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The E5 protein of human papillomavirus type 16 is a small, hydrophobic protein that localizes predominantly to membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To define the orientation of E5 in these membranes, we employed a differential, detergent permeabilization technique that makes use of the ability of low concentrations of digitonin to selectively permeabilize the plasma membrane and saponin to permeabilize all cellular membranes. We then generated a biologically active E5 protein that was epitope tagged at both its N and C termini and determined the accessibility of these termini to antibodies in the presence and absence of detergents. In both COS cells and human ectocervical cells, the C terminus of E5 was exposed to the cytoplasm, whereas the N terminus was restricted to the lumen of the ER. Finally, the deletion of the E5 third transmembrane domain (and terminal hydrophilic amino acids) resulted in a protein with its C terminus in the ER lumen. Taken together, these topology findings are compatible with a model of E5 being a 3-pass transmembrane protein and with studies demonstrating its C terminus interacting with cytoplasmic proteins.Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are small, nonenveloped, double-stranded DNA viruses (25) that are the causative agents of benign and malignant tumors in humans (43). Most cancers of the cervix, vagina, and anus are caused by HPVs, as are a fraction of oropharyngeal cancers (29, 44). HPV type 16 (HPV-16) is the type most frequently found in anogenital cancers (15, 29), including cervical cancer, the most common cancer of women worldwide (44).Some of the biological activities of the HPV-16 E5 protein (16E5) include the augmentation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) signaling pathways (8), stimulation of anchorage-independent growth (38), alkalinization of endosomal pH (11), and alteration of membrane lipid composition (39). 16E5 also exhibits weak transforming activity in vitro (12), induces epithelial tumors in transgenic mice (13), and plays an important role in koilocytosis (20). There are multiple documented intracellular binding targets for 16E5 such as the 16-kDa subunit of the vacuolar H+-ATPase (7, 36), the heavy chain of HLA type I (1), EGF receptor family member ErbB4 (6), calnexin (16), the zinc transporter ZnT-1 (21), the EVER1 and EVER2 transmembrane channel-like proteins that modulate zinc homeostasis (21, 31), the nuclear import receptor family member karyopherin β3 (KNβ3) (19), and BAP31, which was previously reported to contribute to B-cell receptor activation (35).16E5 is a small, hydrophobic protein that localizes to intracellular membranes. When overexpressed in COS cells, it is present in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and, to a lesser extent, in the Golgi apparatus (7). At a lower level of expression in human foreskin keratinocytes and human ectocervical cells (HECs), 16E5 is present predominantly in the ER (10, 39). 16E5 contains three hydrophobic regions (14, 16, 22, 30, 41), and it was reported previously that the first hydrophobic region determines various biological properties of the protein (16, 22). It was also shown previously that the 16E5 C terminus plays a role in binding to karyopherin β3 (19) and in the formation of koilocytes (20). While theoretical predictions have been made for the topology of E5 in membranes (16), no experimental data exist. However, a recent study suggested that some highly expressed 16E5 localizes to the plasma membrane, with its C terminus exposed externally (18).The aim of the present study was to establish the orientation of 16E5 in the ER membrane. By using immunofluorescence microscopy coupled with differential membrane permeabilization (24, 34), we demonstrate the membrane orientation of an N- and C-terminally tagged, biologically active 16E5 protein. Our results indicate that the N terminus is intralumenal and that the C terminus is cytoplasmic, consistent with a model of E5 being a three-pass transmembrane protein and with current data on the interaction of its C terminus with cytoplasmic proteins.  相似文献   

The E7 protein of human papillomavirus type 16 was produced in Lactococcus lactis. Secretion allowed higher production yields than cytoplasmic production. In stationary phase, amounts of cytoplasmic E7 were reduced, while amounts of secreted E7 increased, suggesting a phase-dependent intracellular proteolysis. Fusion of E7 to the staphylococcal nuclease, a stable protein, resulted in a highly stable cytoplasmic protein. This work provides new candidates for development of viral screening systems and for oral vaccine against cervical cancer.  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒16型 E7蛋白在子宫颈癌细胞内的定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用重组质粒在大肠杆菌中表达人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)16 型 E7 基因.以所产生的 E7 融合蛋白为抗原免疫家兔,制得抗 E7 蛋白抗血清.在子宫颈癌组织切片中用此抗血清作免疫组化染色(胶体金标记染色法).在光学显微镜下可观察到癌细胞中存在 E7 抗原黑色颗粒,位于细胞核内.主要附着于核膜,可证明 E7 基因在 HPV16 感染的子宫颈癌细胞中有强烈表达;提示 E7 基因可能即为 HPV16的癌基因.  相似文献   

Proteomic identification of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E6-interacting proteins revealed several proteins involved in ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis. In addition to the well-characterized E6AP ubiquitin-protein ligase, a second HECT domain protein (HERC2) and a deubiquitylating enzyme (USP15) were identified by tandem affinity purification of HPV16 E6-associated proteins. This study focuses on the functional consequences of the interaction of E6 with USP15. Overexpression of USP15 resulted in increased levels of the E6 protein, and the small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of USP15 decreased E6 protein levels. These results implicate USP15 directly in the regulation of E6 protein stability and suggest that ubiquitylated E6 could be a substrate for USP15 ubiquitin peptidase activity. It remains possible that E6 could affect the activity of USP15 on specific cellular substrates, a hypothesis that can be tested as more is learned about the substrates and pathways controlled by USP15.Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are associated with several human cancers, most notably human cervical cancer, the second most common cancer among women worldwide (43). Papillomaviruses cause proliferative squamous epithelial lesions, and more than 100 HPV types have been described (14). The HPV types associated with mucosal squamous epithelial lesions have been further classified into high- or low-risk types based on the propensity for the lesions with which they are associated to progress to cancer. Among the high-risk HPV types, HPV type 16 (HPV16) and HPV18 account for approximately 70% of cervical cancers (43). The high-risk HPV types carry two genes, the E6 and E7 genes, which have oncogenic properties and are always expressed in HPV-positive cancers. E6 and E7 interfere with the p53 and retinoblastoma (pRB) tumor suppressor pathways, respectively, and contribute directly to cell cycle alterations, protection from apoptosis, and transformation (14). The dysregulated expression of the E6 and E7 oncoproteins is an important step in the progression from a preneoplastic stage to cancer in HPV-infected cells and is often a consequence of the integration of the viral genome into the host chromosome.The interaction between E6 and p53 is mediated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase E6AP (15). E6, p53, and E6AP form a complex in which E6 directs the ligase activity of E6AP to p53, thereby targeting p53 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation (36). E6, however, has a number of other cellular partners and other functions. For instance, the C terminus of the high-risk E6 protein contains a PDZ binding motif (20, 25) that mediates the interaction with several PDZ domain-containing proteins, including discs large (Dlg), Scribble (Scrib), the MAGI family of proteins, MUPP1, and PATJ (9, 10, 29). Some of these proteins are also targeted for degradation in an E6AP-dependent manner (22, 29). While the major mechanism of oncogenesis revolves around E6''s ability to inhibit the proapoptotic effects of p53, recent work involving the PDZ domain proteins indicates that these interactions are also important to the oncogenic potential of E6 (38, 41). Furthermore, E6 has been reported to bind a number of other cellular proteins, including but not limited to Bak, CBP/p300, c-Myc, E6TP1, hADA3, IRF3, MCM7, PTPH1, and TNF-R1 (7, 8, 17, 23, 24, 32, 35, 39, 40). The importance of the binding of several of these proteins with regard to the transformation or other functions of E6 remains to be established. E6 itself is thought to be targeted for degradation by an ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (18), although how E6 protein stability is regulated has not been well studied.Many of the E6 binding partners have been identified using purified bacterially expressed E6 fusion proteins and cell lysates from various cell types or using yeast two-hybrid screenings. While some of these interactions with E6 have been validated, the physiologic relevance of a number of proposed E6 targets remains undetermined. In an effort to identify E6-interacting proteins, perhaps under more physiologic conditions, we employed tandem affinity purification (TAP) using tagged HPV16 E6 stably expressed in the HPV16-positive cervical cancer cell line SiHa. We have discovered several new interacting proteins, including an interaction between E6 and the cellular deubiquitylating enzyme (DUB) USP15. USP15 is not targeted for degradation by E6, but we found that USP15 stabilizes E6 protein levels, suggesting that E6 may itself be a target for USP15 DUB activity.  相似文献   

The mechanism of DNA replication is conserved among papillomaviruses. The virus-encoded E1 and E2 proteins collaborate to target the origin and recruit host DNA replication proteins. Expression vectors of E1 and E2 proteins support homologous and heterologous papillomaviral origin replication in transiently transfected cells. Viral proteins from different genotypes can also collaborate, albeit with different efficiencies, indicating a certain degree of specificity in E1-E2 interactions. We report that, in the assays of our study, the human papillomavirus type 11 (HPV-11) E1 protein functioned with the HPV-16 E2 protein, whereas the HPV-16 E1 protein exhibited no detectable activity with the HPV-11 E2 protein. Taking advantage of this distinction, we used chimeric E1 proteins to delineate the E1 protein domains responsible for this specificity. Hybrids containing HPV-16 E1 amino-terminal residues up to residue 365 efficiently replicated either viral origin in the presence of either E2 protein. The reciprocal hybrids containing amino-terminal HPV-11 sequences exhibited a high activity with HPV-16 E2 but no activity with HPV-11 E2. Reciprocal hybrid proteins with the carboxyl-terminal 44 residues from either E1 had an intermediate property, but both collaborated more efficiently with HPV-16 E2 than with HPV-11 E2. In contrast, chimeras with a junction in the putative ATPase domain showed little or no activity with either E2 protein. We conclude that the E1 protein consists of distinct structural and functional domains, with the carboxyl-terminal 284 residues of the HPV-16 E1 protein being the primary determinant for E2 specificity during replication, and that chimeric exchanges in or bordering the ATPase domain inactivate the protein.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) has been identified as being the most common etiological agent leading to cervical cancer. Despite having a clear understanding of the role of HPV16 in oncogenesis, details of how HPV16 traffics during infection are poorly understood. HPV16 has been determined to enter via clathrin-mediated endocytosis, but the subsequent steps of HPV16 infection remain unclear. There is emerging evidence that several viruses take advantage of cross talk between routes of endocytosis. Specifically, JCV and bovine papillomavirus type 1 have been shown to enter cells by clathrin-dependent endocytosis and then require caveolin-1-mediated trafficking for infection. In this paper, we show that HPV16 is dependent on caveolin-1 after clathrin-mediated endocytosis. We provide evidence for the first time that HPV16 infection is dependent on trafficking to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This novel trafficking may explain the requirement for the caveolar pathway in HPV16 infection because clathrin-mediated endocytosis typically does not lead to the ER. Our data indicate that the infectious route for HPV16 following clathrin-mediated entry is caveolin-1 and COPI dependent. An understanding of the steps involved in HPV16 sorting and trafficking opens up the possibility of developing novel approaches to interfere with HPV16 infection and reduce the burden of papillomavirus diseases including cervical cancer.Human papillomavirus (PV) type 16 (HPV16) is a member of the family Papillomaviridae, a group of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses with a tropism for squamous epithelia (70). Most PV infections result in benign lesions, although a subset of high-risk HPVs are capable of malignant transformation, resulting in various cancers including cervical carcinoma (21, 38). Infection with HPV16 is responsible for causing approximately half of the cases of invasive cervical cancer (7). In spite of the link between HPV16 and cervical cancer, the intracellular movement of HPV16 through target keratinocyte cells during infection has not been defined in detail.Viruses can enter into target cells by taking advantage of the cell''s natural endocytosis machinery (60). One of the best-characterized modes of internalization is by receptor-mediated, clathrin-dependent endocytosis. In this mode of entry, clathrin-coated pits internalize cargo into clathrin-coated vesicles, which are pinched from the plasma membrane by dynamin-2 in order to internalize (68). The process of clathrin-mediated endocytosis occurs rapidly, resulting in the delivery of cargo to early/sorting endosomes within seconds to minutes (23, 31). From the sorting endosome, most clathrin-dependent ligands are trafficked back to the plasma membrane in recycling endosomes or to lysosomes for degradation (35, 56). Another well-studied model of ligand entry is caveolin-1-mediated endocytosis. The caveolar pathway typically involves entry via cholesterol-rich caveolae at the plasma membrane, which deliver their contents to pH-neutral organelles known as caveosomes (44, 65). The delivery of cargo from caveosomes to the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) was demonstrated previously (44, 46, 50). The traffickings of cargo internalized via clathrin- and caveolin-1-mediated endocytosis were once thought to be separate; however, it is becoming evident that viruses including bovine PV type 1 (BPV1), JCV, HPV31, and BKV rely on both pathways depending on the stage of infection (29, 32, 50, 63).PV internalization is preceded by virion attachment to the extracellular matrix, followed by binding to heparan sulfate (14, 15, 25). The involvement of a secondary receptor has been suggested, putatively an alpha-6 integrin (24, 37). Postbinding, a conformational change in the PV capsid results in a furin cleavage event at the N terminus of the minor capsid protein L2, which has been suggested to play a role in the endosomal escape of the viral genome (19, 30, 52). An increasing body of evidence supports the entry of HPV16 by clathrin-mediated endocytosis (9, 27, 62). Electron microscopy of HPV16 infection in COS-7 cells demonstrated HPV16 pseudovirions in clathrin-coated vesicles 20 min after entry and within structures resembling endosomes by 1 h postentry (9). HPV16 infection of HaCaT keratinocyte, COS-7, and 293TT cells has been blocked by chlorpromazine, an inhibitor of the formation of clathrin-coated pits (9, 27, 62, 67). Importantly, those studies showed that two inhibitors of caveolin-1-mediated internalization, filipin and nystatin, did not interfere with HPV16 infection (9, 27, 62). Our laboratory demonstrated the importance of dynamin in HPV16 infection, presumably in the scission of clathrin-coated vesicles from the plasma membrane (1). Recently, a clathrin-, caveolin-, and dynamin-independent endocytosis of HPV16 was suggested, although the use of the HPV18-positive, heteroploid HeLa cell line calls into question the relevance of this finding to natural infection (64).In a previous study, we described the postentry trafficking of BPV1 from endosomes to caveolin-1-positive vesicles, similarly to a related nonenveloped dsDNA virus, JCV (32, 50). Our data demonstrated that the infectious route of BPV1 involved entry by clathrin-mediated endocytosis followed by transport to the caveolar pathway in order to traffic to the ER (32). We found that BPV1 infection was neutralized by an antibody that prevented viral particle transport to the ER (33). The movement of BPV1 from the endosome to the caveosome provides a possible explanation for why BPV1 trafficking is so slow compared to those of other ligands of clathrin-mediated endocytosis (20, 26). The kinetics of BPV1 and HPV16 entry were previously reported to be identical, and the coincident internalization of HPV16 and BPV1 virus-like particles (VLPs) showed colocalization between the VLPs during infection (20, 62). These data suggest that HPV16 and BPV1 infection may be occurring by a similar mechanism.Our goal in the present study was to determine the intracellular trafficking events leading to HPV16 infection. The use of reporter virion technology has allowed the production of high-titer HPV16 virions by a method previously shown to yield virions that are infectious in vivo (16). In this study, we used HPV16 reporter virions to study HPV16 infection in the spontaneously immortalized human HaCaT keratinocyte cell line. Our data show that the infectious route of HPV16 is from early endosomes to caveolin-1-positive vesicles and then to the ER. Using immunofluorescence and short hairpin RNA (shRNA) against caveolin-1, we demonstrate the importance of the caveolar pathway after HPV16 has been internalized. We show that HPV16 infection was blocked by inhibiting the formation of COPI transport vesicles, which function in trafficking between the ER and the Golgi apparatus and from caveosomes to the ER (5, 39). We provide evidence that after reaching the caveosome, HPV16 requires passage to the ER for successful infection, a trafficking event made possible by COPI vesicle-mediated movement from the caveosome to the ER.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus type 16 E5 oncoprotein (16E5) enhances acute, ligand-dependent activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and concomitantly alkalinizes endosomes, presumably by binding to the 16-kDa “c” subunit of the V-ATPase proton pump (16K) and inhibiting V-ATPase function. However, the relationship between 16K binding, endosome alkalinization, and altered EGFR signaling remains unclear. Using an antibody that we generated against 16K, we found that 16E5 associated with only a small fraction of endogenous 16K in keratinocytes, suggesting that it was unlikely that E5 could significantly affect V-ATPase function by direct inhibition. Nevertheless, E5 inhibited the acidification of endosomes, as determined by a new assay using a biologically active, pH-sensitive fluorescent EGF conjugate. Since we also found that 16E5 did not alter cell surface EGF binding, the number of EGFRs on the cell surface, or the endocytosis of prebound EGF, we postulated that it might be blocking the fusion of early endosomes with acidified vesicles. Our studies with pH-sensitive and -insensitive fluorescent EGF conjugates and fluorescent dextran confirmed that E5 prevented endosome maturation (acidification and enlargement) by inhibiting endosome fusion. The E5-dependent defect in vesicle fusion was not due to detectable disruption of actin, tubulin, vimentin, or cytokeratin filaments, suggesting that membrane fusion was being directly affected rather than vesicle transport. Perhaps most importantly, while bafilomycin A1 (like E5) binds to 16K and inhibits endosome acidification, it did not mimic the ability of E5 to inhibit endosome enlargement or the trafficking of EGF. Thus, 16E5 alters EGF endocytic trafficking via a pH-independent inhibition of vesicle fusion.High-risk human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are the causative agent of cervical cancer (63) and HPV type 16 (HPV-16) is associated with a majority of cervical malignancies worldwide (13). HPV-16 encodes three oncoproteins: E5, E6, and E7. While the contributions of E6 and E7 to cellular immortalization and transformation have been characterized in detail (20), the role of HPV-16 E5 (16E5) is poorly understood (53). Nevertheless, a number of studies suggest that 16E5 does contribute to the development of cervical cancer. Most high-risk HPV types encode an E5 protein (48), and targeted expression of the three HPV-16 oncogenes in basal epithelial cells of transgenic mice (4) leads to a higher incidence of cervical cancer than does the expression of E6 and E7 alone (44). In addition, targeted epithelial expression of 16E5 (without E6 and E7) in transgenic mice induces skin tumors (21). It may be noteworthy that unlike high-risk HPV-18, which integrates into the host DNA and potentially disrupts E5 gene expression (20, 64), the HPV-16 genome often persists in episomal form in malignant lesions (12, 16, 24, 36, 42).Biological activities of 16E5 that may facilitate carcinogenesis include evading host immune detection by interfering with the transport of antigen-presenting major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules to the cell surface (6), promoting anchorage-independent growth (33, 41, 52) and disrupting gap junctions responsible for cell-cell communication (37, 58). The 16E5 phenotype most frequently linked to the development of cancer is enhanced ligand-dependent activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) (15, 41, 46, 52). 16E5 stimulates EGF-dependent cell proliferation in vitro (7, 33, 40, 41, 52, 60) and in vivo (21), which might expand the population of basal or stemlike keratinocytes and thereby increase the probability that some of these cells would undergo malignant transformation. A number of studies indicate that 16E5 may enhance ligand-dependent EGFR activation by interfering with the acidification of early endosomes containing EGF bound to activated EGFRs (17, 51, 57). It has been hypothesized that 16E5 inhibits the H+ V-ATPase responsible for maintaining an acidic luminal pH in late endosomes and lysosomes (28) by associating with the V-ATPase 16-kDa “c” subunit (16K) (1, 5, 14, 22, 46) and disrupting assembly of the V-ATPase integral (Vo) and peripheral (Vi) subcomplexes (10). In contrast, Thomsen et al. (57) reported that 16E5 inhibits early endosome trafficking in fibroblasts by completely depolymerizing actin microfilaments.Due to the unavailability of antibodies that recognize native 16E5 and 16K, direct association of 16E5 with 16K has only been observed by overexpressing epitope-tagged forms of both proteins in vitro (5, 46) or in vivo (1, 14, 22). It is uncertain, therefore, whether these associations occur when the proteins are expressed at “physiological” levels. In yeast, both wild-type 16E5 (10) and several 16E5 mutants that associate with 16K in COS cells (1) inhibit vacuolar acidification, although another study in yeast concludes the opposite (5). 16K is a component of the V-ATPase Vo subcomplex, which is assembled in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (28), and 16E5 localizes to the ER and nuclear envelope in epithelial cells (32, 54). Thus, the export of Vo from the ER could potentially be inhibited by a significant level of 16K binding to 16E5, although the differential alkalinization of endosomes rather than the Golgi apparatus (17) would require specificity for those proton pumps directed to those sites.In the present study, we generated an antibody against native 16K and used it to determine whether 16K/16E5 complexes formed in primary keratinocytes. We also synthesized a new pH-sensitive fluorescent EGF conjugate to evaluate whether there was a correlation between E5-induced EGFR activation, trafficking and endosome alkalinization. Finally, we simultaneously monitored EGFR endocytic trafficking (using pH-insensitive fluorescent EGF), endosome fusion (using fluorescent EGF and dextran), and the status of cellular filaments and microtubules to evaluate whether E5 might disrupt some of these structures that mediate vesicle transport.  相似文献   

Alkannin is an active constituent from the root extract of Alkanna tinctoria of the Boraginaceae family and it may have utility as a heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) inducer in living organisms. Here, the effects of alkannin-induced HSP70 on ultraviolet (UV) B (40 mJ/cm2)-induced apoptosis were investigated in human keratinocyte HaCaT cells. Pretreatment of cells with alkannin (1 µM) caused significant inhibition of UVB-induced apoptosis and caspase-3 cleavage. On the other hand, the addition of KNK437 (HSP70 inhibitor) reversed the action of alkannin increasing UVB-induced apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, differences in gene expression associated with the suppression of UVB-induced apoptosis in the presence of alkannin were investigated using Gene Chip assay. Our results indicate that alkannin suppresses UVB-induced apoptosis through the induction of HSP70 in human keratinocytes, and therefore, we suggest the usefulness of using alkannin as an antiaging agent.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) cause benign and malignant tumors of the mucosal and cutaneous epithelium. The initial events regulating HPV infection impact the establishment of viral persistence, which is requisite for malignant progression of HPV-infected lesions. However, the precise mechanisms involved in HPV entry into host cells, including the cellular factors regulating virus uptake, are not clearly defined. We show that HPV16 exposure to human keratinocytes initiates epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-dependent Src protein kinase activation that results in phosphorylation and extracellular translocation of annexin A2 (AnxA2). HPV16 particles interact with AnxA2 in association with S100A10 as a heterotetramer at the cell surface in a Ca2+-dependent manner, and the interaction appears to involve heparan-sulfonated proteoglycans. We show multiple lines of evidence that this interaction promotes virus uptake into host cells. An antibody to AnxA2 prevents HPV16 internalization, whereas an antibody to S100A10 blocks infection at a late endosomal/lysosomal site. These results suggest that AnxA2 and S100A10 have separate roles during HPV16 binding, entry, and trafficking. Our data additionally imply that AnxA2 and S100A10 may be involved in regulating the intracellular trafficking of virus particles prior to nuclear delivery of the viral genome.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus type 16 is a common sexually transmitted pathogen capable of giving rise to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive carcinoma through the expression and activity of two adjacent oncogenes: E6 and E7. Naturally occurring amino acid variation is commonly observed in the E6 protein but to a much lesser extent in E7. In order to investigate the evolutionary mechanisms involved in the generation and maintenance of this variation, we examine 42 distinct E6-E7 haplotypes using codon-based genealogical techniques. These techniques involve estimation of the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions (dn/ds) and allow testing for directional (positive) natural selection. Positive selection was detected for four codon sites within the E6 oncogene but not in any E7 codons. The amino acid compositions and locations of selected sites are described. Possible sources of natural selection including antiviral immune pressure and polymorphism of host cellular proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Cells expressing human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E6 and E7 proteins exhibit deregulation of G2/M genes, allowing bypass of DNA damage arrest signals. Normally, cells with DNA damage that override the G2 damage checkpoint would precociously enter mitosis and ultimately face mitotic catastrophe and apoptotic cell death. However, E6/E7-expressing cells (E6/E7 cells) have the ability to enter and exit mitosis in the presence of DNA damage and continue with the next round of the cell cycle. Little is known about the mechanism that allows these cells to gain entry into and exit from mitosis. Here, we show that in the presence of DNA damage, E6/E7 cells have elevated levels of cyclin B, which would allow entry into mitosis. Also, as required for exit from mitosis, cyclin B is degraded in these cells, permitting initiation of the next round of DNA synthesis and cell cycle progression. Proteasomal degradation of cyclin B by anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is, in part, due to elevated levels of the E2-conjugating enzyme, Ubch10, and the substrate recognition protein, Cdc20, of APC/C. Also, in E6/E7 cells with DNA damage, while Cdc20 is complexed with BubR1, indicating an active checkpoint, it is also present in complexes free of BubR1, presumably allowing APC/C activity and slippage through the checkpoint.Failure to activate cell cycle checkpoints in the presence of any DNA damage leads to genomic instability, polyploidy, and subsequently, aneuploidy, which is a hallmark of many cancers (26). Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) which cause various epithelial cancers, produce two proteins, E6 and E7, whose expression allows bypass or overriding of normal DNA damage and spindle checkpoint signals, primarily through inactivation of p53 and retinoblastoma family members, respectively (11, 16, 17). Our laboratory and others have previously shown that bypass of these arrest signals due to the presence of the viral genes gives rise to a significant population of cells that are polyploid (13, 16, 24, 32). Polyploid and aneuploid cells predominantly arise due to defects in the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) during mitosis. While we have some understanding of the mechanisms that lead to bypass of DNA damage arrest signals at the G2/M stage of the cell cycle, it is not clear how the E6/E7-expressing cells with DNA damage and abnormal chromosomes are allowed to (i) to enter into mitosis and (ii) exit out of mitosis to initiate the next round of replication. Progression through mitosis is regulated by the ubiquitin-dependent degradation machinery, consisting of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), a multisubunit ubiquitin ligase. The activity of APC/C is dependent on the substrate-specifying proteins Cdc20 in metaphase and Cdh1 in telophase (25, 37). In normal cells, spindle checkpoint proteins Mad2 and BubR1 serve to inhibit APC/C until all the chromosomes are aligned correctly on the mitotic spindle by binding Cdc20 and preventing it from activating APC/C (5, 21, 31). In the event of DNA damage and/or unattached kinetochores, the SAC will arrest cells before exit from mitosis by inhibiting activation of APC/C. As a consequence of APC/C inhibition, cyclin B is not degraded, thus preventing cells from mitotic exit (6). Work by Chen''s group (11) has shown that E6- and E7-expressing cells (also referred to here as E6/E7 cells) adapt to an active SAC and are capable of mitotic slippage. So, what is the mechanism that underlies mitotic slippage in E6/E7 cells and allows them to enter the next round of cell cycle? Recent work by van Ree et al. (34) has shown that overexpression of E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Ubch10 leads to uncontrolled APC/C activity and degradation of cyclin B even in the presence of an active mitotic checkpoint, leading to mitotic slippage. In this report, we show that primary human foreskin keratinocytes (HFKs) expressing E6/E7 have high levels of cyclin B, which allows entry into mitosis in the presence of DNA damage. We show that these cells successfully exit mitosis by, in part, indirect activation of APC/C through upregulation of the E2-conjugating protein, Ubch10, and the substrate-specific component of APC/C, Cdc20, leading to the required degradation of cyclin B. In addition, Cdc20 is detected in different complexes; one includes the protein BubR1, indicating an active checkpoint, while other complexes are free of BubR1 and are thus free to activate APC/C. Upregulation of cyclin B and Ubch10 as well as Cdc20 is primarily through E6 and its ability to target p53 degradation, although inhibition of the pRb family members by E7 may also play a part.  相似文献   

High-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV), such as HPV16, have been found in nearly all cases of cervical cancer. Therapies targeted at blocking the HPV16 E6 protein and its deleterious effects on the tumour suppressor pathways of the cell can reverse the malignant phenotype of affected keratinocytes while sparing uninfected cells. Through a strong interdisciplinary collaboration between engineering and biology, a novel, non-invasive intracellular delivery method for the HPV16 E6 antibody, F127-6G6, was developed. The method employs high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) in combination with microbubbles, in a process known as sonoporation. In this proof of principle study, it was first demonstrated that sonoporation antibody delivery into the HPV16 positive cervical carcinoma derived cell lines CaSki and SiHa was possible, using chemical transfection as a baseline for comparison. Delivery of the E6 antibody using sonoporation significantly restored p53 expression in these cells, indicating the antibody is able to enter the cells and remains active. This delivery method is targeted, non-cytotoxic, and non-invasive, making it more easily translatable for in vivo experiments than other transfection methods.  相似文献   

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