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Abstract Microhabitats and survival of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in an oxic surface sediment of a seawater lake were examined. The size of fractionation of the sediment suspension showed that most of SRB were associated with sediment particles larger than 10 μm. The D values (time in h required to destroy 90% of the initial viable population) for SRB in the whole sediment suspension and for SRB i n the < μ m and the < 5 μ m fractions were, respectively, 23.7, 10 and 4 when the SRB were exposed to air. Survival of the FeS-associated Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ( D value, 9.3) was higher than that of the free-living ones ( D value, 1.8). These results show that particle-associated SRB are more protected against oxygen than free-living ones in oxic sediments.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria was investigated in a shallow, eutrophic, meromictic lake, Lake Harutori, located in a residential area of Kushiro, Japan. A steep chemocline, characterized by gradients of oxygen, sulfide and salinity, was found at a depth of 3.5–4.0 m. The sulfide concentration at the bottom of the lake was high (up to a concentration of 10.7 mM). Clone libraries were constructed using the aprA gene, which encodes adenosine-5′-phosphosulfate reductase subunit A, in order to monitor sulfate-reducing bacteria. In the aprA clone libraries, the most abundant sequences were those from the Desulfosarcina–Desulfococcus (DSS) group. A primer set for a DSS group-specific 16S rRNA gene was used to construct another clone library, analysis of which revealed that the uncultured group of sulfate-reducing bacteria, SEEP SRB-1, accounted for nearly half of the obtained sequences. Quantification of the major bacterial groups by catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization demonstrated that the DSS group accounted for 3.2–4.8% of the total bacterial community below the chemocline. The results suggested that the DSS group was one of the major groups of sulfate-reducing bacteria and that these presumably metabolically versatile bacteria might play an important role in sulfur cycling in Lake Harutori.  相似文献   

Thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria in cold marine sediment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract Sulfate reduction was measured with the 35SO42− -tracer technique in slurries of sediment from Aarhus Bay, Denmark, where seasonal temperatures range from 0° to 15°C. The incubations were made at temperatures from 0°C to 80°C in temperature increments of 2°C to search for presence of psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria. Detectable activity was initially only in the mesophilic range, but after a lag phase sulfate reduction by thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria were observed. No distinct activity of psychrophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria was detected. Time course experiments showed constant sulfate reduction rates at 4°C and 30°C, whereas the activity at 60°C increased exponentially after a lag period of one day. Thermophilic, endospore-forming sulfate-reducing bacteria, designated strain P60, were isolated and characterized as D esulfotomaculum kuznetsovii . The temperature response of growth and respiration of strain P60 agreed well with the measured sulfate reduction at 50°–70°C. Bacteria similar to strain P60 could thus be responsible for the measured thermophilic activity. The viable population of thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria and the density of their spores was determined in most probable number (MPN) dilutions. The density was 2.8·104 cells·.g−1 fresh sediment, and the enumerations suggested that they were all present as spores. This result agrees well with the observed lag period in sulfate reduction above 50°C. No environment with temperatures supporting the growth of these thermophiles is known in the region around Aarhus Bay.  相似文献   

Experiments with a Warburg respirometer showed that a sediment slurry consumed hydrogen from a hydrogen atmosphere, and this consumption was not due to the activity of methanogenic bacteria. The hydrogren uptake was inhibited by the addition of 20 mM molybdate. Further experiments with sediment slurry held in conical flasks under an atmosphere of nitrogen showed that hydrogen accumulated in the headspace when bacterial sulfate reduction was inhibited either by the addition of 20 mM molybdate or by low (<5 mM) sulfate concentrations in the slurry. Methanogenesis was stimulated in the presence of a hydrogen atmosphere or by the addition of 20 mM molybdate. The results confirmed that hydrogren was an important electron donor for sulfate-reducing bacteria present in the sediment. The stimulation of methanogenesis by molybdate could be explained in part by a competition for hydrogen between sulfate-reducing bacteria and hydrogen-metabolizing methanogenic bacteria, but competition for another common substrate, possibly acetate, could also be significant.  相似文献   

In situ mesocosm experiments using a calcareous sand flat from a coastal area of the island of Mallorca in the Mediterranean Sea were performed in order to study the response of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) to controlled crude oil contamination, or heavy contamination with naphthalene. Changes in the microbial community caused by the contamination were monitored by a combination of comparative sequence analysis of 16S rRNA genes, fluorescence in situ hybridization, cultivation approaches and metabolic activity rates. Our results showed that crude oil and naphthalene negatively influenced the total microbial community as the natural increase in cell numbers due to the seasonal dynamics was attenuated. However, both contaminants enhanced the sulfate reduction rates, as well as the culturability of SRB. Our results suggested the presence of autochthonous deltaproteobacterial SRBs that were able to degrade crude oil or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as naphthalene in anaerobic sediment layers.  相似文献   

Hydrogenases in sulfate-reducing bacteria function as chromium reductase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The ability of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) to reduce chromate VI has been studied for possible application to the decontamination of polluted environments. Metal reduction can be achieved both chemically, by H2S produced by the bacteria, and enzymatically, by polyhemic cytochromes c3. We demonstrate that, in addition to low potential polyheme c-type cytochromes, the ability to reduce chromate is widespread among [Fe], [NiFe], and [NiFeSe] hydrogenases isolated from SRB of the genera Desulfovibrio and Desulfomicrobium. Among them, the [Fe] hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris strain Hildenborough reduces Cr(VI) with the highest rate. Both [Fe] and [NiFeSe] enzymes exhibit the same Km towards Cr(VI), suggesting that Cr(VI) reduction rates are directly correlated with hydrogen consumption rates. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy enabled us to probe the oxidation by Cr(VI) of the various metal centers in both [NiFe] and [Fe] hydrogenases. These experiments showed that Cr(VI) is reduced to paramagnetic Cr(III), and revealed inhibition of the enzyme at high Cr(VI) concentrations. The significant decrease of both hydrogenase and Cr(VI)-reductase activities in a mutant lacking [Fe] hydrogenase demonstrated the involvement of this enzyme in Cr(VI) reduction in vivo. Experiments with [3Fe-4S] ferredoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas demonstrated that the low redox [Fe-S] (non-heme iron) clusters are involved in the mechanism of metal reduction by hydrogenases.  相似文献   

Abstract Simultaneous measurements of sulfate reduction and acetate oxidation using 35S and 14C tracers showed that acetate was the main energy substrate for the sulfate-reducing bacteria in Lake Eliza sediments. Sulfate reduction rates calculated from acid-volatile sulfide data only, correlated with acetate oxidation at around 0.5:1. However, the rates calculated from acid-volatile plus pyrite sulfur data correlated with acetate oxidation at a ratio of around 1:1. Molybdate completely inhibited sulfate reduction but acetate oxidation was not totally inhibited. From 10 to 15% of acetate oxidation was not attributable to the sulfate-reducing bacteria. There was rapid accumulation of acetate, within the first 12 h of incubation. Acetate, propionate and butyrate accumulated in the presence of molybdate.  相似文献   

Nitrogen flux from sediment of a shallow lake and subsequent utilization by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart] Solms) present in the water column were evaluated using an outdoor microcosm sediment-water column. Sediment N was enriched with 15N to quantitatively determine the movement of NH4-N from the sediment to the overlying water column. During the first 30 days. 48% of the total N uptake by water hyacinth was derived from sediment 15NH4-N. This had decreased to 14% after 183 days. Mass balance of N indicates that about 25% sediment NH4-N was released into the overlying water, but only 17% was assimilated by water hyacinth. NH4-N levels in the water column were very low, with very little or no concentration gradients. NH4-N levels in the interstitial water of the sediment were in the range of 30–35 mg L–1 for the lower depths (> 35 cm), while in the surface 5 cm of depth NH4-N levels decreased to 3.2 mg L–1. Simulated results also showed similar trends for the interstitial NH4-N concentration of the sediment. The overall estimated NH4-N flux from the sediment to the overlying water was 4.8 µg cm–2 day–1, and the soluble organic N flux was 5.8 µg N cm–2 day–1. Total N flux was 10.6 µg N cm–2 day–1.  相似文献   

Isotopic labeling of biomarker molecules is a technique applied to link microbial community structure with activity. Previously, we successfully labeled phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) of suspended nitrate-reducing bacteria in an aquifer. However, the application of the method to low energy-yielding processes such as sulfate reduction, and extension of the analysis to attached communities remained to be studied. To test the feasibility of the latter application, an anoxic test solution of 500 l of groundwater with addition of 0.5 mM Br- as a conservative tracer, 1.1 mM SO4(2-), and 2.0 mM [2-13C]acetate was injected in the transition zone of a petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated aquifer where sulfate-reducing and methanogenic conditions prevailed. Thousand liters of test solution/groundwater mixture were extracted in a stepwise fashion after 2-46 h incubation. Computed apparent first-order rate coefficients were 0.31+/-0.04 day(-1) for acetate and 0.34+/-0.05 day(-1) for SO4(2-) consumption. The delta13C increased from -71.03 per thousand to +3352.50 per thousand in CH4 and from -16.15 per thousand to +32.13 per thousand in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). A mass balance suggested that 43% of the acetate-derived (13)C appeared in DIC and 57% appeared in CH4. Thus, acetate oxidation coupled to sulfate reduction and acetoclastic methanogenesis occurred simultaneously. The delta13C of PLFA increased on average by 27 per thousand in groundwater samples and 4 per thousand in sediment samples. Hence, both suspended and attached communities actively degraded acetate. The PLFA labeling patterns and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses of sediment and groundwater samples suggested that the main sulfate-reducing bacteria degrading the acetate were Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans and Desulfobacter sp. in groundwater, and D. acetoxidans in sediment.  相似文献   

In addition to three new isolates, six strains of representative species of sulfate-reducing bacteria were tested for their capacity to use elemental sulfur as an electron acceptor for growth. There was good growth and sulfide production by strain Norway 4 and the three isolates, two of which had been enriched with sulfur flower and one isolated from a culture with green sulfur bacteria. Slow but definite growth was observed with Desuflovibrio gigas. The type strains of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, D. vulgaris, and Desulfotomaculum nigrificans as well as Desulfomonas pigra did not grow with sulfur. The four strains that grew well with sulfur flower were straight, nonsporulating rods and did not contain desulfoviridin.  相似文献   

Guanine plus cytosine (GC) contents of the deoxyribonucleic acids of Desulfovibrio and Desulfotomaculum have been used as a basis for classification. Some of these data have been incorrectly calculated, resulting in errors of as much as 5% GC. This situation has been corrected by a reanalysis of existing data and by the contribution of new data.  相似文献   

Colony counts of acetate-, propionate- and l-lactate-oxidizing sulfate-reducing bacteria in marine sediments were made. The vertical distribution of these organisms were equal for the three types considered. The highest numbers were found just beneath the border of aerobic and anaerobic layers.Anaerobic mineralization of acetate, propionate and l-lactate was studied in the presence and in the absence of sulfate. In freshwater and in marine sediments, acetate and propionate were oxidized completely with concomitant reduction of sulfate. l-Lactate was always fermented. Lactate-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing bacteria, belonging to the species Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, and lactate-fermenting bacteria were found in approximately equal amounts in the sediments. Acetate-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing bacteria could only be isolated from marine sediments, they belonged to the genus Desulfobacter and oxidized only acetate and ethanol by sulfate reduction. Propionate-oxidizing, sulfate-reducing bacteria belonged to the genus Desulfobulbus. They were isolated from freshwater as well as from marine sediments and showed a relatively large range of usable substrates: hydrogen, formate, propionate, l-lactate and ethanol were oxidized with concomitant sulfate reduction. l-Lactate and pyruvate could be fermented by most of the isolated strains.  相似文献   

Polyclonal rabbit antisera raised against sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) could detect several distinct populations of bacteria in sediment from the German Baltic Sea. The depth distribution of immunoreactive bacteria was determined by an indirect immunofluorescence filter method. Anti-Desulfovibrio desulfuricans DSM 1926 serum showed maximum bacterial numbers at a depth of 18 cm, with a concentration of 60 x 10(6) cells cm-3. With anti-Desulfovibrio baculatus DSM 2555 serum, counts were highest at the same depth, approaching 0.7 x 10(6) cells cm-3. Other significantly smaller populations were observed. Anti-SRBStrain 1 (lactate,vibrio) maxima were at 0 to 4 cm and at 17 to 18 cm. Anti-SRBStrain 2 (lactate,vibrio) serum showed several local maxima. Anti-SRBStrain 3 (lactate,oval) serum detected one single peak at a depth of 10 to 12 cm. Also determined were rates of sulfate reduction, total bacterial counts by acridine orange staining, and the viable counts by dilution series on anaerobic lactate medium. The total bacterial counts were highest (180 x 10(6) cells cm-3) at 3 to 4 cm and dropped to 24 x 10(6) cells cm-3 at 10 to 11 cm but showed additional local maxima reaching 140 x 10(6) cells cm-3 at a depth of 17 to 18 cm. Viable counts probable number) were above 10(5) CFU cm-3 at 0 to 3.6 cm but remained below 10(3) CFU at 7.2 to 18 cm. The sulfate reduction rate was maximal (107 nmol cm-3 day-1) at a depth of 1 to 2 cm, dropped to 10 nmol cm-3 day-1 at 12 to 13 cm, and reached 38 nmol cm-3 day-1 at 17 to 18 cm.  相似文献   

We studied the Diel Vertical Migration (DVM) of several zooplankton taxa and an important zooplanktivore Rastrineobola argentea in a eutrophic bay of Lake Victoria for a total of 3 months during wet and dry seasons. Zooplankton were sampled twice a month at full moon and new moon. The zooplankton community of this lake was numerically dominated by cyclopoid copepods (>80%) of which 80% were juveniles. The composition of zooplankton was not significantly different (P > 0.05) for the different sampling months (November 2000, March 2001 and July 2001), but total zooplankton abundance was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in July (dry season) than during March or November (wet seasons). DVM behaviour was observed in some of the zooplankton groups including Tropocyclops spp., Thermocyclops spp., Thermodiaptomus galeboides and Diaphanosoma excisum. In these groups, we also observed that they were significantly (P < 0.05) more abundant at full moon than at new moon in some months, a pattern not seen in non-DVM groups. The amplitude of migration tended to be higher at new moon than full moon for all DVM zooplankton but not significantly so (P > 0.05). The zooplanktivore R. argentea exhibits typical DVM behaviour, perhaps to avoid visual predation itself, but it also increases the predation pressure on zooplankton in deeper waters. Feeding times for R. argentea peak just after dusk and dawn. For the copepod calanoid T. galeboides, there was a strong relationship (P < 0.05) between the amplitude of migration and midday (12:00) water transparency, suggesting that these zooplankton may have descended deeper on days with higher water transparency. In the absence of temperature and food gradients but with predation pressure from a migrating zooplanktivore, the depth of descent of zooplankton may be well associated with water transparency.  相似文献   

The community structure of sulfate-reducing bacteria in littoral and profundal sediments of the oligotrophic Lake Stechlin (Germany) was investigated. A collection of 32 strains was isolated from the highest positive dilutions of most-probable-number series, and their partial 16S rRNA gene sequences and genomic fingerprints based on ERIC (enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus)-PCR were analyzed. The strains fell into eight distinct phylogenetic lineages, and the majority (70%) showed a close affiliation to the genus Desulfovibrio. Most of the remaining strains (22%) were related to the gram-positive Sporomusa and Desulfotomaculum groups. A high redundancy of 16S rRNA gene sequences was found within several of the phylogenetic lineages. This low phylogenetic diversity was most pronounced for the subset of strains isolated from oxic sediment layers. ERIC-PCR revealed that most of the strains with identical 16S rRNA gene sequences were genetically different. Since strains with identical 16S rRNA gene sequences but different genomic fingerprints also differed considerably with respect to their physiological capabilities, the high diversity detected in the present work is very likely of ecological relevance. Our results indicate that a high diversity of sulfate-reducing bacterial strains can be recovered from the natural environment using the established cultivation media. Received: 20 April 1998 / Accepted: 12 June 1998  相似文献   

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