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A wealth of published research is available to guide environmental enrichment programs for nonhuman primates, but common practice may not consistently correspond to research findings. A 2003 survey to quantify common practice queried individuals overseeing enrichment programs about (a) social, feeding, structural, and manipulable enrichment; (b) human interaction and training; (c) general program administration; (d) the role of the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) in the enrichment program; and (e) the impetus for recent programmatic changes. Returned surveys provided information on the management of 35,863 primates and found social housing significantly more constrained than inanimate enrichment. Survey results suggest that social housing of macaques has not increased significantly over the past decade. The most commonly mentioned constraints related to research protocols. Facilities with thorough IACUC reviews of enrichment issues provided social housing for a significantly larger proportion of primates in biomedical research studies than did those with rare IACUC reviews. IACUC reviews prompted program enhancements much less often than did regulatory or accreditation inspections. These results suggest IACUC review is an underutilized mechanism for improving enrichment programs.  相似文献   

Despite early predictions and rapid progress in research, the introduction of personal genomics into clinical practice has been slow. Several factors contribute to this translational gap between knowledge and clinical application. The evidence available to support genetic test use is often limited, and implementation of new testing programs can be challenging. In addition, the heterogeneity of genomic risk information points to the need for strategies to select and deliver the information most appropriate for particular clinical needs. Accomplishing these tasks also requires recognition that some expectations for personal genomics are unrealistic, notably expectations concerning the clinical utility of genomic risk assessment for common complex diseases. Efforts are needed to improve the body of evidence addressing clinical outcomes for genomics, apply implementation science to personal genomics, and develop realistic goals for genomic risk assessment. In addition, translational research should emphasize the broader benefits of genomic knowledge, including applications of genomic research that provide clinical benefit outside the context of personal genomic risk.  相似文献   

Singer B  Sager R  Ramanis Z 《Genetics》1976,83(2):341-354
A novel mapping procedure is presented for organelle genes or any other genetic system exhibiting a measurable frequency of exchanges occurring at a constant rate over a measurable time interval. For a set of markers in a multiply-marked cross, the exchange rates measure relative map distances from a centromere-like attachment point.With this method, we present mapping data and a linear map of genes in the chlcroplast genome of Chlamydomonas. The data are plotted as log (percent remaining heterozygotes) against time and map distances are taken as proportional to slope.A statistical method which is an adaptation of jackknife methodology to a regression problem was developed to estimate slope values. A single line is fitted to pooled data for each marker from several crosses, and then lines are re-fit to a series of pooled data sets in each of which the observations from a single cross have been omitted. From these data sets a final summary slope is computed as well as a statement of its variability. The relative positions of new markers present in single crosses can then be estimated utilizing data from many crosses. The method does not distinguish between one-armed and two-armed linear or circular maps. However, evaluation of this map in conjunction with cosegregation frequency data (Sager and Ramanis 1976b) provides unambiguous evidence of the genetic circularity of the Chlamydomonas chloroplast genome.  相似文献   

Humans’ ability to represent their body state from within through interoception has been proposed to predict different aspects of human cognition and behaviour. We focused on the possible contribution of interoceptive sensitivity to social behaviour as mediated by adaptive modulation of autonomic response. We, thus, investigated whether interoceptive sensitivity to one''s heartbeat predicts participants'' autonomic response at different social distances. We measured respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) during either a Social or a Non-social task. In the Social task each participant viewed an experimenter performing a caress-like movement at different distances from their hand. In the Non-social task a metal stick was moved at the same distances from the participant''s hand. We found a positive association between interoceptive sensitivity and autonomic response only for the social setting. Moreover, only good heartbeat perceivers showed higher autonomic response 1) in the social compared to the non-social setting, 2) specifically, when the experimenter''s hand was moving at boundary of their peripersonal space (20 cm from the participant''s hand). Our findings suggest that interoceptive sensitivity might contribute to interindividual differences concerning social attitudes and interpersonal space representation via recruitment of different adaptive autonomic response strategies.  相似文献   

Nucleosome structure and stability affect genetic accessibility by altering the local chromatin morphology. Recent FRET experiments on nucleosomes have given valuable insight into the structural transformations they can adopt. Yet, even if performed under seemingly identical conditions, experiments performed in bulk and at the single molecule level have given mixed answers due to the limitations of each technique. To compare such experiments, however, they must be performed under identical conditions. Here we develop an experimental framework that overcomes the conventional limitations of each method: single molecule FRET experiments are carried out at bulk concentrations by adding unlabeled nucleosomes, while bulk FRET experiments are performed in microplates at concentrations near those used for single molecule detection. Additionally, the microplate can probe many conditions simultaneously before expending valuable instrument time for single molecule experiments. We highlight this experimental strategy by exploring the role of selective acetylation of histone H3 on nucleosome structure and stability; in bulk, H3-acetylated nucleosomes were significantly less stable than non-acetylated nucleosomes. Single molecule FRET analysis further revealed that acetylation of histone H3 promoted the formation of an additional conformational state, which is suppressed at higher nucleosome concentrations and which could be an important structural intermediate in nucleosome regulation.  相似文献   

传统的医学课程体系已经远不能适应信息时代新知识技术所带来的巨大冲击.因此,构建新型课程体系,培养适应21世纪社会发展需要的新型医学人才,是人才培养模式改革的主要落脚点,也是教学改革的重点和难点.医学遗传学是遗传学与医学相互渗透、相互结合的边缘学科,是一门横跨基础医学和临床医学的桥梁课程,是现代医学的重要组成部分.近年来,随着现代生物学和现代遗传学研究技术的蓬勃发展,医学遗传学突飞猛进.医学遗传学作为专业性较强的基础学科,内容比较抽象,不易理解,一直是教学难点.针对医学遗传学迅猛发展的现状和难以理解的特点,进行医学遗传学课程体系改革和实践,进一步尝试建立新型课程体系,培养新型医学人才意义深远.本文探讨了医学遗传学课程体系改革的必要怀,过程及其意义.  相似文献   

Concerns are frequently raised about the extent to which formal consent procedures actually lead to “informed” consent. As part of a study of consent to high-risk medical procedures, we analyzed in-depth interviews with 16 health care professionals working in bone-marrow transplantation in Sydney, Australia. We find that these professionals recognize and act on their responsibility to inform and educate patients and that they expect patients to reciprocate these efforts by demonstrably engaging in the education process. This expectation is largely implicit, however, and when it is not met, this can give rise to trouble that can have adverse consequences for patients, physicians, and relationships within the clinic. We revisit the concept of the sick role to formalize this new role expectation, and we argue that “informed” consent is a process that is usually incomplete, despite trappings and assumptions that help to create the illusion of completeness.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2013,8(12)


Combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) has significantly increased survival among HIV-positive adults in the United States (U.S.) and Canada, but gains in life expectancy for this region have not been well characterized. We aim to estimate temporal changes in life expectancy among HIV-positive adults on ART from 2000–2007 in the U.S. and Canada.


Participants were from the North American AIDS Cohort Collaboration on Research and Design (NA-ACCORD), aged ≥20 years and on ART. Mortality rates were calculated using participants'' person-time from January 1, 2000 or ART initiation until death, loss to follow-up, or administrative censoring December 31, 2007. Life expectancy at age 20, defined as the average number of additional years that a person of a specific age will live, provided the current age-specific mortality rates remain constant, was estimated using abridged life tables.


The crude mortality rate was 19.8/1,000 person-years, among 22,937 individuals contributing 82,022 person-years and 1,622 deaths. Life expectancy increased from 36.1 [standard error (SE) 0.5] to 51.4 [SE 0.5] years from 2000–2002 to 2006–2007. Men and women had comparable life expectancies in all periods except the last (2006–2007). Life expectancy was lower for individuals with a history of injection drug use, non-whites, and in patients with baseline CD4 counts <350 cells/mm3.


A 20-year-old HIV-positive adult on ART in the U.S. or Canada is expected to live into their early 70 s, a life expectancy approaching that of the general population. Differences by sex, race, HIV transmission risk group, and CD4 count remain.  相似文献   

Due to its high prevalence during pregnancies, preeclampsia is considered an important public health problem. Many investigators agree in that its expression is related to the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Many studies have searched for genetic factors, attempting to identify chromosomal regions or candidate genes whose variants may be related to high preeclampsia susceptibility. Several studies have associated a number of susceptibility genes to preeclampsia, but the results have not been replicated consistently in all populations. Mapping of genes and chromosomal regions by linkage analysis has located potential markers on chromosomes 2 and 4. Identification of the genes located in these candidate regions will pinpoint the genetic risk factors, will lead to a better understanding of the syndrome, and will provide clues for its prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

Effective early education is essential for academic achievement and positive life outcomes, particularly for children in poverty. Advances in neuroscience suggest that a focus on self-regulation in education can enhance children’s engagement in learning and establish beneficial academic trajectories in the early elementary grades. Here, we experimentally evaluate an innovative approach to the education of children in kindergarten that embeds support for self-regulation, particularly executive functions, into literacy, mathematics, and science learning activities. Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial involving 29 schools, 79 classrooms, and 759 children indicated positive effects on executive functions, reasoning ability, the control of attention, and levels of salivary cortisol and alpha amylase. Results also demonstrated improvements in reading, vocabulary, and mathematics at the end of kindergarten that increased into the first grade. A number of effects were specific to high-poverty schools, suggesting that a focus on executive functions and associated aspects of self-regulation in early elementary education holds promise for closing the achievement gap.  相似文献   

The internal validity of an observational study is enhanced by only comparing sets of treated and control subjects which have sufficient overlap in their covariate distributions. Methods have been developed for defining the study population using propensity scores to ensure sufficient overlap. However, a study population defined by propensity scores is difficult for other investigators to understand. We develop a method of defining a study population in terms of a tree which is easy to understand and display, and that has similar internal validity as that of the study population defined by propensity scores.  相似文献   

The Global Health 2035 report notes that the “grand convergence”—closure of the infectious, maternal, and child mortality gap between rich and poor countries—is dependent on research and development (R&D) of new drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, and other health tools. However, this convergence (and the R&D underpinning it) will first require an even more fundamental convergence of the different worlds of public health and innovation, where a largely historical gap between global health experts and innovation experts is hindering achievement of the grand convergence in health.The Global Health 2035 report notes that the “grand convergence”—closure of the infectious, maternal, and child mortality gap between rich and poor countries—is dependent on research and development (R&D) of new drugs, vaccines, diagnostics, and other health tools. New tools alone are estimated to deliver a 2% decline each year in the under-5 mortality rate, maternal mortality ratio, and deaths from HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB) [1].However, this convergence (and the R&D underpinning it) is unlikely unless we first have an even more fundamental convergence of the parallel worlds of public health and innovation. At the moment, these worlds are often disconnected, with major gaps to be bridged at both the intellectual and practical levels before we can truly reach a grand convergence in health.  相似文献   

Vascular anomalies arise from genetic, environmental, mechanical, and/or hormonal factors. Some are inherited in a Mendelian fashion whereas others result from abnormal chromosomal segregation during gametogenesis or appear sporadically during various stages of life. Understanding the molecular basis of vascular development and vascular anomalies provides potential tools for diagnosis and treatment of the diseases.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder involving both upper motor neurons (UMN) and lower motor neurons (LMN). Enormous research has been done in the past few decades in unveiling the genetics of ALS, successfully identifying at least fifteen candidate genes associated with familial and sporadic ALS. Numerous studies attempting to define the pathogenesis of ALS have identified several plausible determinants and molecular pathways leading to motor neuron degeneration, which include oxidative stress, glutamate excitotoxicity, apoptosis, abnormal neurofilament function, protein misfolding and subsequent aggregation, impairment of RNA processing, defects in axonal transport, changes in endosomal trafficking, increased inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction. This review is to update the recent discoveries in genetics of ALS, which may provide insight information to help us better understanding of the disease neuropathogenesis.  相似文献   

植物化学遗传学:一种崭新的植物遗传学研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学遗传学(chemical genetics,也称为化学基因组学,chemical genomics)研究方法是利用生物活性小分子扰动蛋白分子互作过程来研究有关的生命现象,是常规遗传学研究方法的补充和延伸。化学遗传学在植物科学中的应用——植物化学遗传学的研究在短短几年内,凭借其作为一种新的遗传学研究方法所具备的独特优势(如能够克服常规遗传学研究中的遗传冗余、突变致死难题及可提供特异强度、作用时间点上的条件性遗传扰动等),已开始解决一些植物分子生物学中长期存在的研究难题。本文就植物化学遗传学的一般原理及其方法,以及它作为一种新的遗传学研究方法的优势及特点作一个综述.  相似文献   

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