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于2014年4月在广东封开黑石顶省级自然保护区,使用竖琴网采集到4只体形较小的雌性蝙蝠样本,其形态特征为无鼻叶结构,具漏斗状耳廓和披针形耳屏,前臂长32.30~34.11 mm,胫骨长16.47~17.72 mm;头骨较扁平,颅全长13.99~14.59 mm,脑颅高4.66~5.17 mm;齿式为2.1.3.3/。经鉴定为泰坦尼亚彩蝠(Kerivoula titania),是广东省翼手目分布新纪录。首次报道了该种蝙蝠的回声定位声波特征,声波类型属于调频(FM)型,峰频(114.3±3.9)k Hz,带宽(117.8±12.3)k Hz,脉冲持续时间(1.7±0.3)ms,脉冲间隔时间(12.9±1.3)ms。标本现保存于广州大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

正管鼻蝠属(Murina)是一类鼻部呈短管状的林栖型食虫性蝙蝠,隶属于翼手目蝙蝠科(Chiroptera:Vespertilionidae),其种类记录已达34种,在我国分布有16种(王晓云等,2016)。2016年3月13日,在对武陵山地区洞栖型蝙蝠的调查过程中,于湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州龙山县里耶镇八面山燕子洞(北纬28°51'56″,东经109°16'15″,海  相似文献   

Lasiurus egregius (Peters, 1870) is a rare Neotropical vespertilionid bat and virtually no data on its ecology and echolocation calls are currently available. We report the capture of four individuals in the Central Amazon, representing the first record for the region and a significant (> 800 km) expansion of the species’ known range. Echolocation calls, recorded for the first time under natural conditions, were 1.5–8 ms in duration, and characterized by high mean bandwidth (18 kHz) and a mean frequency of maximum energy of 30 kHz.  相似文献   

In southern Central America, 10 species of emballonurid bats occur, which are all aerial insectivores: some hunt flying insects preferably away from vegetation in open space, others hunt in edge space near vegetation and one species forages mainly over water. We present a search call design of each species and link signal structure to foraging habitat. All emballonurid bats use a similar type of echolocation call that consists of a central, narrowband component and one or two short, frequency-modulated sweeps. All calls are multi-harmonic, generally with most energy concentrated in the second harmonic. The design of search calls is closely related to habitat type, in particular to distance of clutter. Emballonurid bats foraging in edge space near vegetation and over water used higher frequencies, shorter call durations and shorter pulse intervals compared with species mostly hunting in open, uncluttered habitats. Peak frequency correlated negatively with body size. Regular frequency alternation between subsequent calls was typical in the search sequences of four out of 10 species. We discuss several hypotheses regarding the possible role of this frequency alternation, including species identification and partitioning of acoustic channels. Furthermore, we propose a model of how frequency alternation could increase the maximum detection distance of obstacles by marking search calls with different frequencies.  相似文献   

Fecal samples from 12 Pipistrellus kuhlii captured at Shagrah, Saudi Arabia, were examined for coccidia and three (25%) found to harbor a undescribed eimerian, herein described as Eimeria pipistrellus n. sp. Sporulated oocysts were subspherical, 24.8 x 23.2 (22-27 x 20-25) microns, with a bilayered and smooth wall. The micropyle was absent, but a large oocyst residuum and a single polar granule were present. Sporocysts were ovoid, 11.6 x 8.3 (10.5-13 x 7.5-9) microns, with a prominent Stieda body, but without a substiedal body; sporozoites lay head to tail in sporocysts and contained one large posterior refractile body. Eimeria pipistrellus n. sp. is the 3rd species of the genus Eimeria found from bats of the genus Pipistrellus.  相似文献   

福建省位于我国东南沿海,亚热带气候和丰富植被为野生动物的生存和繁衍提供了良好的生态环境(丁晖等,2015).武夷山位于福建北部,地理位置独特,雨量充足,植被多样且茂密,是众多动物赖以生存的场所,丰富的生物多样性资源使其成为世界著名的动物模式标本产地(罗桂环等,2016;耿宝荣等,2020),其中翼手目中模式产地为武夷山...  相似文献   

Lord  Medway  Adrian G.  Marshall 《Journal of Zoology》1972,168(4):463-482
Roosting associations of Tylonycteris pachypus and T. robustula were studied in West Malaysia. Both species roosted within the internodes of one species of bamboo, but were only once found together at roost. Roosting groups, which formed before entry in the morning, were not limited in size by the dimensions of the roost site. In both species the sexes exhibited different roosting behaviour, the males tending to be solitary and the females gregarious. Seasonal variations in associations occurred correlated with the reproductive cycle. Banding demonstrated that the populations were highly mobile, that the bats frequently changed roost sites, and that the roosting associations were of an ephemeral nature.  相似文献   

Miniopterus schreibersii is a polytypic bat species, with one of the widest distribution ranges among the mammals. We studied the genetic differentiation and taxonomy of this species in the transition zone between south-eastern Europe and Anatolia (in Asia), where two subspecies have been described. The results indicated a sharp genetic break between the samples from western Anatolia and south-eastern Europe and those of eastern Anatolia. In addition, the samples from western Anatolia and south-eastern Europe were seen to be reciprocally monophyletic, although the differentiation was less drastic. These patterns of genetic differentiation suggest the presence of two distinct groups within the M. schreibersii complex in the region, concordant with previous subspecific recognition. The cause of this genetic break is most likely differentiation in separate glacial refugia followed by secondary contact. However, more samples are needed to assess whether these represent different species, as well as to understand more clearly the causes of this differentiation.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 577–582.  相似文献   

2017年5月分别在贵州省兴义市和安龙县用雾网采集到1只大体型雌性管鼻蝠和2只小体型雄性菊头蝠,经鉴定为毛翼管鼻蝠(Harpiocephalus harpia)和华南菊头蝠(Rhinolophus huananus),属贵州省翼手目新分布记录。所采集的毛翼管鼻蝠雌性个体可能为怀孕个体,故测量相关数据并鉴定后原地放归野外。华南菊头蝠标本保存于东北师范大学环境学院。毛翼管鼻蝠(1♀):鼻部呈短管状,全身被毛厚密而柔软,后足、翼膜和尾膜均被覆黄褐色绒毛;体重14.01 g,前臂长48.23 mm;回声定位声波为调频(FM)型,静止状态下声波峰频为(56.04±4.52)k Hz。华南菊头蝠(2♂):耳大,对耳屏相对较小;鼻叶之蹄状叶宽大,完全覆盖吻部;鞍状叶小,其高略超过其宽,近乎矩形;体毛烟褐色;2只样本体重分别为4.52 g、4.12 g,前臂长40.70 mm、40.00 mm;头骨狭长,颅全长16.35 mm、16.46 mm,颅宽8.11 mm、8.14 mm;回声定位声波属调频-恒频-调频(FM-CF-FM)型,静止状态下峰频分别为(68.48±0.08)k Hz、(67.18±0.06)k Hz。2种蝙蝠物种在贵州省为首次发现,扩大了其在国内的分布范围,丰富了生态资料,为进一步的研究和保护提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships between taxa are not necessarily reflected by morphological data due to widespread homoplasy and convergence. However, combining morphological and molecular data provides insights into the evolution of biological forms and into the potential factors involved. Here we focus on a complex of three taxa of bats with unclear taxonomic affinities: Myotis myotis, Myotis blythii and Myotis punicus. Traditional morphometric methods failed to separate them, whereas recent molecular‐based studies suggested that they constitute separate biological species. In the present study, landmark‐based geometric morphometrics methods have been used to analyse the skull variability of 218 specimens belonging to this species complex. Patterns of size and shape delimitate three morphological groups that are congruent with the proposed taxonomic assignments, and therefore support species rank for all three major groups. These morphometrics results, however, suggest that M. myotis and M. punicus share shape characteristics in the rostrum and in the posterior part of the skull that differ from M. blythii. Because previous molecular phylogenetic analyses suggested that M. myotis and M. blythii are sister species, we interpret the similitude in skull morphology between M. myotis and M. punicus as a convergence probably related to their similar feeding habits. Within the taxon M. punicus, the skull of Corsican and Sardinian populations significantly differs from that of Maghrebian ones, suggesting the existence of further cryptic taxonomic diversity. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 529–538.  相似文献   

The distribution of biota from the temperate regions changed considerably during the climatic fluctuations of the Quaternary. This is especially true for many bat species that depend on warm roosts to install their nursery colonies. Surveys of genetic variation among European bats have shown that the southern peninsulas (Iberia and the Balkans) harbour endemic diversity, but to date, no such surveys have been conducted in the third potential glacial refuge area, the Apennine peninsula. We report here the phylogeographical analysis of 115 greater mouse-eared bats ( Myotis myotis ) sampled throughout Italy, and show that 15 of the 18 different haplotypes found in the mitochondrial control region of these bats were unique to the Apennine peninsula. Colonies within this region also showed substantial genetic structure at both mitochondrial ( ΦST  = 0.47, P  < 0.001) and nuclear markers ( F ST = 0.039, P  < 0.001). Based on a comprehensive survey of 575 bats from Europe, these genetic markers further indicate that central Italian populations of M. myotis are more closely related to Greek samples from across the Adriatic Sea, than to other Italian bats. Mouse-eared bat populations from the Apennine peninsula thus represent a complex mixture of several endemic lineages, which evolved in situ , with others that colonized this region more recently along an Adriatic route. Our broad survey also confirms that the Alps represent a relatively impermeable barrier to gene flow for Apennine lineages, even for vagile animals such as bats. These results underline the conservation value of bats from this region and the need to include the Apennine peninsula in phylogeographical surveys in order to provide a more accurate view of the evolution of bats in Europe.  相似文献   

We studied the wing morphology, echolocation calls, foraging behaviour and flight speed of Tylonycteris pachypus and Tylonycteris robustula in Longzhou County, South China during the summer (June–August) of 2005. The wingspan, wing loading and aspect ratio of the two species were relatively low, and those of T. pachypus were lower compared with T. robustula . The echolocation calls of T. pachypus and T. robustula consist of a broadband frequency modulated (FM) sweep followed by a short narrowband FM sweep. The dominant frequency of calls of T. pachypus was 65.1 kHz, whereas that of T. robustula was 57.7 kHz. The call frequencies (including highest frequency of the call, lowest frequency of the call and frequency of the call that contained most energy) of T. pachypus were higher than those of T. robustula , and the pulse duration of the former was longer than that of the latter. The inter-pulse interval and bandwidth of the calls were not significantly different between the two species. Tylonycteris pachypus foraged in more complex environments than T. robustula , although the two species were both netted in edge habitats (around trees or houses), along pathways and in the tops of trees. Tylonycteris pachypus flew slower (straight level flight speed, 4.3 m s−1) than T. robustula (straight level flight speed, 4.8 m s−1). We discuss the relationship between wing morphology, echolocation calls, foraging behaviour and flight speed, and demonstrate resource partitioning between these two species in terms of morphological and behavioural factors.  相似文献   

Historical anecdotes and preliminary monitoring since 1990 indicate that New Zealand Long‐tailed Bats (Chalinolobus tuberculatus, Vespertilionidae) are now rare or absent at many sites where formerly they were common. Chalinolobus tuberculatus appeared to be common throughout New Zealand in the 1800s but by 1900–30 it was becoming scarce in many districts. Formal surveys in the South Island since 1990 either failed to find C. tuberculatus, or recorded bats in low numbers. Of eight sites where transect counts were undertaken, bats were recorded frequently at two sites (45–66% of counts; Eglinton and Dart Valleys), rarely at four sites (2.4–10.7% of counts), and were not recorded at the remaining two sites despite considerable survey effort. Of 10 sites where stationary counts using automatic detector units were used, no C. tuberculatus were recorded in three areas (153 nights combined), they were found rarely at six sites (2.1–21.0% of nights; 461 nights combined) and were recorded commonly only in the Eglinton Valley (85% of 120 nights). Assertions that C. tuberculatus are ‘common’ and that the conservation status is ‘secure’ are questionable and this review supports suggestions that the species should be classed as ‘Vulnerable’. Possible causes of decline have been suggested including clearance and logging of lowland forests, predation by introduced mammals and owls, competition for roost sites by introduced mammals, birds and wasps, and human interference and disturbance at roosting sites. However, authors’ claims have all been speculative and unsubstantiated. There has been no research undertaken to quantify these claims, and this is required urgently. The results of these preliminary surveys provide a new baseline against which future population trends might be compared. Increased effort using standardized monitoring techniques, applied at a national level, is required to confirm the possible trends and to help identify the best sites where conservation managers may attempt to restore the population level.  相似文献   

梁运鹏  于黎 《遗传》2015,37(1):25-33
作为哺乳动物第二大目的翼手目(Chiroptera;俗称蝙蝠)在飞行能力、回声定位与听觉系统、食性、冬眠、免疫防御等诸多方面表现出显著而独特的适应性进化,是研究生物对环境适应性进化分子机制的热点模型之一。文章综述了翼手目适应性进化分子机制的研究进展,特别是近年来在基因组水平上开展的相关研究,显示出更为复杂的分子进化模式和功能分化。随着越来越多的翼手目物种基因组数据的产生,将有望揭示新的进化机制,并为后续的功能实验奠定基础,促进人们对翼手目这一类群的认识和了解,同时也为系统认识动物适应性进化分子机制做出贡献。  相似文献   

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