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Both species of Dendromecon are diplochorous, that is, the seeds are first scattered from the mother plant by violently dehiscing capsules and then transported further away by ants, which are strongly attracted to the elaiosome at the micropylar end of the seed. The tensions that cause the capsule to explode develop between the two carpels and also between lateral and central fiber strands in the capsular valves. The elaiosome is unusual in that it contains large quntities of starch in addition to the commonly present fatty oils and that it is more drought resistant than most known elaiosomes. Seed dispersal is very efficient over short distances, but migration barriers a few hundred meters or more cannot be crossed except by chance dispersal. Dendromecon differs strikingly from most ant-dispersed plants in being woody and xerophytic; so far, D. rigida is the only chaparral plant known to be habitually dispersed by ants. The presence of an auto-chorous-myrmecochorous type of seed dispersal in D. rigida may partly explain the polymorphism of this species, since this type of seed dispersal tends to keep local populations isolated. The nearly complete correspondence, anatomically, morphologically, and functionally, between the fruit of Dendromecon and that of Eschscholzia strongly supports the idea of a close taxonomic relationship between these two genera. The seed appendage is believed to be a “recent” specialization in Dendromecon, phylogenetically independent from seed appendages facilitating dispersal by ants in other genera of the Papaveraceae.  相似文献   

该文详细地讨论了奥陶纪地层中最常见的牙形刺属 Periodon(围刺)的器官组成、演化趋向以及分布特征,指出在Periodon的演化历程中有三个繁盛期。并依据Periodon的演化趋向,指出了Periodon对地层时代作出准确判断的主要特征。  相似文献   

Fructose diphosphate aldolase activity was examined in acetone powders and cell-free extracts of 15 photoautotrophically grown marine planktonic species belonging to 6 algal divisions as follows: Chlorophyta: Tetraselmis maculata, Dunaliella tertiolecta; Chrysophyta: Monochrysis lutheri, Isochrysis galbana, Prymnesium parvum, Coccolithus huxleyi; Bacillariophyta: Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Skeletonema costatum, Cyclotella nana; Cryptophyta: Cryptomonas sp., Rhodomonas lens, Hemiselmis virescens; Pyrrophyta: Amphidinium carteri; Cyanophyta: Anacystis marina, Agmenellum quadruplicatum. Indications of the types of aldolase (Rutter's classes) present in each alga were obtained from comparative studies of the effects of pH and of the following reagents on the activity: ethylenediamine tetraacetate, dithiothreitol, p-chloromercuriphenyl sulfonate. Type I (higher plant-animal type) aldolase only was indicated in the 2 chlorophytes, in I chrys-ophyte (M. lutheri), and in 1 bacillariophyte (P. tricornutum), while the remaining algae appeared to contain either exclusively or principally Type II (bacterial-fungal type) aldolase. The evolutionary implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

For many marine fish, intense larval mortality may provide considerable opportunity for selection, yet much less is known about the evolutionary potential of larval traits. We combined field demographic studies and manipulative experiments to estimate quantitative genetic parameters for both larval size and swimming performance for a natural population of a common coral‐reef fish, the bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus). We also examined selection on larval size by synthesizing information from published estimates of selective mortality. We introduce a method that uses the Lande–Arnold framework for examining selection on quantitative traits to empirically reconstruct adaptive landscapes. This method allows the relationship between phenotypic value and fitness components to be described across a broad range of trait values. Our results suggested that despite strong viability selection for large larvae and moderate heritability (h2= 0.29), evolutionary responses of larvae would likely be balanced by reproductive selection favoring mothers that produce more, smaller offspring. Although long‐term evolutionary responses of larval traits may be constrained by size‐number trade‐offs, our results suggest that phenotypic variation in larval size may be an ecologically important source of variability in population dynamics through effects on larval survival and recruitment to benthic populations.  相似文献   

花柱卷曲性异交机制及其进化生态学意义   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
 有花植物具有纷繁复杂的繁育系统,以避免或促进自交或异交。花柱卷曲性异交机制(Flexistyly)是最近在热带山姜属(Alpinia)植物中发现的一种促进异交的行为机制。具有这一机制的种类其自然种群中的个体根据开花行为的不同分为两种表型:一种上午散发花粉而其柱头向上反卷,远离昆虫拜访的通道;另一种其柱头上午垂向唇瓣,能够接受拜访昆虫的传粉,但自身的花药却不打开。到中午时分,两种表型花通过互为相反的柱头卷曲运动转换性别——前者柱头向下卷曲,后者柱头向上卷曲且花药打开。每朵花的花期为12 h,两种表型在自然种  相似文献   

Starch content was qualitatively assessed for pollen of 79 of the 111 currently recognized genera of the family Araceae—one of three monocot families known to exhibit both starchy and starchless pollen. Although 73% of the genera investigated had exclusively starchy pollen, character correlation suggests that starchless pollen is the primitive type for the family Araceae, as well as for monocots in general. Pollen starch content is a highly conservative character at the generic level in Araceae; only a single genus (Schismatoglottis) clearly exhibits both character states. The distribution of starchy pollen among aroid genera is consistent with what have here been termed Bakers' Starch Laws. Aroid pollen below a certain critical diameter—17-25 μm—is almost invariably starchless. Larger pollen is nearly always starchy, except where insect pollinators may use pollen nutritionally. There is strong evidence that the trend from starchless to starchy pollen in Araceae is reversible, according to the constraints imposed by the aforementioned factors.  相似文献   

幼态持续现象(Neoteny)在无脊椎动物的昆虫纲和甲壳纲以及脊椎动物的两栖类是比较常见的。    相似文献   

早寒武世马哈螺类的骨骼化特征、分类和演化意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马哈螺类(maikhanellids)是已知最古老的单板类,以往缺乏系统研究,并在分类上争议较大,文中以滇东早寒武世梅树村阶微小骨骼化石的丰富材料为依据,详细阐述该类群的形态特征和超微结构,探讨其亲缘关系和演化趋势,研究表明,马哈螺类由6个属组成,包括Maikhanella,Ramenta,Ramentoides gen.nov.,Mediata gen.nov.,Yunnanopleure和Purella。各属之间壳形变化较大,但裸露的壳顶和普遍发育的鳞片状或条状突起表明它们在明显的亲缘关系,并显示两个演化方向,即Maikhanella Ramentoides gen.nov.Ramenta和Maikhanella Mediata gen.nov.Yunanopleura-Purella。马哈螺类分布于梅树村期早,中期,Maikhanella是最原始的马哈螺,最先出现在梅树村阶小歪头山段,也是中谊村段下磷矿层唯一的马哈螺,而在该段上磷矿层马哈螺类发生了明显的属种分异,在大少段所有的马哈螺类突然消失,马哈螺类的壳体曾被描述为:骨针状的外骨骼”,“骨片状外骼”和“包裹在中间基质中的骨针”,但当前研究表明,以Maikhanella pristinis和Ramenta cambrina为代表的马哈螺类的内壳层具有早期单板类中较常见的水平交错纤状结构,指示了马哈螺类具有致密成层的壳壁,文中新建2亚科,2属和5种,即Maikhanellinae subfamily nov.,Purellinae subfamily nov.,Maikhanella Perelegans sp.nov.,Ramenta superata sp.nov.,Ramentoides latispinus gen.et sp.nov.,Mediata kunyangensis gen.et sp.nov.,Yunnanopleura longidens sp.nov。  相似文献   

All Rhagoletis reportedly establish associations with one or more bacterial species, but the bases for these interactions and their implications for host race formation and speciation are poorly understood. Here we present the results of four studies designed to increase our understanding of these relationships. In the first study, we identify the bacteria associated with seven Rhagoletis taxa by surveying the inhabitants of the esophageal bulb, an organ whose major function appears to be the housing of microorganisms. The results suggest that no bacterium has entered into an obligate symbiotic relationship with any of the Rhagoletis taxa surveyed, although one bacterium, Klebsiella oxytoca, is a very common associate of six of the seven. In the second study we use horizontal starch gel electrophoresis to determine the genetic similarity of K. oxytoca clones isolated from different Rhagoletis populations. This analysis provides a rare look into the genetic structure of natural populations of an enteric bacterium and permits the construction of a dendrogram for the clones—a dendrogram which indicates that there is no clear-cut pattern to the distribution of K. oxytoca genotypes among Rhagoletis. Taken together, the above studies provide indirect evidence that the bacteria associated with Rhagoletis are not important determinants of host plant specificity. The third and fourth studies assess two possible functions associated bacteria may perform for Rhagoletis: pectic substances degradation and nitrogen fixation. Our results do not lend support to either function.  相似文献   

The gametophytic chromosome number for the giant senecios (Asteraceae, Senecioneae, Dendrosenecio) is n = 50, and for the giant lobelias (Lobeliaceae, Lobelia subgenus Tupa section Rhynchopetalum) it is n = 14. Previous sporophytic counts are generally verified, but earlier reports for the giant senecios of 2n = 20 and ca. 80, the bases for claims of intraspecific polyploidy, are unsubstantiated. The 14 new counts for the giant senecios and the ten new counts for the giant lobelias are the first gametophytic records for these plants and include the first reports for six and four taxa, respectively, for the two groups. Only five of the 11 species of giant senecio and three of the 21 species of giant lobelia from eastern Africa remain uncounted. Although both groups are polyploid, the former presumably decaploid and the latter more certainly tetraploid, their adaptive radiations involved no further change in chromosome number. The cytological uniformity within each group, while providing circumstantial evidence of monophyly and simplifying interpretations of cladistic analyses, provides neither positive nor negative support for a possible role of polyploidy in evolving the giant-rosette growth-form.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 990 species were examined and measured to test four predictions: (1) “Primitive” angiosperms will have starch-containing pollen; more advanced families will have starchless pollen. (2) Where Hymenoptera and Diptera use pollen nutritionally, there will be selection of starchless (oilcontaining) pollen, particularly where pollen is the only reward for visitors. (3) Conversely, in autogamous species, anemophilous species, and those pollinated by Lepidoptera or birds, the energetically more economical accumulation of starch will be seen. (4) Small pollen grains will be more likely to be starchless (oil-rich); starch-containing grains will tend to be larger. Prediction 1 is only partially supported by the results; contemporary representatives of primitive families often show starchless grains, and so do most “advanced” families. Strong intra-familial resemblances are found (and some between groups of families), but other families show mixtures of “starchy” and “starchless” species. The latter are more likely to show a fit between food reserve and pollination system. Prediction 2 is well supported. Prediction 3 is supported in that autogamous and anemophilous species show relatively high proportions of starchy grains, but the picture is complicated for them by apparent selection for starchlessness (oil-richness) in small pollen grains (prediction 4), and for the lepidopteran- and bird-pollinated species by selection for large starchless (or very large starchy grains) in species whose pollen tubes must traverse long styles.  相似文献   

Forty-five percent of the Hawaiian pteridophyte flora were examined for mycorrhizae. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae were present in 66 of the 89 species examined. Nonmycotrophy was significantly higher in Hawaiian pteridophytes than in non-Hawaiian pteridophytes. The highest mycorrhizal colonization occurred in the leptosporangiate families Dicksoniaceae, Dryopteridaceae, and Lindsaeaceae. Mycotrophy was lower in the eusporangiate families. Substrate strongly influenced the presence of mycotrophy. Mycorrhizae were present in 83% of terricolous species, in 86% of epilithic species, in 55% of epiphytic species, and absent from aquatic species. A phylogram of pteridophyte families is constructed incorporating the intensity of mycorrhizal colonization as one criterion for classification.  相似文献   

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