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A lymphoid cell line has been established from a patient with multisystemic lipid storage myopathy and showed a major triacylglycerol storage, whereas the content of other neutral lipids and phospholipids was in the normal range. The metabolism of the triacylglycerols has been investigated in this lymphoid cell line from multisystemic lipid storage myopathy as well as in control cells through pulse-chase experiments using 10-(1-pyrene)decanoic acid (P10), a fluorescent fatty acid derivative, as precursor. After 1 h incubation, the uptake of P10 was not significantly different in multisystemic lipid storage myopathy and control lymphoid cells. The amount of fluorescent lipids synthesized by the lymphoid cells was proportional to the concentration of P10 in the culture medium. After 24 h incubation, at any extracellular concentration of P10, the content of P10-labelled triacylglycerols was much higher in multisystemic lipid storage myopathy cells than in controls. Chase experiments showed an impairment in the rate of degradation of biosynthesized triacylglycerols in multisystemic lipid storage myopathy lymphoblasts compared to controls with time of chase (the ratio P10-triacylglycerols/P10-phospholipids increased in mutant cells while it decreased in normal cells). Elsewhere, no enzyme deficiency of the neutral triacylglycerol lipase activity, has been found in multisystemic lipid storage myopathy lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

The functional relationship between the two subcellular compartments involved in catabolism of triglycerides, i.e. lysosomes and lipid-containing cytoplasmic vacuoles, has been investigated using cultured fibroblasts from patients affected with two different genetic lipid (triacylglycerol) storage disorders: Wolman disease and multisystemic lipid storage myopathy. As shown by metabolic studies in intact cultured cells, lysosomal degradation of exogenous labelled triacylglycerols (incorporated into lipoproteins and internalized via the apo B/E receptor pathway) was blocked in Wolman cells, whereas catabolism of endogenously biosynthesized triacylglycerols was in the normal range. In contrast, in fibroblasts from multisystemic lipid storage myopathy, the degradation of endogenous triacylglycerols was blocked, whereas that of exogenous triacylglycerols (i.e. from lipoproteins) was normal. This comparative study demonstrates that the lysosomal and cytoplasmic compartments are functionally independent. Enzymatic studies allows one to discriminate clearly between 3 lipases and 2 carboxylesterases the role of which is discussed.  相似文献   

Cellular uptake and intracellular trafficking of long chain fatty acids.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
While aspects of cellular fatty acid uptake have been studied as early as 50 years ago, recent developments in this rapidly evolving field have yielded new functional insights on the individual mechanistic steps in this process. The extremely low aqueous solubility of long chain fatty acids (LCFA) together with the very high affinity of serum albumin and cytoplasmic fatty acid binding proteins for LCFA have challenged the limits of technology in resolving the individual steps of this process. To date no single mechanism alone accounts for regulation of cellular LCFA uptake. Key regulatory points in cellular uptake of LCFA include: the aqueous solubility of the LCFA; the driving force(s) for LCFA entry into the cell membrane; the relative roles of diffusional and protein mediated LCFA translocation across the plasma membrane; cytoplasmic LCFA binding protein-mediated uptake and/or intracellular diffusion; the activity of LCFA-CoA synthetase; and cytoplasmic protein mediated targeting of LCFA or LCFA-CoAs toward specific metabolic pathways. The emerging picture is that the cell has multiple, overlapping mechanisms that assure adequate uptake and directed intracellular movement of LCFA required for maintenance of physiological functions. The upcoming challenge is to take advantage of new advances in this field to elucidate the differential interactions between these pathways in intact cells and in tissues.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of renal transport of short chain fatty acids by luminal membrane vesicles prepared from pars convoluta or pars recta of rabbit proximal tubule were studied by a Millipore filtration technique and by a spectrophotometric method using a potential-sensitive carbocyanine dye. Both luminal membrane vesicle preparations take up propionate and butyrate by strictly Na+-dependent transport systems, although with different characteristics. The uptake of short chain fatty acids by membrane vesicles from the pars convoluta was insensitive to changes in membrane potential, which is indicative of electroneutral transport of these compounds. Furthermore, kinetic studies showed that the Na+-dependent, but electrically silent transport of propionate is saturable (Km = 10.9 +/- 1.1 mM and Vmax = 3.6 +/- 0.2 nmol/mg protein per 20 s) and is unaffected by the presence of L- and D-lactate, indicating that these monocarboxylic acids did not share the same common transport system. In the luminal membrane vesicles from the pars recta, the uptake of propionate and butyrate was mediated by an Na+-dependent electrogenic transport process, since addition of the organic compounds to these vesicle/dye suspensions depolarized the membrane vesicles and the renal uptake of propionate and butyrate was enhanced by K+ diffusion potential induced by valinomycin. Competition experiments revealed that in contrast to the transport of propionate by vesicles from the pars convoluta, the Na+-dependent electrogenic transport of short chain fatty acids in vesicles from the pars recta occurred via the same transport system that is responsible for the reabsorption of L- and D-lactate in this region of rabbit kidney proximal tubule.  相似文献   

The synthesis of fatty acids de novo from acetate and the elongation of exogenous satuated fatty acids (C12-C18) by the psychrophilic bacterium Micrococcus cryophilus (A.T.C.C. 15174) grown at 1 or 20 degrees C was investigated. M. cryophilus normally contains only C16 and C18 acyl chains in its phospholipids, and the C18/C16 ratio is altered by changes in growth temperature. The bacterium was shown to regulate strictly its phospholipid acyl chain length and to be capable of directly elongating myristate and palmitate, and possibly laurate, to a mixture of C16 and C18 acyl chains. Retroconversion of stearate into palmitate also occurred. Fatty acid elongation could be distinguished from fatty acid synthesis de novo by the greater sensitivity of fatty acid elongation to inhibition by NaAsO2 under conditions when the supply of ATP and reduced nicotinamide nucleotides was not limiting. It is suggested that phospholipid acyl chain length may be controlled by a membrane-bound elongase enzyme, which interconverts C16 and C18 fatty acids via a C14 intermediate; the activity of the enzyme could be regulated by membrane lipid fluidity.  相似文献   

Glycolipid and fatty acid compositions were studied in whole cells and plasma membranes from two dog kidney cell lines (Madin-Darby and SV40-transformed cells) grown in monolayer and suspension cultures. Glycolipids, which account for 5% or less of the total lipids in dog kidney cells, were substantially increased in plasma membranes relative to whole cells. Sialoglycolipids more complex than a Tay-Sachs-like ganglioside were not found in any whole-cell or plasma-membrane preparation of this study. Dog kidney cells transformed by SV40 virus contained primarily a less complex sialoglycolipid, haematoside. Neutral glycolipids comprised 26-43% of the total glycolipid content in Madin-Darby preparations, whereas in transformed cells and membranes neutral glycolipids constituted only 1-22% of the total glycolipid content. Ceramide trihexoside was found in Madin-Darby cultures, but not in transformed cultures. The values for short-chain fatty acids from neutral glycolipids and for saturated fatty acids were generally higher than the values for these fatty acids in calf serum.  相似文献   

Opposing views exist as to how unesterified fatty acids (FA) enter and leave cells. It is commonly believed that for short- and medium-chain FA free diffusion suffices whereas it is questioned whether proteins are required to facilitate transport of long-chain fatty acid (LCFA). Furthermore, it is unclear whether these proteins facilitate binding to the plasma membrane, trans-membrane movement, dissociation into the cytosol and/or transport in the cytosol. In this mini-review we approach the controversy from a different point of view by focusing on the membrane permeability constant (P) of FA with different chain length. We compare experimentally derived values of the P of short and medium-chain FA with values of apparent permeability coefficients for LCFA calculated from their dissociation rate constant (k(off)), flip-flop rate constant (k(flip)) and partition coefficient (Kp) in phospholipid bilayers. It was found that Overton's rule is valid as long as k(flip)相似文献   

Two avian lymphoma cell lines, 1104-X-5 and 1104-B, were examined for ability to produce immunoglobulin. They were found to produce and release the components of immunoglobulins related to IgG and IgM. The analysis of sucrose density gradient and gel electrophoresis suggested that these components might consist of light chains and fragments of heavy chains.  相似文献   

Generation of oxylipins (oxygenated metabolites of fatty acids) by lipoxygenases may be responsible for the beneficial effects of 20- and 22-carbon n-3 fatty acids on adipose tissue dysfunction in obesity, but the potential actions of oxylipins derived from 18-carbon fatty acids, which are generally at higher levels in the diet, are unknown. We therefore compared the effects of select lipoxygenase-derived oxylipins produced from α-linolenic acid (ALA, C18:3 n-3), linoleic acid (LA, C18:2 n-6), and arachidonic acid (AA, C20:4 n-6) on key adipocyte functions that are altered in obesity. Individual oxylipins were added to the culture medium of differentiating 3T3-L1 preadipocytes for 6 days. Lipid accumulation was subsequently determined by Oil Red O staining, while Western blotting was used to measure levels of proteins associated with lipid metabolism and characteristics of adipocyte functionality. Addition of all oxylipins at 30 nM was sufficient to significantly decrease triglyceride accumulation in lipid droplets, and higher levels completely blocked lipid production. Our results establish that lipoxygenase-derived oxylipins produced from 18-carbon PUFA differentially affect multiple adipocyte processes associated with lipid storage and adipokine production. However, these effects are not due to the oxylipins blocking adipocyte maturation and thus globally suppressing all adipocyte characteristics. Furthermore, these oxylipin species decrease the lipid content of adipocytes regardless from which precursor fatty acid or lipoxygenase they were derived. Consequently, adipocyte characteristics can be altered through the ability of oxylipins to selectively modulate levels of proteins involved in both lipid metabolism and adipokine production.  相似文献   

Very long chain fatty alcohols obtained from plant waxes and beeswax have been reported to lower plasma cholesterol in humans. This review discusses nutritional or regulatory effects produced by wax esters or aliphatic acids and alcohols found in unrefined cereal grains, beeswax, and many plant-derived foods. Reports suggest that 5-20 mg per day of mixed C24-C34 alcohols, including octacosanol and triacontanol, lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by 21%-29% and raise high-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 8%-15%. Wax esters are hydrolyzed by a bile salt-dependent pancreatic carboxyl esterase, releasing long chain alcohols and fatty acids that are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Studies of fatty alcohol metabolism in fibroblasts suggest that very long chain fatty alcohols, fatty aldehydes, and fatty acids are reversibly inter-converted in a fatty alcohol cycle. The metabolism of these compounds is impaired in several inherited human peroxisomal disorders, including adrenoleukodystrophy and Sj?gren-Larsson syndrome. Reports on dietary management of these diseases confirm that very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) are normal constituents of the human diet and are synthesized endogenously. Concentrations of VLCFA in blood plasma increase during fasting and when children are placed on ketogenic diets to suppress seizures. Existing data support the hypothesis that VLCFA exert regulatory roles in cholesterol metabolism in the peroxisome and also alter LDL uptake and metabolism.  相似文献   

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