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The nitrate reductase activity of 5-day-old whole corn roots was isolated using phosphate buffer. The relatively stable nitrate reductase extract can be separated into three fractions using affinity chromatography on blue-Sepharose. The first fraction, eluted with NADPH, reduces nearly equal amounts of nitrate with either NADPH or NADH. A subsequent elution with NADH yields a nitrate reductase which is more active with NADH as electron donor. Further elution with salt gives a nitrate reductase fraction which is active with both NADH and NADPH, but is more active with NADH. All three nitrate reductase fractions have pH optima of 7.5 and Stokes radii of about 6.0 nanometers. The NADPH-eluted enzyme has a nitrate Km of 0.3 millimolar in the presence of NADPH, whereas the NADH-eluted enzyme has a nitrate Km of 0.07 millimolar in the presence of NADH. The NADPH-eluted fraction appears to be similar to the NAD(P)H:nitrate reductase isolated from corn scutellum and the NADH-eluted fraction is similar to the NADH:nitrate reductases isolated from corn leaf and scutellum. The salt-eluted fraction appears to be a mixture of NAD(P)H: and NADH:nitrate reductases.  相似文献   

The pattern of NADH- and NAD(P)H-specific nitrate reductase (NRs) activities in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern. and Coss.) was monitored throughout growth stages. NAD(P)H:NR (EC activity was maximum at early stages of growth (30 days after sowing, DAS), then declined gradually reaching to almost zero at 90 DAS. Contrary to this, NADH:NR (EC activity was low at 30 DAS, then gradually increased till 90 DAS and thereafter, it became constant. The decrease in NAD(P)H:NR activity and increase in the NADH:NR activity were associated with the seasonal decrease in nitrate content in the soil. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) has NADH-specific and NAD(P)H-bispecific nitrate reductase isozymes. Four isogenic lines with different nitrate reductase isozyme combinations were used to determine the role of NADH and NAD(P)H nitrate reductases on nitrate transport and assimilation in barley seedlings. Both nitrate reductase isozymes were induced by nitrate and were required for maximum nitrate assimilation in barley seedlings. Genotypes lacking the NADH isozyme (Az12) or the NAD(P)H isozyme (Az70) assimilated 65 or 85%, respectively, as much nitrate as the wild type. Nitrate assimilation by genotype (Az12;Az70) which is deficient in both nitrate reductases, was only 13% of the wild type indicating that the NADH and NAD(P)H nitrate reductase isozymes are responsible for most of the nitrate reduction in barley seedlings. For all genotypes, nitrate assimilation rates in the dark were about 55% of the rates in light. Hypotheses that nitrate reductase has direct or indirect roles in nitrate uptake were not supported by this study. Induction of nitrate transporters and the kinetics of net nitrate uptake were the same for all four genotypes indicating that neither nitrate reductase isozyme has a direct role in nitrate uptake in barley seedlings.  相似文献   

Two nitrate reductase (NR) mutants were selected for low nitrate reductase (LNR) activity by in vivo NR microassays of M2 seedlings derived from nitrosomethylurea-mutagenized soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Williams) seeds. The mutants (LNR-5 and LNR-6) appeared to have normal nitrate-inducible NR activity. Both mutants, however, showed decreased NR activity in vivo and in vitro compared with the wild-type. In vitro FMNH2-dependent nitrate reduction and Cyt c reductase activity of nitrate-grown plants, and nitrogenous gas evolution during in vivo NR assays of urea-grown plants, were also decreased in the mutants. The latter observation was due to insufficient generation of nitrite substrate, rather than some inherent difference in enzyme between mutant and wild-type plants. When grown on urea, crude extracts of LNR-5 and LNR-6 lines had similar NADPH:NR activities to that of the wild type, but both mutants had very little NADH:NR activity, relative to the wild type. Blue Sepharose columns loaded with NR extract of urea-grown mutants and sequentially eluted with NADPH and NADH yielded a NADPH:NR peak only, while the wild-type yielded both NADPH: and NADH:NR peaks. Activity profiles confirmed the lack of constitutive NADH:NR in the mutants throughout development. The results provide additional support to our claim that wild-type soybean contains three NR isozymes, namely, constitutive NADPH:NR (c1NR), constitutive NADH:NR (c2NR), and nitrate-inducible NR (iNR).  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) has two, differentially regulated, nitrate reductase (NR) genes, one encoding the NADH-specific NR (Nar1) and the other encoding the NAD(P)H-bispecific NR (Nar7). Regulation of the two NR genes by nitrate was investigated in wild-type Steptoe and in an NADH-specific NR structural gene mutant (Az12). Gene-specific probes were used to estimate NADH and NAD(P)H NR mRNAs. The kinetics of induction by nitrate were similar for the two NR genes; expression was generally below the limits of detection prior to induction, reached maximum levels after 1 to 2 h of induction in roots and 4 to 8 h of induction in leaves, and then declined to steady-state levels. Derepression of the NAD(P)H NR gene in leaves of the NADH-specific NR gene mutant Az12 did not appear to be associated with changes in nitrate assimilation products or nitrate flux. Nitrate deprivation resulted in rapid decreases in NADH and NAD(P)H NR mRNAs in seedling roots and leaves and equally rapid decreases in the concentration of nitrate in the xylem sap. These results indicate that factors affecting nitrate uptake and transport could have a direct influence on NR expression in barley leaves.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation induced by Fe2+ADP in soybean mitochondriais stimulated by pyruvate, malate (in the presence of NAD2+)and by NAD(P)H. This lipid peroxidation is almost completelyinhibited by EDTA indicating that iron is essential. Also salicylhydroxamicacid, a specific inhibitor of the alternate oxidase, is a stronginhibitor of lipid peroxidation but its effect should be relatedto chelation or to a general antioxidant action. Rotenone doesnot show any effect on the malateNAD2+Fe2+ADP-induced lipidperoxidation. From the reported data, it is possible to concludethat, in soybean mitochondria, the peroxidation of unsaturatedlipids can be modulated through a balance between the systemssparking lipid peroxidation, like NAD(P)H Fe2+ADP, and the systemswhich protect against it, i.e. quinones, maintained at the reducedstate by the substrates. (Received April 20, 1987; Accepted July 21, 1987)  相似文献   

A barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutant, nar1a (formerly Az12), deficient in NADH nitrate reductase activity is, nevertheless, capable of growth with nitrate as the sole nitrogen source. In an attempt to identify the mechanism(s) of nitrate reduction in the mutant, nitrate reductase from nar1a was characterized to determine whether the residual activity is due to a leaky mutation or to the presence of a second nitrate reductase. The results obtained indicate that the nitrate reductase in nar1a differs from the wild-type enzyme in several important aspects. The pH optima for both the NADH and the NADPH nitrate reductase activities from nar1a were approximately pH 7.7, which is slightly greater than the pH 7.5 optimum for the NADH activity and considerably greater than the pH 6.0 to 6.5 optimum for the NADPH activity of the wild-type enzyme. The nitrate reductase from nar1a exhibits greater NADPH than NADH activity and has apparent Km values for nitrate and NADH that are approximately 10 times greater than those of the wild-type enzyme. The nar1a nitrate reductase has apparent Km values of 170 micromolar for NADPH and 110 micromolar for NADH. NADPH, but not NADH, inhibited the enzyme at concentrations greater than 50 micromolar.  相似文献   

分析水稻硝酸还原酶(NR)基因生物信息学的结果显示:水稻基因纽中有2个NR基因成员:一个为NR[NADH](NR1):另一个为NR[NAD(P)H](NR2)。两者的蛋白序列相似性为70%。用RT—PCR技术从水稻cDNA中获得了NR1和NR2的cDNA片段,其大小分别为1086bp和892bp。构建RNA干涉载体(称pRNAi—NR1和pRNAi-NR2)转化水稻愈伤组织后检测转基因后代酶活性的结果表明:两种干涉植株的根叶中的NR活性均大幅度下降,并且根叶中的活性变化呈线性正相关关系。表明2个基因可能均有调控根叶中NR活性的作用。  相似文献   

Purification and Kinetics of Higher Plant NADH:Nitrate Reductase   总被引:17,自引:12,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Squash cotyledon (Cucurbita pepo L.) NADH:nitrate reductase (NR) was purified 150-fold with 50% recovery by a single step procedure based on the affinity of the NR for blue-Sepharose. Blue-Sepharose, which is prepared by direct coupling of Cibacron blue to Sepharose, appears to bind squash NR at the NADH site. The NR can be purified in 2 to 3 hours to a specific activity of 2 μmol of NADH oxidized/minute • milligram of protein. Corn (Zea mays L.) leaf NR was also purified to a specific activity of 6.9 μmol of NADH oxidized/minute • milligram of protein using a blue-Sepharose affinity step. The blue-Sepharose method offers the advantages of a rapid purification of plant NR to a high specific activity with reasonable recovery of total activity.

The kinetic mechanism of higher plant NR was investigated using these highly purified squash and corn NR preparations. Based on initial velocity and product inhibition studies utilizing both enzymes, a two-site ping-pong mechanism is proposed for NR. This kinetic mechanism incorporates the concept of the reduced NR transferring electrons from the NADH site to a physically separated nitrate site.


The NAD+/NADH ratio was 12 in whole soybean nodules tissue,but only 2 in bacteroids, as a result of the high concentrationof NADH. By contrast, NADP+/NADPH ratios were less than unityin both nodules and bacteroids, being 0.28 and 0.37, respectively. The adenylate energy charge values in bacteroids and nodules,0.37 and 0.39, respectively, were remarkably low, and were insharp contrast to the normal value of 0.83 in root tissue. (Received July 19, 1988; Accepted March 9, 1989)  相似文献   

The intracellular distribution of NADPH- and NADH-dependentduroquinone reductase (NAD (P)H-DQR) from etiolated zucchinihypocotyls (Cucurbita pepo L.) was investigated. About 80% ofthis enzyme is in the supernatant fraction and is probably cytosolic.Particulate NAD (P)H-DQR was largely (42%) found in associationwith the plasma membrane and was strongly stimulated by TX100.Another 33% of NAD (P)H-DQR was associated with mitochondria,and minor fractions with the endoplasmic reticulum (8%) andother particles. All these fractions were little or not stimulatedby TX100. The distribution of detergent-activated NAD (P)H-DQRis thus distinct from microsomal NADH- and NADPH-CCR. The plasma membrane was purified from microsomal fractions bymetrizamide plus sucrose density gradient centrifugation orby PEG/dextran phase partitioning. Both types of particle preparationspeaked at a density (d) of 1.165 g cm–3 in sucrose gradientsand contained substantial TX100-sensitive NADH-DQR, TX100-stimulatedNAD (P)H-DQR, together with traces of NADH-CCR and trapped ‘soluble’enzyme (MDH, NADP-malic enzyme) activities. In isopycnic gradientsof unfractionated microsomes, however, trapped enzymes peakedat d 1.155 whereas NAD (P)H-DQR peaked at d 1.165 and GSII atd 1.170, probably revealing plasma membrane heterogeneity. Furtherevidence of heterogeneity was provided by fractionation of plasmamembrane vesicles on dextran step-gradients. Most of the trapped MDH was released to the supernatant by sonicationor treatment with 0.0125% TX100. Under these conditions mostof the NAD (P)H-DQR sedimented with the membranes. It is concludedthat NAD (P)H-DQR is bound to the inside of plasma membranevesicles, but a fraction (7 to 31%) may be ‘soluble’and sequestered within the vesicle lumen. Part of the detergent-sensitiveNADH-DQR may be externally bound and accessible to non-permeatingsubstrates. Key words: Cucurbita, NAD (P)H-quinone reductase, plasma membrane  相似文献   

Glutamate toxicity in the N18-RE-105 neuronal cell line results from the inhibition of high-affinity cystine uptake, which leads to a depletion of glutathione and the accumulation of oxidants. Production of superoxides by one-electron oxidation/reduction of quinones is decreased by NAD(P)H:quinone reductase, an enzyme with DT-diaphorase activity. Using glutamate toxicity in N18-RE-105 cells as a model of neuronal oxidative stress, we report that the degree of glutamate toxicity observed is inversely proportional to quinone reductase activity. Induction of quinone reductase activity by treatment with t-butylhydroquinone reduced glutamate toxicity by up to 80%. In contrast, treatment with the quinone reductase inhibitor dicumarol potentiated the toxic effect of glutamate. Measurement of cellular glutathione indicates that increases in its levels are not responsible for the protective effect of t-butylhydroquinone treatment. Because many types of cell death may involve the formation of oxidants, induction of quinone reductase may be a new strategy to combat neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

NADH-nitrate reductase (NR) (EC [EC] ) activity in the cotyledonsof squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) seedlings showed daily variationwhen the seedlings were subjected to an alternating light-darkcycle. When the seedlings were transferred into continuous darkness,NR activity rose at first and then decreased continuously. Irradiationafter continuous darkness induced a rapid increase in NR activity;this light induction of NR activity was inhibited completelyby fumigation with 4 ppm nitrogen dioxide (NO2). This inhibitoryeffect of NO2 was prominent even at 1 ppm and became more pronouncedas the concentration of NO2 increased. NO2 fumigation did notremarkably affect the content of reductant (NADH) in the cotyledons.The results of immunoblotting using anti-NR serum indicatedthat irradiation induced the increase in the NR-polypeptidecontent and NO2 fumigation inhibited the increase, suggestingthat NO2 put an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of NR inducedby irradiation. 4 Present address: College of Environmental Health, Azabu University,Fuchinobe, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229, Japan 5 Present address: Faculty of Home Economics, Otuma Women'sUniversity, Sanban-cho, Chiyoda, Tokyo 102, Japan (Received October 21, 1987; Accepted January 13, 1988)  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the influence of glyphosate[N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] on extractable nitrate reductaseactivity during light and dark growth of soybean (Glycine max)seedlings. Glyphosate (5?10–4 M), applied via root-feedingto three-day-old etiolated seedling, significantly reduced enzymeactivity in roots (48 to 96 h) and leaves (96 h) of seedlingsplaced in the light, but had little effect on enzyme activityin cotyledons compared to enzyme levels in tissues of untreatedseedlings. During dark-growth, nitrate reductase activity increasedwith time in cotyledons of untreated seedlings (activity about85-fold less than in cotyledons of light-grown plants) but muchlower enzyme levels were found in cotyledons of glyphosate-treatedseedlings after 72 and 96 h. In leaves of dark-grown seedlings,glyphosate reduced nitrate reductase levels by 95%. Most inhibitionof extractable enzyme activity occurred in newly developingorgans (leaves and roots) which correlates well with reportsthat glyphosate is rapidly translocated to these sites. However,the fact that glyphosate inhibits growth prior to lowering enzymeactivity levels indicates a secondary effect on nitrate reductase. (Received May 18, 1984; Accepted February 12, 1985)  相似文献   

In response to in situ dark modulation, or in vitro ATP preincubationof higher plant nitrate reductase, Mg2+ inhibits NADH:nitratereductase activity but not MV:nitrate reductase activity incrude extracts. Also for the purified enzyme the complete NADH:nitratereductase activity is inhibited by Mg2+, but not the partialMV:nitrate reductase or Cyt c reductase activities. (Received October 13, 1993; Accepted January 24, 1994)  相似文献   

The reduction of plastoquinone by NADPH was detected as an increasein the dark level of Chi fluorescence in osmotically rupturedchloroplasts of spinach. This activity was observed only whenthe chloroplasts were ruptured in a medium containing a highconcentration of MgCl2. The activity was suppressed by inhibitorsof the respiratory NADH dehydrogenase (NDH) complex in mitochondria,capsaicin and amobarbital, suggesting that the activity wasmediated by chloroplastic NDH complex. Antimycin A, an inhibitorof ferredoxin-quinone reductase (FQR), and the protonophorenigericin also inhibited the increase in Chi fluorescence byNADPH. By contrast, JV-ethylmaleimide (NEM), an inhibitor offerredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR), did not suppress the fluorescenceincrease, showing that FNR is not involved in this reaction.When the osmotically ruptured chloroplasts were washed by centrifugation,a further addition of ferredoxin as well as NADPH was requiredfor an increase in fluorescence. This ferredoxin-de-pendentactivity also was suppressed by antimycin A, but only partlyinhibited by capsaicin or amobarbital, suggesting that thisis mediated mainly by FQR. These findings suggest that the NADPH-bindingsubunit of NDH complex is easily dissociated from the thylakoidmembranes during the process of the washing the thylakoids bycentrifugation. 3Present address: Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, AcademiaSinica, 300 Fenglin Road, Shanghai 200032, China 5Present address: Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering,Fukuyama University, 1 Gakuen-cho, Fukuyama, Hiroshima, 729-02Japan  相似文献   

A two-step purification protocol was used in an attempt to separate the constitutive NAD(P)H-nitrate reductase [NAD(P)H-NR, pH 6.5; EC] activity from the nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide (NO(x)) evolution activity extracted from soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaflets. Both of these activities were eluted with NADPH from Blue Sepharose columns loaded with extracts from either wild-type or LNR-5 and LNR-6 (lack constitutive NADH-NR [pH 6.5]) mutant soybean plants regardless of nutrient growth conditions. Fast protein liquid chromatography-anion exchange (Mono Q column) chromatography following Blue Sepharose affinity chromatography was also unable to separate the two activities. These data provide strong evidence that the constitutive NAD(P)H-NR (pH 6.5) in soybean is the enzyme responsible for NO(x) formation. The Blue Sepharose-purified soybean enzyme has a pH optimum of 6.75, an apparent Km for nitrite of 0.49 millimolar, and an apparent Km for NADPH and NADH of 7.2 and 7.4 micromolar, respectively, for the NO(x) evolution activity. In addition to NAD(P)H, reduced flavin mononucleotide (FMNH2) and reduced methyl viologen (MV) can serve as electron donors for NO(x) evolution activity. The NADPH-, FMNH2-, and reduced MV-NO(x) evolution activities were all inhibited by cyanide. The NADPH activity was also inhibited by p-hydroxymer-curibenzoate, whereas, the FMNH2 and MV activities were relatively insensitive to inhibition. These data indicate that the terminal molybdenum-containing portion of the enzyme is involved in the reduction of nitrite to NO(x). NADPH eluted both NR and NO(x) evolution activities from Blue Sepharose columns loaded with extracts of either nitrate- or zero N-grown winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus [L.]), whereas NADH did not elute either type of activity. Winged bean appears to contain only one type of NR enzyme that is similar to the constitutive NAD(P)H-NR (pH 6.5) enzyme of soybean.  相似文献   

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