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Abstract: Congo red (CR) has been shown to inhibit the accumulation in scrapie-infected cells of prion protein (PrP) in the abnormal protease-resistant form (PrP-res). However, it was not clear if this effect was due to a direct interaction of CR with either PrP-res or its protease-sensitive precursor (PrP-sen) or to a less direct effect on living cells. Here we show that CR inhibits PrP-res formation in a simple cell-free reaction composed predominantly of purified PrP-res and PrP-sen. Structurally modified CR analogues were also compared in both the cell-free conversion reaction and scrapie-infected neuroblastoma cells. Methylation of the central phenyl groups at the 2,2' positions diminished the inhibitory potency by ≥10-fold. In contrast, there was little effect of 3,3' methylation of the phenyls, deletion of one phenyl, or addition of an amido group between the phenyls. The relative activities of these compounds were well correlated in both cellular and acellular systems. Molecular modeling indicated that CR and 3,3'-methyl-CR have little rotational restriction about the biphenyl bond and can readily adopt a planar conformation, as can phenyl-CR and amido-CR. In contrast, 2,2'-methyl-CR is restricted to a nonplanar conformation of the biphenyl group. Thus, planarity and/or torsional mobility of the central phenyl rings of CR and its analogues is probably important for inhibition of PrP-res formation. On the other hand, variations in the intersulfonate distance in these molecules had little effect on PrP-res inhibition. These results indicated a high degree of structural specificity in the inhibition of PrP-res formation by CR and related compounds.  相似文献   

Kuru is a fatal transmissible spongiform encephalopathy restricted to the Fore people and their neighbours in a remote region of the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. When first investigated in 1957 it was found to be present in epidemic proportions, with approximately 1000 deaths in the first 5 years, 1957-1961. The changing epidemiological patterns and other significant findings such as the transmissibility of kuru are described in their historical progression. Monitoring the progress of the epidemic has been carried out by epidemiological surveillance in the field for 50 years. From its peak, the number of deaths from kuru declined to 2 in the last 5 years, indicating that the epidemic is approaching its end. The mode of transmission of the prion agent of kuru was the local mortuary practice of transumption. The prohibition of this practice in the 1950s led to the decline in the epidemic, which has been prolonged into the present century by incubation periods that may exceed 50 years. Currently, the epidemiological surveillance is being maintained and further studies on human genetics and the past mortuary practices are being conducted in the kuru-affected region and in communities beyond it.  相似文献   

Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are neurodegenerative pathologies characterized by the accumulation of amyloid fibrils mainly composed of the pathological isoform of the prion protein (PrPTSE). PrPTSE pre-amyloid fibrils are supposed to induce neurodegenerative lesions possibly through the alteration of membrane permeability. The effect of PrPTSE on cellular membranes has been modeled in vitro by synthetic peptides that are, however, only partially representative of PrPTSE isoforms found in vivo. In the present work we show that a synthetic membrane exposed to PrP27-30 extracted from TSE-infected hamster brains changes its permeability because of the formation of molecular pores that alter the conductance of the synthetic lipid bilayer. Synthetic membrane challenged with the recombinant prion peptide PrP90-231 shows a much lower conductance. Elevation of calcium ion concentration not only increases the current amplitude due to the action of both PrP27-30 and PrP90-231 on the membrane, but also amplifies the interaction of PrP90-231 with the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The 173–195 segment corresponding to the helix 2 of the globular PrP domain is a good candidate to be one of the several ‘spots’ of intrinsic structural flexibility, which might induce local destabilization and concur to protein transformation, leading to aggregation‐prone conformations. Here, we report CD and NMR studies on the α2‐helix‐derived peptide of maximal length (hPrP[180–195]) that is able to exhibit a regular structure different from the prevalently random arrangement of other α2‐helix‐derived peptides. This peptide, which has previously been shown to be affected by buffer composition via the ion charge density dependence typical of Hofmeister effects, corresponds to the C‐terminal sequence of the PrPC full‐length α2‐helix and includes the highly conserved threonine‐rich 188–195 segment. At neutral pH, its conformation is dominated by β‐type contributions, which only very strong environmental modifications are able to modify. On TFE addition, an increase of α‐helical content can be observed, but a fully helical conformation is only obtained in neat TFE. However, linking of the 173–179 segment, as occurring in wild‐type and mutant peptides corresponding to the full‐length α2‐helix, perturbs these intrinsic structural propensities in a manner that depends on whether the environment is water or TFE. Overall, these results confirm that the 180–195 parental region in hPrPC makes a strong contribution to the chameleon conformational behavior of the segment corresponding to the full‐length α2‐helix, and could play a role in determining structural rearrangements of the entire globular domain. Copyright © 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The intrinsically disordered amino-proximal domain of hamster prion protein (PrP) contains four copies of a highly conserved octapeptide sequence, PHGGGWGQ, that is flanked by two polycationic residue clusters. This N-terminal domain mediates the binding of sulfated glycans, which can profoundly influence the conversion of PrP to pathological forms and the progression of prion disease. To investigate the structural consequences of sulfated glycan binding, we performed multidimensional heteronuclear (1H, 13C, 15N) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence studies on hamster PrP residues 23-106 (PrP 23-106) and fragments thereof when bound to pentosan polysulfate (PPS). While the majority of PrP 23-106 remain disordered upon PPS binding, the octarepeat region adopts a repeating loop-turn structure that we have determined by NMR. The β-like turns within the repeats are corroborated by CD data demonstrating that these turns are also present, although less pronounced, without PPS. Binding to PPS exposes a hydrophobic surface composed of aligned tryptophan side chains, the spacing and orientation of which are consistent with a self-association or ligand binding site. The unique tryptophan motif was probed by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, which displayed enhanced fluorescence of PrP 23-106 when bound to PPS, consistent with the alignment of tryptophan side chains. Chemical-shift mapping identified binding sites on PrP 23-106 for PPS, which include the octarepeat histidine and an N-terminal basic cluster previously linked to sulfated glycan binding. These data may in part explain how sulfated glycans modulate PrP conformational conversions and oligomerizations.  相似文献   

On consideration that intrinsic structural weakness could affect the segment spanning the α2‐helical residues 173–195 of the PrP, we have investigated the conformational stabilities of some synthetic Ala‐scanned analogs of the peptide derived from the 180–195 C‐terminal sequence, using a novel approach whose theoretical basis originates from protein thermodynamics. Even though a quantitative comparison among peptides could not be assessed to rank them according to the effect caused by single amino acid substitution, as a general trend, all peptides invariably showed an appreciable preference for an α‐type organization, consistently with the fact that the wild‐type sequence is organized as an α‐helix in the native protein. Moreover, the substitution of whatever single amino acid in the wild‐type sequence reduced the gap between the α‐ and the β‐propensity, invariably enhancing the latter, but in any case this gap was larger than that evaluated for the full‐length α2‐helix‐derived peptide. It appears that the low β‐conformation propensity of the 180–195 region depends on the simultaneous presence of all of the Ala‐scanned residues, indirectly confirming that the N‐terminal 173–179 segment could play a major role in determining the chameleon conformational behavior of the entire 173–195 region in the PrP. Copyright © 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal control of ovine prion protein (Prnp) gene expression was achieved in mice using two transgenes: a Prnp minigene with tet-operator sequences inserted 5' to exon 1 and a mouse neurofilament genomic clone carrying the chimeric-repressor TRSID cDNA. In bi-transgenic mice, ovine PrP(C) expression could be reversibly controlled in neuronal cells by doxycycline treatment whereas it remains constant in other cell types. Overall, this model opens opportunities to assess the involvement of cell types in prion diseases and PrP physiological function. It demonstrates the potentiality of the TRSID-silencer to precisely control temporal and spatial gene expression in vivo.  相似文献   

For a long time, protein transport into the extracellular space was believed to strictly depend on signal peptide-mediated translocation into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. More recently, this view has been challenged, and the molecular mechanisms of unconventional secretory processes are beginning to emerge. Here, we focus on unconventional secretion of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), a secretory mechanism that is based upon direct protein translocation across plasma membranes. Through a combination of genome-wide RNAi screening approaches and biochemical reconstitution experiments, the basic machinery of FGF2 secretion was identified and validated. This includes the integral membrane protein ATP1A1, the phosphoinositide phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2), and Tec kinase, as well as membrane-proximal heparan sulfate proteoglycans on cell surfaces. Hallmarks of unconventional secretion of FGF2 are: (i) sequential molecular interactions with the inner leaflet along with Tec kinase-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of FGF2, (ii) PI(4,5)P2-dependent oligomerization and membrane pore formation, and (iii) extracellular trapping of FGF2 mediated by heparan sulfate proteoglycans on cell surfaces. Here, we discuss new developments regarding this process including the mechanism of FGF2 oligomerization during membrane pore formation, the functional role of ATP1A1 in FGF2 secretion, and the possibility that other proteins secreted by unconventional means make use of a similar mechanism to reach the extracellular space. Furthermore, given the prominent role of extracellular FGF2 in tumor-induced angiogenesis, we will discuss possibilities to develop highly specific inhibitors of FGF2 secretion, a novel approach that may yield lead compounds with a high potential to develop into anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   

Summary RP135 is a 24-residue peptide corresponding to the principal neutralizing determinant of the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1. We have studied the conformation of RP135 in complex with a neutralizing antibody 0.5β raised against gp120 by 2D NMR spectroscopy. The antigenic determinant recognized by this antibody was mapped using a combination of HOHAHA and ROESY measurements, in which resonances of the Fab and the tightly bound peptide residues are eliminated and the mobile residues of the bound peptide are sequentially assigned. We found that residues Ser6-Thr19 are part of the epitope, while Lys5 and Ile20 are at its boundaries. Difference spectroscopy was applied to study the conformation of the bound peptide representing the epitope within the 52 kDa of the Fab complex. Specific residues of the peptide were deuterated or replaced and the difference between the NOESY spectrum of the complex with the unlabeled residue and the NOESY spectrum of the complex with the modified residue revealed the interactions of the labeled residue both within the peptide and with the Fab fragment. A total of 122 distance restraints derived from the difference spectra enabled the calculation of the structure of the bound peptide. The peptide forms a 10-residue loop, while the two segments flanking this loop interact extensively with each other and possibly form anti-parallel β-strands. The loop conformation could be observed due to the unusual large size (17 residues) of the antigenic determinant recognized by 0.5β.  相似文献   

Imran M  Mahmood S  Babar ME  Hussain R  Yousaf MZ  Abid NB  Lone KP 《Gene》2012,505(1):180-185
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a neurodegenerative prion protein misfolding disorder of cattle. BSE is of two types, classical BSE and atypical BSE which in turn is of two types, H-type BSE and L-type BSE. Both H-type BSE and L-type BSE are primarily sporadic prion disorders. However, one case of H-type BSE has recently been associated with E211K polymorphism in the prion protein gene (PRNP). Two polymorphisms in the bovine PRNP are also associated with susceptibility to classical BSE: a 23 bp insertion/deletion (indel) in the PRNP promoter region and a 12 bp indel in the first intron. No information regarding BSE susceptibility in Pakistani cattle is available. The present study aimed at achieving this information. A total of 236 cattle from 7 breeds and 281 buffaloes from 5 breeds were screened for E211K polymorphism and 23 bp and 12 bp indels employing triplex PCR. The E211K polymorphism was not detected in any of the animals studied. The 23 bp insertion allele was underrepresented in studied cattle breeds while the 12 bp insertion allele was overrepresented. Both 23 bp and 12 bp insertion alleles were overrepresented in studied buffalo breeds. Almost 90% of alleles were insertion alleles across all studied buffalo breeds. The average frequency of 23 bp and 12 bp insertion alleles across all studied cattle breeds was found to be 0.1822 and 0.9407, respectively. There were significant differences between Pakistani and worldwide cattle in terms of allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies of 23 bp and 12 bp indels. The higher observed frequency of 12 bp insertion allele suggests that Pakistani cattle are relatively more resistant to classical BSE than European cattle. However, the key risk factor for classical BSE is the dietary exposure of cattle to contaminated feedstuffs.  相似文献   

RP135 is a 24-residue peptide corresponding to the principal neutralizing determinant of the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1. We have studied the conformation of RP135 in complex with a neutralizing antibody 0.5 raised against gp120 by 2D NMR spectroscopy. The antigenic determinant recognized by this antibody was mapped using a combination of HOHAHA and ROESY measurements, in which resonances of the Fab and the tightly bound peptide residues are eliminated and the mobile residues of the bound peptide are sequentially assigned. We found that residues Ser6 - Thr19 are part of the epitope, while Lys5 and Ile20 are at its boundaries. Difference spectroscopy was applied to study the conformation of the bound peptide representing the epitope within the 52 kDa of the Fab complex. Specific residues of the peptide were deuterated or replaced and the difference between the NOESY spectrum of the complex with the unlabeled residue and the NOESY spectrum of the complex with the modified residue revealed the interactions of the labeled residue both within the peptide and with the Fab fragment. A total of 122 distance restraints derived from the difference spectra enabled the calculation of the structure of the bound peptide. The peptide forms a 10-residue loop, while the two segments flanking this loop interact extensively with each other and possibly form anti-parallel -strands. The loop conformation could be observed due to the unusual large size (17 residues) of the antigenic determinant recognized by 0.5.  相似文献   

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