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Documenting the floral biology of species throughout the Rubiaceae family is of particular interest since heterostyly and dioecy may have evolved more than once in this large family. Unfortunately many species in several tropical regions remain unstudied. The purpose of this paper is to describe the floral biology, the nature of self-incompatibility, morph ratios, and fecundity in natural populations of Gaertnera vaginata, a small tree endemic to the island of La Reunion in the Indian Ocean. Measurements of floral characters in populations across the entire distribution of this species showed that G. vaginata exhibits a reciprocal stigma height and anther height dimorphism characteristic of a distylous species. Pollen grain size and corolla tube length are consistently greater in short-styled plants and long-styled plants produce more pollen per flower. Controlled pollinations in a natural population showed that 25% of the short-styled plants gave at least one fruit on intramorph (illegitimate) pollination, whereas no long-styled plants set fruit on illegitimate pollination. In total, 19.4% of illegitimate pollinations produced fruit on short-styled plants. No self-pollination gave fruit on either morph and between-morph pollinations produced 92.2 and 92.8% for short and long-styled plants, respectively. Overall, short-styled plants were significantly more abundant than long-styled plants. Short-styled plants outnumbered long-styled plants in 16 of the 19 populations. In three of these populations the morph ratio was significantly different from 1:1. In two natural populations, fruit set was significantly higher on long-styled plants, although the number of seeds per fruit was not significantly different between the two morphs. The possible effect of variation in the strength of heteromorphic incompatibility on observed variation in morph abundance and the possible causes for the variation in fruit set are discussed.  相似文献   

Distyly, floral polymorphism frequently associated with reciprocal herkogamy, self‐ and intramorph incompatibility and secondary dimorphism, constitutes an important sexual system in the Rubiaceae. Here we report an unusual kind of distyly associated with self‐ and/or intramorph compatibility in a perennial herb, Hedyotis acutangula. Floral morphology, ancillary dimorphisms and compatibility of the two morphs were studied. H. acutangula did not exhibit precise reciprocal herkogamy, but this did not affect the equality of floral morphs in the population, as usually found in distylous plants. Both pin and thrum pollen retained relatively high viability for 8 h. The pollen to ovule ratio was 72.5 in pin flowers and 54.4 in thrum flowers. Pistils of pin flowers remained receptive for longer than those of thrum flowers. No apparent difference in the germination rate of pin and thrum pollen grains was observed when cultured in vitro, although growth of thrum pollen tubes was much faster than that of pin pollen tubes. Artificial pollination revealed that pollen tube growth in legitimate intermorph crosses was faster than in either intramorph crosses or self‐pollination, suggesting the occurrence of cryptic self‐incompatibility in this species. Cryptic self‐incompatibility functioned differently in the two morphs, with pollen tube growth rates after legitimate and illegitimate pollination much more highly differentiated in pin flowers than in thrum flowers. No fruit was produced in emasculated netted flowers, suggesting the absence of apomixis. Our results indicate that H. acutangula is distylous, with a cryptic self‐incompatibility breeding system.  相似文献   

We studied a population of the distylousPalicourea padifolia (Rubiaceae) in a cloud forest remnant near Xalapa City, Veracruz, México to explore possible asymmetries between floral morphs in the attractiveness to pollinators, seed dispersers, nectar robbers, floral parasites, and herbivores. We first assessed heterostyly and reciprocal herkogamy by measuring floral attributes such as corolla length (buds and open flowers), style and anther heights, stigma and stamen lengths and the distance between the anther tip to the stigma lobe. We then estimated floral and fruit attributes such as flower size, anther height, number and size of pollen grains, fruit size, seed size, nectar production, and flower and fruit standing crops to assess differences between floral morphs in attracting and effectively using mutualistic pollinators and seed dispersers. Also, floral parasitism and nectar robbing were assessed in this study as a measure of flower attractiveness to antagonists. The system seems to conform well to classical heterostyly (e.g. reciprocal stamen/style lengths, pollen and anther dimorphism, intramorph incompatibility) yet, there were several tantalizing differences observed between pin and thrum morphs. Thrum flowers have longer corollas and larger but fewer pollen grains than pin flowers. Both morphs produced the same total number of inflorescences, developed the same number of buds, and opened the same number of flowers per inflorescence during the flowering season. Nectar production and sugar concentration were similar between floral morphs but the reward was not offered symmetrically to floral visitors throughout the day. Nectar concentration was higher in pin flowers in the afternoon. The numbers of developing, fully developed, and ripe fruits were the same between floral morphs, however, fruits and seeds were larger than those of thrums. The incidence of fly larvae was higher among thrum flowers and damage by nectar robbing was the same between floral morphs. Fruit abortion patterns of flowers manually pollinated suggest intra-morph sterility (self and intramorph incompatibility). There were no differences between morphs in fruit and seed set per flower following legitimate pollination although thrums were more leaky than the pins (intramorph compatibility).  相似文献   


Premise of the Study

Heterostyly, the reciprocal positioning of stigmas and anthers in different floral morphs, has long been thought to promote intermorph pollination. However, extensive intramorph pollination occurs commonly in heterostylous species, leading to recurrent questions about the functional and evolutionary significance of heterostyly.


To identify the sources of stigmatic pollen (autogamous [intraflower], geitonogamous [intraplant], vs. interplant), we emasculated either one flower or entire plants in experimental populations of the two closely related buckwheat species, distylous Fagopyrum esculentum and homostylous F. tataricum. Differences in pollen size allowed unambiguous identification of pollen on stigmas.


Only 2.4% of F. tataricum pollen and 1.5% of F. esculentum pollen arrived successfully on compatible stigmas of other plants. In the former (homostylous) species, 71.3% of the pollen load on stigmas was autogamous, 10.8% was geitonogamous, and 17.9% was interplant. In the latter (distylous) species, 37.45% of the pollen on stigmas was autogamous, 13.8% was geitonogamous, 17.0% was intramorph, and 31.75% was intermorph. The amount of incompatible pollen arriving on stigmas was greatly decreased by both one‐flower and whole‐plant emasculations, and thus, the proportion of compatible pollen deposited increased with one‐flower emasculation and increased even more with whole‐plant emasculation.


Our quantification of pollen‐donor sources in these two species indicated that heterostyly in Fagopyrum esculentum provided a nearly 2‐fold fitness advantage (in terms of compatible pollination) over expected (random) pollen transfers between morphs. Because of reduced herkogamy, the homostylous F. tataricum was highly autogamous.  相似文献   

异型花柱是一种受遗传因素控制的花型多态性现象,包括二型花柱和三型花柱两种类型.本文以茜草科艳丽耳草(Hedyotis pulcherrima)为实验材料,通过对其野外居群的花型、花部形态及花粉特征等观察,发现艳丽耳草野外居群同时存在长花柱型花和短花柱型花,长/短花柱型花的数量比例为1∶1.两型花具有精确的交互式雌雄异位特征,并且该特征与花冠长度相关性显著.长/短花柱型花的柱头裂片长度、花粉大小及淀粉含量等具有二型性.花粉体外培养时花粉萌发率及花粉管生长速率无显著性差异.人工授粉后,艳丽耳草长/短花柱型花型间异交花粉管生长形态正常,授粉24 h后花粉管均已进入子房.而长/短花柱型花在自交及型内异交下均表现为不亲和,花粉管生长停止于柱头,花粉管顶端累积胼胝质并膨大.艳丽耳草没有无融合生殖现象,型间人工辅助异交授粉结实率为100%,显著高于自然结实率.本研究结果表明,艳丽耳草是典型的二型花柱植物,并具有异型自交不亲和系统.  相似文献   

Floral morphology and breeding system were examined in natural populations of Psychotria rubra (Rubiaceae) occurring in the Ryukyu Islands in southwest Japan. This species is morphologically dimorphic with long‐ and short‐styled morphs; however, these morphs are functionally dioecious. All long‐styled morphs set fruits, but their short anthers completely lack pollen grains; thus, they function as pistillate flowers. Alternately, short‐styled morphs usually have fertile pollen and never set fruit, whether after open or obligate pollinations; thus, they function as staminate flowers. However, some short‐styled morphs in Mounts Katsuu‐dake and Oppa‐dake populations have no fertile pollens. No fruit was obtained from bagging experiments, indicating that P. rubra requires pollinators for its reproduction. In our pollinator observations, flies and short‐tongued wasps were the main visitors of the flowers of P. rubra. Thus, these insects are probably effective pollinators for P. rubra in the Ryukyu Islands. Considering the morphological features, the dioecy found in P. rubra is probably derived from distyly; however, no sufficient evidence is available showing that dioecy has evolved “directly” from distyly.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Because distylous species have two hermaphroditic style-length floral morphs, they face two sex allocation problems: the equilibrium morph ratio and the optimal allocation to pollen and seed production in each floral morph. Gender specialization is expected among distylous species when floral morphs differ in reproductive output. However, spatio-temporal variability in female reproductive output between morphs needs to be investigated to fully understand patterns of sexual expression and gender specialization in distylous plants. Between-year variation in flower and fruit production of hummingbird-pollinated Palicourea padifolia (Rubiaceae) was examined, focusing on functional gender expression of long- and short-styled morphs and comparing their reproductive performance in five consecutive years (1998-2002). METHODS: Between-year variation in inflorescence, floral bud and fruit production was monitored and quantified. These traits were then used as parameters to determine functional gender differences between floral morphs through time. KEY RESULTS: Inflorescence production varied among years but no significant differences were found between floral morphs. Long-styled plants initiated more floral buds per inflorescence every year than short-styled plants, suggesting higher allocation to pollinator attraction and, potentially, an increase in male fitness through pollen donation. Although fruit production was similar between morphs, their functional gender shifted across years. CONCLUSIONS: The gender expression inconsistency across years is surprising because a number of floral characters and attributes that contribute to differently attracting and rewarding effective pollinators in P. padifolia suggest gender specialization. The evidence that morphs of distylous species might specialize in functional gender mostly comes from differences among populations in seed production and non-equilibrium morph ratios based on 1-year field population surveys. The results suggest that more sampling through time is needed to detect gender specialization among distylous species with a perennial habit.  相似文献   

Enantiostyly is a form of reciprocal herkogamy, in which floral morphs present reciprocal differences in the position of sexual elements, and occurs in monomorphic and dimorphic forms. This polymorphism maximises cross‐pollination and reduces self‐pollination, being very common within the subtribe Cassiinae (Fabaceae). Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the functionality of enantiostyly, particularly in this plant group. The present study aimed to investigate enantiostyly and its functionality in Chamaecrista ramosa, a monomorphic enantiostylous shrub, in an area of coastal vegetation in northeast Brazil. Pollen deposition and capture on the body of floral visitors, the relationship of these data with floral biology and breeding system, and morph ratio were evaluated. Pollen deposition and capture occurred in specific sites of the floral visitor body, showing the functionality of enantiostyly. The floral architecture, associated with the floral visitor behaviour, resulted in indirect pollen deposition on the floral visitor body. This occurred through a loop made by the pollen upon the inner petal surface, similar that generally reported for other Cassiinae. Chamaecrista ramosa is self‐compatible, although no fruit set was observed through spontaneous self‐pollination. The occurrence and number of floral morphs was similar within clumps. Enantiostyly seems to be advantageous for this species, as it results in efficient pollen capture and deposition, reduces the chances of autogamy and maximises intermorph pollen flow.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了茜草科粗叶木属Lasianthus 16种2亚种、1变种及相关的5属5种的花粉形态。粗叶木属的花粉属于广孢型, 单粒。一般中等大小, 绝大多数为圆球形, 少数为近长球形或长球形。花粉形态特征, 特别是在萌发孔和外壁纹饰上表现出多样化。根据孔沟的数目或是否具有内孔, 可以将萌发孔分为(3-)4-(-5)孔沟和3孔。在所观察的这些种中, 萌发孔以3-4孔沟为主要类型, 比例为62.4%。外壁纹饰可分为细网状、粗网状和穴状。有部分种的花粉极面有穴状纹饰, 其余均为网状纹饰。网眼一般椭圆形、近圆形、三角形或者不规则形。少数外壁纹饰网脊上有颗粒状雕纹或模糊的颗粒, 网脊轮廓线呈波浪形, 一般凸出且平滑。大部分种的花粉具有沟膜, 沟膜上具有瘤状突起或小颗粒状, 沟边缘一般较平滑, 或粗糙, 有的种具有沟桥。  相似文献   

In P. affinis, pin pollen is shorter on average than thrum pollen. Pins have more coronal hooks on stigmatic papillae than thrums, but gaps between papillae are relatively smaller for thrums. Pin stigmas receive more pollen than thrum stigmas. Thrum stigmas receive more (dissortive) pin pollen, but pin stigmas are assortively pollinated. Pollen only germinates when trapped below papilla coronas. On thrum stigmas, most trapped pollen is pin. Pollen germination is better on thrum stigmas than pin stigmas, and thrum stigmas show a close relationship between numbers of legitimate pollen grains, numbers of germinating grains, and numbers of pollen tubes in the style. There is no inhibition of illegitimate pollen germination. Illegitimate pollen tubes are inhibited in the style. Incompatibility operates by a combination of dissortive pollination, dissortive pollen trapping, and stylar pollen tube inhibition. All heteromorphic features differing between pins and thrums are implicated in the inhibition of within-morph fertilization in thrums.  相似文献   

Pollen germination and pollen‐tube growth under natural conditions were observed in a population of a distylous species, Primula sieboldii, in which partial self‐compatibility has been demonstrated in some long‐styled genets. We observed post‐pollination processes microscopically in styles collected after self‐morph and inter‐morph hand pollination (with standardized pollen load on the stigmas) in four genets each from the following three ‘genet types’: self‐incompatible long‐styled (SI), partially self‐compatible long‐styled (SC) and self‐incompatible short‐styled morph genets. Irrespective of the genet type, pollen germination began within 24 h after pollination and tubes of pollen reached to the style base with 48–96 h after inter‐morph pollination. Although pollen tubes germinated after self‐pollination in the SC genets, the number of germinated pollen tubes was significantly lower than in the case of inter‐morph pollination. Few pollen tubes germinated after self‐pollination of the SI or short‐styled genets. In SC genets, the rate of pollen‐tube growth did not differ between self‐morph and inter‐morph pollination (~1.9 mm/day). Therefore, differences in self‐compatibility between SC and SI genets in P. sieboldii are likely to be attributable to differential pollen germination rates rather than to differential pollen‐tube growth rates.  相似文献   

In animal‐pollinated plants, both the spatial distribution of flowering individuals and the number of flowers that an individual displays affect pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success. Heterostylous species are likely to be particularly sensitive to the contingencies of spatial distribution, as they are reproductively subdivided into distinct mating groups, which usually exhibit self‐ and intra‐morph incompatibility and differ in floral morphology. In this paper, we explore the joint effects of both spatial distribution of potential mates and floral display size on morph‐specific pollen deposition rates and seed set patterns in two natural populations of Pulmonaria officinalis, a distylous species with a weak self‐incompatibility system. Both total stigmatic pollen load and the proportion of legitimate pollen decreased with increasing spatial isolation. Legitimate (intermorph) pollen transfer was, however, asymmetric and decreased more rapidly with decreasing proximity to a compatible legitimate mating partner in the S‐morph than in the L‐morph. Total stigmatic pollen loads per flower increased with increasing floral display size, indicating that large plants are disproportionately more visited than smaller individuals. However, because legitimate pollen deposition decreased with increasing floral display size, these results also suggest that larger numbers of flowers increase the degree of geitonogamous pollination. In both the L‐ and S‐morph, seed set significantly decreased with increasing isolation from a legitimate mating partner, but in the L‐morph seed set was less dependent on the spatial distribution of the S‐morph. In addition, seed set significantly increased with floral display size in the L‐morph, but not in the S‐morph. These findings indicate that the spatial distribution of potential mates and variation in floral display size may cause morph‐specific differences in pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that morph ratios in heterostylous populations are governed by negative frequency-dependent selection typically resulting in equal morph ratios at equilibrium. Previous work on the distylous perennial herb Pulmonaria officinalis, however, showed asymmetric mating between floral morphs and a weak self-incompatibility system, with the long-styled morph (L-morph) producing significantly higher seed set following intramorph crosses and even selfing than the short-styled morph (S-morph), two aspects thought to affect female fecundity and morph-ratio variation. Here, we evaluated morph ratios and population size of all known P. officinalis populations in the northern part of Belgium. Morph ratios deviated significantly from 1:1 (range 0.09-1 L-morph frequency, mean = 0.58). Relative fecundity of the S-morph (i.e. mean seed set of the S-morph/mean seed set of the L-morph) was on average 0.73, was positively related to the frequency of the L-morph, and reached 1 (similar levels of female fecundity) at an average L-morph frequency of 0.66 in the population. As some small populations had the S-morph in majority, our results suggest that local morph ratios are influenced both by the relative fecundity of L- and S-morph individuals and by stochastic processes in small populations.  相似文献   

Reciprocal herkogamy is known to promote intermorph-pollination in distylous species, which are generally self- and intramorph-incompatible. Legitimate crossing rates are also influenced by pollinator foraging strategy, which determines most of the pollen flow in natural populations. This study reports on the floral morphology, compatibility relations and pollination biology of Psychotria nuda (Cham. and Schltdl.) Wawra in the Atlantic rain forest, southeastern Brazil, based on floral measurements, hand-pollination experiments and focal observation of floral visitors. It was found that P. nuda does not present an exactly reciprocal herkogamy, however, this morphological trait in P. nuda is as good as in most of Rubiaceae. Reproductive experiments showed compatibility relations similar to those frequently observed in distylous species. The hummingbirds Ramphodon naevius and females of Thalurania glaucopis were the main pollinators of P. nuda, presenting the traplining foraging strategy, which seems to maximize intermorph crosses in P. nuda flowers. These hummingbirds pollinated P. nuda flowers sequentially throughout the flowering period.  相似文献   

Light and SEM observations on the pollen ofDyerophytum africanum andD. indicum have revealed marked differences in exine features. These distylous species also have dimorphic pollen. In the short-styled individuals of both species, the sexine and nexine are of equal thickness, and the clava-like sexinous processes are short without marked projections. In the long-styled individuals, the sexine is thicker than the nexine, the clavae are higher than broad with an apical spinule. Pollen size and apertures are identical in both morphs. — Palynological evidence is presented for relationships betweenDyerophytum andCeratostigma, Plumbago andAegialitis. Moreover, the genusDyerophytum exhibits pollen morphological similarities with some species ofLinum (Linaceae).  相似文献   

Currently, pollination is seen as involving more generalist interactions than specialized ones. Supporting this trend, some nocturnal distylous flowers may also receive floral visitors during the day, and since the latter contribute to fruit set, the pollination system is mixed and less specialized. Common among the Rubiaceae, distyly has been regarded as a reproductive strategy which requires a precise and specialized pollination system, and in this important tropical family, environmental disturbance and pollination failure have been used to explain anomalies in distylous features. Faramea cyanea Müll. Arg. is a common tree species in forest formations in the increasingly threatened Cerrado biome, the Neotropical savannas in Central Brazil. We evaluated the floral morphology, pollination biology and breeding system of a population of F. cyanea. Despite their moth pollination features, flowers were visited by diurnal (bees) as well as nocturnal (moths) pollinators. Experimental results showed that both pollinator groups contributed equally to pollen flow and legitimate pollination. The population presented distyly, isoplethy and heteromorphic self-incompatibility. Although F. cyanea did not present exact reciprocal herkogamy between floral morphs, pollination and reproductive success were not impaired. Floral features, which allowed pollination by complementary groups of pollinators, may explain the absence of anomalies in the isoplethy and distylous features in the studied population, anomalies which have been observed in other sympatric distylous Rubiaceae.  相似文献   

DistylousLinum grandiflorum, L. mucronatum, andL. pubescens have dimorphic pollen grains. In short-styled flowers the exine has monomorphic processes each with a ring of papillae. In long-styled flowers the exine has two types of processes: small processes terminating in a spinule and larger processes with a central spinule surrounded by a ring of spinuels, papillae or buttresses. The distylousLinum species of four different sections, in which morph-specific differences in the wall structure of stigmatic papillae have been reported, also exhibit exine dimorphism. The patterns of these dimorphisms are similar in all four sections in which distyly is present.  相似文献   

The transition from biotic to wind pollination and the consequencesof this transition for the evolution of dioecious breeding systems wereinvestigated in Schiedea and Alsinidendron(Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae), genera endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. The potential for wind pollination was studied for five species ofSchiedea using a wind tunnel. Morphological correlates of windpollination for these species were then used to infer the presence orabsence of wind pollination in the remaining Schiedea species. Hermaphroditic Alsinidendron and Schiedea species,which occur in mesic to wet forests, or less commonly in dry habitats,show little or no indication of wind pollination. These species had lowpollen:ovule ratios, large relative pollen size, diffuse inflorescences,substantial nectar production in several cases, and appear to bebiotically pollinated or autogamous. Sexually dimorphic species, whichall occur in dry habitats, are wind pollinated, based on wind tunnelresults or morphological adaptations indicating the potential for windpollination. These adaptations include high pollen:ovule ratios, smallpollen size, moderately to highly condensed inflorescences, and reducednectaries and nectar production. Shifts to wind pollination anddimorphism are strongly correlated in Schiedea, suggesting theclose functional relationship of the twophenomena.  相似文献   

In Sequoiadendron ovules are borne inside the ovulate cone, and pollination drops secreted from these ovules collect pollen. We examined: (1) the relation between ovular position and pollen capture; (2) pollen behavior when in contact with a pollination drop; and (3) ultrastructure of ovules during pollination drop secretion. During wet periods a water sheet forms on the surface of the cone due to bract shape and wettability. Pollination drops persist inside the wetted cone, and pollen capture resumes immediately after drying. Pollen landing on a pollination drop is taken inside the drop and carried into the micropyle when the drop contracts. Several notable ultrastructural features appear in the nucellus, integument, chalaza, and bract lamina during pollination-drop secretion. The abaxial surface of the lamina is covered by a membrane that may contribute to the wettable nature of the surface.  相似文献   

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