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Guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) comprise a superfamily of proteins that provide molecular switches to regulate numerous cellular processes. The "GTPase switch" paradigm, in which a GTPase acts as a bimodal switch that is turned "on" and "off" by external regulatory factors, has been used to interpret the regulatory mechanism of many GTPases. Recent work on a pair of GTPases in the signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway has revealed a distinct mode of GTPase regulation. Instead of the classical GTPase switch, the two GTPases in the SRP and SRP receptor undergo a series of conformational changes during their dimerization and reciprocal activation. Each conformational rearrangement provides a point at which these GTPases can communicate with and respond to their upstream and downstream biological cues, thus ensuring the spatial and temporal precision of all the molecular events in the SRP pathway. We suggest that the SRP and SRP receptor represent an emerging class of "multistate" regulatory GTPases uniquely suited to provide exquisite control over complex cellular pathways that require multiple molecular events to occur in a highly coordinated fashion.  相似文献   

Intracellular traffic is often controlled not by highways, but by handshakes and partner introductions within a cellular network. Recently determined structures suggest how signal sequences are recognized and how the GTP affinities of the signal recognition particle and its receptor are coupled to the targeting of ribosomes to translocational membrane pores. The structure of signal peptidase suggests how it releases functional proteins.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) cotranslationally targets proteins to cell membranes by coordinated binding and release of ribosome-associated nascent polypeptides and a membrane-associated SRP receptor. GTP uptake and hydrolysis by the SRP-receptor complex govern this targeting cycle. Because no GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) are known for the SRP and SRP receptor GTPases, however, it has been unclear whether and how GTP hydrolysis is stimulated during protein trafficking in vivo. Using both biochemical and genetic experiments, we show here that SRP RNA enhances GTPase activity of the SRP-receptor complex above a critical threshold required for cell viability. Furthermore, this stimulation is a property of the SRP RNA tetraloop. SRP RNA tetraloop mutants that confer defective growth phenotypes can assemble into SRP-receptor complexes, but fail to stimulate GTP hydrolysis in these complexes in vitro. Tethered hydroxyl radical probing data reveal that specific positioning of the RNA tetraloop within the SRP-receptor complex is required to stimulate GTPase activity to a level sufficient to support cell growth. These results explain why no external GAP is needed and why the phylogenetically conserved SRP RNA tetraloop is required in vivo.  相似文献   

We developed a novel method to load and unload molecular cargos to and from microtubules (MTs) that move on kinesin-coated surfaces. Quantum dots (Qds) (molecular cargo) connected to 21-mer DNA can be selectively loaded on DNA-conjugated MTs through DNA hybridization. The average velocity of the Qd-loaded MTs (0.43 +/- 0.06 microm s(-1) at 25 degrees C) was comparable to that of control MTs. In addition, MTs conjugated with two types DNA sequences can achieve multiloading of Qds. To unload Qd molecular cargos from MTs, the DNA double helix connecting Qds to MTs were cleaved by an appropriate restriction enzyme. This biomolecular motors-based transport system should enable us to construct nanometer-scale devices such as nanobiosensor, nanofluidic system, or nanomachine.  相似文献   

The chloroplast signal recognition particle consists of a conserved 54-kDa GTPase and a novel 43-kDa chromodomain protein (cpSRP43) that together bind light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (LHCP) to form a soluble targeting complex that is subsequently directed to the thylakoid membrane. Homology-based modeling of cpSRP43 indicates the presence of two previously identified chromodomains along with a third N-terminal chromodomain. Chromodomain deletion constructs were used to examine the role of each chromodomain in mediating distinct steps in the LHCP localization mechanism. The C-terminal chromodomain is completely dispensable for LHCP targeting/integration in vitro. The central chromodomain is essential for both targeting complex formation and integration because of its role in binding the M domain of cpSRP54. The N-terminal chromodomain (CD1) is unnecessary for targeting complex formation but is required for integration. This correlates with the ability of CD1 along with the ankyrin repeat region of cpSRP43 to regulate the GTPase cycle of the cpSRP-receptor complex.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) and its membrane-bound receptor represent a ubiquitous protein-targeting device utilized by organisms as different as bacteria and humans, archaea and plants. The unifying concept of SRP-dependent protein targeting is that SRP binds to signal sequences of newly synthesized proteins as they emerge from the ribosome. In eukaryotes this interaction arrests or retards translation elongation until SRP targets the ribosome-nascent chain complexes via the SRP receptor to the translocation channel. Such channels are present in the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells, the thylakoids of chloroplasts, or the plasma membrane of prokaryotes. The minimal functional unit of SRP consists of a signal sequence-recognizing protein and a small RNA. The as yet most complex version is the mammalian SRP whose RNA, together with six proteinaceous subunits, undergo an intricate assembly process. The preferential substrates of SRP possess especially hydrophobic signal sequences. Interactions between SRP and its receptor, the ribosome, the signal sequence, and the target membrane are regulated by GTP hydrolysis. SRP-dependent protein targeting in bacteria and chloroplasts slightly deviate from the canonical mechanism found in eukaryotes. Pro- and eukaryotic cells harbour regulatory mechanisms to prevent a malfunction of the SRP pathway. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Shan SO  Walter P 《FEBS letters》2005,579(4):921-926
The signal recognition particle (SRP) mediates the co-translational targeting of nascent proteins to the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum membrane, or the bacterial plasma membrane. During this process, two GTPases, one in the SRP and one in the SRP receptor (SR), form a complex in which both proteins reciprocally activate the GTPase reaction of one another. The recent crystal structures of the T. aquaticus SRP.SR complex show that the two GTPases associate via an unusually extensive and highly cooperative interaction surface, and form a composite active site at the interface. GTPase activation proceeds through a unique mechanism, stimulated by both interactions between the twinned GTP molecules across the dimer interface and by conformational rearrangements that position catalytic residues in each active site with respect to the bound substrates. Distinct classes of mutations have been isolated that inhibit specific stages during SRP-SR complex formation and activation, suggesting discrete conformational stages during formation of the active SRP.SR complex. Each stage provides a potential control point in the targeting reaction at which regulation by additional components can be exerted, thus ensuring the binding and release of cargo at the appropriate time.  相似文献   

赵留群  张大伟 《微生物学报》2022,62(12):4769-4780
依赖信号识别颗粒(signal recognition particle,SRP)的共翻译转运是所有生命体中的一个保守途径,它将新生肽链的翻译与转运耦联在一起。超过30%的新合成的多肽链被SRP转运到正确位置。最近的研究表明,大肠杆菌中SRP抑制子可以规避SRP的需求。当SRP缺失时,翻译控制在介导膜蛋白定位方面起着关键作用。本综述总结了SRP底物如何在存在或缺失SRP的情况下转运到适当的位置以及翻译速率降低如何补偿SRP的缺失。我们还讨论了不同蛋白质对SRP的依赖程度。这一回顾将为进一步研究SRP功能及膜蛋白定位提供新思路。  相似文献   

Cellular communication can be mediated by the exchange of biological information, mainly in the form of proteins and RNAs. This can occur when extracellular vesicles, such as exosomes, secreted by a donor cell are internalized by an acceptor cell. Exosomes bear specific repertoires of proteins and RNAs, indicating the existence of mechanisms that control the sorting of molecules into them. Knowledge about loadings and processes and mechanisms of cargo sorting of exosomes is essential to shed light on the physiological and pathological functions of these vesicles as well as on clinical applications involving their use and/or analysis. In this review, we will discuss the molecular mechanisms associated with exosome secretion and their specific cargo sorting, with special attention to the sorting of RNAs and proteins, and thus the outcome and the emerging therapeutic opportunities of the communication between the exosome-producer and recipient cells.  相似文献   

The synthesis of secretory or integral membrane proteins can be directly coupled to their translocation across or insertion into membranes. In co-translational targeting, the translation machine, the ribosome, is transferred to the respective membrane by the signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor (SR) as soon as a signal sequence emerges. Protein synthesis can continue at the membrane, with the nascent peptide chain directly inserting into the ribosome-bound protein-conducting channel, the Sec61 complex. During the past two years, several structures have been solved by crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy that represent distinct functional states of the SRP cycle. On this basis, the first structure-based models can be suggested that explain important aspects of protein targeting, such as the SRP-ribosome and SRP-SR interactions.  相似文献   

During cotranslational protein targeting by the Signal Recognition Particle (SRP), the correct cargo accelerates stable complex assembly between the SRP and SRP receptor (FtsY) by several orders of magnitude, thus enabling rapid and faithful cargo delivery to the target membrane. The molecular mechanism underlying this cargo-induced rate acceleration has been unclear. Here we show that the SRP RNA allows assembly of the SRP-FtsY complex to be specifically stimulated by a correct cargo, and, reciprocally, a correct cargo enables the SRP RNA to optimize its electrostatic interactions with FtsY. These results combined with recent structural work led us to suggest a "conformational selection" model that explains the synergistic action of the SRP RNA with the cargo in accelerating complex assembly. In addition to its previously proposed role in preventing the premature dissociation of SRP and FtsY, we found that the SRP RNA also plays an active role in ensuring the formation of productive assembly intermediates, thus guiding the SRP and FtsY through the most efficient pathway of assembly.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a conserved ribonucleoprotein complex that binds to targeting sequences in nascent secretory and membrane proteins. The SRP guides these proteins to the cytoplasmic membrane in prokaryotes and the endoplasmic reticulum membrane in eukaryotes via an interaction with its cognate receptor. The E. coli SRP is relatively small and is currently used as a model for fundamental and applied studies on translation-linked protein targeting. In this review recent advances in our understanding of the structure and function of the E. coli SRP and its receptor are discussed. In particular, the interplay between the SRP pathway and other targeting routes, the role of guanine nucleotides in cycling of the SRP and the substrate specificity of the SRP are highlighted  相似文献   

Autosomal-dominant polycystic liver disease (PCLD) is a rare disorder that is characterized by the progressive development of fluid-filled biliary epithelial cysts in the liver. Positional cloning has identified two genes that are mutated in patients with polycystic liver disease, PRKCSH and SEC63, which encode the beta-subunit of glucosidase II and Sec63, respectively. Both proteins are components of the molecular machinery involved in the translocation, folding and quality control of newly synthesized glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. Most mutations are truncating and probably lead to a complete loss of the corresponding proteins and the defective processing of a key regulator of biliary cell growth. The finding that PCLD is caused by proteins involved in oligosaccharide processing was unexpected and implicates a new avenue for research into neocystogenesis, and might ultimately result in the identification of novel therapeutic drugs.  相似文献   

Targeting of proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) occurs cotranslationally necessitating the interaction of the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the translocon with the ribosome. Biochemical and structural studies implicate ribosomal protein Rpl25p as a major ribosome interaction site for both these factors. Here we characterize an RPL25GFP fusion, which behaves as a dominant mutant leading to defects in co- but not posttranslational translocation in vivo. In these cells, ribosomes still interact with ER membrane and the translocon, but are defective in binding SRP. Overexpression of SRP can restore ribosome binding of SRP, but only partially rescues growth and translocation defects. Our results indicate that Rpl25p plays a critical role in the recruitment of SRP to the ribosome.  相似文献   

We isolated an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA whose translated product shows sequence similarity to the FtsY, a bacterial homologue of SRP receptor protein. The Arabidopsis FtsY homologue contains a typical chloroplast transit peptide. The in vitro-synthesized 37 kDa FtsY homologue was imported into chloroplasts, and the processed 32 kDa polypeptide bound peripherally on the outer surface of thylakoids. Antibodies raised against the FtsY homologue also reacted with a thylakoid-bound 32 kDa protein. The antibodies inhibited the cpSRP-dependent insertion of the light-harvesting chlorophyll alb-binding protein into thylakoid membranes suggesting that the chloroplast FtsY homologue is involved in the cpSRP-dependent protein targeting to the thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

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