2G_RB, 得到曲率变化最快的点, 确定为秋季植被落叶期的初日, 即第290天。在0.5 h和日时间尺度上, PRI都可以捕捉LUE的变化。但是日尺度上不同物候期, PRI和LUE的关系发生了急剧的变化。在秋季植被正常生长期, PRI和LUE之间的关系最密切(R2 = 0.70, p < 0.001)。当土壤温度大于15 ℃、光合有效辐射(PAR)大于300 μmol·m-2·s-1以及饱和水汽压差(VPD)大于700 Pa的情况下, PRI能够更好地预测LUE。基于通 量塔尺度上时空尺度相匹配, 利用半经验的核驱动二向反射分布函数模型得到的高光谱PRI和通量观测得到的LUE在不同环境条件下的关系以及考虑到在植被的不同物候期对PRI和LUE的关系的优化, 将会更加准确地估算城市绿地生态系统的LUE。 相似文献
快速城镇化地区土地利用及生态效率测算与分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
如何以较小的生态资源损耗获得较大的经济社会效益,是我国新型城镇化与生态文明建设关注的核心议题之一。以快速城镇化的湖北省为典型研究区,引入随机前沿分析(Stochastic Frontier Analysis,SFA)测度各县域的土地利用效率、生态绩效指数和生态效率。结果表明:(1)对比分析非约束模型与约束模型的检验结果可知,前者在本研究中有更好的解释能力,加入生态变量后县域土地利用效率平均值增加1.4%;(2)湖北省县域土地利用效率平均值为0.882,土地利用效率总体水平较高,且生态绩效指数(Ecological Performance Index,EPI)大于0的县域占75.73%,EPI随着土地利用效率(Land Use Efficiency,LUE)的增加表现出先增后减的倒U型变化;(3)湖北省县域的生态效率(Ecological Efficiency,EE)分布在0.778-0.989之间,空间格局特征明显,效率高值县域在空间上呈现出以武汉城市圈和沿长江、汉江为点轴的A型分布特征。本研究揭示了快速城镇化区域土地利用、生态系统和经济效益之间的关系,可为新型城镇化发展、土地资源高效利用和生态资源保护提供参考。 相似文献
基于多模型结合的土地利用结构多情景优化模拟 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
土地生态服务功能的重要性越来越受到人们的重视,以河北省卢龙县为案例区,以土地生态服务功能和经济功能提升为目标,基于100 m×100 m尺度的遥感解译图像,分别利用CLUE-S及基于MOP和CLUE-S整合模型对研究区土地利用结构进行数量及空间优化模拟。结果表明:到2020年,单模型模拟的土地经济功能有所提升,但生态服务功能却减退;基于MOP和CLUE-S优化整合模型模拟的生态服务功能和经济功能分别比2013年提升8.40%及8.20%。耕地、建设用地、林地面积都有所增加,其它用地减少较多。研究表明,MOP和CLUE-S整合模型与单模型相比,到2020年土地两项功能值之和有所增加,特别是生态功能增加幅度较大,MOP和CLUE-S模型结合的优化方案优于CLUE-S单模型优化方案。 相似文献
Aim During the last decades, an increasing number of studies have stressed the importance of historical human influence on the ecology of forests and on the characteristics of forest soils. Therefore, the objectives of this study are (1) the quantification of the land use history of Ename Wood from 1278 to 1990 and (2) to find out whether the former land use of the forest has long-lasting effects on present-day chemical soil properties. Location The 62-ha present-day Ename Wood is situated in western Belgium and is the remainder of the 145-ha historical Ename Wood. Methods We disposed of eighteen land-use maps for the period between 1278 and 1990 which were digitized using a geographic information system (GIS). Transition between the different land uses and Shannon–Wiener diversity indices were calculated to quantify the history of changing land use. Mixed soil samples were taken in lots delimited on the basis of the historical data. Next, the soil properties were combined with the land-use variables using redundancy analysis and ANOVA . Results The quantification of the land use changes showed that the present Ename Wood is the result of several forest regression and progression phases, with a complete clearance in the nineteenth century. Diversity in land use was maximal between the fourteenth and the sixteenth century due a variety of transitional forms between forest and pasture. A positive correlation between the duration of arable land use since the 19th century clearance and soil pH, calcium and phosphate content was observed and a negative correlation was found with the carbon content, the total nitrogen content and the C:N ratio. These correlations are probably caused by a combination of acidification processes and the accumulation of organic matter under forest in combination with manuring practices in the twentieth century. Present-day forest lots which have been pastured for some time between 1278 and nineteenth-century clearance still had a significantly lower pH and degree of base saturation, which is probably caused by the export of nutrient rich plant material at that time. Discussion and conclusions The results demonstrate that the developed methodology is successful and confirm that historical land use, even in the distant past, can still influence present-day soil characteristics. For this reason, long-term historical land use should always be considered in forest ecological research. 相似文献
A means of deriving a disturbance index reflecting forest use history is demonstrated here to establish a disturbance gradient and enable comparison of different forest areas within and across individual forests. Detailed reference is made to Kakamega Forest in western Kenya for which a long‐term time series has been established, although the study is spread to four further forests in Kenya and Uganda. A wide variety of sources are drawn upon for spatially resolved data that are integrated in a geographic information system. Three indices are derived: for commercial disturbance, local disturbance, and forest cover change. Results show a wide range of disturbance values (from low to heavy) for the research sites within Kakamega Forest, while results for Budongo and Mabira Forest sites show low and moderate levels, respectively. Correlations of low disturbance levels with nature or national reserves appear to be marked, while a correlation of disturbance with differing management authority is also suggested with Kenya Wildlife Service achieving the lowest disturbance levels. Results from the index are reviewed against other means of estimating disturbance with the conclusion that disturbance evaluations should be both spatially resolved and long‐term in nature. 相似文献
利用赣江上游流域1990、1995、2000、2005和2010年5期的TM影像以及2010年的SPOT影像资料,通过目视解译方法及GIS软件的空间叠加分析功能,获取了研究区土地利用覆被变化数据。在此基础上,结合1990—2010年赣江上游流域的统计资料利用灰色关联分析和主成分分析法进行分析,找出引起土地利用变化的主导因素。结果表明:研究区20年来林地和建设用地总量增加,耕地、草地、水域和未利用地总量减少。相同时期不同类型的土地利用变化的驱动因子不相同,不同时期同一类型土地利用变化的驱动因子也不相同。再利用GM(1,1)灰色预测模型预测了2015—2030年间研究区驱动因素和土地利用情况,研究表明主导因素对土地利用变化的影响与1990—2010年间变化趋势一致。 相似文献
Pete Smith Christian A. Davies Stephen Ogle Giuliana Zanchi Jessica Bellarby Neil Bird Robert M. Boddey Niall P. McNamara David Powlson Annette Cowie Meine van Noordwijk Sarah C. Davis Daniel DE B. Richter Len Kryzanowski Mark T. van Wijk Judith Stuart Akira Kirton Duncan Eggar Geraldine Newton‐Cross Tapan K. Adhya Ademola K. Braimoh 《Global Change Biology》2012,18(7):2089-2101
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 1 methodologies commonly underpin project‐scale carbon accounting for changes in land use and management and are used in frameworks for Life Cycle Assessment and carbon footprinting of food and energy crops. These methodologies were intended for use at large spatial scales. This can introduce error in predictions at finer spatial scales. There is an urgent need for development and implementation of higher tier methodologies that can be applied at fine spatial scales (e.g. farm/project/plantation) for food and bioenergy crop greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting to facilitate decision making in the land‐based sectors. Higher tier methods have been defined by IPCC and must be well evaluated and operate across a range of domains (e.g. climate region, soil type, crop type, topography), and must account for land use transitions and management changes being implemented. Furthermore, the data required to calibrate and drive the models used at higher tiers need to be available and applicable at fine spatial resolution, covering the meteorological, soil, cropping system and management domains, with quantified uncertainties. Testing the reliability of the models will require data either from sites with repeated measurements or from chronosequences. We review current global capability for estimating changes in soil carbon at fine spatial scales and present a vision for a framework capable of quantifying land use change and management impacts on soil carbon, which could be used for addressing issues such as bioenergy and biofuel sustainability, food security, forest protection, and direct/indirect impacts of land use change. The aim of this framework is to provide a globally accepted standard of carbon measurement and modelling appropriate for GHG accounting that could be applied at project to national scales (allowing outputs to be scaled up to a country level), to address the impacts of land use and land management change on soil carbon. 相似文献
The aim of this work was to study the sensitivity of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from wood energy to different forest management regimes when aiming at an integrated production of timber and energy biomass. For this purpose, the production of timber and energy biomass in Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst] and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands was simulated using an ecosystem model (SIMA) on sites of varying fertility under different management regimes, including various thinning and fertilization treatments over a fixed simulation period of 80 years. The simulations included timber (sawlogs, pulp), energy biomass (small‐sized stem wood) and/or logging residues (top part of stem, branches and needles) from first thinning, and logging residues and stumps from final felling for energy production. In this context, a life cycle analysis/emission calculation tool was used to assess the CO2 emissions per unit of energy (kg CO2 MWh?1) which was produced based on the use of wood energy. The energy balance (GJ ha?1) of the supply chain was also calculated. The evaluation of CO2 emissions and energy balance of the supply chain considered the whole forest bioenergy production chain, representing all operations needed to grow and harvest biomass and transport it to a power plant for energy production. Fertilization and high precommercial stand density clearly increased stem wood production (i.e. sawlogs, pulp and small‐sized stem wood), but also the amount of logging residues, stump wood and roots for energy use. Similarly, the lowest CO2 emissions per unit of energy were obtained, regardless of tree species and site fertility, when applying extremely or very dense precommercial stand density, as well as fertilization three times during the rotation. For Norway spruce such management also provided a high energy balance (GJ ha?1). On the other hand, the highest energy balance for Scots pine was obtained concurrently with extremely dense precommercial stands without fertilization on the medium‐fertility site, while on the low‐fertility site fertilization three times during the rotation was needed to attain this balance. Thus, clear differences existed between species and sites. In general, the forest bioenergy supply chain seemed to be effective; i.e. the fossil fuel energy consumption varied between 2.2% and 2.8% of the energy produced based on the forest biomass. To conclude, the primary energy use and CO2 emissions related to the forest operations, including the production and application of fertilizer, were small in relation to the increased potential of energy biomass. 相似文献
鄱阳湖流域作为较突出的碳汇功能区,深入掌握不同土地覆被碳素利用率(CUE)和水分利用效率(WUE)的时空分异规律及其对气候因子的响应,对明确气候变化背景下该流域生态功能和碳水循环有重要意义。利用MODIS数据产品,结合流域土地利用和气象监测数据,辅以趋势分析和相关分析等方法研究了2000-2014年鄱阳湖流域不同土地利用类型CUE和WUE的时空变化特征,并探讨了其与降水、气温和日照时数的相关性。结果表明:1)鄱阳湖流域CUE和WUE多年平均值分别为0.458和0.682 gC/kgH2O,不同土地利用类型的CUE大小依次为草地 > 水田 > 其他林地 > 旱地 > 疏林地 > 灌木林 > 有林地,WUE大小依次为有林地 > 灌木林 > 旱地 > 疏林地 > 水田 > 其他林地 > 草地;2)鄱阳湖流域CUE、WUE在研究时段内均呈微弱下降趋势,各土地利用类型CUE和WUE则表现出较大的年际波动,且年际变化趋势率具有高度的相似性,其中林地各类型下降趋势最大,其次是旱地和水田,草地最小;3)降水是影响鄱阳湖流域土地覆被碳水利用效率变化的关键因素,其他因子与CUE和WUE的相关性均不显著,不同覆被CUE和WUE对气温、降水和日照时数的响应程度存在较大差异。 相似文献
科尔沁沙地不同土地利用和管理方式对土壤质量性状的影响 总被引:44,自引:11,他引:44
研究了科尔沁沙地退化草地开垦后,在14年不同的土地利用和管理方式下土壤物理、化学和生物学性状的特征。结果表明,农林(林草)复合利用模式在土壤粒级组成、孔隙分布、持水性能、有机质和N、P养分、酶活性等方面表现出较好的质量性状特征。有机无机配施、精细管理的灌溉农田次之,而粗放管理的旱作农田。土壤质量性状严重恶化,逐步向流沙方向演变,与科尔沁原生景观草地土壤相比,管理良好的利用系统,土壤物理性状、P含量和一些酶活性指标提高,但有机质和全氮含量明显低,表明已退化生态系统C、N库的恢复和重建需要较长的时间。研究结果表明,不同的土地利用方式和管理措施显著影响土壤质量变化的程度和方向;调整土地利用结构,基本农田实行精细管理,旱作农田退耕还草还林是保护土地资源。实现区域生态恢复和重建的根本选择。 相似文献