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Hu S  Tamada K  Ni J  Vincenz C  Chen L 《Genomics》1999,62(1):103-107
By searching the expressed sequence tag database, a novel murine tumor necrosis factor receptor designated TNFRSF19 was identified. TNFRSF19 cDNA encodes a putative membrane protein of 348 amino acids with one incomplete and two complete cysteine-rich motifs within its extracellular region and a large cytoplasmic domain. TNFRSF19 mRNA can be detected in most murine tissues examined, particularly in brain, reproductive organs, and late developmental stages of murine embryo, but not in tissues of the immune system. The cell surface expression of the ligand of TNFRSF19 is highly restricted. Of 22 human and murine cell lines examined by FACS analysis, only Raji (B cell lymphoma cell line), GM847 (fibroblast cell line), 293 (embryonic kidney cell line), and K562 (chronic myeloid leukemia) were positive. TNFRSF19 did not bind newly cloned TNF ligands, including TWEAK (HGMW-approved symbol TNFSF12), VEGI/TL1 (HGMW-approved symbol TNFSF15), TL6/endokine (HGMW-approved symbol TNFSF18), APRIL (HGMW-approved symbol TNFSF13), OPGL (HGMW-approved symbol TNFSF11), LIGHT (HGMW-approved symbol TNFSF14), or BAFF/THANK (HGMW-approved symbol TNFSF13B) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and FACS analyses. Overexpression of TNFRSF19 transduced neither apoptotic signaling nor signals leading to NF-kappaB induction. Taken together with the data that the TNFRSF19 extracellular domain-immunoglobulin fusion protein did not affect the allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction, our data indicate that TNFRSF19 is not involved in the modulation of immune responses.  相似文献   

A tumor necrosis factor (TNF) gene has been isolated and characterized in kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus, providing the first conclusive evidence for the existence of the TNF ligand in shrimp. The kuruma shrimp TNF (MjTNF) cDNA was composed of 1868 bp with a 262 bp 5′-untranslated region (UTR) and a 220 bp 3′-UTR, which was translated into a protein of 462 amino acid residues that included a predicted transmembrane domain of 23 amino acid residues (Trp20–Val42) and the TNF family signature (Pro321–Leu448). Homology analysis of MjTNF showed 30.7% and 26.7% identities with fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) Eiger and human (Homo sapiens) ectodysplasin A, respectively. The MjTNF gene was constitutively expressed in unstimulated organs of shrimp such as the muscle, stomach, brain and gill. In lymphoid organ cells, an enhanced expression of the MjTNF gene was observed following stimulation with peptidoglycan and polycytidylic acid. A high expression level of MjTNF was observed in vivo 2 h and 4 h after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide and Vibrio penaeicida, respectively. These observations suggest that MjTNF plays a role in the innate immune defense in kuruma shrimp. The discovery of shrimp TNF will allow a more complete and concrete understanding of shrimp inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand and receptor superfamily members play critical roles in diverse developmental and pathological settings. In search for novel TNF superfamily members, we identified a murine chromosomal locus that contains three new TNF receptor-related genes. Sequence alignments suggest that the ligand binding regions of these murine TNF receptor homologues, mTNFRH1, -2 and -3, are most homologous to those of the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptors. By using a number of in vitro ligand-receptor binding assays, we demonstrate that mTNFRH1 and -2, but not mTNFRH3, bind murine TRAIL, suggesting that they are indeed TRAIL receptors. This notion is further supported by our demonstration that both mTNFRH1:Fc and mTNFRH2:Fc fusion proteins inhibited mTRAIL-induced apoptosis of Jurkat cells. Unlike the only other known murine TRAIL receptor mTRAILR2, however, neither mTNFRH2 nor mTNFRH3 has a cytoplasmic region containing the well characterized death domain motif. Coupled with our observation that overexpression of mTNFRH1 and -2 in 293T cells neither induces apoptosis nor triggers NFkappaB activation, we propose that the mTnfrh1 and mTnfrh2 genes encode the first described murine decoy receptors for TRAIL, and we renamed them mDcTrailr1 and -r2, respectively. Interestingly, the overall sequence structures of mDcTRAILR1 and -R2 are quite distinct from those of the known human decoy TRAIL receptors, suggesting that the presence of TRAIL decoy receptors represents a more recent evolutionary event.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis receptor (GITR) has been implicated in regulation of T cell suppression by CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs). We isolated a cDNA encoding GITR ligand (GITRL) from mouse endothelioma cells. When stably expressed in HEK293 cells, its specific interaction with GITR was confirmed by flow cytometry with the use of GITR-Fc. The interaction was greatly diminished by the addition of soluble GITRL. Consistent with this, soluble GITRL bound to the cell surface of the GITR-expressing HEK293 cells. Coexpression of GITR with GITRL or stimulation of the GITR-expressing cells with soluble GITRL led to activation of NF-kappaB, which was significantly reduced by anti-GITR. More importantly, GITRL was expressed by both immature and mature dendritic cells, suggesting that the interaction between GITR and GITRL may contribute to immune regulation of Tregs by dendritic cells. This isolated TNFRL represents a bona fide GITRL whose presence has been elusive until this time.  相似文献   

Members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily control cell fate determination, including cell death and differentiation. Fas (CD95) is the prototypical "death receptor" of the TNFR superfamily and signals apoptosis through well established pathways. In the adult nervous system, Fas induces apoptosis in the context of neuropathology such as stroke or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. However, during nervous system development, Fas promotes neurite growth and branching. The molecular mechanisms underlying Fas-induced process formation and branching have remained unknown to date. Here, we define the molecular pathway linking Fas to process growth and branching in cell lines and in developing neurons. We describe a new cytoplasmic membrane proximal domain (MPD) that is essential for Fas-induced process growth and that is conserved in members of the TNFR superfamily. We show that the Fas MPD recruits ezrin, a molecule that links transmembrane proteins to the cytoskeleton, and activates the small GTPase Rac1. Deletion of the MPD, but not the death domain, abolished Rac1 activation and process growth. Furthermore, an ezrin-derived inhibitory peptide prevented Fas-induced neurite growth in primary neurons. Our results define a new domain, topologically and functionally distinct from the death domain, which regulates neuritogenesis via recruitment of ezrin and activation of Rac1.  相似文献   

We describe the cloning and characterization of tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNF-R)-associated ubiquitous scaffolding and signaling protein (TRUSS), a novel TNF-R1-interacting protein of 90.7 kDa. TRUSS mRNA was ubiquitously expressed in mouse tissues but was enriched in heart, liver, and testis. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that TRUSS was constitutively associated with unligated TNF-R1 and that the complex was relatively insensitive to stimulation with TNF-alpha. Deletion mutagenesis of TNF-R1 indicated that TRUSS interacts with both the membrane-proximal region and the death domain of TNF-R1. In addition, the N-terminal region of TRUSS (residues 1 to 440) contains sequences that permit association with the cytoplasmic domain of TNF-R1. Transient overexpression of TRUSS activated NF-kappaB and increased NF-kappaB activation in response to ligation of TNF-R1. In contrast, a COOH-terminal-deletion mutant of TRUSS (TRUSS(1-723)) was found to inhibit NF-kappaB activation by TNF-alpha. Co-precipitation and co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that TRUSS can interact with TRADD, TRAF2, and components of the IKK complex. These findings suggest that TRUSS may serve as a scaffolding protein that interacts with TNF-R1 signaling proteins and may link TNF-R1 to the activation of IKK.  相似文献   

Cell cycle specificity of tumor necrosis factor and its receptor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phase specificity in the TNF cytotoxic effect and the number of TNF binding receptors was investigated using L-M cells incubated synchronously from the S phase. TNF cytotoxicity was observed to occur at various levels during the cell cycle, with peak effect in the G2-M phase. Analysis with 125I-labeled TNF to determine the number of receptors binding TNF in the various cell phases shewed a phase specificity with the maximum number occurring in the G2-M phase, similar to the peak in cytotoxicity. The results suggest the existence of a cell cycle specificity in the cytotoxicity of TNF which is apparently related to changes in the number of receptors capable of binding TNF.  相似文献   


Agonism of members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily (TNFRSF) with monoclonal antibodies is of high therapeutic interest due to their role in immune regulation and cell proliferation. A major hurdle for pharmacologic activation of this receptor class is the requirement for high-order clustering, a mechanism that imposes a reliance in vivo on Fc receptor-mediated crosslinking. This extrinsic dependence represents a potential limitation of virtually the entire pipeline of agonist TNFRSF antibody drugs, of which none have thus far been approved or reached late-stage clinical trials. We show that tetravalent biepitopic targeting enables robust intrinsic antibody agonism for two members of this family, OX40 and DR5, that is superior to extrinsically crosslinked native parental antibodies. Tetravalent biepitopic anti-OX40 engagement co-stimulated OX40low cells, obviated the requirement for CD28 co-signal for T cell activation, and enabled superior pharmacodynamic activity relative to native IgG in a murine vaccination model. This work establishes a proof of concept for an engineering approach that addresses a major gap for the therapeutic activation of this important receptor class.  相似文献   

Cytokines and chemokines play a critical role in both the innate and acquired immune responses and constitute prime targets for pathogen sabotage. Molecular mimicry of cytokines and cytokine receptors is a mechanism encoded by large DNA viruses to modulate the host immune response. Three tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs) have been identified in the poxvirus cowpox virus. Here we report the identification and characterization of a fourth distinct soluble TNFR, named cytokine response modifier E (CrmE), encoded by cowpox virus. The crmE gene has been sequenced in strains of the orthopoxviruses cowpox virus, ectromelia virus, and camelpox virus, and was found to be active in cowpox virus. crmE is expressed as a secreted 18-kDa protein with TNF binding activity. CrmE was produced in the baculovirus and vaccinia virus expression systems and was shown to bind human, mouse, and rat TNF, but not human lymphotoxin alpha, conjugates of lymphotoxins alpha and beta, or seven other ligands of the TNF superfamily. However, CrmE protects cells only from the cytolytic activity of human TNF. CrmE is a new member of the TNFR superfamily which is expressed as a soluble molecule that blocks the binding of TNF to high-affinity TNFRs on the cell surface. The remarkable finding of a fourth poxvirus-encoded TNFR suggests that modulation of TNF activity is complex and represents a novel viral immune evasion mechanism.  相似文献   

We identified Wengen, the first member of the Drosophila tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily. Wengen is a type III membrane protein with conserved cysteine-rich residues (TNFR homology domain) in the extracellular domain, a hallmark of the TNFR superfamily. wengen mRNA is expressed at all stages of Drosophila development. The small-eye phenotype caused by an eye-specific overexpression of a Drosophila TNF superfamily ligand, Eiger, was dramatically suppressed by down-regulation of Wengen using RNA interference. In addition, Wengen and Eiger physically interacted with each other through their TNFR homology domain and TNF homology domain, respectively. These results suggest that Wengen can act as a component of a functional receptor for Eiger. Our identification of Wengen and further genetic analysis should provide increased understanding of the evolutionarily conserved roles of TNF/TNFR superfamily proteins in normal development, as well as in some pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

The Yatapoxviruses encode a distinct class of secreted TNF-binding protein (TNF-BP) that resembles an MHC class I heavy chain but distinct from any other known TNF inhibitor. Characterization of these viral TNF inhibitors from Tanapox virus, Yaba monkey tumor virus (YMTV) and a closely related version from Swinepox virus revealed dramatically differential TNF binding specificities for different mammalian species. The Tanapox virus 2L protein (TPV-2L) formed inhibitory complexes with human TNF, and interacted with monkey and canine TNF with high affinity but rabbit TNF with low affinity. On the other hand, YMTV-2L bound human and monkey TNF with high affinity but rabbit TNF with only low affinity. The TNF-BP from swinepox virus (SPV003/148) only interacted with porcine TNF with high affinity. The observed TNF binding analysis mirrored the biological activity of these TNF-binding protein to block TNF-induced cellular cytolysis. TPV-2L and YMTV-2L also inhibited the human TNF-mediated signaling in cells but TPV-2L exhibited higher affinity for human TNF (KD, 43 pm) compared with monkey (KD, 120 pm) whereas for YMTV-2L, the affinities were reversed (human TNF KD, 440 pm; monkey TNF KD, 230 pm). The interaction domain of human TNF with TNF-binding proteins is significantly different from that of TNFRs, as determined using human TNF mutants. We conclude that these poxvirus TNF-binding proteins represent a new class of TNF inhibitors and are distinct from the viral TNF receptor homologues characterized to date.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is a polypeptide produced by monocytes and macrophages. Although TNF receptors have been identified on a variety of cell types, previous studies have not determined whether these receptors also exist on monocytes. In the present work, highly purified recombinant TNF was labeled with 125I. The 125I-labeled TNF bound specifically to receptors on human monocytes and monocyte membrane preparations. A curvilinear Scatchard plot indicated the presence of TNF-binding sites with two different affinities. The results also indicate that receptor-bound TNF is rapidly internalized by monocytes and then degraded intracellularly. These findings are in concert with recent studies demonstrating that TNF immunomodulates monocyte function by an autocrine mechanism.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the identification of a novel tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 3 (TRAF3)-interacting protein designated MIP-T3. MIP-T3 is a 83-kDa protein with no significant homology to known mammalian proteins. MIP-T3 mRNA and TRAF3 mRNA are ubiquitously expressed, and TRAF3 is the only TRAF protein to interact with MIP-T3. The MIP-T3-TRAF3 interaction requires the coiled-coil TRAF-N domain of TRAF3. To our knowledge, this is the first case of a TRAF-binding protein that interacts with a single member of the TRAF family specifically through a TRAF-N coiled-coil domain. MIP-T3 binds to Taxol-stabilized microtubules and to tubulin in vitro, and MIP-T3 recruits TRAF3 to microtubules when both proteins are overexpressed in HeLa cells. In a 293 cell line stably expressing CD40, TRAF3 is released from the TRAF3.MIP-T3 complex and recruited to the CD40 receptor upon CD40 ligand stimulation. MIP-T3 may provide a novel mechanism in sequestering TRAF3 to the cytoskeletal network.  相似文献   

In human monocytic cell lines, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) expression is induced by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). We have identified positive and negative cis-acting elements in the TNF alpha promoter by deletion analysis. Here we present the initial characterization of the repressor element. The repressor element was shown to function in either orientation and at various distances upstream from the positive element of the TNF alpha promoter. The TNF alpha repressor site (TRS) has been localized to a 25 bp region between base pairs -254 and -230 in the promoter. This region contains a 10 bp sequence with homology to the binding site of the activator protein AP-2. Mutation of the 6 C's of this 10 bp AP-2-like site abolish TRS repressor function. However, this AP-2-like site is not a binding site for AP-2 protein based on gel retardation analysis. In addition, a well-characterized AP-2-binding site placed upstream of the positive element of the TNF alpha gene did not cause repression. Therefore, this repression is very likely mediated by a novel protein(s) which interacts with the AP-2 consensus site in the TRS.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a key mediator of host immune and inflammatory responses and inhibits herpesvirus replication by cytolytic and noncytolytic mechanisms. TNF-alpha effects are primarily mediated through the major TNF-alpha receptor, TNF-R1, which is constitutively expressed in most cell types. Here we show that the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) immediate-early protein BZLF1 prevents TNF-alpha activation of target genes and TNF-alpha-induced cell death. These effects are mediated by down-regulation of the promoter for TNF-R1. Additionally, we demonstrate that expression of TNF-R1 is downregulated during the EBV lytic replication cycle. Thus, EBV has developed a novel mechanism for evading TNF-alpha antiviral effects during lytic reactivation or primary infection.  相似文献   

The family of tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs) and their ligands form a regulatory signaling network that controls immune responses. Various members of this receptor family respond differently to the soluble and membrane-bound forms of their respective ligands. However, the determining factors and underlying molecular mechanisms of this diversity are not yet understood. Using an established system of chimeric TNFRs and novel ligand variants mimicking the bioactivity of membrane-bound TNF (mTNF), we demonstrate that the membrane-proximal extracellular stalk regions of TNFR1 and TNFR2 are crucial in controlling responsiveness to soluble TNF (sTNF). We show that the stalk region of TNFR2, in contrast to the corresponding part of TNFR1, efficiently inhibits both the receptor's enrichment/clustering in particular cell membrane regions and ligand-independent homotypic receptor preassembly, thereby preventing sTNF-induced, but not mTNF-induced, signaling. Thus, the stalk regions of the two TNFRs not only have implications for additional TNFR family members, but also provide potential targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

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