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For the development of immunological contraception, attention is being concentrated on the possibility of using a sperm membrane antigen. Boar sperm membrane was extracted with triton-X 100 and fractionated by Sephadex G-150 column chromatography. The glycosylated and nonglycosylated portions of protein peaks from the gel filtration were obtained by fractionating on concanavalin A-Sepharose and eluting the bound protein with 0.3 M methyl mannoside. A glycosylated fraction was found to induce sperm agglutinating antibodies in rabbit. The partially purified protein has a molecular weight of 30 kilodaltons, as determined by sodium dodecyl polyaccyrlamide gel electrophoresis. Further work is planned on the histochemical determination of the origin of this protein and species cross-activity of the antibody.  相似文献   

Purified C-reactive protein (CRP) diminished effects of acetylcholine (ACh) on the vascular tone and the heart rate of rats in vivo. In vitro CRP inhibited breakdown of ACh by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) while did not interact with AChE itself. CRP appears to bind ACh. CRP did not modify the cardiovascular effects of adenosine, another vasorelaxant. The data suggest that there is a new line of cross-talk between the inflammation and cholinergic regulation with CRP acting on endothelium via the ACh-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP) from the American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, exhibits complex membrane activities. Here, we describe the behavior of protein and lipid as CRP interacts with model liposomes and bacterial membranes. Limulus C-reactive protein (L-CRP) forms extended fibrilar structures that encapsulate liposomes in the presence of Ca2+. We have observed structures consistent in size and shape with these fibers bound to the surface of Gram-negative bacteria. The membranes of Limulus CRP-treated bacteria exhibit significantly different mechano-elastic properties than those of untreated bacteria. In vitro, bilayer lipids undergo a rigidification and reorganization of small domains. We suggest that these interactions reflect the protein’s role as a primary defense molecule, functioning in the entrapment and killing of potential pathogens.  相似文献   

Recent studies in transgenic mice confirmed that C-reactive protein is protective against microbial pathogens. This is consistent with its ability in vitro to bind microbes, activate the complement classical pathway, and engage FcgammaRI and FcgammaRII. However, in transgenic mice protection also requires the alternative pathway of complement, and FcgammaRI is dispensable.  相似文献   

Ta-JA1 is a jacalin-like lectin from wheat (Triticum aestivum) plants. To date, its homologs are only observed in the Gramineae family. Our previous experiments have demonstrated that Ta-JA1 contains a modular structure consisting of an N-terminal dirigent domain and a C-terminal jacalin-related lectin domain (JRL) and this protein exhibits a mannose-specific lectin activity. The over-expression of Ta-JA1 gene provides transgenic plants a broad-spectrum resistance to diseases. Here, we report the differential activities of the dirigent and JRL domains of Ta-JA1. In vitro assay showed that the recombinant JRL domain could effectively agglutinate rabbit erythrocytes and pathogen bacteria Pseudomonas syringe pv tabaci. These hemagglutination activities could be inhibited by mannose but not by galactose. In contrast, the recombinant dirigent domain did not show agglutination activity. Corresponding to these differentiations of activities, similar to full-length of Ta-JA1, the over-expression of JRL domain in transgenic plants also increased resistance to the infection of P. syringe. Unlike JRL, the over-expression of dirigent domain in transgenic plants led to alteration of the seedling sensitivity to salts. In addition, a dN/dS ratio analysis of Ta-JA1 and its related proteins showed that this protein family functionally limited to a few crop plants, such as maize, rice and wheat.  相似文献   

1. A new purification procedure was started with salting-out fractionation of serum proteins at 45-75% saturated ammonium sulfate concentration, followed by HE agarose affinity chromatography by which calcium-dependently bound CRP and SAP were purely eluted with EDTA-containing buffer. 2. Pure CRP and SAP were finally separated by DEAE-5PW HPLC. 3. This procedure gave recovery of 15 and 26%, and fold purification of 2650 and 2400 for CRP and SAP, respectively. 4. Each subunit of CRP and SAP had one intrasubunit disulfide bond, determined by reduction and carboxymethylation.  相似文献   

The alternate expression of the Salmonella flagellin genes H1 and H2 is controlled by the orientation of a 995-base-pair invertible segment of DNA located at the 5' end of the H2 gene. The hin gene, which is encoded within the invertible region, is essential for the inversion of this DNA segment. We cloned the hin gene into Escherichia coli and placed it under the control of the PL promoter of bacteriophage lambda. These cells overproduced the Hin protein. In vivo inversion activity was measured by using a recombinant lambda phage which contains the H2 and lacZ genes under the control of the invertible region. Using this phage, we showed that the amount of inversion activity is proportional to the amount of Hin protein in the cell. An inactive form of the protein was purified by using the unusual solubility properties of the overproduced protein. The amino acid composition of the protein agreed with the DNA sequence of the hin gene. Antibodies were made to the isolated protein. These antibodies cross-reacted with two other unidentified E. coli proteins.  相似文献   

Agglutinating activity often varies both between and within the algal species assayed. However, it is difficulty to interpret such variation without further analysis. We report a statistical analysis of agglutinating activities against human, cow, sheep, and pig erythrocytes, using cell extracts from 43 taxa (strains) of freshwater microalgae. Most of the extracts agglutinated erythrocytes from at least one of the sources, but pig erythrocytes appeared to be most suitable for the detection of agglutination reactions. Chlorella cell extracts preferentially agglutinated human erythrocytes, whereas extracts of other taxa were less active against mammalian erythrocytes. Cluster analysis generated four distinct subclusters of taxa, characterized by different specificities for antigens or carbohydrate receptors on the erythrocytes. Principal component analysis further separated the agglutination characteristics of Chlamydomonas from Chlorella on the first two components. Specificity for pig erythrocytes accounted for most of the clustering or grouping of algal taxa in multivariate analysis. However, clustering or grouping patterns of Chlorella species on haemagglutinating activity resembled that based on DNA sequences, revealing a possible genetic connection of agglutinins and their biochemical characteristics in algal cells. Variability of agglutination reactions among the algae investigated is simplified and interpreted most easily using multivariate analysis.  相似文献   

Characterization of the platelet agglutinating activity of thrombospondin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Thrombospondin (TSP) is a glycoprotein secreted from the alpha-granules of platelets upon activation. In the presence of divalent cations, the secreted protein binds to the surface of the activated platelets and is responsible for the endogenous lectin-like activity associated with activated platelets. Platelets fixed with formaldehyde following activation by thrombin are agglutinated by exogenously added TSP. Fixed, nonactivated platelets are not agglutinated. The platelet agglutinating activity of TSP is optimally expressed in the presence of 2 mM each of Mg2+ and Ca2+. Reduction of the disulfide bonds within the TSP molecule inhibits its platelet agglutinating activity. TSP bound to the surface of fixed, activated platelets can be eluted by the addition of disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. This approach was exploited to identify the region of the TSP molecule containing the platelet binding site. The binding site resides within a thermolytic fragment of TSP with Mr 140 000 but is not present in the Mr 120 000 fragment derived from the polypeptide of Mr 140 000. Since both the Mr 140 000 and 120 000 fragments contain fibrinogen binding sites, this finding suggests that the binding of TSP to the platelet surface requires interaction with other platelet surface components in addition to fibrinogen. The observation that fibrinogen only partially inhibits the TSP-mediated agglutination of fixed, activated platelets is consistent with this interpretation.  相似文献   

Seed extracts of 311 species of plants were observed for agglutinating activity with human blood cells in an attempt to find plant sources of naturally occurring hemagglutinins for specific blood types. Of the 45 species with specific activity, Bauhinia variegata L. is promising as a source of anti-N agglutinin.  相似文献   

The synaptic vesicle protein synaptophysin was solubilized from rat brain synaptosomes with a relatively low concentration of Triton X-100 (0.2%) and was highly purified (above 95%) using a rapid single chromatography step on hydroxyapatite/celite resin. Purified synaptophysin was reconstituted into a planar lipid bilayer and the channel activity of synaptophysin was characterized. In asymmetric KCl solutions (cis 300 mM/trans 100 mM), synaptophysin formed a fast-fluctuating channel with a conductance of 414 +/- 13 pS at +60 mV. The open probability of synaptophysin channels was decreased upon depolarization, and channels were found to be cation-selective. Synaptophysin channels showed higher selectivity for K(+) over Cl(-) (P(K(+))/P(Cl(-)) > 8) and preferred K(+) over Li(+), Na(+), Rb(+), Cs(+), or choline(+). The synaptophysin channel is impermeable to Ca(2+), which has no effect on its channel activity. This study is the second demonstration of purified synaptophysin channel activity, but the first biophysical characterization of its channel properties. The availability of large amounts of purified synaptophysin and of its characteristic channel properties might help to establish the role of synaptophysin in synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

C反应蛋白与动脉粥样硬化   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Xie LQ  Wang X 《生理科学进展》2004,35(2):113-118
人类C反应蛋白 (C reactiveprotein ,CRP)是在感染和组织损伤时血浆浓度快速、急剧升高的主要的急性期蛋白。CRP可以激活补体和加强吞噬细胞的吞噬而起调理作用 ,从而清除入侵机体的病原微生物和损伤、坏死、凋亡的组织细胞 ,在机体的天然免疫过程中发挥重要的保护作用。关于CRP的研究已经有 70多年的历史 ,传统观点认为CRP是一种非特异的炎症标志物 ,但近十年的研究揭示了CRP直接参与了炎症与动脉粥样硬化等心血管疾病 ,并且是心血管疾病最强有力的预示因子与危险因子  相似文献   

C反应蛋白(C-reactiveprotein,CRP)是人类非特异性急性期蛋白,是判断组织损伤和炎症反应的敏感指标之一。CRP的表达水平与动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)和心血管疾病的发生具有冠著的相关性。但是关于CRP是否是AS的独立危险因素并参与AS的发病机制,目前尚存在很大争议。新近的研究发现,CRP与某些特定的配体结合后,五聚体结构CRP可分离形成单体结构CRP。这一发现为研究CRP蛋白与AS的相互关系提供了新的线索,对CRP及其单体结构的深入研究,将有可能帮助人们找到治疗心血管疾病的有效方法。就炎性反应标志物CRP及其单体(monomeric CRP,mCRP)与动脉粥样硬化的相关研究进展进行综述,以探讨分析CRP在AS中的作用。  相似文献   

The analysis of the voltage-sensitive Ca++ channel of the unicellular eucaryote, Paramecium has been extended to a biochemical level based on recent observations that the transfer of cytoplasm from wild-type cells into mutants lacking Ca++-channel function ("pawn" in P. tetraurelia and "CNR" in P. caudatum) causes mutant cells to regain Ca++-channel function. We have microinjected various cytoplasmic fractions into mutant cells and measured the restored Ca++-channel function using a convenient behavioral assay. Following the "curing" activity, we characterized and purified the component from wild-type cytoplasm that can restore the function missing in cells carrying mutations in the cnrC gene. The curing factor is not an RNA, but a heat-labile, -SH-containing protein that appears to affect existing mutant channels on the ciliary membrane. We have purified this factor over 500-fold from the soluble cytoplasm using conventional techniques. The protein is of low apparent molecular weight (less than 30,000 daltons), acidic, soluble, and does not have the properties of calmodulin.  相似文献   

Calcitonin (CT), a peptide hormone that is widely used for the treatment of osteoporosis, Paget's disease, hypercalcemic shock and chronic pain in terminal cancer patients, is produced by the para-follicular cells of the thyroid gland in mammals and by the ultimobranchial gland of birds and fish. Fish calcitonin, like eel calcitonin (eCT), is more potent and longer lasting than human CT and is one of the many bioactive peptides that require C-terminal amidation for full biological activity. In this study we describe the over-expression and over-production of C-terminal amidated eCT in recombinant Streptomyces avermitilis. A phylogenetic analysis was performed with all the known CT amino acid sequences.  相似文献   

A stable, homogeneous preparation of pyruvate kinase from white muscle of the American eel, Anguilla rostrata with a specific activity of 350 units/mg has been obtained. The enzyme has a pH optimum in the range 6.3-6.5 and requires Mg2+ and K+ for maximum activity. Eel muscle pyruvate kinase exhibits slight co-operativity in the binding of the substrate phosphoenol-pyruvate. It is activated by fructose-1,6-bisphosphate in a pH dependent manner and is inhibited by both alanine and phenylalanine. These properties are very similar to the properties of the mammalian M2 isozyme.  相似文献   

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