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The relatedness of human groups has important ramifications for kin (group) selection to favor more collective action and invites the potential for more exploitation by political leaders. Endogamous marriages among kin create intensive kinship systems with high group relatedness, while exogamous marriages among nonrelatives create extensive kinship with low group relatedness. Here, a sample of 58 societies (7,565 adults living in 353 residential groups) shows that average group relatedness is higher in lowland horticulturalists than in hunter–gatherers. Higher relatedness in horticulturalists is remarkable given that village sizes are larger, harboring over twice the average number of adults than in hunter–gatherer camps. The relatedness differential between subsistence regimes increases for larger group sizes. Large and dense networks of kin may have favored an increased propensity for some forms of in-group cooperation and political inequality that emerged relatively recently in human history, after the advent of farming.  相似文献   

Multilevel societies with fission–fusion dynamics—arguably the most complex animal societies—are defined by two or more nested levels of organization. The core of these societies are modular social units that regularly fission and fuse with one another. Despite convergent evolution in disparate taxa, we know strikingly little about how such societies form and how fitness benefits operate. Understanding the kinship structure of complex societies could inform us about the origins of the social structure as well as about the potential for individuals in these societies to accrue indirect fitness benefits. Here, we combined genetic and behavioural data on geladas (Theropithecus gelada), an Old World Monkey, to complete the most comprehensive socio‐genetic analysis of a multilevel society to date. In geladas, individuals in the core social ‘units’, associate at different frequencies to form ‘teams’, ‘bands’ and, the largest aggregations, ‘communities’. Units were composed of closely related females, and females remained with their close kin during permanent fissions of units. Interestingly, female–female relatedness also significantly predicted between‐unit, between‐team and between‐band association patterns, while male–male relatedness did not. Thus, it is likely that the socio‐genetic structure of gelada society results from females maintaining associations with their female relatives during successive unit fissions—possibly in an attempt to balance the direct and indirect fitness benefits of group living. Overall, the persistence of associations among related females across generations appears to drive the formation of higher levels of gelada society, suggesting that females seek kin for inclusive fitness benefits at multiple levels of gelada society.  相似文献   

The tragedy of the commons predicts social collapse when public goods are jointly exploited by individuals attempting to maximize their fitness at the expense of other social group members. However, animal societies have evolved many times despite this vulnerability to exploitation by selfish individuals. Kin selection offers a solution to this social dilemma, but in large social groups mean relatedness is often low. Sociable weavers (Philetairus socius) live in large colonies that share the benefits of a massive communal nest, which requires individual investment for construction and maintenance. Here, we show that despite low mean kinship within colonies, relatives are spatially and socially clustered and that nest‐building males have higher local relatedness to other colony members than do non‐building males. Alternative hypotheses received little support, so we conclude that the benefits of the public good are shared with kin and that cooperative investment is, despite the large size and low relatedness of these communities, kin directed.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness and kin selection theories predict that organisms will evolve biased behavior toward kin when the inclusive fitness benefits outweigh the costs of such behaviors. Researchers have long observed that primates bias their behavior toward relatives, particularly maternal kin. We examined the effect of kinship on social behaviors in a semifree-ranging colony of Cercopithecus solatus, a poorly studied forest guenon species. We used microsatellite loci and paternity analyses to determine the degree of relatedness between individuals, as well as kinship. Individuals biased some of their behavior according to relatedness. Specifically, related individuals are more spatially associated and less aggressive toward each other. When we replaced the relatedness coefficients with defined kin categories, Cercopithecus solatus seemed to behave preferentially toward maternal kin versus paternal kin. Even though the setting of the colony and the small sample size limit our conclusions, we discuss the potential implications of our finding for the study of the impact of kin selection in primate social relationships.  相似文献   

Potential mates analysis is difficult to apply to small historic populations that lack clear boundaries or regular vital event registration. Here I analyze the actual mate pool as an alternative way to identify causes of nonrandom mating when unmarried members are unknown. Factors influencing mate choice within a historic eastern Blue Ridge community in Madison County, Virginia, are examined for four marriage cohorts: 1850-1879, 1880-1899, 1900-1919, and 1920-1939. These factors include nuclear kin avoidance, preferred age differences between mates, and preferences for more distant kin. A simulation is used to recombine members of the cohort-specific pools of married individuals to generate the probabilities of various types of kin marriages. The pedigree and vital statistics data are derived from first-time marriage licenses filled by community members in Madison County from 1794 to 1939. The numbers of marriages examined for each cohort are 88, 120, 132, and 132, respectively; the mate pools constructed from the samples are viewed from the female perspective. The results generated by simulation on the actual mate pools consist of mean kinship coefficients, numbers of marriages between "allowed" kin types, and probabilities of these values when marriage is random with respect to kinship. The results indicate significantly high levels of inbreeding in all four marriage cohorts, primarily because of high levels of first-cousin marriages in the first three cohorts and of first-cousin once-removed marriages in the 1920 cohort. The observed mating patterns are discussed in terms of the social history of the Blue Ridge community and restrictions of the data.  相似文献   

PETER H. BECKER 《Ibis》2012,154(1):74-84
Mating between close relatives can have deleterious effects on reproductive success or offspring fitness, which should favour the evolution of active or passive inbreeding avoidance mechanisms. In birds, evidence for active inbreeding avoidance by kin‐discriminative mate choice is scarce; many studies describe random mating in relation to kinship and thus support passive inbreeding avoidance by natal dispersal. However, most studies were conducted in island populations of short‐lived passerines with fast alternation of generations. In this study, we present inbreeding estimates based on pedigree data from a 16‐year study in a coastal colony of Common Terns Sterna hirundo, a long‐lived seabird with delayed sexual maturation and low rates of extra‐pair paternity. Incestuous mating was rare (four of 2387 pairs), even if partially accounting for incomplete pedigrees. Although the average relatedness of observed pairs was lower than would be expected from random pairing, the inbreeding coefficient did not differ from random mating. Hence, we found no clear evidence for active inbreeding avoidance by kin‐discriminative mate choice, and the low level of inbreeding seems to be related to the high immigration rate in the colony and thus to be maintained passively by dispersal.  相似文献   

When there is an inbreeding depression, mating with a kin individual is generally considered maladaptive behaviour. However, in some conditions, the inclusive fitness benefits from inbreeding may outweigh the costs of inbreeding depression, and thus, inbreeding tolerance is often adaptive. Inbreeding depression and the effect of relatedness on mating behaviour in the West Indian sweet potato weevil Euscepes postfasciatus were examined. No significant inbreeding depression was detected as indicated by body weight and number of progeny emerging from sweet potato roots. Male mating performance (i.e. number of mating occurrences per night) was adversely affected by inbreeding depression, but the effect was low (fitness loss was 6.3%). Although there were no significant differences in latency to mounting, pre‐copulatory guarding, copulation and post‐copulatory guarding duration between full‐sib and non‐kin pairs, the copulation rate of full‐sib pairs was significantly higher than that of non‐kin pairs. These results support the theoretical prediction that when inbreeding depression is weak, copulation with close relative individuals is favoured.  相似文献   

Complex eusocial insect societies are generally matrifilial, suggesting kin selection has been of importance in their development. For simpler social systems, factors favouring their existence, in particular kin selection, have rarely been studied. Communal nesting is one of these simple social organizations, and is found in a diversity of insect species. To examine whether kin selection may play a role in the evolution and maintenance of communality, we estimated genetic relatedness of nestmate females of the facultatively communal bee, Andrena jacobi . Microsatellite loci were developed for this species and used to analyse individuals from two populations. Loci were variable, they were in heterozygote deficit and showed positive inbreeding coefficients. This may arise from nonrandom mating; previous observations (Paxton & Tengö 1996) indicate that a large proportion of females mate intranidally with nestmate males in their natal nests before first emerging. Nestmate relatedness was low, no different from zero for all loci in one population and for three of four loci in the other population. The large number of nestmates sharing a common nest (up to 594) may explain the low relatedness estimates, although relatedness was also independent of the number of females sharing a nest. Lack of inclusive fitness payoffs could constrain social evolution in this communal species.  相似文献   

Although inbreeding depression and mechanisms for kin recognition have been described in natural bird populations, inbreeding avoidance through mate choice has rarely been reported suggesting that sex‐biased dispersal is the main mechanism reducing the risks of inbreeding. However, a full understanding of the effect of dispersal on the occurrence of inbred matings requires estimating the inbreeding risks prior to dispersal. Combining pairwise relatedness measures and kinship assignments, we investigated in black grouse whether the observed occurrence of inbred matings was explained by active kin discrimination or by female‐biased dispersal. In this large continuous population, copulations between close relatives were rare. As female mate choice was random for relatedness, females with more relatives in the local flock tended to mate with genetically more similar males. To quantify the initial risks of inbreeding, we measured the relatedness to the males of females captured in their parental flock and virtually translocated female hatchlings in their parental and to more distant flocks. These tests indicated that dispersal decreased the likelihood of mating with relatives and that philopatric females had higher inbreeding risks than the actual breeding females. As females do not discriminate against relatives, the few inbred matings were probably due to the variance in female dispersal propensity and dispersal distance. Our results support the view that kin discrimination mate choice is of little value if dispersal effectively reduces the risks of inbreeding.  相似文献   

We studied the frequency and causes of inbreeding and its effect on reproductive success in a population of Darwin's Medium Ground Finches (Geospiza fortis) on Isla Daphne Major, Galápagos, during four breeding seasons (1981, 1983, 1984, and 1987). Pedigree analysis showed that levels of inbreeding were low but comparable with those observed in other passerine birds. For pairs with at least half of their grandparents known, approximately 20% of all pairings were between detectably related birds. The frequency of pairings between closely related birds (coefficient of kinship [φ] ≥ 0.250) among all pairs was 0.6%. We detected no effect of inbreeding on reproductive success, although sample sizes were small. The observed reproductive output of related pairs was not significantly different from the output of unrelated pairs, and there was no correlation between a pair's kinship coefficient and an estimate of the potential magnitude of inbreeding depression. Comparisons with a study of Great Tits (Parus major) by van Noordwijk and Scharloo (1981) suggest that, even if present, the fitness costs of inbreeding in this population of G. fortis would be low. Observed levels of inbreeding in each breeding episode were accurately predicted by simulations of random mating in which relatedness had no influence on pairing between individuals. This result suggests that levels of inbreeding in this population are determined more by demographic factors than by behavioral avoidance of mating with kin.  相似文献   

Kin selection predicts that helpers in cooperative systems should preferentially aid relatives to maximize fitness. In family-based groups, this can be accomplished simply by assisting all group members. In more complex societies, where large numbers of kin and non-kin regularly interact, more sophisticated kin-recognition mechanisms are needed. Bell miners (Manorina melanophrys) are just such a system where individuals regularly interact with both kin and non-kin within large colonies. Despite this complexity, individual helpers of both sexes facultatively work harder when provisioning the young of closer genetic relatedness. We investigated the mechanism by which such adaptive discrimination occurs by assessing genetic kinship influences on the structure of more than 1900 provisioning vocalizations of 185 miners. These 'mew' calls showed a significant, positive linear increase in call similarity with increasing genetic relatedness, most especially in comparisons between male helpers and the breeding male. Furthermore, individual helping effort was more heavily influenced by call similarity to breeding males than to genetic relatedness, as predicted if call similarity is indeed the rule-of-thumb used to discriminate kin in this system. Individual mew call structure appeared to be inflexible and innate, providing an effective mechanism by which helpers can assess their relatedness to any individual. This provides, to our knowledge, the first example of a mechanism for fine-scale kin discrimination in a complex avian society.  相似文献   

The persistence of biological systems requires evolved mechanisms which promote stability. Cohesive primate social groups are one example of stable biological systems, which persist in spite of regular conflict. We suggest that genetic relatedness and its associated kinship structure are a potential source of stability in primate social groups as kinship structure is an important organizing principle in many animal societies. We investigated the effect of average genetic relatedness per matrilineal family on the stability of matrilineal grooming and agonistic interactions in 48 matrilines from seven captive groups of rhesus macaques. Matrilines with low average genetic relatedness show increased family-level instability such as: more sub-grouping in their matrilineal groom network, more frequent fighting with kin, and higher rates of wounding. Family-level instability in multiple matrilines within a group is further associated with group-level instability such as increased wounding. Stability appears to arise from the presence of clear matrilineal structure in the rhesus macaque group hierarchy, which is derived from cohesion among kin in their affiliative and agonistic interactions with each other. We conclude that genetic relatedness and kinship structure are an important source of group stability in animal societies, particularly when dominance and/or affilative interactions are typically governed by kinship.  相似文献   

F C Ceballos  G álvarez 《Heredity》2013,111(2):114-121
The European royal dynasties of the Early Modern Age provide a useful framework for human inbreeding research. In this article, consanguineous marriage, inbreeding depression and the purging of deleterious alleles within a consanguineous population are investigated in the Habsburgs, a royal dynasty with a long history of consanguinity over generations. Genealogical information from a number of historical sources was used to compute kinship and inbreeding coefficients for the Habsburgs. The marriages contracted by the Habsburgs from 1450 to 1750 presented an extremely high mean kinship (0.0628±0.009), which was the result of the matrimonial policy conducted by the dynasty to establish political alliances through marriage. A strong inbreeding depression for both infant and child survival was detected in the progeny of 71 Habsburg marriages in the period 1450–1800. The inbreeding load for child survival experienced a pronounced decrease from 3.98±0.87 in the period 1450–1600 to 0.93±0.62 in the period 1600–1800, but temporal changes in the inbreeding depression for infant survival were not detected. Such a reduction of inbreeding depression for child survival in a relatively small number of generations could be caused by elimination of deleterious alleles of a large effect according with predictions from purging models. The differential purging of the infant and child inbreeding loads suggest that the genetic basis of inbreeding depression was probably very different for infant and child survival in the Habsburg lineage. Our findings provide empirical support that human inbreeding depression for some fitness components might be purged by selection within consanguineous populations.  相似文献   

Stable social organization in a wide variety of organisms has been linked to kinship, which can minimize conflict due to the indirect fitness benefits from cooperating with relatives. In birds, kin selection has been mostly studied in the context of reproduction or in species that are social year round. Many birds however are migratory, and the role of kinship in the winter societies of these species is virtually unexplored. In a previous study, we discovered striking social complexity and stability in a wintering population of migratory golden‐crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla) – individuals repeatedly form close associations with the same social partners, including across multiple winters. Here, we test the possibility that kinship might be involved in these close and stable social affiliations. We examine the relationship between kinship and social structure for two of the consecutive wintering seasons from the previous study. We found no evidence that social structure was influenced by kinship. Relatedness between most pairs of individuals was at most that of first cousins (and mostly far lower). Genetic networks based on relatedness do not correspond to the social networks, and Mantel tests revealed no relationship between kinship and pairwise interaction frequency. Kinship also failed to predict social structure in more fine‐grained analyses, including analyses of each sex separately (in the event that sex‐biased migration might limit kin selection to one sex), and separate analyses for each social community. The complex winter societies of golden‐crowned sparrows appear to be based on cooperative benefits unrelated to kin selection.  相似文献   

Multiple functional queens in a colony (polygyny) and multiple mating by queens (polyandry) in social insects challenge kin selection, because they dilute inclusive fitness benefits from helping. Colonies of the ant Plagiolepis pygmaea brash contain several hundreds of multiply mated queens. Yet, within‐colony relatedness remains unexpectedly high. This stems from low male dispersal, extensive mating among relatives and adoption of young queens in the natal colony. We investigated whether inbreeding results from workers expelling foreign males, and/or from preferential mating between related partners. Our data show that workers actively repel unrelated males entering their colony, and that queens preferentially mate with related males. These results are consistent with inclusive fitness being a driving force for inbreeding: by preventing outbreeding, workers reduce erosion of relatedness within colonies due to polygyny and polyandry. That virgin queens mate preferentially with related males could result from a long history of inbreeding, which is expected to reduce depression in species with regular sibmating.  相似文献   

New theoretical work on kin selection and inclusive fitness benefits predicts that individuals will sometimes choose close or intermediate relatives as mates to maximize their fitness. However, empirical examples supporting such predictions are rare. In this study, we look for such evidence in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. We compared mating and nonmating individuals to test whether mating was nonrandom with respect to relatedness. Consistent with optimal inbreeding, males were more closely related to their mate than to randomly sampled females. However, all individuals collected mating showed higher relatedness and males were not significantly more related to their mate than to other mating females. We also found a negative relationship between relatedness and fecundity. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that inclusive fitness benefits may drive inbreeding tolerance despite direct costs to fitness; however, an experimental approach is needed to investigate the link between mate preference and relatedness.  相似文献   

Knowledge of kin relationships between members of wild animal populations has broad application in ecology and evolution research by allowing the investigation of dispersal dynamics, mating systems, inbreeding avoidance, kin recognition, and kin selection as well as aiding the management of endangered populations. However, the assessment of kinship among members of wild animal populations is difficult in the absence of detailed multigenerational pedigrees. Here, we first review the distinction between genetic relatedness and kinship derived from pedigrees and how this makes the identification of kin using genetic data inherently challenging. We then describe useful approaches to kinship classification, such as parentage analysis and sibship reconstruction, and explain how the combined use of marker systems with biparental and uniparental inheritance, demographic information, likelihood analyses, relatedness coefficients, and estimation of misclassification rates can yield reliable classifications of kinship in groups with complex kin structures. We outline alternative approaches for cases in which explicit knowledge of dyadic kinship is not necessary, but indirect inferences about kinship on a group‐ or population‐wide scale suffice, such as whether more highly related dyads are in closer spatial proximity. Although analysis of highly variable microsatellite loci is still the dominant approach for studies on wild populations, we describe how the long‐awaited use of large‐scale single‐nucleotide polymorphism and sequencing data derived from noninvasive low‐quality samples may eventually lead to highly accurate assessments of varying degrees of kinship in wild populations.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is a common strategy in several species of birds. Currently, some studies suggest that relatedness between host and parasite enhances CBP, since indirect fitness benefits could select for acceptance of related eggs by hosts. Conversely, parasites should avoid laying eggs in nests of relatives if this is costly for the host. Based on the latter argument, kinship should not promote brood parasitism. A recent model clarified this relationship, and showed that kinship can promote brood parasitism, assuming kin recognition. However, in that model kin recognition was assumed perfect. Here we present a model that addresses the role of relatedness and kin selection in CBP, when kin recognition is not perfect and hosts do not always detect parasitism. We consider both the indirect fitness of the parasite and the possible responses of the host. Our results indicate that the existence and accuracy of a kin recognition system is crucial to the final outcome. When CBP represents a cost to the host, a parasitic female that has the choice should avoid parasitizing relatives, unless (1) the costs are not too high and (2) hosts can accurately enough recognize eggs laid by relatives, rejecting them less often than eggs laid by nonkin. But if ‘parasitism’ enhances the direct fitness of the host (which is possible in species with precocial young) parasites should choose relatives whenever possible, even if hosts do not recognize kin eggs. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

To examine the importance of kin selection in shaping human societies, this study analyzed the kinship system practiced in traditional China for two millennia and teased apart its underlying genetic and other, presumably cultural, components.The results demonstrate that, in the traditional patrilineal Chinese family, both genetic relatedness and the cultural factor of generation were important in determining kinship status for male agnates (genetically related relatives). For female agnates, however, only genetic relatedness was important. Another surprising finding was that the influence of gender was not as important as genetic relatedness. The most interesting finding in this study, however, was that kin selection and culture (I.e., seniority in generation and age) played vastly different roles in different lineages in the Chinese family: for collateral (indirect) agnates, genetic relatedness was the most important factor in determining their kinship status, but for lineal (direct) agnates, its importance was overridden by seniority in generation and age, a cultural factor. Several other bio-cultural factors also explained a considerable amount of variance in kinship status. Since kinship profoundly affected, and was often the foundation of, the legal and social systems in dynastic China, kin selection, while its strength may differ remarkably between lineal and collateral relatives, could act as a selective force in Chinese families.  相似文献   

The resemblance between human faces has been shown to be a possible cue in recognizing the relatedness between parents and children, and more recently, between siblings. However, the general inclusive fitness theory proposes that kin-selective behaviours are also relevant to more distant relatives, which requires the detection of larger kinship bonds. We conducted an experiment to explore the use of facial clues by ‘strangers’, i.e. evaluators from a different family, to associate humans of varying degrees of relatedness. We hypothesized that the visual capacity to detect relatedness should be weaker with lower degrees of relatedness. We showed that human adults are capable of (although not very efficient at) assessing the relatedness of unrelated individuals from photographs and that visible facial cues vary according to the degree of relatedness. This sensitivity exists even for kin pair members that are more than a generation apart and have never lived together. Collectively, our findings are in agreement with emerging knowledge on the role played by facial resemblance as a kinship cue. But we have progressed further to show how the capacity to distinguish between related and non-related pairs applies to situations relevant to indirect fitness.  相似文献   

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