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Tie2 is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is essential for the development and maintenance of blood vessels through binding the soluble ligands angiopoietin 1 (Ang1) and 2 (Ang2). Ang1 is constitutively produced by perivascular cells and is protective of the adult vasculature. Ang2 plays an important role in blood vessel formation and is normally expressed during development. However, its re-expression in disease states, including cancer and sepsis, results in destabilization of blood vessels contributing to the pathology of these conditions. Ang2 is thus an attractive therapeutic target. Here we report the directed evolution of a ligand trap for Ang2 by harnessing the B cell somatic hypermutation machinery and coupling this to selectable cell surface display of a Tie2 ectodomain. Directed evolution produced an unexpected combination of mutations resulting in loss of Ang1 binding but maintenance of Ang2 binding. A soluble form of the evolved ectodomain binds Ang2 but not Ang1. Furthermore, the soluble evolved ectodomain blocks Ang2 effects on endothelial cells without interfering with Ang1 activity. Our study has created a novel Ang2 ligand trap and provided proof of concept for combining surface display and exogenous gene diversification in B cells for evolution of a non-immunoglobulin target.  相似文献   

The bioactive sphingolipid, ceramide 1-phosphate (C-1-P), has been implicated as an extracellular chemotactic agent directing cellular migration in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and macrophages. However, interacting proteins that could mediate these actions of C-1-P have, thus far, eluded identification. We have now identified and characterized interactions between ceramide 1-phosphate and the annexin a2-p11 heterotetramer constituents. This C-1-P-receptor complex is capable of facilitating cellular invasion. Herein, we demonstrate in both coronary artery macrovascular endothelial cells and retinal microvascular endothelial cells that C-1-P induces invasion through an extracellular matrix barrier. By employing surface plasmon resonance, lipid-binding ELISA, and mass spectrometry technologies, we have demonstrated that the heterotetramer constituents bind to C-1-P. Although the annexin a2-p11 heterotetramer constituents do not bind the lipid C-1-P exclusively, other structurally similar lipids, such as phosphatidylserine, sphingosine 1-phosphate, and phosphatidic acid, could not elicit the potent chemotactic stimulation observed with C-1-P. Further, we show that siRNA-mediated knockdown of either annexin a2 or p11 protein significantly inhibits C-1-P-directed invasion, indicating that the heterotetrameric complex is required for C-1-P-mediated chemotaxis. These results imply that extracellular C-1-P, acting through the extracellular annexin a2-p11 heterotetrameric protein, can mediate vascular endothelial cell invasion.  相似文献   

Annexin B1 is a novel member of the annexin superfamily which was isolated from a Cysticercus cellulosae cDNA library. To investigate the physiological roles of annexin B1, we firstly performed immunohistochemical analysis on frozen Cysticercus cellulosae sections and found that annexin B1 was present not only in the tegument of the bladder wall, but also in the host-derived inflammatory layer; In addition, ELISA analysis revealed that annexin B1 could be detected in the cystic fluid of Cysticercus cellulosae and the sera of pigs with cysticercosis. These findings indicated that annexin B1 might be a secretary protein. We further constructed a pEGFP-annexin B1 plasmid and transfected it into SiHa cells. We found that GFP-annexin B1 was stimulated to translocate to the plasma membrane by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). By contrast, it was induced to distribute at the plasma and nuclear membranes by treatment with calcium ionophore ionomycin. PMA increased annexin B1 membrane binding, which might facilitate exocytosis. Moreover, translocation of the protein to the plasma and nuclear membranes after stimulated by ionomycin, was predicted to be related to an additional function.  相似文献   

Annexin A5 belongs to a large family of calcium-binding and phospholipid-binding proteins and may act as an endogenous regulator of various pathophysiological processes. There is increasing evidence that annexin A5 is related to cytotoxicity, but the precise function of this protein has yet to be elucidated. In this study, we aimed to verify the function of annexin A5 in the apoptosis of renal epithelial cells. Real-time PCR and Western blot analysis, together with immunofluorescence analysis, showed that the expression of annexin A5 significantly increased in the presence of cisplatin in both human and rat renal epithelial cells. With regard to the mechanism of cisplatin-induced apoptosis, apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) release into the cytosol was observed, and the underlying mechanism was identified as voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) oligomerization. Mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) was found to be greatly disrupted in cisplatin-treated cells. Moreover, cisplatin strongly induced translocation of annexin A5 into mitochondria. To understand the functional significance of annexin A5 in renal cell death, we used a siRNA-mediated approach to knock down annexin A5. Annexin A5 depletion by siRNA led to decreased annexin A5 translocation into mitochondria and significantly reduced VDAC oligomerization and AIF release. Annexin A5 siRNA also increased cell viability compared with the control. Moreover, expression of annexin A5 was induced by other nephrotoxicants such as CdCl2 and bacitracin. Taken together, our data suggest that annexin A5 may play a crucial role in cisplatin-induced toxicity by mediating the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway via the induction and oligomerization of VDAC.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a member of family C of the GPCRs responsible for sensing extracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]o) levels, maintaining extracellular Ca2+ homeostasis, and transducing Ca2+ signaling from the extracellular milieu to the intracellular environment. In the present study, we have demonstrated a Ca2+-dependent, stoichiometric interaction between CaM and a CaM-binding domain (CaMBD) located within the C terminus of CaSR (residues 871–898). Our studies suggest a wrapping around 1–14-like mode of interaction that involves global conformational changes in both lobes of CaM with concomitant formation of a helical structure in the CaMBD. More importantly, the Ca2+-dependent association between CaM and the C terminus of CaSR is critical for maintaining proper responsiveness of intracellular Ca2+ responses to changes in extracellular Ca2+ and regulating cell surface expression of the receptor.  相似文献   

Abstract: Annexin 2 phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase C has been shown to restore partially catecholamine secretion in streptolysin O-permeabilized chromaffin cells depleted of their protein kinase C activity. This result suggested a phosphorylation of annexin 2 in stimulated cells. Nicotine stimulation induced an increase of 32P incorporation in annexin 2 heavy chain concomitant with catecholamine release. This incorporation results from phosphorylation by protein kinase C because (a) serine was the only phosphorylated residue, (b) 32P incorporation was inhibited by the protein kinase inhibitors H7, GF 109203X, and staurosporine, and (c) activators of this enzyme, 12- O -tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate and 1,2-dioctanoylglycerate, increased the incorporation of radioactivity. The phosphorylated heavy chain had an electrophoretic mobility lower than that of the unmodified one, thus allowing determination of the fraction of phosphorylated protein. In the resting state, a significant fraction of annexin 2 heavy chain was phosphorylated, and nicotine stimulation resulted in an activation of both phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. Phosphorylation was largely increased in the presence of okadaic acid, indicating the involvement of type 1 and 2A phosphatases.  相似文献   

Malfunctions in regulatory pathways that control cell size are prominent in pathological cardiac hypertrophy. Here, we show annexin A6 (Anxa6) to be a crucial regulator of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)-mediated counterhypertrophic responses in cardiomyocytes. Adrenergic stimulation of H9c2 cardiomyocytes by phenylephrine (PE) increased the cell size with enhanced expression of biochemical markers of hypertrophy, concomitant with elevated expression and subcellular redistribution of Anxa6. Stable cell lines with controlled increase in Anxa6 levels were protected against PE-induced adverse changes, whereas Anxa6 knockdown augmented the hypertrophic responses. Strikingly, Anxa6 knockdown also abrogated PE-induced juxtanuclear accumulation of secretory granules (SG) containing ANP propeptides (pro-ANP), a signature of maladaptive hypertrophy having counteractive functions. Mechanistically, PE treatment prompted a dynamic association of Anxa6 with pro-ANP-SG, parallel to their participation in anterograde traffic, in an isoform-specific fashion. Moreover, Anxa6 mutants that failed to associate with pro-ANP hindered ANP-mediated protection against hypertrophy, which was rescued, at least partially, by WT Anxa6. Additionally, elevated intracellular calcium (Ca2+) stimulated Anxa6-pro-ANP colocalization and membrane association. It also rescued pro-ANP translocation in cells expressing an Anxa6 mutant (Anxa6ΔC). Furthermore, stable overexpression of Anxa6T356D, a mutant with superior flexibility, provided enhanced protection against PE, compared with WT, presumably due to enhanced membrane-binding capacity. Together, the present study delivers a cooperative mechanism where Anxa6 potentiates ANP-dependent counterhypertrophic responses in cardiomyocytes by facilitating regulated traffic of pro-ANP.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes is an exclusively human pathogen. Streptococcal attachment to and entry into epithelial cells is a prerequisite for a successful infection of the human host and requires adhesins. Here, we demonstrate that the multidomain protein Epf from S. pyogenes serotype M49 is a streptococcal adhesin. An epf-deficient mutant showed significantly decreased adhesion to and internalization into human keratinocytes. Cell adhesion is mediated by the N-terminal domain of Epf (EpfN) and increased by the human plasma protein plasminogen. The crystal structure of EpfN, solved at 1.6 Å resolution, shows that it consists of two subdomains: a carbohydrate-binding module and a fibronectin type III domain. Both fold types commonly participate in ligand receptor and protein-protein interactions. EpfN is followed by 18 repeats of a domain classified as DUF1542 (domain of unknown function 1542) and a C-terminal cell wall sorting signal. The DUF1542 repeats are not involved in adhesion, but biophysical studies show they are predominantly α-helical and form a fiber-like stalk of tandem DUF1542 domains. Epf thus conforms with the widespread family of adhesins known as MSCRAMMs (microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules), in which a cell wall-attached stalk enables long range interactions via its adhesive N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

In the present study, we used a functional proteomic approach to identify Annexin A1 (Anxa1) interacting proteins in the Philadelphia‐positive KCL22 cell line. We focused on Anxa1 because it is one of the major proteins upregulated in imatinib‐sensitive KCL22S cells versus imatinib‐resistant KCL22R. Our proteomic strategy revealed 21 interactors. Bioinformatic analysis showed that most of these proteins are involved in cell death processes. Among the proteins identified, we studied the interaction of Anxa1 with two phosphatases, Shp1 and Shp2, which were recently identified as biomarkers of imatinib sensitivity in patients affected by chronic myeloid leukemia. Our data open new perspectives in the search for annexin‐mediated signaling pathways and may shed light on mechanisms of resistance to imatinib that are unrelated to Bcr‐Abl activity. All mass spectrometry data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD000030.  相似文献   

In this study, we obtained evidence indicating that annexin 1 is a new target of the p38/MAPKAP kinase-2 pathway and that it regulates endothelial cell migration in response to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). These conclusions are supported by a series of substantiating experiments. First, by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, we identified annexin 1 as a protein whose phosphorylation is induced by VEGF and is impaired by inhibiting p38. Second, using in vitro kinase assays and in vivo phosphorylation assays, we found that VEGF-mediated activation of LIM kinase 1 downstream of the p38 pathway triggers the phosphorylation of annexin 1. Third, VEGF-induced cell migration and tube formation in Matrigel are inhibited following small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of annexin 1. Fourth, both processes are rescued in cells expressing an annexin 1 construct insensitive to the small interfering RNA knockdown. Finally, the VEGF/annexin 1-mediated cell migration is impaired by inhibiting p38. We therefore conclude that phosphorylation of annexin 1 regulates the angiogenic effect that is associated with the activation of the p38/LIM kinase 1 axis by VEGF.  相似文献   

TM601 is a synthetic form of chlorotoxin, a 36-amino acid peptide derived from the venom of the Israeli scorpion, Leirius quinquestriatus, initially found to specifically bind and inhibit the migration of glioma cells in culture. Subsequent studies demonstrated specific in vitro binding to additional tumor cell lines. Recently, we demonstrated that proliferating human vascular endothelial cells are the only normal cell line tested that exhibits specific binding to TM601. Here, we identify annexin A2 as a novel binding partner for TM601 in multiple human tumor cell lines and human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC). We demonstrate that the surface binding of TM601 to the pancreatic tumor cell line Panc-1 is dependent on the expression of annexin A2. Identification of annexin A2 as a binding partner for TM601 is also consistent with the anti-angiogenic effects of TM601. Annexin A2 functions in angiogenesis by binding to tissue plasminogen activator and regulating plasminogen activation on vascular endothelial cells. We demonstrate that in HUVECs, TM601 inhibits both vascular endothelial growth factor- and basic fibroblast growth factor-induced tissue plasminogen activator activation, which is required for activation of plasminogen to plasmin. Consistent with inhibition of cell surface protease activity, TM601 also inhibits platelet-derived growth factor-C induced trans-well migration of both HUVEC and U373-MG glioma cells.  相似文献   

To establish a procedure for the purification of a broad spectrum of cell surface proteins, three separate methods based on different principles were compared with the aid of four marker proteins. Membrane preparation by sedimentation-flotation centrifugation, temperature-induced phase separation with Triton X-114, and lectin affinity chromatography were used separately as well as in combination. The two-step procedure of membrane preparation and lectin affinity chromatography provided by far the best enrichment of cell surface marker proteins. This result was further substantiated by screening greater than 6,600 hybridoma cultures that originated from mice that had been immunized with protein fractions obtained by different purification protocols. In addition, it was found that solubilized glycoproteins used as immunogens led to many more cell surface-specific monoclonal antibodies than glycoproteins immobilized on lectin-agarose beads. Three monoclonal antibodies that recognize distinct epitopes of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) were isolated. Monoclonal antibody C4 bound to a detergent-labile epitope of G4 (neuron-glia CAM). Monoclonal antibody D1 recognized specifically nonreduced neural CAM (N-CAM) with intact disulfide bridges, and monoclonal antibody D3 recognized only the 180-kilodalton isoform of N-CAM. Because of these specificities, these monoclonal antibodies promise to be useful tools for the elucidation of the structural organization of adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

The glial transporter excitatory amino acid transporter-2 (EAAT2) is the main mediator of glutamate clearance in brain. The wild-type transporter (EAAT2wt) forms trimeric membrane complexes in which each protomer functions autonomously. Several EAAT2 variants are found in control and Alzheimer-diseased human brains; their expression increases with pathological severity. These variants might alter EAAT2wt-mediated transport by abrogating membrane trafficking, or by changing the configuration or functionality of the assembled transporter complex. HEK293 cells were transfected with EAAT2wt; EAAT2b, a C-terminal variant; or either of two exon-skipping variants: alone or in combination. Surface biotinylation studies showed that only the exon-7 deletion variant was not trafficked to the membrane when transfected alone, and that all variants could reach the membrane when co-transfected with EAAT2wt. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) studies showed that co-transfected EAAT2wt and EAAT2 splice variants were expressed in close proximity. Glutamate transporter function was measured using a whole cell patch clamp technique, or by changes in membrane potential indexed by a voltage-sensitive fluorescent dye (FMP assay): the two methods gave comparable results. Cells transfected with EAAT2wt or EAAT2b showed glutamate-dependent membrane potential changes consistent with functional expression. Cells transfected with EAAT2 exon-skipping variants alone gave no response to glutamate. Co-transfection of EAAT2wt (or EAAT2b) and splice variants in various ratios significantly raised glutamate EC50 and decreased Hill coefficients. We conclude that exon-skipping variants form heteromeric complexes with EAAT2wt or EAAT2b that traffic to the membrane but show reduced glutamate-dependent activity. This could allow glutamate to accumulate extracellularly and promote excitotoxicity.  相似文献   

Tumor suppressor p53 plays important roles in cell cycle regulation, apoptosis and DNA repair in different cell types including lung cancer. There are different p53 apoptotic pathways in high and low metastatic ability lung cancer cells. However, the exactly mechanism in the pathway is still unclear. Here we found that Annexin A2, a Ca2+-dependent phospholipid-binding protein, is involved in p53-mediated apoptosis. First, by using mRNA differential display technique, down-regulated Annexin A2 expression was found in all cell lines transfected of Ad-p53 (adenoviral expression construct encoding wild type p53 gene) especially in highly metastatic Anip973 lung cancer cells. Then, decreased expression of Annexin A2 was further confirmed by Northern blot and Western blot analysis. At last, knock down of Annexin A2 by siRNA inhibited cellular proliferation in BE1 cell line with highly metastatic ability. Taken together, our results suggested that Annexin A2 may play roles in p53 induced apoptosis and it is also involved in regulation of cell proliferation. The authors Yun Huang, Yan Jin and Cheng-hui Yan contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway is dedicated to the transport of fully folded proteins across the cytoplasmic membranes of many bacteria and the chloroplast thylakoidal membrane. Accordingly, Tat-dependently translocated proteins are known to be delivered to the periplasm of Gram-negative bacteria, the growth medium of Gram-positive bacteria, and the thylakoid lumen. Here, we present the first example of a protein, YkuE of Bacillus subtilis, that is specifically targeted by the Tat pathway to the cell wall of a Gram-positive bacterium. The cell wall binding of YkuE is facilitated by electrostatic interactions. Interestingly, under particular conditions, YkuE can also be targeted to the cell wall in a Tat-independent manner. The biological function of YkuE was so far unknown. Our present studies show that YkuE is a metal-dependent phosphoesterase that preferentially binds manganese and zinc.  相似文献   

Pannexins (Panx) are a class of integral membrane proteins that have been proposed to exhibit characteristics similar to those of connexin family members. In this study, we utilized Cx43-positive BICR-M1Rk cells to stably express Panx1, Panx3, or Panx1-green fluorescent protein (GFP) to assess their trafficking, cell surface dynamics, and interplay with the cytoskeletal network. Expression of a Sar1 dominant negative mutant revealed that endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi transport of Panx1 and Panx3 was mediated via COPII-dependent vesicles. Distinct from Cx43-GFP, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching studies revealed that both Panx1-GFP and Panx3-GFP remained highly mobile at the cell surface. Unlike Cx43, Panx1-GFP exhibited no detectable interrelationship with microtubules. Conversely, cytochalasin B-induced disruption of microfilaments caused a severe loss of cell surface Panx1-GFP, a reduction in the recoverable fraction of Panx1-GFP that remained at the cell surface, and a decrease in Panx1-GFP vesicular transport. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation and co-sedimentation assays revealed actin as a novel binding partner of Panx1. Collectively, we conclude that although Panx1 and Panx3 share a common endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi secretory pathway to Cx43, their ultimate cell surface residency appears to be independent of cell contacts and the need for intact microtubules. Importantly, Panx1 has an interaction with actin microfilaments that regulates its cell surface localization and mobility.  相似文献   

The interaction of annexin A6 (AnxA6) with membrane phospholipids and either specific extracellular matrix (ECM) components or F-actin suggests that it may influence cellular processes associated with rapid plasma membrane reorganization such as cell adhesion and motility. Here, we examined the putative roles of AnxA6 in adhesion-related cellular processes that contribute to breast cancer progression. We show that breast cancer cells secrete annexins via the exosomal pathway and that the secreted annexins are predominantly cell surface-associated. Depletion of AnxA6 in the invasive BT-549 breast cancer cells is accompanied by enhanced anchorage-independent cell growth but cell–cell cohesion, cell adhesion/spreading onto collagen type IV or fetuin-A, cell motility and invasiveness were strongly inhibited. To explain the loss in adhesion/motility, we show that vinculin-based focal adhesions in the AnxA6-depleted BT-549 cells are elongated and randomly distributed. These focal contacts are also functionally defective because the activation of focal adhesion kinase and the phosphoinositide-3 kinase/Akt pathway were strongly inhibited while the MAP kinase pathway remained constitutively active. Compared with normal human breast tissues, reduced AnxA6 expression in breast carcinoma tissues correlates with enhanced cell proliferation. Together this suggests that reduced AnxA6 expression contributes to breast cancer progression by promoting the loss of functional cell–cell and/or cell–ECM contacts and anchorage-independent cell proliferation.  相似文献   

To gain insight into liver and pancreas development, we investigated the target of 2F11, a monoclonal antibody of unknown antigen, widely used in zebrafish studies for labeling hepatopancreatic ducts. Utilizing mass spectrometry and in vivo assays, we determined the molecular target of 2F11 to be Annexin A4 (Anxa4), a calcium binding protein. We further found that in both zebrafish and mouse endoderm, Anxa4 is broadly expressed in the developing liver and pancreas, and later becomes more restricted to the hepatopancreatic ducts and pancreatic islets, including the insulin producing ß-cells. Although Anxa4 is a known target of several monogenic diabetes genes and its elevated expression is associated with chemoresistance in malignancy, its in vivo role is largely unexplored. Knockdown of Anxa4 in zebrafish leads to elevated expression of caspase 8 and Δ113p53, and liver bud specific activation of Caspase 3 and apoptosis. Mosaic knockdown reveal that Anxa4 is required cell-autonomously in the liver bud for cell survival. This finding is further corroborated with mosaic anxa4 knockout studies using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Collectively, we identify Anxa4 as a new, evolutionarily conserved hepatopancreatic factor that is required in zebrafish for liver progenitor viability, through inhibition of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway. A role for Anxa4 in cell survival may have implications for the mechanism of diabetic ß-cell apoptosis and cancer cell chemoresistance.  相似文献   

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