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目的:构建黄病毒检测工程细胞系并对其功能进行鉴定。方法:以含有登革4型病毒814669株全长感染性克隆的质粒P4质粒为基础,缺失pr M-E基因1 945bp,构建含有红色荧光蛋白m Cherry报告基因的登革病毒复制子载体P4-△pr ME-m Cherry。以P4-△pr ME-m Cherry为基础,通过融合PCR方法,以真核表达载体p CDNA3.1+为骨架,构建用于黄病毒检测细胞筛选的缺陷型真核表达质粒p CDNA3.1-P4-m Cherry。脂质体转染法将质粒p CDNA3.1-P4-m Cherry转染BHK-21细胞,G418进行筛选,获得的阳性细胞克隆经96孔板系列稀释筛选、纯化克隆细胞BHKFlavivirus。结果:BHK-Flavivirus细胞感染登革病毒60h后,能够在荧光显微镜下检测到红色荧光蛋白m Cherry的表达,说明BHK-Flavivirus能够用于外源黄病毒的检测。BHK-Flavivirus细胞分别感染黄病毒属的乙脑病毒(P3)、4型登革病毒(P4),可以检测到红色荧光;而辛德毕斯病毒(XJ-160)、和基孔肯雅病毒(SD08Pan)、盖塔病毒(HB0234)等正链RNA病毒感染后则不出现红色荧光。结论:以上结果表明BHK-Alphavirus细胞可用于未知蚊媒黄病毒检测,该方法通过报告基因表达与否,能够高效、特异的甄别主要蚊媒甲病毒和黄病毒,同时该方法有利于稀缺病毒的分离、保存,操作方法简单、直观,有望应用于临床检测及病毒性生物战剂的早期甄别。  相似文献   

Berthoux  Lionel 《中国病毒学》2020,35(4):363-377
Flaviviruses are a genus of mostly arthropod-borne RNA viruses that cause a range of pathologies in humans. Basic knowledge on flaviviruses is rapidly expanding, partly due to their status as frequent emerging or re-emerging pathogens.Flaviviruses include the dengue, Zika, West Nile, tick-borne encephalitis and yellow fever viruses(DENV, ZIKV, WNV,TBEV and YFV, respectively). As is the case with other families of viruses, the success of productive infection of human cells by flaviviruses depends in part on the antiviral activity of a heterogeneous group of cellular antiviral proteins called restriction factors. Restriction factors are the effector proteins of the cell-autonomous innate response against viruses, an immune pathway that also includes virus sensors as well as intracellular and extracellular signal mediators such as type I interferons(IFN-I). In this review, I summarize recent progress toward the identification and characterization of flavivirus restriction factors. In particular, I focus on IFI6, Schlafen 11, FMRP, OAS-RNase L, RyDEN, members of the TRIM family of proteins(TRIM5α, TRIM19, TRIM56, TRIM69 and TRIM79α) and a new mechanism of action proposed for viperin. Recent and future studies on this topic will lead to a more complete picture of the flavivirus restrictome, defined as the ensemble of cellular factors with demonstrated anti-flaviviral activity.  相似文献   

A technique is described for detecting the activity of neutralizing polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies against HIV-1 primary isolates. Most commonly, neutralizing antibody activity for HIV-1 is assessed by quantifying the ability of antibodies to inhibit virus infection in mitogen-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells or transformed lymphocytes. Because the target of HIV infectionin vivois neither a mitogen-activated nor a transformed cell, an assay using unstimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells as a more physiologic target cell was developed. This “resting cell assay” mainly utilizes primary HIV-1 isolates that have been carried for only a few passagesin vitro.The result is an assay that is more efficient to perform and that detects neutralizing activity with comparable or greater sensitivity than that previously described for assays of primary HIV-1 isolates.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin Stx2e is the major known agent that causes edema disease in newly weaned pigs. This severe disease is characterized by neurological disorders, hemorrhagic lesions, and frequent fatal outcomes. Stx2e consists of an enzymatically active A subunit and five B subunits that bind to a specific glycolipid receptor on host cells. It is evident that antibodies binding to the A subunit or the B subunits of Shiga toxin variants may have the capability to inhibit their cytotoxicity. Here, we report the discovery and characterization of a VHH single domain antibody (nanobody) isolated from a llama phage display library that confers potent neutralizing capacity against Stx2e toxin. We further present the crystal structure of the complex formed between the nanobody (NbStx2e1) and the Stx2e toxoid, determined at 2.8 Å resolution. Structural analysis revealed that for each B subunit of Stx2e, one NbStx2e1 is interacting in a head-to-head orientation and directly competing with the glycolipid receptor binding site on the surface of the B subunit. The neutralizing NbStx2e1 can in the future be used to prevent or treat edema disease.  相似文献   

The p6 domain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is located at the C terminus of the Gag precursor protein Pr55(Gag). Previous studies indicated that p6 plays a critical role in HIV-1 particle budding from virus-expressing HeLa cells. In this study, we performed a detailed mutational analysis of the N terminus of p6 to map the sequences required for efficient virus release. We observed that the highly conserved P-T/S-A-P motif located near the N terminus of p6 is remarkably sensitive to change; even conservative mutations in this sequence imposed profound virus release defects in HeLa cells. In contrast, single and double amino acid substitutions outside the P-T/S-A-P motif had no significant effect on particle release. The introduction of stop codons one or two residues beyond the P-T/S-A-P motif markedly impaired virion release, whereas truncation four residues beyond P-T/S-A-P had no effect on particle production in HeLa cells. By examining the effects of p6 mutation in biological and biochemical analyses and by electron microscopy, we defined the role of p6 in particle release and virus replication in a panel of T-cell and adherent cell lines and in primary lymphocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages. We demonstrated that the effects of p6 mutation on virus replication are markedly cell type dependent. Intriguingly, even in T-cell lines and primary lymphocytes in which p6 mutations block virus replication, these changes had little or no effect on particle release. However, p6-mutant particles produced in T-cell lines and primary lymphocytes exhibited a defect in virion-virion detachment, resulting in the production of tethered chains of virions. Virus release in monocyte-derived macrophages was markedly inhibited by p6 mutation. To examine further the cell type-specific virus release defect in HeLa versus T cells, transient heterokaryons were produced between HeLa cells and the Jurkat T-cell line. These heterokaryons display a T-cell-like phenotype with respect to the requirement for p6 in particle release. The results described here define the role of p6 in virus replication in a wide range of cell types and reveal a strong cell type-dependent requirement for p6 in virus particle budding.  相似文献   

Mechanism and Significance of Chlorophyll Breakdown   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chlorophyll breakdown is the most obvious sign of leaf senescence and fruit ripening. A multistep pathway has been elucidated in recent years that can be divided into two major parts. In the first phase, which commonly is active in higher plants, chlorophyll is converted via several photoreactive intermediates to a primary colorless breakdown product within the chloroplast. The second part of chlorophyll breakdown takes place in the cytosol and the vacuole. During this phase, the primary colorless intermediate is modified in largely species-specific reactions to a number of similar, yet structurally different, linear tetrapyrrolic products that finally are stored within the vacuole of senescing cells. To date, most of the biochemical reactions of the first phase of chlorophyll breakdown have been elucidated and genes have been identified. By contrast, mechanisms of catabolite transport and modification during the second phase are largely unknown. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the biochemical reactions involved in chlorophyll breakdown, with a special focus on the second-phase reactions and the fate of by-products that are released from chlorophyll during its breakdown.  相似文献   



Although IARC clarifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) as possible human carcinogen, the debate on its health impact continues due to the inconsistent results. Genotoxic effect has been considered as a golden standard to determine if an environmental factor is a carcinogen, but the currently available data for RF-EMF remain controversial. As an environmental stimulus, the effect of RF-EMF on cellular DNA may be subtle. Therefore, more sensitive method and systematic research strategy are warranted to evaluate its genotoxicity.


To determine whether RF-EMF does induce DNA damage and if the effect is cell-type dependent by adopting a more sensitive method γH2AX foci formation; and to investigate the biological consequences if RF-EMF does increase γH2AX foci formation.


Six different types of cells were intermittently exposed to GSM 1800 MHz RF-EMF at a specific absorption rate of 3.0 W/kg for 1 h or 24 h, then subjected to immunostaining with anti-γH2AX antibody. The biological consequences in γH2AX-elevated cell type were further explored with comet and TUNEL assays, flow cytometry, and cell growth assay.


Exposure to RF-EMF for 24 h significantly induced γH2AX foci formation in Chinese hamster lung cells and Human skin fibroblasts (HSFs), but not the other cells. However, RF-EMF-elevated γH2AX foci formation in HSF cells did not result in detectable DNA fragmentation, sustainable cell cycle arrest, cell proliferation or viability change. RF-EMF exposure slightly but not significantly increased the cellular ROS level.


RF-EMF induces DNA damage in a cell type-dependent manner, but the elevated γH2AX foci formation in HSF cells does not result in significant cellular dysfunctions.  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒(Human papillomavirus,HPV)是一类无包膜的小DNA病毒,其衣壳蛋白由主要衣壳蛋白L1和次要衣壳蛋白L2组成,持续感染HPV将引起宫颈癌和尖锐湿疣等多种疾病。HPV衣壳蛋白L1和L2中分布着大量中和表位,并具有较强的免疫原性,HPV疫苗可诱导机体产生高滴度的中和抗体并阻碍病毒感染,进而预防宫颈癌等疾病的发生。分析阐述HPV衣壳蛋白中和表位及抗体的中和作用机理,有助于阐明HPV疫苗预防病毒感染的作用机制,为今后设计新一代保护范围更广的HPV疫苗奠定良好的基础。本文就HPV衣壳蛋白中和表位及抗体的中和作用机制进行综述。  相似文献   

自噬是真核细胞中进化上高度保守的、用于降解和回收利用细胞内生物大分子和受损细胞器的过程。自噬的完成依赖于正常的溶酶体功能,与机体的多种生理和病理过程密切相关。自噬研究已成为当前生命科学研究的热点,揭示自噬的发生机制、自噬与疾病发生的关系对预防与治疗多种人类重大疾病具有重要意义。该文旨在概括目前自噬的研究进展,重点介绍细胞自噬的发生机制及其与疾病的关系。  相似文献   

Induction of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) is an important goal for HIV-1 vaccine development. Two autoreactive bNAbs, 2F5 and 4E10, recognize a conserved region on the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp41 adjacent to the viral membrane known as the membrane-proximal external region (MPER). They block viral infection by targeting a fusion-intermediate conformation of gp41, assisted by an additional interaction with the viral membrane. Another MPER-specific antibody, 10E8, has recently been reported to neutralize HIV-1 with potency and breadth much greater than those of 2F5 or 4E10, but it appeared not to bind phospholipids and might target the untriggered envelope spikes, raising the hope that the MPER could be harnessed for vaccine design without major immunological concerns. Here, we show by three independent approaches that 10E8 indeed binds lipid bilayers through two hydrophobic residues in its CDR H3 (third heavy-chain complementarity-determining region). Its weak affinity for membranes in general and preference for cholesterol-rich membranes may account for its great neutralization potency, as it is less likely than other MPER-specific antibodies to bind cellular membranes nonspecifically. 10E8 binds with high affinity to a construct mimicking the fusion intermediate of gp41 but fails to recognize the envelope trimers representing the untriggered conformation. Moreover, we can improve the potency of 4E10 without affecting its binding to gp41 by a modification of its lipid-interacting CDR H3. These results reveal a general mechanism of HIV-1 neutralization by MPER-specific antibodies that involves interactions with viral lipids.  相似文献   

Mosquito-borne flaviviruses are among the most significant arboviral pathogens worldwide. Vaccinations and mosquito population control programs remain the most reliable means for flavivirus disease prevention, and live attenuated viruses remain one of the most attractive flavivirus vaccine platforms. Some live attenuated viruses are capable of infecting principle mosquito vectors, as demonstrated in the laboratory, which in combination with their intrinsic genetic instability could potentially lead to a vaccine virus reversion back to wild-type in nature, followed by introduction and dissemination of potentially dangerous viral strains into new geographic locations. To mitigate this risk we developed a microRNA-targeting approach that selectively restricts replication of flavivirus in the mosquito host. Introduction of sequences complementary to a mosquito-specific mir-184 and mir-275 miRNAs individually or in combination into the 3’NCR and/or ORF region resulted in selective restriction of dengue type 4 virus (DEN4) replication in mosquito cell lines and adult Aedes mosquitos. Moreover a combined targeting of DEN4 genome with mosquito-specific and vertebrate CNS-specific mir-124 miRNA can silence viral replication in two evolutionally distant biological systems: mosquitoes and mouse brains. Thus, this approach can reinforce the safety of newly developed or existing vaccines for use in humans and could provide an additional level of biosafety for laboratories using viruses with altered pathogenic or transmissibility characteristics.  相似文献   

细胞电穿孔与电融合的机理及应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
近十余年来,由于细胞生物学家、分子生物学家、免疫学家与物理学家之间在学术上的相互渗透、共同实验,已经开辟出一个生物物理技术的新领域.它既涉及细胞电磁场效应及其机理的基础研究;同时作为一种新的生物技术,又涉及对分子生物学、细胞生物学、免疫医学以及医药、食品、农业等方面的广泛应用.文章综述了本领域的最近进展.  相似文献   

During assembly and budding of retroviruses, host cell proteins are incorporated into viral particles. Identification of virion-associated proteins may help pinpoint key cellular components required for virus production and function. The cellular protein annexin 2 (Anx2) is incorporated into HIV-1 particles, and knockdown of Anx2 has been reported to cause defects in Gag processing and infectivity of HIV-1 particles in macrophages. Here, we tested whether Anx2 was required for HIV-1 production in other cell types capable of producing HIV-1 virions. Endogenous Anx2 levels were knocked down by ∼98% using lentivirus encoding short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting Anx2. Under these conditions, there was no reduction in HIV-1 virus-like particle (VLP) production in either COS-1, 293T, or Jurkat T cells or primary human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs). Murine embryonic fibroblasts derived from Anx2−/− mice produced the same levels of VLPs as matched cells from wild-type mice. The calcium-mediated spike in VLP production still occurred in Anx2-depleted COS-1 cells, and there was no apparent alteration in the intracellular Gag localization. Overexpression of Anx2 in trans had no effect on Gag processing or VLP production. Neither Anx2 depletion nor Anx2 overexpression altered the infectivity of HIV-1 particles produced by COS-1 or 293T cells. However, supernatants containing virus from Anx2 siRNA-treated primary human MDMs exhibited decreased infectivity. These data indicate that Anx2 is not required for HIV-1 assembly or Gag processing but rather plays a cell type-dependent role in regulating production of infectious HIV-1 by macrophages.The Gag polyprotein generates the key structural proteins for all retroviruses. Gag is necessary and sufficient for the formation of virus-like particles (VLPs), which are morphologically similar to immature virions. Following its synthesis in the cytoplasm, HIV-1 Gag is trafficked to sites of particle production on membranes. Viral particle production depends on Gag-membrane interactions mediated by the myristoylated MA domain of Gag (18, 22, 31) and Gag-Gag interactions mediated by the CA and NC domains. Budding and release of the new virion are mediated by the Gag p6 domain. For successful particle production to occur, HIV-1 Gag must also interact with numerous host cell proteins and protein complexes. Identification of these interactions provides a crucial window into determining Gag trafficking intermediates as well as clues to the mechanism of virion production.The host cell protein annexin 2 (Anx2) has recently attracted attention for its potential to regulate key processes in both cells and viruses (9, 14, 17, 24). Anx2 belongs to a family of conserved calcium-regulated proteins and interacts with actin, membranes, and negatively charged phospholipids. The major protein binding partner for Anx2 is p11, also known as S100A10. Two populations of Anx2 have been identified: a heterotetrameric complex with two molecules of Anx2 and two molecules of p11 (found predominantly at the plasma membrane) and a monomeric form found mainly in the cytoplasm. Anx2 performs multiple functions in the cell, including regulation of actin-based dynamics, fibrinolysis, calcium-mediated exocytosis, and transport of intermediates from early to late endosomes (10, 14-16) Anx2 also enhances binding and fusion of cytomegalovirus with phospholipid membranes (21). In addition, Anx2 can be detected within influenza virus particles (28), where it has been shown to aid in virus replication (9).Several lines of evidence suggest that Anx2 may play a role in HIV-1 biogenesis. Both Anx2 and its binding partner p11 are incorporated in HIV-1 particles produced by macrophages (2). Anx2 interacts with Gag in macrophages, and annexin 2 knockdown has been reported to cause defective Gag processing and reduced infectivity of the released particles (24). Blockade of Anx2 function, with either anti-Anx2 antibody or small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown, results in suppression of HIV-1 infection in macrophages (11). Anx2 also binds to Gag in 293T cells, and expression of Anx2 in trans in these cells has been reported to lead to increased Gag processing and HIV-1 production (7). Taken together, these findings suggest that Anx2 might play a universal role in Gag trafficking and particle production. To test this hypothesis, we exploited methods to efficiently knock down Anx2 expression and determined the effect of Anx2 knockdown in a variety of cell lines capable of producing HIV-1 virions. Here we show that, in the absence of Anx2 expression, HIV-1 Gag is expressed, trafficked, and capable of mediating viral particle formation in a manner similar to that of control cells expressing Anx2. However, a cell type-dependent effect of Anx2 depletion on HIV-1 infectivity was detected in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs). These findings suggest that Anx2 might be a macrophage-specific host cell factor that regulates HIV-1 infectivity.  相似文献   

Protective antigen (PA), a key component of anthrax toxin, mediates the entry of lethal factor (LF) or edema factor (EF) through a membranal pore into target cells. We have previously reported the isolation and chimerization of cAb29, an anti-PA monoclonal antibody that effectively neutralizes anthrax toxin in an unknown mechanism. The aim of this study was to elucidate the neutralizing mechanism of this antibody in vitro and to test its ability to confer post-exposure protection against anthrax in vivo. By systematic evaluation of the steps taking place during the PA-based intoxication process, we found that cAb29 did not interfere with the initial steps of intoxication, namely its ability to bind to the anthrax receptor, the consecutive proteolytic cleavage to PA63, oligomerization, prepore formation, or LF binding. However, the binding of cAb29 to the prepore prevented its pH-triggered transition to the transmembranal pore, thus preventing the last step of intoxication, i.e. the translocation of LF/EF into the cell. Epitope mapping, using a phage display peptide library, revealed that cAb29 binds the 2α1 loop in domain 2 of PA, a loop that undergoes major conformational changes during pore formation. In vivo, we found that 100% of anthrax-infected rabbits survived when treated with cAb29 12 h after exposure. In conclusion, these experiments demonstrate that cAb29 exerts its potent neutralizing activity in a unique manner by blocking the prepore-to-pore conversion process.  相似文献   

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