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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate several factors that influence female reproduction in a large troop of wild olive baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) based on 4 consecutive years of demographic data. Interbirth intervals were significantly shorter for females whose infants died before their next conception than for females whose infants survived. High-ranking mothers of surviving infants had significantly shorter birth intervals than comparable low-ranking mothers, independent of maternal age. This occurred mainly because the interval from resumption of cycling to conception was significantly shorter for high-vs. low-ranking females. Dominance rank did not influence sex ratio at birth, infant survival in the first 2 years, or adult female mortality. Age was also significantly related to interbirth intervals, with older females having shorter intervals. Primiparous females had consistently longer reproductive intervals than did multiparous females, but this difference reached statistical significance only for females whose infants died before the next conception. Primiparous females also experienced significantly higher infant mortality. Data on body size and estrous cycle length indicated no differences between high- and low-ranking females. Nutritional and stress-related mechanisms that may underlie the reproductive advantages of high rank are discussed.  相似文献   

Human birth interval length is indicative of the level of parental investment that a child will receive: a short interval following birth means that parental resources must be split with a younger sibling during a period when the older sibling remains highly dependent on their parents. From a life-history theoretical perspective, it is likely that there are evolved mechanisms that serve to maximize fitness depending on context. One context that would be expected to result in short birth intervals, and lowered parental investment, is after a child with low expected fitness is born. Here, data drawn from a longitudinal British birth cohort study were used to test whether birth intervals were shorter following the birth of a child with a long-term health problem. Data on the timing of 4543 births were analysed using discrete-time event history analysis. The results were consistent with the hypothesis: birth intervals were shorter following the birth of a child diagnosed by a medical professional with a severe but non-fatal medical condition. Covariates in the analysis were also significantly associated with birth interval length: births of twins or multiple births, and relationship break-up were associated with significantly longer birth intervals.  相似文献   

A theoretical and illustrative analysis of sequences of actions between pairs of olive baboons (Papio cynocephals anubis) is carried out using the social contingency model originally suggested by Jones and Gerard (1967) in social psychology. The model provides the basis for a step-by-step analysis and a typology. Signals from body postures, facial expressions, and vocalizations are subject to close study by using the model, in a similar fashion to its use in social skills analysis (Argyle, 1988). Sequences are categorized according to individual and joint strategies. Examples are given of three categories of contingency, reactive, mutual, and asymmetrical, which are adapted from their social psychological usage. The model is extended by a new category for competitive relationships between baboons: a conflictive category. The contingencies, as they are shown graphically, have a superficial resemblance to Tinbergen's (1951) zigzag diagrams, but their purpose is distinct in focusing on the detail of both infrequent and repeated interactions. The overall aim of the contingencies is to improve the analysis of social behavior at the proximate level and the model is potentially applicable to observation records at a level of detail that is often not utilized in reporting field studies.  相似文献   

Preliminary calculations of the age-specific birth rate for wild female chimpanzees were based on demographic records from a long-term study at Bossou, Republic of Guinea. Primiparous age was 12-14 years. Birth rate for a female reached a peak of 0.333 a year at 20-23 years, and then decreased until menopause at more than 40 years of age. Mean birth rate for a female of more than 12 years was 0.197 a year. Mean interbirth interval was 4.6 years overall, but 5.1 years, if all cases in which the previous infant had died within its first three years were excluded. Infant survival rate for the first four years was 0.727 and that of juveniles (four to seven years) was 0.714; however, that of adolescents (eight to 11 years) was only 0.222. Some adolescents who disappeared from Bossou are thought to have migrated to adjacent habitats. From age-specific birth rate and survival rate, the lifetime reproductive success was calculated as only 0.74 offspring per female. This rose to 2.39 when adolescent survival rate was assumed to be the same as that of juveniles. This must be less than the minimum reproductive success required for continued survival of the population. The recent and continuing degradation of the environment will lead to the extermination of this species from the area in the near future. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Maternal condition during pregnancy is known to influence fetal viability. Recently, primatologists have suggested that certain characteristics of the fetus may influence maternal condition as well. For example, among captive pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) mothers of female infants may be at greater risk of injury during their pregnancies than mothers of male infants. Analysis of the rates of aggression, submission, competition, and wounding among free-ranging pregnant baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in Amboseli National Park generally fail to support these findings, but several other factors such as maternal dominance rank, environmental conditions during pregnancy, maternal parity, and fetal age correlate with aggression, submission, competition, and injuries sustained by pregnant female baboons.  相似文献   

The Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Model was used to examine ecological and sociodemographic correlates of mortality among 164 immature yellow baboons born over an 8-year period at Mikumi National Park, Tanzania. Ecological correlates were derived from seasonal rainfall. Mortality was lowest for immatures born during the late rainy season, when it was likely that nourishment for pregnant and lactating females was greatest. High mortality was associated with above-average rainfall early in the immature's first complete rainy season. This association may result from one or more of the following: exposure, increased ranging, or accelerated vegetation growth, each of which is thought to increase hazards for weanlings. When births for the 8 years of the study were pooled, a birth peak occurred during the early dry season. The larger number of births during a birth peak should intensify competition among mothers and among immatures. Mortality was greatest for immature females born during the season immediately following the birth peak, while lowest for immature females born during the season immediately preceding the peak. Immature female mortality was greatest when the troop size at birth was large, and was most severe for females born to low ranking mothers. The sociodemographic results are consistent with Wasser's hypothesis that cooperative attacks of female baboons upon other troop females suppress the others' reproduction and the vitality of their infants, thereby improving the relative competitive position of the attackers' own young.  相似文献   

Bloodsmears from 119 yellow baboons (Papio hamadryas cynocephalus) in six groups in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, and from 189 olive (P.h. anubis) hamadryas (P.h. hamadryas) and hybrid baboons in three groups in Awash National park, Ethiopia showed differing levels of infection with Hepatocystis simiae. 0% to 42% in the Tanzanian groups were carriers of the parasite but none of the Ethiopian baboons was positive. The remarkable absence of H. simiae in the Ethiopian baboons is believed to be related to environmental factors that exclude transmission in the absence of the Culicoides vector.  相似文献   

In a mixed-sex, captive group of hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas hamadryas) we investigated whether female grooming relationships are affected by their dominance ranks. Seyfarth's [1977] grooming for support model and Barrett et al.'s [1999] biological market model both predict that in primate groups where competition for monopolizable resources is high, grooming among females is based, at least partly, on the interchange of grooming for rank-related benefits, and that rank thus influences the distribution of grooming in females. Contrary to this prediction, our results show that despite the existence of a linear dominance hierarchy, rather strict dominance relationships, and high food-related aggression rates, grooming among female hamadryas baboons is not affected by rank and is only exchanged for itself. This is understandable since rank differences in our study group only result in differential access to limited, preferred food items that are not actively shared. Although some females are more likely to tolerate one another at the food pile, this tolerance is not determined by their grooming efforts and interchange of grooming for rank-related benefits does not occur. We conclude that female hamadryas baboons groom others in order to be groomed by them, which is supported by our observation that grooming reciprocity within a dyad increases when more grooming occurs in this dyad. Our results indicate that grooming is indeed a valuable commodity in itself, probably because of its stress- and tension-reducing effect. Based on our findings, the existing groom trade model is extended to include circumstances in which monopolizable resources are available but are not traded for grooming.  相似文献   

The evolution of life history traits is a topic of growing interest in primatology. Traits associated with fertility, such as age at menarche and age at first birth, have great significance for natural selection, and knowing the genetic basis of such demographic traits may improve our understanding of population dynamics. Knowledge of the heritability of reproductive traits may also have practical implications for the management of captive breeding colonies. A maximum likelihood method was used to estimate heritability of age at first birth for a sample of female olive baboons resident at the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research. Only animals born at the Foundation that were caged in mixed sex groups and that had previously given birth were included in the sample (n = 316). There were 117 independent individuals and 199 individuals in 35 pedigrees composed of 2 to 26 members. Age at first birth ranged from 3.85 years to 13.11 years. Age at first birth is highly heritable (h2 = 0.87) with no evidence for maternal effects or a dominance genetic component. This level of genetic variability in a fitness-related trait is contrary to evolutionary expectation and may reflect the uniform environment of a captive breeding situation. Thus, the heritability observed in this population may be taken as an upper bound for that in natural populations. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In immature wild savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus), we observed symptoms consistent with copper (Cu) deficiency and, more specifically, with a disorder referred to as white monkey syndrome (WMS) in laboratory primates. The objectives of this study were to characterize this pathology, and test three hypotheses that (1) Cu deficiency may have been induced by zinc (Zn) toxicity, (2) it may have been induced by molybdenum (Mo) toxicity, and (3) cumulative rainfall during the perinatal period and particularly during gestation is an ecological factor distinguishing infants afflicted with WMS from non-WMS infants. During 2001-2009, we observed 22 instances of WMS out of a total 377 live births in the study population. Visible symptoms exhibited by WMS infants included whitening of the animal's fur and/or impaired mobility characterized by an apparent "stiffening" of the hindlimbs. Occurrence of WMS did not vary significantly by gender. However, among individuals that survived at least 180 days, WMS males had a significantly lower survivorship probability than non-WMS males. Zn/Cu ratios assessed from hair samples of adult female baboons were higher in females who had produced at least one WMS offspring relative to females who had not had a WMS offspring. This was true even when the hair sample was collected long after the birth of the female's afflicted infant. We consider this potentially indicative of a robust tendency for low Cu levels induced by elevated Zn intake in some individuals. No significant differences of Mo/Cu ratios were observed. Cumulative rainfall during gestation (~179 days) was 50% lower for WMS infants relative to non-WMS infants. In contrast, rainfall for the two classes of infants did not differ in the 180 days before conception or in the 180 days following birth. This finding highlights the importance of prenatal ecological conditions in healthy fetal development with regard to WMS.  相似文献   

An ingrained technique in primatological analysis is to rank individual animals in a hierarchical system that is usually but not always based on the outcome of agonistic encounters. An explication of group structre and function is then sought by correlation these rankings with aspects of behavior. When the behavior of the adult males in a free-ranging troop of olive baboons is examined, ranking is found to be inadequate to represent the behavioral variability existing between individuals. The relationships maintained by these animals is analyzed, emphasizing amounts of time devoted to specific activities, and it is recommended that affiliative rather than agonistic behavior be stressed in future studies.  相似文献   

The behavioral ecology of mountain baboons, Papio ursinus,cuts across the traditional dichotomy between savannah and desert baboons, providing fresh opportunities to examine socioecological relationships. Mountain baboons were studied at a site where covariation in altitude and group size helps to clarify the influence of ecology on social behavior. One-male groups and lone males were regularly found in the highest-altitude zones. In encounters with multimale groups, a one-male group retreated; the group’s single male attacked his females, herding them far away from the multimale group. The male himself then approached and watched (and often loud-called at) this group. In a two-male group, the younger male herded the females, while the older sometimes defended the group. One-male groups did not show regular, stable aggregations, but two such groups seasonally coordinated their ranging “in tandem.” Ecological explanations for these behaviors and their relationship to the behavior of hamadryas baboons are evaluated, and a new theory of the origin of one-male groups in baboons is developed.  相似文献   

Human reproductive patterns have been well studied, but the mechanisms by which physiology, ecology and existing kin interact to affect the life history need quantification. Here, we create a model to investigate how age‐specific interbirth intervals adapt to environmental and intrinsic mortality, and how birth patterns can be shaped by competition and help between siblings. The model provides a flexible framework for studying the processes underlying human reproductive scheduling. We developed a state‐based optimality model to determine age‐dependent and family‐dependent sets of reproductive strategies, including the state of the mother and her offspring. We parameterized the model with realistic mortality curves derived from five human populations. Overall, optimal birth intervals increase until the age of 30 after which they remain relatively constant until the end of the reproductive lifespan. Offspring helping each other does not have much effect on birth intervals. Increasing infant and senescent mortality in different populations decreases interbirth intervals. We show that sibling competition and infant mortality interact to lengthen interbirth intervals. In lower‐mortality populations, intense sibling competition pushes births further apart. Varying the adult risk of mortality alone has no effect on birth intervals between populations; competition between offspring drives the differences in birth intervals only when infant mortality is low. These results are relevant to understanding the demographic transition, because our model predicts that sibling competition becomes an important determinant of optimal interbirth intervals only when mortality is low, as in post‐transition societies. We do not predict that these effects alone can select for menopause.  相似文献   

Infant handling has been documented in numerous species. Among cercopithecines, interaction motivations are reported to range from aunting to kidnapping; these interactions are often distressful for both mother and infant. Here we examine handling by adult female yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus) at the Tana River National Primate Reserve, Kenya, using a relatively new, computer-intensive statistical approach of permutation/randomization tests to deal with repeated measures effects and a skewed sample. We hypothesized 1) a tendency for handlers to handle the infants of females ranked similarly or lower than themselves, and 2) more successful infant handling by higher-ranked females, particularly with very young infants. We collected focal data on 23 females (11 mother-infant pairs) over an 11-mo period, with a total of 303 attempted and/or successful "handles" utilized in the permutation analyses. The general patterns apparent in the data seemed to support our hypotheses. However, the permutation tests showed that while females are somewhat more likely to attempt to handle the infants of females ranked "same or lower" than themselves, lower-ranked females are able to prevent more than three-fourths of the attempted interactions, and there is no statistically significant trend for females to successfully handle these infants. Further refinement of the analyses showed no significant tendencies for females to handle those infants ranked "lower" or "immediately lower" than themselves, casting doubt on the significant finding for "same or lower" attempts. Further, there was no significant effect for higher-ranked females to successfully handle an infant during its first month. Thus, rank does not seem to offer any privileges in terms of handling an infant in this population. We believe the permutation tests are an effective way to analyze repeated measures data and offer a more sensitive analysis tool for determining true significance.  相似文献   

Counts of 61 baboon troops (Papio cynocephalus ursinus) at four localities in the Drakensberg mountains confirmed earlier reports of a small mean troop size. This troop size of 22.49 animals changed neither with latitude nor elevation. Data from two of the sites suggested that population density increases from south to north, while a working assumption of 2.5 animals/ km2 allowed us to set the population size at 7,540 animals, living in 335 troops. Both the adult sex ratio of 2.07 females/male and the immature/ adult female ratio of 1.17 were unaffected by troop size. Repeated counts from nine known troops revealed that the population is at equilibrium. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report body mass and testicular size in 258 anubis (Papio anubis or P. hamadryas anubis) and 59 hamadryas (P. hamadryas or P. h. hamadryas) baboons, live-trapped in Ethiopia. As predicted by theories of sexual selection by sperm competition, among hamadryas baboons, which are monandrous, fully adult males have absolutely and relatively smaller testes than those of comparable males among anubis baboons, which are polyandrous. Male hamadryas are also ca. 10% smaller in bodily mass as adults. The intertaxonal difference in adults is due entirely to the fact that in male anubis baboons, testicular and bodily mass continue to grow up to full adulthood–the age at which most males emigrate from their natal troop and initiate a confrontational breeding strategy among unrelated animals. By contrast, male hamadryas baboons, which are usually philopatric, attain adult body mass and testicular size as subadults. In both species, juveniles experience rapid testicular growth peaking in rate at ca. 12kg body mass, but testicular descent and growth starts earlier in hamadryas than in anubis baboons. Juvenile hamadryas baboons have relatively larger testes than their anubis equivalents, perhaps because male philopatry allows the mating strategy of male hamadryas baboons to be initiated during juvenile life and therefore permits some sperm competition between juveniles and adults.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that juvenile baboons are less efficient foragers than adult baboons owing to their small size, lower level of knowledge and skill, and/or lesser ability to maintain access to resources. We predict that as resources are more difficult to extract, juvenile baboons will demonstrate lower efficiency than adults will because of their lower levels of experience. In addition, we hypothesize that juvenile baboons will be more likely to allocate foraging time to easier-to-extract resources owing to their greater efficiency in acquiring those resources. We use feeding efficiency and time allocation data collected on a wild, free-ranging, non-provisioned population of chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) in the Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Okavango Delta, Botswana to test these hypotheses. The major findings of this study are: 1. Juvenile baboons are significantly less efficient foragers than adult baboons primarily for difficult-to-extract resources. We propose that this age-dependent variation in efficiency is due to differences in memory and other cognitive functions related to locating food resources, as is indicated by the greater amount of time juvenile baboons spend searching for food. There is no evidence that smaller body size or competitive disruption influences the differences in return rates found between adult and juvenile baboons in this study. 2. An individual baboon’s feeding efficiency for a given resource can be used to predict the duration of its foraging bouts for that resource. These results contribute both to our understanding of the ontogeny of behavioral development in nonhuman primates, especially regarding foraging ability, and to current debate within the field of human behavioral ecology regarding the evolution of the juvenile period in primates and humans. Sara E. Johnson is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at California State University, Fullerton. She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology (Human Evolutionary Ecology) from the University of New Mexico in 2001. She uses behavioral ecology and life history theory to address her research interests in the evolution of primate and human growth; ecological variation and phenotypic plasticity in growth and development; ecological variation in life course trajectories, including fertility, health, morbidity, and mortality differentials; food acquisition and production related to nutrition; societal transofmration and roles of the elderly among indigenous peoples; and women’s reproductive and productive roles in both traditional and nontraditional societies. For the past decade she has conducted research on these issues in several different populations, including chacma baboons in the Okavango Delta of Botswana, two multiethnic communities of forager/agropastoralists in the Okavango Delta of Botswana, and among New Mexican men. John Bock is Associate Professor of Anthropology at California State University at Fullerton and is Associate Editor of Human Nature. He received a Ph.D. in Anthropology (Human Evolutionary EcologY) from the University of New Mexico in 1995, and from 1995 to 1998 was an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation postdoctoral fellow in demography and epidemiology at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at Australian National University. His recent research has focused on applying life history theory to understanding the evolution of the primate and human juvenile period. Bock has been conducting research among the Okavango Delta peoples of Botswana since 1992, and his current research there is an examination of child development and family demography in relation to socioecology and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Other research is focused on health disparties among minorities and indigenous peoples in Botswana and the United States related to differential access to health care.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycles of 23 captive olive baboons were studied over two successive parturitions. Interbirth intervals of 450 days were reduced by 60% in comparison to wild baboons, and consisted of 145 days of postpartum amenorrhea, 3.5 cycles, and a gestation of 185 days. Dominance rank was found to be one significant factor affecting female fertility. Low-ranking females had longer total intervals between successive births and, in particular, they experienced a longer delay to conception once they had resumed sexual cycles. Mothers of infants who were heavy for age resumed cycling more quickly and had fewer cycles before a subsequent conception. Mothers best able to sustain rapid early infant growth were those of high dominance rank and of high body mass; these females had more rapid reproductive rates. As female energy intake was unrelated to dominance, we suggest that social stresses are important suppressors of the hormonal and lactational competence of subordinate females.  相似文献   

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