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In many species, secondary sexual characteristics are used in both male–male competition and in attracting females. This suggests that social control of deception could contribute to the maintenance of honest sexual signalling. In the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, male red breeding coloration plays a dual role in sexual selection by functioning as both a threat signal in male–male competition and as a cue for female choice. To investigate whether male competition determines the level of signalling, the expression of red coloration and courtship activity were recorded both before and after male interactions. The results show that male competition influences signal expression by increasing the difference between males in signalling level. This in turn facilitates female choice and induces a preference for dominant males. Since a preference for dominant males may benefit females both directly and indirectly in this species with exclusively paternal care, male–male competition seems to increase the honesty of signalling and, thus, facilitates female choice in relation to male quality. This may increase the intensity of sexual selection and promote the evolution of breeding aggregations.  相似文献   

The evolution of monogamy has been a central question in biological anthropology. An important avenue of research has been comparisons across “socially monogamous” mammals, but such comparisons are inappropriate for understanding human behavior because humans are not “pair living” and are only sometimes “monogamous.” It is the “pair bond” between reproductive partners that is characteristic of humans and has been considered unique to our lineage. I argue that pair bonds have been overlooked in one of our closest living relatives, chimpanzees. These pair bonds are not between mates but between male “friends” who exhibit enduring and emotional social bonds. The presence of such bonds in male–male chimpanzees raises the possibility that pair bonds emerged earlier in our evolutionary history. I suggest pair bonds first arose as “friendships” and only later, in the human lineage, were present between mates. The mechanisms for these bonds were co-opted for male-female bonds in humans.  相似文献   

acta ethologica - Water turbidity deteriorates visibility and thereby may change the physiology and behavior of aquatic animals that rely on vision. In the guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata), a key...  相似文献   

It is possible to interpret components of seed development in angiosperms from the perspective of parent-offspring conflict (a special case of kin selection) or sexual selection. Available parent-offspring conflict models predict the evolution of traits determining the outcome of competition among related individuals soliciting maternal resources. In such models, ‘selfishness’ may spread even if it reduces female fecundity and thus population mean fitness may decline. These models are limited, however, because most of them do not simultaneously consider selection among maternal genotypes varying in the tendency to respond to their offspring. Available sexual selection models, in contrast, do consider the joint evolution of polygenic male traits (influencing viability, mating success and fecundity) and female preferences (influencing the mating success of different male phenotypes). These models have shown that male traits may evolve that are non-optimal with respect to viability. Only one recent sexual selection model explicitly incorporates direct fecundity selection upon females; this model concludes that fecundity will be maximized at equilibrium. Hence population mean fitness may decline due to reduced male viability but not due to diminished female fecundity. Available sexual selection models, however, are limited because they do not consider the effects of interactions among relatives. The assumptions and qualitative results of the two types of models are compared and discussed in the context of seed development. Differential allocation of maternal resources among genetically distinct developing seeds may be viewed from the perspective of either. Because the results of the available models of parent-offspring conflict and sexual selection are not wholly consistent and because data confirming the genetic basis of maternal patterns of investment or differential male reproductive success are scant, it is not clear which set of conclusions is most appropriate to apply to plants. To achieve the generality towards which mathematical approaches aspire, new models concerning the evolution of traits influencing resource allocation in plants must incorporate the components of both parent-offspring conflict and sexual selection.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an anthropometrical survey conducted on male and female children aged 3, 4 and 5 years in Turkey. A set of 18 body dimensions was taken from 154 males and 132 females. It is considered that the 18 parameters are necessary for the design of school furniture, fittings and equipment in order to minimize musculoskeletal, visual and circulatory problems resulting from badly designed elements. This study identified significant gender differences in a set of 18 anthropometrical measures in this subject group.  相似文献   

Why do females increase parental effort when caring for theoffspring of attractive males? First, attractive males may bepoor fathers so that their females are compelled to increasetheir own contribution in order to fledge some young (the partner-compensationhypothesis). Second, females mated to attractive males may bewilling to increase their parental effort to reap high indirectbenefits for their offspring, and in turn males can decreasetheir own contribution (the differential allocation hypothesis[DAH]). We investigated these hypotheses in the penduline titRemiz pendulinus, a small passerine bird that has sequentialpolygamy by both sexes and strict uniparental care either bythe male or the female. We focused on two sexually selectedmale traits: nest size and nest-building behavior. We show thatmale care is unrelated to nest-building behavior, whereas femalesare more likely to care for the offspring of those males thatspend more time nest building. Females also more likely carefor the offspring of males that build large nests. Consequently,the reproductive success of males increases with nest size andnest-building behavior. Our results are consistent with theDAH and suggest that nest-building behavior and nest size areunder postmating sexual selection in penduline tits.  相似文献   

Daily torpor can provide significant energy and water savings in bats during cold ambient temperatures and food scarcity. However, it may reduce rates of foetal and juvenile development. Therefore, reproductive females should optimize development by minimizing times in torpor. To test this hypothesis, the use of torpor by female and male free-ranging Daubenton’s bats (Myotis daubentonii) during reproduction (gestation, lactation, and post-lactation period) was investigated in 1998 and 1999. Temperature-sensitive radio transmitters were attached to the bats to measure skin temperature. Simultaneously, ambient temperature was recorded. While both sexes became torpid during daytime, male bats used daily torpor (>6°C below individual active temperature) significantly more often during reproductive period (mean: 78.4 % of day time in May and 43 % in June) than females. Female bats went into daily torpor, particularly in late summer when juveniles were weaned (mean: 66.6 % of daytime). Lowest skin temperatures occurred in a female bat with 21.0°C during post-lactation. Skin temperatures of male bats fluctuated from 16.8°C in torpor to 37.2°C during times of activity. There was a significant effect of reproductive period on skin temperature in females whereas mean ambient temperature had no significant effect. However, mean ambient temperature affected mean skin temperatures in males. Our findings indicate that female Daubenton’s bats adopt their thermoregulatory behaviour in particular to optimize the juvenile development.  相似文献   

Lekking males aggregate to attract females and contribute solely to egg fertilization, without any further parental care. Evolutionary theory therefore predicts them to be nonchoosy toward their mates, because any lost mating opportunities would outweigh the benefits associated with such preferences. Nevertheless, due to time costs, the production of energetically costly sexual displays, and potential sperm limitation, the mating effort of lekking males is often considerable. These factors, combined with the fact that many females of varying quality are likely to visit leks, could favor the evolution of male mate preferences. Here, we show that males of the lekking lesser wax moth, Achroia grisella, were indeed more likely to mate with heavier females in choice experiments, even at their virgin mating (i.e., when their reproductive resources have not yet been depleted by previous matings). This differential female mating success could not be attributed to female behavior as heavy and light females showed similar motivation to mate (i.e., latency to approach the males) and time to copulate. Males seem to benefit from mating with heavier females, as fecundity positively correlated with female mass. This new empirical evidence shows that male mate choice may have been underestimated in lekking species.  相似文献   

The factors that affect the home range size of domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) in a semi-domesticated condition (i.e., cats that receive shelter and food from humans but are free to move in the wider natural environment) is not completely understood. Here, using radio telemetry, we present the first assessment of the home range size and activity patterns of male domestic cats living in the insular environment of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest, and examine the extent to which these were influenced by the presence (‘resident males with females’: RMF group) or absence (‘single males’: SM group) of females in the residences of their owners. Daily and seasonal activity patterns have also been characterized. Home ranges of the RMF were markedly smaller than that of the SM and exhibited less overlap with the home ranges of other males than did those of the SM. Male cats were most active at twilight and evening (44.68 ± 1.07) and least active in the afternoon (28.76 ± 2.79). RMF presented nocturnal activity greater than SM, especially in the dry season. Our data indicate that presence of females is an important factor in shaping these parameters of domestic male cats.  相似文献   

ΔFosB plays a critical role in drug-induced long-term changes in the brain. In the current study, we evaluated locomotor activity in male and female rats treated with saline or cocaine for 2 weeks and quantitatively mapped ΔFosB expression in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens of each animal by using an anti-FosB antibody that recognizes ΔFosB isoforms preferentially. Behavioral analysis showed that while there was little difference between males and females that sensitized to cocaine, nonsensitizing rats showed a large sex difference. Nonsensitizing males showed low behavioral activation in response to cocaine on the first day of treatment, and their activity remained low. In contrast, nonsensitizing females showed high activation on the first day of treatment and their activity remained high. Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses indicated that basal levels of ΔFosB were higher in the nucleus accumbens than the dorsal striatum, but that the effect of cocaine on ΔFosB was greater in the dorsal striatum. Immunostaining showed that the effect of cocaine in both the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens was primarily to increase the intensity of ΔFosB immunoreactivity in individual neurons, rather than to increase the number of cells that express ΔFosB. Detailed mapping of ΔFosB-labeled nuclei showed that basal ΔFosB levels were highest in the medial portion of the dorsal striatum and dorsomedial accumbens, particularly adjacent to the lateral ventricle, whereas the cocaine-induced increase in ΔFosB was most pronounced in the lateral dorsal striatum, where basal ΔFosB expression was lowest. Sex differences in ΔFosB expression were small and independent of cocaine treatment. We discuss implications of the sex difference in locomotor activation and regionally-specific ΔFosB induction by cocaine.  相似文献   

Species often confront changing resource distributions that result from natural and anthropogenic processes. For species that reproduce on or in close association with particular resources (e.g. host plants), changing resource distributions could affect the success of mate finding. We examine how mate-finding behaviours in an herbivorous insect mediate the impact of changing host plant spatial distribution. We tracked movements of 84 Melissa blue butterflies (Lycaeides melissa) in the Great Basin of western North America. Track data revealed sex differences in movement: males spent more time moving fast and females more time moving slowly; males moved more ballistically and females moved more diffusely. These differences vary quantitatively, but not qualitatively, between environments with contrasting resource distributions.From these data we created and parameterised a computer model of male–female encounters and used it to examine implications of changes to the patchiness and abundance of host plants. We use the cumulative encounter time between each simulated male–female pair as a proxy for mating success, thus allowing for the consideration of different female behaviours. The simulations suggest observed movement parameters exist in a trade-off between individuals maximising the number of potential mates they encounter and the probability that each encounter leads to mating success. Increasing host plant abundance decreases encounter rates thus encouraging males to be more diffuse to compensate. Changing the local resource density, i.e. increasing host plant patchiness, accentuated these trade-offs: by decreasing cumulative encounter time in resource rich environments and increasing it in resource sparse ones. Thus we see that both spatial resource geometry at multiple scales and plasticity in male movement strategies are important factors to consider when seeking to understand population reproductive behaviour, for example when assessing ecological impact of development, determining range boundaries and slowing invasions or outbreaks.  相似文献   

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