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植物景观遗传学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋有涛  孙子程  朱京海 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7410-7417
植物景观遗传学是新兴的景观遗传学交叉学科的一个重要研究方向。目前植物景观遗传学的研究虽落后于动物,但其在生物多样性保护方面具有的巨大潜力不可忽视。从景观特征对遗传结构、环境因素对适应性遗传变异影响两个方面,系统综述了近十年来国际上植物景观遗传学的研究焦点和研究进展,比较了植物景观遗传学与动物景观遗传学研究在研究设计和研究方法上的异同,并基于将来植物景观遗传学由对空间遗传结构的描述发展为对景观遗传效应的量化分析及预测的发展框架,具体针对目前景观特征与遗传结构研究设计的系统性差、遗传结构与景观格局在时间上的误配、适应性位点与环境变量的模糊匹配、中性遗传变异与适应性遗传变异研究的分隔、景观与遗传关系分析方法的局限等五个方面提出了研究对策。  相似文献   

植物病原物的群体遗传学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Zhu W  Zhan JS 《遗传》2012,34(2):157-166
品种单一化、生产密集型和一年多茬的现代农业特点导致病原物呈现出进化速度加快、致病力增强及流行风险增大趋势。深入研究病原物群体遗传学对认识病害的流行、有效选育和使用抗性品种乃至控制病害具有重要意义。文章阐述了植物病原物群体遗传学的研究目标和内容、突变、基因迁移、基因重组、随机遗传漂变和自然选择5大遗传机制在植物病原物进化过程中的作用,以及目前植物病原物群体遗传学研究的现状。  相似文献   

祝雯  詹家绥 《遗传》2012,34(2):157-166
品种单一化、生产密集型和一年多茬的现代农业特点导致病原物呈现出进化速度加快、致病力增强及流行风险增大趋势。深入研究病原物群体遗传学对认识病害的流行、有效选育和使用抗性品种乃至控制病害具有重要意义。文章阐述了植物病原物群体遗传学的研究目标和内容、突变、基因迁移、基因重组、随机遗传漂变和自然选择5大遗传机制在植物病原物进化过程中的作用, 以及目前植物病原物群体遗传学研究的现状。  相似文献   

植物表观遗传多样性是对生物多样性的遗传多样性层面的补充,也是植物表型多样性的重要来源,研究表观遗传多样性的群体表观遗传学应运而生。在植物自然种群的研究中,群体表观遗传学弥补了群体遗传学对不符合孟德尔遗传定律的表型遗传的认识,是对现代综合进化论的重要补充。分子生物学技术的发展,为研究表观遗传变异提供了甲基化敏感的扩增片段长度多样(MS-AFLP)、结合二代测序的亚硫酸氢钠测序法等有力的技术手段。在生态和进化领域,自然种群中表观遗传变异与遗传变异、表型可塑性、生境分化、物种形成的关系成为研究的热点。表观遗传机制在生态系统和生物进化中的作用也逐渐得到揭示,本综述回顾近年来植物群体表观遗传学的实验研究和理论观点,展望了植物群体表观遗传学在研究方法和研究主题上的前景。  相似文献   

赖草属植物具有广泛的适应性和丰富的抗逆性,作为麦类作物的重要基因资源愈来愈受到人们的重视。介绍了赖草属植物的种类及分布,分析了赖草属植物的优良特性及潜在利用价值,探讨了赖草属植物的核型、染色体带型及分子细胞遗传学研究,重点论述了赖草属植物在小麦遗传改良中的应用.阐明挖掘利用小麦近缘野生植物是未来小麦品种改良的有效途径。  相似文献   

谭从娥  王米渠 《生物磁学》2011,(20):3991-3993
流行病学是现代医学的一门重要的基础学科,也是一门应用广泛的应用学科。流行病学作为方法学在复杂疾病研究中有不可替代的作用。糖尿病具有复杂疾病属性,应该以系统的多层次的流行病学方法为研究策略。本文从流行病学与临床医学、遗传学及分子生物学交叉所形成的分支学科一临床流行病学、遗传流行病学及分子流行病学三个方面对糖尿病的研究进展作一综述,并从分子遗传学角度列举了部分糖尿病的候选基因。提出糖尿病的研究应该从宏观流行病学(如社会环境等因素的影响)和微观流行病学(如分子遗传等)结合系统地进行研究。  相似文献   

MSAP技术及其在植物遗传学研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA甲基化是表观遗传学的重要组成部分,在调节植物基因表达、生长发育和抵御逆境等方面起着重要作用.随着对DNA甲基化研究的不断深入,基于PCR检测DNA甲基化状态的技术DNA甲基化敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)由于其检测多态性高,操作简单等优点被广泛应用于植物种质资源鉴定、植物改良、种群遗传结构分析及植物进化研究等遗传学各个领域.该文综述了MSAP技术的原理、实验方法以及其在植物遗传学研究中的应用,并对其今后应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

基因工程与植物的遗传改良   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了植物基因工程的发展历史及其在植物遗传改良中与常规改良技术相比具有的明显优势,介绍了经基因工程技术改良的转基因植物研究与应用状况,分析了植物基因工程在植物遗传改良中的潜在风险.阐述了利用植物基因工程进行遗传改良与常规遗传改良的关系,并对今后基因工程在植物遗传改良中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

孙毅 《化石》2000,(3):31-32
遗传学(genetics)是研究生物遗传及变异规律的学科。是选择和培育动植物及微生物优良种和研究防治遗传性疾病的理论基础。根据研究对象 ,遗传学可分为人类遗传学、动物遗传学、植物遗传学、微生物遗传学等。根据研究的问题和方法 ,又可分为细胞遗传学、生化遗传学、分子遗传学、辐射遗传学、群体遗传学、数量遗传学、医学遗传学、免疫遗传学及行为遗传学等。遗传学发展至当代 ,特别是分子遗传学的成就 ,使人类有能力直接设计自身和其它物种的进化 ,从而使公众对该学科的兴趣空前提高 ,人类将不再只慢慢的等待自然极其缓慢的进化过…  相似文献   

陈晓宇  姚蒙  李晟 《生态学报》2022,42(7):3033-3043
山地生态系统是生物多样性分布与保护的热点。山地景观遗传学(Mountain Landscape Genetics)研究在山地景观尺度上野生生物的种群遗传格局及其驱动机制和影响因素,是景观遗传学(Landscape Genetics)的重要分支。山地景观遗传学研究对于深入理解物种的空间遗传结构、形成过程、物种形成与分化机制具有重要意义与价值,同时可以为珍稀濒危物种和山地生物多样性的有效保护与管理提供科学指导。为了更好地掌握目前山地景观遗传学的发展趋势与重点研究问题,为未来生物多样性与山地生态系统的保护管理提供科学参考,基于对Web of Science核心数据库和中国知网数据库的系统检索,全面汇总分析了1999-2020年山地景观遗传学领域发表的192篇英文文献与31篇中文文献。结果显示,该领域自2008年起迅速发展,截至2020年共有46个国家的研究机构发表了山地景观遗传相关研究,研究热点地区包括北美洲的落基山脉、内华达山脉、阿巴拉契亚山脉,欧洲的阿尔卑斯山脉、比利牛斯山脉,以及亚洲的喜马拉雅-横断山脉。研究对象类群涵盖真菌、植物、节肢动物、脊椎动物,其中脊椎动物是研究发表最多的类群,占发表文献总数的62.0%;脊椎动物中,又以对哺乳类(占脊椎动物发表文献总数的52.9%)与两栖类(23.5%)的研究最多。目前主要的研究方向包括:(1)识别山地景观中的基因流路径或阻碍;(2)量化山地景观特征对种群遗传结构时空变化的影响。中国是发表山地景观遗传学文章数量最多的亚洲国家,近十年来相关研究发展迅速,研究类群以植物(占在中国发表文献总数的62.3%)与脊椎动物(35.8%)为主,对脊椎动物的研究中以两栖动物为最多(占所有脊椎动物发文数量的52.6%),研究区域主要集中在喜马拉雅-横断山脉与秦岭。本文进一步对目前山地景观遗传学研究中存在的空缺及未来重点关注问题提出建议。  相似文献   

With the emerging field of community genetics, it is important to quantify the key mechanisms that link genetics and community structure. We studied cottonwoods in common gardens and in natural stands and examined the potential for plant chemistry to be a primary mechanism linking plant genetics and arthropod communities. If plant chemistry drives the relationship between plant genetics and arthropod community structure, then several predictions followed. We would find (i) the strongest correlation between plant genetic composition and chemical composition; (ii) an intermediate correlation between plant chemical composition and arthropod community composition; and (iii) the weakest relationship between plant genetic composition and arthropod community composition. Our results supported our first prediction: plant genetics and chemistry had the strongest correlation in the common garden and the wild. Our results largely supported our second prediction, but varied across space, seasonally, and according to arthropod feeding group. Plant chemistry played a larger role in structuring common garden arthropod communities relative to wild communities, free-living arthropods relative to leaf and stem modifiers, and early-season relative to late-season arthropods. Our results did not support our last prediction, as host plant genetics was at least as tightly linked to arthropod community structure as plant chemistry, if not more so. Our results demonstrate the consistency of the relationship between plant genetics and biodiversity. Additionally, plant chemistry can be an important mechanism by which plant genetics affects arthropod community composition, but other genetic-based factors are likely involved that remain to be measured.  相似文献   

Biodiversity may be defined as the variability occuring among living organisms and affecting all species of animals and plants, their genetics and their environment. Biological diversity of plants also relies on the chemical diversity deriving from their specialized metabolites which possess a wide range of different chemical structures as a result of plant evolution. They are responsible for the plant ecological properties and are required for the plant-environment interactions. In addition, many of them display important pharmacological properties. In the recent years, the growing interest in using plant metabolites to treat diseases in humans and animals and the high request of health products originating from natural sources rather than synthetic has revived the research on plant biodiversity to identify new bioactive molecules. Based on our studies on the chemical and biological characterization of rare or less studied plant species, the present paper aims to describe a selection of botanical species with phytopharmaceutical importance in order to highlight the chemical polymorphism deriving from their biodiversity along with its implications on bioactivity.  相似文献   

Polyploidy events (polyploidization) followed by progressive loss of redundant genome components are a major feature of plant evolution, with new evidence suggesting that all flowering plants possess ancestral genome duplications. Furthermore, many of our most important crop plants have undergone additional, relatively recent, genome duplication events. Recent advances in DNA sequencing have made vast amounts of new genomic data available for many plants, including a range of important crop species with highly duplicated genomes. Along with assisting traditional forward genetics approaches to study gene function, this wealth of new sequence data facilitates extensive reverse genetics-based functional analyses. However, plants featuring high levels of genome duplication as a result of recent polyploidization pose additional challenges for reverse genetic analysis. Here we review reverse genetic analysis in such polyploid plants and highlight key challenges.  相似文献   

This Special Issue provides an overview of the current status of plant conservation genetics in Latin America. We begin with a thorough review that summarizes the scope and depth of research in this area. Several case studies then exemplify current trends and highlight the importance of integrating genetics and conservation in Latin American, and plant research in general.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Man has been engaged in the genetic manipulation ofcrop plants for millennia. At its most elemental level, plantgenetic manipulation has three requirements: (1) a source ofgenetic variability that can be utilized for plant improvement;(2) methods for propagating desirable plant genotypes; and (3)strategies for the transfer and selection of useful genes orgenecombinations. The modern science of genetics has providedmany new approaches to each of these three aspects of plantimprovement. Modern plant genetics has also led to a varietyof environmental, political and economic problems. These problemsinclude the loss of valuable plant genetic resources, the widespreadadoption of monocultures that may be unstable in the face ofpathogen epidemics, and the current political debates concerningthe regulation and environmental implications of plant geneticengineering. It is impossible tojudge these and related issueswithout a basic understanding of the ways in which geneticsis applied in improving crop plants. The goal of this articleis to provide an account of the applications of plant geneticsin crop improvement.  相似文献   

关于高等植物转基因遗传问题的讨论   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
转基因作为外源基因在受体植物中的遗传行为在许多方面有别于经典的遗传规律。本文较详细的讨论了转基因遗传分离与表达的复杂多样性以及导致这些特殊现象的可能因素,并对转基因遗传研究的重要性和前景给予了适当的评价。  相似文献   

RAPD技术在植物遗传育种上的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
RAPD技术以其快速、简便、高效等优点,已广泛应用于多个学科、领域。本文综述了RAPD技术在植物遗传育种上的应用,如遗传多样性研究、分子标记辅助育种、品种(杂种)真实性鉴定、基因定位、构建遗传图谱等。  相似文献   

分子标记技术及其在植物遗传育种中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本对遗传标记技术的发展历程作了简要的回顾。概述了目前常用的RFLP和RAPD等分子标记技术的基本原理和特点,及其在构建分子遗传图谱、品种间遗传关系分析、进行基因定位和测定遗传距离等遗传育种中的应用。  相似文献   

In addition to their importance as essential agrochemicals and life-saving drugs, small molecules serve as powerful research tools to address questions at all levels of biological complexity from protein function to plant biotic interactions. In certain contexts, chemical tools are complementary or even preferred to genetic analysis, since not all experimental systems are amenable for genetic dissection. For example, mutants impaired in oxygen sensing cannot easily be recovered. Pharmacological and chemical genetics approaches have come to the rescue of biologists in unraveling such genetically intractable systems. In this review, I have discussed my own efforts to analyze oxygen deprivation signaling in plants to illustrate the validity of small molecular approaches in elucidating an essential pathway such as oxygen sensing. Chemical biology is also a potent approach to tease out genetically redundant biological processes. The recent breakthrough in identifying the elusive abscisic acid receptors has clearly demonstrated the power of chemical tools in dissecting redundant pathways and led to the blossoming of this area as a distinct discipline of plant biology research. I present a summary of this work and conclude the review with potential challenges in using chemical tools.  相似文献   

Model genetics and genomics have been developed as tools for studying the third largest family of flowering plants, the Leguminosae, which includes important crop plants. Functional genomics strategies for the global analysis of gene expression, the elucidation of pathways and reverse genetics are established. These approaches provide new possibilities for investigating rhizobial as well as mycorrhizal endosymbiosis. Plant genes with central functions in these mutualistic interactions have been identified by positional cloning and gene tagging. With progress in Lotus japonicus genome sequencing, which was recently initiated by Japanese researchers, comparative genomics will contribute to our understanding of symbiosis, pathogenesis and the evolution of plant genomes.  相似文献   

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